- A W" I utuiue Aiiiaiai-ijuvei' ucy kcuu, j, uaUfetuer ol ouui Webb, veteran horse trainer at Wheeling Downs, W. Va., sits outside stall of Day After with horse, a dog and a cat. Four Corners Home Chosen For Salem School Educator Four Corners, Sept. 14 Dr. and Mrs. Weston A. Niemela of Martinez, Calif., are newcomers to Four Corners. They have leased the B. L. Haworth residence at 750 S. Lancaster drive. Dr. Niemela will be director of special education as a guidance counselor in the Salem school system. He is a graduate of the Washington State university and received his doctor of education degree from Stanford university at Palo Alto, Calif. The Ha worths left Sunday to make their home in Tulsa, Okla., where he will go into business. He was connected with the Electrolux corporation in Salem. Osborns Card Hosts Hosts to the Krazy Kard Klub were Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Osborn, East State street. Pinochle was in play. Those playing were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. William Fiester, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Mr. and Mrs. Les Marcy, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bra den.. S. H. Cable, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Clapp, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tucker. Honors went to Mrs. Clapp and Homer Bales. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Braden, 3890 La Branche avenue, have as their house guests for two weeks Mrs. Braden's parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Clapp and Bob Clapp of Chey enne, Wyo. Hostess at a dessert luncheon was Mrs. M. W. Tucker, East State street. Pinochle was the di version. Playing were Mrs. Mar garet Willis, Mrs. Earl Kasson, Mrs. Phillip Bouffleur, Mrs. Eli zabeth Pugh, Mrs. Ruth Lukkes, Mrs. Stan Braden, Mrs. C. R. Osborn and Mrs. L. G. Clapp of Cheyenne, Wyo. Lebanon Increases Mill Work Period Lebanon Effective Septem ber 12, the Lebanon paper mill of the Crown Zellerbach corpor ation resumed a seven-day a week operating schedule, George Gallaway, resident manager, an nounced. The new schedule will remain in effect until further notice, Gallaway said. The mill has been operating six days a week for the past month and a half. Merle Evans Is Big Top Music In musical circles the world over and in the thoughts of mil lions of American circus goers, the name of Merle Evans means circus music the galops, the rousing marches and lilting melo dies of the big top. He is its living symbol, its dominating, beloved exponent. And he leads the finest musi cal organization of its kind in the world. Merle Evans, maestro of the Ringling Bros, and Bar num & Bailey Circus band di rects his men with his left hand because his right is busy with one of the best-played cornets to be heard this side of Gabriel's own brass section. While the spotlight that shim mers on the 800 performing stars of the Big Show seldom shines on the musicians, the music of the circus is the me dium through which it becomes articulate and the band is the bright, spangled frame upon which the exciting pattern of the performance is stretched. Evans recruits his men from the best of musical organizations and schools, but holding down a chair in the band of The Greatest Show on Earth is one of the most difficult assignments in music. Merle Evans' band runs the musical gamut from classical numbers to popular tunes and plays upwards of 180 cues at every performance of the great new Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey Circus of 1949, coming to Salem Thursday, September 15. The performances, featuring scores of thrilling new acts from abroad in pre-war might and surpassingly magnicifent new spectacles, will begin at 2:15 and 8:15 p.m. in the world's larg est tent. The doors will open at 1 and 7. The annual harvest of oysters in the United States is about 11,700,000 bushels, valued at $5,000,000 NEWEST TR6T! BOROENS VOONOEftFUL COTTAGE CHEESE FRUIT SALAD! TASTIEST TREAT! JOICV BITS OF LUSCIOUS FRUITS MIXED WITH BOROENS VELVET-SMOOTH COTTAGE CHEESE! QUICKEST TREAT! A JUST DIP OUT OF TH6 CARTON ANO SERVE! y I IM. glamor-""! I. wolf V rr:v:.-' irfSwR oordens d iVsf c n i a m I o IlJI Ml IV CTTAGE CHEESE W East Salem Shows Little Interest in School Plans East Salem, Sept. 14 A small number of voters from the five voting precincts in East Salem took time to vote Tuesday on the proposed consolidation of Hayesville and Salem district 24. Only 14 ballots were cast, three from the new district Englewood 60; three from Auburn 57; six from Rickey 54; one from Middle Grove 9, and one from Swegle 66. All votes were in favor of consolidation. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Bond and daughter, Dorothy, returned to their home in Swegle commu nity the past week-end from a trip east as far as Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn. They stop ped at Yellowstone National park and several places in Min nesota, visiting the state fair at St. Paul. Driving south they visited in the girlhood home of Mrs. Bond, it being her first trip back in 40 years, also in Iowa near Des Moines, which was Mr. Bond's birthplace. They return ed home through Omaha, Lar amie, Wyo., and Salt Lake City. Leonard Harms of Swegle community received a message this past week telling of the death of his father, Peter J Harms, Kansas. He was 85 years old. Committeemen for Middle I Grove Boy Scout troop 42 met Thursday night at the Cleo Kip pinger home on Lancaster drive to make plans for the new fall program for scouts, and the reg ular meetings which will be re sumed. Attending were Scout Master Robert Wagers, Bert Bye, Theo Kuenzi, J. Wilsoff and Keppinger. A new patrol for boys over 14 will be formed and younger boys will be accepted as Scouts. Merry Minglers club will not meet this Thursday, the meeting Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1949 11 being postponed until September 29 in the home of Mrs. Clyde Colwell. Sergeants Are Hosts For Family Reunion Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sergeant entertained with a family reunion dinner at their home here. They were s100t$100(h'o.. Auto or Personal jC OiWAl E R C IAJL. CREDIT FLAJtV INCOR'ORATKDai 460 N. Church St Ph. 3-4168 I?500 . I jilSSoL,'' 4.J0 Jl honoring Francis and Floyd Ser geant, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sargeant of Yokahama. Floyd is in the navy and cam from Rhode Island, and he will report back to Corpus Christi, Texas. They will visit relatives: here and at Cottage Grove. Francis will enter the Seventh Day Adventist college at Park place, Walla Walla, Wash. ROOFING Now is the time to order that new roof before the busy summer season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 Neighbors of Woodcraft Headquarters Remain Portland, Sept. 14 P The grand circle of the Neighbors of Woodcraft has rejected a pro posal to transfer the lodge head quarters to California. Opponents of the shift said some officers apparently wanted to live south of the Oregon bor der. The lodge owns an eight story modern building here. In a reprisal move, a motion was made to transfer the Riverside, Calif., home to this state. This also was turned down. MISS RAGS TO RICHES 1949 "After 80 washings the left half of this cotton dress was worn to shreds. But the right half which had been Perma Starched after each 8th washing was still crisp and new looking' Makes Clothes Wear Twice as Long Tests by the nations' leading in dependent laboratories conclu sively prove Perma Starch makes clothes wear twice as long because Perma Starch does not wash out even after 8 to 15 washings. Perma Starch starches clothes in an entirely new way. Unlike ordi nary starch that coats cloth to stiffen it, Perma Starch pene trates into the individual fibres of each thread. Melted under the heat of an iron it actually grasps and holds fibres in place, keeping them from being torn away by wear or by washing. Saves Time and Money No cooking is required. Leaves no odor in clothes after ironing. By making clothes wear more than twice as long, Perma Starch can save the average family (50 to $75 each year. One 79e pint bottle makes H to S gal lon and does the work of $2.50 worth of liquid cornstarch. Warning There are some imitations of gen nine Perma Starch with simi. lar and confusing names. These Sroducta have not had the bene t of the 15 years of research that went into Perma Starch. Some leave an unpleasant odor that cannot be washed out, some even add water to make their product seem more economical. Be sure you get genuine highly conceit tratert Prrwa Starrh. It comes in. the "BARBER POLE STRIPE" bottle at your grocer. Ttil Mill own writ U. i. Bubbar Ok, Ratluftllu Cwur, M. X. t JJII mi Jf i Mm mm!. 0000 QUMITY I0R IK$ SINCE 16 cozy warmth for boys and girls . . . savings priced for quality-conscious parents . . . Sears exclusive honeysuckle all-purpose suits easy en and off . . . 3-button shoulder opening wind-defiant ... water repellent full cut gonerous size 2 to 6 Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. made to Sears rigid specifications Mothers! Don't pass up these buys! Here ore hardy little suits that will take tough wear. Made of 15 wool and 40 cotton for warmth, 45 rayon for strength and durability. They're economical, easy to put on or remove (no zippers or straps), good looking as well. Easy to launder, need no Ironing. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Shop in Air Conditioned Comfort at Sears closely woven durable sturdy fabrics in... e red blue e green brown MM for evksjer ploy tmn east e0 menlht Girls' Practical Plaid Raincapes 2.98 They're so easy over every thing even coats! Assort ed rubberized cotton plaids. Stitched on hoods. 3-6x. Boys' Well-Made Bright Raincoats 3.98 Fun-to-wear rubber rain coats with "conversation" print linings, "grow" sleeves, matching helmets. Ass't colors; 3-6 Is. 2L IP Boys' Coat and Legging Sets 7.95 Fine all wool covert coat and legging sets boys will want to wear. Fly front pants: slash pockets; match ing caps. Blue or tan. 1 to 4. Tots' Winning Cotton Dresses 1.59 Pretty cottons no girl can resist! Novelty prints and styles in bright colors. Ruf fles, other gay accents too. 3-6',. Tots' Winning Cotton Dresses 1.00 Pretty cotton no girl can resist! Novelty prints and styles In bright colors. Ruf fles, other gay accents too. 3-6 'i. Toddlers' Honey suckle Sleepers 1.79 Double napped knit cotton sleepers; gripper back clos ing; drop seat; ribbed cuffs, double fabric feet. Pastels. 1 to 8. Reg. P. S. Tat. Off. Toddlers' Coat & Legging Sets 7.95 A colorful assortment of coat styles, warm and so firetty! Embroidery, fur ike fabric, and genuine fur trims. 1 to 4. '6cmtactjfm' gjUft 550 N Capitol St. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Phone 3-9191