10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sepl. 15, 19HLL.l f La... !m KdUUII JIIUW III Salem Oct. 15-16 Aurora Grade School Improvements Noted Aurora The fall term of the Aurora grade achool opened with th new principal, Roy Griffin in charge. Since lat term many Improve menta have been made In the grade achool building, Includ ing the Installation of fluores cent light fixturea throughout. All floor have been repaired and matipave covering laid throughout the achool. The front stairway also hat been renewed. 4990 N. River Road East Salem Schools Report Fall Enrollments Complete East Salem, Sept. 15 The three amall East Salem achooli now have what they believe ii an almost complete enrollment unless some readjustments are made In boundary lines. As any seasonal work that the children do is over for the year, no hops to pick this year, most of the children will be starting the school year the first week. Auburn, bwegie ana Middle Grove schools are not overcrowded and the teachers assigned to the buildings will take care of the work. It Is the new Washington achool, which is located outside the city limits, and has East Sa lem children for the larger part of its enrollment that Is still unsettled. They have 249 en rolled and are transporting them all from the new building down to the older Washington building each day and back there in the evening, unless parents call for them. The folowing are the teach ers and the enrollment for each grade: Miss Geniva Curry, half of the first, 26, and Lucile War die also 26 first graders. There are two second grade teachers, Louise Brooks with 24 and Hen dra Kiabo with 24; Hortense Hedstad, third, with 36; Clarice Akerson fourth wltn u; jsvi Wolf fifth with 42; Glenn Lewn ing sixth with 29. Miss Gladys Tipton Is principal of both Wash lngton and Middle Grove so she will not be at either school all of any one day. Her assistant principal Is Mr. Lewning, and her office assistant Audry Wat son. New in the city system are Hcndra Brooks, Clarice Ak- . erman and Mr. Lewning. At Auburn there are only IS in the first grade; 27 In the sec. ond and third; 19 in the fourth and 29 in the fifth and sixth. Sweele has 140 enrolled with 32 In the first; 25 in the second; 21 in the third; 27 in the fourth 15 in the fifth and 20 in the sixth. Middle Grove has 17 In the first; 9 in the second; 16 In the third; 12 in the fourth; 11 in the fifth and 12 in the sixth. Mrs. Herbert Zobel will again be cafeteria cook for Middle Grove with Emory Goode jani tor. Mrs. Katharine Lux will be cook at Auburn. On real improvement for the playground of the three smaller schools is the large ground square of about 50 feet which has been paved with black top for the children's play square when it is wet. A rabbit show, said by Its backers, to be one of the largest of its type In the entire United States, will be held in Salem October 15 and 16. Competi tion will be open to the world for exhibition and entries are expected from a number of na tions. The exhibition, sponsored by the Capital City Rabbit Breed ers' association, has the official sanction of the American Rab bit and Cavy Breeders' associa tion. However, exhibition If not confined to those affiliated with the organization. Winners of the local show will compete in the national conven tion to be held at Long Beach, Calif., November 6-10. In ad dition to numerous cash awards, n tropnies wm re aismouiea. Officials for the Salem show are Chester Fredrlckaon of Sa lem, superintendent; George Bayllsi of Hayward Calif., judge; Stella Fredrlckaon, Sa lem, secretary, and June Reitz, Orchards, Wash., clerk. Navy Man Home Hubbard John W. Strawn D.K.S.A. in the U.S. Navy, sta tioned at San Diego, is home with hit parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Strawn, on a 30-day leave. Q ARE you BUILT BIOHT IN THI WRONG PLACES? Hr your chouldr allPPftd w ft T. WIT d o w n f WHIRR IM TAILORINO COM PANY will fit you la a imftrt,' llmmlnt model. Part Vfrrln WmI iu tM.M u Teftti 41.M U M4.M Sundin the Tailor 1M It. Lltxrlr Dltl t-MN - ! adabout plaid Your perfect plaid-ehout-town Is Glan Plaid , . .to take you to work every day, tee you to classes or dress you jauntily for the big game. In crsstt resistant woven rayon with whit pique collar, skirt buttons thai are merely ornamantsl and look vtry Fall '49. Blackberry, fir green, earth brown, wood fray. Sizes 12 to 18, maw. keizer Phone 2.8230 mnt market Save Every Day Where the Thrifty Thrive These Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday 3 lb. can 79c 2 OZ. PIECES AND STEMS MUSHROOMS Delicious Fried with Steak, can 14c RED KARO 53c BLUE KARO 49c GILNETTERS OYSTERS 10 oi. Can . . 45c HUNTS FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 1 Tall Tin 17c GERBER'S Baby Food 3 for 23c M. D. BATHROOM TISSUE jL rolls 23C NESTLES CHOC. BITS n. 19c DEL RICH MARGARINE lb. 34c WKIGLEVS GUM 2Bopk9 69c ALL 5c CANDY BARS .24 89c SUNSHINE GRAHAMS 1 27c HERSHEY Choc. Syrup 15c 16 ei. Can . , iflTCHMl Bag 83c Mmjivjjpvsjj f 25 ,B 1.89 In Print B09 KEIZER tow'n MARKET GOV'T INSPECTED VEAL HEARTS 25c Delicious Baked with Dressing CASCADE SKINNED Half or Whole . HAMS .u. 59c U. S. GOV'T INSP. SWIFT'S ROUND STEAK.. 59c iPALUOLIVI! I New Nrfaws ' Hew ARvf J HMD 9 I sin .3 L I 20c! I Pes leveWaess Alt Over 10c SAW I MM ! SUPER SUDS! I swat ThM tumnln lAIOI sve, 25, f""VBl" ' MwVHei far Dlthet uaoi re. 26c FAQ UMt Mte, 27c i i i.. 1 ! Casbestretooqvet I TelM Sees) wM Mte I MfW b f)) I Garden Fresh Vegetables U. S. No. 2 WASHINGTON POTATOES 50 ib, 98c Tokay or Seedless n 3 not Whit or Yellow Onions 4 lbs. 19c LARGE JUICING ORANGES 2 do.. 49c "Yeah, Wouldn't We Like to Know" This conversation overheard between one of our boys and good customer of ours (haven't any other kind). This customer asked our boy, "Say," she says, "who writes the ads for this store?" "Boy," says he, "wouldn't we just like to know. He seems to be a little familiar with the store and sh, sh, he has rabbit ears. Sure as shootin' he'll hear everything we say. No imagination, though. You probably never read any of the ads he writes. If you ever have, you'll notice the way he describes things. Now, take for instance our cheese counter; the most modern and sanitary case you'd care to see . . . and say, there's cheese displayed there from Oregon, Wash ington, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York, to say nothing of all the imported kinds." "Yeah, and how he describes 'em. In his ad he'd say, 'Folks, take a gander at our cheese case, if that isn't a snack santhers dream we'd like to see one.' Over 40 varieties, huh, even I could write better advertisin' than that. Or take our vegetable department. Yes, and the meat, depart ment. What's he say about 'em; What he says is doggoned near slander, we all say around here. By Jimminy, if there ever was a nicer, more sanitary or more beautiful display of fine victuals, we've failed to see 'em." "That's right," remarks the customer, "it seems to me any one could write a better ad 'n that. Why, there are literally thousands of nice things to write about. Clean and inviting, but, there's one thing I've noticed he sure knows how to price all these fine things so's a housewife can serve a well balanced meal with the least expense and effort. My word, that's what we want, isn't it? So what's the difference whether he has im agination or not?" That's right, folks, we heard it and, as usual, the customer is right. It's easy to set a good table if you shop these markets . . . Court St. at Commercial or Marion St. at Commercial. Last week in listing some of the fine coffees that we have, we inadvertently failed to mention one of our most popular brands, namely s&w Popular price, too 55c ib. Well, anyway, it proves we know our stuff. Asked by one of our customers if we had any country eggs. Our boy answered, "Yeah, near ly all of our eggs come from the country these days. In town they're called 'yeggs'." BEST FOOD MAYONNAISE 69c Karo Syrup Crystal white 5 lb. pall Quarts, 49c Amber Karo A7r 5 lbs Tr l 49c Coffee Old Golden. RIPE OLIVES Franciscan Brand 27 Medium Size Large Size 29' Mammoth Size 30' It's as plain as the nose on your face. When asked by our ad writer what especial attraction he would have for this weekend, our boy in this department replied, "Take a look at those sacks fulla nice ORANGES You know what, . . . there's three dozen oranges in each one of 'em. And you know what" "No, what", "Well they are only 45c Nucoa 29' 2 for 59c Crisco, Snowdrift Spry, 3 lbs. 69c Ritz Crackers IT 25c I, I Mrs. Allison's Short- OQ OOK.ieS bread. They rood 'C fill Dfjvil'i Pudge Wnllt LSpttGoidn CAKE MIX ADD ONU WATER 39c For better toting, mora real satis faction BUY beautifully marbled, properly aged beef. Graded by experts selected by our own butchers, whether It's steak, roast, stew or ground beef. It's party meat quality for health's sake and for economy, too. Good meat is the best buy, day in, day out. BEAUTIFULLY MARBLED Standing Rib Roast 75c Boned and Rolled PRIME RIB 79c Or for the more economical cuts, you'll find top quality as well as ap petite appeal in one of our beautifully marbled Pot Roasts At per lb. 53c Tender, Juicy T-Bone STEAKS Ib. 85 GROUND BEEF . Ib. 39 SIRLOIN STEAKS Cut as you like them 79 Pound RIB STEAKS 75 We could to on writing about these meat departments, but we're afraid if we told you the care used In selecting and handling and its real quality, it would aound like we were bragging, but ahuz, folks, you don't have to brag on this quality meat. Hoody's Peanut Butter or Peanut Butter Crunch....40 Calumet Baking Powder l'2-lb. size .. 33 Clabber Girl Baking Powder, 2 lbs. 32 Borden's Malted Milk, Ib. size 45 Tree Tea, pkg. of 16 bags Spam 21 35 Wh. Meat Tuna Flakes .37 Lunch Bags, pkg. of 20 ...10' Wax Paper, 125-ft. rolL23 Here are some of the nicest things for can opener cooks . . . also sneak snackers. All these in the famous Mario brand: Beefs Stew 37, Irish Stew 39 Corn Beef Hash 39. Beans and Chili 20e, Meat Balls and Gravy 49c Spaghetti with Meat Balls 25, Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce 27(. Lima Beans and Ham 25', Beans and Franks 25'.. Black Eyed Peas with Pork 12', Kidney Beans 15 Chili Con Carne 33 ..Chili arfd Macaroni 33' - Beef and Noodles 25 Kraut and Franks 43 Garbanzos 17 Court Street at Commercial Marion Street at Com'L BETTER FOODS FOR BETTER LIVING Sons SJsTi