Navy's 'Viking' Rocket Runs OutofFuel;Speedl775MPH By ROBERT ZIMMERMAN (United Pr Staff Correspondents White Sands Proving Grounds, N. M., Sept 12 (U.R) The navy's $300,000 "Viking" rocket may be the forerunner or interp;nneiary space ships even though it fizzled out only 33 miles above earth on its second flight, a spokesman said today. The navy revealed that the sleek pencil-shaped projectile burned out its fuel prematurely during Heads Viking Rocket Project M. W. Rosen, who is director of the Navy's Viking Rocket project, stands alongside the tail section of a rocket before it was fired at the White Sands, N. M., proving grounds. Rosen and C. H. Smith drew up the pre liminary set of specifications for the project. (AP Wirephoto) Two Killed on South Santiam Two young people were killed and a Scio woman injured in Saturday accidents in the Salem territory. Dead are Cecil John Sanders, Jr., 20, and Laurice Alba Dick ey, 23, both of Albany. Mrs. Minnie Hunter, 62, Scio, is hos pitalized here. Several other persons were injured. The fatal accident occured on the South Santiam highway about four miles southwest of Albany. The young people were on a motorcycle and headed to ward Lebanon when struck by an automobile occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Webb, both of Leb anon, who were taken there and hospitalized. The Sanders motorcycle glanc ed off the rear of an automobile driven by J. C. Canava, Leb anon, whose car swerved into the side of another driving by Emily Manson, Bend, which bounced back into the path of the Webb vehicle. The bodies were taken to Albany. Mrs. Hunter was a passenger in an automobile driven by her son, Ray Hunter, also of Scio, when their vehicle was involved in a two-car collision on the Pa cific highway six miles south of Salem. She received a fractured left leg and numerous cuts and bruises. Her son was not injured. Driver of the other vehicle was Harold Wesley Ransom, 785 N. Capitol, who was treated for minor injuries but not hospi talized. State police cited him for district court here Monday Both vehicles were nearly de molished. Ship Is Lost San Francisco. Sprit 12 (7P The British motorship Pacific Enterprise will be left to the mercy of the wind and sea where it ran aground off Point Arena, 100 miles north of here. All hope to salvage the aban doned vessel was given up yes terday. Her holds, containing one million dnllnrx worth nf Canadian wheat, were flooded. the vessel ran aground early Friday in a fog. an experimental firing. But even so, it was traveling 1.775 miles an hour when it hit its peak al titude of 33 miles. 4 1 On May 3, a similar Viking launched in secrecy for the first time by the navy's rocket re search laboratory climbed 50 miles above the earth and reach ed a speed of 3.450 feet-a-second, it was disclosed. Milton Rosen, head of the la boratory said that in last week's firing the rocket burned up its alcohol and liquid fuel mixture in 49 seconds instead of the ex pected 70 seconds. Rosen said the Viking was Mill City Lodges Resuming Meetings Mill City Marilyn Chapter, No. 145, O.E.S., will hold the first rceular meeting of the fall season, Monday night in the lodge hall. Preceeding wl'l be a covered dish supper served at 6:30 o'clock in the dining rooms with Fern Shuey, worthy ma tron. and Betty Von Tinny in charge. Santiam Rebekah Lodge No 166, Mill City, held the regular meeting with Noble Grand Dean Jackson presiding. Al lura Chance was appointed to represent the Rebekah lodge at the Canvon Community Chest meeting to be held this month. Report was made by Ida Fleet wood, dinner chairman, that $80 was cleared on the convention dinner, funds to go into the lodge treasury. During the re freshment hour the birthday an niversaries of Blanche Syver son and Rachel Olmstead were observed. Food committee ap pointed for the next meeting night, include Goldie Rambo Ada Dart, Daisy Geddes, and Margaret Liberty. Nothing Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades W fclio with, retftpc, paint and rlt tour old VentltiD bllndi- ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimate Phono 1-1328 1453 Ruse St. West Salem We give S&B Green Stamps lighter than the hulky German V-2 bomb it was designed to re place. He said the entire rocket program "leads toward the busi ness of inter-planetary travel." Observers crouched behind concrete and earthen barricades last week as the second Viking was launched by remote control from the proving ground's main blockhouse. Lifted by 20,000 pounds of gas pressure, the 46-foot projectile rose majestically. It moved fan tastically slow at first, then pick ed up speed until It disappeared from sight. A huge steam cloud boiled out of a water pit be neath the launching site. Elaborate electronic tracking equipment followed the Viking's flight through the atmosphere, enabling observers to "watch" it climb, make its "break-over" and then fall back to earth. Because of its abbreviated flight, the rocket did not clear the earth's atmosphere. Nation-wide 1 Co-Op Proposed Chicago, Sept. 12 Wj The Na tional Farmers Union, represent ing some 460,000 farmers, said today it favors establishment of a nation-wide cooperative farm storage system. The board of directors, meet ing in semi-annual session, auth orized President James G. Pat ton of Denver to confer with Secretary of Agriculture Charles F. Brannan regarding a national conference to discuss the pro posal. Board members said they favor a cooperative grain storage setup modeled along the lines of the rural electricfication admin istration's power cooperative. The proposed national confer ence would have as its objective the drafting of legislation and the "practical initiation of a loan program to further the con struction of sub-terminal and areal facilities owned and oper ated by farmer cooperatives, the statement said. Such loans, it added, should be at low interest rates over a long period of years and should be up to at least 90 per cent of the cost of the facilities. Des Moines, la., was selected las the convention city for the union's 1950 biennial convention Big Bruin Slain Near Drift Creek Silverton. Sept. 12 Around 10 o'clock Sunday morning the career of a huge sheep killer came to an end in the Drift Creek area near Victor Point, and the dead bruin is believed iUoufbon r dfjuxc Capital Jnurnai, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Sept. 12, 1949 3 o be one of the largest ever bag ged in that district. The bear weighed 377 pounds dressed, with viewers of the car- cas at the city locker familiar with bear, stating that the ani mal would easily have weighed 450 pounds on foot. Many sheep had been killed recently. Hunters and dogs had been out for the bear for days Several dogs treed the bear Sun day morning, their noise bring ing Theodore Fischer and Byron McElhancy to the spot with their rifles, the two men soon finish ing the job. Returning School Bus Hubbard Marvin Barrett, chairman of the school board, left for Lima, Ohio, to take de : livery on the new school bus for the Hubbard grade school. Don Mullins will be the bus driver for the district. iff . jC mint ''tos S OF A THE STOHES OF BETTER VALUES Back to School 0 Monday, September 12th And Make Metropolitan Your Headquarters for Outstanding Values on all Needed SCHOOL SUPPLIES METRO SPECIAL I "BIG 5" PENCIL TABLET.. 3c Pencil Box, contains 13 items 29e Binders, 2 & 3 Ring, waterproof Fobricord, lipper closing Reg. 2.49 . .$1.98 Scripto Mechanical Pencil 20e Rubber Erasers, Pink Pearl, Limited quantity . 3 far 5e Fountain Pens, Hooded point. Super value $1.9S "Big 10" Pencil Tablet, Reg. 10c' Special 7e K . Prang Water Colors, Metal boxes 49c Kl Paint Books, Giant sixe, Loads of pages to color, Special 30c H- Ginnt tnivAni lama i. n L v.a- Ring Binders, 2 or 3 ring size, Reg. S9e 49e Binder Paper, 3 Hole, Margin and Ruled, Big value pkg. 10c Pineapple Slices, A Delicious treat lb. 25c Fig Bars, Plain or Wholewheat jackets, 1949 crop lb. 25e Chocolate & Vanilla Sandwiches, Oven fresh lb. 29c VOU ALWAYS SAVE when you shop THI STOBIS OF BETTER VALUES m 136 North Commercial St. Salem, Ore. 230 Pt 3'!, Qt 5'- ouiiic je NFf I LAKE LOUISt MAGIC CIRCLE Be your own travel magician! Route yourself East via world-famed Banff! Enjoy magnificent scenery, marvelous food, superlative service coast-to-coast! Then follow your Magic Circle West again! By any direct route ... or deep -t rioniDt C...L r-..l r--t t'' ouuui, uuu scares, sunny tamorniai For Magic Circle reservations, consult 1NCEIEI vour local acent or see . ....... WSf si r l 7 -xtai:.- 907 Ammrirnn lank IMr... 0nrtlnM V 4 Taste... Compare... 4&Zi& Today Mijoy truly delicious, delight (nU deluxe Kentucky flavor! KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY A BLEND National Distillers Products Corporation, N.Y. 86.8 Proof 51 Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 49 Grain Neutral Spirits mm, Ira "SURE, I BANK AT WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANK I'm saving all the money I make in tips and some day I'll buy a home. You'd be surprised the way money adds up. It goes to show what you can do if you have a savings plan." OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 7 P.M. WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANK Salem's Independent Bank ( M J 1990 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 3-9281 155 No. Liberty Phone 3-3191 Wool sweaters that Because they're labeled SANFORLAN TRADE MARK Here's What The Sanforlan Label Means To You! Sanforlon controls th. shrinkage of wool similar to th. way "Sanforized" controls the shrinkage of cotton. It means that wool sweaters with th. Sanforlan labal can b. hand-washed over ond over ogain without losing their original shape, size and beauty. Sanforlan designates permanency. It lasts for th. lif. of your sweater. Se. thes. sweaters at once, own them, marvel at th.m they'r. th. biggest sweater newt In th. eojntryl You Pay No More For Sanforlan-Label Sweaters 1 98 98 SUPON Am CARDIGAN W Here's What This Processed Wool Does For Sweaters: Will net chang. the f..l, ttxtur., app.aranc. of sweaters actually .nhanc.s beauty Elimlnat.s blocking and stretching ofttr washing Yarn will not mat or look stiff aft.r washing wash mor. easily b.caus. dirt disappears fatter will wear longer You can buy your r.gular size b.cause It won't shrink Cuts down cleaning bills NO LONGER ANY OP THIS WITH THE SANFORLAN LABEL Tn proem ipoftiorH by Outrt. PtobooV, tt ewnirt of "JoPilorlxtdl" No tlbow-hlgh tJetvei No choking neckl'ni No gapping midriff No mwciVbound fit