Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 13, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1949
Wedding, September 9
In the Norwegian Lutheran church in San Francisco last Fri
day evening. September 9, was
Eleanor Simonsen, daughter of
that eitv. to Philip Carl Schramm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
A. Schramm of Salem, the vows
Party for
Mrs. M. A. Pckar is to be host
ess Thursday at a luncheon and
shower to honor Miss 11a Crit
tenden, who is to be married
September 18 to Charles E.
Feting Miss Crittenden will be
Mrs. G. H. Templcton, Mrs.
Clarke Lethin, Mrs. E. L. Gray,
Sr., Mrs. E. L. Gray, Jr., Mrs.
George Ryland, Mrs. E. A. Carle
ton, Mrs. Jay Morris, Mrs. Allen
Edwards, Mrs. Ellis Batson, Mrs.
John Harnsburger, Mrs. Patrick
Bond, Miss Janice Harnsburger,
Mrs. Ray Crittenden, Miss lia
Crittenden and hostess.
Miss Richards
Recent Bride
Monmouth At a beautiful
ceremony read in St. Mary's
Catholic church in Corvallis at
8 o'clock Saturday afternoon,
September 3, Miss Marcella
Richards, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Richards of Suver,
was married to Alfred Pfeifer,
son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pfei
fer of Glide.
Lighted candles and baskets
of white gladioluses flanked the
altar. Father Reedy read the
single ring ceremony. Mrs. Opal
Martin Johnston accompanied
Miss Marilyn Jowell of Corval
lis, who sang, and later played
the wedding march.
The bride entering with her
father wore a white satin gown
made entrain. The bodice was
fashioned with a wide bertha
yolk of net and long sleeves.
The double fingertip net veil
fell from a coronet of white net
and seed pearls. The bride car
ried a bouquet of pink rose
buds and stcphanotis with
shower ribbons of white satin.
Miss Marian Templeton of En
terprise was maid of honor and
Misses Ruth Lomash and Lita
Jean McKinnel, both of Port
land, were bridesmaids. Miss
Templeton wore aqua satin and
the bridesmaids wore Identical
dresses of yellow satin. All
three, sorority sisters of the
bride, wore matching braided
head bands and carried bouquits
of brilliant painted daisies with
multicolored streamers.
Claudia Yung, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Yung, and
Judith Richards, the bride's
nieces were flower girls.
Eldon Pfeifer of Beaverton
served as best man for his
brother, and Ralph Richards, the
bride's brother, Suver; Calvin
Massey; Weyn Oliver, Roseburg;
and Keith Bisby, Corvallis were
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Rihards wore a navy blue
crepe afternoon dress with navy
and pink accessories. Mrs. Pfei
fer wore a black and white
print afternoon dress with black
and white accessories.
A wedding reception followed
In the Alpa Sigma Phi fraternity
where the rooms were decorated
with coral and while gladio
luses and silver candelabrums
with pale green candles. Mrs,
Loren Lind of Crescwell, the
bridegroom s sister, and Mrs.
Lloyd Cox of Prosser, Wash.,
the bride's aunt, poured, and
Mrs. Ralph Richards, sister-in-law
of the bride, cut the cake.
Assisting about the room were
Misses Marloen Prown, Betty Jo
Mnxon and Mrs. Keith Bixby all
of Corvallis. Miss Beverly
Hathaway, Corvallis, had charge
of the guest book.
Mrs. Pfeifer wore for her wed
ding trip to British Columbia, a
slale satin dress with matching
accessories and a white orchid
eorsage. They will live in Cor
vallis. Mrs. Pfeifer was graduated
from Corvallis high school and
attended Oregon State college
two years where she Is a mem
ber of Alpha Delia PI sorority.
Mr. Pfeifer was graduated from
Glide high school and will he
a senior at OSC this fall. He
served 18 months In the army.
Mrs. Cray Honored
At Birthday Event
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Worth
ntertained Saturday evening to ,tion. The local chapter's officers
honor Mrs. Worth's mnther,r beginning their active term
Mrs. Jsmes H. Gray, on the oe- ot office and Mrs. B. O. Bishop
eailon of the Utter s birthday
About 30 members of the fam
y and friends were Invited for,1
an Informal evening, late re-
sVeshments being served.
LAI REL guild of Knight Me
mortal church it meeting Wed
nesday at 8 p m. at the home of
Mrs. George Stindlle, 1995 Sag
inaw. Mrs. J. W. West, Mrs. O.
B. Bower and Mrs. Lloyd Ar
nold as hostesses.
solemnized the marriage of Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simonsen of
being said at 7:30 o'clock with
the Rev. A. Anderson, pastor of
the church, officiating.
Music for the wedding includ
ed "Until" and "God Gave Me
You," sung by Miss Marymae
Moore, and "The Lord's Prayer'
and "O Perfect Love," sung by
Mrs. Doris Berven, and the or
gan music by Mrs. Dorothy
Miss Berg Sandvik and Miss
Marian Jorgensen lighted the
The bride wore an ivory satin
gown that was fashioned with
a bertha collar of lace. The il
lusion veil was held by a satin
trimmed headpiece. The bride
carried a prayer book on which
was a white orchid with stream
ers and bouvardia. Mr. Simon
sen gave his daughter In mar
Mrs. Eugene Tuggey, Jr., was
the matron of honor. She wore
a nile green taffeta gown and
her flowers were spider chry
santhemums matching the
bridesmaids' dresses in color.
Mrs. L. Aarreberg, Mrs. E.
Mathison and Mrs. Otis Simon
sen were the bridesmaids. All
wore plum raspberry taffeta
gowns and their flowers were
light green spider chrysanthe
Ann Simonsen was flower girl
for her aunt and Gary Aarre
berg was the ringbearer.
Dean Gillette was best man
for Mr. Schramm, and ushering
were Otis Simonsen, brother of
the bride, Eugene Tuggey, Jr.,
and Douglas Englebart.
Mr. and Mrs. Schramm went
south for their son's wedding.
For her son's wedding, Mrs.
Schramm wore a blue crepe
gown with corsage of white
spray orchids. The bride's moth
er wore a plum crepe dress, and
corsage of pink spray orchids.
The reception following was
in the church parlors. Mrs. E.
Vigre cut the cake. Miss Berg
Sandvik, Miss Marian Jorgenson
and Mrs. K. Olson poured.
For traveling the bride wore
a navy blue suit with matching
accessories and a hat of pink,
and with the costume the white
orchid from her bridal arrange
The couple left for a wedding
trip along the Oregon coast and
and to be at home at 10 North
Summer street, Portland, after
October 1.
The bride formerly attended
Oregon State college. Mr.
Schramm was graduated from
OSC In June.
Beta Sigma Phi
Groups Active
Alpha Epsilon and Eta chap
ters of Beta Sigma Phi, interna
tional educational and cultural
sorority, soon will be resuming
their fall and winter activities
Eta chapter meets Wednesday of
this week and Alpha Epsilon
chapter is to meet September 24
The Beta Sigma Phi city coun
cil announces the close of a va
ried summer social season and
resumption of the regular bi
weekly chapter meetings. The
organization's planned cultural
programs are featured at these
regular meetings. Among the
fall chapter activities is the of
ficial rushing program. This
program is carried out in co-or
dination with more than 3000
chapters of the international
organization, thro u g h o u t the
United States, Alaska and Cana
da and is even participated in
by chapters in England, Scot
land. Hawaii, Guam, Cuba and
the Canal Zone. Chapters estab
lished for American members
living in Germany and Japan
will also take part.
Mrs. William Collier and Mrs.
Rodger Lewis who are vice pre
sidents and official rush cap
tains in charge of rushing activi
ties for Alpha Epsilon and Eta
chapters here in Salem, state
that the September - October
rushing events will include rush
parties, model meetings, and
preferential tea. The member
ship commmittee In conjunction
with the social committee is now
completing plans for the rushingMrs. Giles Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
activities, which will be n-i
"""need at an early date. The
rush captains have Indicated
that the rushing program, which
has for its theme "Vision," is be
ing planned along lines which
will more fully acquaint the
community with the scope and
achievements of this organiza-
and Mrs. Burl Cox art presidents
of the two local groups.
The International headouar-
Beta Sigma Phi are in
Kansas City, Missouri and the
organization has a total mem-
nersnip ot approximately 100,
000 young women Including the
Junior affiliate group, Nu Phi
Beta Sigma Phi has Ha awn
international endowment fund
for the benefit of humanity, of
which the immediate project Is
sponsoring two scientists in can-,
Miss Elliott
Is Honored
The Royal Neighbors of
America gave a kitchen shower
Monday afternoon at the home
of Berneice Bouffleur in honor
of Miss Patricia tlliott who is
to be married on Wednesday
evening to Basil John Wallace.
The following were hostesses
for a dessert luncheon: Mes-
dames Francis Hoyt, Mable
Miles, Margaret Campbell, Dora
Pratt, Inez Geer and Gertrude
Walker. Mrs. Inez Geer was in
charge of the presentation of the
The group wrapped the dream
cake for the bride-elect. ' Those
present were: Miss Elliott, Mes
dames Hazel Elliott, Nellie
Pierce, Hattie Rucf, Laverna
Fiala, Blanche Gaines, Lucia
Keyt, Josephine Quamme, Anna
Mae Anderson, Florence Rowe,
Sarah Peterson, Margaret
Campbell, Minnie Gregory, Bes
sie Spillcke, Virgil Gamble, Inez
Geer, Mabel Miles, Vera Aigel-
tinger, Lulu Ackerma
Pratt, Frances Hoyt,
Bouffleur, Goldie South, Leona
Witzel, Grace Morris, Linda
Hart, Julia Gregory, Gertrude
Mrs. Hagedorn
Birthday Feted
Mrs. W. J. Hagedorn, who ob
served her 80th birthday Satur
day, was honored at two events
by her family over the week-end.
Saturday evening, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul H. Hauser entertained
at a dinner for Mrs. Hagedorn,
those attending including Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Hagedorn and
members of their family.
Sunday afternoon an informal
at home was given at the Hage
dorn residence, some 80 guests
calling. Assisting at the affair
were Mrs. Glenn Adams, Mrs.
Sarah Peterson, Mrs. Fred Lup
ton, Mrs. Charles E. Pratt, Mrs.
Maye Butler, Miss Donna Hage
dorn, Mrs. Leslie Kopischke.
Mrs. Emma Ulery played violin
numbers. Mrs. Lura Tandy
passed the guest book.
Joining the Hagedorns for the
observance honoring Mrs. Hage
dorn were their three sons and
wives, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hage
dorn of Myrtle Point, Mr. and
Mrs. Ora Hagedorn of Prineville,
Mr. and Mrs. Murrel Hagedorn
of Portland, as well as the son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Hauser.
Grand Ronde A recent
bride is Mrs. Willard Murphy,
the former Beltye Hale,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Hale of Grand Ronde.
Mr. Murphy is the son of Mrs.
Zella Murphy. The couple
will reside at Grand Konde.
Past Matrons
The Past Matrons association
will meet at the Golden Pheas
ant on Friday for a 6:30 o'clock
dinner. The following commit
tee is in charge: Mrs. Belle N.
Brown, Mrs. Gerald Richards
Mrs. Rex Turner, Mrs. Ida Nilcs
and Mrs. Estelle Smith.
auxiliary announces that its
meeting planned for this week
has been postponed until Sep
tember 21.
OES Meeting
Salem chapter. Order of East-
em Slar, held its first meeting
of the fall, Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rasmus-
sen were welcomed as members
f -
by affiliation. ,f the bride. The dinner was
On the committees for theiheld at the St. Mary's dining
evening were: Decorations, Mrs.
Paul Shaffer, Mrs. Verne Has-
hrook; refreshments, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Graham, Mr. and
Harry L. Miller, Mrs. Clvde C
cer research at the University of
Colorado. Chapters locally en
gage in many civic and philan-
inropic undertakings. Here In
Salem Beta Sigma Phi has been
active in cancer and heart fund
drives and Boy and Girl Scout
For All the Family
Half Soles &
Regulor Sizes
V Wail
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Gene Polly (Alice Cleora
Edmonds) whose wedding was an event of August 28 at the
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints, in
Woodburn. The couple will make their home in Bend. (Alyce
studio, Woodburn)
?aBemDeiceMiss Prosser Bride Sept. 3
nth Innn I
At Ceremony
Mt. Angel In candlelight ceremonies Saturday morning Miss
Dorothy Prosser was wed to Alcuin Beyer, son of John Beyer and
the late Mrs. Beyer. Setting for the nuptial high mass and double
ring rites was St. Mary's Catholic church, where white gladioluses
and greenery decorated the altar and sanctuary where the bridal
couple knelt. The Rev Damian
Jentges, OSB, officiated at 8:30
o'clock, and read the vows be
fore a large number of relatives
and friends. James Prosser,
brother of the bride, and Robert
Fronk, cousin to the bride
groom, served at the altar.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred A. Prosser, the bride was
escorted to the altar by her
father. Her wedding gown was
of traditional white satin, styled
with nylon yoke, Chantilly lace
at the portrait neckline, long
sleeves ending in calla points on
the fitted bodice which was but
toned with self covered buttons
down the back, and full skirt.
The long train was encircled
with the same Chantilly lace
fell. The waist-length veil of
illusion was held by a bonnet of
pleated satin and lace, and the
bride carried a bouquet of white
tuberous begonias and satin
streamers. For sentiment she
wore her mother's rhinestone
lavalier which she had worn at
her wedding nearly 30 years
ago. Her father had chosen these
rhinestone overseas during the
first World War, had them hand
cut in Kruft, Germany, and set
in French silver at Andernach,
Germany, and sent them to his
wife before their marriage.
Mrs. Don Palmer of Tilla
mook attended her sister as ma
tron of honor, gowned in candy-
pink satin with three tiers form
ing the shawl collar on the fitted
bodice and three tiers of tucks
repeated on the floor length
skirt below the hipline. She car
ried a colonial bouquet of paint
ed blue daisies and wore a halo
of the same flowers in her hair,
nd matching satin mitts.
Miss Mary Lou Wiessenfels
was bridesmaid and was dressed
identically to the honor attend
ant in a candy-pink ensemble
and carried blue painted daisies.
The organist, Miss Helen Keb-
er, played the organ and was
accompanist at the pipe organ
for Mrs. Dale Plummer (June
Ann Lucht) of Oregon City who
sang before and after the serv
ices, and for the St. Mary's
choir singing at the offertory.
Brother Attends
Ernest Beyer was best man,
Carl Beyer was groomsman, and
ushers were Joseph Beyer, all
brothers of the bridegroom, and
James Bochsler, a cousin.
The bride's mother, Mrs. Pros
ser, was dressed in a steel gray
afternoon dress with which she
wore matching accessories and
a corsage' of pink gladioluses
The grandmother, Mrs. Mary
Ficker was dressed in a maroon
colored afternoon dress, with
black accessories, and a corsage
of Talisman roses. The bride
g r o o m's grandmothers, Mrs.
Michael Weinacht was dressed
in a black ensemble, and Mrs.
Susanna Beyer wore navy blue
print and black accessories.
Each wore a corsage of Talis
man roses.
Breakfast was served for the
bridal party and the officiating
,clergv at the home of the bride's
parents. Serving were Mrs. Ed
Goolev of Harrington. Wash.,
and Mrs. Joseph Ficker. aunts
hall with covers placed for 80
relatives. A large four-tiered
wedding cake topped by a
double-ring ornament, used on
her parents' wedding cake, white
tapers and white asters centered
the bride's table. Asters and
white wedding bells formed the
decor for the guest rooms. Serv
ing at dinner were the Misses
Schwab, Marguerite
Violet Hoffman
Mary Diehl. Evelyn Purdy and
Vivian Vreeland. During the
dinner hour Miss Helen Keber
was accompanist for Miss Laura
Rubber Heels
in Mt. Angel
Schwab singing solos and Miss
Schwab and Miss Viola Beran of
Claflin, Kan., cousins, singing
Reception Given
At the large reception held at
the same place during the after
noon Miss Terese Ficker of San
Francisco and Mrs. A. T. Bigler,
aunts of the bride, had charge
of the gift table. Mrs. Robert
Fronk, aunt of the bridegroom.
cut the wedding cake, and Miss
Elizabeth Beyer of Portland,
aunt of the bridegroom, and Mrs.
Herman Schwab, aunt of the
bride, presided at the coffee
urns. Miss Joan Schwab pass
ed the guest book. Serving the
guests were Mrs. A. A. Ebner,
and the Misses Helen Palmer,
Helen Weissenfels, Bernadette
Hauth, Geraldine Traeger and
Bonnie Frey.
Relatives from out of town
here for the nuptials were Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Gooley of Harring
ton, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. A.
Beran, Gene, Viola, Alice and
Tony Beran of Claflin, Kan.,
Mrs. Lucy Seus of Salina, Kan.,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Seus of Hills-
boro, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Bigcj, Mr. and Mrs. John Scher-
zinger, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Gagnon, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Scherzinger, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Helner, all of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Palmer, Marlene and
David Palmer of Tillamook.
Mr. and Mrs. Beyer have gone
south on a honeymoon. For
going away the bride chose a
navy blue coat, beige dress, rose
colored hat and navy accesso
ries, with corsage of rosebuds.
They will reside in Mt. Angel.
BPW Club
Woodburn The first dinner
meeting of the fall season for
the Woodburn Business and
Professional Women's club will
be a novel "walking dinner'
which will start with cocktails
at the home of Mrs. Ray Glatt,
488 Montgomery street at 7 p.m.
From there the group will go
to the home of Mrs. Clara
Stange, 950 Young street, Alzar
Courts No. 1, for salad; then on
to the golf club house for the
main course and dessert. A
movie and talk will be the en
tertainment following the din
No reservations are required
but those planning to attend
should call the president, Mrs.
Eugene Stoller, by Wednesday
No fixed price will be charged
for the dinner but each per-1
son will pay whatever amount
desired at each place and those
attending are asked to bring
coins to drop in the plate as no
change will be made that eve
ning, Members should also
bring table service for them
selves and guests to be used at
the club house.
Practice is under way for the
three act farce. "Look Who's
Here." which will be presented
by the club early In November.
WOODBl'RN The first meet
ing of the fall season for Ever
green Assembly No. 12 Order
of the Rainbow for Girls, will be
held Wednesday, September 14,
at 8 p. m. in the Masonic temple.
Election of new officers will be
the main business of the meet
"l QuMIra Sudani" (The
Pour Seasons) Orch. of Ac
idemia dt Santa Cecilia.
Recorded -In Italy 12" 5.SS
SJ Mourt: Requiem
Solowts: Tassinarl, tlftnanl,
Tsgltsvlnl, T)o
Recorded in Italy J-10" t.M
Downstairs Oregon Rldg.
State and High 3-8631
Mrs. Ailing Announces New
Chairmen, Woman s Club
Chairman for her committees and departments for the 1949-80
club year are being announced by Mrs. George W. Ailing, presi
dent of the Salem Woman's club. The group plans its first fall
meeting on Friday, September 23, the day being changed from
Saturday following a poll of the membership last year.
Following is the list of chair-
Year book, Mrs. Clay C.
Cochran. Program, Mrs. Irvin
Bryan. Hospitality, Mrs. How
ard N. Hunsaker. Friendship,
Mrs. Frank James. Membership,
Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson. Social,
Mrs. Albert J. Walker and Mrs.
Cedric T. Reaney. Revisions and
Resolutions, Mrs. F. A. Elliott
and Mrs. George Rossman. Chil
dren's Farm Home, Mrs. W. O.
Widdows. Salem Council of
Women's Organizations, Mrs.
Charles E. Roblin.
Ways and Means, Mrs. Grant
C. Rogers and Mrs. Arthur R.
Jones. Telephone, Mrs. Jessie
Singleton. Education, Mrs. H. M.
Hayles. International Relations,
Mrs. P. T. Bouffleur.
American Citizenship depart
ment, Mrs. Lawrence Osterman.
House, Miss Ida May Smith. Art
department, Mrs. C. Gerald
Richards. Literature depart
ment, Mrs. Curtis Hale and Mrs.
Carl Chambers. Music depart
ment, Mrs. W. W. Woodruff. Le
gislative department, Mrs. E. F.
Carleton. Club history, Mrs. H.
P. Grant and Mrs. A. L. Wallace.
Public Welfare, Mrs. Letha A.
Officers of the club are: pre
sident, Mrs. George W. Ailing;
vice president, Mrs. Howard N.
Hunsaker; recording secretary,
Mrs. Gregory Haefliger; corres
ponding secretary, Mrs. Grant
C. Rogers; financial secretary,
Mrs. Merle D. Travis; treasurer,
Mrs. Norman K. Winslow; par
liamentarian, Mrs. George Ross-
Recent Wedding
I he first Baptist church was
the scene August 4 of the wed
ding of Miss Mildred Storsley
and Arthur Brady, Dr. Lloyd T.
Anderson officiating. The bride
is the daughter of Mrs. A. Obie,
formerly of Beausejour, Mani
toba, Canada, and the late James
Storsley, and the bridegroom is
the son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
F. Brady of Moosehorn, Mani
toba, Canada.
Mrs. Leonard Krushell, of
Morden, Manitoba, Canada, sis
ter of the bride, played the wed
ding music.
The bride wore an aqua wool
dressmaker suit and a white
calotte edged with white violets,
over ' an all-round pleating of
white net. Her corsage was of
red rosebuds, and she carried a
white Bible with cascading satin
streamers, over which was fas
tened a single red rosebud.
Miss Myrle Obie attended her
sister as bridesmaid. The best
man was Donald Herrold.
A reception was held at the
home of the bride's mother, In
West Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Brady left on a
honeymoon trip to Crater Lake
and other points in southern
Oregon. The bride travelled in
a beige wool dressmaker suit
with matching brown accessor
ies. The couple will reside in Sa
lem. PRISCILLA guild of Christ
Lutheran church is to meet at
the parish hall, Wednesday, at
7:45 p.m. with Mrs. William
Schultz and Mrs. Otto Roller
as the hostesses.
The Shoe of Your Dreams at an Everyday Price!
Amtf ico'i
It's the shoe of your dreams at an even-day price!
E Jf.tticKs amazing new Challenge fin and feels
and looks wonderful! It's been fatliion.tcilrd.
fit-proved, nVxibilized and eomfortired. Comes in
sizes and widths to fit almost any normal foot.
Come In for your pair today!
(SNA ftTtICK St,.
MM. I I. 11
wltmt AAAAA ( III
J7 V9"
Mr. Merten Is
Wed in South'
Miss Mary Rose Puhr and
George C. Merten exchanged
wedding vows in a double ring
ceremony in the Precious Blood
Catholic church in Los Angeles
on September 10. Rev. Kieran
Marum officiated. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John F. Puhr of Fingal, North
Dakota, and the bridegroom is
the son of Mrs. P. J. Corcoran of
Los Angeles and the late George
N. Merten of St. Paul, Ore.
White satin, styled on tradi
tional lines, with long sleeves,
lace yoke and long full skirt was
worn by the bride who was
given in marriage by her broth
er, Al Puhr, in the absence of
her father, who was unable to
attend. A tiara held the finger
tip veil in place, and the bride
carried a nosegay of white roses
and bouvardia with satin
streamers. She wore a rhine
stone necklace and bracelet, a
gift of the bridegroom. -
Miss Betty Jean Merten, sis
ter of the bridegroom, served
as maid of honor, and Miss Mary
Velarde and Miss Theresa
Woodworth were the brides
maids. Miss Merten wore ro
mantic blue taffeta and carried
a nosegay of yellow roses with
matching streamers. The brides
maids wore ice blue taffeta and
carried nosegays of pink roses
with pink satin streamers. They
wore crisp net head coverings,
fashioned as halos.
Courtney Routh served as best
man and Jay Slater and Robert
Byrnes were the ushers. Miss
Helen Jensen was the soloist
with Umberto Martucci at the
The ceremony was followed
by a reception in the clubhouse
for those in attendance, and by
a luncheon for the wedding
party and close relatives at the
home of the bridegroom's folks
at 1315 Coronado Terrace.
The bride is employed with
the Los Angeles board of edu
cation. Mr. Merten attended
Salem schools, served more than
three years in the army air corps
and is now enrolled in engineer
ing at University of Southern
Upon their return from their
honeymoon they will be at home
at 4019 Marmion way in High
land Park, Los Angeles.
SIGMA KAPPA alumnae are
meeting Thursday evening, Mrs.
Luther Jensen and Mrs. E. E.
Beckman to be hostesses to the
group at the home of the former,
the meeting to be at 8 o'clock.
Palmistry Readings
Will tell your past present
and future. Will advise on
love, marriage
and business.
Answers all
questions. Are
fvou worried?
Why be In
doubt? Special
Open 9 a.m.
to 10 p.m.
Moved from 466 Ferry to
173 S. Commercial
CHAUfNOf nan In tuppto
Calf Bloch, Coannc Srpwn,
Chtcrr ; nd Whin Onf
bin. Slut 1 1 1. A AAA MO
I lit t
Smarltil Waiting Shod
and master-tailored by Joselli,
It's Autumn all over! One
hundred per cent wool, it has
a guaranteed rayon lining,
patch pockets with an outside
flap, four fine buttons.
Comes In sizes 10 to 18 it's
35.00 alone. However it's
designed to go with . . .
COAT in the same rich
material as the Suit and made,
of course, by Joselli for the
glowing combined effect.
The coat, too, is 35.00 alone
but you can have both for
Just 65.00!
not when you're carrying this
gorgeous suede purse by
Kacdin with the glove
holder ... a golden chain
with jeweled clip! Very smart
. . . the purse is 7.95,
the holder 1.50.
this new dress by
Puritan. It's belted above a
tiered skirt and topped off
with a richly beaded neckline.
Sizes are 14V4 to
22j. 14.95.
i Stor for Ladiot
3 I