Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 12, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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70 Cards Qualify
For Annual Salem
Golf Club Meet
Twenty of the 70 golfers who
took time out to qualify for the
annual Salem Golf club'i cham
pionship tournament had turned
In cards below 80 when the dead
3ine was reached Sunday eve
ning. . Harold dinger's 70, stroked
early In qualifying play, stood
up all of the way and he will,
of course, compete In the cham
pionship flight as will Win
Needham, defending champion.
The latter was not obligated to
The top 20 Included: Olinger,
Jim Sheldon 72; Harvey Quis
tad and Roger Putnam, 73; Wal
ter Cline, Bud Waterman, Ned
Ingram and R. E. Mapes, 74;
Jim Johnson, Jim Hunt, Bert
Victor, 75; Bob Johnson, Frank
Shafer, Bob Sederstrom, Leo Es
tey and Floyd Baxter, 77; Bill
Schafer, Bill Goodwin, Glen
Lengren, Rex Kimmell, 78.
This group along with the oth
ers will be bracketed by the
committee in charge early this
week and competition will begin j
Immpriiatplv Thnsat Vtpnton In
the first round will be bracketed
in additional flights for a sec
ond try.
Pro Rasslers to
Hold Tournament
For Title Shot
Eight professional wrestlers
will engage in a so-called tour
nament in connection with Tues
day night's weekly mat show at
the armory. The winner will
be given a shot a Jack McLaugh
lin's title and will carry home
a trophy.
The contestants will include
George Dusette, Frank Stojack
ex-champion; Al Szasz, Stockley
Kneilson, Leo Karlinko, Bill Mc-
Euin, Carl Meyers and Dale Ri
Bouts will be limited to IS
minutes each and in case no fall
has been acquired in that time,
a committee of three judges will
declare the winner.
It Is estimated that 100,000
apecies of plants would virtually
disappear If there were no bees.
Correct for Newport
4:11 .m. 1.0
1 11 n. i s
10:50 p.m. 0J
Coast Football Squads
Face Weekend Openers
(Br iha Aaaoclatecl Fraal)
This Is "laundry week" In
football the last week of prac
tice before the season starts; the
last chance for northern division
coaohes to lay In their year's sup
ply of crying towels.
Next Friday night Oregon
State pulls the cover off the
1949 Pacific coast conference
season in a scramble with UCLA
at Los Angeles.
Saturday tends Oregon
against St. Mary's at San
Francisco, Willamette against
Idaho In Moscow, Washington
State against Utah State In
Pullman and Washington ver
sus Utah In Seattle.
Coach Kip Taylor, bringing
a new regime to OSC, ran his
gridders through what may be
their final rough scrimmage
Saturday at Corvallls. His
opener will mark the debut
also for the UCLA coach,
Henry Sanders. Taylor's Bea
vers will head south Thurs
day morning by air for the
175 N. High
You'll Be the Talk
of Your School!
In these tine GENUINE shell
cordovans! They are hand
easted especially tor Jim's . . ,
8elect yours today. Full run
of aliea,
Jim's Shoe Service
111 N. HIGH
Salem, Oregon, Monday, September 12,
if mill n,i . u
i Ji , I
fey ft
'V vr. ,"' ,cl"A
' J Jr-f i " , 1
W ill U 1 TTPHi 6 1 h r 1 ! 3 v 1 h if rifeli
K.'i :: f'JyJi Btnjri?-: 'tfil ft K : : :f; j
n - : It i M lUiM"l tJ ' -ii ; 1 ? ? h ; v I 1
TlimhlP Doris Hart, Jacksonville, Fla., goes down as she
I UIIIMIG returns a driv(! from Mrs. Betty Hilton, In the Wight
man Cup tennis matches at Philadelphia. Miss Hart's victory
in the opening singles match clinched the cup for the Ameri
cans. Note Miss Hart's racquet and the ball both flying
through the air as she goes down on the court. AP Wirephoto)
Yaks Face Vancouver in
Final Playoff
(Bt th Auoclated Preu)
The Yakima Bears, Western
International league baseball
champions, won a playoff series
from Spokane last night by whip
ping the Indians 6 to 5 in a 10
inning contest.
Yakima now takes on Van-
Crooner Crosby
Misses Tourney
Jasper Park, Alta., Sept. 12
(IP) Crooner Bing Crosby came
close Saturday to adding the
Totem Pole golf trophy to the
shelf he reserves for Oscars.
But the singing star of the
cinema was edged out In the
36-hole finals by George Cole
man of Oklahoma, 4 and 3. One
down at the end of the first 18
holes, Crosby could never square
the match.
At Eugene, Earle Stelle moved
nto the Oregon quarterback
pot, apparently to stay. Through
tie practice program Coach Jim
Aiken has tested three men at
the spot and must decide this
week which one will get the
Washington State and Wash
ington, 1 a u n c h I n g the slate
against two Utah teams, dare
not hope to take them in stride
and look ahead to later action.
Both rate as dangerous oppon
ents. Coach Dixie Howell at Idaho
ran off an intra-squad game
Saturday and the "Reds" beat
the "Whites" 19 to 14 on a slip
pery field. Fumbles were fre
quent. Elsewhere on the coast, Stan
ford has a Saturday meeting on
tap with San Jose State, Califor
nia meets Santa Clara, ' but
Southern California and Mon
tana get another week of prac
tice before playing their first
South Summer BU
1949 Page &
- If i
couver In a second best-of-of-
five came series. Vancouver
downed Wenatchee by the same
count the Bears made against
Spokane, three games to one.
Left-fielder Edo Vanni started
Yakima on the road to victory
in the top of the tenth with a
long triple. Vanni scored the
winning run on second baseman
Al Jacinto's outfield fly. Spo
kane won its lone game Friday.
Yakima hurler Teddy Saverese
was snatched from tight spots
time after time by outstanding
defensive play that Included one
triple play and five double plays.
Relief pitcher Gene Babbitt
was credited with the win and
Bill Werbowski the loss. Spo
kane outhlt the winners IS to
11. The Indians had knotted
the score at 5-5 in the ninth in
ning. Larry Barton and Ken Rich
ardson homered for Spokane.
Yakima 000 001 no 16 11 1
Spokane 010 300 010 06 15 0
savarrie. Babbitt (81 and Tornay: Blah-
op, Werbowakt (Of and Rossi.
Saturday nltht'a reaulta:
Vancouver 8. Wenatchee T.
Yakima at Spokane, rain.
Capacity Crowd
Predicted for
'Cat Barbecue
With fair weather predicted,
attendance for Monday eve
ning's barbecue honoring Wil
lamette university's football
coaching staff and members of
the squad Is expected to be
near capacity.
The dinner will be held at
the W. L. Phillips home on
West LeFelle street and all
men are Invited. Tickets may
be obtained at the scene of the
barbecue or at Maple's on
State street.
An election of officers for
the Salem Breakfast club,
sponsoring agency, will be
held prior to adjournment.
Howard Maple, president of
the club, will preside.
Phone 1-4458
. t .-s
No-No Pitching
Marks Opening of
Gals' Soft Meet
Portland. Ore. Sept. It WVTwe no
hit, no-run pitching pr for minces stsrt
pd off tilt Women's Amateur Softball as
sociation tournament of leiional cham
pions here last merit.
Amr Peralta of the defending cham
pion team from Phoenix, Arli , hurled
tht first on in settlm down the Ooeu
oirU of Bt. Joseph, Mo., 7-0. 5ht also
helped from the batting box by gU ins
two hits one a home run to drive In two
Tna other pitching teat was by Port
land's Dorrls Barrett. She led the Llnd
KlorlsU In blanking Pat'a Plasterers of
Orlando, Fla.. 6-0.
Scheduled for more first-round action
today are ten other tams. They are: Den
ver vs. Par bo, N. D.: Baton Rouge vs.
Orange, Calif.; and Boise vs. Baltimore
In the afternoon: Fresno vs. Houston and
Dayton, Ohio, vs. Syracuse, N. Y., In the
evening. The Peoria, UL. entry drew a
flrit-round by.
Injuries Worry
Silverton Foxes
For Grid Season'
Silverton Pre-season injuries
to the 1949 edition of the Silver
Foxes are causing concern as the
opening date for the grid season
approaches. The first game will
be played Friday at Beaverton.
The dry. hard ground condi
tion has temporarily laid off Bob
hearth, tackle, shoulder minor
injury; Fred Averette, end, and
Larry Lincoln, left halfback,
pulled leg muscles; bruised feet
have temporarily disqualified
Jerry Denson, Jack Green and
Bob Burr; and Dean Walker and
Jim Cooper laid off too active
practice because of heel and
wrist bruises.
Th apparent starting eleven will be
either Averette or Cooper, left end. Left
tackle. Bob Borland; F Inlay, Hauser oV D.
Aitderson, left guard. McBrlde. center;
Ooorlman, right guard; 8c art h, right
tackle; either Loci Wright or Bob Johnson,
right end. Jim Lance seems assured for
fullback and a tussle Is on for the two
halfback places among Jerry Denson. Jack
Green, Bob Barr and Larry Lincoln.
Others of the squad Include, ends, Car
r. Chastaln, Pete Olsen. Hamblln. Bet-
ness and McCreary; tackles, Qualey, H.
Klopfensteln. Blake; guards, Walker, Dar
by and Holllngsworth: center, Woodall;
quarterback, O. Johnson, Stoletenberg and
Riveness; halfbacks, Flnlay, Beanley, R.
Klopfensteln, Hults; fullbacks. Montgom
ery and Htcks.
others in line ar Peckham. Jahn, Miles
and Wostenberg. 4
Historic Rutgers
Selected Gridiron
Hall of Fame Site
New York, Sept. 12 WO
College Field at Rutgers uni
versity, New Brunswick, N. J.,
scene ot the first American
Intercollegiate football game
In 1869, today was selected as
the site for the national foot
ball hall of fame.
The announcement was
made by Asa Bushnell, secre
tary of the National Football
Shrine and Hall of Fame, Inc.
Midget Races Draw Jam
Of Race Fans to Fair
Midget auto races brought out
capacity grandstand crowd
Sunday as one of the features of
the closing hours of the State
Fair and top honors went to Cal
Niday, champion of the Austral
ian midget racers last year, who
took first spot in the 25-lap re
verse handicap at 11:43:91.
He also placed second in the
first heat of five miles and third
in the three-lap helmet dash. Ni-
day's qualifying time of 26:34
was topped by Shorty Templeton
with 25:92 and Bob Gregg, Ore
gon champion last year, with
Placing second in the main ev
ent was Lou Sherman, present
point leader among Oregon driv
ers, who also won the third heat
in 2:20:51. Shorty Clements plac
ed third in the main event.
Twelve cars qualified for the
afternoon which was not mar
red by a serious mishap other
than a few drivers being forc
ed off the track by motor trou
ble. Heavy rainfall Friday and
New Reduced Rates
On Your Auto Insurance!
$1,000 110,000 ladllr liry
ft.000 Property Dtmaae
Similar Savings
a all far! af
Collision Insurance
The BWl Lilni Auto nauranos Carriar"
466 Court St.
Macks Trip BoSox; Yankees
Gain; Cards Increase Lead
By tha AMOclatad Presa)
Doff your lid to Connie Mack.
The old boy hit it right on the
nose when he said his Philadel
phia A's could decide the Ameri
can league race.
"They'll have to beat the A's
first," he said last week. He
wasn't kidding. Yesterday he
proved it for the benefit, of the
Boston Red Sox, who suffered
two shocking setbacks at Shibe
The Sox, only a half game
behind New York Saturday
afternoon after the Yanks lost
the first game of a double
header to Washington, now are
three full games back. Fur
thermore, they have only 15
to play.
Boston belted the A's 14 out
of 20 this season until they blew
yesterday's pair, 6-4 and 4-0. It
may have cost them tlje pennant.
However, Mr. Mack's gang also
has three more dates with the
Yankees in the last week of the
New York took care of Wash
ington, 20-5 and 2-1, setting a
new major league record in the
opener by drawing 11 bases on
balls from the Senators' "pitch
ers" during a 12-run rally in the
third inning. The second game
was called because of darkness
after Shi innings with the cel
larites missing a change to tie by
some inept 'base running.
Detroit continued its surge,
as Virgil Trucks shut out Chi
cago, 1-0, for the Tigers' 10th
straight win. They have won
18 of their last 20 and hold
third place, a half game ahead
of the defending world cham
pion Cleveland Indians. The
Indians lost at St. Louis, 5-4.
The Tigers are $Vi games be
hind the Yanks with only 14
to go. They could do It but
it would require a miracle fin
ish. Stan Musial smashed three
homers, upping his season to
tal to 32, in the St. Louis Card
inals' double killing of Cin
cinnati, 7-5 and 7-4. .The vic
tories added a halt game to
their National league lead,
which now Is 1H games over
The Dodgers pumped across
six runs in the seventh inning,
including a grand slam homer
by Carl Furillo, to whip the
New York Giants, 10-5. Short
stop Pee Wee Reese was injured
more Saturday only placed the
track in near-ideal condition
though the north turn became
dusty before the race ended.
Afternoon winners were:
Helmet dash OreEK. Sherman and Ni
day, 1:21:20; Pint heat Frankle McOow
an, Nlday and Sharman. 2:14:31: aeeond
heat Gregg, Cord? Livingston and Sher
man. 2:15:45: third heat Sherman, Mc
Oowan and Dar Moore, 2:20:51 and fourth
heat Bob Chrlatr. Orantf Paaa, uoort and
Clement. 2:27:15.
Hudson Sponsors
Northwest Golf
Portland, Sept. 12 VP) The
northwest's leading amateurs
and top professionals will op
pose each other Oct. 8-9 in the
first annual Hudson cup com
petition, sponsored by Robert A.
Each team will have 10 men,
selected on a basis of points won
in recent tournaments. Follow
ing the Ryder cup plan, play
will be in Scotch foursomes the
first day and singles Oct. 9.
Carraat Safat
face 4 Mealai
PtM f I aaaaawrfcn PaHay
"On the Soot" Claimi
National Standard Folic
Phone 3-5661
I during the big inning when hit
by a ball thrown by Larry Jan-
sen. X-rays dispelled early
fears of an elbow fracture but it
is not definite when he wil' be
able to play.
Ken Heintzelman and Russ
Major Standings
By the Associated Press)
W L Pet. W L Pet.
New York 1ft .50 .630 Phlladel 72 . U .622
Boston S4 55 .604 Chicago 65 82 .401
Detroit S2 ftS .686 Bt. Louis 4S 90.353
Cleveland 60 57 .584 Washing- 44 93 J21
Results Sunday:
New York 20-2. Washington 6-1 (Second
same called after 6' Innings, darkness).
rnuaaeipma -, Boston 4-0.
St. Louis 5, Cleveland 4.
Detroit 1, Chicago 0.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
St. Louis S? 50 .635 New York 67 70 .489
Brooklyn 86 52 .623 Pittsbrgh 59 77 .434
Phlladel 74 65 .532 Cincinnati 56 81 .400
Boston 68 71 .489 Chicago 54 86 .388
Results Sunday:
St. Louis 7-7. Cincinnati 8-4 (Second
game, called end 8Ui, darkness).
urootciyn io, New York 5.
Philadelphia 3-6, Boston 1-3.
Pittsburgh 7, Chicago 3.
Stars Take Two from Pads;
(By the Aaaoclated Preaal
Hollywood hasn't won the
Pacific coast league pennant yet
but the Stars sure played ball
like champions Sunday.
The pennant-chasers took
both ends of a doubleheader
from San Diego while the chal
lenging Oaklands split a pair
with Sacramento. The Stars
now enjoy a four game lead
over the Oaks with only 14
games to go.
Hollywood spotted the Pad
res a five run lead In Sunday's
opener and then rallied to win
6 to 5 in a 10-lnning thriller.
Pinky Woods chalked up his
21st win of the year by sin
gling In the game winning
run. In the nightcap Glen
Moulder and Jim Hughes col
laborated to pitch a four-h li
ter while the Stars' batsmen
did their share also. The
score was 7 to 3.
The Oaks rallied in the eighth
to win their opener 3-2. Man
ager Charlie Dressen master
minded the win with a pinch
hitter for a pinchhitter drawing
the hero role. Parnell Woods,
pinchhitting for Pitcher Earl
Harrist, fouled in two attempts
to bunt. There were two Oaks
on base at the time. Then Dres
sen sent in Maurice Van Robays
for the final strike. He doubled
both runners. Lil Arnerich
pinchhitting for Van Robays,
scored ine winning run on
Cookie Lavagetto's sacrifice.
Seattle took over undisputed
third place when the Rainiers
whacked San Francisco twice,
9-1 and 8-6. Herman Besse
pitched three hit ball in annex
ing the first. The second game
was a free-slugging affair with
the Seals getting three homers
in losing. Bill Schuster, Seattle
infielder, had five hits and a
walk for the day, scored two
runs and drove in three.
Clarence Maddern slammed
one out of the park with the
bases full to give Los Angeles
a 7 to 4 win over Portland in
their opener. In the seven
inning nightcap, Beaver Hall
Saltzman pitched a six-hitter
In notching his 21st. The
final score, Portland 7, Los
Angeles 5. The Beavers count
ed six runs In the second in
ning on five hits to get an
early and permanent lead.
All teams are idle Monday.
full 5 year old
straight Kentucky bourbon
The whiskey with Age In Its flavor.
Meyer pitched the Phillies to a
pair of wins over the staggering
Boston Braves, 3-1 and 6-3, As
a result the Phils' hold on third
place now is six games and tha
Braves, 1948 league champs,
have been eliminated mathemat
ically from the race.
Ralph Kiner, only bright
spot in the Pittsburgh pic
ture, hit his 45th and 46th
homers in tha Pirates' 7-S de
cision over Chicago. Murry
Dickson, aided by Kiner, pull
ed the Bucs out of a five-game
losing streak. They've won
only two of their last 15.
iBt th Aaaoclated Praaal
Saturday : Ab R
O k IRbl
Pejkr Red Sol 1 2
Doerr. Red Box I 1
Peaky. Red Bol (D...I
121 S t
1 t S
S 2 0
2 2 14
1 t C
Doerr, Red Sox (D...5
,.2 0
Oordon, Indiana 4 0
Erautt, Reda Loat (4-11),
Jaiuen, Olanta pitched ana-third
ning but not credited.
Official Box
(Flrtt tame)
Lot Amelea 7 4) rortUatl
ABHOA ABHOA 1 1 0 1110
0 4 3 Biiupe.l
1 t I Thomas.1
13 0 Rucker.l
3 10 Wenner.r
10 0 Bi.inski.l
1 S 3 Burgher.e
t t I Austln.ii
0 0 0 Fleming. p
0 0 0 BrovU.l
0 0 0 OHdd.e
10 0 Dteiickx.p
0 0 0 Ftrnndes.y
110 McNulty.x
t t
Maddern,. ft
Olossop.J 8
Aberson.r 4 1
Burbrlnk.c ft
Kelly, p a
Mauro, 1
Gables, p 0
Oldsbrry.b 1
Rnawn.e l 1
McLlsh.D 1
0 0 0
39 12 27
31 T37 10
a Mauro filed out for Kelly In 7th.
b Ooldibtrry singled for Sturgeon la
e Rhawn grounded out tor Oablts In
BroTla filed out for Burgher to 8th.
y Fernandas walked for Dierickx In
x McNulty ran for Fernandes In 9th.
Los Angeles 000 000 025 7
Hits 130 000 04412
Portland 000 020 011 4
Hits 000 0211127
Winning pitcher Watklns; losing pitch
er neming.
Pitcher lp Ab
Kelly 6 19
Oable 1 4
McLlsh lPlus ft
Watklns 1 3
Fleming SPlus 23
Xt So Bb
3 4 4
0 0 0
10 3
ft ft
1 0
Dlerlckx 1
3 3
Runs Oarr lot t. Oustlne. Moran. Mad
dern 3. Olossop, Alfano, Thomas, Wenner,
Baslnskl, McNulty.
Errors Ouitlnt, Burbrlnk. Thomas,
Austin. Dlerlckx.
RBI Marques 3, Qoldiberry, Burbrlnk
3, Brovia. Maddern 4. Rucker; 2B Alber
son. Rucker. Burbrlnk: HR Maddern: BE
Oarrlott; BH Burgher. Rucker, Wen
ner, Moran; DP Sturgeon to Moran: left
Los Angeles 11, Portland 10; HBP By
Kelly (Wenner); tin.pi Mutart, Somera
and Benii T 2:26.
(Second garni:)
Los Anieles Portland
3 14 0 3 13 0
Oust ine, 3b 4
Moran. 2b 4
Maddern.lf 3
Oloaaop.3b 3
Aberson.rf 3
Stneonu 1
Novotny.e 3
Carlsen.p 0
Ihde.P 0
Oablea.p 3 3
Mauro. a 1
OoMsbrr.b 1
4 0 6 0
1 Thomas, 3b
1 Rucker.lf
Wenner. rf
0 Bajinakl.ab
0 01add.
Mullen. 3b
110 1
4 3 4 0
3 3 0 ft
3 0 0
3 3 1
Totals 88 7 11 7 Totals 38 13 31 8
a Mauro alntled for Novotney In 7th.
b Ooldsberry fanned for Oables ID 1th.
Los Ansele 003 000 8 ft
Hits 001 310 3 1
Portland 060 100 x 1
Hits 351 311 x 13
Pitchers Ip Ab R H Er So Bb
Carlsen 4 0 3 6 0 1
ihde 1 1 ft I ft 1 0
Oables 4tfc 17 2 7 3 1 1
Saltzman 7 38 ft 1 3 ft 3
Losing pitcher: Ihde. Runs: Oarrlott,
GuHtlne, Novotney, Alfano, Mauro, Thom
as, Rucker, Wenner, Oladd, Austin, Salts
man, Mullen. Errors: Aberson, Sturgeon,
Novotney, Mullen. Runs batted In: Shupe,
Rucker 3, Baslnskl, Oarrlott 3, Oustlne 3.
Two-base h'ta: Oladd. Rucker, Wanner,
Mullen, Oables. Home runs: Oarrlott, Ous
tlne. Double plays: Austin to Baslnskl to
Shupe, Alfano to Oustlno to Moran, Oa
bles to Alfano to Moran. Left on base:
Los Anieles 4, Portland 6. Hit by pitcher:
Br Ihde (Thomas). Umpires: Somera, Bens
and Mutart. Time: 1:52. Attendanee: 4155.
4l Din
IICIIIT III HIT. tl, fltllFllt, IT.
World Series to
Be Shown to Fans
On Movie Video
New York, Sept. 12 W
The World Series will be seen
on theater screens this tall as
the games are being played.
The F a b r I a n theater of
Brooklyn announced today it
had arranged to show tele
vision broadcasts of the base
ball classic the first week of
8. E. Fabrian, theater pre
sident, said the arrangements
were made with the Mutual
Broadcasting system and the
office of Baseball Commis
sioner A. B. Chandler.
Mutual, which hasn't a vi
deo network, has radio rights
for the series. It hasn't been
decided what televsion net
work will carry the telecasts.
Other theaters are reported
checking with Commissioner
Chandler for rights to present
the games on their screens.
Twelve million pounds of
flowers are harvested each year
in the south of France to ba
used as perfume.
PCL Standings
(By th Associated Press)
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Hollywood 99 74 .572 Sn Dlejto 87 86 .503
Oakland 95 78 .549 San Fran 82 81 .474
Seattle 91 82 .528 Portland 80 91 .468
Bacrmnto 90 83 .520 Loi Ang 66 105 .384
Sanday'e ReiiilU:
Hollywood 6-7. Sin Diego ft-3 (first
game 10 Innings).
oakiana 3-1, sacramento 2-0.
Loa Angeles 7-5, Portland 4-7.
Seattle 9-8, San Francisco 1-6.
and get there
4 times
as fast
and your best dollar
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4'i hours
8 hours
And "All THI MST"
Airport Tarmtnal
Call Sal.m J-24JJ
Or, aa t uffierfxaa frava osanf
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