) Local Paragraphs Misa Your Paper? If the Capital Journal carrier faili to leave your copy please phone 22406 BEFORE 8 P. M. and a copy will be delivered to you Theft Reported H. C. Car- baugh, 605 Spruce street, has re ported to the sheriff's office that late Saturday night he wrecked his car on Skyline road three miles west of Liberty. He left the wreck and when he returned about E a.m. Sunday discovered that a radio valued at $45 was missing as well as spare wheel, tire and tube, practically new, a spotlight and box of car tools Garage Entered John Har der, 1245 N. 16th street, has ad vised the sheriff's office that somebody had battered open the door of a garage belonging to C. J. Neilson on Livingstone ave nue, evidently using a sledge hammer to batter open a door panel. Harder says that Neilson is in Pomona, Calif., and he is unable to say what, if anything, was taken, not being familiar with the contents of the build ing. Building Supply Files Certi ficate of assumed business name lor Sublimity Building Supply, Sublimity, has been filed with the county clerk by Ralph M. Lulay and John J. Mackie, both Sublimity. Says Tile Small W. L. Kuhn, route 7, has advised the county court that he considers some of the tile inadequate on Lancaster drive near his place north of the Silverton road and asks inspec tion. He says it causes water to back up on his place. Pictures Water Flow C. C. Tracy who resides near the Crawford school has submitted photographs to the county court of a water condition there which he says results from inadequaic provision for carrying water across the road. He wants a new concrete culvert installed. Babies Taken Home Leaving Salem Memorial hospital over the week-end, all with infant daughters, were Mrs. Eugene Allison of Scappoose, Mrs. Paul Harmon, Route 9, Box 580, Mrs. John Howard, River Side Auto Park, West Salem, Mrs. Clair Humphreys of Lyons, Mrs. Law ton McGothlin, 2050 Bruce and Mrs. Fred Martin of Idanha. Taking home Infant sons were Mrs. Vincent Pietrok of Stayton and Mrs. Vernon White, route 3, Box 112, Molalla. Father Dies ATI B. R. Rob erts, a station keeper at the Sa lem Naval Air Facility has been called to Cheyenne, Wyo., by the sudden death there of his father; Roberts received the word Sun day morning and was granted a 10-day emergency leave. He left for Seattle by naval plane Sunday morning and from there will go to Cheyenne. Infant Treated Raylene Tol zel, 21-month old infant of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Tolzel, 291 West Hoyt street, was taken to Salem Memorial hospital by the Salem First Aid car Monday morning after the baby had fallen down and gone into convulsions. The child was rid of convulsions at the hospital and released. Moon Rites Tuesday Funeral services for Robert Edson Moon, of Eugene, who died in Port land, will be held at Milwaukic Tuesday at 2 o'clock with vault entombment at Riverview Ab bey. He was a brother of Mrs. Mary Kotz, Silverton, and is also survived by his widow, Beatrice Moon; two sons, mother, two brothers and another sister. Delake May Incorporate Whether or not Delake will be come an incorporated city will be decided at a special election October 7 with the justice of the peace office the polling place. If Delake incorporates it would become the third North Lincoln beach community to do so in the post-war period. Taft approved incorporation in Au gust and Oceanlake about three years ago. BORN The Capital Journal Welcomes the Following New Citizens: ALMQU1ST To Mr. and Mr. Klrtn Almqulat ivr Htldmstroni ' at silverton hn'pltat. Rptemtr 11. inn. namm Carl Lf. wrlfht K pound and t rninrn. torn, thrr of Arlrnr. ffd two vMn, aranr!nn of Mr. Henrietta. Almqulit and Mr. and Mrs. T. P. HUtirnrtrom. BUFMKSTER To Mr. and Mr. olnn Hurmeltrr. Stayton. a aon, Sfpt. 10, at Salrm Mpmorla' hotpltal. HAMLIN To Mr. and Mr. Carroll Hamlin, 30 South 14th St.. a daughter. Srpt. 10. at Salem Memorial horpltal. SHAW To Mr. and Mr. Thoma Shaw. S'S Cade strert, a daughter, Sept. 10, at Salem Memortai hotpltal. THEEL To Mr. and Mr. Otto Theel. Marlon, a son. Sept. 11, at Salem Me morial hospital. DUPRE To Mr. and Mr l.urlen Dupre. loos South 31 St.. a on, Srpt. 11, at Sa lem Memorial hotpltal. LUKESIC To Mr. and Mr. Richard Lukerlc. Detroit, a ixutthier, Srpt. 11, at Salem Memorial hoepltai. WEISS To Mr. and Mr Nlrnnetmm :!. 1333 Center, at the Salem Oeneral hotpltal. a dot, Sept. 11. PARBELL To Mr. and Mr N. O Par rel!. Rt. t. Box 3Q7. at the Salem Oeneral hotpltal. a alrl, Sept. 11. LaPOt'NTAIVE To Mr. and Mr Wit (ord LaFountatne. 410 8. lath, at the Sa lem General hospital, a eirl, Sept. 11. WAOSER To Mr. and Mr. Larry Wat ner. 3411 oarden Road, at the Salem Gen oral hotpltal. a boy, Sept. 11. MASTEMON To Mr. and Vra. Hal . Vitterton. 1110 S. 18th, at the Salem I General hotpltal. a. boy, Sept. 11. ' HUGHES To Mr. and Vr. lee H'lfhe P 1 Box 341. at the Salem Oeneral ho p.tal, a boy. Sept. 10. PASTLUND To Mr. and Mr. P. P Cattlund. MrMtnnyllle, at tha Ralaa Oan oral hotpltal, a buy, Sept. IS. Business Change Supplemen tary certificate of assumed busi ness name filed with the county clerk for George W. Hubbs Co., 100 S. Water street, Silverton, adds the name of Max V. Hubhs as a partner with George W Hubbs who filed the original certificate as sole owner. Bridge Damaged Report to the county court said that some heavy equipment went through a bridge breaking its stringers on county road 739, a stub off of Center street. Repair was or dered immediately. Paving Asked An additional petition has been received for paving of a public road under a new law of the last legislature, petitioners asking the county court to approve a curb to curb asphaltic improvement on South view place in Southview addi tion. The , petition is headed by E. M. and Alta M, Larsen, and is signed by 13 ownerships rep resenting 14 lots. Football Program Chester Stackho'Jse. directoi of athletics and head football coach at Wil lamette university and his staff of assistants will be guests of the Salem Kiwanis club Tuesday noon. Coach Stackhouse will be the principal speaker. Power Saw Theft A larceny charge against Eldon A. Hen dricks, alias Rufus Hendricks, was continued for plea Monday m district court with bail on the charge set at $750. Hen dricks was accused of the theft of a power saw from the Van couver Plywood and Veneer company of Vancouver, Canada The complaint against him was signed by Walter Kay, Mill City. A second man, also arrested in the same case was brought to court weeks ago. Dam Power Line Bids The Bonneville Power Administra tion has re-issued an invitation for bids on clearing the right- of-way for the Warm Springs section of the Maupin-Detroit dam transmission line. Bids will be considered until 2:30 p.m. September 22. The Maupin Detroit unit is part of the Gol dendale-to-Goshcn line that will be one of the backbond trans mission lines in the Bonneville power network. It will tie to gcther Detroit Dam and Coulee dam power to serve southwest Oregon. Licenses Are Issued Obtain ing marriage licenses at Vancou ver, Wash., were Vermaine W. Luke and Beverly J. Widmore, both of Salem; Wilmer W. Roth and Shirley E. Hayes, both of Albany; Charles H. Partle and Nancy P. Benton, both of Salem; Jimmy D. Drybrcad and Anita R. Blakely, both of Marion, and Frank C. Reed and Loretta A. Branch, both of Dayton. Li censes were issued in Portland to Herman F. Smith, Garden Home, and Ramona I. Iverson, Lebanon; Carl E. Beach, Inde pendence, and Mary Alice Berg land, Salem, and to Donald Earl Barcley, Salem, and Nancy Ann Whitmore, Portland. Hogue Rites Tuesday Funer al services for Mrs. Wayne B. Hogue, Portland, sister of Mrs. Jessie Mover, Falls City, will be held at 3 o'clock Tuesday in Portland. She is also survived by three daughters, all of Port land; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Silver Falls Lodge will con tinue open every day through October 2nd. 222 Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730. 217 Launderette, 1255 Ferry. 217 Don't be satisfied with any thing but the best in Venetian blinds. See them at Reinholdt & Lewis or ask their salesman to cill and give you free estimates. Ph. 2-3639. 217 Rummage sale, Argo Hotel. Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Sept. 15 17. Sister Hood Beth Sholon Synagogue. 217 Colonial House will be closed till Friday. Sept. 16th. Clair, Marge and Stella. 218 Air-steamship tickets, Kugel, 735 North Capitol. Ph. 3-7694. 217' The Flower Basket. 2-4802. 217' Closing at 10 p.m., Sept. 12th, through Sept. 26th. White's Drive In, 1138 S. Coml. 219 Furniture & Appliance auction Tues., 8 p.m., Glenwood Ball room. Glenn Woodry, auction eer. 217 Connie Reding is bark with Loveall Miller Beauty Salon. 218 When in the mood for food that is really keeno have it cooked by Nick Marino. Salem Supper Club." 220 Phone 22406 before 6 pm if you miss your Capital Journal. Federally Insured Savings Current dividend 2 '4 .'Vee FIRST Federal Savings FIRST 142 S Liberty Ph 3-4944. Exclusive presentation. Imper-I lU wallpapers. R. L Elfslrom Co 10 Point Plan 'Continued from Page n Secretary of the Treasury Snyder, chief American negotia tor at the week-old three power talks, said that he felt the talks had made a ''substantial advance in approaching a solution" of Britain's dollar shortage prob lem. 10 Points of Program Here are the 10 points as an nounced in a 2.500-word com munique from the finance and foreign policy chiefs of the three nations: 1. Overseas investments All three countries will try to stim ulate investments of American private capital abroad and to promote new loan applications for development projects in for eign countries to the world bank and the U.S. import bank. 2. Commodity arrangements and stockpiling Canada is "pre pared to take steps to increase reserve stocks of tin and rub ber" and the United States will "review its stockpiling pro gram" for the same purpose and meanwhile open the field for in creased sales of natural rubber. Limitations Set ' 3. Limitations on items which may be financed with Marshall plan funds the United States recognized that Britain must "finance with its share of ECA funds a wide range of dollar ex penditures" than previously. 4. Customs procedure Both the United States and Canada promise to review their admin istrative operation of customs to facilitate the flow of goods into their countries. 5. Tariff policy The commu nique stated that "it was noted that high tariffs were clearly inconsistent with the position of creditor countries. The United States leaf firmed its policy of trying to negotiate further trade agreements through which addi tional cuts in its tariff rates can be made. 6. Liberalization of intra-Eu-ropean trade and payments. Sterling Balances 7. Sterling balances The three nations agreed as part of the long-range attack on bet tering Britain's economic posi tion to give "further study" to the problem of the debts which Britain owes other countries. 8. Petroleum The three coun tries agreed that a detailed study should be made of the produc tion, refining and geographical distribution 'if petroleum as they affect Britain's dollar income. 9. Shipping It was also agreed that further study should be given to the question of ship ping and Britain s interest earning y more dollars through the sale of shipping services. 10. Provisions for continuing consultation Since the minis ters could not solve some of the specific points before them, "it is proposed to continue the ex aminations initiated during the conference on questions on which it is hoped that useful un derstanding can be reached." Leave Salem General Dis missed over the week-end from the Salem General hospital with recently born infants are Mrs. William Robert S h i n n and daughter, 745 S. Summer; Mrs. Keith Brown and son, Albany Rt. 1; Mrs. Fred Fradley and daughter, 630 Hoyt; Mrs. Har old Wiltse and son, Lyons; Mrs. George Burnett and son, Aums ville; Mrs. John Jyle, Jr. and daughter, Corvallis; Mrs. Wil liam Catlin and son, 1821 Cross and Mrs. Dale Johnson and son, Rt. 6 Box 54. Colonial House will be closed till Friday, Sept. 16th. Clair, Marge and Stella. 218 Lost Female Cocker Spaniel, 455 N. 20th St. Phone 33269. 219 Italian Prunes. Sprayed. U pick, 50c bu. Ph. 23019. 217 Complete line of Revere movie cameras and projectors at new prices. Henry's Photo Shop, 469 State St. 218 Silver Falls Lodge will con tinue open every day through October 2nd. 222 The Lebanon Elks lodge will dedicate their new Temple, Sat urday, September 17, 1949. Ded ication ceremonies are to begin promptly at 4:30 p.m. Principle speakers will include Past Grand Exalted Ruler Frank Lanergan and District Deputy Grand Ex alted Ruler, Oregon North west, Charles A. Howard. Salem Elks wishing to attend the meet ing and go by bus may get their tickets at the office in the Salem Lodge. Tickets will cost $1.00 for the round trip. Buses will Wepart from the Salem Temple at 2:00 p. m. 219' Win a guest ticket to the El slnure theatre Read the Capital Journal want ads ' Win a guest ticket to the El sinore theatre. Read the Capital Journal want ads 2'i current rate on your savings Salem Federal. 560 State St Salem i largest Savings association MUSIC LESSONS Accordion, Marimba, Guitars and Piano. Instruments rented while you learn. Wiltsey Music Studios, 1630 N. 20th. Phone 37186. 233 I Win a guest ticket to tha El Ulnort theatre. R.-ad tna Capital Journal want ads. . " i Sue for Proposed West Salem Shopping Center Frontage of a 16-acre tract facing Edgewater street between Senate street and Cascade drive tentatively allocated for a shopping center 350 feet wide and about 300 feet deep. Behind this area, in zone two, would be courts and a recreational center. Eight acres, classified as zone one, would be devoted to resi dential view property and scenic drives. Ground plans are being prepared by Lyle Bartholomew, architect, and Walter Musgrave, mayor of West Salem and realtor, is handling the development for Francis Smith, property owner. To Meet Thursday The first fall meeting of the Salem Rose society is to be at 8 p.m. Thurs day at the YMCA. Mrs. Daniel Heffner of Portland is to speak on "Old Roses." A poll will be taken to ascertain the 10 fa vorite roses in this area. Mem bers and guests may take speci mens for an initial rose show, containers to accompany the flowers. A talk on soil testing will be followed by a social hour. A. L. Lindbeck is president of the society. School Starts Friday The Macleay school will open Friday with registration. Teachers this year will be Mrs. Ethel Ramus and Mrs. Elsie Carpenter. The school board has modernized the rest room during the summer. CVA Discussion An open forum on the proposed Colum bia valley authority will be in cluded in a program at the Sen ator hotel Monday night. A dinner at 6:30 will precede the discussion period. Robert Or mond Case, Portland author, will present his views as an opponent to the CVA. Leaves for School Frederick Hal Ratzburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ratzburg. 1345 Broad way, is on his way to attend Syracuse university at Syra cuse, N. Y. He is an alumnus of Salem high school and Willa mette university. He has en rolled in the graduate school at Syracuse majoring in clinical psychology. Wade Corn Best An award for the best ears of corn dis played at the Oregon State Fair last week was won by Mrs. Mur ray Wade of 852 North Liberty street. The corn was grown in the Wade gardens, practically in downtown Salem. The garden has been in continuous cultiva tion for 92 years. Minister Files Certificate has been filed with the county clerk by M. C. Cuthbertson, min ister, that he is the regular min ister of Central Church of Christ, Cottage and Chemckcla streets. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Circuit court nil No. 32 adopted by both Judo relative to a.s.eMint attor ney1 fee ax part of eot In action Involving not more than S0ft a pro vided In law enacted by the 1947 legis lature Sute on relation of Btnle Fast a .?. O. WatU Construction company and Continental casualty company, answer of the construction company asks counterac tion of 328.81 by way of llerd over payment on. advances to plaintiff and for 30M) by viv of additional costs to de fendant to complete work and 170 by ftay of cot for repairing and rework ini Plaintiff's work alieted In the answer to be unsatisfactory and defective. The ease involves construction of an athletic pavilion lor Oreaon State eolleie at Cor vallix. State of Oregon on r!t!on of Stanley Fflta vs. J. O. We.tts Construction com pany and Continental Casualt company, answer of casualty company markex denial. Mary' Ann . Howard Wilbur Ames, divorct complaint iIWm cruel and in human treatment, askj custody of two children and eouttable division of prop erty. Mrr'-d March 20. 1940, at Van couver. Wash. A. W. Baker yj. Richard and Jeanne Browne, answer and counterclaim alleles fnLse representations on part of plaintiff to Ind'tre defendant to purchase a w- tnnrnnt nn f,,'n" .'t'on at '". liber ty roid and asks Judgment of (!06.So. S"te on relation of Stanley tfi vs. J. O. Wattji Construction company and Continental Cesnalty eompan. plalntlff't motion to strike and make more definite and certain. American Sheet Metil Works vs. Tork er Lumber rompan. defendant'! obtee ions to flndlnts overruled. Otto W. H:der vs. A A fthod. order tverrullnt Plaint If f motion at Unit de fendant! answer. District Court Larrup--- Finon A Hrndrlrka, allaa SM fu. Hrndrleka, fontlnuad for aa. ball I7M). Dnink drlvlnt- Ba P Floa-HI FirMano". BlradMl Innocant. trial at, ball 1140. Police Court Furnuhln brr 1 a irilnar: John P Mumm, Routa 9. bail r0 Hiatal pw,lnn of Intoxtratlnl liauor: Ellla H. Barnholdt. ball lift. tiorderlT eonrl'iet 1 Oeorgt Sirllndn. nil North 4th, flnd tU. Serin wMho'll a llene- 0rr rVler and Buce f Bender, Port, and, pvted IJ5 bill ech. Morriofje Llcentci Merv n Dnl'on Bidrlle, M, farmer, and Imotene Bjr.eaon. in. both Jfferon. Jame Fverett Hick J7. aimejor. and Frma LJCille Jon, an. draftsman, both Salrm. Wobrt Wa-ne Mentrer. II. tnec hanie nd B"rlr Jean W;ktrem, II. e ra 'jtpu.. bo'.h fl;m .Inhn R Bnnet 1. aeri: a'ltion. onatfter. and Hln V;rtmi Cole, II. j cannery worker, kotn aU.em. 0 Courthouse (Continued from Page 1) County Judge Murphy said Monday that, if there are no major alterations in the plans, in fact if the proposal should go through virtually as it now stands, the earliest date at which removal from the old courthouse could be attempted would be in March or April. If major alter ations should be decided on it would set back the date for re moval from the old building to at least July 1. And all of this would be dependent on whether bids are received which would come within the funds available for construction. As to the proposal of Miss Renska Swart to preserve the old courthouse as a county mu seum petitions for which were liberally signed at the state fair last week, County Judge Mur phy said that he would be will ing to turn the old building over to any responsible group which would finance the cost of its re moval and maintenance. No county funds are in sight for such expenses even if the plan got an OK and it was made plain the financing would have to come from some other quar ters. Commissioner Roy Rice said that petition signers for the re moval and retention of the old building should accompany their names with a pledge for a con tribution to set up an endow ment. Apparently court mem bers feel that financing con struction and furnishing of a new building will be about all that available county funds can stand. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Monday, September 12 Organized Marine Corps Reserve unit at Naval and Marine Corps Re serve tralnine center. company B. 162nd lniamry regi ment and headquarters detachment. Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. Salem post No. 138 American Le gion, at American Legion hall. The 368th engineers nd 409th quartermasters, at Army Reserve quonset huts. Headquarters and Headquarters company, 6322nd engineer construc tion training group at Army Reserve quonset huts. Tuesday, September 1.1 Marion county chanter, Reserve Officers association. Third Battalion 4isth infantry reelment, at Army Reserve quonset huts. 894th Army Postal Unit at Army Reserve quonset hula. Pensioners Meeting Town send Victory club No. 17 will meet at the home of Mrs. Olive Reddaway, 1421 N. Church Tues day night at 8 o'clock. The ladies' auxiliary will meet at the Reddaway home Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. as a hound's ttoth! -that's PRES-T0-L0GS THE CLEAN, ECONOMICAL CONVENIENT FUEL GET 'EM MOM CAPITOL LUMBER CO. Sf. f herr? Ave. Fhona 11162 or 24411 em Slate Fair (Continued from Pase 1 Surprised with the popularity I of the Sunday afternoon dances, offered on the lawn by the Ore-i gon Folk Dance Federation, with John Black, president and mas-j ter of ceremonies. Leo Spitz-: bart, manager of the fair. saidi today that not only w:ll the per-j formance be featured again next year, but more emphasis will be placed upon the event which was offered for the first time this year. Several thousand specta tors kept the dancers going long after the allotted two hours. Rodeo Winners Taking part in the dancing, with many of the participants in colorful costume, were the Sa lem Gate Swingers, The Dalles Hoppers, the Czech Jolly Danc ers, Scio, International Folk Dancers and the ONO club of Portland and a Mill City group. High point winners in the week-long rodeo were announc ed Sunday at the conclusion of the afternoon event. Champion all-around cowboy Is Jim Shoul ders, Tulsa, Okla., who also took top place in the bull riding. Oth er of the winners were Gene Pruitt, Yakima, Wash., saddle bronc rider: Jim Davis, Phoenix, Ariz., bareback rider; Harvey Luer, Patterson. Calif., steer wrestler, and Asbury Schcll, Tucson, Ariz., calf roping. "Attendance was remarkable, considering everything," Spitz bart said Monday. He expressed appreciation of the policing of the grounds and midway under the direction of Chief of Police Clyde Warren with E. W. "Hap-I py" Howitt, chief of the grounds police. I Races Cleanest Ever Races were the cleanest he has ever witnessed cither as a track official or individual with only one jockey ruled off the track during the week, according to Charles Evans, director. Both horse owners ana jockeys were highly cooperative, he said. Veteran exhibitors and conces sioners joined in a dinner on the grounds Sunday evening with Mrs. Ella Schultz Wilson, secre tary to the manager and former director of the fair, guest of honor. Mrs. Wilson had an nounced earlier in the week that this was her last fair in an offi cial capacity and she is retiring at the end of the year. Peti tions have been placed in circu lation asking that she remain with the fair as long as possible. Public address system sound ed hoarse Sunday following a record-breaking of another kind Saturday during which an al most continual call was issued for lost or misplaced youngsters who packed the grounds by of fers a free gate and reduced rates on amusement rides. Twin Hrt Cook Roma Dean, onf of !h .7-vrar old Olio twin of Funrnf. rrirlvrd a SIM rholar5hlp and rhamplonthlp In Ihr dol lar dlnnrr rontrat whirh rlord -H rluh i-omprlltlon late Saturday. Rhe arrvrd four prrona a fruit cup rorktall. tov.d arern alad, hot roll, butlar and Jrlly. errrn brana. -'porrupinr.' mat ball, bakrd pota to, bavarian rrrnm and roftrr for a lota) ront of 11.43. Junior lltalist wan Joyre Weathrron. M. of Elctn. Comprtlna In rralonnl rontl to rlrrt BARNS BIRD HOUSES BATHROOMS FENCES GARAGES BEDROOMS KENNELS CLOSETS SERVICE BUILDINGS It makes the going easier when you use the Keith Brown Plan see OlCKCox 13 eve Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Monday, Sept. 12, 1949 8 Kepnrts on Run Deputy' Sheriff E. G. Scott, who handles! the run up the canyon through Detroit, Idanha and the Breitcn- bush district, has filed a de-! tailed report on his activities for the month of August. Thirty-1 two arrests were made running from assault with a dangerous weapon down through drunken ness and with a heavy percent age of traffic violations. In ad dition he has served papers in about an equal number of civil cases as well as using a large number of hours in criminal in vestigations other than those in which arrests were made such as hunting escaped convicts and other criminal cases. Scott is the only deputy on the run now out of Salem. Mattress Firm Listed Rol and C. Kleen, 1038 Sixth street, and Charles O. Gilman, 1017 Sixth street, both West Salem, have filed certificate of assumed business name with the county clerk for Valley Mattress com pany, making and repairing mattresses, 1694 N. Commercial street, Salem. Elderly Sisters Visit Miss Louise Miller, 93, and Mrs. Ly dia Hoyt. 91, both of Jefferson, were visitors at the state fair Sunday as guests of Mrs. Hoyt's son, Charles Hoyt, Silverton. Both were born in the vicinity of Jefferson and have lived in that community ever since. Miss Miller was a teacher for many years in the early days. While both have visited previous state fairs, neither can recall the date of their first visit. Scout Revue Boy Scouts of the Cherry City district who are candidates for advancement in the Scout ranks will appear be fore a Board of revue in the basement of the Salem city li brary at 7 o clock Wednesday night. Aerial RrokenKalrm nMiro records revealed Monday that vvniiam otepaneK, ibbo North 19th ronorld that ctn on his automobile had heen hrn. I ken at night. The damaged aer ial was valued at $6. Logger Hospitalized Harry Monroe of Mehama, employed by the Ercil Wilson Logging company, received a fractured hip bone late last week when a rock struck him while he was working on McCully mountain. Because of the rugged terrain it was necessary' to lift him by hand from a canyon where he was injured. winners of trips to the National 4-H club ronRress in Chicago will ba Donna Ptllln. Tillamook, and Joan PariRborn. Babv City, both 15, mho won gold wrist watches of lered by the Carnal ion company for the stale champion dairy foods demon stration tenm. High point Individual wan i,avmui umct, ie, fortiano, wno also re ceives a waii-h. Top 4-H club home economic demon stration team hai Ailent Fames and Dorothy Irwin, IB-year old Can by girl, who won a 150 aavinga bond and will rep resent the atate it the Pacific lnterna- lonal livestock enow in Pnrllanrl. Their fror,en pantry demonat ration won the cookery content. Member of the rham plon homemakinr demount rat ton team are Carolyn Calder. 14 and Jo Anna Forstar. 16, hoth of Kugene. Hon LUMBER YARD 1CKC0X, trjourlSuildm uddu, he'll arranqt rqhirici -for ijou Enrollment 'Continued from Paee 1) Three Salem parochial schools reported total registration Mon day noon of 83S pupils. And while comparative figures were not available in two instances, the total enrollment is believed well ahead of last year. Sacred Heart high school re ported registration of 231. which is capacity for that institution. St. Joseph's Catholic grad school enrolled 308 while St. Vincent de Paul had an enroll ment of 208, 32 more than a year ago. Salem College and Academy in West Salem is engaged In a three - day registration period for high school students while the enrollment for those In tha junior high division will not re port until September 19. Liquor Causes Arrests A drinking bout in a parked ear resulted in the arrest of two men who posted bail totaling $75 ov er the week-end, Salem police records showed Monday. John Peter Mumm, route 5, posted S50 bail on a charge of furnish ing beer to a minor while Ellis II. Barnholdt posted $25 for il legal possession of intoxicating liquor. The pair was nabbed by police after a complaint was re ceived. Tax Meeting Called A meet ing of the legislative interim committee on taxation was held in the Portland Chamber of Commerce board room Monday afternoon upon call of State Senator Howard Belton, of Can by. Benjamin H. Fnrtner Leaves Benjamin H. Fortner, son of Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Fortner, left over the week-end for Austin, Tex., where he will attend law school at the University of Texas. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "Sura I'll raasu tha Una If your tail's In a trap. Boy, that is an emergency I"... Most people will gladly releaaa the party-line if you'll explain the emergency.... Pacific Tela phone. Of i wis 1 1 1 Keith Brown BUILDING MATERIALS Will Go a Long Way Toward Repairing, Remodeling or Improving Your Property. You Have as Many as . 36 Months to Pay. And There's No Down Payment! j J, J