k1 SUCCESS STORY Y j r-ji ' ...iff -"r-i-v-,., Reading Among Children Found to Cut Failures in Life By DAVID TAYLOR MARKE (By the AaJoclsUd pru New Brunswick, N. J. This year 200 boyi and girls each re ceived an estimated 60 better years of life. Frustration, disappointment, discouragement and even tragedy were considered to be rubbed oft their slate. And it was all be cause they had undergone 60 hours of skillful teaching in reme dial reading at Rutgers Univer- jjJ sity's Psychological Clinic. oays ur. Anna o. oiarr, emi nent psychologist and chairman of the department: "We are fast discovering the -4 importance of reading to suc cessful personality growth, some psychologists are going so far as to say that failure to read ir a strong contributing factor not only to childhood problems but actual delinquency." Reading is the first skilful activity the child is called upon to master by himself. If he can not keep up with his group, he feels that he is a failure and pat- terns of maladjustment begin." Chinatown Fire San Francisco's skyline and dawn loom in the background as smoke billows from a three-alarm blaze in the shadow of the city's famous Chinatown. Note Pagoda (left of smoke) and tower of San Francisco-Oakland Bay bridge at the foot of famed California street. The fire caused an estimated $25,000 damage. (Acme Telephoto) ALL HAVE ONE GOOD FEATURE Ladies, Why Grow Old? Accentuate the Positive Hollywood, Sept. 13 (U.R) Ladies over 40, buck up. A movie expert said today you can be glamorous without youth, beauty or money. You've just got to atcentuate the positive. "There's no reason to grow old," said Helen Rose, who guides Lana Turner, Judy Garland and 70-ycar-old Ethel Barrymore at MGM. "American women give up living at 40 and wither for the next 40 years. They've got 30 years more of fascination ahead." And you don't have to worry if you don't have a face like Elizabeth Taylor, can't buy duds like Lana'i and will never see 80 again. You can overcome every defect, she said, with per fect neatness. "European women get more fascinating with age, and some still hold court at 70," she said. "A sophistica ted Frenchman won't bother with a woman un der 35. They're not interesting." Some of the most fascinating women in movies Greta Garbo, Gloria Swanson, Irene Dunne and Joan Crawford are over 40. Miss Barrymore is glamor ous at 70. As for clothes, most women could buy half what they do and be twice as well dressed. "I've seen some of these star lets stuff their closets with $100 a week of clothes, and never have one smart costume." And some of the most glamor ous women Miss Rose knows including movie stars have a face full of bad features. "I see women every day who have prettier faces than movie tars," she said. "But they don't dramatize their beauty, and they don't keep themselves im maculately groomed, the most Important thing. "Everybody has one good fea ture. It can be your eyes or your hair or your hands or even graceful posture. One woman I know has a face in which every feature is bad. She studies herself in the mirror two hours a day. She always sits in the most flattering light, and she knows which are the most flat tering angles of her face. "Everybody always says, 'Isn't she beautiful!' One of the most attractive wo men I know has a huge beak nose and a hairlip. But she has such fascinating eyes nobody notices. She's done very well. She's gotten two handsome hus bands two." jlT'S EVERY I TUESDAY ; Shop With Salem's Own TUESDAY ; SURPRISES In Monday's i CapitalilJournall Stale Property Tax to Return Portland, Sept. 13 m The possibility that Oregon may be forced to levy a property tax that will not be offset by other revenues was hinted by the in terim legislative tax committee yesterday. Such a levy could be required in the biennium beginning in 1952, members said, because of an anticipated $22,000,000 defi cit by 1951. State Tax Commission Analyst William Collier said the deficit estimate was a minimum figure. He said if government costs con tinue to rise, and he believes they are more likely to go up than down, the anticipated deli cit will be much higher. Only the use of what he termed the "cushion fund" of $15,000,000 would hold the deficit below the minimum figure, he said. This fund is maintained to keep pro perty taxes from actually being! levied in a year of low tax col lections. I Collier noted that the current biennium budget is $139,262,607 compared with the previous bi ennium budget of $78,149,627. Senator Howard C. Belton, Clackamas county, committee : chairman, said he had a "very strong feeling we may go back; to the state property tax." Thisj came as Rep. Eugene Marsh, Yamhill county, noted that the property tax problems of the counties may one day be shared by the state government. "Often as much time is required to get at the seat of a child's blocking and to formulate a pro gram of treatment as is required for the actual reading classes." The clinic has helped more than 1,000 adults annually, as well. There was, says Dr. Starr, the case of an ex-GI. Before the war, he was considered an intelli gent worker in a warehouse, but everytime he had a chance to advance in Jobs involving paper work, he failed. "One day, after he had started working with us," says Dr. Starr, "he stood, gazing out of a win dow, muttering to himself: siii in- siriTii T nnj Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 13, 194917 TESTED WHILE FLAYING these youngsters show aptitude. first step and often takes longer than treatment, says Dr. Starr. A child is studied as he works out block puzzles, peg boards and other intelligence and personal ity measurements. Eyes are carefully checked and where found wanting, referr- Many methods are used in the remedial teaching. Youngsters are grouped according to age and ability but no more than five make up a class. Power Bills Lower Than a Decade Ago Washington, Sept. 13 m The average home-owner's light bill increased slightly last year but it's still lower than 10 years ago, the federal power commission said today. The commission's annual sur vey of typical residential bills for cities of 2500 or more show ed an average reduction of about 10 percent for 25, 100 and 250 kilowatt-hour monthly bills. The average bill for 250 kilowatt-hours was $7.01 Jan. 1, 1949, compared with $7.48 Jan. 1, 1939, and $6.92 Jan. 1, 1948. During 1948, the commission said, electricity bills increased in 17 V percent of the 3814 com munities surveyed, and decreas ed in 6.7 percent, in the residen tial bill most subject to change. In examining hundreds of chil dren. Dr. Starr has found the causes for failure to read are al most as numerous as the chil dren themselves. Sometimes the reasons lie in blockings due to family disharmonies and fears. Sometimes they lie in visual difficulties. Again, the child may be sent to school before he is ready to learn to read, or overcrowded classes may not permit time to diagnose his reading habits. Sometimes, the practice of ad ministering true and false ex aminations leads to less ability to read and write. One boy, for example, was told by an older playmate that no two words were alike. The logically-minded lad then rea soned that if this were so, there were too many words to learn, so why bother. One child was found to have a deep-seated fear of the color black. She rapidly learned to read words printed in other colors. Then the girl was pain stakingly convinced of the sup erior advantages of black for printing. She overcame the fear, and her reading ability raced ahead. B-A-L,-L,-F-I-E-L,-D, He grinned ed for corrective measures. Lack and exclaimed, Why, that means BALLFIELD! It's been there all the time and I didn't know it!' " A new world had opened up for him. He was beginning to understand the meaning of let ters and words. Dr. Starr is con fident that in time he will learn to read and write well. There is no magic in the suc cess achieved by the clinic. It is all a matter of hard work. In reading cases, testing is the Because so many factors are behind a child's inability to read, Dr. Starr insists remedial read ing classes should be conducted in conjunction with a psycho logical clinic or child guidance program. "We emphasize that remedial reading should be therapeutic to have greatest values," she says. s . s $ Pickers Wanted Thornless Blackberries FA. Per Crate 5UC Cash TRUCK WILL PICK UP PICKERS At PARRISH SCHOOL 7:00 A.M. WED. Van Cleave Farms HAZEL GREEN Phone 25161 Pvaricose vims 1 INTERFERE WITH At P j. m eft INVISIBLE NYLON SURGICAL ELASTIC STOCKINGS TWO-WAY ST HITCH LAUNDER EASILY WEAR LONGER INVISIBLE StAMLESS I NO HNER WEIGHT STOCKING MADE Boy Duribilknit and enjoy the fullest measure of relief from varicose veins, swollen and tired legs and other leg condition!. CAPITAL DRUG STORE State & Liberty St. Salen of available energy or low per sistence of effort may indicate a physical condition which needs the attention of a physician. (Advertisement) "Saved my Life A Cod-iend for GAS-HEARTBURN" iY1"n,cnw "to"!! ,W -ir. painful. miflVvat rrwrnbe the faMtat-artlng nwiclnw known!,)? y optonutlc IWlrt-mMMn.ll k. t ho' nBrllniS Tabl.ti No um ... B.ll-ana Mn comfort 5 a liny or return btlle to lulur double money bark V BEIA-ANS for Acid Indigestion 25c , CHINOOK SALMON For Canning 28 c lb. Fitts Market 216 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4424 NEED A TYPEWRITER? Royal Port ables 1.50 per week We guarantee our prlcei on new portables are u low as any local store, chain or mall order house. ROYAL - UNDERWOOD - CORONA PORTABLES Exoliulva Representative for the Koyal Standard Half TYPEWRITER CO "Across from the Senator Hotel" 123 North High Dial 3-8095 WEEKLY BUYS THIS ADVANCE STYLE, 4 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE PLUS THIS FINE QUALITY INNERSPRING MATTRESS ANDOJCSPRING Reg. 258.50 Value 4 3 it?- i i tfoet ecf to KILN nf( :Hdr,, Srle, LocK fu, '"'mi a'tne 'In, oilell "rp. s "AIR H.ir. "T , "tro r ""de. fiiocic. r '"""nc. 1 fiec " nri nlt, nrf er open ruc Here is positive proof that you get more style, more value for your bedroom dollar! This smarter looking, well-made bedroom suite with the $79.00 mattress and box spring are worth far more today than this low, money-saving price. See this value today. You have your choice of wal nut or frosted walnut combined with paldao wood, in vanity, vanity bench, full size bed, roomy chest PLUS the mattress and box spring in this sensational offer. ?4 """"eo off " m Gnu, "ly nd iti rue lom cnr, net. "ngr, et 'elr "d h 'rtfl "'fcoi ""It hfef """ ror hi,"- 'll HAMILTON FURNITURE CO 110 CHIMIKITA SAIIM. ORION If you prefer, you may hove the bed, chest, night stand and Mr. and Mrs. dresser with the some mattress and box spring for only 208.50 end Save! Ik. 1 4