1 ! 20 Capital Journal, Salem, The HOUSE on by 4P Nowrfeeewro.' Chapter 22 In the emergency ward at Belle vue hospital, a buslneu-llk doc tor spoke to Derrla. "There appear to be no broken bones, young lady, but you're had a nasty shock. It might be better lor you to remain here lor awhile under observation." Derrla struggled erect. "I tell Jou I'm perfectly all right and ve no Intentions of staying here any longer." 6he grabbed a phone and put a call through to Sarah. Only a lew minutes later, she swept in. "Well "Sarah's voice and man ner were belligerent "lor get ting yourself into trouble, you're ' 'way ahead of the crowd. First you had me nearly frantic when you didn't come home from the Zodiac, then your office tells me you're back and you call up to say you're In Bellevue Hospital. What crazlness are you planning next?" She sat down on the edge of the bed while Derrla quickly related everything that had happened. "Sarah, I've Just thought of something. We've agreed, I think that someone doesn't want me around any more." Sarah looked at her suspicious' Jr. "That," she replied, "seems oulte evident. So?" "So since they've failed, they may try again. To do that, they've got to keep tabs on me. You can bet your bottom dollar they traced me to the hospital, and probably have someone down the street now, waiting to see what happens. "Well, you don't need to sound so happy about 11," the other re piled. "But don't you see?" Derrla went on, Decoming excitea. mis may be our cnance to get oacs at mem. Oome on I'll explain In the taxi. : I only hope it works. "So do I," Sarah Murzon re SDonded fervently. ! Once Inside the cab, Derrla leaned ' over to speak to the driver. She . held out a five-dollar bill. I He eyed It suspiciously. "What's that for, lady?" he asked. "I want you to do something for me. Don't worry; It won't get you Into trouble. When we pull away from here, don't drive too fast. and keep looking to see If any one Is following us. If there Is, be sure they don't lose us." The driver raised his eyebrows TJon't lose us? That's funny." "Never mind. I'll tell you what to do then." He shrugged, "O.K. You're the boss." The cab swung away from the curb. Derrla sat well back In a corner so that she would not ob struct the rear view mirror. They had gone perhaps a block when Derrla saw the driver tense. "You're right," he said without turning his head. "Some guy wants to play tag. wnats next? -"Don't do anything foolish, Sarah warned. She had been so quiet that Derrla had almost for Rotten her. "Don't worry this time I don't Intend to be on the receiving end.1 Derrla spoke to the driver. "Thls'U depend on how well you can handle a car. I want to lead mm along for a while. Then try to make a sharp turn down some street that has a police box around me cor ner. You'll have to be fast when you do It, so that you're ahead of him, and the minute you've made the turn, pull up. The last move'll be up to you. Oet him stopped near the police box. Make plenty of commotion when you do." "I'll do the best I can," he re plied. And he proceeded to con centrate on his driving. "Hold on," the driver warned. Swinging around the corner with no perceptible slackening of speed, he slammed on the brakes. The pursuing car came into the turn very fast. Going Into a wide skid, tires screaming. It came to a stop with one fender against the lamp post almost directly across from the police box. Denis's eab darted forward, cut ting off the last avenue of escape. " ! i Ore., Wednesday, Sept 14, 1949 LILAC STREET FRED BAYARD The driver ol the seaan siowiy climbed out, shaken by the sud den turn of events. "What's the big Idea?" he blustered. "You try ing to xui me?" Derrla spoke quickly to Sarah. "That's the man that tried to run me down. I'm sure of It. Ill make him wish he'd never tried It be fore I get through with him." Already the sound of voices raised In altercation was bringing results in the form of an advancing police man. "Here now what's going on?" He began to pull out his book. "You," pointing his pencil at the driver of the sedan, "what's your name?" "Just a minute." Derrla moved into the foreground. "I'm respon sible for what's happened here. I Intended that It should. I want you to charge this man with hit and run driving. Ill be glad to come with you to prefer charges." ine patrolman looked at ner sus piciously and scratched his head in bewilderment. "Well, now. I sup pose if you're right ?" Within a few minutes they were at the precinct station. The procession crossed the in tervening space to the night ser geant's desk. The patrolman who had brought them began to speak. "It's a crazy set-up, Sarge. This dame here says she wants to pre fer charges against this guy." He gave the latter a shove forward. "Claims he tried to run her down earlier tonight over on Forty-sixth. Ain t that so?" He looked at Der rla for confirmation. When she nodded he continued. "Thinks he's a smart guy. Offered me a ten spot ii i let nun on. want I should take 'em over to night court?" The sergeant shook his head. "No, they finished up there about a half an hour ago. We'll book him here. How about It?" he ad dressed the thug. There was a dead silence. "Name?" the sergeant asked. After a short Interval of silence the answer came sarcastically. "jonn smith." "Address?" The other calmly continued to write. Derrla glanced at the clock on the wall. The hands pointed to twenty minutes of twelve. The sergeant's voice droned on. (To be continued) Lingerie Lovelies Sew your own lingerie and savel Long-line bra and pantle set No. 2043 and smooth princess slip No, 2838 are styles that are equally nice tailored or trim med with lace. (Two separate pat terns.) No. 3843 la cut In sizes 34. 38. 38. 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and SO. Size 38 bra. yd. 3D-ln.; panties, yds. 39-ln. Just out I The FALL -WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 150 practical, easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern designs lor all ages. Remem ber, It's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now. price Just 20 cents. To obtain this pattern, send 29c in wina, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3, Calif. PATTERN No. KxKMi Dream Girl Embroider this old fashioned Miss on a beruffled bed pillow and matching bureau scarf. The pillow design measures about 12 by 11 Inches and la as easy to do as It is delightful to look at. Pattern Envelope No. R3638 con tains three hot -iron transfers, color chart for embroidery, stitch Illus trations and complete Instructions for working. To obtain am pattern, tend 20c in COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and tone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal 838 Mission Street San Fran cisco 3. Calif. 2943 Mj MJ SIZES 34 . 50 (. yP I rTHI3 ONE'S T waatrreRry "TSQ X YOURB THE LOOM. SCCKEtT then vou T T vni nnuT uo wcB-rtL. y i-.i i,,t Til I - ISTrLL AUVt ABTPleA5EO TO II T ISECVICE FCLO AlVNT-ruiFS ukt ufinu 1 nuc ti..,u -rucsV-.; ' -"-VII 1 hdRVVHWrerrtET VOU-AN0 I Vi BAUGHUAN ME VOUR miss KAYNE ! mrni ' 1 wmt SI O fe1 " 4j fjf DREAMS -GEe, SANDV- "V W BUT SHE VJOS tH(tf FROM TVwTlf" Olio S YEP -HER JOHNMV -HE OWNED ONE A - HOW MANY DREOM3 ARE I-; - 3 4 FARM SHE HAP QUE OF THOSE fc- W: K f OP THOSE MACK MflRVELOUS BARG6S- SO MUCH BETTER IP THEY grvSggg: V (JTTLE HOUSES ON A BARGE NOW- Tiff a :00 p B AT4Q HE SMILED AT HER-HE MARRIED 1 ,M NEVER, COME TRUE C,-i7u A BK5 HANDSOME HUSBAND BUT O ' sfw : 'I r 1 60T A I TMOOSUT MAYBE VOU.H I WHVl't Be DEUGWTED, SO I WON'T BE A " rrW 15 ysusSESTIOWTWATI WOULD CIN ANCE MY MUHBLE WILBUR .. BUT YOUO NEVER, RICH MAN. 1 GOT) Am i . ( It) LIKE TO TaxeTXBATU AND WE COULD SORTA MAKE THE DOUGH YOU'D L OTUER IDEAS AND - ! t ) W "lilt IW l It. tP4 IMC, ,r lPnl.C D7 CUJNQ UUI I MET LW I INl.l.UL'C . STB eWy B6PDRE 1 MAKEl f- f -jTO "Q AND T" T L ULCERS AND, JH- TOiUnOIWrr!i iTHORlCIGTOEn AH BEELIZES YO" D:rIT KrJOW AH 5 CABBIE3 OUT.T- LIGHTNIN' KNOCKED TH' LEFT-HANO Mkf WITHIN' HOOBS, A YOKUM WAS RIDMN' IN YORE TRUCK.SUH i X&RANCH OFA CRAB-APPLE. TREE; SMACK ONTO A IS WILL OltlZ EF IT GOTTA BUT,VJOULDVO'MINDSTOPPIN.' AN' L -SULL-SKONK'S HAlD-AN'TH'fao SKONKCOT ) fi BE ONE. O' US-BETTER IT . - T -42"5v WsWM'ME? IT WONT 7 ' " UP. AN' SLOWLV WALKED AWAY, WHlSTLlM' arf,' SHOULD A ' l PwilNl TAKt LONG . i S I V.V'.VA'.O'tv'SWING LOW, SWEET CMASVdTr- WHEN ISSttE BE -mWjT!- Lt . n . llJ!JAmt.iUWk ALL THEM THINGS HAPPEN IN -4WSrt M-ME.1? WAWtJfc3!Z atl ( II M UrY 5 -rt STZim Kilverton - Rev t UCS. I good i ami rh JmBCP .. V'M ' imm: m tsst - ir ,B i.jew J 1 "w J a"tiBB ' jiaa at UK, MLrr. i JUbl lewtl 1U THE CAMf, MK. WE OH, YES, M3U SEE, SOME OP . , COME OH. JUST LOCATE THE CAMP I YOU MEAN THERE'9 ; OUR TECHNICAL STAPF ANC7 OCOPIWE R I HEAB CUE cjONS ASMCWE, THE TUREE , BEFCWE BI7W6IN6 THE A CAMP WAmUS A SCRIPT WBlTEft CAME J1PN 7BE ., MB. TATE. LET ME HANPLE THB OP US. .WHOLE PARTY ASHORE. A FOUSt J HERE LAST MONTH, THEY J CLI6EOTO U BOAT. I'M ANXIOUS TO HAV A k-. ? YK SET UP A CAMP FOR US JSS'cSl-S fSBfl -1 V&OX SEATS?) FHNE I ' I I I I ' TTTl V f. s 'totwe vvHy.VES, (i then , . XvO PTvWftS D EpiNT.,T 1 wip i--GO!j , IIU" f 7-" V THftT JIN&Lt-UNGO l ) ,r vrBy ORDERSOFOURE5TtfrAtD1'jvo,,'R, a. GMH NO.' WE'VE GOT ARTITi,CLF.RM, BOW-KNOT TIE- ' I ' r- 'YuLyil PARTOf TrlEINITIAT10Nl,aifi..O ROJ AND TYP1ST5, IDEA PER50N6, FILER5, FOLPER5, FEEDERS AND ""V mtSK. ( TWFt WE GIVE ALL NEW "Srut Twhv . ,. ? 'CALVIN 4WEETLIGMT eELIEVE '-)" HFRE5' i FILLER! THE ONLY THING WE HAVt IN COMMON I 11 CL V ' A'i 1 J'J ARRIVAL. MR. WORTH ! DU ' " 7 VgREETING CARD WRITER HOUiDaIL V PEIN& SLAVES TO THE SAME EM PLOVER ..WELCOME. J -I ll V,r"t I rS H I M .YOU PASS! fT'tfrnfi CONVENE INVERSE JUST TO i.VVX-'' T0"HAiRPNHALL,"THEONLYPOWDERK6& S I JU KT-J 11 V 'J ' I A fHjl m FRACT'Ct'i .-yOARTHWm4 Jh I 'H. I HAN'S ) RADIO PROGRAMS icbo INVJ it hbo Tie Drake cklatea Irerr BkrUa baa) sues lualii :1S Tr Drake SuSar Bkrtkai ak Bemlak :Je ASr. M Ckai Maaatal CeakUOa Blu Gnakr Cket aaatler M Maile Uef ralaiaaa Kerkeord News 6itS GakrM Baalar Hctirr Hareaa Cale Uskl Ml freak Bee 11 N W News Bearr MeriM BUtet rrak Baa M Malta BeeuU Cdau Nawe CawSaaler-a tkw. U Mile Beaakt Calmaa Trewktaaa CaaSaater'e Skew. 7iw Caaat mi AatiMB Tke Bis Starr Pal O'Brbm Deee Orak. :IS Caaal fca Aalaama Tk Bla Slerw Saalaal Jaakswt Daaa Orak. sM Ctace KM Carta ta Tlaae Iralra Kalakt HallrweM Maalo I4S Claee KM Certakt Tin Oraat Syria BeUrwee Maaii 8M Wfcal'e 4ke Ifaan Slaelrs A Kin tea Track 14M LeweO Tkeeua :IS el Teat aeu Nawe el WerM Tree 14M aak Saltk Skew :Je Lyes tfarrr Skew Ankle AaSrewe Track I4t Dr. Ckrirtlea :U Lraa Merry Skew Ankle Aaarewe treek I4SO Dr. CkrteUw 9: Nawe Ck'ek rater Newa Track 14M rire SUr Ilul IS Mataal Newanel iHrtt race rkul Treek 14SS "Ukt UHer :1 Maile nr. Diet, Altera? Newe Beato ea rere4e S Maile Or. Diet, tltoemer Burt Iree BaaSe ea rarecle W.M Falte Lewie Jr. eei Haree, Kea, Praak Baee Sanaa 4a It Select Leeel Newa Was Maeen rmk Beee , tke WerM :4 Newe Wes Maeeeai Ma. la Tea Weal Orckeetra 140 Heiie Wei kleaeeei Meale Tea Waat "ewe n:M ktermatleael Slak Oft Neetarae SOeal :IS Alreerl NaelarH :ea lee Menu Orak. Necurae tee Mereaa Orek. Neetenie ll.ee ila Off Sim Off THURSDAY 4 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Marolni BpeaUl rerei Tleie KOIN Kleek Tlratktraer raraa Ttaia Nawe Merck Tine Tke OI4 Sease KOOO Kleek Nawe Newa Kaeeee w. Nawe KOCO Kleek Tre Beak Nawe Seaeetk Meale Tea Bitter Cntaeiaer Ifawi Braakfaat Oanv Sataetk Meale Nawe Sperte Art Baker Urcakfait (ianf Bld'ra P're. Sai Taw O Manilas Gerrr Maera Tap Tratlea Seal Wayea Tea O Menilns Gerrr Meere Baraala Ceonter The Second Cap Haven ef Baal Feature StetT Muiio Tee SeeeaS Cap Harea ef Beat Newe Sona ef Pieaeeri Jack Barak Weatera Mcle4lee Graoi Blaai Moraine Special Kncaia w. Newe Chrck IP WlldwS Boicmarr N W Newa Tontnip Dareap Time for Nelodr Weadp Warraa ' Kate Sraltk Tamatp Dereer Time fer Melodr Sent Jeanp Paator! ran Homctewttcra Wllbeel Worda Hclca Treat Bidcra ef Sefe Treple acheee Jeka Ck. Themee oar Gal Seaeap Xewa Lopea Orek. N W Newe Bis slater " Maala tPes Orek. Mcnerable Maalo Ma Perktaa A'ilci Orpaaatltlee Todar'e Children Tane Tlpae yenns Dr. Meleai Walte Serenade Lent Lowton SS Keye Galdhts LUbS Ladlee Pint Deekle 1 Nelhlas lle Mert Newe Lelloe Pi rat DeaMe r Netklne aili Mart ceaae A Oet II aaeea lor a Dep Knceee w. Nawe J" Garber Nerak Drake Qpecn fer a Day Lleht ef World Veral Terletlee Brlehter Day Top Trades Life Ca Be Bsllfl Hollywood Maale 2nd Mre. Barton Newe Bead ef Life Hollywood Mnile Perry Maaaw N W Newe Pep. Tonne Pan. Headline Newe Brli-bt e Ugkt Bob Eberlr Shew Bleht to Ha'p'neia Ted Dale Preaeoti Alr-fle Tell T'r Neiehbor Becketere Wife Mee'e Melodlce Newepsper of Air Jobnaon Pamlly Stella Dallaa Mae'e Melodlce Ncwepeper ef Atr Ortan Bovcrlei Lorenee Jonee Mae'e Melodhre Chlcacoans Bine Slnre Tns Wldder Bnra Mae'e Melodlce Tnnefnlly Tears Aealmt the Storm When Glr Mar'lee Msc'a Melodlce Newe Aeelmt the aterm Portia Feeee Life "elodlee M, th, Mlaana Maile )a, pi.a, BIU M"," !e!!!e Meet the Mli.ee Prowt Pp. Parrcll Mae'e Mclodtea Bobcrt Q. Uwlp Lncky "7" Welcome Trareier Mae'e Maledloe Bobcrt Q. Lewie ' Laekr -1" Welcome Traveler Mae'e Melodlce Bobcrt Q. Lewla Net Brandwrnne Anal Mary Mae'e Meledloe Boberl Q. Lewis 'w We l-ivc B Leara Mee'e Melodlce Boberl Q. Lewie Fallen Lewie Jr. Wemen'a Secret Movie Time Cart Meeeer Frank Bemtnewar Sonny SMe BbUeeepber Utile Skew Behind The Story Newe Brcn Cm Be Club IS Wgwl Herkneie Beaatlfal Edw. R. Marrow DIAL LISTINGS! If. Wedneadar P.M. B:O0. Keeplns Up With Sportu 6:15, Horn, Sol- tlon Newa: S:S0, Modern BOManeeu 8:00, Headline Kdltlant :1S, Elmer Devlet SSO, H-lnle and Hla Bendl 1:f, Lcai Baneert 7:3. Star, to Ika Nlrbti S:00, Itwl Pler O.-c-h.! S:30. One for toe Book) :, Bleh fleld Keporlerl :15, lnteraieiiei 1S:S0, Concert Hoorl IS:Sf, Mernee ia Taaaar r w 11:0a, Xtrm Heart llree. Sin Oft. If CV Thandar A.M. Nawal IH, l L A Band Bast S:SS, Bat Heoea Shawl 0:45, Tlma Tempo! T:IS, Martin Atres ia.,: t:U. Zefca Maaaerel 1:44, Siara Blast 8:0. Braakfaat Clabi t:M, Nairn (:1s. Star, ef Todert :. Trcpleanat t:48. Maladr Praaicnadct :f. Tad Malvat: 10:11. Galea Drakei M:30. Mr Traa Star,: 11:00. Bettr Crsekari 11:15, Newel 11:50, Baukhaca Talkuts. Arthur Charles Bates of the pastorate of the First Christian church, Silverton, recently elected pres ident of the local ministerial 18. 8p4 eoatuta IL tvmk from mtaonr 14. Hftrn H. Gum roils M. CtalatM drnutp tT. PrMnt nioniot It. sfar-bMrtng anlnuJa 44. Brief 48. Ensllab rUt 44 Mint. II. Fart of tt ralDstr. how It. Proflu 13. Flrat womu 14. Tar ' M3 Y Wi I7 I " I" 1 W ll $m,ixtt mm;, a I I 'oiiL I mm,, l 142 3 TT 45 Ulc , Ur '-- "111 m&riwn 1 I Af Ncwaftof vm ROOM AND BOARD SOMY M..VERr; BUT I CAWT CMA.NSE VOU TO ANOTHER. KUUHA UNTlt. NfeXT WEEK. IN THE MEANTIME, IS THERE ANYTHING 1 CAN DO TO MAKE YOUR PRESENT ROOM MORE COMFORTABLE? COMPrnTiorc IS WEDNESDAY P.M. iru t trm li cm ki rwww s. 'rvwiii EX. 1190; K04C, t50 K0AC Wedncidar P.M. 5:00, Ob ikm Up Bcati 5:Hfl. SS0 Srtt CUbi :M, Niwtt :1B, Dlnnar Mcitvitesi 9:9$, He.dllDM to Chemtitrri :, Oacst SUr1 1:90, Turmtr'M Daiont Till, IvetUajj Fvii Hoar I S:00, Public Health BtUmi 8:15, ArttitiT la CUuleti 8:M, Vrtcrma's tim StUw i 8:45, Lacccr's Fin WcaUcr Pmcturtt :00. Mule Thai Eatl.rMi 0:48, ETcnln McaMtatlMSl 100, Sin Oft. K0AC Tkareday A.M. MaM, Newai Uile. Kipeeielly fer Wemeai IIM. Ceneerl HeH: lt:M, Newel lSilS, Neea Perm Henri 1M. Bide 'la Cew boyt 1:1S. Tartcly Timet l:Sa, Melody Leaet t:M. Cavalcade ef Dramai S:1S, Memory Book of Mullet 2:15. Kxcnnlone la Science; S:00. Newn S:1B, Macle ef the Meiteret 4:00, Jnterlocbea Concert. association on the resignation the Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr, is ar ranging for the continuance of volunteer Bible classes sponsor ed by the association. Attend ing these classes last year were 430 pupils. HALT SflWANflSCB a "a a i Nil a i a1cr1o TTEULITERAL Solution of Yeitorday'o Punic W. Vkrf woody plant 18. Dlrecttvtl 17. Hora.a DOWN L Soft mloaral I. Appvllatlos of Atkena I. Be afrall 4. Lukewarm I. Finished odra . Kind of beetla T. Appendaso la a bill a. Ploatlna wreckaca 9. Onderdona 10. Above 11. Botch 19. Brutish 11. Overtaxed 23. Behold 24. Exist 25. Electrical unit 2S. Flaylns card 29. Is able 30. Self 11. Make needlework 11. Vast 34. Owlns 36. Endeavor 39. Drive awaf 40. Clipped 41. Bombast 42. At any tlrao 41. Ballot 4e. Genus of the ellva tree 4. Circle 47. Butthea to. Spread la dr7 1- By Gene Ahem YES AT MIDNIGHT GO UP WITH A FLY-GUN AND A CAN OP ETHER.. i no-, jrum 11 i hkij IHfc I KrXMiUrA UT THAT GUY PUFFLE'S ROOM, NEXT TO MINt "AS LONG AS HE 5 HERE. HIS SNORING SHOULD , KEEP OUR LAWNS TRIMMED fHC PAY1NS Cfav