Capital Adjournal Tfppie An Independent Newspaper Established 1888 GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher ROBERT LETTS JONES, Assistant Publisher Published every afternoon except Sunday at 444 Che meketa St., Salem Phones: Business, Newsroom, Want Ads, 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409. Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press and The United Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tor publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and also news published therein. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier: Weekly, tie; Monthly, $1.00; One Tear. $12.00. By Mall In Oregon: Monthly, 75c; 6 Mos.. S4.00; One Year. $8.00. TJ. S. Outside Oregon: Monthly, $1.00; 6 Mo,.. $6.00: Year. $12. 4 Salem OreRon, Wednesday, September 14, 1949 A Community Loss In the passing of Dr. Harry H. dinger, Salem loses one of its leading public spirited community builders and a foremost citizen who contributed during his long career far more than his share to public welfare and the develop ment of the city. During his entire life Dr. dinger served gratuitously SIPS FOR SUPPER in public service but is best remembered lor nis years as a member of the Salem school board, for 10 years its chairman in the post-war period of the first world war, when an extensive program of schoolhouse construction was successfully carried out under his personal supervision. TA INSTEAD Of US WASTING TIMC SITTING !p'Jl '"Wf'i .ilERE, CAN'T YOU JUST HOLD HIS PLACE WS One..TwO.. """l FOR HIM WHILE WE SKIP AROUND mt&rw 1 TwRee...R)o- Wl VlD BRESLOWS' AND HE PICKS HVJ..SIX.. SJ -yOUT SOME lfTTm 7, pS WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Treasury Secretary Snyder Hardboiled in British Talks By DREW PEARSON Washington British Boil The British are boiling mad at Sec retary of the Treasury Snyder for the iron-fisted way he is run ning the Washington financial conference. One British delegate has complained privately that Snyder is treating them as if they were privates of the Missouri national guard and he a. gy GUILD Wizard of Odds colonel in Bat tery D. Wallgren r H a r r Iman? President Tru man is think ing of naming Averell Harri- man as chair man of the Na-? : tional Security frA ' Resources It Board a vital- rr. Well Named By DON UPJOHN Sat in awhile yesterday on a conclave of folk who were dis rtissinff the matter of better control of rattle sometimes called Far visioned in his outlook, Dr. dinger was a liberal bovine animals against certain diseases. It lasted quite awhile conservative in his accomplishments and his sound judg- and a lot of talking was done. Not that it wasn't interesting, ments were ruled by common sense. He always kept his which is aside from the point. It was one of those meetings we've feet on the ground and never allowed prejudice or nys- ouen neara 01 teria to influence his actions. His honesty and sincerity but have never and financial acumen paid the school district big divi- een " dends. He stood high in his profession of dentistry, he said, "because so many peo ple have gotten me mixed up with you." ODD JOBS FOR PEOPLE A unique business has sprung up in Washington catering to the whims of high officialdom. The firm, called Courtesy As sociates, digs up baby sitters for such notables as Sen. Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota and Secretary of the Army Gordon ly important post which has been Gray, picks out maids for others vacant for nearly a year because such as Congressman Mendel the senate vetoed Truman's old Rivers of South Carolina, gets friend Ex-governor Mon Wall- army-navy football tickets for gren of Washington. the Chinese embassy, and once The president was all set to got tickets to a lecture on air name Harriman last week, but power and atomic energy for was persuaded to wait because the Soviet embassy after first th? Democratic National com- clearing them with the state de mittee is toying with the idea partment. of appointing Wallgren to the The Netherlands embassy job after congress leaves town, once hired Courtesy Associates Japanese in U.S. Senate? to arrange a wedding reception. Senator Butler of Nebraska was while a group of Guatemalan of discussing Hawaiian statehood ficials are even being taught with Admiral D. C. Ramsey, re- English, and a minor Washing eentlv commander-in-chief in ton official hired Courtesy As- the Pacific. sociates to coach his backward AVERAGE COST FOR ATTENDING .COlUuE IS 1,000 A YEAR. I 7 It" J? IF YOU RE RADIN6 THIS PAPER IN A BATHTUB, IT'S 19 TO I YOU RE IN AMERICA. TUBS ARE SCARCE AROUND THE WORLD. THiS O.CST01 CAM UUH FS0M PiTTSMBoh.) YOUR CHILD. BY ODDS OF 3.000 TO I WILL ENJOY REASONABLY GOOD HEALTH DURING BABYHOOD. POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER What's Wrong With Way Women Dress? Women! fore. We refer In , , r V, t ni n ,. . . ... j tt- """" -"" Lr. Ulinger s civic activities coverea a wiue neiu. nt uarly called "a represented Salem on the capitol planning commission bun session." that erected the new capitol after the destruction of the old by fire. He served long on the city council, as a mem- irresistible ber of the water commission, on city library board, as a Impulse member of the state parole board and as a member of M i n neapolis ho pit-v hnvinir "Ammissinn. Sarah Pe- PS He was active in social and fraternal organizations, terson was held br utjoha the smell of sulphur in the air brings on the expected, it won't bother much at the circus. The big top is plenty water proof and Messrs Barnum & Bailey and the Ringling brothers don't get around to thes.- parts often enough to let such a minor thing as a fall shower interfere. Yea, by gum, any Oregonian who'd let a rain keep him away from such an extravaganza is a dog goned tenderfoot. By HAL BOYLE Nou Vnrk 4i A mere male came up today with an answer to "Senator," said Ramsey, "how "-year-old daughter in the so- what's wrong with the way women dress, would you like to have Senator cial graces. ne answer js women. Koshimata sitting next to you Thls unusual firm was found- ' They are too dictated to." said Charles Le Maire. "They accept in the U. S. Senate?" ed bv an enterprising young too mucn dictation as to what they should wear." "I wouldn't like it." said But- ' ' w' ,n.aKe5 Le Marie is in ler. " pm om .' Pica'"8 D'g snots. position to do, n..t thf. lxhat mioht han. .coo .,,., a little dicta- nen if we Bive statehood o Th i tln himself. As , s v acnoic jii vt-aiiKaiiun u II u t At wdiuiauc unci. Hawaii." continued the Kepub- will be Lustron. the company 7 Twen- , hcan gentleman from Nebraska, that failed to solve the housina .!" ' Y ... - ""...-. on a disorderly a charter member of the Cherrians, of the Masons, a past j,,. ,h,. inj,v fnr kirk. exalted ruler of the Elks, of Rotary and other civic bodies. ing patrolman Warren Peterson wviiuation Advances ills pleasant personality enoearea mm 10 a wiue cireie (no relation) when he stooped of friends. He had the rare knack of getting along with over to pick up a pencil, opponents without creating enmities, while standing pat for his views and principles. Dr. dinger will be greatly missed for he was a man of many accomplishments and men of his caliber and sound judgment are needed. He lived a well worth while life. The sympathy of the community goes out to his wife and bereaved family. I ' ill T 9 fW.V LATfca McMinnville W The howl of the coyote is becoming thinner in Yamhill county. County pred atory trapper Clarence Mullins reports the beasts are on the wane. This week he had a one day kill of six five of them large pups and the other a ma ture coyote taken in the foot hills west of Carlton. However, we don't even ex However, we'll confess the pect an invasion of the Wildcats only reason for producing the from Linfield over McMinnville Uo in the North Santiam can.von. ambitious residents masterpiece in th. foregoing in the Detroit area are city conscious. They want to in- paragraph is that w happened corporate a six-mile long stretch, including the present to think of something that would However, we doubt if the ... . . . r fVivm with "Mrftue" mil inn H muth urinrit rin their rintv anri department store mannequin. "A girl shouldn't pay any at tention to what she hears of Paris styles," he emphasized. "She should think first of her own shape, and dress to it. If her figure doesn't go with what 4 she wants to wear, then she could change her shape. Le Maire has only a weary sympathy for gals who think they can achieve a pencil sil- Weather Poem These strong south winds, They surely irk us. And make us worried About tomorrow's circus. "The Japs are so numerous there shortage. The senate banking i." films he already, and so closely knit, and and currency committee wants I ZaH of n nn I n h nmh l ulls that thev l I,--... i T .... . runs a sla" OI , lluvv ..usimi, spent me 2(0 clothes ex- would soon get control of the millions of dollars borrowed .,,. Thev high political posts." from the RFC. hVve'the pTe'aV Unhappy French The French Dan O Connell, who delivers ant cnore f anuarnmoni is nnt nt nil hnnnv government printing to the sen- l I at the way France was excluded ator'i offices, faithfully collects fur pretties to girls like Bettv nouette wi,h a l'8ht corset, from the American-British fi- 'he used stamps of senators and Grable Jeanne Crain. Dorothy "The excess flesh has to nancial talks. France is the turn them over to a Catholic most powerful friendly nation missionary society. They are on the European continent, and then sold to foreign stamp coi ner money and economy is just lectors or used to decorate as tied up with Britain's as is handicraft. i Mrs Rnnuuir r,alhA1l ours possioiy more su. .- - - the averaee woman , . .... . .. friends believe that Cardinal lne aVerase woman airings on iho minuugn mc Snellen', hlo.t . h i state department has announced fiuenced more bv her success. Grable. Jeanne Crain, Dorothy lne excess nesn nas to go McQuire, June Haver and Mau- somewhere," he sighed. "It has reen O'Hara ' either up or down, for- But the clothing of film star, ward or backward." is designed to their own personal Thls- he explained, is why architecture. This isn't true of tnere are so many girls around wno iook liKe they nave either Le Marie, a designer himself, v said the biggest mistake most Detroit and Martha Talk Merger towns of Detroit and Idanha. With so much activity going on In the canyon there, this move to bring city services and programs to the area is one that is only a matter of time before it comes about. The voters there sooner or later will undoubtedly merge their communities in order to handle the growing problems. There Is the water problem, for instance. Every area with growing pains runs into this problem. The Detroit section will decide whether or not a municipal system or a water district is better. The city, obviously, will mean a municipal system. There is some sentiment that a joining of forces will enable a better bargaining position when it comes to electrical power distribution and other services that have to be expanded to meet the increased population. The section is destined to become quite a resort place, when the big dam is built and a lake is formed in the can yon. The people seeking to consolidate the towns into one have in mind proper city planning so development would be on a coordinated basis. Better police and fire protection are considerations, too, for formation of a city there. A "protected city" would mean a cut in fire insurance rates. Those petitioning for the election, set now for October 13, have strong arguments on their side. The central Willamette valley will watch with keen interest what the 391 voters in the precinct do. After all, there will be an estimated 3500 workers in the Detroit and Mill City area next spring on the Detroit dam construction project. It would seem that now is the logical time for the Detroit-Idanha area to decide on a common basis for future development, instead of wait- .Dr.. ,rtD,,. ing when things are humming so fast that no time OPEN FORUM would be available to work out city development, that it ie iitnflinif a efeel mill . . ...... 1. ........ . - . iui opposition to the appoint- i" iimuw uunu- A adV0Cate of the plunging nsiderftat J'S.rseXnf T" S ambassadr to SPai" ly ' j V'' necVline e Maire has no moral L?-1.-6' " Vla.L5 ?I . han her stand on parochial -or ".try to pour herself in o objecUons to falsie!, but insists a certain type oiaress merely he d(Jesn.t allow tnem , , because it looked good on a Twentieth Century Fox studio. "That, I absolutely prohibit. State Acheson agreed in writing scn0ols. to review this project witnin one year or just before the (Copyright 1949) Dancing Girls Too Much Chicago (UR) "Tradln' " Christopher Janus, the man who swapped a load of ball bearings for Hitler's 12-ton automobile, returned here from Egypt after acquiring, among a raft of other things, four dancing girls. Janus mada the trip to Egypt to straighten out the esate of a wealthy uncle. At Alexandria, he learned It consisted of cash, a 10,000-acra cotton plantation, 200 camels, 4000 native workers, and 12 dancing girls. His share, after the slow-working Egyptian law machinery got moving, was one-third of th estate, or some 3,300 acres of land, 70 camels, and those four dancing girls. But more trouble with the government, which was happy to see him come but resented his going, forced him to swap his Egyptian cash for the American rights to 10 Egyptian movies. The first, "The Sleepless Man," will descend soon on Chicago moviegoers. As for the dancing girls, the customs troubles getting them out of th country just wouldn't be worth the effort, h decided. case it appears the steel mill MacKENZIE'S COLUMN may fall into Stalin's hands be cause Tito can't stand up to the' Russians. MORE AIR JUNKETS The more you examine air junkets by high public officials and favored businessmen, the Could the Democracies Work With a Tito Bloc? By DeWITT MacKENZIE (iff) Foreign Afftir Analyst) more it seems right that all such ,h, rft," v,Zl,i. i-i "'"? t..u.. shirt L nn.n h. shaI Tlt' Yugoslavia Red dictator, with plotting to entice Rus sia s eastern European satellites into an anti-Soviet alliance. Whether this be true, the fact remains that Tito's defiance of Moscow's domination is being followed by conspiracies and dis- turbancesi t Was Time to Stop Maldan, Mass. (U.R) Norman Thurston was towing an auto mobile when the tow-bar snapped and the driverless can Sideswlped his own vehicle. Knocked over a tree. Felled an electric light pole. Bowled over a gasoline station pump. Stopped. junkets should be open to pub lie scrutiny. If an airplane trip is secret, then a lot of peculiar things maw hannen at tha tavn.v.r. a v ... t k. i,,b. i. i,,.n among other ' I ... .. ..... junnv. ao J " tied, then no one should object in m mihli, lirilna th. l.ln A lot of interesting flights Slovak and Hun that no one knew anything about lumlllu are now coming to light. For instance, at the time Gen. Harry Vaughan was interven ing with the Air Force for spe cial air -priority transportation for John Maragon and his per- fuma fcAmrianv nffinialc nnnth.P general was doing the same thing also has shown for Wall street. i,self elsewhere. Brig. Gen. William H. Draper, a high executive of the Dillon, satellites. The Czecho- n i s t govern ments claim tr have uncovered plans for actual r e b e 1 1 ion b force. The ferment Anything that isn't part of the body anything that doesn't move with the body it isn't right. "But some studios like them," he conceded. "Everybody in their pictures wear them. I know one actress who must have 50 bosoms at home." No, he didn't care to name her but fans can rest assured it isn't Grable. Le Maire designed wardrobes OaWltl MkcDiU With those definitions before for Broadway musicals and op us, which brand of communism erated his own exclusive dress would the democracies find it shop in Manhattan before going easier to get along with? West. The answer to that isn't dif- He sees fashions today as in ficult, always assuming that confused state, but believes Tito would stick to the tenets tne trend is toward "an era of which he now advocates. quiet elegance." One naturally would choose He personally favors clothing the Tito communism as the less- that accents feminity, styles that er of two evils because it pro- accent sex through subdued sug fesses to honor the sanctity of gestion. national sovereignty. Le Maire's own favorite dic- Of course, any form of com- tales: Last Foreign Spending Bill Hop-Picking Wage Setting (Editor's Note: Contributions to this column must b con fined to 300 words and signed by th writer.) To th Editor: A timely comment of F. D. Van Sweringen, Senator Tom Connally of Texas, administration foreign policy spokesman in the senate, has served notice that after congress acts on the nresident's arms aid nrocrram executive secretary, Salem Building Trades Council, A. F. of L. it will consider no further foreign spending projects this on hoP nd other harvest pay is well worth th attention of year seasonal workers, crop growers and business men. Connally as chairman of the senate foreign relations lrf,wb"r;e5' "ries peaches and other crop grower, took Emwn.tCe thT'Kh, 'VhiCh "Utf P-0KrRT TSt ''I""' wobrkernfJehd r'ly" toV.- W, found that mos, grower. o thrr' '" W"h hP' S,ablliZCd " were keenly aware that earning, senate approves the arms hill. munri so renii ner rmund It . His statement ruled out, at least until next year, any IZ I to be expected that they w"e low but wl,en "kpd ,or further help for Britain that would involve a congres- would get a better picking price n increase the grower's story sional okny. It also wrote off for this session the possi- than 3 cents. Under the hop- was that their agreement did not bility of action on President Truman's "point four" pro- growers U.S. Dept of Agricul- permit an increase and that Wil- gram for development of backward areas. u,r agreement, th grower is li,m Kimsey, Oregon's labor Debate on the $1,314,100,000 military aid bill starts P"-" up ".V commissioner, woum nave to oe in the senate Monday. Democratic Leader Scott Lucas, X. Th. Picker JoT. be". M" '"" 111., predicted it would be annroved after less than a week's V.n"' .7h!,.p, ck" Lf -" r,,!d- jl.. " - .. - n nl Dr v,..u .u ... Kimsev has lust told me munism is totalitarian and sub- "No dress is as Important to Well, supposing disaffection iects the indi Read investment bankers, ar- among tht gatellites is growing tion. However, reports on the has underneath it. The big ranged special priority trans- ,. ... Vmlav inrfir-ate thai it .i.isi,. u i,i m.k.. , r i . . as me evidence indicates 1 ." ...t . v . .... ,llana porta ion to Europe and back .iDinM.. ' more liberal 'he Individual is she doesn't dress herself for fr?rCIareDnC..Dl110?' ,he head.uf , ?i than is Bolshevism. herself. She tries to follow a Dillon, Read, and one of the How would the Democratic , , j . .., ZSFJTZr Germ8ny Wrld U ,,feC,ed " TU0 dW - StttZX Rothes don't make the wo- General Draper even took his ucceed in forming an anti-Rus- side peacefully because that has man anyway they only make boss to Nuremberg and back in lan Dl0CJ -oum lne western -"Jy oemons.raiea. a super-duper air force plane nations work satisfactorily with in which they were almost the such a Tito bloc? only passengers. Coming back t reeking an answer to thes to Tempelhof airport in Berlin, vi(ai question, we must note Draper had the plane circle Ber- first lnat moscow and Yugosla- lin for 20 minutes while he vla Ire working under two dif- pointed out former factory site, ferent type, of communism. that Dillon, Read had been in- D..i i j i o , . terested in. and which had bee. Jh' " " ".b r?" d 's rBlshev- ruinod by the war. whlcn c!,lls ,,or. world ,rev- t .i, r-..i r. - lution in order to bring all na- Latcr General Draper was e . . . . , , ,a , h- ..j... t'oni into the Soviet bloc under Vh. h., t.. p I . i direction of Moscow. This creed, of the army bv James Forrestal. u- u , u , Vim., d j .. which works by strong-arm n .-w iiuiii 1JI mill. III BU oc kU, her talked about" HEAD OP EXPEDITION WRITES: Search for Noah's Ark Ends in Admitted Failure (Editor's Note: The following dispatch was written for United Press by Dr. Aaron J. Smith, retired American mis sionary from Greensboro, N. C, who led an expedition Just returned from an unsuccessful 13-day search for Noah', ark on Mt. Ararat in Turkey.) fXPffif CONTENDS Women Best Investors Los Angeles UR When it come, to Investing, men hav la climb In th bark seat, because women can beat them at their own game, a Los Angele, Investment adviser contends. "Take one common, fundamental of Investing, rallrd timing.' advised investment expert Sydney H. Stroud. "Thl, (imply means buying the right storks, annuities, real estate at th right tim. Hav you ever observed a woman purchasing an expensive out-of-srason Item unlrsa ah I, trying to Impress someone? Women know price, and value, or els their budgets won't balance. "A woman, conversely, will not buy an Item merely beeaus It is cheap. If th valu I, there and th prlr Is reasonable, no obstacle can prevent her from reaching the counter. "Vet men will buy stocks selling under IS a share, or marked-down real sut In poor locations, merely becaus they ar cheap." Stroud punctuated the statement by adding: These buy, usually bteom cheaper." Mr ffimcev haa tuct Inlil mm that quantity of perfectly good thlt tni, ,, not K lnd th h. nop., yet ni, wage, tor p1ck- h unconfirmed reports that ing a four-fifth crop ar lower ,ome grow,rl re ,lread pay. because h. mu.t help pay for , 3,, c.nU d ' grower , expense of planting ind cultivation. What a heck " V'T"8, "' .,h of a et up labor leader a picture This agreement also hit, th. ' h hop-wage aituation. Dean picker a. to grade. Th. gr.d. Ohmans of lndependrnc. Hop this year I, 6. which i. th. Grower, association a s .. r t , J thai .sn wtab. ,m O tightest that it has ever been. : r .. . ., Th. picker is warned U.S. Inspector i, on By DR. AARON J. SMITH (Br united PrtM) Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 14 (U.R) We have searched for Noah's ark and have failed to find it. However, we feel that our research work has not been in vain. that a weigh-up containing more picker,, i, that $8 is more cor- than 6 leaf or .tern will not " "' . b. tolerated . . It Is to be hoped In th fu- Th. writer with fiv. oth.r tu" nat mor. equitable meth- average picker, mad. test pick- d "f wage setting can b. ar- Ing, in four early and on. lat. riv'd V' Jh m.or wor'r hop yard. Remits: An average brings in the better deal for Sa- of $3.00 per 9 hour dav. This 'r mr" "na. ""'" doe. not count about J hour, ,or P"bllc d dunn ,tm" daily going to yards, moving U,,I,,KUJ',C,, section, and waiting for bui. WILL CARVER Not: Averag. in late hop, wa, 1906 Center Street leu than $6.00 thu, far. Salem methods, holds that the sover eignty of any Red nation rests WEDDING NEAR BARKLEY in Moscow. While the nation waits for The Tito brand of communism Vice President Barklev to pod 'hu. far appears to belong to the the question, hi, Negro chauf- common or garden variety with We did not come to Mt. Ararat to prove whether or not there feur, Wilbur Walker, beat him whicn w were acquainted be- had ever been a flood or an ark God', word ha, declared that to it. He married Edwina Ma. Iore noisnevism was Dorn. ine fact and our faitri remains un- " Reeves at quiet church services Ti, communism stands for ab- lnaken in His unalterable word, eruption. We have found evl- the other day. solute nationalism of the state Scientists have firmly declar- dences of such eruptions in and Chauffeur Walket Invited th. ni th. retention of sovereign- (d that geological evidences ar around th area of the Ararat Vice President to attend hi, wed- ty. ample to prove that there has mountains, ding, but Barkley had a speak- Moscow call, its ism "Inter- been in the remote past an in- The third theory is that the ark ing engagement out of town. national Communism." as op- undation by water of a universal possibly is covered with snow in "I'd sure lik. to be there," posed to Tito's Nationalist State, scope. one of the deep crevices on th north side where it has been ,. ... claimed to have been seen a. There are three theorie, that recently a, last fall, may account tor our failure to locate the ark. Our, was the first and only On is that it could hav de- fanl"' expedition which had cayed because it mav have rested .,ne Pific purpose of search on a lower altitude than we have ,or, fn's ark. presumed ln almost every great inven- t. iJ , v ,r,,st th" 0,hcr wil' ultimately It could also hav been cover- bring to a successful finish what d with lava during a volcanic we have begun. a iha to $12 per day. My observation. i LI J CI' r ! hand and b,ckd by nmbr ( averag. lie Had o binKing reeling Athol, Mass. Ol.Ri While reading a committal service In a cemetery, the Rev. Gordon C. Capen experienced a sinking sensation. It developed that an adjoining grav had collapsed and he was knee-deep In earth. Charged With Drunken Flying Prince Rupert. B. C. m Aubrey Weslinghouse, president of a Victoria, B. C, flying service, today faced a drunken flying charge. The rharg wa, believed th first of Its kind to rearh a Canadian court H was remanded until Oct. 11.