BUSINESS MIRROR Individuals Shy at Investing Cash in British Enterprises By SAM DAWSON New York, Sept. 15 W It may be quite a selling Job to get in dividual Americans to put their cash Into British enterprises. The political brass in Washington and London seem to think they can induce private capital, which once flowed from the old world to the new, to reverse itself, go back to the old country, ' and help allay the financial I " Tl Wed Robert C. Atkinson and former Margaret Hastings (above) have disclosed they have been married since last June. Mrs. Atkinson was the WAC stranded for 47 days in a lost Dutch New Guinea val ley after an Army plane crash in 1945. The Atkinsons make their home in Annapolis, Md. (AP Wirephoto) Hello Week a! High School The first week at Salem high school has been designated as Hello week. Various Hello week activities have been held throughout the week. A combined welcome - pep assembly is scheduled for Fri day morning. Principal E. A. 3 Carlton, ASB President Merlin j sinuiKe, ucaii oi uins ivuss bert, Dean of Boys Gurnee Flesh er are to give welcome speeches at the assembly. Hello day cards are being sold by home room representatives, sales will end tomorrow night. The final climax of Hello week will be the "Hi Neighbor" Stag - Hag to be held Friday night from 8:30 to 11:30. Other committee chairmen in clude seniors Sue Perry, decora tions; Leslyn Burdette, refresh ments; Nancy Miller, posters; Mary Feike, tickets; Janet Gal ser, programs; Bob Meany, or chestra; and Junior Billie Miller, patrons and patronesses. Lebanon has planned a 20 year reforestation program to restore the cedars of Lebanon which were famous in ancient! times. pains. But you can't force an indivi dual to invest his money in any thing although, of course, you can force Americans through taxation to invest their collec tive money in governmental loans and enterprises. However, the World Bank in its annual report in the news papers today stresses that this financial aid for others "should be derived mainly from private sources. And the monetary funds annual report, also print ed today, says that the United States must "encourage more private investment overseas." In financial circles most agree that private American invest ment abroad would be a fine way, if it can be done, to com bat the dollar shortage and get the sterling area, and the world, back in good financial health. But in investment circles many think that first there'll have to be some changes made. And they hope that the Presi dent's committee for financing foreign trade can find the way. This committee of outstanding American bankers and indus trialists is charged with solving the problems "of incentives and of providing a suitable environ ment for a high level of private investment," according to the Anglo-American-Canadian con ferees. Investment bankers insist that to date these incentives have been lacking. They cite many reasons why investments on this side of the ocean can look like better dollar-and cent bargains. The shares of many American corporations are bringing high yields on the money it takes to buy them higher than you might think if you don't com pare their dividend rates with their market value instead of their par value. That is because they are marked down on the stoVk exchange rates to prices that broken Insist are bargains. With seeming bargains like these lying around, it's hard to induce investors to put their cash into new enterprises in this country where they would have to buy all these assets at cost price. This works double for over seas Investments. Andre Istel, investment banker who was a French delegate at the Bretton Woods monetary conference, says: "If the Investor is thus deterred from making any in vestment in new enterprises in the United States, he has many more reasons to avoid invest ments abroad." What are some of these rea sons? There are some obvious ones in the case of investments in Britain and the sterling area. Fear of nationalization of in dustries; fear of currency fluc tuations; fear of not being able to get profits out in dollars; fear of political changes which may imperil or destroy a favor able economic climate; fear that the British tax policies may make profits either unlikely or too small; and, finally, tear that American tax policies may eat up any profils brought back here. These are the fears that the President's committee will have to allay if it is to create suitable environment for a high level of private investment." In the Minneapolis telephone book the Olsons outnumber the Smiths, 1646 to 1080. v 1 WANT WHITER DUDS? Rain Drop ftiaranteei em. In any water, any washing method, rain or thine, dried indoor or out! No soap Rim. s s All the Brands Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept. IS, 104B II Modern Vitreous China Unit Closet Unit style modern design closet made 88 of stain and acid proof vitreous china. t Positive flushing action assures quick wm tyP. it, r ... . j CmplM, with bowl cleansing. See it today. si Salem's City-Wide 4- 4 f? 77 tl . I J I AS J I lfAIVSS mmT - at a m m Htm M SMS M W -T f X m M M l LLnV V M mXZm TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 20TH AT 7:30 P.M. Free Treasure Hunt New Fall Windows Automobile Show Bands on the Streets - TREASURE HUNT- Tickets will be distributed by all participating stores all day ' Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Match your ticket numbers with the numbers on prizes in the store windows Tuesday night! You read lome 25 The brands you know, the brands you want. Priced rightf Prices Effective Fri., Sat., Sunday SUGAR FOR CANNING I I New Store Hours Portland Road spreckles Store 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. If Q 5 OH O 1 3 Except Frl. - Sat., 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. IU lb. bag. .. OwC Mm 3 lb. bag... Mm State St. Store, 9 a.m. to p.m. Every day MARGARINE KRISPY CRACKERS SWANCO Lb. 22c Finest Quality Guaranteed lb. SUNSHINE. . Freshly Baked Crisp and Salted 1 bo 23c 3 " 25c TOMATO JUICE swifts r. ., . 23c GERBER'S BABY FOODS 4 ... 29c FANCY PUMPKIN Stock I'p Soon Be Time for Pumpkin Pies SHRIMPS Crisco Shortening DEWEY 5 oi. con 29c Duz Wash Powder Ofir Large pkg mJ Oxydol Wash Powder 00 Large pkg siwl Ivory Flakes OQr Large pkg AUt SUNSHINE CANDIES CANNING TOMATOES Full Bushel SUNKIST r0 A kVlCC 344 Sir.e 98c 343c SOLID GREEN HEADS CABBAGE ,lh OC HlDoAKU UK BANANA ft BAKING SQUASH lb. OC NOW AT THEIR BEST at f" TOKAY GRAPES 3, 25c 35c Sweet and juicy SOLID GREEN HEADS NETTED GEMS POTATOES no! 1 10 ,,. 'Borden's Instant Mix M '"-j "n HOT CHOCOLATE 23c CANNING SALMON COLUMBIA RIVER CHINOOK 29c Extro Sleet Red Salmon In the Round Brought to Ui Fresh Each Morning At the Lowest Price in Years Don't Foil to Can Salmon This Year Average Weight 10 to 15 Lbs Every Salmon Guaranteed Buy It Now or Place Your Order FRESH STURGEON Sliced Lb. 45c RED SNAPPER Tsfir 29c Lb. ARMOUR'S and CHRISTEN SEN'S BEEF V. S. INSPECTED STEER BEEF and HEIFER BEEF We guarantee each cut advertised to be tender. frMh, and as ad vertised. No limits on quantity. Sale on beef cuts Friday and Saturday only. SIRLOIN STEAK RIB STEAK T-BONE STEAKS BOILING BEEF Short Ribs and Brisket . . . POT ROASTS Extra Lean and Trimmed 45c Lb. SWISS STEAK 49c .b. 19c Ib 39c l HAMBURGER mm 29c h, MUTTON Mint Pillows, Stuffed Mints, Lg. 14 oz. pkg. Burnt Peanuts 8 oz. pkg 27c 17c HORMEL'S SPAM 12 oz. can HORMEL'S DEVILED MEAT No. ' HORMEL'S VIENNA SAUSAGES No. Vi can Mm can HORMEL'S DEVILED HAM No. Vi con Each 39c 3 19c Mm cans 33c 17c Marshmallows Wnnderfood Fresh and Fluffy Cello 2 fr 19C 1 lb. hulk 25C NESTLE'S MORSELS CHOCOLATE TIDBITS 8 oz. pkg 2 35c SLICED PINEAPPLE Santa Rosa, No. 2 can MARASCHINO CHERRIES PENNANT 4 os. Jar oi. 17- Mm , Jar... IS ns. Jar.. FRUIT COCKTAIL Del Monte, No. IVi con 29c 15c 49c 29c ARMOUR'S U. S. Inspected LEGS CHOPS STEW 29c .b. 23c .b. 12 Vick. SMOKED MEATS ARMOUR'S STAR HAMS CQP Half or Whole 'Lb. ARMOUR'S STAR PICNICS 45 c ib. Tenderized, sugar cured and hick ory smoked to give you eating fi quality unexceiieu. CHICKENS Stewing Hens, drawn, cut up, pan ready. i to 4'4 lb. average. School lundiuWstionS Fresh Fig Bar Cookies 2Ih539c Superior. Peter Pan Peanut "J T Butter, 12 oz. glass W IC Del Monte Deluxe Plum Preserves O F 1 In. tars . tor m-JC 179 I each Begmore Dog Food 3 Toll Cons 41c Please Dog Food 3 Tall Cons 23C t.D.vll'.fudg.., CAKE MIX ADD ONLY WATER 35c Krusteaz lI"" oz. Pkg. . . ... .... 31c HIGHLAND SYRUP 49c Cane and Maple 24 oz. Jar . . . . KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR new cornea in PiEIIf P B0RENE SOAP Granulated 79c 57c SACKS COLORFUL UfEFUlDU ABU j rim ri i Kr) ii KM rJ ur twenty muli HV-WGH U Rfo BORAXO HAN MULE TEAM D CLEANER 1 Ib can . . . BORAX CHIPS 25 Ib. 1.79,101b. 79c In Pico 58 " 27c & 29c BORAX POWDER dm Ib. pkg. . .... 27c 13 I f ,0 W 1 MmlKl fflMlJALLIU Mt tMMt 1 Sfl"'- 03 C Large pkg. . 33c 10e Coupon Inside Pscksge 3060 Portlond Rood 3720 E. State St.