J FOJft RENT HOUSES rtHNINHED 3 bdrm. horn. Oil heat, hoi water, aouim. rn, i-mo. Jm21l r YBMM. house near Bwg school. Slit). nouf -Z Jmail r PR nicely furn. flit. 303 B. w7ntVr.ph (or ppolntmcnt22&33. lm31 HOIir.RN FURN. cottage 3 mile north of Brooks on 99E. Box 7BF Jm321 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS JMftDERN OFFICES for rent. Ideal for legal, medical, dentat profusion. Lo. rated in Electric Bldg. Apply Liberty Investment Co., Tel. 3-3711. Jj2j FOR RENT to couple, 1 bd rm. house" (urn., 1680. 1696 Center St. Ph. 2469 Jin WAREHOUSE OR SHOP too sq ft. smooth concrete floor, food roof. lie. windows, it rour Corners. US per mo. Ph. 34533 after 13 p.m. J222 PI, E NTT OP new clean beds. At reason able rates. Inquire it Cedar Tavern or Bert'a Pool Hill, Detroit, Oregon. Jill OFFICE, duk apace, Conr. loc Ph739133 jais- POWER TOOL rental for home ind lIT dust rial as Bowser Bros. Ph 1-1846 1' FIOOR SANDERS for rent Montiomer Ward. J TO DO a ood Job rent a food floor sand r Wo sell everything to completo the Job HOWftER BROS . Ph. 3-3646 J ".OOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. OFFICE space and desk apices Ph. 39693 f TRAILERS 13.00 per day Bowser Bros 14 lu B 13th, West Balem. 1 BUSINESS RM. for rent. B. L. Stiff. V DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph 3-9103. SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewlni ma chines Reasnnab rites. Free pci up to deltrery Blnaer Sewing Machine Co 111 N Com 1 Ph 33513 J WANTED TO RENT PHYSICIAN family deilre 3 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. house. Will leiie. Call 30319. j.1230" PFRM. STATE employe to fimlly desire unfurn. 2 bdrm. home. Ph. 35051. 1320 W ANTED 3 rm. turn. apt. by Willamette university prof. Call Mr. Penlx, 33266. Js32Q MEAT CUTTER, wlf and 3 small tMU dren need 1 bdrm home. Ph. 2-5360. Ja316 S OR 1 BDRM. unfurn. house needed some time In Oct. Not over 155 per month. Ph. 3-3213. Jl220 TWO BEDROOM unfurn. apt. or duplex wanted. Will lease. Need Oct. 1ft or be fore. Writ Capital Journal box 396. MJ19 FAMILY OF THREE desire 3 BR hie! furn. or part. furn. Ph. 3-9924 eve. Ja218 LOST AND FOUND LOST, man's Elgin watch between 5th to Belmont ft Hunt Foods cannery. Re ward. Ph. 26444. k220 LOST, Ladles rose gold wrist watch on b lack cord. Reward. Ph. 3-7654. Ml 8 LOST: BULOVA wrist watch within two blocks of Greyhound bus depot. Reward. Ph. 38760. X316 LOST: FEMALE Irish Setter. Vicinity Falrgroundi. Child's pet. Reward. Ph. 27909. k219 LOST: AMERICAN Legion cap with 1n arrlptlon Springfield, Oregon 40. 35 year disc. Metal stars and wings. Reward to finder. Jack Larson, 333 7th, Spring field. Ore. k21 MISCELLANEOUS J.ES SPRINGER, men's hitter. 464 Court W close Saturdays 13:30 m318 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR S HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bids. State ft Commercial Sts SALEM Phon 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS AETNA STEEL Door Frames, assembled, one unit. Low installation float. PUM 1LITE, West Salem. m219 rF.INFORCING STEEL and Blok-Mesh In 4". 6" ft 8" widths. PUM1LITE, West 1rFv ROCK LATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater ials, complete line, 11111117 jiinicrinia. PUMILITE - West Salem. ma218 Wrecking Gov't Projects Hundreds modern sash ft windows. Cast Iron vitreous china wash basins com plete with fittings. 100 30 -inch 1 panel doors with frame ft hardware. Large supply of 33 ft 36 inch glass doors with frame ft hardware. C. O. Long, Ph. 3-6831. On mil north of Kelaer. m323' BUILDERS Hew H Inch 4x8 ft. sheets Insulation board 6c ft., only 31.84 sheet. A dur able attractive wall board, light In weight with insulating value. No. 1 mountain cedar shin ilea 17.73 sq. Cedar shakes In th carton, painted ft with under cours 913 sq. C. G. Long, Ph. 3-5821. On mile north of Kelser. ma323 INSULATION-DOORS New fiber glass roll blinket lnsulitlon at, bargain price. Full stock 1 panel doors, grade A. Low prices on mahogany Interior doors made In Sweden. French doors, alass doors, entrance doors. Check our prices. C. G. Long. Ph. 3-5821, One mile north of Kelrer. ma223 NON-METALLIC SHEATHED CABLE 12 GAUGE - 2 CONDUCTOR 230-FOOT COIL . $9.95 ELECTRIC DEPT., BASEMENT Sears, Roebuck & Co. 850 N. CAPITOL STREET PHONE 3-9191 . HI BARGAIN PRICES Only 1 house- left. Lots of lumber, ooors, windows, some nice 3x10 and 3n. oood fir flooring. Seo Chris on Job at 960 Center St MADSON WRECKING COMPANY OOORS Flush Interior and exterior doors. Just a few left at special prlc. Keith Biown. Front ft Court St., Silem. ma t'FDAR OUTTR-C-Juat received small Mrw-k of hard to get trades, (clear A Mleht-knoti fxi" Cedar gutters. Keith - -nrront . Court St.. Balem.ma CFD4.it SIDING New shipment Sxl" and xlo- cedar aiding, all trades. Keith orownrrnnt ft Court Sts . Salem, ma DE4R CUSTOMER, insut on your eon- ".cm a no carpenter using th rtnwi old erowth vertical train yellow ti rniAheo lumoer m 8alm On hand at Diek Mr Lumber Co II Lona Aw Pb, 44911. Pre parkin. anaJJ BUILDING MATERIALS save on roofing t J1 ' Fu compitw t STALLED price o rout roofing needs wids rime of coion Oil! our outside salesman for fret ostlmat Fnoo 1-3191 UONTOOUERT WARD OO. SALUL OREOON NEW SHIPMENT pi&st board V IWc. ft Roci lit hi 41 ft UONTOOUERT WARD ItLEll AM M A - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK itilNOLE. The modern permanent roof Inc. Be rour dealer of Call Out. 3-6401 OI1273 RED CEDAR SHlNr.i.r Hlib Mountain or Coast Timber No 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 sqs. No. 3. S in dear, suitable for fbol or aidewalls. Ted Mullrr. Pa. Sa lem 3-1196 8a!em-lnder Road mi NURSERY STOCK DAHLIAS: Order bulbs now. 1491 7th St , West Salem. Ph. 2-0514. mb218 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GOOD 3n-o Deer Oun. Will trad for goodmotorfor boat. 641 N. 16th. n219 MAN'S BICYCLEOoocTcond. 16.50Ph 27100. n220" OIL CIICI7LATOR. 46,000 B.T-U. 6 rm. used l month, stove pip ft draft in cluded. Ph. 25170. n220 .Sun CAL. Deer Rifle. 0. Phon Stayton 10 n222 CAR RADIO, ex. cond., 6 tube, guaran teed, 120.00. See after 4:30 p.m. at 1286 Elm St., West Salem. Ph. 3-8097. n220 PLYWOOD Piano Boxes, 11.00, Tillman's 395 6. 13th. n 320 GOOD WOOD COOK STOVE, Ice box and man's bicycle. Prices reasonable. 1391 Market. n21 METAL CLARINET, 175. Ph. 2-1554. flat. Almoat new. 220 CABINET TREADLE sewing machine. Ph. 33."-20. 1)220 OIL CIRCI'LATOR heat 4 or I rooms. Exc. cond. Ph. 23162. n2l8 30-06 MAUSER: K2.5 scop ft shade, cus tom myrtl wood stock, in new condi tion. 1175. Mountain States Power Of fice. Mill City. D223 STEEL CLOTHESLINE posU. railings In stock ft mad to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n242 SIOUX valv refacer. original belts ft stone. Con. rod aligner ft valva sen reamers, all In excellent cond. All for 1175 or sell separately. D. M. Phklllppl, 708 N. 2nd St., Silver ton, Oregon. Ph. 11S4. n219 TRUCKERS com and get It, pit run and fill dirt, 50c. Silt 60c. Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. Ph. 31966. n227 CLARENDON PIANO. Very good cond. Can be seen between 9 ft 12 a.m. any day except Bun. or Thur. 230 N. 30th St. 1)219 PIANO WITH beautiful ton In excellent condition. 1600 S. Cottage. n319 SEVERAL GOOD out-grown girl's suits ft arrases sices 10-1Z. 2 girts Dicycies. znvu Maple Ave. Ph. 2-4036. n219 DIETZEn"t R AN SI t with tripod, plumb bobs ft level rod, S175. 341 State St.. Rm. I. t)21B USED FURNACES OIL BURNERS. SAWDUST BURNERS. AIR CONDITIONERS ft GAS RANGE. HOLLAND FURNACE CO.. 370 KEAR NEY. PH. 37803. n221 31 CALIBRE Jap Shells. 150 or 180 train bullets. (4.00 per box. Guaranteed re aulti. Porters custom loads, 1025 Diet Ave. Ph. 34253 after 8:30. n218 ELVINATOR refrigerator, 150. 3560 Portland Rd., Apt. 4. n218 MAN'S BICYCLE. Ph. 3-7903. 4485 Ferry n3l8 COLLECTIONS of antiques for sale. Key wind watch and organ. Apt. 3 upstairs. Do not bother landlady. 575 Marlon. n220" FOR SALE: Must b sold In 1 unit only. 15 116, 125 H.P. 3 Ph. motors with belts, pulleys, switches. 1 Bolter, 1 stripper, all saws. SI. 300 complete. Telephone 3-664 or 3-5749. n220 FOR SALE: Shells for foreign ft odd cali bre rifles. Also several rifles. Trades considered. V. M. Sackett, 1510 So. Winter St Phone 3-4912. n220 WALLINO SAND ft GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways, cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand Bulldozing, dralnaee and ditching. V-yd. ahovel and drat line. Ph. 3-9249 AUTOMATIC OIL Water Heater. Loch In var. 30-gal. site. $10. Medium sized child's trlke. Good cond. 65. Taylor Tot, like new. Including fixtures for making into kiaaie-ear. . se& Garnet Ph. 3-6355. n31 SEWING Machines Electric or Treadle Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. n228 LUMBER 2x4's by Jitney load. 110 per 1,000. You haul. Independenc Lumber ft Mia. Co. inc., independenc, ore. "Madame Bovary" plus "Old Fashioned Girl." GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley. Gibson ind Montag Applancej at Gevurti. na FENCE POSTS, poles, all types Shingles fertilizer ft flatrock Phillips Bros. Rt 6. Box 118. Ph. 31458. fl SALEM SAND ft URAYEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Diuntns Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rantai IB B yds 10 B yds. D-7 Cat ft Doter D-6 Cat ft Dozer D-4 Cat ft Doser Be na about ditching by the ft. Phon Days 1-9406 Eves 3-836 or 3-400 balem Ore on o I'SED OIL burners and bloweis. Priced to sell. Ph. 28663. n233a USED ELECTRIC Washing Machines 919.95 lo 3129.50. Yeattr Appliance Co 339 N Liberty n216 TALLMAN'S MID SUMMER PIANO SALE Special 3625 Spinet Limit No. 1494 00 Full 86 not key board, east iron plat Beautiful ton and finish. 10 DOWN BAL EASY TERMS A big saving on floor samples and dem onstrators. Such fine makes as Knabe, Fliieher. Lester, and Betsy Ross Spinets Oood selection Orand and upright pianos ss low as 110 per month. TALLMAN PIANO STORE. INC. 178-395 S. 12th. A milt from blgh prices n22i WANTED MISCELLANEOUS KK NEED iunk batteries. Paying 11.75 Retread Tlr Service, 330 So. Lancaster n331 WANTED furniture vo flu ft repair Lee Bros- Para Raflntshlm Co rfc a-7001 rm FTRNITrmE Fha t-1188 PERSONAL WILL NOT be responsible for any bills other than my own. Virginia Hutch in Sept. 13. 1949. p 320 STANLEY HOME Products Phon 3-5446 51 Cros St p31V AUTOMOBILES IT HI'DSON 1130. 3H4"3. Liberty. Ph 0220 ItXt FORD Pickup 8173. 1660 Jefferson St 0.220 1HM FORD. Broadway. Recond. motor. 1100. 1460 a.2201 196 DODGE deluxe sedan. Excellent con dition. Phone 1-smj or J ins. qiai '37 FORD coupe. Clean, good cond , 1395. Ph. 37184. 13)0 Lancaster after I p m qJJS iftil rnRYSLER brotham, very good. Ph 3-5843 or 3-117T q323 F443PACKARD 4 door Delux I Sedan. Only 32.660 m.les. Original owner. Ov erdrive, el. clutch, radio, beater, win shield washer, foe ft soot liihu. Ne O nereis with sifetv- tubes. Slipcovers nd underrating. Hr is a resl buy t 11650 00. Call 9 -40 16. ve. 1-621). 33t Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES IN PLYMOl'TH. '4 motor. Oood rubber. In good cond. See at 1341 Mill St. qJ20 47 OLD 1. RAH. 1 owner. Excel, cond. Reasonable. Ph.35447. 0.219 FOR BALE. Model A coupe In (ood enn- tton. 1150.00. Ph. 34311. qJiO Eisner Motors to Sell IU10 RECONDITIONED Super "1" 4 Dr. Packard sedan, with radio, healer, overdrive, good rubber. Going to college. Best offer take. Sea BUI Buraell. 3 p m -7 p m. 355 Center St. q320 CAR AUCTION TONITE, 7:30 BRING YOUR CARS. TRUCKS OR TRAILERS. NO SALE, NO COMMIS SION. East Salem Auction Center 1033 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 31221 q218 47 BI'ICK Spcl. Sedsnetle. Dk. green. Oood l Ires. RAH. windshield w a trier Oritlnal owner. Ph. 2-5116. 4219 HOLD EVERYTHING! WS ARE IN THE MARKET FOR NICE CLEAN CARS. '37 MODELS ON UP. CASH PAID. TRADE, SELL OR BUY. ZEEB'S USED CARS 2335 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD PHONE 2-6454 q333 1941 CHFV. Royal Town sedan. Good cond. Excel, rubber, hah. sbso cam. Call C. H. Parley 6X4 Stayton. c.219 19M CHEV, 4 door sedan. Oood trans portation. 1185 or best offer. 1260 Nebraska avr. q218 IS4 I'SED CAR LOT $50 ft your old one. 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 p.m o241 FOR SALE, 1941 Ford pickup. mile north o: Stayton canners. Dean Pem berton. Rt. 1, Box 184. Stayton. q218 WRECKING '36 Ply, has '46 motor. Rt. 7. Box 434 A McCain Ave., off Silverton Rd. qJll WANTED Will pay cash for good, clean used cars. SEE MR. TEAGUE OR JOE SPURLOCK TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty 353 N. Com'L 17 CHEV. 4 dr., RftH, 1295. 3657 Cherry. q219 PICKI'P Body Tops Aluminum, steel, or namental iron specialties, railings, made to order. 3080 Hulsey Ave. Ph. 31328. q218 Eisner Motors to Buy CAR ACCESSORIES tires ft tubes at cost price. flMt come first served as this u a close-out sale. Dealers welcomed. R D. Woodrow Co., 4.0 Center. q" WANTED: Clean used cars. 2160 South Commercial Bob Marr ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT SELL - TRADB TERMS 233 FalrtrouBdn Ro,d Ptioo, Eisner Motors Fine Cars BOATS 2 FT. Sml-V-Boat. Nearly new or will trade for good Carbine Deer Rifle. Ph. 34525 or see R. M. Kelley at Chemawa. qq220 ALUMINUM BOATS Ideal for fall fish ing Light, fast, unslnkable. No upkeep worries. Excellent design. 6-10-12-14 ft. sues. S150 up. Geo. E. Allen Hdw. O1220" FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 8. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 3-2457 Lie. No. M-159 8-154 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 TORNTTORE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS DP TO 3300 Com In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. I960 Fairgrounds Rnad ' Next Door to Bank No Parking problems Phone 37032 Lie N MS6ft-829t Floyd Kenvon. Mar r PRIVATE MONET Spec'al Rites and Terra On Larger Loans Long and Short Tim Payments ROT H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial 8U Phon S-1161 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 6 OR 4' INTEREST I to 40 Tears and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 Stat St. Phon 3-3663 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4S and 6 TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortcaies. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7183 r GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lk. 8-133 and M-131 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 BILLS UNPAID? 1 add your obligations 3 pay them off in a lump sum with a loan from Personal J then make lust on reasonable pay ment each month 12S TO f.SOft ON AUTO UP TO 93M ON SALARY. FURNITURE Don't borrow unneesarllv. but if loan solve a problem, phone or come In today. Personal Finance Co. of Salem 113 State St Room 131 C R. ALLEN. Manner Phon t-3464 L.c. 8-132, M-163 r220 TRAILERS TO TRADE, 38 ft. Stewart trailer house '.94 model. Has elee. refrie., double sinks, ht. Ai eld water, also shower room. Bleeps four Would trade for equity in modern 4 or 6 room suburb home with small acreage. If Interested erlte care of Capital Journal Boi 403. OHe price and location. tJ19 NEW 3 wheel all metal trailer. Rack and canvas etvpr. 1335 Lee St U23 VERT REASONABLE' 11' house Phon 1-6334. factory trailer 1158 8. 14th. 1210 FT. Harrison. 664S. 3060 Hegel Ave. Ph 37520 ev. only. t2lt Mil lT 1 4 rt . A L JO aTri eeps 4. Perfect e on -dttion. Bargain. 130 Lin Ave. till 19 Vt RAI LE R r23ftTei eel lent condition . Sleep 4. See at Lena Lane Trailer P'.aia. Turn rteht on tt R. at yellow llthl after underpass. W. Q. Johnston. 1321 ALL MFTAL OI.IDI R, completely f irn Prig., apt sir ranee, etc dolly Sr awn ing Ine ; uded M ut be sn tA b p preeis'ed WtilefM at Put Croat Tra.r sari. Mit M. River rd. u;i TR A NSPO RTATION Bt'YING A new car? Save money. 1 will go 10 factory mna arive u out lor you. Cupid! Journal Box 409 x220 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All make used machine sold, rented repaired Roen 466 Court Phone 3-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair serrlc new applianeaa. V luce's Electric Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on 3-9236 1B7 8 Liberty Si AT UR DOOR GRINDING Dextera Pa 3683) o ALTO RADIOS Author,sed Warranty Repair Station for ail makes of Auto Radios atone Ralo Co. li3 8 Liberty Ph 3-6955 t MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE rowing aervice day phone 1-9ZI6 Nignt 3-1804 33" Center o Mike Panek, 375 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and a heel aligning specialist. o33S' BI ILDINU CARPENTRY Rrmodcl, ffpa.tr that home now Terms. No down payment Phone 2-4850. BI'ILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Alio hourf.i raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. o242 bi 'LldozTn g Dean Robinson. Ph. 2-6537 or 3-4306. 0238 Bulldoalnt, leveling, road bldg., clear ing teeth for brush. Virall Huskey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3146, Salem. o339 CARPENTER WORK Carpenter work. New, repair. Ph. 2-3093. 0239 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cask register A) makes sold rented, re pa:cd Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks driveway, patios, curbs, walls, etc- Cat! 2-4850. o CIIIMNET SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned Ens'ey 171 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. o233 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce's Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing, 157 8. Liberty 303 o EXCAVATING A GRADING Excavating A grading Ben Otjen & Son 818 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. 229 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 1555 Pearl. o233 BreithauDt'f for flowers Dial 3-9179 o Thel. stove & dlejie oil. Ph. 3-3186. Shell OH Co L T. Maxwell, distributor. 0241 Fl'RNACE CLEANING Giant vacuum machine. Trailer mount ed. Ph. 28662 United Products Co. 3037 Portland Rd. Reasonable price. 0233 HOUSEHOLD PRODLCT0 J R Wat i in Co products Pre de Ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-5395 o INSULATION Johns-Man vllle. Phon 3-3748. JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaninp; Janitor Service Floor Waxing Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDQ. MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 o LANDSCAPr NURSERY P Doerfler t Sons. Ornamentals 13f N LancaKter Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1322 e DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. ieron tsi fnone 3363. LAWNMOWERR Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry w. Scott, 147 S. Com'l St. o233 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At your door lawnmowe sharpening Deiter the lawnmuwer man Ph 36833 MATTRESSES Capita. Beddlog Phone 3-4069 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish At Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 3-75fl O240 OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Dejtk chairs, file and filing supplies safes, duplicators and supplies deb lamps tvnewrlter atinds brief cues slerce Wire Recorders. Roen 456 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE We service all types of burners. Ph. 26662. United Products Co. 3037 Port land Rd. Work guaranteed. o233 'Slfitrom'a are equipped to do rout painting Phone 3-2493 n PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanglnc and painting. H J Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. o227 PAINTING A PAPERING Palntlne and pape rhantlng. Fro esti mate. Ph 3-9513. 857 Shipping. o240 Call 2-3608 for your Painting A Paper Lancing. Attractive rates 0223 PICTURE F RAMI NO Picture framing Butcheoo Paint Store Phone 9-6687 Fisher. 844 8 Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. o332' PRUNING-SPRAYIN'G Phillip W Betlke. Ph. 3-1208 SAND GRAVEL Garden Soil, cruahed rock. Shovel and draallne excavating. Walling Sand A Gravel Co.. Phone 3-9249. o Valley Sand St Oravei Co Silt, sand h f II dm Excavating 10B above) Si cats Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving Ph office 34003, res 37146 Salem Saw Wrka. Ph. 3-7603. 1293 N 5th 0239 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANRS Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Rater ?hrp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers or Drains Septla Tankr Cleaned Seaa Ph 1-1311 at 1-1468 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tsnka cleaned Roto Roo'er Service on Sewers. 1079 Eim St, W Salem. Ph. 3-9468. 35127 0235 K P Hamei. Septle tanks cleaned Eieetrlc machine rvlr on aawer and drain lines Ouaranteed work. Il43-"h St.. Wen Salem Ph. 3-7404 0331 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect Todd's Septle Tank Service. 3545 Stat St. Phon 3-0734 o HEWING MACHINES New Rome sewing machine sales. We repair all makes. Rtngwood Rlec., 1041 Edaewater. Ph. 336I o231 Bought, sold, rented, repaired T7, terms All makes. W. Devenport. Ph. 37671 0328 Al) makes repaired, free estimates S.nger Sew'.ng Marh'n Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 1-3513. TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remington Royal, Under wood portable AA make need machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court TRANSFER STORAGE '-ocal Aj Dlatanoe Transfer, stora R imer oln. eoal A briquets Trucks tt Portland daily Aaent for Be Una House hold govl morrd to anvwnere in D 8 Oi Canada Larmer Transfer 4b Stora Ph 3-1131 o VENETIAN BLIND Made U Salem Free aal Ph Eimer the Blind man Sim Venetian Blinds mad to order t refialAhed Reinholdt Lewi 3-869 Journal Want Ads Pay ay Little Speeder George Fong of Bronx, N. Y., (right) is congratulated by Marty Michlik, American Model Airplane contest director, upon setting a new official national Class D model airplane speed record at Trenton, N. J. His time was 160.71 m.p.h. against old record of 153 m.p.h. Model is his own design, solid type, powered with a Dooling motor. (Acme Telephoto.) Stocks Advance In Active Trading New York, Sept. 13 11 A buying wave in the stock mar ket was Wall Street's response today to peace in the steel in dustry. Prices advanced from frac tions to more than a point throughout the list with steel shares in the lead on the move ment. The volume of trading was at the rate of 1,600.000 shares for the entire session, one of the best days in recent months. Steels were the most active ma jor group. The lead established by steels was followed by oils, rails, mo tors and chemicals. Gold shares turned down slightly. Proposals made in Washington and else where for raising the price of gold from the present level of $35 a fine ounce have been re ceived with marked coolness. More active issues and those with the best gains included U.S. Steel, Bethlehem, Southern Pa cific, Standard Oil (NJ), Kenne cott Copper. Allied Chemical, American Woolen, General Mo tors, Chrysler and Philco Radio. STOCKS 'Bv the AasnrlBtprl Presat . 12 .143s Tel Tel tnacorda Bendlx Aviation 30' Beth Steel 29'4 Boeing Airplane 30' Calif Packing 34. ':fad.n Pacific 14-. Case J I 39 raterplllar 34 Chrysler 5"'a Tom with A Sou 5'. Cons Vultee 10,. Continental Can M Crown Zellcrbnch 27' .JiirtlM Wright 7:, Douglas Aircraft 61 Dupont de Nm 53 'j General Elect ri 37 : iVrerai rood 4.i'.- General Motors 63 Ooodvesr Tire 39Tm tnr Harvester 27' Int. Paper 557k Kt-nnecott 46'l LIbby McN A L 7T Long Bell "A" 21' Montgomery Ward 54 Nash Kelvinator 14 i I Dairy 34U NY C.nrta in' Northern Pacific 16 Pao Am Fish 13'4 Pa Oas A Eleo , 34 f Tel A Tel Penney J C 3S Radio Corp 12 Rayonier 26H H yonler PffJ Reynolds Metal 20 S Richfle.d 4 IS Safeway Stores 28 3-ar Roebuck 42 Southern PaclflO 9 andard Oil Co. 10 tudebaker Corp . Sunshine Mining Transamerka .... union on Cai ... Union Pacific United Airline .. U S Steel , Warner Bros Pla Wvolworth .... , 10 US DIRECTORY WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore, or arc. Anything, WEATHERKTRIPPINO Free estimates. T. WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Mad to ordrr 1 Del Remholdt A Lewis. Ph 23639 WINDOW CLEANING Acm lndow Cleaner Windows, well' Ai woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waxed and Polished Ph t-9337 141 Court Langdoc, Culoertsoo and Mather WOODS A WING Atkins to Crou. Ph. WOOD SAWDUST Wet Salem Fuel Co. Ph 3-4M1. tOOCsES Ainxworth Lodes No. 310, A F. 5eV A.M. Tues., 8pt. 13th. Ststsd 8 p m 218" fTv LOOT meets tvery Wxl J nesdsy nlrht Visitors wei ctme "A 8ALEML6dOE No. 4, A F. r&s Aj AM, WednewiRy, 8pt. 14. E A. DRrps. 7:30 p.m. 219' LEGAL NOTICF OF FINAL HFARINO As adm:n:tratrii of toe es' ate of J RF.N.IAMIN RYWATFR deceased the un der ivned has filed m Circuit Court of Oregon for Marion County. In Probate, her final aerount in estate of said dece dent, and September 30. 1949, 10 o'clock, a m (Pacific Standard T:mei. and court room of said court have been appointed by u d rourt for hearing of obiectlon to aid account and settlement thereof. IRMA H BYWATF.R Admin stratm AforesalS 4'lan ft Cason and Wallace p Carson AttorneFB for Adm'n.stratrti Aut. S3, I. Sept, 6. II. It, 1946 MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem l.iveto.-k Market (By Valley Packing Company) Lambs tlS.rtO to 120 03 Feeder lambs 112 00 to f 16 on wes :o to n on Cutter cows .19 00 to ill no Fat dairy coas 59 00 lo iio.mi ; Bulls 11100 to llSOtl" ' calves, rood 3oo-45o tbx.) ii6 oo to 18 o.i I '4 . Soybeans were 14 to 2 1 j veal H50-300 tba.i top ....118 00 to 32o.oo 1 1 November S2 27-26 Portland Produce Butltrfat IfiiUWve, subject to lmme mate chan ne Prrmium quality maximum 35 to 1 percent acuity delivered in Portland 63-6(k lb., 92 score 61-64C lb 90 score, 57-60C, 89 score, 66c. Valley route and country olnU 2r less than first. Butter Wholes tie FOB duik cudm id wholesalers: grade 93 score, 62 cents; 92 score 61c; B 90 score, 5tfc id.. S score, 66c Above prices are stncl'.y nominal. Cbecse Selling price to Portland wnojs- ala: Oregon single 39-40c; Oregon m. loaf 42-43c; triplets i man Inxtes Etta iTo Wbolealersl A grade la rat ;l-a-fi4'ac; A medium. 55-58jc; grade B large. 54'-56,?c; small A graoe, i'ic .-IUnd Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Orade orlnLfl 67c; AA cartons 88c; prlnu- c A cartons t8e: a prints oc. En Pr'ees to rrtnllers- Grade A A larae 73c dor.: certified A larse. 6Hc: A. larae 67c: AA medium. 6lc: certified A. medium. 60c: A medium. 59c. A small. c- cartons 2r additional. tneesa Price lo retailers: Portlanc Oregon oinaiei 39-42C Oreaon loai. !b loafs 44'a-45c lb ; triplets. i" nui than slnfflos. Premium brands, aingles si'e lb loaf. 63ic. Poultry Lira Chlrkena No 1 quality FOB Plants. No. 1 broilers under 2'j lbs. 25-26c lb.: fryers 2'-3 lbs.. 2fl-30c; 3-4 lbs.. 31c: roaster 4 Ihs and over. 31c lb., fowl. Whorns, 4 lbs and mwier, ic. w lbs 19c: colored fowl all weights 22c; roosters, all weights 18-19c. Rabbit!) Average tr arowrrs: live whites 4-5 lbs 18-20 lb.: 6-6 lbs. 16-lRc lb; oiored 3 cents lower. Old or heavy ones 8-14c; dressed frvers to butcher. 53-57C nountry-Kllled Meata Veil top quality. 12-33c lb.: other trdea according to aright and quality with pool or heavier 20-2itc Hoa: Light blocKrrs. 32-33C1 sows 24 -26c. Limb.1)' Top quality, springers, 35-37c; mutton 8-10c. Bfr-t. Good cows. 22-23c lb.; canners- cutters. 20-23c Fieh Drfiird 51eiti (Wholesalers lo retailers per cwt.i: Beef steers, good MW-800 lbs. 143-45; commercial. 135-41; utility. 131-34. Cows Commercial, J29-34; utility, -29: canners-culters, S23-25. Bee! cu'.s i nod 4teers' Hind quar ters. IA5-57; rounds. 152-55: full loins, trimmed. 173-77; triandles. 131-35: square murk. 639-41; rlba. 152-55: forequarters. 137-38. Veal and ralf: Oood. 138-39; commercial. 132-33: utility, 126-30. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs, 142 45: commercial. 135-40. utility. 112-33. Mutton: Good. 70 lha down. 115-18. Pork cuts: Loin No I 8-12 lbs., 60- 63: shoulders. 16 lbs down, 140-42 50; srnre- rlbs, 347-49; carcasses, 1.14-35; mixed weight. II Inwer, Portland MIrrllnneou Caarart Hark l)r 134c lb green 4e lb Wool Valley ooar and medium grades I5c lb. Mrhalr 15b IB. on 13-month growth nnmlna'ly Hidea Calves. 30c lb., arrordins tc weight, kips 2.Sc lb. herf 1 1 - 12c lb, bull 6-7c lb. Country buyers pay 2c less. Nut Quotation Watnuta Pranquettea, first quality )um no. S4 7c large. 32.7c: medium, 27 2c second quality Jumbos. 30 2c: lane. 28 2r m.dlum, 26 2c: aOy, 23 2c: soft shell, firai quality lane, 29 7c medium. 26 2c: sec ond quality large. 37 3c. medium. 24 7c. oabv 22 2c Filberts Jumbo. 30 Ib.t large. 18c Medium. 16e: small. 13c. PartlanJ Llrevterk Portland. Ore. Hept 13 U - Livestock Cattle aalahle 400; holdover 3i0. calvej 7.1. holdover 2. Mantel openlna sloa Holdover conAlMs 'a reel y rommon r ers; few medium steers unsold, held ar- mmd 2i oo to 23.50 or above; odd common tetrs 1 00 to 17 0. few common heifer? 13 50 to 15 00. cutter dairy tyie steers and heifers down to 11 00 and below: canner and cutter cows 10 00 to 11 00; few 11 50 .i..mon beei cows 120 to 13 00: good ouns cows up to 16 50. tnwllum and aood usasr bulls 14 00 to 17 00; good vealTS ?tl 00 to 22 00. choice scarce: Monday top gravers 24 00 for 1100 to 1 100 lbs. oir. liable 150. Market slow. l to 5i U lower, good and cliOH:e 1B0-33O lb;- MOO to 24 25; 2 SO -2r.fi los 31 OA to 22 25. ood 350-500 lb sows fully steady at mosi -y 18 00 to IB 00; liariler quotable to 20 00 md above: feeders good and choice quoted : 00 to 24 00. Sheep salable 500 Market arlhe. 1'ilW leady considering improved quality: tood A rhnij-e nrlnrer 91 01 lo 31 Ml rom. mon down t la oo good ' . no to w, common a no m"i:um a w to o vu. Chleace Mveiterh Chlfato Bept II - trnA- Aalahle hoars 10 000: butchers over 220 lb scarce. teadr to 25 cnta lower. bil( of run welchint 230 lb and under alow. 35-50 I Ul--!- 1 M . -certs lower, rlosed 50 rent loaer: SoS I fl Tlinn AlPfl fairly active, fully steadr. top 22 50 fori"! llrfJIVII HI VU few load. choice 225-2.SO lb other a ood I tr , . . , and Choice 210-280 lb 22 25-22 50 bulk HllDbarn S(. AgflPS CStflO- iBO-220 ib 31 50 22 2V mostly 2175-22 00 !S,0-10 Ib llahls 19 7S-21 75. few 21 50. choie. 300 ib averaaes 3175 sows under 3S0 lb IB 00-20 50. 175-425 lb 18 00-19 00 450-500 In 18 75. odd head heavier sows down to IS 50; ood clearance. Salable cat'le loooo salable calves 500 generally active, steers and pened 50-75 ren's h:rier: varlinas 1 000 Ib don closed slow and mostly stead with Monday, heifers 2.V75 rents higher, ro-vt 25-50 re nil hither; hulls steady tn 25 cent higher; veaier 50 cents to 1 00 hleher. top IS 75 for load choice to nrme I 425 lb steers and for two loari. h'ali-c'-o re 1 O.)0 and 1 150 lb weigtils, load choice to prime I 4fi8 lb 31 50. tn' d Atm lit Jit ate-ra dow n to 21 00 fo load. c it ter and common rra.ver 17 armd and choice fed heifers 28 50-10 00. lod 00 Ib menhts 30 35. good beef cow 1 a 00 20 OA: common and medium cow 15 ofl 11M. cannera and cutters 12 50 15 23. me dium and good bj!la 18 0-20 50, gnnd and ehoire elers 2" 50-38 50 Sa:ab sheep 2 500. most western and na'Me lamfts tinOid erly. hidejini spoilt itend-- sca''erd S ipnl god to r nnlre natnea 24 54) don. ernes steady at 150 down. i Capital Journal. alem. Orejron, Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1949 19 C A I C ki kA A DISETC 'sh was formerly served by Rev. bALtM IVAKlt I J c. J Shea, pastor stationed at Cemplcled from report ml Salem deal. Journal Rradera. Re viae 6 dally). Retail rj frlrea Vtt Mh 15.10. Rabbit Pellet -14 30. Ilalr Fed 13.70. Puullry: Buying prices Orade A color rd hens 31 -22c . trade A Leannrn hens. 18-1 9c. grade A colored fryers, three bs. and up, 33-336. Grade A old roosters 15 tenia. III! Hutinc Prlree Extra lane AA. 66c. lane AA. 6.Sc: lame A. 63-66c. medium AA. bSr: medium A. A3-5Rc; pullet 38-40C. Wboleaal Prlrra Ens wholesale prices 5-7c aboe thrne prices: above grade A generally quoted at 71c; medium, 64c. Bullrrfat Premium 44-65C. No. L 63ci No 3, 17 59e 0'ivtna prices) Suiter Wholesale grade A, 67ci re ail 73c Wheal Strong, Independent ChicaRo, Sept. 13 fP' Wheat' ...v.ifs., j J . "i child. Pcrvirca will be held at th Moweil- WflS independtMltlV Strong at the I Edward;. chnel Friday, September 16. i a . . D.it 3 p m. wlih Rev. w. H Lyman of th board of trade today. Reports !Coill8,reet christian church offictattnt. that the government had in-! Interment in the Evergreen cemetery at creased its buying price two tojM,Mmnvllt' three cents over vesterdav's ba- Mr. Jennie Knight t - i-r nun-jil;. Mr. Jennie KniRht. at the reldenc al SIS for grain FOB Philadelphia ! N. cottane S- . September ll. at th led to buying Shipping houses led the buy ing in December wheat, while elevator houses with cash inter ests also were on the buying ' side. The shorts got in to cover after prices advanced. t At the finish Wheat Was 5 tOi 2 'Si hiKhcr than yesterday's I close, September $2.083a-I2. Corn was higher to 1 cent lower, September S 1 .27 34 - 7a . Oats were U higher to !4 low- er, September ti's. Rye Was 34 tn - . i..,r cntomhor SI AA Lard was unchanged to 10 cents;"" U ' & Announr- a hundredweight lower, Septem ber $12.10. County Requests Hospital's Price In r letter from the Marion county court going out Tues- j day, William Gahlsdorf, busi I ness manager of Salem General hospital, is formally asked to have the board of the hospital I submit a proposal to the court for a price on a tract of land facing on D street and adjacent to the hospital which it has been agreed is a suitable location 'for the establishment of a Marion county health unit if the price is agreeable and funds may be secured fur financing the unit. The court also asks that it be ijiven a priority of purchase of the land until June 1, 1950. The court in its letter points out that the courthouse commis sion has not found it advanta geous to provide for quarters for (he health unit in the new court house on account of the large amotMit of space that would be required and the acute parking situation around the area. It is therefore necessary that we acquit c a Mlc and erect a .milding suitable for that de partment," says the letter. The county court has in mind that a tract of land you own border ing D street would be of ample ize and on account of its close proximity to the hospital would be a desirable location. "This project is going to re quire some steps in the way of financing." the letter continues, "and the finance plan will have to be approved by the budget committee or referred to the people at a special election cith er of which will be held in the month of May in 1950." Because cf the latter requirements the county is asking that the prior ity of purchase run into June. 1950. Woodburn Veterans Vill Receive Help Woodburn Application forms for the $2,800 0(10 national j service life insurance dividend . - ,quaner8 of the Veterans of for eign Wars post 4173 at the IOOF hall in Woodburn, according to Commander John Nix. The post has set up facilities for distributing the cards and to assist veterans in filling them out. Post Service Officer Harlow G. Dixon will be at the head quarters the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 8 to 11 a m. The application cards are also available nt the local post office in local American Legion post or any service organization. Hubbard Included lr church nf Hubbard is now a , ... 1 mission of Wnodhurn The pnr- Advertisement Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin it Irrltalrd with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ti rnnl onuses you're crazy with ilchinR torture, t r y Sanitone Oinlmrnt Itching slops prompt ly. Smarting disappears lmme diately Sanitone Ointment is jlso wonderful (or Itching feet cracks between toes and A th eir s foot For Sale Willrtt's ( apital llruf Store state at Lihertj Pbone 11111 Canny with the St. Agnes and St. Williams of Molalla as mis sions, and now pastor at Mc Minnvilie. Rev. Martin Bohro fen is now pastor of St. Patrick's Canby with mission at Molalla. Hubbard will be served by th Woodburn parish priests. A new shingled roof on the church has just been completed and the entire outside painted. Painting of the interior is con templated. DEATHS Arthur P. Fealer Arthur P. Footer, lata resident of Van Nuy. Calif . Srpten-.ber 11. at the home of hi rtauBhTer. Mr. Faye A. Wood at 48 South 17th itrpet. at the ate of 65 year. Alto aurviving are another daugh ter. Mr. Arlene Froit of Las Vegai. Nev.t io son, Lloyd E Foster of Falrview, Okla . and Arthur Kermlt Poster of Van SUV. Cal.; two nntrrit, Mr. Dora Mabe unci Ml A I ire Foster, both of Salem; fvrn Krandi-lnldrrn and one great grand- sue of 78 year. Surviving are a brother, Ur Oren H. Kent, Satrm: anl two sons. Dale Knight, Salrm. and Carlton Knleht, i.o Angel? Service will he held Wed- netdav, Kpir t I 10 p.m. at the with rev. Dudley Clout; li-Barrii offlt'ltin:. Interment at Brlcrest ifm KebetHh io;Be no. 1. ... v . 1(1 Mllford Aleander andergrlft Mi.lord Alexander Vancerenft, late real- rtrnt of 111 Chrmrketa St.. at a local hos pital, September II. at the age of 3 yp.irs. Surwving are the w (low. Mrs. Ro bert Vsncfrrgritt. K.im; a daughter. Mar Irsie Vamlf rcrift. Salrm: the mother. Mrs. "mm a Crue, Hamilton, Ohio; and two inters. Mrr linrold Sheard and Mrs. I-rnk l.t tnr.re.-t hn'h nt Hamiltnn. iOhio. Aunouncenier.t of services later by me nowru-cuwarus cuapei. John I.oundafin John LoundaKin. lale resident of 715 Co lumhua ft I reet at a lnral hnnnital Sen I m. warda chapel. Mra. Amle R. Bergman Mr. Amle R. Hrrcman. late resident of IftlS S. Cottage street, at a local hospi tal. September 12, at the age oi 69 years. Surviving are a son, Frlr BerRman, Sa lem; and a brother. William R. Walton, Hyattaville, Mil, Services will be held at 10:30 a m, Wedncsrlay. September 14. at St. Paul's Episcopal church under direc tion of the Cloiig h-Barrlck chapel with the Rev. George H. Swift officiating. Dr. Harry M. Ollngrr Dr. Harrv 11. Oliueer. lite resident of 197 Mill street, at i local hospital Sep etntier 13. Survived by wife. O.vkie Oltnger if Salem: a son. Dr. Harold M. Ollnaer of Salem; a granddaughter. Susan Olinger of Salem: a grandson, Casey Olinger of Salem; three brothers. J. B. Olinger of Hiver.wde. Calll.. B. C. Olinger of Th Dalles and Jamea H. Olinger of Salem; and several niece and nephews. Servleea will he held at the Clough-Barrlck cha pel Thursday. September 15, at 1:30 p m. with Rev. Oeorce H. Swift officiating. Ritualistic service bv Sslem lodge No. .116. fiPOF.. Vault entombment at Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum. OBITUARY I.lnrta Wagner Yatea Albany Lmtia Wagner Yatea. 31. who died September 8. at the U.S. Naval hos pital ai urrmenon. WRRti., was nuried In Albany In the Willamette Memorial park Monday, following aervlrea at 3 p.m. from i lie Fisher Funeral home. She was born April 2, 1918 at MrClUKky. N.D.. and was married to Chief Petty Officer Wayne C. Yatea, September 3, 19.17, at Long Beach, Calif. She had made her home In Albany a number of years. Besides her husband .lie la Minlvrri bv her mother, Mrs. Eli zabeth Waener. Lodt, Calif.: five brothers. Ben Wagner. Marlon. N.D.: .take Wagner. ('rahtree . Albert and Sam Wagner, Lodl, Calif.; John J Wagner, Albany, and four Istera, Mra, Georice D. Myers. Albany: Mrs. Amelia Hrld, Bowdon. N.D.: Mrs. T. Prlilenker. InriL Calif., and Mrs. J. L. Hamlin, Prinevllle. Lldmlla Veverka Albany Mrs. Ludmlla Veverka. SB. RTD o. 3, Sr lo. died at her home Sundav. Funeral aervlrea will be held Wednesday at 2 p m. from the Fisher Funeral home with burial In the Franklin Butle ceme tery. Mrs. Veverka was a native of Csech oMnvakla, and was born September 33, 1879. She came lo the United States in 1912. coming direct to tha Sc-lo commun ity. She was married to Frank Veverka In Albany. October 29. 1913. who died In 1931. Surviving are a daughter. Mra. Rich ard RurmeMer, Brio. Route No. 3. and tw brothers and a sitter living In Csecho slovakia. Herbert Curtl A met Lebanon Herbert Curtt Ames. 90, died ii his home in Sodnvilte on Sept. 9. Born Aug. IB. BM In Lake county. III., he had inert In flcxia vllle for 34 years. Services were held Tuesday In the Howe-Huston chapel in Lebanon with Elder George Si mons officiating. Interment in Oak Lawn, CorvallLv Survivnrs are hla widow, Clara M.; daughters. Mrs Myrtle E. Farlev, Santa Clara, Calif., Mrs. Jennie M. Out lenhaver. Sodaville. Mr. Alvla I. Qanbert, Oklahoma, Mrs. It. a C Arbuckle, Philo math, and Mrs. Ilsh Kirk. Sweet Home: nns. Henry C. of Siio snd Bryan W. of Lebanon: two brother and one sister liv ing oil of the atate. il grandchildren and '.0 great irandchildren. 4.. F. Del) Harrison BallMnn -Funeral e' irdav for A. E. "Del' nn"n Rroadmead far rlres were held Sal Harnson. HO. welt ter. with burial in (ireen Crest Memor Sheridan flnrrtson died at the MtMinnville hospital -lept. I alter an lllne. of several weeks. Intending to have a career in business he attended Lin field cnllene and Portland R'lSinc.ift colkxe and alter graduation was an accountant for a Tacoma business firm Wh.le In the arorerv business In Am it v he became seriously sick and his physician adM.ed him to move to th farm near Broadimnd, a donation land claim, hlch hns been owned bv the Harrison family for 94 years and he oierated It for almost 50 vcar.v Cecil Harrison, hU .on. h In bu.s.iie.u in Suendan and Is also fire chief. A(Hertiseinenti MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES Thia Old Treat mon t Ofton Brings Happy Roliaf When ellaetrrlef of kldner function permltg noiannona matter to remain In yoiir hlood, h may cause nawring backache, rheumatlo paina, leu paina, loaa of pep and enersrr. ret ting up ntghta. awelling, pufnnes under U) eye, heailaches and dirtiness. Frequent or canty pannagea with amsrtina; and burninc ometlmea ahowa there la something wronsj With your kidney or h ladder. Don't wait ! Ak your dugirlrt for Doan'i rills, a stimulant diuretic, uaed aiicceaafull by milliona for over 60 year. Doan'a lw hatmy relief and will help the IK mtlea vt kidney tubes fluh out pr.i onoua WMU f tog our blood. Get boan'a Filla. Re iECTAL TROLAPSI Piles Hemorrhoids O Quick Relief O No Hospitalization O No Loss of Tim Lasting Results Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Recta! Specialist 1144 C enter St. italem. Ore.