5 If Indian Chief in Germany "Good Sun," Apache chief, Is made up for his role in "Winnetou," Indian story by German poet Karl May, played by Munich actors in Bavaria. MAKES HUMANS LOOK SILLY New Wizard Brain Gets Answers in Fraction of Time By PAUL F. ELLIS Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 14 (U.R) Harvard university today in troduced a new electronic brain, its "fastest and smartest." The new "wizard" is known as Mark III, and is two times faster than its companion, Mark II. It can solve mathematical prob lems in a fraction of a second whereas a human being would require days, years or perhaps?- centuries to work out the same problem. Harvard scientists showd the new "brain" to a gathering of scientists who opened a four day symposium here on elec tronic and mechanical compu ting machines. The Mark III combines both electronics and mechanics in its operation. It has a new type "memory" system that is capa ble of storing 64,000 digets and leading the computing part of the machine through a complex mathematical problem of 4,000 steps. The scientists said the memo ry system consists of eight stor age drums and a sequencing drum. In all, the new machine weighs ten tons. It is about 30 feet long and 15 feet wide. Problems to be solved are fed, or punched, on a magnetic tape to the sequencing drum which in turn "commands" the computing section to acomplish the desired operations with the numbers in the storage drum. The results, the scientists ex plained, then come out of the machine on another magnetic tape. The nine drums are busy places. They can receive more than 4,000 lfi-digit numbers, plus 4,000 "commands" for car rying out the various operations of the machine. Of course, a human brain unconsciously probably gives out more than 4,000 commands during any 24 hours. However, the computing sec tions of the machine that car ries out the commands can mul tiply two 16-digit numbers in a fraction over twelve-thou-sandsths of a second. Try that on your human brain. It can also add these figures in one-third that time. The Mark III still has another feature. It has a specially de- Ralph Johnson Has it 1 THIHLAILIL! 1W water'acti Hotpeinff I Agitator 6lvet You Cltantr, Whiter Cloth's. You Uso Lot i Not Wator-Savo Clotbos-Savt Soop! WITH 0 how HetfMtnff tmuitiff VbddR Dial controls com p let operation . t how Fluid Drive coda harmful ?i brat ion, ftroloogs wajhtr lift . . . bow flniblt ill ets you control exactly water quantity and temperature. Hot point' j new Auto matic Washer bai everything doei everything BETTERI Labor Reports Quiet in Linn Lebanon A static situation in Job opportunities prevailed during the past month in the eastern Linn county area, re ports the Lebanon office of the state employment service. Most logging and sawmill establishments in the area main tained steady operations during the month but no sign of accel erated production was in evi dence. Low turnover in per sonnel was partially responsible for the lack of openings received through the local office. The harvesting of snap beans was the principal farm labor activity during the month and provided 1800 persons with em ployment at the peak of the harvest. This harvest was vir tually completed on September 10 and demand for seasonal farm workers is rapidly decreas ing. The unemployment estimate for the end of August for the Lebanon-Sweet Home area was placed at 750. This is a de crease of 115 from the July total and is based to a large ex tent on the drop of 240 in the number of those claiming ben efits the last week in August, as compared with the July figure. From some quarters the opin ion exists that lumber market conditions have leveled off but employers continue to be reluc tant to forecast future lumber market developments. Vaneks Take Lease Over Liberty Store Liberty Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vanek have assumed the lease of the Liberty store from Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Just, and took over the managing of it Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vanek and fam ily moved here three and a half years ago from Milwaukee, Wis., and have lived in this commun ity ever since. The Vanek fam- signed "coding box" that speeds up the process of translating mathematical symbols and op erations Into a "language" the machine can use. The new brain was built for the bureau of ordnance of the U.S. Navy to be used at the naval proving ground command at Dahlgren, Va. IW W V 1 . JJ.-i Uinuaisj ;; , V' V ' o j f i Fashioned for School This sport ensemble modeled by a Miss schooled in fashion, Ac tress Elizabeth Taylor, would make even the most reluctant student want to hurry back to school. The two-piece Koret dress of pale yellow wool fea tures corded detail bands on the jacket as well as on the patch pockets of the swirt. (Acme Telephoto) ftafo I iminrmonl SIUIV bIWjUVI IllVlli Strike Settled Seattle, Sept. 14 U. Strik-i ing CIO warehousemen today voted to return to work at the 1 Washington state liquor ware- j house after state officials agreed not to discriminate against: workers who participated in the j walkout. William Gettings, regional i chief of the International Long-1 shoremen's and Warehouse-1 men's union, said the men would return to their jobs to day. "A union committee and rep resentatives of the state liquor control board will meet and at tempt to work out all griev ances," Gettings said. Announcement of the seven day walkout came as liquor supplies throughout Seattle were rapidly dwindling. The warehouse employee.! went out on strike when the li quor board discharged a senior employee. The state liquor board had hired 10 non-union men to un load railroad cars at the ware house, but was unable to find any solution for the redistribu tion oroblem. Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1949 19 WOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS? Piano Accordian 1 Marimba Popular Piano Private Instruction Class Instruction Hawaiian Guitar Spanish Guitar Classic Piano For the youngest beginner leading to the Advanced Professional Player Any student hos the privilege of being a bond or orchestra member. We rent Accordions, Marimbas and Guitars so you may determine your interest and ability. Classes start Octo ber 1. WILTSEY MUSIC STUDIO 1630 N. 20th St. Phono 37184 ily has moved in to the living quarters at the rear of the store, and Mr. and Mrs. Just have rented the Vanek home on route Falls City Mrs. Lela Ram sey, president of the Rebekah assembly of Oregon paid her official visit to Magnolia Rebe kah lodge No. 140. The follow ing candidates were initiated that evening: Mrs. Anna A. Rich, Mrs. Lois Hatcher and Mr. Mac Hatcher. For a gift the lodge gave her a pair of nylons. i (liakti at' BY AUTCOUNTSI 3 button 4 patch pocket fall suits by I a J Here's the prescribed formulo 'iff tfYjpt); lor the suit ol the hour for jf J if iJ"' the young man of 'he hour. v ..'; -Wff m ' " In bock-to-college wordrobes, I'-jt J: 'p" fljssl behind office desk, this Jgf if J fJVy . favorite ploys a leading jp&f,- m JT!Jr style role. - IT ', )S j 'fiT Select it in gobordine, -a V :!??. j-VjVlt f doeskin flonnel, coverts, ; M'VlJy jho'kskin c. if your floir l e'"-' K is the rugged look, they've m"F ' ' , "f5j turned h out smortly in ( K 1 1 1 vv tfl Colorful Coir.pus Iweeds. , jt w Open 'til ll I. I Friday Night r'i YOUR CAMPUS STYLE HEADQUARTERS T Hllll.illl mm m PWMiJvfflrWinfer e Prepare now for cold weather ahead here are supplies ond tools to help you get the jump en "old man winter." KEEPS COLD OUT' HKEEPS pfiHEAT M8T EASIEST STIIP II TIE Mill TO PIT M! 20 Ft. Roll - 98c Bamboo Leaf Rake 38c - prow, w- TinO- I AST TO NtUU tgvjj UNDERGROUND Cafbage Receiver pi W I. h-M Ul lk wMk Hm f I (W to amwf - I ml At wT to M 1495 You'll Need a Flashlight More From Now On See this attractive. Handy LIGHT equipped with Standard size 129 batteries for only I Garden Wheelbarrow H a r e ' a serviceable Wheelbarrow that' easy to operate. Has 10-Inch wheels with heavy duty Rubber tires. Equipped with ball bear ings and all metal bead and handles. It is low hung and attrac tive in appearance. Regular 14.93 NOW 1175 Footballs Practice Balls Regulation Size. Leatherized. With Bladder All weather Rubberized Standard size A)0 0 98 249 and weight . , Hunters' Red Hats 1,35 Far That Hunting Trip There's nothing better than a Coleman Instant lighting Gasoline Stove. Hat two burners A95 Wind protecting 7 wings Folds Compactly Now Open 'til 9 P.M. s WPIiiytlA Friday Keep Up with the Falling Leaves JEITHI Buckeye Sweeper That will keep your lawn looking Its best with leas effort and more quickly than any other way we know. The Buckeye sweeps a 20-lnoh swath with a fibre bristle rotary brush. Has 10-Inch rubber tired wheels and a large eassvas hopper with an aluminum bottom. PRICED AT 27.75 Housewares -Special 1 1 a m PYSIX MVMI CAW MM to light, eoliSM mi k'lmit. O 69 c PYIIX "Hyr.vr" Dw r PTIIX OflN CASIIICAI lee riot wilSi flwd vdoM. Vl" rfptK hinfl. rvtns n4 ltrlle- twe kldi juHti nd flwr. 10" tin wfl KU.H wtfiliif ,Kjs 69c 69c PYMX UT1LITV DIM for 'tMttnqt PYMX iOM PAN h yw woHR baking, far tfvina talodi. bfod m4 meat laovat kolit lo)f-t-wlh. 1 ajwert lilt farfftkfv 1 twi llM. h 69 c 69 c iTr s t r is isrrrr sw AT OUR PYREX WAR I COUNTER I tl H CONMAMOAl It. tALtPA ORWOPT