I The incredible Unus, sensation of Ringling Bros, and Bar num & Bailey circus, basically gifted, however, with abnor mal sense of balance. Circus Star Labored Eight Years to Turn Trump Trick Although it took Unus, the in credible Unus, eight years to perfect his celebrated feat of balancing upside down and feet skyward, on his forefinger, he could never have succeeded had he not possessed an abnormal sense of equilibrium Unus will tell you that, if you him, when the Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey cir-T cut comes to Salem Thursday, Sept. 15, for he is a frank, ami able fellow. His name is Franz Furtner, age 42, and he is Viennese, born and bred. He heads the greatest assemblage of Europe's topflight acts The Greatest Show on Earth has brought to America in years scores of them never before seen in this country and backed by a tremendous performance, including four, huge spectacles, John Ringling North produced and John Mur ray Anderson directed. Oscaro's Numidian Lions, an act that set Europe on its ears last winter, is one of the new wild animal arena features. The performances in the world's largest big top will be gin at 2:15 and 8:15 p.m., with doors to the augmented mena gerie and all open at 1 and 7. rne menagerie ana tne midway approach have new decor this year something the crowds will note rizht off. An average mile of natural gas pipeline costs about $100,-000. Reds Mass for Canton Drive Canton, Sept. 13 Wi Big communist troop concentrations were reported building up today 140 miles from Canton. Else where in south China and ir the air over Red territory the nationalists claimed success. Army sources said Red Gen Liu Po-Cheng's 14th army was moving into Kiennan, Lungnan and Tingnan which form a 35 mile arc 140 miles northeast of this refugee capital. The troop movements were part of preparations tor what was expected to be a big flare up of fighting in south and cen tral China. The three cities be ing strengthened by the Reds are just inside Kiangsi prov ince along the border of Kwang tung, Canton's province. They have been held by Red guerillas. North of Canton the national ists claimed gains eastward from newly recaptured Jucheng in Hunan province. MUD-SLINGING RUMORS FALSE Honor Student Wins Parole Oregon City. Ore., Sept. 13 M A Chicago high school honor student was paroled to his fath er by Judge Earl C. Latourette yesterday after the parent plead ed that an attempted burglary resulted from three weeks in bad company. Dean Arthur Culver, 19, Chi cago, was sentenced to five years and immediately paroled to his father, Bernard W. Culver, a nhinaan anoinisr Thtt father told the court that the boy had baby foods on baby pigs! The Pigs Aini Pigs- They Hate Dirt Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Tuesday, Sept. 13, 194911 By SAM St MMKRI.1N Raleigh, N. C. Mr. Farmer, don't believe those dirty stories about your pigs. Mud-slinging rumors to the contrary, your pigs are by nature the cleanest and the smartest animals on your farm. Our four-footed friends in certain intelligence tests have out- smarted even chimpanzees, brightest members of the ape family. Pigs can be easily housebrok en, and can be trained to hunt as well as dogs. I What's more, scientists test graduated with honors and re cently won an architectural scholarship to the Illinois In stitute of Technology. Culver was arrested at Jen nings Lodge last Wednesday with Leslie Allan Jacobson, 18. also of Chicago. They were thwarted in their burglary at tempt by Edward Whittington, owner of the ice cream parlor in which they were caught. Their car was crammed with stolen goods admittedly taken in a series of robberies while trav eling weit. District Attorney Leonard L. Lindas said Clark county, Wash., authorities have releas ed their "hold" warrant on Cul ver. Jacobson also has pleaded guilty to a similar charge. He will be sentenced Wednesday in circuit court. State Board Meets Silverton Dr. R. E. Klein- sorge, vice president of the Oregon State Board of Higher Education, is spending Monday and Tuesday in Portland attend ing a meeting of the group. latter have a digestive system more nearly like that of humans than any other common animal. V This is Just a sampling of the many true facts about pigs, a breed of patient creatures that has been relegated by man to a life of mud and ignorance. The dirty stories about pigs have been authored by the un informed and misguided. They have made the picture of a clean and gentlemanly pig a rare sight indeed. Let an expert explain Dr. H. A Ctaurart honH nf animnl breeding and swine research ati1w 50s; Humans, of course, pre Nnrth f-arnlina State College Ier lne or low US, here in Raleigh. Pigs don't have sweat glands like humans, he said. Instead, they have a layer of fat under the skin. For this reason, pigs can cool their bodies only by ra diation and evaporation of mois ture. Because of the fat layer, hogs like the temperature in the house at the sideshow. Surpris ingly enough, four chimpanzees and ah orangutan failed to match the score of the pigs. If anyone doubts that pigs can be house-broken, he should con sider this irue tale about a pet pig at a recent mid-west state fair. This well-trained young pig accompanied his master up the elevator one day to an of fice way up in a building near the fairgrounds. I After much patient waiting outside the door, the little pig ambled down the flights of stairs, went out the front door and to his own designated men's room. He then reentered the door, climbed the flights of irs. and was waiting outside the office door when his boss came out. As far as pigs being able to hunt as well as dogs, one only need be reminded of the meek domesticated pigs' savage ances tor, the wild boar. But after all, that is another story. AP Newsfeatures 'Pigs have become associated with filth only because we don't give them a chance to get away from it," explained Dr. Stewart. "With the temperature hover ing around 95 degrees on hot summer days, pigs just naturally scoot for the nearest waterhole. Since these oftentimes aren't provided, the normally clean- conscious pigs swallow their vanity and collapse into the clos est mud wallow." MRS. HUMPHREY BOGART ADMITS Boggie's Boy Faces Tests To See If He's Tough By PATRICIA CLARY Hollywood (U.R) Mrs. Humphrey Bogart is looking forward to a tough life for her young son. All the other kids will be pick' ing fights with him to see if he's as tough as his old man. "I hope he does turn out to be rugged," Lauren Bacall said. "It'll be easier for him if he is. And anyway, I don't want t panty-waist of a son. Being the son of two movie stars has many advantages. But Miss Bacall thinks it has even more handicaps. ' It's true that young Stephen will have a swimming pool, horses, trips to Europe and a well-filled stomach. "Other children will expect a lot more of Stephen," she said. "His teachers will too. And they're likely to take the attitude that it's up to them to prove that he's no better than anybody else. "Well, that's all right with me. But I'm afraid it's going to be hard on him." Nobody will be picking fights with the young Bogart for a few years. He's still in diapers now. But Miss Bacall thinks you can't start too soon raising a child in a normal way. "I want my child to be as much like other children he can be," she said. "I hope we can send him to a public school as Stephen H. Bogart and not as the son of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall." She isn't even eager for him to play with the children of the producers and other actors she meets at Warners where she is starring in "Young Man With a Horn." "I don't want him to get any big Hollywood ideas, she said "If I ever hear my son say 'My dad has two Cadillacs and yours has only one,' I'll spank his pants off." &,while you rave while you ride 1 ' w".V If you had a million dollars, you'd prefer this distinctive Packard to all the others for its luxury comfort. But million-dollar buyers are rare, these days. And meanwhile Packard sales ate running at new record levels! So what's the answer? Tbrei answers (and they all deal with economy)! Sensibly low first cost: This pre- 1J5-BP Packard Eight Club Sedan (While sidewails, 121 extra) cision-huilt, 135-HP Packard Eight actually costs less than some of today's sixes! Amazingly low operating cost: Packard "free-breathing" engine design is writing the year's big gas economy news! Lastingly low upkeep cost: Today's new Packard! arc the most durable ones in 50 years 1 MS tHI MAN WHO OWNS ONI Packard Delivered here Naw lower Packard prices begin at $2,53728 5lr md local txt, if stfty, txlrs. Prictt mmy very slightly im md joining mrttu b0csms0 of irtmptyrtstion cbtrgtt. Gat C6nmy report based on cur rent reports from nearly 1,000 owners of the new 135-HP Packard Eight, equipped with overdrive. t iOptitmsl mt mod tret txtrs eott. Atk your Pocfcord doftr ooouf PACKARD ULTRAMATIC DRIVE-frSe fast wort fa ovfomofc, no-sniff coitfrof STATE MOTORS, INC. 340 North High Street Salem, Oregon Emily Post would be needed to teach some pigs real table manners, but any farmer can make respectable eaters out of his pigs. Pigs, contrary to world-wide belief, don't have gluttonous ap petites. Too many farmers fail to feed their pigs enough, not realizing that these animals re quire plenty of food because they grow proportionately fast er than any other common ani mal A sort of psychological fear is created in pigs by this action, giving them the impression that there isn't going to be enough food to go around. That is why they dive for the feed trough when the slop comes around. When self-feeders are provid ed and less competition is pres ent, pigs never show any indi cation of a ravenous appetite. Scientists, in a search for In telligence in pigs, have obtained some amazing results. A series of multiple-choice tests was made some years ago in which the object was for the animal to discern position rela tionships from a maze of com partments like the mirror Bridges Asks for Fad Finders New York, Sept. 13 iPvHar ry Bridges proposed the estab lishment of a presidential fact findin board today in the 13V day-old Hawaiian dock strike. Bridges made the proposal through Chief U. S. Mediator Cyrus S. Ching, who has been trying since last Wednesday to settle the dispute. Bridges is president of the CIO International Longshoremen and Warehousemen's union, which has been on strike against seven stevedoring companies since May 1. The union head told newsmen he also had submitted four pro positions involving wage In creases ranging from 14 to 20 cents an hour. He said these all were concrete proposals with varying condi tions, which he did not describe, attached to each. All told. Bridges said the un ion has made nine proposals for settling the dispute while the employers have made none. There was no Immediate com ment from employer negotiators. Woodburn Preparing For School Opening Woodburn A short morning session of the Woodburn public schools has been called for Fri day, September 18, by Frank P. Doerflcr, superintendent. Stu dents and teachers will meet from y a.m. until noon so pupils will not have to bring their lunches. Purpose of the half-day ses sion is to distribute books and supplies and collect fees so class work can start on the of ficial opening day, September 19. For Office For School Fully Lined Lightweight Suits 17.95 Smart Shop OLD H7BMITitfI, .K.K JLJJL Wl Til Ml LUJ $2.30 pt. Kentucky Jlliiskey -A Blend FOR GEN RATIONS A GREAT KENTUCKY FAVORITE' fll S $3-60 'II J 'Qt' 86 PROOF A Gentleman's Whiskey from Kentucky National Distillers Products Corporation, New York 65 Grain Neutral Spirits) AcfVajed Shell Premium is the most powerful gasoline your car can use! 9 M X vV Activation makes the difference Shell iplin tnoieculti: Shell ecienllna take the feneat available crude activate the nolcculel bf aplitling thtfn end rearranging the toml according to Shell' formula for i perfectly balanced gaioline. The remit Shell Premium; (he mon powerful gaioline vouf cu cw imI ' YES, many of today's engines have been ttepped-up . . . they Call for more powerful gasoline! Now Shell gives you the most powerful gasoline your car can use Shell Premium it's "activated." No other fuel can top its power in your carl This is made possible by Shell's own, spe cially produced power components and by Shell's own blending methods! Actually, Shell splits molecules to get more power for loday't more powerful engines. So you get a gasoline that's "activated" 5 ways! 1. Activated for knecklett pewerl Pulling herd in low gear or traveling it full thrniile. Shell Premium delivers full, quiet power) 2. Activates) for fait "gateway." Shell Premium delivers the titrt power you can feel no "balking," no "stuttering" tou got 3. Activated far full mileage. Shell engineers "balance" Shell Premium so thai every drop of fuel goes to work for tou! "Service is my business" i3r