Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 14, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Capital Journal, galem, Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1949
Portland Ex-GI Smiling
Now; Bride-to-Be Coming
New Orleans, Sept. 14 W) Edward Reisbeck, 37, the ex-GI
from Portland, Ore., who has been trying to get hii German fi
nance into this country, was all smiles today.
He was sure his bride-to-be would get Into the U. S. before the
Sept. 21 deadline on admittance of war brides to this country.
neisoecx oeamea as ne ex
plained he expected Fraulein
Hilda Eisner and their two-year-old
child, Beatrice Marianne, to
arrive in Halifax on the SS
Aquitania September 19. A
train is to speed them across the
U.S. border before the deadline.
The combat veteran, who
served with the Third army in
Germany, said that if they did
not beat the deadline it might
take years to get them in under
an immigration quota.
Reisbeck said Fraulein Eis
ner and the daughter would
come here, where they will be
married and he will see the
child for the first time.
Previously Reisbeck said that
he had been married in Ger
many. After his mother in
Portland told newsmen other
wise, Reisbeck explained, "I
thought it best just to say I was
married. You see the point,
don't you. You don't think it
will cause any trouble, do you?
Reisbeck added he already
had gone through troubles
enough. Months ago he had
reservations for Hilda and the
baby, but, when he checked, the
company said it could not bring
them over for months.
When he came to New Or
leans, steamship companies told
him the same story. Newsaper
stories of his plight changed
matters. Transportation was
arranged and Reisbeck got a
job. All that remains now u
the long journey through Eng
land and Canada.
"Oh yes," said Reisbeck, "do
you know minister?"
Two Former Silverton
Residents Heard from
Silverton Word has been re
ceived from two former Silver-
ton matrons now of Portland of
interest locally,
Mrs. Lars Opedal who makes
her home with her daughter,
Mrs. O. G. Larson (Martha Ope
dal) left by train for Idaho, the
last of the week, where she will
join her brother-in-law, Floyd
Brown, and the two are proceed
ing to New York, N.Y., where
they will spend some time at the
home of a son and daughter-in-law
of Mrs. Opedal, Mr. and Mrs
Lawrence Opedal and children.
Mrs. A. T. Gunderson has
written friends that she was able
to leave a Portland hospital after
three weeks treatment, and will
complete her convalescence at
Age Old Custom Queen
Joyce Fuller, the first lady of
the Lodi Grape festival and na
tional wine show, Sept. 16-18,
demonstrates the old world
method of crushing the wine
grapes. Although no longer
followed in Lodi, Calif., the
custom is revived each year at
the grape harvest celebration.
(Acme Tclephoto)
Jefferson Residents
Claim Fair Ribbons
Jefferson A number of Jef
ferson women had exhibits at
the state fair this year. Mrs.
Harry Oldenberg, who has had
exhibits at the fair for the past
16 years, received first prize in
quilting and first for her nut
bread. Mrs. James Adams re
ceived an award for sponge cake,
and second in open class. Mrs.
Charles Smith received first
prize on knitted jacquard mit
tens and second on argyle socks
and knitted baby set. Donna
Oldenberg was placed fifth in
showmanship and ninth on heavy
beef in the 4-H livestock division.
US , -.
t . ! t
'Rugged, Athletic' Man
Rated Choice of Women
Hollywood. Sept. 14 U.PJ The most sex-citing girl of the year
todav elected the world most's sex-citing men. You can see as
many of them on the sports page as in movies.
A handsome set of muscles, Marilyn Maxwell said in sighing
over Lou Boudreau, Doak Walker and Joe Verdeur, has lots more
sex aDDeal than a handsome
face. I No. 5 Anthony Eden, Brit-
Suspension Lifted Maj.
Gen. Herman Feldman. 57,
quartermaster general of the
army, shown in his office in
Washington, D. C. He re
turned to work after lifting
of suspension by Army Sec
retary Gordon Gray. Gen.
Feldman was involved in con
gressional "five percenter"
probe. He was blamed for
"errors of judgment." (AP
Aumsville Pleased
With Fair Awards
Aumsville One of the hap
piest and proudest 4-H'ers com
ing home from State Fair was
Sally Klein with the Ayrshire
heifer awarded her by the Ore
gon Columbia Ayrshire Breed
ers association.
Besides the heifer she was
awarded a 1st place on her jun
ior cow, a 2nd on a senior heif
er, a 1st on her senior calf, and
a 2nd in young breeders herd.
Martin Bochme got a first on
his senior yearling.
Richard Schaefer placed first
in the Valley Packing Co. pig
feeding contest. He also receiv
ed two firsts and a second on
his Berkshire hogs.
Canning awards gave Lois
Anna Holmquist a white and
Sally Klein a red. In the
Speckles canning contest Sally
got a red award. Sally also got
white awards in Clothing III
and Home Making II.
Janice Riches and Phyllis Mu
sic placed 4th in clothing judging.
Ptolemy, an astronomer and
geographer who lived 18 cen
turies ago, is believed to have
made and used the first atlas.
The beautiful blonde, named
the year's most sex-citing girl
by 500 members of the Amer
ican Art Congress, put Bou
dreau first on her list of the
world's most sex-citing men.
The manager and shortstop
of the Cleveland Indians is in
front by a bicep, she said, be
cause every woman wants a
"rugged, athletic" man.
Ezio Pinza, grandfather. Met
ropolitan Opera and "South Pa
cific" star, is almost as sex-
"A sophisticated older man
gives a girl a much bigger thrill
than a young punk," she said.
No. 3 was symphony conduct
or Leopold Stokowski.
"He has music and fire in his
soul. He is the romantic type
I adore."
No. 4 Prince Aly Khan.
"He'd be sex-citing even with
out money."
ish statesman
"He's the handsomest man in
the world. Sophisticated, too."
No. 6 Doak Walker, Southern
Methodist university football
"He looks like the love-'em
and-leave-'em type." she said.
No. 7 Kirk Douglas, the
bare-chested male pin-up of
movie ads. He earned his spot
by roughing Miss Maxwell in
a recent movie.
"He gives you the impression
of ruthlessness and subdued pow
er," she said. "It makes you
No. 8 Joe Verdeur, Olympic
swimming champion.
"He has such lovely long,
rippling muscles."
No. 9 Clark Gable, of the
"Mere words can't describe
his appeal."
No. 10 Montgomery Clift,
movie newcomer.
kitchen sztismon w fapim-ww
trmr mtr.
low-eosr tviu. cortAwa
AffZ 7S wVAU.. TfArs Alt! MTtoiffKO
&S8 aea assoass smooth
iBottsic-ftxe. tMsrat-uinoit.
MAte ... oessrs xsaol0 wcw
Arveua fLoo. aoHBMri cmcAS
TSoer. emsfxerro ouaaao oA
"He's the typical American
boy. I mean, he's what we wish
were typical."
Largest dinosaur found ir
South Dakota's White Rive
area, home of pre-historle mon
ters, was the bronlotherium.
.'his was similar in appearance ,
o a rhinoceros
Will I .Iti . - aaaafc P'
will never be a thing of joy to every student but
proper school supplies will assure less resistance
and better work all around.
As a matter of fact, we have students tell us that
good papers, pens, pencils as well as recognized
dictionaries and reference works, make a tremend
ous difference in their grades.
At Cooke's they'll find: Zipper notebooks, refill
papers of every size, Esterbrook pens, Webster and
College Standard dictionaries, desk lamps, art
materials . . . everything to make homework a
pleasant operation.
This fall, as in the past, smart students will look
to Cooke for everything for school.
P. S. Cooke is headquarters for Parker and Schaf-
fer pens.
Refresh . . . Add
Zest To The Hour
Ask for it
either way . . , loth
mean the tame thing.
Count the
and you'll choose
Fisher lody Styling
and Luxury
with smooth, graceful curves,
new interior richness and such
extra luxuries as Push-Button
Door Handles.
r nun i u i i 1 7
- - " I Vf i mTv i I ' i i
Fisher Unlsteel Body
with steel welded to steel above,
below and all around you for the
highest degree of solidity, quiet
ness and safety.
5-Inch Wide-Base Rims,
plus low-Prejsure Tires
the widest rims in the low-price
field plus extra low-pressure tires
-for greater stability and riding-comfort.
EXTRA Values
v are exclusively yours
at lowest cost in Chevrolet!
Certl-Safe Hydraulic Brakes
more outstanding than ever be
fore with new Dubl-Life Rivet
less brake linings that last up to
twice as long.
Extra Economical to Own
and Operate
and traditionally north more
when you trade; for it's America's wanted ear new or used!
Curved Windshield with
Panoramic Visibility
supplying all that fxtra vision
which means extra safety in
driving nilh a fuller, freer view.
World's Champion
Valv-in-Heod Ingina
the extra efficient engine with
the vatve-in-hcad design that's
setting the trend for the industry.
longer, Heavier, with
Widor Troad
the big car in the low-price field,
with all the advantages of more
comfort, stability and safety.
with control centered between the
front wheels for maximum driving-ease
and minimum fitigue.
510 N. Commercial St.
Salem, Ore.