AUTOMOBILES BONESTEELE'S 1949 Studebaker Comdr. Conv., R1H, o'drive, 14.000 ml. $2300 1948 Studebaker Sdn, Champ., Htr 4 o'drive, low mileage 1895 1948 Studebaker Tudor Champ., R&H, overdrive, 9000 mi. 1995 1947 Studebaker Landcruier, R&H, overdrive 1795 1947 Chevrolet 4 Door, R&H 1395 1946 Plymouth Tudor 1195 1946 Nash Sedan 995 1939 Buick Sedan, very clean w. 595 1939 Studebaker Sedan, Champion 495 1940 Studebaker Sedan .Commander, R&H, overdrive .... 695 1941 Chevrolet Tudor 695 1941 Chevrolet 5 Pasi 595 Bonesteele Sales & Service 370 N. Church St. BUILDING MATERIALS KOt KLATH, PLASTER and Stucc mater ial!. ComDltta Una. dialllir H"""'". BitMTi.tTE - Went Salem. maaia Wrecking Gov't Projects Hundred! modem aaah at wlndowa. Caat Iron vltreoiu China wah baalnl com plete with Ultima. 100 JO-lnch 1 panel doora with frame It hardware. Larae auoply of 32 s 38 Inch llaa doora with frame hardware. C. a. Lont. Ph. a-s31. One mile north of KelKer. ma2J3 BUILDERS New 'i Inch x ft. aheeu Inaulallon board !" ft., onlr II het. A dur able attractive wall board, llahl In eliht with Inaulatlna value. No 1 mountain cedar alilnalea I7.1S 1. Cedar ahakea In the carton, painted & with under couree I1J o. C. O. Lona. Ph. 3-S33I One mile north of KeUer. ma223 insulation-doors" New fiber flaaa roll blanket insulation at bertain price. Full atock 1 panel dwrt. grade A. Low price on mahoeany Inltrtor doora mad la Sweden, rrench door flu door, entrance door. Check our price. C. O. Lont. Ph. 2-MJ1. One milt north of Kclacr. ma3 NON-METALLIC SHEATHED CABLE 12 GAUGE - 2 CONDUCTOR 250-FOOT COIL $9.95 ELECTRIC DEPT., BASEMENT Sears, Roebuck & Co. 550 N. CAPITOL STREET PHONE 3-9191 BARGAIN PRICES Oalr 1 home ' "b'j 4mm, winoowa, aoma nlca 2xl(Ta and lxl'a Oood tlr floorlnf. Sea Chrta oo the lob at M Center MADSON WRECKING COMPANY ma219' DOOR-Floah Interior and exterior door. Juil a few left at apeclal price. Keith Btowo. Front Court St., Salem, mi' Block of hard to set trade, (clear) St tie nt 'Knot i a xi vr Brown. Front Court St.. Salem, ma' CEDAR SIDING New ahlpment ixB" and ixl0" cedar aldlnf. all trade. Keith Brown. Front tk Court St.. Salem. ma nrii rnsTOMER. Insist on your con- .tA anil earDenter ualna the flneat old irowth vertical train yellow tlr finished lumber in aaiem. on nan Dlek Meyer iumoer vo. o un Ph. 34939 Free parking. m2W SAVE OK ROOFTNO Ut Ward give you eompleW IN STALLED price on four roofing need Wide nte of color Call our euuidt aaleamao tor tree eaUmate. Phone 1-1191 UONT OO WERT WARD OO. SALEM. OREGON NEW SHIPMENT piaat board " aq n koc im I in UCj4TOOUKRT WARD tLKU ma ALUM A - LOCK - ALUMINUM LOCK JH INGLE. The modern permanent rooi lag Sea your dealer of Call DUL 1-8401 ma37a RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coaat Timber No 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 aq. No. 1. S in clear, aultabl for root or xldewall. Ted uuner, fa. a tem 2-1198 Salem-IndP. Rotd. ma1 NURSERY STOCK DAHLIAS: Order bulbs now. 1491 7th St Went Salem. Ph. 3-0514. ' mb224 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEW USED m utcal Instrument iplnet A erand planoji at reduced price. JAQUITH MUSIC CO., Ph. 3-4941 n!44 "Paging All Newly Weds You can't afford to buy one Hem of fur nlture until ?ou hav hoppd Olenn woodry a rurnlture Mat. xou 11 hown nw furniture at unbe lievably low price. Term of eourat. -For real buy. give u a try." Glenn Woodry Furn. Mkt. R. C. ALLEN Caih ReaUter. Like new. tlTi. Ph. 1-4641. n4 Save 20 to 50ro ON BAND ORCHESTRA INSTRUMENTS A SUPPLIES New Clarinet 159 M. TrumpeU SO SO TrombonM I8S.00. Baritone tllS.00. French horn 175 00. Violin 111 up. All kind of uaed livt rumen U. Some rental Hut ru menu available. Jacquith Music Co. Ph. S-4841 848 Caarada Drive nlJ4 MYLON I MFORM, ilia II. Never been worn. price. 34833. n219 $im OCVflNE Russian StlTer Fox fui roat. White trim. Perfect cond. Will tell ror ii so. Ph. 3&059. nl SINGER KFWING marhlnt. Round bobbin. Ph. 29197. Porta b 1 BROWN MARMOT fur coat, all 13-14" 12. Black doub breat ttiido. Oood cond, 111.00. 1744 Norway. Ph. 11851. 8220' "PHENOPLAST" Ta anaka your tih!tom or eoneret fleer PERMANENTLY BEAUTIFUL, atitn proof, aera'ch proof, cigarette arn proof. PUMILlTf BLOCK St'P PLY, Waal Saiesa. Paona iMil. uilt AUTOMOBILES Ph. 3-9227 Q3tf fOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS ESTIMATED 60,000 ft. timber near Mc Cleey. 8ee H. W. Thielaen at Ilia court house. Ph. 35070. n 221 Sl'PEROLDS CORNET, good condition. Used 1 year. 871 Union St. or Capital street market. 611 Capital St. n321 ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lant ave. n219 FULLER briuhe. 1745 Orant. Ph. 3-8357. n244- OIL FLOOR furnace. Oood cond. Ph. 31154. D331 ft AND ft' wooden display table. Rea. Ph. 2-5858. Rt. S, Box 910. n224 RUMMAGE SALE at Flrat Methodlat church Sept. 15 10, Thura. St rrl. n230- 30- CARBINE rifle. TBI Oerth Ave., Weat Salem. n221 LEAVING TOWN. Will tell 1B3S Hudaon: rifle, akl St fear, barbell, wood lathe, ehsiels, 2 cyl, Maytag motor. Ph. 30331. Ask for Joe. n221 GOOD 30-04 Deer Gun. Will trade, for tood motor for boat. Ml N. 18th. n219 MAN'S BICYCLE. Good cond. $18.50. Ph. 37100. , n220' OIL CIICULATOR. 48.000 B.T.U. rm. Uied 1 month. Stov pip St draft in cluded. Ph. 25170. n220 .300 CAL. Deer Rifle. 140. Phone Btayton 436. run CAR RADIO, ex. cond.. tube, guaran teed. 120.00. See after 4:30 p.m. at 1288 Elm St., Weat Salem. Ph. 1-8097. n220 PLYWOOD Piano Boxei, tl-00, Tallman'a 295 8. 12th. n iUU GOOD WOOD COOK STOVE. Ice box and man'a bicycle. Price reaaonaoia. 13B1 Market. n219 METAL CLARINET, B flat. Almost new. lis. Ph. 2-1554. nsao- CABINET TREADLE jawing machine. Ph. 33f20. D220 30-M MAUSER: K2.5 acopa & had. cu- tom myrtle wood tock. In new condi tion. 1175. Mountain State Power Of fice. MiU City. D222 STEEL CLOTHESLINE post, railing In atock a mad to order. 1141 n. Li&erty. n343 SIOUX valve re facer, original beiu it atone. Con. rod aligner e valve aeat reamer, all In excellent cond. AH for I17S or ell eparately. D. M. PhUlippl. 708 N. 2nd St., Silver ton, Oregon. Ph. 1184. n319 TRUCKERS come and get It, pit run and fill dirt. 50c. Silt 80c. Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. Ph. 21986. n327 CLARENDON PIANO. Very good cond. Can Da seen oetween v & lz a.m. any any except sun. or inur. aju a. ioin ei n219 PIANO WITH beautiful tone In excellent condition. 1690 S. Cottage. n219' SEVKRAL GOOD out-grown girl's suits At arensea sices 10-12. 2 gin oicyciea. 2iw Maple Ave. Ph. 2-4036. n219 USED FURNACES OIL BURNERS. SAWDUST BURNERS, AIR CONDITIONERS OAS RANGE. HOLLAND FURNACE CO., 170 KEAR NEY. PH. 37803. n221 COLLECTIONS of antique for al. Key wind watch and organ. Apt. 2 upstalra. Do not bother landlady. 7S Marlon. n220a FOR SALE: Muat be old In t unit only. 15, l is, 1 25 H P. 3 Ph. motor with belt, puller, switches. 1 Bolter, 1 stripper, all saw. 81.200 complete. Telephone 3-6654 or 2-5749. n220 FOR SALE: Shell for foreign A odd cali bre rifle. A 10 vral rifle. Trade considered. V. M. Sackett, 1510 60. Winter St Phone 3-4912. n?20 WALLING SAND GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for TO ada and driveway. cement, ready mix concreu, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and dltchmx. -yd. ahovel and drat line. Ph. 3-9249 AUTOMATIC OIL Water Heater. Lochia var, 30-gai. aire. 810. Medium sited child's trlke. Oood cond. 55. Taylor Tot, like new, Including fixtures for mating into Kiaaie-car. 51. go oarnet, Ph. 3-6255. , n219 SEWING Machine Electric or Treadle Service on all make. Ph. 3-7671. D22B LUMBER 2x4's by jitney load. 10 per l.uuu. xou naui. independence Lumber ea Mfg. Co., Inc., Independence, Ore, GENERAL ELECTRIC CroJlei. Olbaon and won tag Applancea at Gevurti. FENCE POSTS, pole, all type. Shingles fertiliser flatrock. Phillip Broa. Rt 8 Box 118. Ph. 31451. n SALEM SAND a, u RAVEL OOMPANT Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer a Baaement Equipment Rental 15 B yd 10 B H yd D-7 cat Si Doxer D-6 Cat Aj Doaer D-4 Cat it Dozer See u about ditching by the ft. Phone Day 3-9401 Cve 3-828 or 3-4400 baiem Ore on USED OIL burners and bloweis. Priced to sell. pq. 21002. n333 TALLMAN S MID SUMMER PIANO SALE Special 1828 Spinet Limited No. 1494.00 Full 88 note key board, cut iron plate Beautiful tone and finish, no DOWN - BAL EASY TERMS A bit aavlng on floor sample and dem onstrator. Such fine make a Knaoe. Fischer, Lester, and Be Lay Roa Spinet Good selection Orand and upright pianos a iow a 110 per month. TALLMAN PIANO STORE. INC. 171-393 8. 12th. A mil from high price nail WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED Junk batterle. Paying 11.73 Retread Tire Service, 120 So. Lancaster na2!l WANTED furnltura vo glu repair. Lm BriM- rum IMIIDIPDIDI VV S-lUUt U9D FrfcNITCRE Phnae 1-9186 Da PERSONAL I WILL not be responsible for any debt or bill other than my on. Sept. 1949. John E. Olnn. Locaden, Ore. p221 WILL NOT be repon.b11 for any debU except my own. Harold L, B.air, Sept 14, 1949; p231 I WILL NOT be re,porwibI for any bill otner tnan my own. Virginia Hutch in Sent. 12 1949 p 33ft AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE or trade; 1931 Plymouth I door hah. en. qiiW FOR SALE: 1941 Buick Spvr. Sedanett. 3 tona grer. fully eq nppd. Must ae to appreciate. 359 N. Liberty, Apt. 3. I tn l P m. q33 1 ' 37 Ht'DSOM 1150. 1115 N. Uberty- Pb 21483 qJ30- 1M FORD Pickup 1171. 1880 Jefferson St q220 Itw ford. Recond. motor. 1 100. nan I rodway. zw AUTOMOBILES DEMONSTRATOR SPECIAL OtYMR SAI-MMA OH-EES HIS ft KtOKAt. 1BII KTI DtHAHKK COMM AND R AT OIVE AWAY PRICE THIS CAR IA EQUIPPED WITH RADIO. HEATER. OVERDRIVE. HILL-HOLDER, CIOAR LIGHTER PLASTIC BEAT COVERS, DIRECTIONAL SIONALS, SIDE MIR ROR, WIND6H1KLD WASHER, AND WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES. SUM THIS UP WITH THE KACT THAT THE CAR H.1 ONLY l.SOO At'Tl'AI, Mil l! ON IT AND YOU HAVE THE CLEAN KST AND BEST HUY IN THE COUNTRY AT ONLY t2Z7$. CAR MAY BE SEEN BY CONTACTING! "CHUCK" AT BONE STEELE SALES it SERVICE 320 N. CHURCH ST. OR PHONE 38277 DAYS OR 38089 EVES. 4319- t'SED CARS WANTED Immed. caah for iood ujed car. Oet my orter b(or you selL UcCali. 1297 Stat. Dial l-llOa. q221 1917 FORD Tudor Sdan. Clean, new tires. 11300. 7.S0 8. Lancaster Drive. Poone J-:42. Call after & 30 p.m. nl2l last DODGE deluxe aedan. Excellent con dition. Phone 3-M42 or 3-3173. n223 37 FORD coupe. Clean, aood cond.. I29J. Ph. 37184. 1330 Lancaster alter a p.m. 423 1941 CHRYSLER brosham. vry good. Ph. 3-5642 or 3-3I73K q23S 1948-47 PACKARD 4 door Delux 8 Sedan. Only 22.880 mile, Original owner. Ov erdrive, el. clutch, radio, heater, wind shield washer, foe St apot light. New Owners 1 with asfrtv tube. Slipcover nd underrating . Here U a real buy at 11850.00. Call 8-4016. Eve. 3-8213. q221 3ft PLYMOUTH, '49 motor. Good rubber. In good cond. See at 3241 Mill St. q220 17 OLD 78. RAH. 1 owner. Excel, cond. Reasonable. Ph. 35447. g219 FOR SALE, Model A coupe In good con- di'loti. 1150.00. Pit. 34219. q220 Eisner Motors to Sell 1940 RECONDITIONED Super "8" 4 Dr. Packard aedan. wUh radio, heater, overdrive1, good rubber. Oolna to college. 1395. See BUI Bur well, 3 p.m. 7p.m. 255 Center St. 0.220 47 BUICK Spcl. Seoanette. Dk. green. Good tire, RiH. windshield waaher. Original owner. Ph. 2-5118. 0.219 HOLD EVERYTHING! WC ARB IN THE MARKET FOR NICE CLEAN CAM. 'IT MODELS ON DP. CASK PAID. TRADE, SELL OR BUY. ZEEB'S USED CARS 2323 FAIR O ROUNDS ROAD PHONE 2-6454 q222 1041 CRYSLER Royal town aedan. Oood cond. Excel, rubber. R&H. 8850 cah. Call C. H. Darley 6X4 Stayton. q219 IM rSED CAR LOT 50 your old one. 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 p.m. q241' WANTED Will pay cash for good, clean used cars. SEE MR. TEAGUE OR JOE SPURLOCK TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty 353 N. Com'L q222 Eisner Motors to Buy CAR ACCESSORIES tire Sx tubes at coat price. First come flrat served a thl 1 close-out sal. Dealer welcomed. R. D. Woodrow Co., 450 Center. q WANTED: Clean used care. Bob Uarr. 2160 South Commercial a ZEEB'S USED CARS BOTf SELL TRADE TERMS til Patra-roun4a Road Ptaon. 3-tsa Eisner Motors Fine Cars MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS 194? "4.V H. D. Motorcycle. Good condi tion. 3140. Ph. 2-0717. 2105 Chemeket qa220 FOR SALE Late '47 Airborne Cuahman Motor Scooter. A-l condition, 1150 cash Edgar Fennlmore, Rt. 1. Box 345, Sll- verton. Ore. Phone Marquam 21F15. 4 Ml. N E. Sllverton hlnhway 211. q320 FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular alze, 5.00 and up. Montgomery Ward V Co., Salem. qb221 BOATS 13 FT. 8ml-V-Boat. Nearly new or will trade for good Carbine Deer Rifle. Ph. 34525 or aee R. M. Kelley at Chemawa. qq220- ALI'MINI'M BOATS Ideal for rail ton ing Light, fat. unalnitable. No upkeep worrle. Excellent dexlicn. 8-10-12-14 ft. lte. 3130 up. Geo. X. Allen Hdw. qq!?n" FINANCIAL $10,000 LOAN wanted, down town business will pay 6 per cent, repay at $150 to $200 per month, all paid back by 3 years. ALSO S10.000 loan wanted on highly Improved farm, 3 or 5 years, will repay at rate of $150 per month including interest at 6 per com. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 B. High St. Telephone 34121 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. t-2457 Lie. No. M-159 8-14 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 rtTRNTTORE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS OP TO IIM Oom. m or pood. Hollywood Finance Co. 1480 Fairground Road Nxt Door to Bunk No Parking problem Phone 27012 Lie N MS63-S391 Fiord Kenyon. Mtr. 1 PRIVATE MONET pecal Rate and Term) On Larger Loan Long and Short Tim Payment ROT H. SIMMONS 131 South Commercial St. Phong 1-111 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4-. OR 4'a". INTEREST to 40 T-ara and No Coin ml ton Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 144 !' St Phone 2-3MS r oeneral finance corp, Loans La. 8-111 and M-1J3 and ROT R SIMMONS TNSI RANCB AND LONS 131 8. CoDuaerciai Si, TaL 3-ll f FINANCIAL FARM AND CITY LOANS 4', and I-. fOI R OWN TERMS of repayment wtthla reaaon. Cah for Real Batata Contract and Second Morttaee.v CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 201 Pioneer Truat B!dg. Ph. 3-7162 r BILLTJNPAID? 1 add your obligation 2 pay them off in a lump aum with a loan from Personal then make Just ona reasonable pay ment each month 13 TO 1500 ON AUTO UP TO IS00 ON SALARY. FURNITURE Don't borrow unneceuarllr. but If a lfi.n aulvea a problem, phone or com In today. Personal Finance Co. of Salem 518 State S' Room 131 C. R. ALLEN. Manager Phone 3-3464 Lie. 8-122. M-188 r;n TRAILERS STRONG ITII.ITY trailer. New tlrr large box auitsbla for aaddl hone. 750 8. Lancaster Drive. Phone 2-6242. 1221 TO TRADF, 36 ft. Stewart trailer hotta. 114 model. Ha refrla., double s'.nk. hi. Ac eld aater. alao shower room. Slerp four Would trade fnr equity In modern 4 or 5 room auburn home with small acreaie. If !ntreAt(1 Ante car of Capital Journal Box 4LS Olve price and location. 1310 NEW 3 wheel all metal trailer. Rack and rant a envtr. 1335 Lee St 1223 VERY REASONABLE: 11' factory trailer houa Phone 3-6354. 1155 8. 14th. t219 10 FT. Harrison. 3645. 3060 Hazel Ave. Ph. 27520 eve. only : 1219 1948 TRAILER. 23 ft., excellent condition. Sieepa 4. See at Lana Lane Trailer Plaza. Turn riant on 99 N. at yellow light after underpau. W. O. Johnston. t221 TRANSPORTATION Bl'YlN'G A new rar? Save monr. I will go to fartory and drive tt out for you. Capital Journal Bnx 4n xJ2ft DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES AH makes ! mtehtnee sold, ranted repaired Roen 436 Court Phone- 3-4773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair aerrlee new appliance vlnce's Eieetre Phone Free estlmatea Ttade-tn accepted on 39230 137 S Liberty St AT-fJR DOOR GBINDINO ra wo mower sharpening and repairing Dezter'a Ph 36833 o' AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all make of Auto Radloa Morrow Ravi to Co., 153 8 Liberty Ph. 3-09&S. 0 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing aervlca day phone 3-0236. Night 3-1804 33" Center o Mike Panek. 373 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and whael aligning specialists, 0333 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now Term No down payment Phone 2-4830. o" BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Broa. Also houaea raised. New foun dation. Phone 3-5909. o242 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 3-6537 or 3-4306 0239 Bulldozing. leveling, road bide., clear ing, teeth for brush. Vinril Huakey, 1010 Palrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3146. Salem. o339 CARPENTER WORK . Carpenter work. New, repair. Ph. 3-2093. 339 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cut rag later AD makea sold, rented, re paired. Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 o CEMENT WORK Por expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalk, driveway, patio, curb, walla, ate. Call 3-4830. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimney vacuum cleaned. Eim'ey. 771 B. 21t. Ph. 3-7176. o23S DRESS MAKING Alt, dreis making. Oood used clothe for ale. 360 Stat St. Rm. 37. o244 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vine' Electric for elrctrlcat wiring, contracting, repairing, 157 S. Liberty J-M3. o EXCAVATING A GRADING Excavating St grading. Ben Qtjen 4s Son S18 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. o22B EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Lee Crow. 1555 Pearl. o333 Breithauot'f for flowera Dial 3-9173. o FUEL OIL Chell stove St die.el oil. Ph. 3-3186. Shell Oil Co L. T. Maxwell, distributor. 0241 FURNACE CLEANING Olant vacuum machine. Trailer mount ed. Ph. 36663. United Producta Co. 3037 Portland Rd. Reasonable price. 0233' HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watkin Oo product Pre de .tvery 1717 Center Ph. 3-5393. e INSULATION Johna-Manvlll. Phone 3-3746. INSTRUMENT REPAIR Expert musical lntrument repair. All work fully guaranteed. JACQUITH MU SIC CO.. Ph. 3-4641. 144 J A INTO R SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Wailnc Building Factories - Home Em l tr, ate Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDQ MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9111 o LASDSCAPr NURSERY P A Doerfler St Sons. Ornamental. 150 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Pb 3-1322 ' DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 34S Jef ferson St., Phone 21452. o LA W N MOW ER S " Sharpened, guaranteed aervlce. N power and hand mowers. Call Harry w. acott, 147 s. com l St. o233 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At rout door lawnmower sharpening Degter the tawnmuwer man Fu I6ISS MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 3-4069 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish A Havaltan Quit sr. Mandolin. Banjo, eta. 1333 Court St. Ph. 3-7M9 03 40 OFPILE FURNITURE Si SUPPLIES Deg ehalra. file and filing aupput. safe, duplicator and eup plies, desk lamp typewriter stand rif ease !. Wire Recorders. Rota. 456 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE We service all typ of burners. Ph. 26662. United Produeta Co. 3031 Port land Rd. Work guaranteed. o313 PAINTINfr Tlf strom' are equipped to do foui painting Phone 1-2493 o P A PER Ft ANfilN ft Expert Paperhanging and painting. H J Wood worth. Ph. 3-S866. Free m. o227 PAINTING PAPERING Painting and paperhannng. Free eatl mate, ,'h 3-9513, 657 Shipping. o340 Call 1-3606 for your Painting St Ppr- r.analng. Attractive rates oJ2l PICTI R9. FR A Ml N O P:c'.re frimtna Hutchaott Palal Stare Phove t'467 FUher. 144 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-1019. o3A3 PRtNING-SPRATING Phillip W Be. lie. Ph. 1-1201 Journal Want Ads Pay Slocks Decline In Heavy Trading New Orleans, Sept. 14 Prices tipped a little lower in the stock market today after an early attempt to advance fal tered and died. Trading was heavy. The rate was one of the fastest of the year at around 1.800,000 shares for the entire day. I The market was unable to car ry through on the broad Tues day advance which put prices on average near the highest peak1 of the year. Leaders, mostly on ths down side, spread out over s range that went as much as a point either way. Volume was boosted by heavy trading in utilities at rising prices. Commonwealth & South ern reached a new high at 5 up 1a. A litt'e lower were Bethle hem Steel, Santa Fe, Consolidat ed Edison, Homejrtake Mining. Standard Oil (NJ), Richfield Oil, Dow Chemical, Lockheed, Douglas and Westinghouse Elec tric. On the upside were Union Pa cific. Phelps Dodge. Mclntyre Porcupine, and Philco. DIRECTORY SAND GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand A Oravrl Co.. Phone 3-9249. o Valler Sand St Grave. Co Silt, sand j f 1) dirt Excavating I0B shovel St eat Tractor scoop Aj trucks for dirt moving Ph ofMeo 24002. re 37146 Salem Saw Writ. Ph. 3-7603. 1393 N 5th 0329 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Roto-Router Exclusive Patent RkEdt 'harp Steal Cutting Blade Clean Sewer or Drains Sept to Tsnk Cleaned Rea Pb t-9331 or 1-9466 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewera. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468, 3-5327. o235 K. F Hamel. Septic tank cleaned. Electric machine aervlce on sewer and drain line Guaranteed work. 1143-Sth St.. Wen Si m. Ph. 3-7404 o223 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage chirge. Call u collect Todd's Septic Tank Service. 2545 State St. Phone 2-0734. o SEWING MACHINES New Home sewing machine sale. We repair all make. K wood Elec, 1091 Edgewater. Ph. 35569. o231 Bought, aold, rented, repaired EZ terma All make. W. Davenport. Pb. 37671 0228 All makea repaired, free estimate S.nger Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 3-3312. TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal. Under wood portable Ah make uard machine Repairs and rent Roen. 436 Court, e TRANSFER St STORAGE 'ocal St Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal St briquet Truck ic Portland dally Agent for Be kin House hold good moved to anywhere la US or Canada. Lannar Transfer 4a Storage Ph 3-3131 e VENETIAN BLINDS Mad In Balem Free eat Phont 37928 Klmer the Blind man. s' Salem Venetian Blind made to order or teflnlsbad. Relnboldt Lewi, 3-I6I9 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymors, Rt. 3. Box 317. Ph. 3-5135. o339 Portable acetylene or are. Anything, anywhere. Pb. 33489. o319 WEATHERSTRIPP1NG WINDOW SHADES Wash able. Roller. Mad to order. 1 Dar Del. Relnholdt Lewi. Ph 13639. WINDOW CLEANING Acme V'lndow Oleanera Window, wail Si woodwork cleaned Floor cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 3-3337 347 Court. Lanadoe, Culbertsoo and Mather WOODSAWING WOOD SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph 3-4031. LODGES I.O.OJ. meets every Wed nesday flight. Visitors wet come. 1 SALEM LODGE No. 4, A.P, & A.M., Wednesday, Sept. 14, E.A. Degree, 7:30 p.m. 219' A Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. & A.M. Stated Meeting Friday Sept. 10, 8 p.m. 221' LEGAL NOTICE OF BOND SALE The City of Salem. Oregon, hereby In vites sealed blda for the purcha of City of Salem Sewaae 8tem Bonds, Series A. in the principal sum of Two Hundreo Fifteen Thousand Dollar ( Sftttv. bids mist be received at the of. flee of the undersigned, at the clly hall. in Salem. Oregon, not later than 7.30 pm. September 26. 1949. These aewaie bond, beln asued pursuant to ine ib' of Oregon and tha charter of the City of Salem, will be In denominations of 11,000 each, dated July 1 1949. and ine will mature aerially In numerical oraer, a follows- .lulv 1. 1954 ,.16.000 Julv 1, 1064 ..111.100 July 1, 195 .. 9.000 July I, 1965 11.000 July 1, 1956 .. 9.000 July 1, 1966 .. 11.000 Inly 1. 19S7 .. 9 OflO July 1. 1917 ., 12.000 July 1, 196 .. 9.000 July 1, 1968 12.000 lulr 1, 19S9 .. 9.000 July 1. I960 12 000 July 1, I960 ..mono July 1, 1970 .. 13.000 IillV 1. 1fll ,.10 000 July 1, 1971 ,. 13.000 July 1, 19t2 . .10 000 July 1. 1972 .. 13.000 July 1. 1963 ..II 000- Julv 1. 1973 .. 13,000 Provided, however, that the bond of iid iM'ia maturing on or after July 1. 1953, may be called and rdamed upon the payment of th fee value ihereof. wih accrued Intereat. on July 1. I9S4. or mv other lnterest-pavln date thereafter. Both principal and interest shell b pay able at the office of the ctt traurer of Cltv of Salem. Oregon. Interest will be psid semiannually on January 1 and July 1 of eaeh year. Each proposal mut specify In a mul tiple of of 1 of the rat of intereu not exceeding 2 per annum, which tn bonds at to bear Said bonds will be sold for not leas than 91 of their par value and accrued Interest. Eaeh bid. ept bids submitted br th Stat of Ores on or any sinking fund of ih City of Salem, must be accompanied by a certified cheek for 3 of the par value of the bonds, made payible to the city as a guarantee of good tatth Rids s ibmltted by mall should be addraassd lo the undersigned at th city hall in Sa lem. Oregon. Eaeh bidder 1 required to Include In his bid a statement of th total Interest coet and effective interest rate, based upon aggregate Intereat coat, that th rltv will par if hi bid 1 accepted and none of the bond are called prior to th final maturity date thereof. The right to re act anv and all old I reserved bv th City of Salem. The prior 11 approving opinion of Mara Win free. MrColloeil, Sh'iltf St Sa rs Witt bo f urniahad th auecaaaf ml bidder. AT.rwm MtJNDT Cttv Recorder Salem. Oreaon Sept, 1, 14, II MARKET QUOTATIONS Saleaa l.iveilata MarktS Bv Valley Packing Company! Lambs 16 00 to 120 Feeder lambs 112 00 to 116 Ewe t:.3 to 14 Cutter cows 19 00 to 111 Fat dairy cows 19 00 to 110 Bull . 111.00 to 115 Calve, aood 1100-450 lb.) 116 00 to 118 Veal H5O-300 Ibs.i top ....113.00 to tiO. Portland EasUlde Market Peacliiu sold for tl 00 to 11 25 a fist on the I Mland EasiMde Farmer Whole sal Produce market todav. LtMtue brouant 14.25 to 14. SO a crate. 8iinch aa 11.50 an oranite box. Zucchini quah sold up to 90 cent a flat. Peruana Pradaca Batiarlat Tentative, subject to Imme diate Chang Premium quality maximum to 39 to I percent acidity delivered in Portland I-66c lb.. 93 acor 61-64C lb.. 90 score, 47 -60c. 89 score, S5c. Valley routes and country joints 2c Ies than flrat. Batter Wholes il FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers: arad 93 score. 62 rents: 4, 93 score 61c; B 90 score. 59c lb.. O 6k score, 56c Above price are stricter aominii Cheese Selling price: to Portland wtiolt- lale: Oregon singles 39 -40c; Oregon 5 sm. loaf 42-43o. triplet IV lets than ingle Eass (T Wholesaler) A crad large 61-64'tc. A medium. 35-56'tc: grade B large, M'i-5('e; small A grade, ravuaoa uairy Market BatterPrice to retailers: Grade AA , print 67c: AA cartons 68c: A print; i 67c A carton C8c. B print 64c. I Eaaa Pr'cea lo retailers: Grade AA lsrse 73e dot.; certified A large. 6 Re; A, i large die: AA medium, 61c: certified A. I medium. 60c; A medium, S9c. A small, 43c carton 3c additional. : Checae Price to retailers: Portland Oregon slnglea 39-43e Oregon loaf, t b loaf 44'-45c lb.: triplet. l'i cents Iw 1 than slntl. Premium brands, sinalea y'te Ib toal. 53'ic Poultry Live Chickens No 1 qual:tv FOB Plants. No. 1 broilers under 2'i lb. 25-26c lb.; fryers 3'-3 lbs. 28-30c: 3-4 lbs., 31c. roasters 4 lb and over. 31c lb., fowl, n j horn. 4 lb and under, 20c, over 4 ib 19c; colored fowl all weight 22c. roosters, all welgnts 18-19c. Rabhlta -Avers t' srowera: live whites 4-3 lb 18-20 lb.: 8-6 lb. 16-1C lb: 'Oiored 9 cent lower, old or neavy uoea 6-14c; dressed frvera to butchers. 53 -51c Comtrj. Killed Heata Veal top qualltr. 33-SSc Ib.: other grde according to wcijht and qualltr with pool or heavier 20-J 5c. Hoaa: Light blocker. 32-33c: sows 24-J6C. Lambs: Top qualltr, primers, 35-37c: mutton 8-10c. Bff. Good cow. 22-23c lb.: canners- cutters, 20-22c Ktesh Dreaied Heals (Wholesaler to ictaller per cwt.t: Beef steer, good 500-800 lbs.. 443-46; commercial, 130-34: utility, 126-30. Cows Commercial, 129-34; utility, 135- 39; cannera-cutter. 123-25, Bee: cuU I good steers!' Hind quar ters, 155-57: round., t52-55: full loins, trimmed, 173-77; triangles, 130-33: square chucks, 639-41; ribs, 152-55; fore quarters, 137-38. Veal and calf: Good. 138-39; commercial. 132-33: utility, 126-30. Lambs: Oood-choice spring lambs, 142- 45: commercial, 835-40: utility. 132-33. Mutton: Oood. 70 lbs down, 116-18. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 8-12 lbs.. 160- 63; shoulders, 16 lbs down. 541-43; spare rtbs. 147-49: carcasses, 133 50-34.50; mixed weights 11 lower. Portland Hlsreilanena Cascara Bars Dr? U'ic lb. green 4c Ib Weal Valley coarse and medium grades 45o Ib. Mohair 15a lb. on 13-montb growth nominally Hldea Calves. 30e lb., according to weight, kips 25c lb., beef ll-12c lb., bull 6-7e lb. Country buyer pay 2c less. aut uvotatione Walnuta Pranquettya, first quality Jum bo. 34.7c large, 32.7c: medium. 37.2c; second qualltr Jumbos. SO. 3c; large, 2A.2r m.dtum. 36.2ct iaby, 23 2c; soft shell, first quality larae, 29.7c. medium. 36.2c: sec ond quality largo, 37.3c; medium. 24.7c: baby 23.3c. Filberts Jumbo, 30 Ib.t targe, 18c medium, 16ei email 13c Portland Livestock Portland. Ore., Bept. 14 Portland livestock market: Cattle salable 300. holdover 100, Calves 73. Market rather alow, few sales. About tedy with Tuesday's 80-cent lower close. Other classes mostly steady with Mon day. Canner-cutter eowa weaker. Few high-medium, light steers up to 21.00, scattering common ateers. 15.50 to 18 00 Around four load common to low-medium ateers held over. Few common heifer 13.50 to 15.50. Can- ner and cutter cows largely 10 00 to 11.00 few down to 9 50. Shells down to 8.00 Common and nvsdlum beef cows 12.50 to 14.00. Few good cows 15.00. Bull carce. Oood and choice veil era limited quotable arouna to 23.00. rew heavv calves unsold. Hoes salable 300. Market slow. Esrlv sales steady. Good and choice 180-230 pounds, lamely 24 00 and 24.25. Thai type, to 23.50. Heavier weight scarce. Oood 350 to 500-pound sow 17.50 to 19 00. Feed er pig lacklna. Oood and choice lliht- weignt quotable 32.00 to 24 00. Sheep salable 500. Market 1ms active Few sales about teady, but quality less desirable. Few good and choice spring lambs 2100. Short offer Inns 20 50. Com mon grades down to 16.00: iood feeders .salable up to 17 00. Oood ewes steady at 6.00 to 6.50a Common and medium, 3.50 to a.oo. Cbleaga Livestock Chicago, Sept. 14 tUPi U8DA Live stock: Hogs: Salable 9.000. Market slow: bulk of run butchers weiehing under 320 lbs : these uneven, 30 cent to 1.00 lower: late and closing prices show full decline; weights over 230 lbs scarce; mostly around 35 cents lower: sows moderately acllve and steady; top 22.50 early for a few choice 330 to '260 lbs: most good and choice 230 to 280 lbs 21.75 to 22 25; bulk 190 to 230 lbs 20.50 to 31.25: 170 to 190 lbs IV 35 to 20.75; 150 nt 170 lb 18 00 to lffl 50; sows under 360 lbs mostly 19 00 to 20 25: 375 to 425 lbs 16 00 to 19 00: 450 to A.0 lbs 16 00 to 17.75; heavier weight scarce; odd neao around is. 50. Sheep: Salable 2.500 General market strong to 25 cents higher; extremr top choice native lambs 25.00. practical top; cnoica yearling wethers 21.50. slaughter ewes 9 50 down. Osttle: Salable 12.000. Calve 500. Choice steers very acllve. mostly 50 cents to 1 01 higher; lower grades less active than re. centlv: steady lo 25 cents lilaher; helfera trading average aood and bnter alrons to j cents hither, lower srades slow, weak; other alauthter claws stesdv i. 0 cents hUher; top avoo Unaiiest of the yearr ptio ior two load hiah-cholre prima 1340 lb fed s'eera, few loads clintce steers 34 25 to 14 65; several loads held above 34 65; bulk choice ateers 32 n to 34.00; aood to low choice kind 28 00 to 11 i0; tredium lo ow good aieer 31 a t, 27 50; load of choice 1035 lb fed heifers "10.50; most iood to low choice heifers :w io .iu wi. nod good cows to 20 50, common to low aood cos 15 25 to 18 50 canners and cutters Israely n 00 to 15 50 medium and good aausaie bulls 16 75 to 2100. bulk medium to choice vealera 25 00 to 38 50. top 29 00. Portland Grain Portland. aVpt. 14 '-Ceah wheat bld Soft white 2.15. oft whit (excluding rexi 2 15: wnit club 2 It Herd rd winter: Ordlnsry 3 16: 10 per cent 3 18; II per cent 3 17, 12 per cent 3 19 Hard while baart- 10 per cent 3 20; II per cent I 33. 12 per cent 2 14 Today's car receipt: Wheal 6t; hurley If fio'ir 4 corn 1 I ml! fei-d U SALEM MARKETS Camalcted tfm reports of Ralem deal era far the aldsnee ef 'apltal Jeartial Reader a, tRevlsed dallj. Retail feed Crleea 1st Math 14 Ba. Rabbit Pellets 14 JO. Dalrv reed 11.70. reallrn S'lyint pneea Orsde A color ed hena tl-ilc; frade A Leah fun hena. ll-Ke. trad A colored frrara, three (ba. and up, II.) la, Orada A aid rooeters II eeota. Rue Barlna Prleee T.Vrt tarts A A. HV; larie AA. Ce. Iae A. H-iSe, medium AA, aae, medMni A. 4-Se. HilkU H-40e. Wholesale Prieaa Kai wholesale prteea la above thaaa prieee, above arade A lenerallr auetad at 11c, medium, 43c. Batterfat avemiun Ha. t lilt He t, ti tle b'irtna arieea i Baiter waoieaaia trade A, Hai ra 4U1 lla. Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Silverton Road Bond Sent Back The county court which re cently indefinitely postponed a petition of residents along Grant and James streets near Silver- ton to improve their roads as county roads and returned a bond filed by the petitioners, got the bond back today with a letter from Alf O. Nelson, attor ney for the petitioners. He doesn't consider the matter indefinitely postponed. He saysj the county court is wrong in ! saying that Grant street is in-i eligible as it's only a 40-foot road because the petitions, he argues, ask for a 50-foot road. He says when the abutting prop-i erty owners signed the petitions they waived any right to ask fori damages. Nelson says that the, proceedings are still in effect and it's now up to the court and the engineer. j The court merely ordered the, bond and letter placed on file and its records show the peti tions are still indefinitely post poned. STOCKS Hv American can . , . . , .m Pow Si Lt r T.;. Tel tnacords J-ndix latton .... fVth Steel , Boeing airplane .... Calif Pacaina . . ,. T'i-ai.n I'acif'o ... Case J I Caietpillar , Chrynler 'omwlth Sou Cons Vultee , Continental Can . .. . Crown Z.-lIerbaen Jnriiss Wruht .... Dousl.ia Aircraft ... Oiipnnt de Ncm General Elettr.o .... erera. rood . 53', . 5", . 10-. . 1 ' , B0'. Oeneral Mutora Ooodvear Tire int Harvester int. Paper K-nnecott LIbby MrN L .... lont Bell "A . .., ltgnmery Ward Xash Kelvinator .... i t Oalry sV C. nrta , Northern Pacific Pac Am Fish , Pa Oas St Elec .... v Tel Ai Tel Penney J C Radio Corp Raroni-r m onier Pfd Reynolds Metal Hichfle.d , lafeway Store jr-ars Roebuck ion hern Pacific .... j andard Oil Co. ... -ttutlebaker Corp 22 J4 10", Sunshine Mining ... rransamerica union Oil Cal Union Pacific , United Air'.ine U B Steel . . , , earner Bros Pit ... Woolworlli 25 Percent Prunes Held As Surplus Washington, Sept. 14 (U.R) The agriculture department an nounced today that only 75 per cent of this year's prune produc tion will be sold into regular commercial trade channels. The other 25 per cent will be; held off the market as surplus and efforts will be made to di vert it ito non-competitive out lets. The program for handling the 1 049 prune production was es tablished under a federal mar- ket order and agreement which became effective last month. California is the primary prune producing slate. The sur plus will be under the control of a prune administrative com mittee set up under the market ing order. It has approved the division of the prune supply announced by the department today. Oysters of many varieties arc found along almost every sea coast of the world where the water temperature rises to 70 degrees F. or more. Soften Up Hard Stinging Callouses Don't wait suve vourstlf from another day at huming liutt torture. Get Ire Mint N(AV! Join tt r.nllinn of hnppv people hn In root fri -h ornfurt thanks to this frosty- Smooth Away Discomfort of Chafed, Itchy Skin Vea. it'im)le aa thatl Bathe with miM Kcsinnl Soap, then spread on medicated Reinol. Wonrlerful how quick. y and fently the soothing ingredient in this amoua ointment give blissful relief. PILES' (HIMORNHOIOS) BtCTAL AND COLON AllVENTS STOMACH DISORDERS t rut ti ViIMil ! NltirUI MfatMeKj lh fri.; 10am. 7 AAon. through C I Omttn. m 0 to S pm. Evening,: Mart., Wed and rri., until 8 fl9 i?4H Wrtte or coll for Rlt deter .ptive book'et The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Year N I. Corner I. Burn tide and Grand Ave, Telephone I A it 3911 Portland 14. Ore. - WANTED - Walnuts Filberts Nut Meats IIIOIIKST PRICE CASH ON DKUVKKY FOR OKI ll,KI Rl'M . . . SKE I S BEFORE VOU SELL. MORRIS KL0RFEIN PACKING CO. 4H0 N. Front St reft Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1949 23 OBITUARY MKt. AMI M IE B. HIMil E Falls City Ftinersl service were held :or Mrs. Jw. Moyer a sister. Mrs. May mle Bryant Hrwue in Portland Tuesday. Interment was In the Mt. Scott cemetery. Mrs. Hoaue was well known In Polk county, having tenant at the following ..rhnoLs. Buena Vista, Hazel Dell. Dallas, Fall Cltv and Guthrie. She was a re tired teacher of the Portland school. Hon a Id ('ltd Htrelrh Woodhurn Donald Clyde 8' retch, II, late resident of 1028 Nnrth Third street, Woodburn, Tuesday, Sept, 13, at th SlU verion hospital. Born in Bayard. Nebraska. .VnttiM 21. 183S. cama to Oregon from Nebraska in 1892 and has lived tn Wood burn for the past 1 1 years. Survivor incl ide rrs w:dow. May Stretch, of Wood burn: one son, Velmer Stretch of Wood burn: on daughter. Adamae Lowe of Newbera; three brothers. William R, Stretc.i and Harry S. Stretch of Dayton, and Ver! P. Stretch of Harnsburg. Ha al m leaves three trandchi'.dren. Funeral erice will be he;d at 10 a m Friday :ept. 16. at the R:no chapel with tha Rev. R,i.nnnd V. Hood of the Church of Ord n:fic:atln(. Interment will be In th I OOP cetretery at Duvtn. DEATHS Arthur P. totter Arthur P. F.-nter, late resident of Van Nuys. Calif, September II. at the horn if hu dauRhter, Mrs. Fa ye A. Wood at 346 South 17th street, at the aee of 66 vrars. Also mirvivitia are another dauah ter, Mr.. Arlene Frost at Las Vegas. Nev., two son. Llovd f. Foster of Falrview, Ok la., and Arthur Kermit Foster of Van Nuys, Cal.; two sister. Mrs. Dora Mahe and Miss Alice Foster, hoth of Salem; seven grandchildren nnrt one great grand child. Services will be held at tha Howell Frlv;ardi, chanel Friday, September 16. .it 2 p m. with Rev W. H. Lyman of tha C-rnrt street Christian church off natim. i if ir'v'iu in the tcriirceti cemetery at .McMuunille. Milfnrd Atcnder Vindergrift N.illord A.uv.rr V:i''ercrit. late resi dent of 111 Chfineketa St.. ar a local hos- mial 11 Us. ? nt 1ft vearj. Si.rvivii"; arc the w.How. Mrs. Ro bert V.-Mide rintt, Salem; a dauirhter. Mar lene Vanticrurif t. s.tlcm: the mother. Mrs. t in ma Cttisp, Hanulton. Ohio; and two nter. Mis. Harold tSheard and Mrs. Frank Mastsnarci. bo li of Hamilton. Oli:o. Shipment Ml' be mud- to Hamilton. Oht. by the Unwell -Edwards chapel for services and interment. John Lnundafln John I onnrts ;:n. late resident of 115 Co lumbus street, at a lor:tl hopl.Al Septem ber i:i. at llie ae of 6R years. Announce-b-r 11. at Die awe of f& years. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Roxv Lonndagin. Sa lem; seven ons. John Lonndi;n, Walla Walla, Wash : Howard Loundavln, Mos rw. Idaho: Clark and Ralph Coupon, both f Porilnd: Robert Coubon, Toledo; and John and Ctrl Coupon, both of Sslem: a daughter, Jean Llewllvn, Portland; a sta ter, Mrs. Marsaret Ellis. Aalem; and four rrndciuldren. Service will be held Sat rday. September 17. at 3 p.m. at tha Howcll-Kdwnrds chapel with the Rev. Dud- lev Strain officiating. Mrs, Amle R. Rergmsn Amie R. Bergman, late resident or 1915 8. Cottage street, at a local hospi tal, September 12. at the age of 09 yean. Surviving are a son, Frlc Rercman. Sa lem: and a brother. William R. Walton, Hyattsvitle, Md. Services will be held at 10:30 a m. Wednesday. September 14, al St. Paul' a Kptt opal church under direc tion of the ClouKh-Barnrk chapel with tha Rev. George H. Swift officiating. Dr. Harry H. Ollnger Dr. Harrv H. OUneer, late resident of f)97 Mill stroct. at a local hospital Sep tember 13. survived by wile, Oskie Ollnger of Salem, a son. Dr. Harold M. Ollnaer of Salem; a granddaughter, Susan Ollngef or haiem : a grandson, Casey Ollnger or Salem; three brothers. J. H. Ollnger of mverside. cam., b. c. oiinger oi Tn Dalles and James It. Olineer of Salem; and aeverat nieces and nenhews, Servlcea win he held at the Clouali-Barrick cha pel Thursday. September 15, at 1:30 p. with Rev. George H. Swift officiating. Ritualistic services by Balem lodge Ma, 336, BPOE. Private vault entombment at Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Casket will be open to friend until noon Thuraday, aeptemoer la. Mlrhael Kenneth Mllei Michael Keijnet.i Mllej, three-month, old .son of Mr. and Mr.v Ruasell Mile. Jr.. of 734 North Front street, at th resi dence. September 14. Surviving also are t he grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schnefer of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. !tus.-ell Mt:e.s, Sr . of Oregon. Announcement of service later by th Howell 'Edward chapel. Wfltlam C. Wessel William C. Weaael. lata resident of For Hills, Lona Lsland. New York, at a lo cal hopttal September 14. Survived bv a, .sister. Mr. W. L. Oranr.a of Forejit Hill. Long Inland. N Y. Announeement of serv ice later by the Howell -Edward chapel. W. C. I.lpple. W. C. Llppfe. at a local hrupltal, Sep tember 14. at th" ate of 77 years. Sur-' ied by a dauKht-r. Mr. Ray Thomaa of Snlem. Announcement of aervlce later iy tlie Howell-Edwarda chapel. Advertisement H0WT0PUT0UTFIRE0F STOMACH ULCER PAIN touted by exec acid I Don't jut Biifffr from ngoniiing; pain ane) ronitant hurninR nf stomm-h ulcrrw. indig ! tion. ga. h"-iirtliitrn. otriT ,litrcii rauaed bf I rxceai stomach aid. I'fond'-r's Tahl"t ar ! Ruarantrr-d to brirnr nm.itmi quirk, soothirsr , rrli-f of tiiieh arid utiimm h clitre-m OR I MONK Y HACK ! KormtiU of F. H. l'fundr. I l'h .. mntmni mnlirnlly. proved Ingrdi ett. A. t'l uli-T autr- rer hv bouRht over inn.oonnon rrund'-r'n TsKlrte In put IS veara. Get I'f un jt-r a TablcU today. Advert un-ment! ei) Is hlthly ten ITCHE for life If not pped. Its tola eaove la the Itrh mite b It la Immtttia lo ordlnarv treatment. FX OKl hill the Itrh -mite almnt Instantly. Onlr three daa RXSORA treatment la -etjulrrrl "Mall orders clven frompt attention. M mil I-red Mr ver llrutr Her t ion mnd olh rr l.DOll Itrua store." mm Onn't mske the miataVenf MleirlnR that yeinf family fa aafe Irom lin-Wnrms -that theM nasty pmta strike nnly "eareleaa" homee. Mitten (Moerta report t ht nn nut tif eeera (Aw prraona tMsmined sduha and ehlldreo alike - was a victim of thee ugly creature that livt and rn lnile the human body. And itua rurnmnn mnditton apreada rapidi ...often through fntire lam liea. Wat en for t h" wirnmi sirna of rfn-Worma tn your familv -enpeTislly the msddeninaj rn-tiil ttrh. Thn ft Joyne't M Vaetnifwao. P-W enntaina a apetal, m-deally. approved Infrrdiont that attsrks I'm-Worms a the ia teotinm and rmovee them from the body, Don' I lake rhanera. At the tirtt ign t Pin War ma, vk your drujremt (or P-W, the email eaay-t-take tahlota rwrferted by the famnua Javne Co., speeialista in worm reraediea (of var lM vrars. 01 eal ralM: P-W fee Pla Wonwil ilPSPIRIN AT ITS BESTM SALEM Telrphon J-761J