13 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Per Lin Ifte Per Lint I time 40c Per Lint I time , , .floe Per tint 1 month 12.00 Outaidt of Salem 18 per lint per day. Mln. $0e. t time min. 80e time min. 11,30. No Refund READERS in Local New Col. Onlr: Per Liu 30c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Owner Leaving Oregon 4 bedroom home one year old. Large living room, tilt kitchen, bath upstairs and down. Planered basement and gar mb. Hardwood floor, lots bunt-ins, terraced back yard. Cost over 118,000 to build. Reduced to 112,500 lor quick . For Information call 31547. 227 I tO MAIIFL ST. at pVnn 4 Corners," ' va cant now. 2 bed room and garage, I year old, newly decorated, good terms at only (40.00 per mo. Including the ln ftereat at 4, ; OLAF THONSTAD Real Estate 41 M. Capital St. Ph. 87903 ' a21B Mncf Soil lw IStVi 11484 equity for 1500. 1 year old 3 BR noose. Hdwd floors, plastered. 542 Bltler, Ma pie ton addition. Go out North Front. 218 IMM. POSSESSION Out of atatt owner here to aell prac tically new home, 0 )ge, rm., hdwd. lira ,thruout, auto-fum. piped to all rm. Un- fln linetl.tr. Ktnlrwav In Rr.,.n,OU att. gar, Lge. lot, city water. Low down I payment. F.H.A. terma. Salem Height din. 585 Ewald. 2U SUBURBAN " EXCELLENT VIEW LOT By owner, 1 ml. 8. city hailta. Aim oat new 5 rm, bungalow, att. gar., floored attic, awning, covered patio, 80x140' lot. Beautifully landscaped. Garden In. 4 FHA loan. 151 mo. Drive 8. Coin'l lo Ewald, turn right up 2 blka. 3fi6H "Scenic View Drive. Ph. 2-3378. a219' 1 FOUR bedroom house, (2630 Brook, IfiOOO. 2 hoiiaes, 2310 Broadway, owner. 2305 N. Liberty i acre of land, new 4 bdrm. A. E. Heaslpy. It. ar2ti OWNER transferred. Modern home Vk yra. 1 bdrm on on floor, 1390 Jeffer son fit. Ph. 35228. a220' BY OWNER: See this modern 2 bdrm. view home. Will consider offer. Term. 1101 Longvlew St. olf King wood Or. a220' FOR SALE BY OWNER: New 5 room mod em hou.se, floor furnace, garage, lot 50x '125. $4(100. 2330 Hyde St. al'21 BY OWNER -1 fir. 9 bdrm. Full ba.scment. Auto heat. Englewood achool. Bua near. Dial 2-'J!21. a218 WAS S7JHMI, now $6500. Mod. 2 bdrm. home, att. garage, auto heal, F.H.A. or G.I nay terma. Phone 361R9. n22 SUBURBAN 'Suburban opportunity, 2 ' acres. New 6 -room lioiT.se, aim oat finished. 16950.00. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St. Ptl. 2-3629 ; a218' H ACRE good aotl. 8 rm. house with bath; utility room. Att. Karaite. Need 'aome finishing. Clcie to ichool, stores and bus. Pnre $38:o. VERY GOOD LAND. 1 acre east. I bedrm. house: double it urate; own pumping jyfltem. House rlenn and livable, but old. Price only $3850. Small down pay ment. CO.Y 4 room I yr. old home. Oil atove and elec. Move Included In price. $4H50. WELL-BUILT 3 bedrm. home; fireplace; oil heat; double tarnwe. Kent of location for schools. Price 114. son. NORTH SUMMER STREET. 4 bedrm. home: doublt plumbing. Corner lot. Price IIS. M0. 'LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 3-3863 Evening call: Mr. Voorheea, 2-4007 or .Mr, Sedrratrom, 3-6789. a2!8" REDUCED EZ TERMS New 2 bdrm. plastered home on 74x186 Jot. Pavrd at. and bua. Lota of ape cm! features. True value at $9!i00 STROUT REALTY, 099 S. 12th St.. Ph. 2-8323, a21B TWO BETTER CLASS HOMES Practically new. Llv. R.. Din., Kit.. Nook, 3 Bed. Double Plumb. Full Base ttnent with Knotty Pine Play R., two fireplaces, dhle. Bar., 2 lots, fenced A landscaped. 1970 John. Ph. 3-B226. a222 NORTH EAST .NEW HOME. 2 B.R., unL attic, select onk floors, fireplace, extra nice kttch- -fn, lota of built Ins, the entire house is well planned. RICHMOND DISTRICT -2 BR. oak floors, fireplace, full base ment, the lot ts lame rnouah to build 3 or 4 coUakm at rentals. Key In oHice. .Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Vh. 34707 4B4 Court Eve. 24773, B218 BY OWNER: 2 btirnv" home.OBk"f!oora! auto, oil furnace. 2615 Hulsey. Ph. 23201 a223 J!?I5 ItOWN. BaT FHANew t ToouThome. Located on vlrw lot Inside city. Elec. .heat, Renins washer, H.W. floors. Full price $Mr. Call O V. Hume with 1 State Finance Co., 1 Realtors 183 fl. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 25206 aaao OWNER SACRIFICE $10,000 1350 Si Ft. 3 hedroomi all one floor. 18 in living room noue none is not bargain enough, all 'the furniture goes too i $1000 DOWN $6ro Tar old 2 hedroom house wllh 90 x 150 lot near nmem Heights School. $t!5 per , Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN SALEM IMJ!.Hitih St. Phone 2-4129 a219' x nn noma f.ngiewonrt Dlst. Home witi mna ciean. uarage A fruit treea. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 113 g. Rlfh St. ph. 3-4131. Eves. 352na aaao HTrrro 1 Bdrm. LR, DR. K., utility. You imn. i-jor io srnooi. ' A. Price $3780. WFST Neat 3 bdrm. $5750. WFST SALEM, I A. 3 Bdrm. Older home Alt fruit At berries. Close to school. Love- W $M00. : General Real Estate - n c""ff Ph. 332B9 a313 IOT located 4-Comers Dlst. Sice lOOwlSO. Restricted dlit Call O V. Hume With State Finance Co., Realtors 13 I. f h St. Ph. 3-4131. Kvea. 3520t1 aJ20' IliMW. OOnn modern 3 bedroom-home, Enelewood Dlst . Hardwood Floors, fire place, full basement. Immediate posses . eion. Call Itanlev Brown with 'STATE FINANCE CO. JPhone 5-4121 tM S. High a320 $i BDRM. I!m. Close to Catholic irhnni I Oment foundation. Plastered. LR. DR i kitchen. Eler. eooklni and water j RAWLINS REALTY i HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT I Ph. 24K64 Eve. 1013-37138-35757 a219 A I. AM. Bl A1 TtM l.7.t built; 3 bedroom 'home, all on one floiir, modern In every 'detail, Urge Int. 3 ear arage, auto, oil heat. Call Stsnlev Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. i Phone 1-4131 113 I. High al Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Madame Bovary" Plus "Old Fashioned Girl" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ABB THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on 'Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Elsinort Theater boxoUice. Contestants will be judged on sincerity and originality. The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Madame Bovary" plus "Old Fashioned Girl," coming soon to the Elsln ore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the judges Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate in this contest FOR SALE HOUSES NEAR KEIZER SCHOOL. 3 BR. noma HALF ACHE. NEW Shake finish. NEW Blic fruit trees. City but. 14200. Easy terms, immea. ross. CHOICE ACRE ft HALF. NEAR new Sa lem school, N.E. See this attractive plBst. 2 BR. home (fully Insulated, elec. h fiat I, surrounded by lovely lawns, big (hade trees, shrubs ft flowers. Roomy pltry. hse. ft barn. Oarage. BENDIX CiOKS. $8000. Good terms. LETS TICADK. This mod. plast. 3 BR. home on ACRE ft HALF, overlooking river. Valuable highway frontage, Ideal court site on paved at. at rear, offers you a big deal for home or Income pro perty. Use. la rented for $70 per mo. Extra bldR. can be converted to apt. Only $hjoo for all. What have you in Boo a eniem nomec Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8380. Eve. 3-7440 a318 Save Money Finish this hse. yourself. Planned for x oecirm.v, living rm., kitchen Si break' fast nook. Att. Gar. RMke shake exter ior. Plumbing St wiring roughed in Well. Price 1.1200. $500 down. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Com'. Ph. 34990. Eve. 39536 a219 BY OWNER 5 rm. house. 2 extra Ig. bedrooms. Is. living rm , dinette, kitchen, bath, utility rm l A. lot. Lawn ft lota of flow er. See any day from 10 a.m to 10 p.m. 2285 Park Ave. Phone 2-0602. a222 FOR KALE by owner: New 2 bedrm. home. Hardwood floors thru out, near Bush school dlst. A benutlful little home. FHA approved. $6050. Low payments. Phone J-1872. a222 COZY CHATEAU NICE - NEAT - NEW 1 Bdrm. Home with LR, Kitch. with nook, bath, utility room, hdwd. firs., coved ceiling, all electric heat, breezeway, gHrnne, Va acre north. VERY NICE AT THIS PRICE, 15750. 11000 Dn. will handle. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Phone 24552 a219- COMFY 2 Bdrma., LR, DR, bath, kitch, extra lice, garage, Ige. lot. Clo.ie to Paulus Cannery, bus, store, and sch. JUST RIGHT FOR THE WORKING. MAN. Price $5350. Terma 11500 Dn. and 126. 98 COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Phone 24552 a219 BY BUILDER Larire beautiful 3 bedroom ranch atyle home, double Karaite. In exclusive dis trict. 2100 sq. ft. under roof. Drive by 1570 North 23rd Street Just south of Market Street then call 3-8817. a223 4 "VISTA" View Home 2 yrs. old, 2 bed- nom. landscaped. Phone 3-5642 or 3-3173. a223 I YEAR OLD 3 bdrm. home plastered. Hdwd. firs.. V. blinds, lite, lot, cloae to bua As erade achool. $7950. Ph. 2004B. 4350 Macleay. a223 VERY NICE 17.000 New 2 bed rm., with hardwood floors, la rue kitchen., nice utility. $1000 Kill handle, Geo.A. Walters, Realtor fcflO S. Commercial Eve. 25260 2l9a Ph. S3B49 ENGLEWOOD $10.000 3 bed rm-t.. Iv. rm.. dining rm., nook, full bsmt. with extra bed rm., lots of house for the money. Geo.A. Walters, Realtor 960 8, Commercial Ph. 33849 Eve. 35260 319 $500 DOWN 14.950 Only 3 yrs. old. living rm., din ing rm.. kit., 2 bod rma. A bath, attic anace. Monthly iittymentji are 152 00. Geo.A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 3384 Eve. 25260 a219 $5,000 - 5 room modern house, fireplace. is Sim 5 rooms, unfinished attic, Karaite. 57504 rooms, plastered, all electric. Will trade for Inraer heme. (58903 lots, 2 bedroom house, pecan floor, gnrase. Wll Itrade for larg- f . lT'Bell, Realtor 361 Chemcketa St. Evr.t. 2-6t!S6. 3-7:ifi5, 2-2451 Pi. 2-1545 21B $1950 DOWN Bnl. $50 Per Month Including Interest, Insurance F. H. A. Reserve ... One of the best 3 bdrm. homes on the market for the money. Extra nice plastering. Attractively decorated, large cioseta, adequate built-in, completely Insulated, nice lawn A? ahruba. We guarantee to have theloweat heat bill In 8nlt-m. Full price 19150. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edeewater. Ph. 35109. Ive. 3ft39 223' NEAR WOODBURN " 3 acres: about 4 mile south of Wood burn. A very attractive setting Just oft Partfle hlwar very neat small house, enrage, good poultry noose, fine -well with automatic pumping system: variety fruit and nuU. FUh pond, Ideal for aeml-rrtired couple or someone em ployed In Woodburn. Priced at $$500. with 1200 down. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 141 It, Mth St. Phone 37660 $500 DOWN end $50 per month Inc. Interest buys 3 bdrm. older type plastered home with LR, dlnlnt rm, garage. Room to build on lot Close to bus. store and school. Price $4950. $500 DOWN Buy new $ bdrm. home with LH, dining rm . hdwd firs., attached garage. Price $8150. $55 per month. $750 DOWN Three new 3 bdrm. home One with full basement. Pricei $7000, 17900 and I8A0O. Csll Pyle with COLBATH LAND CO. teu Center SI, Fh. I4JSI. Ivea. MM lit FOR SALE HOUSES Celebrate Nat'l Home Week in a Home of Your Own! 1790 DM. WILL BUY A OOOD 1 B R. HOMI. IMMI POSSESSION. 11800 DN. PAYMENTS LESS THAN RENT WILL OIVB YOU A BEAU TIFUL RANCH TYPE 1 B R. HOME. I5J00 WILL BUY A OOOD 1 B R. HOME ON N. WINTER STREET. II ACRES NO. WITH A OOOD 1 B R. HOME ONLY H800. State GI's, Attention A NEW B R. HOME ON 8 ACRES NO. NEW HOT POINT RANGE LEONARD REFRIO. PRICE ONLY 19500. St. Vincent De Paul School FINE 1 B R. HOME, BASEMENT AND AUTO HEAT. NEW 3 B R. HOME, ELECTRIC HEAT, 3 B.R. HOME ON 75x300 LOT ONLY $5,250 WM. BLIVEN & CO. REALTORS 647 N. HIGH MR. SMITH -FOR SALE HOUSES BV OWNER: Oood clean 1 bdrm. home. Extra eottage for rental. 'Price $4850 1819 N. Liberty. a220 OWNER: MOD. 2 bdrm. neat, clean, love ly location, cheap. 881 Rosemont, W. Salem. a223 $9500. A CUT1E Attractive Sub. 2 BR Home, Utility Rm. Att. Oar. City Wtr. Lot 00x317. 3 Blks. to bua. $10,700. NO. 3 ZONE 4 BR, full dry basmt. 10 Blks. to State House. Really Worth the Money. $11,500. HOLLYWOOD DIST. Completely furnished 7 yr. old 2 BR home on lot 60x150. Automatic Ht, Beau tlful lawn & shrubs. $10,500. WALNUT PARK. Close to Doctor's Clinic Ar Hospital. Cor ner lot, 8 yr. 3 BR home has many fea tures: Cedar-lined closets, lots of bullt 1ns, plumbing In basmt.. oil fur., fplace, lg. gar., plus driveway, pvd. at. & wks.. bus by door. $12,000. HOLLYWOOD DIST. Prewar built 6 room home. Full basmt., S.D. fur. 2 fplaces, 2 TiR, Din. Rm., nice lot, good loca. Ph. 26680. ED. LUKINBEAL HEAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 338362776928704 B223 NEW HOME. 6 large rmn. Also large util ity & garage. Call 25438 for appoint ment. a223 $600 DOWN BR home nearly new: 980 Spruce, corner Walnut. Small monthly payments. $1000 DOWN icture window home. Co vt d'st. $2000 DOWN Something unusual and very delightful; 2 BR home; triangle living & dining room. Fireplace In center. Many clos et to built In features. You'll love It. $5000 DOWN Beautifully la nd.se aped grounds. 3 BR home. 2 foreplaces: ba.sement At rum pua room. This dream home has every thing to be desired In gracious living surroundings. Larue rambling type so much desired, beautiful windows. Call for appointment to see this. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. or Sun. 3-0343 or 2-0128. a218 LARGE 5 ROOM All spacious rooms. Built of the finest materials & workmanship by a large contractor for his own home. Attrac tive terms for responsible party. Price, MM (10, 3 BDRM. 3 LOTS Nice clean home on good paved street In West Salem. CI ate to school & bus. Price $7000. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Edee water Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-9939 a223 BY OWNER: Unfinished but liveable house. Ac. $1950. Your own terms, Ph 25211-26056, a219 CAD C A I E I rvrc i izr. .?.-r (BY OWNER: Lot 60x112. South. City Wa ter, un bus. buu. k.js. Terms. Ph. 25211. J13203; aa219 Lot on Claude Street 80x125 to alley. Iioo dn. and $16.00 per mo. will handle. JH!)5 full price. Includes st rret as.se wi men ta. B. Lsherwood, Realtor Office Ph. 2-3862 a220 LOTS WITH WATER, electricity, bus. close to school on Stlverton highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. 115 down 115 per month General Real Estate 225 Center 3-32R9 an221 $10 DOWN! Lots with water, electricity, bua service, trees, close to achool. Balance $15 per month Reimann For Re,al Estate 301 South Hlh Ph. 3-9203 Sun. St Eve. 2-8241, 3-9712. 2-2532. 2-3738 an318 FOR ricK nale 50x150, south, city writer. $450, Ph. 3-5539. a218 NICE CORNER lot on So. 15th? Ph. 3M87" aa219 HtH'HK ready for roof, near new achool, reasonable. Ph. 3-9640 after p. m an218 FOR SALE FARMS For Quick Sale Only $4775 for 33 acre and 3 BR hat. About 9 biles out. Live stream. Springs. Include aome enulpme nt. Has fruit, rsMure and wood. B. I.sherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St Office Ph. 3-3862 Eves. 33147 or 28836. b230 BIO FARM RIG CHOPS LITTLE PRICE. 133 acres Woodhurn district. All culti vated, grain, clover, corn, permanent pasture Koomy modern nome. new a ear garage, barn, built-in alio, new ma rhtne shed, granarv, hog and poultry hse ALL CROPS GO. $15,900 SPrciAL tf.Ml A, STOCK, GRAIN and may hanch. Never before, never again, will you buy thin quality land at the UNUSUALLY 1 OW price of $.t,90 per ACItK. Appx. 400 acres cultivated, lot of bottom loam. bal. open pasture and timber 2' million ft. mostly oak) all under woven wire. yr. round water, wa ter piped to buildings. Piste hluhwa? and cmintv roadx thru place THIS 18 NOT ROCKY OH HOUGH. Heavv Ins. Loan available, makes this eay to take over. ONLY $31.50 PER ACRE. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve, 3-7440 M,t I A., SMALL 4 rm. home, garage A pump house. 18x46 hen house. Al! build ing 3 yra. old. Go out Sitverton road to McCain Ave. Then north. Lat place on left bua FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNfft. 1 acres No with Income. Modern all electric home. Good barn lirble garaae Leaving state. Ph. Sifts? Ht. 3. Box 362 bb2J7 Journal Want Ads Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES PH. 2-3617 EVES. 28266 FOR SALE ACREAGE 65 ACRES 3'4 Ml. SW of Liberty. No bldgs. 30 ft. well hand pump. 30 A. prunes and w..nuts. 2 A. strawberriaa, balance all culttvatable. ThU Is a bargain at 1 40 50 and can be purchased on terma of $1000 down. Johnson. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Office 3-3649 Eve. 3-8451 or 2-5390. bb218 8 Acres 5 rm hse., also small hse. Barn. Chick en tise. Gar. Fruit trees. V under cult. Good soil. Elect. W. system. Close to school. Priced to aell, $4950. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial, Ph. 34590, Eve. 39536 bb219 0 ACRES on paved road. North. Oood building site. River bottom soil. Price ""' icrms van oeo. F. VICK. 33888. bb2!9' $1500 Down S Acres. Good 5 rm. hse. Modern. Barn Chicken hse. Elec. W. system. 2',4 A. Cane Ai Strawberries C. W. Reeve, Realtor S45 8. Com!. Ph. 34590. Eve. 39538 bbSlfl REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS 6 room house. Suburban. Very modern. Apt. upatalrs renting for $40 per month. Owner very anxious to sell. See this one lor 19450. Terma. Eve, Ph. 3-0473 or BUSINESS BUILDING Almost new. Good location. Income 1200 per month. Excellent tenant. Automatic oil heat. Air condition. 2 rest rooms. Parking space In rear. Total price $18, 500. Terms. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558, $6900 SPECIAL Brand new ranch type. Just outside city. Hardwood floors, attached gar age plus car port. 6 fruit trees. Electric neat, Venetian blinds. Can be Oregon J.I. financed. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558 ACREAGE 5 ACRES 4 rm. modern house with electric heat. Chicken house, brooder house. Good well. iruii a oemes. Total $6250. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. price 11 ACRES a rm almost new home. Oil heat, dou ble garage. On paved highway. Chick en houe, small barn. 2 acre berries 9 acres clover. Price includes electric fanne. tractor St equipment. Price only mro. May sell on very liberal terms. Eve, Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 3-4996. 3035 Portland Rd. c220 A ROE LOO BLDO. Mmulv r, place: balcony. Some equipment. Juat the spot for a night club or chicken end ateak dinner house. Beautiful eet timr among largetree. Year around creek. On 99 highway. About A. of land. Price only $9500. CLOSE IN SUBURBAN home. 10 acres land. Year around creek. 4 bedrm. house Oil furnace: fireplace. Barn; chicken house. Family orchard: tree: shrubs. Price $10,500. E.Z. terma. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Voorhees, 3-4007 C220 Evenings call: $2950 Business opportunity for a couple In a very good spot. Small business, no com petition, present owner must sell be cause of health. Come quick on this one. Call Mr. McOneen eve. Ph. 28476 NORTHEAST Three bedroom home with fireplace and til- bath, nice large fenced In yard home in first claas condition inside and out. Price reduced to $8950 with ex cellent terma and 4 Interest. Call Mr McQueen Eve. Ph. 28476 SUBURBAN SPECIAL Three bedroom home, full deep dry bnaement with furnace, dining room fireplace, breakfast nook, doub'e gar ane. poultry house. I', gcrea of rich black soil, located north, 113.600 will finance FHA If deired. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol ph. 38216 C320 NELSON NEWS NEAR ST. VINCENT SCHOOL A very desirable home 1 yr. old. 3 rami, iiaxin v, rm.i kit with dlnlne area, full bath. L. tray on 1 fir., V. blind, elec. W. hfr. Wired for range. Oar., pvt. sidewalk pd. Lot 80x130. Immed pns OOOD CROtSAN BREEK BUY Approx. 3 A. a, of the area in well cared for 10 yr. old holly tree yielding a snbstanttan annual Income. Very well built 6 rm. Cape Cod home, spaclou LR, with attractive fplace. fuU hsmt.. wdut piped furnace, elec. W. htr util. rm. Patio with flood light, beau tiful secluded etting with primitive at mosphere About 250 ft. crk frontage aprlne wtr. Only $15,000 HATCHERY MANS IDEAL 3A. land on SUverlon Rd. One bldg. 39x 40: gar. 14x24: dble. gar. 40x24: 1 ahed 13x18 with Deluxe living O. upstairs 3 fplace. Deep f well with pump. All blda good a new. $31,500 for the whole layout KEIZER ACREAGE Buslne l picking up around Salem. The Kelrer community is booming nearly 1$ acre just a Utile wave from the achool. ideal sub-division plot, good river bottom land, deep well with " eaalnc. Land worth $1000 per ac. now available f,r $15,750. Half cash NELSON & NELSON Multiple Luting Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Special ire 701 tt. High Pn. 3-462$ fai1' FOR TOUR SATTNOo tDvestment buy flrtf mortcaee on real estate Salem St vieinlty Examine security yourself Amojnt $500 lo several thousand dol lar, net Investor 1. We stake e,0 col lection for you U daelred STATE FINANCE CO, 1M $X Bttk REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Just Right for You ThLs attractive S bedroom home with attached araie, about 1 yean old. A Dice place for little money only 16300. Thinking About Schools? Here an excellent 3 bedroom home, about 35 years old, with full base ment, attached Karate, located with 4 blocks of Senior and Junior High achoola, very close to playgrounds and ihopptni center. Owners have moved to Eugene. MAKE AN OFFER Now Is the Time to Buy That Home Take a look at thU well-built 3 bedroom home. The living room U 13x20 there are 3 bedrooms down. 1 large up; Insulated and weather-etrlpped. Has large corner lot with big shade trees. A good deal for $9400. Want 3 Bedrooms on One Floor? We have a new one In the Englewood school dUtrlct. Has lovely hardwood floors, separate dining room, nice fireplace, lots of flowers around the yard. 313,500. Own Your Own Park It beautiful with many clant oaka, an abundance of shrubbery and flow, era. large cement patio with rock fireplace. Fine 3 bedroom home, wall to wall carpeting, double plumbing, party room In basement. 7 acres, nearly all In filberts, some walnut. Oood small alible and chicken hoitse. A PLACE YOU MUST SEE. Owner wlU take In good suburban home aa part payment. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court Bt. Evenings 1-3933 - 1 - GRABENHORST SPECIALS NEW 8 BDRM. HOME LOCATED EAST I bdrm. all on 1 floor, hdwd fir thruout, nice Ige llv rm St din rm. Inside utility rm, with extra lavatory. Oarage attached. This home Is an excellent buy at $11,500. CALL EARL WEST. FOR SALE HIGHWAY BUSINESS SITE Located South on main Pacific Highway Juat South of Colonial Hor e, nearly 400 ft. frontage on highway Price $5,000. CALL COB URN L. GRA BENHORST. PLUMBING SHOP In an excellent location, atock, office equipment and fixture. Total price $7,000. SPORTS WEAR, MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING STORE Inventory $12,000. Fixture $2,300. Rent. $78 per mo. CALL BEN ROISEN. RANCH STYLE You'll like th!a -very attractive auburban, ranch atyle home. 3 spaclou bdrm, dressing rm, tile bath, den, llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm, kitchen, nook, hdwd. firs, Ige Inside utility, dble garage, approx . acre of land, landscaped. CALL PETER OEISER. 1625 NO. 20TH STREET One of Englewood' finest home with 3 bdrms, plus adjoining rm off master bdrm. Hdwd firs up down, llv rm, din rm. central hall. Philip pine mahogany woodwork, fireplace, auto oil heat, full bsmt, dple. garage One of our best buys. CALL ROY FERRIS. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evening and Sunday Call Earl West 2-0608 - Roy Ferri 2-8010 - Peter GeLser 3-9968 - Ben Rolsen 3-2471 c218 WANTED REAL ESTATE SUBSTANTIAL down payment for bar gain, small, well built house from own er. Write Capital Journal Box 407. ca220 NOTICE! If your property la for aaie. rent or exchange, list It with u W have all kind of cash buyer. STATE FINANCE CO. BEALTOSS 153 S Hlgb St WE ARE In need oi gooo bouse to aell Id or near Salem. If you wlab to list your prqperty for aale see GKABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 c EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TO TRADE Equity In 4 room new home with shower, util. im H.W. flra., wired for E. range, elec. wtr. htr. 50x100 lot. For Ige. trailer hse In good cond. Inq. eve. after 6 p.m. at 1985 Oxford St. cb219 RESORT PROPERTY ACRE, unfinished house at Waconda Beacn. near waiapori. v mne irum beach. Ph. 42573. cc220 Want To Go Fishin'? Not far out. 1 acre and comfortable 3 BR home. Bsmt., fplace. Lots of family fruit. Price Includes boat. Lake avail able. Only $9250. Term. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St., Office Ph. 2-3862 Eves. 22147 or 28836. cc220' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOME & BUSN. BLDG. Reduced to $6,500 for quick sale. Ex cellent location main paved st. Mod. 2 bedrm. home and nearly new busn bldg. Front main at. and alley on side. No. 3 zone. STROUT REALTY 959 8. 12th St. Phone 2-5323 Cd218 Quick Action Bargain Grocery, stock and equip. 1 cottage. apartments furn. 3 lots near beach on coast. Owner reduces price to $7500 with $1000 down. Speculators, investors, home seekers act at once. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com'l. Ph. 24049-25497 Cd219' BE INDEPENDENT Have your own neighborhood grocery, Best of location, very clean and com plete etock, good fixture, walk-in cool er Long lease. Store doing big volume. Fine set-up for family. Only fflOOO. Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN SALEM 350 N. High St. Phone 3-4129. cd219 115 Frontage No. 3 Zone Coxy 2 bdrm. plastered nome. garage. Ideal location for drlve-ln or other business Edge of city main paved st Full price $7500. STROUT REALTY 959 8. 12th St. Phone 2-5323 Cd31 8 COMPLETE RECAPPING Shop equip" Si undet coating equip. Sta. pumps around 600 gal. of ga a mo, Distrib utor for U. S. Royal tire, Only recap shop within 70 mile. Will total at least $.0.000 worth of business this year. $7500 for business St equip. Plus ap proximately $200 In inventory. Write Peninsula Vulcanising Co. Box 161 Long Beach. Wash. cd221 EXCEPTIONAL BUY! Thl very profitable suburban grocery store will pay for Itself In l' years. Owner operates with after-school help only ideal for a family set-up. Grossed $100 000 in 1948. Good, long lease, and draws from best farm trade In the val ley. Price $l.2so plus stock. Reimann For Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 Evening and Sunday 3-3733, 3-8241, 3-3533, 3-5905, 3-9713 Cd318 Business Opportunities Plumbing Shop and Business. Oood lo cation and lease. Only shop In nearby Willamette Vallev town. $2850 Including fixtures and 1947 Chevrolet Panel Truck, phi Inventory. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 488 Court St. Ph. 3-3629 cdaia ONE l.AROE ROOM the equivalent of 3' ordinary rooma In modern building for rent. Linoleum floor, 465 q. ft. All erv1ce Included. $55 per month. Call 3-3898 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. cdiiS FISHERMAN'S PARAQISE For Sale or Lease: ml. from the ocean on Salmon River St Bear creek. acre, garden, Ilowera St berrlej, Wired e'e-trlclty. oil heat. elec. pump ays tern Fine ftthlng in private water for salmon A trout. Real place for a re tired couple. C. A. Collitwworth. Box 337, Ocean Lake. Ore. cdJJO BEAUTY SHOP for ale. Bog No. 403. Capital Journal. cdllo 3 CAFES, $4,500 each. 1 located S 12th. ire other on 991 Both going businesses. Oood leases. Fully equipped. Grand lo ttion RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. I-4M4 . In. .M1, 1-7)11, ! !W (MU1I REAL ESTATE Phon. 1-tlll or 1-4116 803S - t-99S3 I-348S c2U' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ILL OF HEALTH owner lore .ale of leading television, radio and appliance .tore. Oood location, buslne&s ahowini sood profit. Call iu. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. 1385 N. Capitol St. Ph. 3-645B Ph. 2-5207, 3-6901, 2-4352. Cd220 FOR SALE $3500 equity on large lot No. 3 zone on fairground road in Holly wood. Consider trade. Ph. 36189. cd221 GROCERY STORE A proven money maker, clean atock, good location, on a main street, nice neighborhood trade, low rent, long icaae. only jhmjo. see Lloyd Crowley. Geo.A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 23849 Eve. 21206 cd219 FURNITURE FOR SALE DAVENPORT, real bargain. Ph. 2-4531, da is FRIGIDAIRE IN good condition. 910 Nor way. 0:219' COMPLETE Home Furnishings LOWEST PRICES HIOHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY You Can't Beat Thl Combination Open Eve. until 9 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. Save $100 Beautiful Custombilt 3 pc. sectional In highest quality mohair freize. Fully guaranteed to give you outstanding sat isfaction. Never before ha a Actional of thl quality been offered at so low a price Regularly priced at $299.95, our special price only $199.95. $20 dn., $8.40 mo. Only $99.95 Nice daveno St matching awing rocker In good quality beige tapestry. Double spring const. Si fully guaranteed. outstanding value you can't afford to pa up. Regularly priced at $139.95, now only $99.95, $10 dn.. $7.50 mo. Only $119.95 Beautiful mod. daveno V matching club cnair with blond trim St lovely brown floral tapeMry. You can't beat thl any where. Regular $149.95 now only $119.98. $12 dn. Sz $7.50 mo. Only $139.95 Lovely mod. daveno St club ehalr In beautiful aage green floral tapestry. Of couise its' double aprlng constructed St guaranteed. Juxt $14 dn. A $7.50 mo. Look One of the nicest Daveno aulte we have ever had. Deluxe construction, 165 dou ble deck coll springs plus a no sag spring baae. Upholstered In beautiful blue ny lon velour. You'll ml the boat if you don't see thl. Regular $199.95, now orly $159.95. $16 down, $7.50 mo. H & H Furniture Co. 1"0 Fnlrsroiind Rd. Ph. 3-3797. d218 WANTED FURNITURE USED FURN. Immed. appralaal. Highest prices Valley Furn. 385 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472. da234' IF YOU HAVE FURNITURE, appliances, sporting good, etc., to sell ft want TOP PRICES be sure to call TRADER LOUIE, 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-8538 day or 2-4407 eve. da235 HIGHEfT PRICES paid Phon Oleno at Woodrv Auction Maraet Ph 3-5110 da AUCTIONS FURNITURE & LIVESTOCK AUCTION Wednesday, September 14 at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Will ell with no reserve two 5-room home of furniture. Owners leaving state. Two S-pc. walnut bedroom set. 9 1 mohair davenport and chair. Like new. 1 rust color davenport and chair. Oood condition. 1 blue daveno. 3 walnut buffet. 0 4 coll aprlnts. 3 Innersprlng mattresse. 1 box spring. 2 occasional chair. 1 walnut office desk with plate-gla top. 1 light walnut office desk. 1 S-pc. lime oak breakfast et. 1 4-burner deluxe Montgomery Ward electric range. 0 3 oil circulator. t LAH electric rang. 1 lj-h.p. compressor. 3 twin bed springs. 0 1 16-mm. movie projector. Wood range and mic. article. Chicken and rabbit. Feeder and weaner ptgg. S Calve and veal. Cows, heifer and bull. LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard Locate 1 Milt tast of 6aln aa llrerton Road T. ttir .r u Call i mi .Mill AUCTIONS FURNITURE and APPLIANCE AUCTION TUESDAY (Tonight) SEPT. 13, 8 p.m. GLENWOOD BALLROOM 44 MILES N. OF SA LEM ON 991. VERY LAROE LOT AS roLLowa: Zenith Elec. Range O. X. Refrigerator Weatinghouse Elec. Comb. Range 9x12 AT,minter Rug 2 Used Deak I PC. Breakfat Set Sewing Machine Electrolux Large Cheat Dresser Wood Rang Phllco Arm Chair Radl Crib Mattres Bendlx Waaher Lot Tools Walnut Bookcase Electric Plate Phonograph 5 PC. Bed set Simmon Daveno Ssink Coolerator f Small Appliance Toilet Dev. Set New Bedroom Suite New Daveno Chrome Dinette m Desk Si Chair B Lmp 0 Swing Rockr 2Doren Xtra, Item Mirrors GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER Ph. 8-S110 to Buy or Sell dd2!8' LIVESTOCK WANTED 5 HEIFERS, m to 3 yrs. 3 Holstelns from .ouage rarm. aiasj. l cream separator ju. verne winn ki, l ax ize. Turner, ea220 BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer s. c. MccandlUh, 1127 8. 25. Ph. 3-8147 ea231 RABBITS WING'S BABBITRY need rabbit. Top Ices 3985 State. Ph. 3-1489. eb242 PETS CHOICE PERSIAN kitteni. Very reason- Koie. ids in . 111 in 01. ecifiB S COCKER PUPS. Black. Reg. Ph. 31492 iter p.m. emo' ORANGE per Ian kittens. F. Ganiard, Rt. 2, Box 245, Salem, near Qulnaby. Ph. 3-1738. ec218 POLICE PUPS for sale. after 6 p.m. FUEL Oregon Fuel Co. Good Dry Slab or Green. Clean sawdust. Green edging 5.50 Ld. Double $10,00, Dry edging $8.00 Ld. Ph. 35533. ee220 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL. FOR Dtese! and Stove Oil. FRESH COT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends 8$ Block Wood. Ph 86444 ee" OAK, S.O. fir, limb. 2-2129. ee223 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16" Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SdcH GREEN STAMPS PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ah ft maple. fir. 18" slab and edging. Ph. 31458. ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-XH. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Filero 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edeewater St.. West Salem ee FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRYERS Live or dressed. Also fat hen ft duck. Rt. 7 Box 434A, McCain Ave. off Sil verton Rd. 1318 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs- a ay. uraer rrys or Hens now at spe cial quantity prices for your lockers. Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 4BOI. ee s naicnery. f NEW HAMPSHIRE chick for Immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tue Fox Hatchery. 3830 Stat St Ph. 3-4969 PRODUCE CORN, sweet golden bantam. Any quan tity. 8.E. of Walling Gravel. 3175 8. 19th. ff223' TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNINO. JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER PH. 2-7172 ff228' CANNING CORN. Main rd. W. of Keizer Schl. Inquire at Evan. Rt. 2, Box 162. ff219 LAST CALL1 BIO GOLDEN CROSS Sweet Corn, 22c doz. Tomatoes $1.25 bu. U pick. 75c bu. L. D. Egbert, Silverton Road. 2 ml. pat Fairgrounds. Ph. 4-2642. ff222 CANNING CORN. 25c do. 1880 Chemawa ff219 Road. 31 a sack. U-PICK TOMATOES. 75c bu. Bring boxes Merrill's ureen Mouse, Broom. - mis' TOMATOES $1 bu. Bring containers. Cab bage lor xraut l'ac lb. 1450 Oxford. Ph. 25541. f faiP- TOMATOES, cucumber, fresh eggs. Fri- gaard Fruit Farm, H ml. N. Keizer school. ff240 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service lor small lots. Phone 2-2881 Lee's Hatchery. ff ITALIAN PRUNES, L. K. Browning Ave. Ph. 23220. TOMATOES, hybrid, acid free. Will de liver. O. M. Oorman, Jefferson. Ore Ph. 318. ff226 On old Jefferson Hlwy. at Midway, Hot man. Box 33. Ph Jefferson 504 ff231 HELP WANTED WANTED: PRUNE pickers. Oood crop. Mechanical shaking. A. H. Bone. Or chard Hts. Rd., Rt. 8 BOX 588. Ph. 18F23. g218- VACANCIES AT Chemawa Indian School. Elementary grade teacher. Salary $2498. Home Economic teacher $2724. Axe lim it 50 yr. Clerk stenographer, C.A.F.-3. 2498. Apply to Superintendent, Che mawa, gai9 IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad In Instruction Col umn. g232 PRUNE PICKERS: 8 mi. West, Orchard Hts. road. Oood crops. Phone 17F12. Jamea Best. g322 WANTED: HOP pickers, John J. Roberta io. rn. jpdzj. g BFAN PICKERS, Bishop. South River road, 10 minute from Salem. Bu leave 12th and Mission 6:00, Farm La bor office 6:30. Ladd ft Bush bank 6 35, auth on Commercial to Owen. For In formation eall 3-6137. g318 HELP WANTED MALE SERVICE STATION salesman. Permanent employment. Excellent working condi tions, regular pay A advancement up to $365 per month. Apply Buckley' Mobile Service, North Dallas Junction, Dallas, Oregon. Beat hours between 1 p.m. A 4 p.m. ga220 MAN PREFERABLY with bank or loen exper. 30 to 35 yr. old for perma nent Job Muat be willing to work hard and assume responsibility to Insure ex cellent future. Call Mr. Clough at Sa lem 3-4130 during business hours, en 222 WANTED: SEVERAL Carpenters, State particulars, age, wage. Write Capital Journal Box 451. ga218 4-t AUTO MECHANIC, steady work. 809 Frl-ews-er St . West Salem gn318 HELP WANTED MALE EXP. WMTRFSS. ApplyTn "person The Spa, 383 State, b3M HELP WANTED FEMALE FRY COOK, middle aged woman, Stop Lite Coffee Shop. Juat South of 13th St. Junction on 99E. gb230 WOMAN OR girl to care for 18 mo7old girl in my home. 11:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Extra pay if you work extra, hours. Ph. 20348 after p.m. gb222 RELIABLE GIRL wanted for house work Oood wages. Apply at 1420 Market. gb220 WOMAN, PREFER widow, to care for child ft do light house work. 8 day week. Muat be permanent. 2270 Broad way. Ph. 33967. gb230" HOUSEKEEPER for modern country home. uooa wage, box 408 Capital Journal. M28 OAR HOP wanted. Apply In person. Be- twrcu una 4 p.m. wnite urive in. 1138 S. Com'l. gb318 STENOGRAPHER for permanent position' Diiuimina required. Apply in person. Willamette Credit Co. 182 S. Church St. . b221" EXP. FLAT work folder. Salem Laundry COMPETENT middle aged housekeeper wanted for 1 adult. Must furnish ref erence. Ph. 38868 eve, for Interview. b21 WOMAN TO care for child, my home. qaya. au auaio sat. or Sun. gb 218 NEAT ATTRACTIVE girl for candy clerk. APPiy in person, Grand Sweet Shop. gb218 SALESLADY Give age. exp., marital ala lia salary aesireo in first letter. Boi 808 Capital Journal. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS l6?. gtryt Phon. 3-1488. ff WANTED SALESMAN 3 MEN WITH CARS Spectacular, sensation, streamlined performer. A new electrical appli ance that ha not been worked to death almost virgin territory. The reeneat rookie we have seen In months made $157.50 last wk. In a regional meeting 16 Portland men qualified to attend with monthly earnings from $650 to $1048. No dul: eaon. Nothing to buy. For Wednesday Interview Ph. Mr. E. C. Baumaardner, Senator Hotel, 10:30 to 12:00 a.m., 1 to 3:30 p.m. gg220 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN: Guaranteed oeuer man averag opportunity; one of Salem' leading offices: abundant leads fu.-n.: all ep!iea confidential. A rustler will make good money. Write box 449, Capital Journal. gg219" WANTED: Appliance ealesman. must have experience. A real opportunity for the right man. Write box 392, Capital Jour nal. gg EXPERIENCED furniture salesman, list exp. qualification. Write Box 394, Capital Journal. g EXP. salesmen to sell leading lines of appliance. Salary plus comm. Trans portation furnished. Write Box 393 Cap ital Journal. WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED WOMAN wants house- work. Box 408 Capita Journal. h220 MOTHER Do you want to work? We can and will give your child a large ienced-in yard with a woman watch ing them at all times. We also have an hr. of teaching co-ordlnstinn. Phnn. 2-3850. 356 N. 20th. n220 CHILD CARE, 183 8. I8th. Ph. 26876. h243 MATTRESSES. Studio Couche rebuilt. We specialize in innerspring. valley Mat treaa Co., 1694 N. Commercial. Ph. 2-397B h220 LADY WITH gen. office experience need wora. .apaDie. Reliable. Excellent ref erences. Alo P.B.X. operator. Writo box 398, Capital Journal. h220 OEN'L WORK Steady employment pre ,s",u' ""J1""" euiisiuerea. a o, wa ter St. Silverton. h218 TREE WORK, topping trimming, remov ing, ma. op. wors: guar. w. m. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h235" YOUNG BUSINESSMAN desires position: -ic.j.,ru in oooKzeeping ana office management. Interviews can be arrang ed. Write L. G. Cooper, 106 West First. Moscow, Idaho. h218 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S, 866 North Iflth. Phone 1-3643. . h233" TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. aerv Ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-8073. h230 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6798. h227 NEW LAWNS prepared ft seeded. Light tractor on rubber with dozer. Ph. 28127. Duane Wolcott. h221 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h EDUCATION IF YOU LIKE to draw, eketch or paint write for Talent Test (no fee). Give age and occupation. Box 447, Capital Journal. hh322 FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING rm., business gentleman. Hot ft cold water In. 255 Center. Jk220 FURNISHED apt. 2 adult. $35 per mo. Light, water, garbage aervice Included. 824 N Front. Jk222 CLOSE IN reas. room for clean employed .an. ou o. iioeriy, Jk222 QUIET PARTLY furn. sleeping rm. 1st flrT my. cm. itaa . tun. Jk219 OW RENT and private house privilege for I or 2 compatible ladle, nice room, good location, Brkfst If desired. Ph 38280 jk21 WELL FURN. rm. Private bath. Close in. On bu line. Ph. 2-5438. jk218 LARGE SLEEPING ROOM, employed per on. 949 N. Winter. Ph. 3-8459. Jk219 SINGLE OR DOUBLE sleeping rm. 804 N. th. Jk219- LG. 1ST fir. Bleeping room. Hot ft cold ioi . nign. Jk218" SLEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4335. Jk237 CLOSE IN Sleeping rm. Ph. 36318. Jk226 HOLLYWOOD rm. 2035 McCoy Ph. 3-6093. Jk225 FOR RENT APARTMENTS LOVELY FURN. Apt. 359 N. Liberty. For uueiiirs women, inquire oei ore 6:30 p.m. Jp220 NICE 3 rm. furn, pt. Employed coup'. ituif a. Kin. IDZ2Q" LARGE 4 rm. 2 bdrm. apt. Partly furn" SMALL APT., 2nd floor. Share bath, 11B8 . etn -element apt. Jp22n CLOSE IN modern apt. for 2. Very clean. mimiea. loon rt. sth. Jp2IA 8 RM. APT. 754 N. High. See Moore at -mirom s or pnone 37493 eve. or Sun. JP2I8 MODERN 4 RM, unfurn. apt. Auto hot water ft heat. Walking distance. Rea sonable rent. References required. Wr e Capital Journal Box 399. Jp220 MODERN 3 room furn. apt.. elec. refrle. Jp318 At 54B n. Cottage. $65. 4 ROOM modern court apt. Unfurnished except range, reirigerator. wash, ma chine. Near State Bldgs. $60, Call after 8:30. Phone 34205. Jp2t8) CLOSE IN apt. for women only. 425 n" """' r"- JP219 RM. furn. apt. Close In. Private battT Ph. 3698S. Jp219a f.-Jl-??! -nt 22',, Ha"' Ave. Jp3U" FOR RENT HOUSES WHY RENT? BUY t.M down, 168 net mo. Move rgh. In. No red tape. 2 bdrm.. hdwd. floor, beautiful built-in kitchen, attached ga rage. Paved street. In city. New district. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church pn 3-7848 ve. or Sun. 1-0343 er 3-0128. jm RESDRM. house, completely fumUhed. 1751 Nor Hi Front. JmllO 3 RM. furn. house. No children, pet or i orinaeri. uiume turn. 3030 N. flt.. Jm218 (Continued on Page 19) J