16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1949 f THE TAfPINft eeeMED TO (STAND BACK, ""H WELL, WELL RESERVE ANOTHER. SLAB fi RADIO PROGRAMS The HOUSE on LILAC STREET COMC. FKOM AROUND THESE SERGEANTI fY.J i JVi V 1 V AT THE MORGUE, STSCtFAMT I S SHeives, mb webster -look lmmi KX t .-J ' '- -mci , they've' BeeN spiked to the E j S&C- sfJwVAT" ) JT -SS5lrJa' by FRED BAYARD A N.wfrt.rM' 4 toaupuci' i Dema too a laxi nuiu t-eiuisyl-veuia tolauou to ner omce. "Yvhat on earthl" Marian Tur rjer exclaimed In amazement, one startled glance taking In Uerrias Ulikempt appearance and 111-Iltung suit. "Whatever has happened to ypu? ' as asked. i "Marian, I'm a fugitive from a Kidnapping. I ve Just gotten back from Connecticut, and these aren't my clothes." I "Whose are they?" I "That makes a long story, and JQ 11 nave to keep. Do you think ypu could find me something de cfnt to wear in the stockroom?" i Marian returned with a dress. J "Bv the wav. Miss Martin, a Lieu. tenant Fletcher of the Homicide Squad has been trying to get In tuch with you. He left a number jot you to can. iDerrla picked up the phone and then dialed the number of the oodiac Club. '"This Is Derrla. Dave," she said wjien Holway answered. "I got In loucn witn you as soon as 1 could. 1 "Where've vou been?" he asked "I was beginning to worry about ybu. You disappeared In the con tusion last mum. "It's dreadful, what's happened, imver Are the police doing any thing?" "If they are. they're not telling Die," he answered. ."Say, Dave, I've got to see you about something. I think it's Im portant, and It affects you. It may even have some bearing on Cher ry's denth." :Thcre was a long pause at the other f.id. '"Suppose we have supper some where? Will what you have to tell me keep till then?" "Yes. Let's make It Zimmerman's. At seven? Is that all right?" "Pine. I'll see you then." She hung up as she heard the line at his end disconnected. She found Lieutenant Fletcher's number marked on her memo pad. "Fletcher speaking," his voice came across the wire. "This is Derrla Martin, Lieuten ant. I understand you wanted to sjieak to me?" "Yes, Miss Martin. I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you to do some thing unpleasant. Will you come down to the morgue and Identify a body? We're pretty certain that it's Ruth Hamilton's, but you're about the only one we know who can make a positive Identification." "i 11 come right awav " Fletcher was waiting for her when she arrived. After Identifying the oociv. ane asked, "How did she dle7 "She was strangled probably sometime weanesaay aiternoon." "It's so horrible." Derrla shud dered. "Have you any Idea who did It, or why?" Derrla asked. "Not yet. A thing like that takes time. We've got to find out a great deal more about her be fore we can see a possible motive. You know" he looked at her keenly "I've wondered where you fit Into the picture. The fact that she was carrying your brief- rase may have had something to no witn it." "My briefcase? I don't follow you." "Did you ever realize, Miss Mar tin, that you and she look a great riral alike? This is, of course, the first time I've met you, but it struck me Immediately. Now sup pose that you were the girl they were after and Ruth appeared on the scene with your briefcase. Remember, your Initials were on It. Wouldn't It be natural that a mis take might be made? Whoever It Is might try again. Of course, I may be wrong, but I want to warn you to be careful. You have my number. Don't hesitate to call me at any time. At the table In the restaurant, she addressed Holway. "Dave. I want you to know that I have a good reason to ask you this. What do you know about this Hald Scott?" When he failed to answer, Der rla hesitated. Then, making up her mind, sne spoke rapidly. "What do you think happened to me after Cherry was shot? Were not you surprised when I didn't snow up "If I gave it any thought at all, I suppose you were being ques tioned oy the police like the others." Holway looked at her curiously. "Weren't you?" "No. And you know that If could have I would have followed you to the dressing room. But I never had a chance. Scott sud' denly appeared from nowhere and practically yanked me out of the C1UD. Holway was no longer disinterest ed. "Go on," he prompted. "Hald persuaded me to get In his car. and before I knew it, we were neaoing lor Connecticut." "And did he give you a reaaon7' Holway wanted to know. mats wnats bothering me. He implied I was in some danger. I couldn't pin him down. He just said tnat i wouia oe saier out oi tne city for a few days." "Derm, teu me something. The day you met him at Lilac Street, was tnat the first time youd seen him?" "Yes." Derria lied. "And you haven't any Idea why he'd act this way?" He dldn t speak for a moment. "Tell me something. You say you went to Connecticut. What made you come back?" Derria shook her head. "I can't tell you that. Dave. Let's lust say I had a hunch and leave it at that." On leaving the restaurant, Der rla refused his offer to drop her somewhere. They parted at the door, Holway to return to the night club and she to go home. "bhe was still tnlnkinz about noiways reaction to ner questions as sne started across t'orty-sixth ireei. Aiterwards. when she tried to remember, she didn't know lust now ii naa nappenea. witn only ine momentary warning of ner sixth sense, she saw the car rushing at ner, careening wncliy, almost out of control. For a brief flash she caught a glimpse of the driver's face, as she made a futile effort to get back to the curb. She wasn't quite quick enough as the edge of the fender dealt her a glancing blow, and darkness blotted out the lights. The car made no effort to stop uui, Biraigmening out, tore on into tne nignt. (To Be Continued) Wonderful Comfort The free dom-giving flared skirt a special feature of this smart new shirtwaist style. Typical of this season's cas uals being snown in featherweight tweed, wool Jersey, or In the always popular plaid. Just out! The FALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 150 practical, easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern aestgna tor an ages. Kemem- ber, it's smart to sew your own and save money, order your copy now, price Just 20 cents. To obtain this pattern, send 29c in (JUiN.M, giving pattern number your name, address and tone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, B.'H Mission street San Fran Cisco 3, Calif. A N, . , N R2843 Jd-JSl Ply xnr rxm m Baby DreM-l'B You'll want ev erythlng fresh and lovely for your bfloy, so start by making this ador able dress and slip In either long or the short version. The pattern includes both. The embroidery is done In popular satin, outline, lazy daisy stitches accented with sprightly French knots. Pattern Envelope No. R3M3 Us sue pattern for dress and slip (long and siiorti, transier for embroidery, stitch Illustrations and complete di rections for making and finishing. To obtain trm pattern, send 30c In COINS, giving pattern number, Sour name, address and sons num er to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street San Fran cisco 8, Calif. a i -ry. ... 1 3 HELLO! I'M YOUR NEW -W. V I rs Wry . Kntw 7 MiST 1 I m I I I V III u. I r7 . il (Sv-t iff I A . i tTVj 11 V - M II M Vk. ft . y h J 1 ff -- ;,i.s t.(rur;iwn.i 04SR OH Q st iMsZsZr" TV LITTLE HOUSES ON THE J'l 'T flfHO THEN THE BARGE THrtT 'is 1 KNOW HOW SHE MUST HfWE FELT- I I BAW3ES-SM1LINQ, WvlN(3 PEOPLE- 1 1 j raf-THEBlQ J tl R BREFOOTEO0 DIRTY D?ESS I TJjgy WERE TSe&SLERS-RICH- II 'X' lLEO fefl P PULLING WEEDS-MILLIONS OF WEEDS- f V HAPPV-CflREFREE - tS uma vw ?rr .a w v... ; j tasf ( yJ 1 60TTA " KMG AMD MY FAMILY DOMT I f VOO LL BE ABLE TO MIRE I THAT'S JUST THE i,im 'DECIDE JUSThOW) NEED MUCH MONEY AND 1 , SOME ONE TO DO THAT FOR t TROUBLE -WHEN II , RICHIWAMTA j AJNT VERY 6000 AT S sOU IP VOU SELL YOUR L UAVE TO WIRE. ANO l t rii 1 g,N6,NC0MEr zs'Sc srsm 1 OO-xurr', ) X I r-jyL.TH'UaWTNIM HCTALEFT- NJ I SASP.-TH' DEATH WAPtNIN'S ) I I -AM TH'a') SKONH. GOT UP- ) I QOEER.'rV I I HAND BRANCH OF A CRAB APPLE 1 K BElN' CAIWIIO CXJT-TO I I AN' SLOWLY WA1KID wsnr, J I IV- V!, 1 I TREE.T-KM LOOKS LIKE. y I f TH LtTTUt.-TH' BRANCH J I I WHSTLIN' "SWING LOW, SWEET V I I 7 Qf.,l TH' BEaiNNIN'O'TH'OLfc ) I IdONE HIT A BUUrSKOHK, I I CHARIOT-.'T- WHEN AU.THIM A I VjWl V . e T-z WjH' THBTOHO-IT'S AMO S h C itv n.y...- n --i--- I IwHA.TKINDOPVuAtATOH. A leTS Y SEE 'EM? V OK.- I LOOK I HOW ABOUT THOSE ARE 1 IF VOU THINK I'M Jul SANDWICH DO KIND COUPLE M", you PONT HAM, A NICE SARDINE fa K.V)MP0RTED GONNA PAy BOAT iZoii Twant? ) IS. OF TX)ZEN f i SEE "EM J SWISS SANDWICH? rpDINE SARDINES, FARE TO AMERICA' Li j rssrJ 5ss -m- !ss Hrs ttVMmxrjA U make em i i cheese. USLiJUJi , S-f i' T THERE MAY BB SOME CAPTAIN, IP LE TO T"!' t2r-10liVt'3 klanp TeSiTORV PSOPLE ON THE ISLANP'? ( NATIVES IN THE HILLS, TAKE A SMALL PARTY Amom 'tatb is LEASiN6rr Indians, or anything? 1 but most ukely the ashore while it's ( rr bhoixp n TELLME.MR.SANPRAL.IS TBIWT IWtW 'S.'Stion ATVP?rr ' R yoUP 60VERNMENT IMTEKESTEP op SHALL I SAV, BUSINESS ANIMALS 1 PERMANENT POPULATION. HAVE A KMT PUT 1 NOW. U IN THE MCtylE ABOUT gBHTATIVE 1 gmmm0 m - ri FTS Jk I rnM Ml ,AoiiozB hmm...that s-' okav, j I II R; ' V J 3, A'A 2iTHF trXii A BAKERS ,l'LL THROW C HOWLSOn!) W (cUPCaSIs? O ti St DOZEN, I AM EXTRA IKSa fSSdi I'UCtTITj I v.uk, )l I F0AMt?.. Vty'JOftN " 1 I0NIYH0PEhUI I BEfORt IG0IN$ANE,Mv..f J rrplV Jy lVW7NN W.Gtt! I TELEPHONE ! ,0RRY KATEA lEAVE ,0Mt DEAR...- " -,6 it isri( S teume..inpro5i--whatW TVK vr- fpZJ- AJJ4V,wait!. -Pj-rr " COOKma here?!! ' 1 . TUESDAY P.M. I KSLM JL" I KGW uSS I K0C0 !T 1 KOIN cS.' 5'H ft-Br-B Bftaah Hwieal CkUll Khy Rusk Kbm Mtai U B-Br-P ck HisIcrI CckUll RkTlhi Rmm Blh Am M h4 Jl Bi.i CrMbr Cbl lutkf 6s GaTH r MkHIb Uwt CnlltlUM u TrtM. Bantta U NrthwM. Mn Mftrila Uwto lnr Bb Yf Shew M Mil . Klni'l Ma Nw II P kt :U Mail Mm Waft Itawwit 7J Drwi f Mt. HllrwM4 TtMfttrt rt O BrU Hit tk Jki 1 Ckarllt toak i1II7wm Tkwlrt MmlAl JackMl Bit lfc JekMl tM Riders la tkr la Tar Raaaa Evalra Kaltbl DrM Paraac itt Ridwi la tkr la Tt Haaag 8 hlo lixrli Dren rrda 8lBa Ooaal af Bloatra-KlrtlB Track I4 Lowll Thomas 1" Mania Carl Ntwa al W.rla Trask 14M Jack fnllk MasU HB'i Daathlar Track 14M Mr. Mra. Hart ' Matla Hb'i Daafhlf Track U99 Mr. Mra, Hf Ik 91M Nctva Ncwa Trak HN tlva liar rktal la Malaal Mawaraal iHrti Paa Fkaal Trak UM Mrattrr Thaaln iH Pafarlla llarr ata af Laa4 Nawa Mralarr Taaalr iW Fawrlla llwr Raad Wat O res Tcwna Baaaa Paraia a iN Paltaa Levis, J laat flaraa PranlUr Tawm f araaaaa lfllil Balact Laal Kawt Wai Mattaaa PranlUr Tcwn Taa tad WarM IIJ m Newt Was Mawaai MuU Taa Waal Orckaaltft Witf Made Wai Maaaaai Mailt Taa Waal Newa nM Jean Steele A?. Ilrk Off Natlaraa Utl .1$ Jean Steele Aar. Naelaraa iN Raw Merita Or. Naelaraa Ut Raw Maraan Or. Kaelaraa j II: Sim Off 8lfB Oil WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6 taa Mara. Newi Baau Pin TIbm KOIN aUaafe 1ft Maila. Tlatakaap. Parai Tiae Ncwa :U Marefc Tlaaa The OU Seaf KOTO Klack Ncwa Ncwa Ncwa KOCO Klk Pre Back 7:00 Ncwa Saiaalk Maele Taa R I Iter Conner Kawa If Braaklaal Oaaa Smaalk Maela Neva 4 Svelte Art Bakar :S0 Breakfael Oanc Riaara af Ran Taa O' Maralna Oartr Meara AS T Tradea Sam Hayaa Tap O Mernlag Garry M ra 8' :90 Barraln Coanlar Sceand Caa Kln'a Craeadera Vacal Tarlallaa .15 Rise and Shine See a Cap Western Maladlaa Newa :M Sana al Pisa err lack Barak Store Sing Oraai Rlaaj 46 Mernlng Spactal Newt Charcfc In Wild Raaeiarr 9:00 Northwcat rlewi Tonnr Dsroar Time for Melodr Wendr Warraa ift Rata Smith Sinn Tosmmr Daratr Tina far Melody Aanl Jenny :SS Paatar'i Call Ttnar Doner Mailt Relon Tretil :4ft Wllca Walti Time Tomniy Darter J. Chariot Thomai Oar Oal Bandiy iN Newt Loaaa Orok. J W News Bl Slttor :1ft Go pel Stater Lapea Orcb. Memorable Mailt Ma Parkins :S0 Mailt Today'a CblldretJ Tane Tlm roans- Dr. Mafaaw lift Walli Boranada Lara Lawtan SS Keys Oaldlng Uhi m m :00 Ladles Pint Doable or Nothing Mailt Marl News 1 :iB Ladles First Double or Nathlng Mailt Marl Came Oct II I I :M Queen for a Day News Jan Gsrber Vsrah Drska :4B Qneen for a Day Light af WtTld Vocal Varlctlat Brighter Day j jnk :0 Top Trades Lift Baaatlf al Hollywood Mailt Ind Mrs. Barton 1:1ft News Road af Lift Hollywood Mailt Perry Maion I M :80 Northweet Nrws Pepper Toang Vows Bright and Light " :4ft Bob Ebery Show Happlncis Ted Dala Presents Alr-fla " 1' 00 Tell Tear Nelthbr Bsehitagt Wlfa Mat's Melodies Newspaper af Air .16 Johnson Pemllr Stella DaDai Mac'i Melodies Newapaper af Air :S0 Organ Reveries Lorensa Jonoa Mae's Melodies Chletgoang . :4ft Blag Blnga Wldder Brow Mae's Melodies Tan ef ally Tears 2:00 Against Storm A Girl Marries Mao's Msledlos News :lft Against Btorai Portia Paeas LI fa Mat's Melodies Meet Iba Mleeas :S0 Masls Joel Plain Bill Mae's Melodies Meet the Mlseaa !46 Maila Front Page Payroll Mac'i Melodies Robert Q. Lewie 340 Lncky "7" Welcoasa Traetltra Mat't Melodloa Robert Q. Lewis :1ft Lucky "?" Welcome Travelers Mat's Melodies Robert Q. Lewis :80 Songs af Times Aant Mary Mat's Melodies Robert Q. Lewis :4ft News ' Lava Learn Mao's Melodies Robert Q. Lewis 4:00 Faltoa Lewis, Jr. Woman's Secret Morlotlma Cart Maiooy :1ft F. Hemlnswar Sanny Bids Friendly Little Show SO Behind tha Story News Brers Can Bt Clab IS lift Carman Carellera Harhnoss Beaatlfal Ed. R. Marrow DIAL U6TING8I KKX. 1190; KOAC. 05d I f C Y Taeodar p.m4:M. Reaping Bp lCA with S ports t 1:1ft, Heme Edition i .1:3fl. Modern Romanceat 0:00, Headline Edition t d:IS, Elmer Davlst S:S0. Arthar Gaethi S:4S, Mailt by Broeerai l:0t Connterspyt 1-. Town Meeting! S:ia, Monitor Newsi S:45, Book Adeentartsi :00. Richfield Reparian 0:1S, Intermoiioi 9:310. Concert Bouri 10:M, Memos la To morrow! 11:00, Xtra Bonn 12:00, Sign Off. CY Wodnosday a.m. S:00. Waih IxCA barn Newet 0:4ft, Band Ben :), Bob Hasen Shawi :4S, Time Tempoti 7: IS, Martin Agronikyi 7:, Zeke Manners: 7:15, Riders of the Purple Saget S:0, Breakfast Clab; 0:00, Mildred Btdelll t:15. Stars af Today i 0:00, Trapleanai 0:4ft, Melodr Promenadei 10:00, Ted Melons t 10-IS, Galon Drakot 10:10, My Trao Stern 11:00, Betty Croeheri 11:1ft, News; U:S0, Baukhaga Talklngi 11:45, Nancy Craig i 12:00, Norlhweiternott lt:S0, Ray Weill 1:00. Breakfast In Bollywood) ltSO, Easy VfAf Tuesday pm 0:00. On tha rWV Vpboali S:00. SAO Sports Clab; :00. Newtt :S0, 'Round lbs Campflrtl 7:1ft, Evening Farm Boon S:00, Artistry In Classiest S:15, UN Reylawi S:S0, Great Boagsi S:4S, Loggers' Fire Woather Fore cast. Nowii 9:00, Masla That Endaraat 0:45, Ervnlng Ms dilations! 10:00, Sign Off. Wednesday p.m. 10:00. Newsi 10:1ft, Especially for Women i 11:00, Contort Hallt 11:00. Newsi 17:1ft, Noon Psrm Bonn 1:00, Ride 'Em Cowboy 1:1ft, Variety Timet 1:S0, This Dan 1:45, Melody Lanai 0:00, Oavaleada af Dramai 1:15, Memory Book af Muilei 1:00. News) :IS, Mailt al the Mailers i 4:00, Oregon Reporter! 4:1ft, Prowdlr Da flail. KOAC AeMi 1:W, MhI lb. HnhHl t:M, S.r ,r.M PaekMti t:X0, BrIS. snd Omal SIM, L..U. B. S..1.S. SiSO. AU-s-Ua.1 4:M, S.vlrr Own 4:W, Bkr Klo.. Jensen Given Post Monmouth Dr. Arne S. Jen sen has been appointed visiting professor in psychology in Wil lamette university according to an announcment by Prei. G. Herbert Smith. Dr. Jensen holds bachelor, master and doctor de grees earned at the University of Washington. Dr. Jensen wai for a number of yean a mem ber of th. staff of Oregon Col lege of Education. ACROSS 14. Hat a L Stop IT. Roman B. PaJe f odd taa 0. CBTPtlts CharEao aarth god 4U Old axploalTa IS. Anothar timo davica IS. Wlog 41. Beat fit Ko 14, Ancient flna yastroant for murder 44. Ponner It. Dull finish ampsrors) 14. UnfmaglnatlT 41. Notice 15. Stora IT. Pamoua attendant soprmn 50. sfprlng up SO, Uont dsutow 51. Globe Inlet SI. Goblins IL Friend ly SI. Hurry brownie) 15. Stings IS. Saa ST. Poker torn IS, Bait . Tha barb era 14. DIdo 10. Epic poam IS, Conditions' ;ALLElslJroRUsNUT slutlen t Ysrt.rdaya Puul. DOWN L Kind mi nMt ' I I5 14 I WA1, I' la WW " " r WZJZZZ mi-! as- sr sr p1"" rj '.W,T' " 1-, "W w &W&W I 1 1 t. Turkish command or I. Spiny marl oa flso 4. Right a. Exprasaaa oontompt I. Oo on foot T. fourth calif 5. Floating I. Light fabrlo 10. Eipunge 11. Trao trunks IT, Uneven IS. Forgives St. Wild sheet IS. ov-ttcla of Jewelry S3. P-elieg 28. Salutation St. Ancient Romas official 11, Smear IX Belonging U su 31. Mournful II. BTerlaatlnn poetlo It. Vessel for brewing a beverage IS Movable narto or pnrruioaa Roae-oolorad powaer 40. Fnnd tvmantal 43. Small amount 44. Examination 41. Br way of 41. Head covering1 45. Offlooboldora II. ROOM AND BOARD GOOD MORNING. 51R-saaa' LOOCS LIKE iT WTU. BE A FINE CW TO START OFF W1TW MOT CAKES AND SAUSAGE, By Gent Ahern a IrWkw I V'.'l n i : i f S OA. MORN SO THATS TME ' FOuNoer beuows : WHO KEPT Mi AWAKE ALL NIGHT ; wrrw mis $NOWNS IVE VIMTEOOuT HERE JUST TO SEE IF AM ACTUAL P60SON OR A SEA LION VAOJLD CO j ROOM 1