Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 14, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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pSchlesinger &" Co. -i
Capital Journal, Ralem, Ore., Wednesday, Bept. 14, 19493
Some of the 60 belles in "The Girl in the Moon" spectacle
under the Big Top coming to Salem Thursday.
'Greatest Show on Earth'
Pulls Into Salem Thursday
Thursday is circus today.
Today is a 24-hour work day for the 24-hour men of the
Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey organization, as they are
"bringing Big Bertha in."
Headed by Willie Carr, senior agent, they are fixing the cross
ings on the sidings of the South-'
ern Pacific railroad, where early
Thursday the four long trains of
"The Greatest Show on Earth"
will be unloaded. They are also
making certain that the streets
from the unloading crossings to
the State Fair grounds parking
lot are clear for the red wagons,
the elephants, horses and the
wild animal cages, including
the two-story giraffe rolling cor
rals. With the city traffic police,
this route is carefully plotted,
for 276 heavy vehicles will roll
over it, Including the new port
able, all steel grandstand trucks
and the two cell-blocks-on-wheels
that house Mr. and Mrs.
Gargantua the Great, the world
famous gorillas.
The 24-hour-men today are
laying out the lot, where tomor
row prformances will be given
at 2:15 and 8:15 p.m., with doors
open at 1 and 7.
There are 41 tents to spot, in
cluding the world's largest big
top and the new, redesigned
menagerie a plotting job that
only experienced "Big Show"
agents can figure, as there are
many difficult problems. The
circus city must have its streets
and alleys behind the scenes,
and so on.
In some cities the 24-hour-men
are compelled to "make" a show
lot grading, filling - in and
leveling, with bull dozers and
rollers huffing and puffing about
for days.
It's big business bringing the
Big Show to town.
Today the busy agents must
also expedite deliveries of all
supplies fuel - oil, stock - feed,
fruits, bread, vegetables, eggs,
water and meats. They must be
on the lot and ready for the
cookhouse and dining depart
ment, which feeds some 1450
people, and is the first unit to
arrive thereon daily and get
Such items as hay, straw
smithy coal, coke, etc., are de
livered today, but the bulk of
the' supplies is delivered with
the show day's dawn.
ine supplies, of course are
contracted weeks ahead by cir
cus contracting agents, and are
purchased in the towns played
day by day. Only in the rare
event of an extraordinary rail
road run, compelling a full day
of travel, are supplies bought
for it in the preceding stand.
For the convenience of the
public, reserved chair tickets are
now available at Fred Meyer
148 North Liberty, Salem
through Thursday, as well as at
the circus grounds.
General admission seat tick
ets for sale only at show
grounds. The general admis
sion seats have aisles and foot
rests this year, all on steel decks
Heh Kiddies!
Circus Coming
The "greatest show on earth"
comes to Salem Thursday.
Ringling Brothers and Bar
num and Bailey circus, always
heralded as the number one "big
top" show, both in size and qual
ity, pitches its huge tents on the
State Fair grounds 18th street
parking lot Thursday for two
performances, 2:15 and 8:15 p.m.
The circus combines a well-
rounded display of intracitacy
and comedy, plus a huge mena
gerie and performance of ani
mal acts.
The atmosphere of the mighty
spectacle actually gets under
way early Thursday morning
when the first of four circus
trains unloads at the fair
grounds. This will be at about
4:30 a.m. The general public
will probably be more interest
ed in the unloading of the ele
phants and other animals at
about 7 a.m.
Salem school children will be
given an opportunity to witness
the circus without skipping
classes. School will let out ear
ly enough Thursday to allow any
pupil so desiring a chance to see
the afternoon show. Elementary
schools will dismiss at 12:30
p.m. and junior and senior highs
at 1:30. Classes in all schools
will run straight through from
morning opening hour, with no
break for lunch.
Advance ticket sale for the
Ringling Brothers and Barnum
and Bailey circus is being han
died by the Fred Meyer store at
148 North Liberty street, where
tickets are now on sale.
$$ MONEY $$
4H Real (.slate Loans
Farm or City
Personal and Auto Loans
State Finance Co.
153 8. High St. Lie. S-216 M-252
Open Sundays
Now Features
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Organ Console and
You Cannot Surpass
The Combination of
fine music
Nick Marino, letllan Chef
On Dallas Road Ph. t-9242
Club Privileies
KB4 ' TBjfWjr
Give Your
Fun and Development
in one of these
6, 7, & 8 year oldi Thuri. 3:30 P. M.
4 and 5 year oldt Sat. 12:30 P. M.
6, 7, & 8 year olds Sat. 2:30 P. M.
9 to 15 year olds Sat. 3:30 P. M.
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The Schlesinger & Co. label
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Schlesinger & Co.