10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Tuesday. Sepl, IS, 1949 r .... ; p .... 13 Operative Steam Engine Mounted On a Rime Earl Andre sen, 2335 East Nob Hill atreet, built this oscillating steam en gine mounted on a dime. Height of his engine is one and a quarter inches, weight an ounce and a half. When the en gine runt It sounds like a big and busy fly. WAR-TIME HERO BACKS FLIER Halsey Defends Navy Capt. In Attack on Army, Air Force By CHARLES W. CORDDRY IT.IU4 PrcH Avl.tian Wrttrr Washington, Sept. 13 (U.Ri Adm. William F. (Bull) Halsey today came to the defense of Capt. John G. Crommelin, veteran navy flier who has accused the army and air force of trying to take over the military establishment. Halsey, retired wartime hero of the Pacific, said Crommelin "deserve! the help and respect of all naval officers." , T IJ 1 The wartime commander of PfiniGrS lOlU 10 me intra neei inrew nu sup port behind Crommelin after the meeting and after an informed source disclosed that an attempt has been made to suspend Crom melin because of his public charge. Halsey authorized this brief statement: "Having read Capt. Crom melin's statement and comments. I feel very strongly that he is attempting to do something for the good of the country and that he has shown wonderful cour age In jeopardizing his career by doing this. I feel that he deserves the help and respect of all naval officers." Earlier, an informant said Un dersecretary of Navy Dan A. Kimball wanted to order Crom- melin's immediate suspension as soon as he learned of the 46 year-old flier's public charge. But the suspension was held up when Adm. Louis Denfeld. chief of naval operations, argued successfully that no action should be taken against Crom melin until the naval court of Inquiry investigating the B-36 controversy completes its hear ings. Crommelin charged Satur day that the navy's offensive power is being wrecked under unification and accused the army and air force of planning to usurp civilian control of the military establishment. Get Info Politics Richardson for Parole Board Portland, Ore., Sept. 13 U.R James J. Richardson, manager at Multnomah stadium for 22 years, said today he has accept ed Gov. Douglaa McKay's of fer of an appointment to the state parole board. Richardson will replace John L. Gary, for mer vice-president of Multno mah college who resigned to be come superintendent of schools at La Center, Wash. Fort Worth, Texas, Sept. 13 'Pi Woodruff Randolph, presi dent of the International Typo graphical union, urged printers yesterday "to get into politics up to your ears." "You aren't going to get any where" until you do, he told the semi-annual meeting of the north Texas printers. He assert ed the Taft-Hartley law is a challenge of "whether we exist or whether we don't." HARD OF HEARING You've Waited for Thisl HERE IT IS! NO RECEIVER BUTTON IN THE EAR! ViU The Pbanto- mold combined with the Beltone Hearing Aid assures you of unsurpassed hearing quality for both lone and to hi me. Bui bent of all. even your friends won't notice thac you are wearing a hearing aid. You owe it to yourself to see this newest hearing improvement and convince yourself that now for the first time you really can conceal your deafness. Drop in today and see it. Mean while, fill out coupon for free book. te MONO-PAC ONI-UNIT MI All NO AID James N. Taft AND ASSOCIATES 228 Oregon Bid. . Salem, Ore. ANNUAL HALF-PRICE SALE! Dorothy Gray Cleansing Creams l Regularly....' win iiwn'r- "an i h i in rrrri T.-.'ua i ; f special, J Rogular'lsizc now '2 DKY-SKIN Cl.FANSER (f.'mu M1) SU.ON COM) CREAM (for mtrrmr nr wjif .tAm) CLEANSING CRFAM hipirfyinf) (of mh fan) ''' rr for 2 Ali prut pirn am Steam Engine Works on Dime An operative steam engine mounted on a dime and an inch and a quarter high is the latest creation of Earl Andresen, mo del steam engine hobbiest who resides at 2335 East Nob Hill street In Salem. Earl has made a number of model steam engines admired by those attending Salem hobby shows but his latest of oscillat ing design Is the smallest ha has ever built. In an oscillating en gine, movement of the cylinder admits and exhausts steam in the cylinder, acting as a valve. This diminutive model has a steel cylinder lined with a pressed-in 22 caliber shell. The stroke is three-sixteenth of an inch and the intake and exhaust ports are each only one thirty- second of an Inch In diameter. The fly wheel is three-eights of inch In diameter and the entire machine weights but one and one-half ounce. Odd mo ments over a two week period were required for construction. When the tiny model runs. either on compressed air or steam, it has a loud and Impres sive hum suggestive of a big fly. As the engine gains momen tum, movement of the oscillat ing cylinder becomes a blur with Increasing speed. School Patrons Invited Victor Point The Victor Point school building will be open for inspection on Sunday, September IB, from 2 to S p.m. The public is invited to visit '.he new building which opened for school on Friday, Septem ber 9. The carousel was first used in 7th Century European fairs. Haysville School Merger Voted While only 82 to the 10,000 voters in Salem school district turned out to vote at the Hayes-ville-Salem consolidation elec tion Monday, it carried in the city by a vote of 73 to 7 and in Hayesville district by 102 to 17 and another prosperous and well populated suburban area is add ed to the swelling boundaries of school district No. 24. The Hayesville enrollment Monday was 13S with 78 in the first four grades. Originally I built as a one-room school the , Hayesville structure now has four rooms and erection of a new school was under consideration by the district board before the merger proposal was launched. Agreement was reached before the election that a $4000 reserve fund held by the Hayesville board will be used for im provements in that district, the district to assume a share of Sa lem's bonded debt. The vote in the four Salem precincts on the merger showed: east 14 to 0 for; west 12 to t for; south 18 to 0 for, and north S3 to 2 In favor. $$ MONEY $$ FHA 4H Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finan'e Co. 1S3 8. High St. Lie. B-21S M-KI - ' rrzn rrrrrrn CTTfT) l?y?CG 03 Values in our modern FROZEN FOODS CASE SWIFT BRAND Ice Cream 29( Chocolate Raspberry Vanilla PINT Chip PACKAGE OF 4 STEAKS Steaks 49c Frozen Peas 29c Honor Brand PKG It's the total that counts! Thrifty shoppers know that they save most when everything they buy is priced low. The way to discover regular sav ings is to COMPARE ALL PRICES. To help, we've listed below as many items as space would allow. They're typical examples of hundreds of values at Safeway. Check them and COMPARE. See how much you can save by doing all your food shopping here. APPLE BUTTER a. STRAINED HONEY , N 69c TOMATO CATSUP .,m.10c Del Monte CORN Cream Style Golden Bantam ..2 for 25c No. 303 cans . . . ROLLED OATS ALBER'S PEACOCK REGULAR OR QUICK 9-LB. BAG 69c PINK SALMON PRINCE LEO TALL CAN 49c Candy Bars 3 far 10c All 5c Size Favorites. . TOMATOES For Canning Full Bu. Box 1.19 DRY BEANS tr, 5 59c Zee Brand Toilet Tissue 25c Pkg. of 4 Rolls Pirates' Gold Graham Crackers 47c Keep them on 2lb hand for after school snacks DOX Soda Crackers Snowflakes 1 Regular 15c pkg. I jCC Busy Bakers 2-lb. bx Mayonnaise 33C Nu-Made Fresh MAYONNAISE A Real Sandwich Treat! 39c Limited Time Only Tli is oporttinitjr eomrs only om-e a u-ur. So Mod up and favel CAPITAL DRUG STORE Stote and Liberty "On the Corner' Sandwich Spread rt Size Lunch Box Brand Kids lore it! Big Qua S&. ' J t ail ill 11 ll Trimmed free of excess bone, waste and fat before weighing Luncheon Meats Minced Horn Veal Loaf Pickle-Pimiento Olive Loaf Macaroni and Cheese AND OTHERS Pork Shoulder Roast 43c Picnic Style LB. Pork Shoulder Steak 55c LB. Pork Shanks lb. 29c 'p- Medium Weight BACON Any Si Piece lb. 49t Beef Liver Pork Liver From Young Groin Fed Beef A Tosty, Economical Meal ii). 49c lb. 39c Prices Effective Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday All Safeway Stores in Salem, Dallas, Silverton