14 Capita Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 14. 1949 SO MERCHANTS JOIN PROJECT Salem to Have Big Time At Fall Opening Tuesday Windowi with the lateit of fall attire or the newest of merchan dise, new can on display, a treasure hunt and band music that is a part of what Is planned for Fall Opening set for Sep tember 20. Originally announced for the evening of September 15 the date of the annual Fall open- lng was changed to next Tues day, September 20, when It was learned that the first date would also be circus night here. Already approximately 50 merchants have Joined in the project of making this fall open ing one of the most outstanding ever held. Tickets for the treasure hunt for prizes to be placed in the windows of local merchants have already been printed and arrangements are now being made for out of town Judges for the window display contest. Arranged by the Salem Retail Trade Bureau, headed by Jim Beard, the program for the eve ning will open with the car show to be held on Court street be tween North Commercial and High streets. Time for unveiling of the win dows is tentatively set for 7 p.m. Dance Hall Manager Haled Info Court Lebanon Gordon Coffey, proprietor of the Cottonwoods dance hall, entered a plea of not guilty through an attorney on charges of assault and battery, According to Lebanon Police Chief Price, Coffey and Orville Bates, Lebanon, engaged in a fight in a downtown tavern Sat urday night. Coffey was arrested by Patrolman Wade Collins, as sisted by Night Officer Rex King and Officer John Richard ion. During the encounter, Bates was reported knocked down and received a kicked throat and bruises. Coffey was charged with as sault and battery and was re leased on $200 bail. His hearing was set for 10 a.m. Monday, un til his attorney entered the not guilty plea. Silverton Residents Welcoming Visitors Silverton Mrs. D. N. Iver son of Portland accompanied her mother, Mrs. Lillian B. Heald. and her mother-in-law, Mrs. H. J, Iverson, home from a visit in Portland for a week end stay here and a visit of two days at the state fair, Mrs. Heald has recently had as house guests the families of her two daughters and of her granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Iverson, Mr. and Mrs. Berger Feneide Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim B. Howe (Colleen Bowen) of Seattle. The mem bers of the family of Mrs. Heald remained at the Heald home in North Silverton over the Labor Day week end. Also with Mrs. Heald recently have been Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crowther, the family of a ne phew, from Whittier, Calif., and also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hyatt and Cathy Sue, enroute to their Mapleton, Oregon, home from a vacation tour of Yellowstone national park. Folio Claims Victim Portland. Sept. 14 W Wrex Earl Hickok, 50, a Cottage Grove resident the past year, died here yesterday in the isolation hos pilal of poliomyelitis. He had been associated with a brother in the Curtin Lumber company, Cottage Grove. Pre viously he had worked for the Portland Traction company. American Indians, long be fore the arrival of the colonists, prized oysters as a delicacy. Firemen Kept Busy Lebanon Monday proved a busy day for the Lebanon fire department, five calls and one silent alarm being received at the station during the afternoon and early evening. All proved to be brush fires or slash burning3 which were getting out of hand. No serious property damage resulted. One of the earliest known maps is a 4.500-year-old baked tahlrt from Babylon. Report Made on Training Camp Reports from several depart ments featured this week's meet ing of the board for Marion county chapter, American Red Cross. Starting the evening's pro gram was a complete report on the recent Junior Red Cross training camp, held at the YMCA camp at Silver Creek falls, by Helen Callaghan, the only representative from Marion county at the camp. It was i most worthwhile training cen ter, and the 96 high school stu dents attending learned much about the Red Cross program and the many services it carries on, Helen said. She added she is at work now to organize a Jun ior Red Cross council to coor dinate the work of Junior Red Cross here. The first aid committee re- nnr' n?l o' certificates t I . . -f - W . If "At. A r 1 1 'voir K - v--.J $it tfMuMwiiii n r -: ---a t -:- - r nfntifcirtirii f w-n ii -tfi'm i - una Clnemaquatic star hsther Williams is back in another form fitting role as the heroine of "Ncplune'i Daughter," big at traction at the Capitol theater starting today. .iiii.iin.in q,. j. i in - fr -a Ciregury reck and Ava liarnner form the new romantic team introduced today on the Elsinore screen in "The Great Sinner," powerful drama of a man whose passion for gam blind makes him reckless of life and love. Issued since the first of the year, including standard, advanced and junior first aid. James Wiles is chairman for first aid. L. O. Arens, member of the board, told the group the state industrial accident commission, through the help of the Red Cross first aid program, will set up classes in first aid in indus trial concerns in every county of the state. A complete an nouncement on this project will be made later. The program is being launched In cooperation with the Red Cross on a state level. The water safety committee, Vernon Gilmore, chairman, re ported 490 certificates issued in the county since the first of the year, including those for both the Salem and Woodburn learn to swim events. It was stated the nursing serv ices had been busy of late assist ing in the nursing recruitment program, especially among girls interested in taking nursing as a career. The home service department reported a case load of 189 for the past month, most of the cas es involving assistance in filling out forms and blanks, especially the forms for the national insur ance returns for veterans, the Red Cross being an agency hav ing these forms on hand. Doukhobor Mother Relinquishes Baby Hilllers, B. C, Sept. 14 W) A Doukhobor mother has relin quished all ties with her six-weeks-old baby and dedicated the child to a life of "service to God and humanity." The baby, Gabriel Archangel ovich First, was dedicated by his mother, Florence Berikoff, In an unusual ceremony here Sunday. The community' first - born child, Gabriel is now the re sponsibility of the colony's 180 persons. The child's name will be en tered In the "White Book" which will contain the names of those who "renounce themselves and private family ties to become eligible for membership in the universal family of whom the head is Christ and the Father in heaven." Buss Family Reunion Held Monmouth Home Monmouth Seven children and twelve grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buss met at a family reunion here over the week end. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Buss and family of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buss and family of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buss and family of Redlands Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Neff of Medford, Mr. and Mrs Bud Yung and family of Mon mouth, Larry and Geanie Jo Buss of Monmouth, Three children, Mrs. Roger Beckley of Medford and Royal Buss of Eugene and their faml lies were unable to attend be cause of illness and Virgil Buss because of military duty in Ja pan. Mr. and Mrs. Buss will hold another reunion at Christ mas 1950 when their son Virgil plans to be home from Japan. mil tl A Naval Architect Miss Aud rey ("Pete") Muller of West field, N. J., graduate naval architect, studies a problem at her drafting board in Fore River Shipyard, Quincy, Mass. Monmouth Operates Five School Buses Monmouth Five buses for the Monmouth schools were rea dy to operate September 14, ac cording to Earl Conkey, super visor of buses and drivers. Fol lowing is a list of the drivers and routes: Earl Conkey route 1, Airlie, Valley View and Suver: Jim King route 2, northwest run and Independence; Alton King route 3, northwest and Market road; Mr. Lemon route 4, Old Highway to Suver; a substitute driver is yet to be hired. All drivers are attending the first aid classes for drivers in Dallas this week. Fair Features Farm Machines Woodburn The North Mar ion county fair which will be held in Woodburn, September 22, 23 and 24, will have a new feature added this year in their farm machinery and implements outdoor display. The North Marion county fair board has extended an invita tion to dealers in the Woodburn area to put their latest machin ery in the fair with no charge made. Some of the machinery to be on exhibit for the first time will be from Kilian Smith company Woodburn, Norman Service company, Woodburn, and the T L. Workman and Son company, Woodburn. Admissions to the fair are free with many outdoor attractions open to the public. One of the highlights of the fair is the FFA tractor driving contest. Cash prizes totalling $25 have been donated by the Valley Mo tor company of Salem and the Valley Tractor company of Sa lem is furnishing new Ford equipment for the contest. The tryouts will be Thursday, Sep tember 22, at 4 o'clock and semi finals Friday at 4:30 o'clock. The finals will be staged at the Lin coln grounds in Woodburn Sat urday, September 24, at 1 o'clock. Enough clay wall tile Is pro duced in the United States in a year to cover about 1,000 city blocks. FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO TRUCK FIRE The West's Leading Automobile In surance Carrier. The Farmers Insur ance Exchange. writes coverage showing a savings up to 30. See us at 466 Court St. BILL OSKO Phone 3-5661 466 Court St. : Blood Donors To Be Signed Up A quick campaign to sign up at least 4000 names of persons volunteering to donate blood for the community blood pro gram is being planned, the drive to start October 17, it was re ported at the monthly meeting of the board for Marion county chapter of the Red Cross this week. "There is no money Involved in this campaign. It simply is an effort to get enough names sign ed up to assure that any one per son will not be called upon mora than once to donate blood dur ing the year," said Charles H. Huggins, chapter chairman, in explaining the drive. The mobile unit from the Portland blood center visits Sa lem once each month, and dur ing the year plans at least six visitations in the county outside Salem, bringing a total of 18 vi sitations each year. The campaign here will coin cide with the one starting in Multnomah county the same date. Names of chairmen and com mittee workers to handle the campaign will be announced later. Capital Drug Store Slate and Liberty "On the Corner" YOU BE THE JUDGE! New Schick Electric Shaver Must OUTSHAVE BLADE RAZORS or Your Money Back! BILL OSKO Dlst. Mgr. HI all s sssy Sehl.L - . 'I I Jf mm mm ""tupert w: make this offer be cause we re confident that once you try a modern Schick Electric Shaver you will never again be satisfied with messy, old-fashioned blade-and-Boap ihaving.Try a Schick for ten days. It must give you a faster, more com fortable shave that's just as close as you want or your money will be refunded with out question or delay. You're the sole judge! SCHICK SUPER with V-16 bear ing beada. In hand- tf Mtu .11- 1 metal traveling case. 4 $22M SCHICK COIONO. with new 3-M shearing, head. In 5Q mart traveling caee. I I ' Capital Drug Store State and Liberty On the Corner" A map of the Nile valley for tax purposes was made as early as the 13th century B.C. mm Here's gour light and lively refreshment in a new convenient package! Now gon can enjog Blitz Weinhard in cans as well as bottles ... whichever gon prefer. Bug it bg the case lor home, picnics and outings. 1 jiii V Walking Doll " Erica." a walking doll, Is led on Its first promenade by proud "mam ma" In preparation for the autumn fair of the Austrian toy Industry in Vienna. IITI WtlNHAtO COM.ANY, rOltlANO. OtICOH DISTRIRl Til) BY (ilDKO.N 8TOLZ C OMPANY w 1 tM Tif& v . . i mmr i 4 -door Custom V-8 Ford Sedani, equipped with Radios, "Magic Air' Heatan, Overdrives, and White Side- aw ii Enter Wow! at the rush. Get your entry blank and free car-safe ty check now. You can ba ana of the) lucky winnersi (No matter what mak of car or truck you own) Drivt In to see us. or any ford Dealer displaying poster below. Ask for our free Car-Safety Check. We'll check brake pedal reserve, steering linkage, tires, lights, muffler, horn, springs and shock absorbers, windshield wiper glass discoloration, mirror and other safety points-all It no cost or obligation to you! Then we'll give you a Free Safety Insignia, and an Entry Blank. (2) Then, In SO words or less on entry blank, finish this state ment: "All cars and trucks should be safety checked periodically because." T Mail entry before midnight, v October 31. to Ford Car-Safety Contest Headquarters, Box 722, Chicago 77, lllinoiv 25 I000US. General Duty Modl P-5 V-8 engine, stake body, 158-inch wheal bote FORD Trucks, equipped with Radios and "Magic Air" Heaters. Optional ot prizei to the top 5 of the 25 car winners who specify preference for a truck on Con tett Entry Blank. too I feij TOO 350 SO US. 25US. Samp Bonds iwyi Bonds e Hart's yaur ihant te win eaa ef ffcase 700 valuable aritas. An4 at the tame Hme yew'll aula Hta NeHenal tefaty CeuncH and lecel erfenitattent premefe tefa driving. you ecr THIS ArTMCTIVf KfFlfaO INSIGNIA (a) Use only official entry blank obtained at any Ford Dealership displaying the poster shown below. Print name and address clearly. (6) Contest limited to con tinental U. S. and Alaska. (c) Prize as stated on entry blann will be awarded on the basis of aincerity, originality, and aptness. Judges' decisions are final. Duplicate priim in case of ties. Entries must be submitted in the name of the registered owner or his designated represents tive. Only one entry per car or truck may be con sidered. All entries become the property of Ford Motor Company. Contest subject to Federal, State and local regulations and to contest rules on entry blank, (d) Winners' names wilt na posted at all Ford Dealers' not later than Dec 1, 1949. (e) Contest is open to all residents of United States, except employees of Ford Motor Company, Ford Dealers, their advertising agencies or their families. 1 1 f ?or f. Twtam it Ic? is 01 Free Cer-leMy Check, leilento r ll"k et ell Per Deelen' where fee lee Nile f atler VALLEY MOTOR CO. 375 Center Salem, Ore. y