Garden Rites At Woodbum f Woodburn The garden of ' Mr. and Mrs. Max Holland of Silverton wai the setting for a wedding September 2, when his niece, Miss Dorothy Herig stad, was wed to John A. Weber. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Herigstad of Woodburn route 2 and Mr. We ber is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weber of Canby. The service was read by the Rev. E. Schilling of Monitor as the couple stood before a back ground of cedar boughs en twined with yellow and white gladioluses, in the presence of about 80 relatives and guests. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. She wore a light blue satin street dress with white accessories and car ried a bouquet of white and yel low gladioluses, centered with a gold orchid with a fuchsia , throat. Miss Gladys Herigstad was her sister's only attendant. She wore a beige afternoon dress with white accessories and car ried a nosegay of yellow and white gladioluses. Joseph Weber stood as best man for his brother and ushers were Ralph Crawford, cousin of the bride, and Alfred Weber, brother of the bridegroom. Mrs. Herigstad wore a frock Vof dark fuchsia crepe with black and gray accessories and cor sage of Talisman rosebuds for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Weber, the bridegroom's moth er, wore a dress of forest green with black and white accessories and corsage of red rosebuds. A reception in the garden followed the ceremony. Mrs. Max Holland, aunt of the bride, cut the wedding cake; Miss Lu cile Benson presided at the cof fee urn and Mrs. Gene Holland served punch. Miss Edith Hol land, cousin of the bride, was in charge of the guest book; Misses Phyllis Herigstad, cousin of the bride, and Miss Lucia Ann We ber, sister of the bridegroom, were at the gift table. After a short wedding trip to the Oregon beaches, Mr. and Mrs. Weber returned to Wood burn where they are residing. For her wedding trip, Mrs. We ber wore a blue-green dress -with white top coat and white accessories and her gold orchid. Mrs. Weber attended Canby high school and Mr. Weber at tended high school at Milwau kie, leaving to serve two year; ' - In the army. Rotana Club Rotana club met at the home of Mrs. L. H. Mittendorf Mon day evening with 19 members present. Mrs. Al Laue was as sistant hostess. Special guests were Miss Alice Mathey and Mrs. William Greif. Complete reports on the na tional convention held in Salem in July were given. Mrs. Al Laue gave a report on the Unit ed Air Lines plane tour over Sa lem on which she represented Rotana. Miss Lorena Jack appointed Mrs. Lester Thomas and Mrs. S. L. Auman to be delegates to the Salem Council of Women's Organizations for this year. Mrs. Chester Pickens was appointed to make arrangements for a rummage sale. Next meeting will be held Oc tober 10 at the home of Mrs. Lester Thomas with Mrs. S. L. Auman assisting. s ""V tor, tv4 ... , 4 i m ... : ." Is Bride-elect Miss Lois Blacksten, daughter of Mrs. Lola J. Blacksten, recently announced her engagement to Dan Osborn, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Osborn. No date is set for the wedding. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) 7 Miss Hackworth Is Wed at McMinnville Dayton Miss Roberta Maye Hackworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hackworth, Dayton, was married to Robert B. Dor jey, son of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Dorsey, Dayton, in a candle light ceremony performed at the First Methodist church, in Mc Minnville Friday evening, Sept. 9, at 8 o'clock. Rev. Elmer Beck man, McMinnville, officiated at the single ring ceremony. The church was decorated with baskets of white gladio luses and candleabrums. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Jaydee Johnson, McMinn ville, and Miss Shirley Todd, Dayton, sang. The bride, given In marriage by her brother, Clarence R. Hackworth, Portland, wore a light blue gabardine suit, with black accessories. She carried a white Bible with an orchid. The maid of honor, was the bride's sister. Miss Mildred Hackworth, who wore a darker blue gabardine suit with black accessories and carried a nose gay of pink sweetheart roses. The candlelighters were her sister, Mrs. Dorothy Anderson; and her niece, Miss Roberta Hackworth. Both wore pastel blouses and black ballerina skirts. They wore gardenia cor sages. David Dorsey, Corvallis. bro ther of the bridegroom, acted as best man. The ushers were Vaughn Dorsey and Jesse Hack- CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS of America are meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Salem Wo man's club building. Mrs. Mar garet Brown is the grand re MEETING Thursday evening will be the Past Presidents club of the Veterans of Foreign Wars at 8 o clock, at the home of Mrs. Dave Furlough, 2090 South Church. At YWCA Board Plans for the new YWCA building are progressing and the architect, Pietro Belluschi, has . been asked to draw up new plans to include changes and suggestions from YW officials, it was announced at the Septem ber meeting of the association board, Tuesday. The Tuesday gathering was the first for the board follow ing the summer vacation. Mrs. A. A. Schramm, president, was in charge. Miss Gertrude Acheson, new executive director, and Misses Joyce Lamoureux and Norma Wallace, the new program di rectors, were introduced to the board. The Community Chest has asked the YW to take care of the residential solicitation in the area north of Market street, the workers to be under the super vision of Mrs. E. J. Church. Palmistry Readings Will tell your out oreient and future Will advise on h T)r Open 1 la f ta II im Moved from 468 Ferry te 17 J S Commercial worth, brothers of the couple. For her daughter's wedding, the bride's mother wore an aqua crepe dress, black acces sories. The bridegroom's moth er wore a dress of black with black accessories. They each wore gardenia corsages. The reception was held in the church parlors, which was dec orated with baskets of assorted flowers. The table, covered with a lace cloth, was centered with a bowl of pink asters. The three- tiered decorated wedding cake was topped with a bridal orna ment. The cake was surrounded with white and pink sweet peas. Mrs. Jean Williams served the cake. Miss Ellen Dundas poured. Mrs. Donald Bouslaugh, sister of the bride, was in charge of the gifts and Mrs. Signe Smith was in charge of the guest book. Following a trip to the coast, the couple will make their home on a farm in the Dayton area. They both are graduates of the Dayton Union high school. The bridegroom spent two years In the armed service, one over YOUNG MATRONS club Is meeting Friday at 8 p.m. in May flower hall, the guest speaker to be Ardo Terem, recently of Estonia and now with the Sa lem YMCA. Piano numbers will be played by Miss Dorothy Pederson. Hostess for refreshments will be Mrs. Warren Erwert, Mrs. Hubert Harris, Mrs. E. J. Church and Mrs. John Meier. Salem Group at State Bar Event Several from Salem will be In attendance at the annual meet ing of the Oregon State Bar as sociation at Gearhart hotel this next week-end. Among those going from here will be two supreme court Jus tices and their wives, Judge and Mrs. James T. Brand and Judge and Mrs. George Rossman: Judge and Mrs. Rex Kimmell, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. George Rhoten, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heltzel, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodenough, Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeArmond, Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Wade, Miss Hattie Bratzel, Mrs. Walter A. Barsch, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Devers, Jr. Wallace Carson is a member of the board of gov ernors in the State Bar. The Rossmans returned re cently from attending the Ame rican Bar association in St. Louis, Mo., and also stopped in Chicago for 10 days. ' Form New Troop Monday, after school, the 7th grade of St. Joseph's school met to form a new Junior Catholic Daughters of America troop. Twenty-two girls asked for blanks for application for mem bership. Several troop names were suggested and by majority vote "Star of the Sea" was cho- n. The first and third Saturdays of each month were decided up on for meeting days. The next meeting will be Sept. 24. SOCIAL GROUP of Chad- wick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, is meeting Tuesday, des sert to be at 1:15 p.m. at the Ma sonic temple. Mrs. Paul H. Hau ser is chairman of the committee of hostesses. Today's Menu (By th Auoclalvd Pro.) Saturday Snack Toasted Frankfurter Rolls Date Delights Hot or Cold Beverage Date Delights Ingredients: 2 cups sifted en riched flour, Vz teaspoon bak ing soda, Vz teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 14 teaspoon cloves, Vi cup shortening (must be at room temperature), 1 cup brown sugar, 1 egg, 2 table spoons evaporated milk or light cream, Vt cup chopped dates, finely chopped nutmeats. Method: Sift together 1 cup of the flour with the baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and cloves. Add shortening, sugar, egg and evaporated milk or light cream. Beat until smooth, about 2 min utes. Add remaining flour and dates and mix well. Shape in to balls by hand and roll in finely chopped nutmeats. Place on greased baking sheet and bake in a moderate (350F.) oven for 12 to 15 minutes, un til done. Makes about three doz en cookies. If ! j"V 7 V 1 Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur John Wichman were married August 13 in St. Joseph's Catholic church, the brida being the former Bertha Esther Panger. She is the daugh ter of Noah Panger, Mr. Wichman the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wichman, all of Salem. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Plan Flower Show, Also Hat Event Stayton On Saturday next, September 17, the Woman's club and the Garden club of Stayton will combine their efforts in presenting their annual flower show at the Woman's club. A special feature will be decorated hats which will be modeled and judged. All club members with out a hat will be asked to pay a fine, is the official word from those in charge. At Roseburg Mrs. James B. Manning, grand royal matron of the Order of Amaranth in Oregon, journeyed to Roseburg Saturday for the purpose of presenting a charter to the new Douglas court, and installing the officers. She was accompanied by Mr. Manning, Mrs. Lyle McCauley, royal ma tron of Cherry court, U.D. of Salem, Mrs. James Tindall, as sociate matron, and Mrs. Frank Wcidncr, secretary of Cherry court. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1949 T Recent Wedding Jefferson The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Myers was the scene of a pretty wedding when their niece. Miss Louise Wattenberger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Wattenberger, and Vernon T. May of Tongue Point naval station, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray May of Youngs town, Ohio, were united In marriage. Rev. O. L. Kendall of Portland read the double ring ceremony. Miss Bettle Watten berger was maid of honor for her sister and Marlin Williams of Astoria was best man. Goes to Indiana Miss Donetta Reese, daughter of Dean and Mrs. Seward P. Reese of Willamette university, left the first of the week for Bloomington, Ind. where she has been appointed to an assistant ship at Indiana university. She is to teach piano while working towards her master of arts degree. Miss Reese was graduated with her B.A. degree last June from Indiana univer sity and Is a member of Delta Gamma sorority on the campus here. While at Indiana U., Miss Reese will continue her study of piano with Anes Fuliehan. CHILDREN of pre-school age, may en roll for class instruction in music, drawing, expression. FREDERICK WILSON STUDIO 1531 Market Ph. 2-4598 Journal Want Ads Pay CoKadewt THE NEWEST WAY TO COMBAT TOOTH DECAY The tasty paste not a powder that contains the two most pub licized dental aids FLUORINE and AMMONIUM ION. Floradent Tooth Paste Modern Sclentifio Pleasant The Sensation of the Pacific Northwest Look at your drug counter for the nanny tuoe in tne rea-and- white carton. Juliette Frocks NEW! $27 50 Exclusively French .' ' . Your step-in dress of ribbed tissue faille ... an adaptation of the French import Collars and Pockets. Jewel pinned at the neckline, large dramatic shirred collar, and hip-high-lighting pockets on a flattering semi-flared skirt. Destined for the smartest of fall wardrobes in BLACK TAUPE TEAL SIZES 10 TO 20 Exclusively Ours! wwn , Here are the gems of the Naruralizer fall line, representative of the beautiful shoe fashions we have for you. Classic pumps and ties to complement your important basic dresses ...suit shoes that reflect the tailored look of fall suits . , . casuals and flats for easy-going grace with sport clothes. As seen in 481 State St.