Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 13, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Sepl. 13, 1949
mi , (, mmjf''3CxmmmmS Tr!
I t' Jk- En ' "HI -
'Big Name'Teams Dot Grid
Slates of Northwest Crews
RUOQfiC Bob I)awson " ruRRcd 215 pounder from Chester,
IxUJjWU iff ya ,orn with only one arm, is aiming to nail
down the center berth with Geneva college at Beaver Falls,
Pa, He doesn't want any favors, just a chance like the rest
of the boys. In ":!sh school, Bob was the starting center for
his final three years. (Acme Telephoto.)
Seattle, Sept. 11 (U.RI Pacific
northwest football teams have
certainly followed the lead of
the I'nlversity of Washington In
bringing "big-name" schools In
to their football schedules.
This year alone, the three
northwest members of the Pa
cific coast conference, Washing
Ion, Washington State and
Idaho, will face intersectional
competition ranked among the
best and toughest In the coun
try. Idaho, for years languishing
in the PCX' cellar, will jour
ney to Austin, Tex., October
1 to meet the Longhorns of
the University of Texas.
Washington beards Notre
Dame, at Seattle, plays Min
nesota at the Gophers' home
stadium and also faces Utah.
Washington State takes on
Utah State.
And the prospect for more
"top-drawer" competition in
succeeding years is bright.
Washington has a home-and
home scries scheduled with Illi
nois, while Washington State
signed up Oklahoma A. & M.
for a twin-bill. Last year the
Cougars met Penn State, losing
by only a slight margin.
The University of Montana,
acknowledged "weak-sister" of
the PCC, has a number of inter
sectional battles. South Dakota,
Utah State, Colorado A. & M.
and Brigham Young all appear
on the 1949 Grizzly schedule.
The rest of the Pacific coast
conference teams also have some
hefty opposition approaching.
Southern California takes on
Notre Dame and Ohio State.
UCLA and Oregon both meet
Iowa. California invades Wis
consin: Stanford plays Harvard
and Michigan and Oregon State
takes on Michigan State.
Northwest schools are using
the inter-sectional games for a
twin purpose. First, to draw
larger crowds. Second, to prove
to the rest of the nation that
despite poor showings in the
last three Rose Bowl games, the
Pacific coast can produce teams
comparable with the rest of the
The "little" schools of the
Pacific northwest haven't
been backward about contact
ing inter-sectional opposition.
But with a smaller budget, the
range is limited.
Nevertheless, Evergreen
conference teams this year
will play a total of IS squads
outside the conference.
Angel Watches His Dream Slashed
New York, Sept. 1.1 Ufi)
Angel Lopez, a dapper little
man with a passion for prize
fighters and rhumba music, was
"awfool opset" today at the
manner In which a Harlem knife
fight almost cut his champion
lliip dream to rihhons.
Lopez is the self-admitted
"hot sports" who can blow
five-figure wager on a horse
race or a leather pushing contest
without a quiver of his tiny
black moustache.
But the suave night club
owner who has "much mon
ies" was an amateur boxer in
his hectic youth, the days when
he came to the United States
from Spain and set out to
found his rhythmic fortune.
So always he admired the
champions and, when he fin
ally admitted to himself that
he never would he a fistic
champ, Lopez built himself a
shining dream of some day
managing one.
It was a long-delayed vision.
But as Angel's bankroll increas
ed, ' so did his prospects. He
bought the contracts of one
fighter after another.
Finally he thought he had a
lad who would make the grade,
I puncher named Jose Basora.
But in 1945, Jose folder up in
the late going against Ray Rob
inson and the disgusted Lopez
peddles him off quickly.
Then came a youngster out
of Camaguay, Cuba, who
seemed like a sure shot. His
name was Gerardo Gonzales
and they called him "Kid
Gerardo, It seemed, had been
Jiscovered by a manager named
Fernando Balldo. The latter
ran a candy shop called "El
Gavllan." So Gerardo was nam
d after the candy store and
be was a real sweet swinger.
Not only that, but he could
rhumba like a professional danc
er. That sold Lopez, and he
bought the "keeds's" contract.
"El Gavilan" in Spanish
moans "The Hawk," and the
"kecd" fought like one. Soon
Ihey were calling him the best
thing to come out of Cuba since
Kid Chocolate invaded the Unit
fd States in 1928.
So It appeared, finally, as if
I.oipez would realize his long
time dream and come up with
a champion. They got their
shot last July against Knhin
son hut Gavilan lost the deci
sion. Still, there was a ehanre.
for Robinson is ready to va
cate the welterweight crown
and Gavilan looked like the
best possible successor.
Much of it depended on the
Jake Lamotta-Marcel C e r d a n
middleweight title fight Sept.
28. If Lamotta wins, he will de
fend against Robinson. That
meant he would abandon the
welter title and leave it to be
fought for by Gavilan and Char
ley Fusari.
The "Keed's" chances would
be better than even to finally
make Angel's dream come true.
But early Sunday morning
Gavilan was slashed on the neck
when he became involved in a
harlem street argument. He es
caped with five stitches in his
"I should be ver-ee hap-ee
Lopez said as he considered the
slight damage. "Bot when I
thecnk how close thee keed came
to mavbeee getting keeled, wal
I m steel awfool opset.
Horse Is Breezing
With Breathing Aid
Henderson, Ky. Ballawee is a three-year-old gelding short
on wind but long on courage.
The Balladier-Willowee thoroughbred races with a silver
plated brass trachea tube in his throat. And he's hard to beat on
the track.
1 jt;rV ;rt'
Li? vU
Vikings Receive
Uniforms, Polish
For Friday Start
Uniforms were issued to the
Salem high school football team
Monday afternon as Coach Loren
Mort prepared to put the final
polish on the team for the open
er Friday night in Kiggins bowl
at Vancouver, Wash.
Despite improved action on
the part of the Viking crew in
virtually every department, the
Salems face a stiff test when
they meet the Trappers.
Coach Roy Sandberg, while
hampered by a lack of exper
ienced linemen on the Vancou
ver squad is reported to be toy
ing with the idea of tossing a
Ihree-team platoon system at the
Correct for Newport
4 59 t.m.
4:29 pm.
5.53 a.m.
5:11 p.m.
7 05 i.m.
8. 06 p.m.
6 23 t m.
7:17 p.m.
9:37 a.m.
fl : 40 p m.
10:15 a.m. 3.3
11:39 p.m. 0.3
10:40 a.m. 33
0:40 a.m. 0 4
1:51 a.m. 0.3
1:10 p m. 31
3:02 a m. 0 0
3:50 p.m. 3.5
After two operations to im
prove his wind, Trainer Harry
Richards of Lexington, Ky.,
obtained the tube from Ire
land, his former home. The
operation involved the remov
al of two or three cartilages
In the horse's windpipe for
the insertion of the tube.
The gadget fits through an
opening in the windpipe. It is
like a T-joint in a plumbing
fixture. The T portion of the
pipe extends up and down in
the windpipe with the base of
the T coming through the open
ing in the neck where it is fitted
with a round metal plate. The
plate has a shutter that can
be closed when the horse isn't
exercising or racing.
To date Ballawee has raced
four times and shows one vic
tory, a second and a third. His
only time out of money was at
Riverdowns near Cincinnati
when it is believed that rain in
terfered with his breathing.
Trainer Richards is very care
ful about conditions when he
enters his charge. A muddy
track could cause trouble if a
clump of mud were to be thrown
against the windpipe opening.
He avoids racing the gelding on
humid or rainy days.
The gelding was purchased
at the Lexington Sales by
Judge F. V. Barbour.
"The horse has considerable
promise, ' says Richards, "lhe
tube is removed daily for sterili
zation. At night, or when the
horse is resting the tube is
closed and he breathes normally."
Ballawee has been campaign
ng at Dade Park in Henderson.
Nofe on Current Life
Chicago OJR A saloon on the south side of Chicago today
bid for business with a large sign outside reading;
"No Television."
Capital Alleys
Go I din (3 John Herr 488. Howell S88,
Frank 527. Qua Herr 5J0, BnLson 117.
Starr Foodi Inc. Hi Scales 526, Lena r en
467. Powell 487, Arehart 42, Allen 474.
Orvsl'i I'aed Can (2) Crawford 447.
McClary 483, Oabel 530. Rom 527, Boyce
5 SO. Nlcbohon'i Ina. (1 Gannon 813,
Stratton 450, Milford 453, CWslund 494,
Nuber 515.
Walton Brown (31 Si Ike 496, Singer 481,
Ariolph 557. Ricfiwi 518, Henderson 872.
Marion Creamery (P Oarbanno 462. Pe
kar 486, Davenport 466, Ken yon 613, Ktnt
Knirhla of Columbui '01 F. Albrlch 430
J. Albrlch 541. Hariwell 394, M. Miller
S, J. Miller 007. Master Bread (3) Matt
son 503, Prlem 555, Newcomb 526, Powell
179 Farmer S88.
Stetller Supply Co. 2) Kltzmlller 446,
F. Slett'er 531. C. Stetller 253 2 tamu,
Hendrle 504, W. Valden 527, B. Valder 132
on same, 8m a tor Radio A Photo Hi
Cady 506. WlltM? 465, Bitler 477, Duffiu
Hlzh team nerlfj: Master Bread 2979.
Hieli individual wrlea: J. Miller Of
KnlnhtJi of Columbuii 607.
Hteh individual fame: J. Miller 255.
fjAQC I Philadelphia Phillies second baseman Mike Goliat
VviJ accidentally drops ball as Giants' Bobby Thompson
(33) steals second base In the second inning of a game
at the Polo Grounds in New York. Umpire Jocko Conlan
calls the play. Giants won, 4-1, (Acme Telephoto)
PCC Facts and Fables
Moscow, Idaho, Sept. 13 IU.R)
Lowry Bennett, six-foot, four
inch sophomore end who snag
ged more passes than any other
two men in Saturday's scrim
mage, appeared a likely candi
date today for a starting spot
on the University of Idaho
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 13 U.R
Sophomores Don Heinrich and
Hugh McElhenny will start at
quarterback and fullback, re
spectively, while juniors Roland
and Jack Seth will open at end
when University of Washington
meet.s Utah Saturday.
Corvallis, Ore., Sept. 13 (U.R)
Coach Laverne (Kip) Tay
lor today pronounced his Ore
gon State college football
squad in top physical condi
tion for its opening Pacific
coast conference encounter
Friday night at Los Angeles
against UCLA.
Palo Alto, Calif. .Sept. 13 (U.R)
Coach Marchie Schwartz
awaited word from Dallas, Tex..
today whether Tackle Gordy
White, star of last year's big
game, will be ready to start for
Stanford against San Jose State
Saturday. White injured his
spine in spring training.
San Francisco, Sept. 13 UR)
Two University of Oregon
officials warned today the
Ducks would have a formid
able backfield when they
meet St. Mary's Gaels here
Friday night.
Athletic Director Leo Har
ris and Publicity Director Art
Litchman said Coach Jim Ai
ken wouldn't trade his backs
"for any on the Pacific coast."
Los Angeles, Sept. 13 U.R)
Coach Henry (Red) Sanders of
UCLA hopes to start Cliff
Schroeder at fullback, Jim
Buchanan at quarter and Bob
Watson and Ernie Johnson at
halves in the Bruins' opening
game Friday night against Ore
gon State.
Los Angeles, Sept. 15 (U.R)
Worried by the poor showing
made by Southern California in
workouts last week, Coach Jeff
Cravath today scheduled three
heavy scrimmages this week in
preparation for the Trojans'
opening game September 24
Sound Comtructlon (It Bud Straw 286,
Saylor 481, Garrett 407, Bob Straw 490,
Simmomls 370, Nutting 350. Hoffman Con
strurtlon 2 Crawford 545, Embertoo 340,
Miller 468. Hanson 418, Boyce S74,
Rod A Gun Club 0 Futrell 443, T. Mil
ler 344. Hardie 240, Mrllnay 340, Moofra
355. Jewel Box (3 Cownn 447. White 371,
Milford 551, Tschida 534, Binler 464.
Valley Oil f 0) Boon 370. Zeeb 383, Carr
332, Del It 418. A. Zeeb 429. Woodburn 3
Steele 527, Austin 448, Perd 410, Deagen
515. Hicka 589.
Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 2 Llvlngaton
429, Shipmvn 420. Lacey 472, Steinke 439,
Rum Shipman 445. Nalley'a Chipi fit
Thorn PAon 488, Johnson 368, Thurman
545. Gwynn 309, MrCune 862.
Hleh tame 222 Milford of Jewel Box.
High xerlej 874 Boyce of Hoffman
Of Local Union 1065
Will Be
All This Week
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