. , i n v FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS! USED FURNACES OIL BURNERS, SAWDUST BURNERS, AIR CONDITIONERS OAS RANGE HOLLAND FUHNACI CO.. J TO KEAR NEY. PH. 37803. DlJl SI CALIBRE Jap Shell. 150 or ISO train bullets. 14-00 per boi. Guaranteed re julu. Port era custom load, 103ft Dletr Ave. Ph 2425 after 5:30. nJ18 KELVINATUR refrigerator. Portland Rd.. Apt. 4. 150. iseo nil! MAN'S BICYCLE. Ph. 2-1803. 3485 Ferry niTO GAS STOVE. Fxcrllent condition, 123. 1830 N. Cottage. n317 FOB SALE Building 13x24. Price 8C Also barn to wreck. 3775 Sllvertoo Rd Balem. n317 SHALL 8IZK Coleman oil heater, excel lent condition. Zenith table model ra dio. Wardrobe closet. Welsh baby bui tr with Inneraprlni mattress. AU rea aonably priced. 748 N. 20th. n217 TRAVERSE DRAPES for large picture window. Custom made with 3 pr, short ' er drape to match. Floral design. Used short time. Ph. 38759. 885 N. 18th. n217 COLLECTIONS of antiques for sale. Key wind watch and organ. Apt. 3 upstairs. Do pot bother landlady. 575 Marlon n220 FOB SALE: Must ba aold In 1 unit only. 15 115, 125 H.P. 3 Ph. motors with belts, pulleys, switches. 1 Bolter, 1 stripper, all saws. 11.200 complete Telephone 3-0654 or 3-3740. n220 FOR SALE: Shells for forelin St odd cali bre rifles. Also several rifles. Trades considered. V. M. Sackett, 1510 So. Winter St Phone J-4912. n220 WALLINO SAND ft GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, aarden sand Bulldoalnr, drainage and dltchlne. -yL ahove) and drag line. Ph. 3-0349 AUTOMATIC OIL Water Heater. Lochin Tar, 30-gal. site. $10. Medium sized child's trike. Good cond. 15. Taylor Tot, like new. Including, fixtures for making Into klddle-car. 85. 065 Garnet. Ph. 3-6255. D210 SEWING Machines Electric or Treadle Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. n228 FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357 n2i LUMBER 2x4's by Jitney load. $10 per 1,000. You haul. Independence Lumber A Mfg. Co., Inc., Independence, Ore. GENERAL ELECTRIC Croslej. Gibson and Montag Applance at Gevurti. n FENCE POSTS, poles, all types Shingles fertiliser A flatrock Phillips Bros., Rt fl Box 118. Ph. 31458. n SALEM SAND A O RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer & Basement Equipment Rental 15 B Mi yds 10 B 4 yds. D-7 Cat ft Dozer D-6 Cat ft Dozer D-4 Cat. ft Dozer See tu about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 1-9408 Eves 3-834 or 3-4408 Balem Ores on n US ED OIL burners and blown s. Priced to sell. Ph. 28662. n233 USED ELECTRIC Washing Machines $10.95 to $120.50. Tester Appliance Co. 355 N. Liberty. n318 TALLMAN'S MID SUMMER PIANO SALE Special 1825 Spinet Limited No. $404.00 Full 88 note key board, east Iron plate Beautiful tone and finish. $50 DOWN BAL. EAST TERMS A big saving on floor samples and dem onstrators. Such fine makes as Knabe, Fischer, Lester, and Betsy Ross Spinets Good selection Grand and upright pianos as low as $10 per month. , TALLMAN PIANO STORE. INC. 375-S95 S. 13th. A mile from high prices. n321 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED junk batteries. Paying 11.75. Retread Tire Service. 320 So. Lancaster. na23l WANTED furniture vo glue ft repair. Lee uro. rum tteimianini to tn tr-iout USED FITRNTIURK Phone t-0185 ' n1 PERSONAL STANLEY no ME Products. Phone 2-5446. 5S5 Cross St. p218 AUTOMOBILES '47 BLICK SpcI. Sedanette. Dk. green. Good tires, RAH. windshield washers. Original owner. Ph. 2-5118. 0.319 HOLD EVERYTHING! VI ARB IN THE MARKET FOR NICE CLEAN CAM. '7 MODELS ON CP. CASH PAID. TRADE. BELL OR BUY. ZEEB'S USED CARS 2325 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD PHONE 3-0454 q223 1930 MODEL A 2 door sedan $65. Ph. 21539. 1085 Columbia. q217 J941 CIIF.V. Royal Town sedan. Good cond. Excel, rubber. R&H. $850 cash. Call C. H. Parley 8X4 Btayton. q210 1936 CI1EV. 4 door portatlon, $185 Nebraska ave. sedan. Good trans r best offer. 1260 q318 $M USED CAR LOT 150 ft your old one, 13th St, Junction. Open till 10 P.m q241 FOR SALE, 1041 Ford pickup. k mile north of Starton canners. Dean Pem berton. Rt. 1, Box 184, Btayton. q215 WRECKING '36 Ply, has '48 motor. Rt. 1. Box 434 A McCain Ave., off SUverton Rd. q318 DESPERATE WILL SACRIFICE CLEAN '41 CHEV. Hurry, this car will go cheap for a quick sal. Ph. 38076. 353 Gerth, West Salem q217 1? V-R, fair condition, 1135. Call after I p.m. Ralph Wolf, Rt. 1, Box 270. A urns vl lie Shaw. q317 FOR SALE '37 Chev. $145. Call 771 6. 31st. q217 RE TV R NINO TO school. Must sell '40 Packard 8. radio, heater and overdrive Good motor, tires, $750. See at 1115 Madison q21T LOOK CARS - TRUCKS - PANELS LOW AS $50 DOWN RON'S MOTOR CO. 140 a. Risk Ph. I4SM qJH1 WANTED Will pay cash for good, clean used cars. SEE MR. TEAGUE OR JOE SPURLOCK TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N Liberty 353 N. Com L 17 CHEV 4 dr.. RAH, $295. 3657 Cherry Oil FICKTP Body Tops Aluminum, steel, or namental trrm specialties, ratlines, made to order. 3080 Hulsey Are. Ph. 31338. eJil CHI V. pick up. 185. 3290 Simpson q317 Eisner Motors to Buy CS ACCFfiORirs tirea ft tubes at coat price riMt come first served as this tr a c:o,e-ojt isle Dealers welcomed R D Woodrpw Co.. 40 Center a WANTFD: Clean used ears. Bo Marr lilt Bout. Commercial. AUTOMOBILES ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT SELL TRAD! TERMS 333 Fairgrounds Road Phone Eisner Motors Fine Cars Eisner Motors to Sell MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS INDIAN SCOl'T 1949, Flan. bar. M C M. cross over pipe. Reasonable. 390 Fisher Rd q217 BOATS ALL'MINI'M BOATS Ideal for fall fin ing LlKht, last, unsinkable. No upkeep worries. Excellent design, 8-10-12-14 ft. sues. 1150 up. Oeo. E. Allen Hdw. nn220 FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTfc CREDIT CO. 183 8 Church Parkins a Plenty Ph. J-2457 Lie. No. M-159 8-1S4 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO $300 Come In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank No Paaklng problems Phone 17032 Lie N U 369 -8391 Floyd Kenyon. Mbt r PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larser Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROY H SIMMONS 138 South Commercial St. Phone 1-0181 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4'V INTEREST t to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 2-3663 FARM AND CITY LOANS W, and 5 VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortense. c CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7163 r GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS Lie. 8-133 and M-328 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9181 igooo LOAN wanted on first mortsaRe on home and business property valued at $25,000. Income from property 12.15.00 per month. Call 34547, uk for Stevens T22T BILLS UNPAID? 1 add your obligations 3 pay them off in a lump sum with a loan from Personal 8 then make Just one reasonable pay ment each month 125 TO $500 ON AUTO UP TO 1300 ON SALARY. FURNITURE Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If a loan solves a problem, phone or come In today. Personal Finance Co. of Salem 518 State St. Room 125 C. R. ALLEN, Manager Phone 3-2464 Lie. 8-122. M-165. r220 TRAILERS VERY REASONABLE: 18' factory trailer house. Phone 3-8354. 1155 8. 14th. t219 10 FT. Harrison. $645. 2080 Hazel Ave. Ph 27530 eve. only. t219' 194fl 14 Ft. ALJOA. Sleeps 4. Perfect con dition. Bargain. 130 Lana Ave. t218 1948 TRAILER. 23 ft., excellent condition. Sleeps 4. Bee at Lana Lane Trailer Plata. Turn right on 99 N. at yellow light after underpass. W. O. Johnston. t221 1!M VAGABOND, 26 ft. Good condition. May be seen at 3157 Portland Road. t217 DEER HUNTER NEW KIT TENS reduced to S795.0O. Also several small used trailers 3275 and up. Just the thing for that hunt. Jayhauk Trailer Sales Co. 2640 Portland Rd. t217 ALL METAL GLIDES, completely furn. Frlg.t apt. size range, etc.. nouy ft awn ing included. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Wllleford at Fir Crest Trailer park. 3910 N. River rd. 1318 DIRECTORY .DOING MACHINES All makes need mi chines sold, rented repaired Roen 45 Court Phone 1-4)773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair service new eppllanm Vlnce'a Biectrle Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted or 3-9239 137 8 Libert! St AT UR DOOR r.RINDINb ".awnmower sharpening and repairing Dexter'a Pn 36833 o" AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co. 153 S Liberty Pb 3-8955. oa MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towtng service day phone 3-9786 Nlgnt 3-1804 33" Center o Mike Panek. 275 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161 Brake and wheel aligning specialists. o233 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now Terms No down payment Phone 24850. o' BULDINO CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 3-5909. 0242 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 3-6537 or 3-4106 0239 Build oil n, leveling, road b'.di.. clear In teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Felrvlew Ave) Ph. 3-3148, Salem. 0239 CARPENTER WORK Carpenter work. New, repair. Ph. 3-2037 o239 ASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register Al males sold rented, re pa. -ed Roen 456 Court Ph 8-6773 o CEMENT WORK Par eipert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation sidewalks dnvewava. patios, curbs, walla ete Call 2-4850 o' CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned Ens'ey 171 8. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. o233 r.LECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vl nee J Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing, 157 8. Liberty EXCA VATINO ORADINO EiraTatlng A trading Ben Otjen ft Son 61$ Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. e229 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Eiterminator Service Ph 3-J0S8. L Cross. 1555 Pearl. 03!3 Breithauoti for flowers Dial 3-1171 c Thel. stove ft d:wel oil. Ph. 3-11M Sneli OH Co L T. Maxwell, clistribwtor 341 FIR N ACE CLEANING O'.ant vacuum machine. Trailer mount ed. Ph. SrftffS. United Products Co. 3037 Portland Rd. Reasonable pr:ee. e331' hoi crnotD mooters J R Watkins Do products Pre iter? 1717 Center Pfi 3-1395 IN-ILATION Johna-ManviUa. Phone $-3744. DIRECTORY JAIN TOR SFRVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Bulldinas rectories Homes EMIrr-atas Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDO. MAI NT CO Ph. Salem 3-9133 LANDSIAPT Nt'BSFBT P .V Doerfler i Hons. Ornamentals UP N Lancaiter Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1123 o UlIl X KtRvr SELF Laundry, fenon St., Phone 23453. LAWNMOWKRS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 8. Com'l St. 0233 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At ruu: door lawnmower shsrpenlnt Oaater the lawnmuwer man Ph 3683 MATTRESSES Capltat Bedding Phone 3-40S9 Ml'StC LESSONS Spanish ii Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Pll. 3-7589. O240 OKHl'E FURNITURE A BUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing s applies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps typewriter stands, brief eases "lerce Wire Recorders, Roen 454 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE We servlre all types of burners. Ph. 28662. United Products Co. 3037 Port land Rd. Work guaranteed. 0233 Ifstrom's are equipped to do youi painting Phone 2-2433 o PAPER HANGING Expert Paperhangtng and painting. H J Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. o227 PAIN UNO A PAPERING Painting and paperhanglne. Free eAtl m.lte, Ph 3-0513. 857 Shipping. o3IO Call 2-2608 for your Painting & Paper i.anxlna. Attractive rates 0223 IITKrTRAMINO Picture framing Hutcheos Paint Store PhOke 3-6687 o Fi-ihiT. 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. 0232' f'R UN I N G - S PR A VI N G Phillip W Belike. Ph. 2-1208 SAND Si GRAVEL Oardrn Soli, crushed rock, Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand & Gravel Co., Phone 3-9249. o Valley Sand St Oravei Co Silt, sand & f II dirt Excavating 10B shovel & cats Tractor scoop tt trucks for dirt moving Ph office 24002. res 37146 Salem Saw Writs. Ph. 3-7603. 1293 N 5th 0229 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Elect tie Roto- Rooter Exclusive Patent Razoi 'harp Steel Cuttlni Blades Clean Sewers or Drains Septio Tank Cleaned Reaa Ph 3-5321 or 3-9468 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 E.m St , W. Salem. Pb. 3-9468. 3-5327 o235 K F Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned E'ectr!c machine service on sewer and drain lines. Ouaranteed work. 1143-8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0223 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect Todd's Septic Tank Service, 2545 State St. Phone 2-0734 o SEWING MACHINES New Home sewing machine sales. We repair all makes. Kingwood F4ec., 1091 Edsewater. Ph. 35569. o231 Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms All makes. W. DevenporL Pb. 37671. 0228 All makes repaired, free estimates Sanger Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 3-3512. of TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remlnatoo Royal, Under wood portables AH makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court, o TRANSFER A 5TORAGE '.jcal At Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal A briqueu. Trucks tc Portland daily Agent for Beklns House hold goods moved to anywhere Ih 06 o' Canada Larmer Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 VENETIAN BLINDS Made l-i Salem Free est Phone 37328 Klmer the Blind man 3a:em Venetian Blinds made to order w reflnlshed. Relnboldl A Lewi 3-3639 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore, Rt. 2, Box 317. Ph. 2-5135. 0239 Portable acetylene or arc Anything, anywhere. Pn. 33485. 319 W EATHFRSTRIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5965 0233 WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Made to order 1 Dai Del Relnholdt it Lewis Ph 23639. o WINDOW CLEANING Acme V lndow Cleaners Windows, walls A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waxed and polished Ph 1-3337 347 Court Langdoo. C;lborLoo and Mather WOO II SAWING Atkins A Cross. Ph. 3-8674 or 3-8178. 0239 WOOD A SAWDUST Wept Balem" Fiel Co. Ph 2-4031. 0 LODGES Ainsworth Lodge No. 210, A.F. & A.M. Tues.. . Seot. 13th Stated 8 p.m. 218' I.O O F meet every Wed- iicauay aignb. visuoro wri Lewis Family Holds Gathering at Resort Lyons A reunion of the Lew. is family was held at Silver Creek Falls with the following present: Mrs. Nannie Martin, Mrs. Roxie Trask of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bennet and son Martin of Springfield; Mr and Mrs. Loris Trask, Donna and Billie of Slayton; Mr. and Mrs Harold Hapsler and Dennis of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill and Bobbie of Mill City; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fraser, Howard and Richard and Lester Clark of Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis, Lucille, Bculah and Ken neth, Mrs. Fred Lindemann, Richard and Lynda, and June Phillips all of Lyons. GursLi Walworth Home Lyons Mrs. Laura McDonald of Portland spent the last two weeks at the home of Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Walworth, Mrs McDonald is an aunt of Mr Walworth. Additional guests at the Walworth home were Mrs David Walworth and son Mal colm from Vallecita. Calif . and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald nd three sonj from Palo Alto, Calif. Japan to Export Johlrss Tokyo, Sept. 12 fr Some of Japan's Jobless may be sent to count ri? noodint? workers if mutually satisfactory arrange ments can be made. Stocks Advance To Oyer Poinl New York, Sept. 12 Steel negotiations dominated the stock market today, and optimism ov er the outcome was indicated by rising prices. Advances were from fractions to more than a point among the leaders with only a handful low er in the major groups. The volume of trading was at the rate of about 1,100,000 shares for the entire day, one of the heaviest days in a month. Steel shares were up around a point most of the day with one slight dip in mid-morning. There was no concentration of buying here, however, which was taken to mean there still is some caution against too much optimism over the final turn of labor-management negotiations in the steel industry. Oils were in demand for some time with gains of a point or more among leaders. Rails, too, were higher with only a hand ful unchanged. STOCKS iBt the Associated Presai American Can Am Pow A Lt .... Ar Tel A Tel .... macorda SendU Aviation ... Beth Steel .... Boeing Airplane .. Calif Packing .... '?MaiiHn PaciPo ., Case J I Cateiplllaf Chrysler Comwlth A Boa Cons Vultee Continental Can .. Crown Zellerbach . ;urtlss Wright ... Douglas Aircraft .. Du print de Nem ... General Elect no .., .Vrerai rood . ... General Motors ... Goodvesr Tire ..... Int Harvester ..... Int. Paper Kinnecott Liboy McN A L ... Long Bell "A" . . Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvlnator .. i t Dairy Y Cnrta Northern Paellle .. Peo Am Fish . ... Pa Gas A Elee ... v Tel & Tel .... Penney J O Radio Corp Rayonier M yonler Pfd Reynolds Metal ... Rlchfle.d Safeway Stores ... 9-ars Roebuck .... Southern Pacific .. Standard Oil Co. ., ttudebaker Corp .. Sunshine Mining , Transamertca ...... Union Oil Cal Union Paelfie United Airlines ... U 8 Steel . . .... warner Bros Pis .. Woolworth .. 27 .. 2BU .. 27 ...19'; .. 33S .. 14 .. sau .. 34 .. 82H .. 5' .. 10 .. 33 . 37 H , 2T4 , 54 'i , 45 Ti ... 33S ...103 . 11S , 25'. , 31'fc . 19 'i , 40f4 27 S , 41 H , 38H . 8V. 22H 10 im . 13 . 23 '4 , 10H . 48 S Stadium Site For OSC Picked Portland, Sept. 12 (IP) A state board of higher education com mittee decided today on a site for Oregon State college's pro posed new football stadium. Action also was taken that brought closer the purchase of Lincoln high school in Portland for use as a state college. The building committee, after reviewing reports on two OSC stadium sites one on the cam pus at Corvallis, the other In the hills outside the city de cided for the campus site. This would be just south of the basketball pavilion now un der construction. The other site had been suggested as one where costs would be lower. A report from a Portland engineering firm indicated, however, that there would be more savings at the campus site, where construction could be piece-meal, with pa vilion dressing and shower rooms used. The building committee also approved final plans for the heating plant at the University of Oregon. The committee Indi cated bids could be advertised by Oct 1. The cost Is expected to be approximately a million dollars, provided for by the the last legislature. The finance committee ap proved the proposed contract with the Portland school board for purchase of Lincoln high at $875,000, also provided for by the legislature. There Is a pro vision that Portland could con tinue to use the building through the 1950-91 school year for day classes, rent-free in return for maintenance of the building. The state could use it for night classes. All recommendations go to the full board of higher education for approval tomorrow. Livestock Prices Jump to New Level Chicago, Sept. 12 W Beef steers and heifers Jumped to new high price levels for the last eight months today and hogs sold mostly 50 cents a hundred pounds higher than Friday in an active market. A load of choice to prime llinr Jnn. 18 when f33 23 w a . i loads took $32.50 to $32.75 Choice ehifers reached $29.65. the most paid for this class since Jan. 5 when the peak for these was $30.00. Steer and heifer trade in general was 50 cents to $100 higher than Friday and some tales were up $1.25 to $1 50. Choice butcher hogs reached $22 75, their highest price in ex actly ont month. - . rv I' ; . a" , ; .-s j s i -ft" i Mini i i 'ifliaJ. Bridge Burns Flames illuminate the Snake river bridge near Pasco, Wash., as the tar and cresoted roadway burned from unexplained cause. Explosives were used at both ends to halt tile blaze. Streaks below bridge were apparently caused by wind-whipped embers. (AP Wirephoto) MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem LiYestiK-e Market iBj Vallef Pacatnt. Company Lambs J18.00 to (20.00 Feeder Iambs 112.00 to 115.00 Ewes . 30 to H 00 Cutter cows t& OO to $10.00 Fat dairy cows $9.00 to $10.50 Dulls $11.00 to $15.00 Calves, good 1300-450 lbs.) $16.00 to 118 00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) top ....$18.00 to $20.00 Portland EaitRlde Market Hndl.slir.1 old for so to 80 cents a doien dirt on the Portland EiusUtde Farm ers Wholesale Produce market today. Green onions brouttht 40 to 50 cents a dozen bunches. E'c plant was 11.50 to 11.00 a flat. Lrtiuce sold for $3.75 to $4.00 a crate. Spear melons were offered at t2.3i to f3.50 a cate. Celery roots were II 50 a dozen. Tomptoes fo)S for 75 to 80 cents a flat. BruMf!' sprouts moved at 13.00 a 10- ba.krl flat Cabbage was 81.35 to $1.50 a crate. Portland Produce Bulterfat Tentav.lve, subject to Imme diate cfttnae Premium Quality maximum to S3 o 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 83-6Sc lb.. 93 score 61 -64c lb.. 90 icore. 57 -60c, 89 score. 55c. Valley route and country joints 2f le&s than first. Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers: grade 93 score. 83 cents; 63 score 61c: B 90 score. 89c lb.. O Si score. 56c. Above prices are strictly nominal Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale: Oregon slnglex 39 -40c; Oregon 8 sm. loaf 42-43c; triplets 1 le&s than tlnales Ecu To Wholesalers) A grade large 61-64!iic; A medium. 55-58Vic: grade B large. 54'i-56laci small A grade, 2tc Pw.tland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA prints 67c; AA cartons 68c: A prints jTo A cartons C8c; B prtnta 64c. Etii Prices to retailors: Orade '.arge 70c doz,; crllfled A lame, 67c; A, larae. 66c: AA medium. 61c; certified medium. 60c: A medium, 50c. A small. , ISC; cartons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-43C Oregon loaf. lb loafs 44'a-45c lb.: triplets, 1'4 cenU less than slnRles. Prpmium brands, slngli ilHe lb. loaf, 630. Poultry tlve Chlekena No 1 quality FOB plants, No. 1 broilers under 34 lbs. 35-36c lb.: fryers 3H-J lbs.. 38-30c: 3-4 lbs., sic: roasters 4 lbs and over, 31c lb., fowl, leghorn. 4 lbs and under, 17-lBc, over 4 lbs. lBci colored fowl all weights 31c: roosters, all weights IB-19c Rahhltt Aivraite U. growers: live whites. i-l lbs 18-20 lb.; 6-6 lbs. 16-1 So lb. -O4ored 3 cents tower: old or heavy does. 8-14e; dre.ved fryers to butcher. 63-57c Country-Killed Meats Veal top quality, 32-33o lb.: other grades according to weight and Quality with poor or heavier 30-25c. Hogs: Light blockers, 33-33c: sows 34-36c. Lambs: Top quality, springers, 35-3 7c; inutton 8-lOc. Beef : Oood cows, 32 -35c lb. ; canners cutters. 30-23C Fresh flreised Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.lt Beef steers, good 500-800 lbs. 143-48: commercial. $35-41: utility, $31-34. Cows Commercial, 129-34; utility. 26- 29; canners-cutters. $23-35. Beef cuts t ood ateersi Hind quar ters, $55-57: round. $52-55; full loins, trimmed, $73-77: triangles, $31-35; eouare chucks, $39-41; ribs, $52-55; forequarters. $37-38. Veal and calf: Oood, 138-39; commercial. $32-33; utility, $26-30. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs, 143- 45: commercial, $35-40; utility, $32-33. Mutton: Good. 70 lbs down, $15-18. Pork cut: Loin No. 1 8-12 lbs.. 160. 63: shoulder. 16 down, $40-42.50; spare rltwi, $47-49: carcasses, 334-35) mixed weights $1 lower. Portland Mlseeilaneena Caaeara Hark Dry Wit lb. green 4e lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades 43c lb. Mohair 15e lb. on 13-montb growth, nominally Hides Calves. 37c lb., according to weight, kins ?2c lb.: beef 10-11c lb, bulls 5-6c lb. Country buyers pay 3c leas, Nul Quotations Walnuts Fr a nqueHea, first quality Jum DO. 34 7c large. 32.7c: medium, 37.2c; econd quality jumbos. 30.2c; large. 36.3c nvdlum. 26 2c: aby. 23 2c: soft shell, first quality large, 39.7c medium. 36.3e; see wd quality large, 37 3c; medium. 34.7c: baby 32 3c. Filberts Jumbo. 30e Ib.i large. 18c: nedlum 16ci malL 13c Portland l.lvesterk Portland. Ore.. Spt. 12 U' Livestock Cattle salable 3300; calves 600. Market slow, generally a. king strong to higher prices: few steers steady: medium and food Unlit cows strong to 50 cents hlaher: md 4-H type fed steers 36 00 to 37 00; fee. medium grass steers 21.00 to 32 35; liaht aleerx above 31 50: load good feeder 19.30: common steers down to 16.00 or below; cutter dalry-tvp down to 1100; cutter and common heifers 11.00 to 15 00. load medium helfre carrying few young rows 18 00; eanner and cutter cows 10 00 f 11 00. odd head 11 50, common and med um beef cows 12 Ofl to 14 50. few young eoas to 15 00: some held higher; dd common and medium auae bulls '.3.50 to 16 00: good b-ef bulli aboe 17 00; vealers about stesdy; good and choice 20 00 to 22 50; common and medium 13 00 to 18 00. Hoes sslihle 700. Market fairly active, mostly steady; good and choice 160-210 Ih. 34 30 to mostly 24 75; 250-2AO lbs. 122 00 to 23 75; few 150-165 lbs. 21.50 to 22 75: sows strong to 50 cents higher; good LiO-hOO lbs. 17 50 to 19 00: lighter to 20 00 nd nbove; feeders Acarre. iood and choke j 70 - .10 Ibl. quoted 32 50 to 24 00 lep salable IflOO. Market active; sprmg lambs around 50 cent hither, good I and r nic moMiy 20 00 to 21 00; ton 21 50. I med;um and inod 18 00 to 19 00: commons down eo 18 Of); fw good feeder lambs 17 0 sood ewes mostly 6.00; common and m 3 00 to 5 00 Portland flraln Portland. 8ept 13 4v Cash grain Vo 3. 3.-lb white 55 00 Bar.ev Oats No. . 45-lb B W , 52 50 No 1 flsic, HO Ctsh wneat 'hid-: ftoft wh.te, 2 14: soft .i:te teiciuding Re it 3.14, white club, 7 14 Hard red winter: Ordinary, 1 14: 10 per r .. 3 14. 11 per cent, 3 16. 13 per cent. 3.18. No ftsrd white Heart. Today's car receipts Wheat 65. barley 33. flour 13, eorn 10. oats 18, mill feed 31. There are about 33,000 beer in tht average hive. ...3 Grain, Soybean Prices Erratic Chicago, Sept. 12 (VP) Grain and soybean prices dipped, climbed and then fell again to day on the board of trade. Soybeans fluctuated most, dropping more than a cent early, then rallying about 2 cents above the previous close, then falling below the previous levels again. Weakness in cotton seed oil fu ture, and the same bearish fac tors as depressed prices Satur day, led to selling today. Wheat and corn were mixed most of the time, although oc casional rallies pushed prices higher. The distant July con iract leu below the previous seasonal low mark of $1.84fc. Large country receipts of 269 cars of corn was a depressing infuence in that- grain. Grains rallied again near the close at or near the best levels of the day. Wrheat closed Vs to i higher than the previous finish, Sep tembcr $2.06-, corn was up 4 to lt September $1.28 Vb-U. Oats were unchanged to V4 high er, September 69, rye was up M to lli, September $1.45', soy beans were to li higher, No vember $2.29 V4 -2.28 a4, and lard was 7 to 20 cents higher, Sep tember $12.10 per hundred pounds. SALEM MARKETS Completed front reports of Kalem deal ers ror ine guidanre er .ipiiaj Journal Readers. (Revised dally j. Retail Feed Trices Kli Msih 15.10. Kahblt Pellets 14.30. Dairy Feed 33.70. Poultry) Buying prices Grade A color ed hens 3I-22c; grade A Lshorn hens. IS-19c, grade A colored fryers, three bs. and up, 33-33C, Grade A old rooster 15 cenU Egga Buying Prim Extra large AA, 6c; large AA. 05c; large A. 63-66c; medium AA, &5c; medium A. 53-58c; pulletji 3fl-40c. Wholesale Prices Eg wholesale prices 5-7e above the. prices; above grid A ?eneral quoted at 71c; medium. 64c. Bulterfat Premium 64-85e. No. L Met No t, 9c -buying prices i Butter Wholesale grade A, f7et all 72a. 17- Chlcage Livestock, Chicago. Bent. 13 fP fUSDAI Salable hogs 8500; active; butchers 25 to mostly fiO rents higher; Instances 75 cents up on weights 1A0 lb. and under; sows uneven, mostly BO cents higher; some 711 cents up; top 22.75 for few cholre 220-240 lb.; bulk (rood and choice 1WI-280 lb. 22 00-22. M; 170-lflO lb. 20 75-32 2S; few 150-170 th. 1W. 60-21 00; little In butcher run over 2M1 few lots 300-340 lb. 20.50-21 50: tiond and choice sows under 350 lb, 10 25-20 50; 300-425 lb. 1H 25-19 25; 450-500 Ih. 16.75 17. 76; Odd head henvler sows down to round 15.50: early clearance. Salable cattle 14,000: salable ralvei 600; very active; beef steers and heifers 50 rs to i oo higher; some sales 1.25-150 higher; broad early rlenranrr ; row and hulls strong to 60 cents hie her; v alers strong; top 33.10 for load rholre to prime 1Z7B lo. sierrs; several loads hie h -cholre Ueera 32 50-32.75: bulk hltrh-good and rhoice steers and yearlings 30 50-32 00: hulk high-medium and good grid's 2V50 2D25; common and medium Meers 17 00 25 00; load rhoice 876 lb heifers 29 M: it good and cholre heifers 26 50-29 00 good cows 17 50-19 00; common and medi um cows 14.75-17 00; canners and cutters 12 50-15 00: medium and good sausaire hulls If) 50-20 50; good and rholre veai--rs 20O-200: pttockers and feeders trone to 60 rents hlehr; six hmd good 7.r0-00 lb. Montana feeding stem 23 M). Salable sheep 3000; prartlrally nothing done on native slaughter latnhs early, bhl ding weak to 50 cen's lower, or 24 50 down; double deck good to rhoice fed western yearlings steady at 21 50, derk 1 offerings 21.00; ewes stesdy. thre derks weterns 9 00: ml nntlves 4 50 n with heavies and burka 6.00. Birthday Celebrated Lynns Mrs. Clarence Jung wirth entertained with a lawn supper and weincr roast honor ing their son Dickie on his birth day anniversary. Outdoor games were played and Mr. Jungwirth showed moving pictures to the group. Present were Dickie Jungwirth the honored guest, Sharron and Joe Hickman, Ray'S" Nogstcart, Marjone and Build Nash, Dennis and Diannc Schwindt, Johnie Bridges, Jan-; ice and Denny Jungwirth. John-! nie, Joan, David and Betty Tra- han. Advertisement Now Many Wear FALSETEETH With Little Worry Bat, talk, laugh or sneeae without fear of insecure false te?h riroppini, sllnnns Of wobbling. PAflTEETH 1.0.ls pistes firmer and more eomfortsbiy. in: Pleasant powder bas no tummy, f oov pasty taste or frellne Omi'I rsu.-e nausea. Its alkaline mon-ncid C:'r 'plat odor" (denture, hreath. Gel TAB TKTTH at oy drug store. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, DEATHS K. H. HUke K. H Ulake, late resident of 3420 Lee street, at local hospital September Rervlcei will be held Tuesday, September nth at 1:30 p m. at the Howell-Edwards chapel, Kaby Boy Reeves Huby Hoy Keevei. Infant ion of Mr. and Mrs. Hsrold Heeves ot Jefterion. Septem ber 9. Survivors Include the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Reeves of Balem. Private graveside services were held Mon ,day, September 13. at 10 a.m. at the Jef ferson cemetery under the direction Of the Howell-Edwards chapel. Jessie MrCey Jmle Urdiv 1st resident of IS rook route 3, at a Portland hospital. Septem ber 9, at the site of 45 years. Surviving are the widower. Andrew McCoy, Brooks; two daughters. Mrs. Beverly Hall, New port, and Mrs. Lone white, Slleta; two ions, Alfred McCoy, Gervals, and Ivan McCoy, Ft. Lewis, Wash.; parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeHoy Daley, of Colorado; four lis ters. Mrs. Gertrude Strawn and Mrs. Byl vta Davis, both of Salem; Mrs. Alice Mock, Colorado, and Mrs. Lillian Zimmerly. Portland, and two brothers, Evan Daley, Salem, and Ben Daley, Colorado. Serv ices were held Monday. September 13. at 3 .10 p m. at the Howell-Fdwarrti chapel with itev. Dudlev Strain officiating. Con eluding; services were In Belcrest Memorial para. Arthur P. Foster Arthur P. Foster, late resident or Van Nuys. Calif., September 11, at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Fa ye A. Wood at 548 South 17th street, at the age of 66 years. Abo surviving are another daugh ter, Mrs. Arlene Frost of Las Vegas. Nev., two sons. Lloyd E Foster of Fair view, Okta., and Arthur Kermtt Foster of Van Nuyt, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Dora Mabu and Miss Alice Foster, both of Salem; seven grandchildren and one great grand child. Announcement of services later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. Mrs. Mary A. Bherwood Mrs. Mary A Sherwood, at the resl- U iwe at 1930 N. 17th St., September 10. it the e.ge of 84 years. Surviving are a tauchter. Mrs. Ester E. Goodwin. Balem: inn. Flovd Sherwood. Dolse. Idaho; two brothers, John Aker, Michigan, N.D., and Aker, Michigan. N.D., and two sis ters. Mrs. Mattle Danker. Minneapolis, Minn., and Sue Aker, Dec or ah, Iowa. Ser- rn will be held at 1:30 p.m.. Tuesday, September 13. at the W. T. Klgdon cha P't with Interment at Belcrest Memorial park. ieni P. I.aurltson Jrns P. l.iuirltjon. at the residence at 4140 State St., September 10, at the age of 81 yean. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Minnie utuntson, uaiem; and two sons, Alfred E. and Arthur R. Laurltson, both of Salem; and four brothers. Lawrence Laurltson, Canby; Bert Laurltson, Pierre, 3.1).; Martin Laurltson. Racine, Wis.; and Marlus Laurltson, Walla Walla, Wash. Ser vices will be held Tuesday. September 13, at 1:30 p.m. at the CloURn-Harrick ena pel with the Rev. R. C. Schaffner offi ciating, Mrs. Jennie Knight Mrs. Jennie Knight, at the residence mt 1144 N. Cottage St.. September 11. at the age of 78 years. Surviving are a brother. Dr. Oren H. Kent, Salem; and two sons. Dale Knight, Balem. and Carlton Knight. Lot Angeles. Services will be held Wed nesday. September 14. at 1:30 p.m. at the Clough-Barrlrk chapel with Interment at 'Helcrest Memorial park. Ritualistic serv ices by Balem Rebekah lodge No. 1. Mllford Aletander Vandergrlft Mil font Alexander Vandergrlft, late rest dent of 111 Chemekete St.. at a local hos pital. September 11. at the age of 39 years. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. Ro bert Vandergrlft, Salem; a daughter. Mar lone Vandergrlft, Salem; the mother, Mrs. tnima Cruse, Hamilton, Ohio; and two sisters, Mrs. Harold Sheard and Mrs. Frank Mastandrea. both of Hamilton. Ohio. Announcement of services later by the TTnwelt-Kdwrdg chapel. OBITUARY Frank Nelson Dayton Prank Nelson. 70, died Sept. I at his home in Newberg after a long ill' nejis. He was born in Sandy, Ore., to the late Amos and Anne Nelson, on June 1ft, 1879. and had resided all hut life In this area. He had spent several years In the lumbering buslne&s in Chehalem valley and on Baker creek, near McMlnn- vllle. Ha was married to Elsie M. Barth olomew on Nov, 28, 1S0O. at Newberg. To this union were born five children, four of whom survive: Mrs. Evelyn Nelson, Troutdale. Ore.: Mrs. Carrie Versteeg, Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs. Florence Kills, Dayton, and one son, Robert A. Nelson of Nee berg One son deceased, Charles A. Mio surviving are one brother, George Melaon. Newberg; two sisters, Mrs. Han nah Marsh. Portland, and Mrs. Emma Allen, Amity Five grandchildren, one ;reht grandchild. His wire died June 37, 19 if. Services were held Monday at Hod son'a mortuary chapel, Newberg, with Rev. R. A. Feenstra officiating Interment was In Noble's cemetery, Newberg. The pall bearers were all nephews of the deceased: Perry Walde, Vernon Waldo, Earl Nel son, Harvey Allen, GrandvUle Allen, Clar ence Rocker. Chester Lindsay Wheatland Funeral services for Ches ter Lindsay, 14. were held at Macy'a chapel at McMlnnvllle Friday. Rev. Harry C Ryan of Dayton officiated. Burial was in Hopewell cemetery. Six schoolmates were basket bearers. He was born at Carlton. November 15, 1935, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ortn Lindsay. He was drowned at tlie Wheatland ferry Sunday. September 4. He U survived by his parents and one sister at Wheatland. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Davidson of Redmond, uncle and aunt, attended his' funeral. Infant Klevkoff Silverton Private services were eon ducted for the Infant son of Mr, and Mrs. John filevkoff Sunday under direction of tne ritman runerai noma. The baby died In'r Snttrdnv st the Bllverton hospital. Why Suffer Any Longer When outers ran. use our Chinese remedies Amasini success for 6000 rears in China No matter with what tlments fuu are afflicted disorders sinusitis bean, lungs, liver, kidney (as, constipation, ulcers, dlabatee rheumatism, gall and bladder, fever ik la. t male complaints. CHARLIE CHAN CmVtHK HEBB CO. Off lea Roars t le Tiea and Sag. Only tJU N CemmercleJ Phone ttf RAI.r.M. ORE. "mm J100.o$100(k"o.. Auto or Personal 'C OMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN J NCOS eOS) a Tg Dm 460 N. Church St Ph. 1 - Monday, Sept. 12, 191915 Laarlce Alba Dickey Albany Funeral settles for Laurtea Alba Dickey. 31, killed in a motorcycle- itomobile collision Saturday nufit. will be held from the Fisher fjncral home 2 30 o'clock Tuesday wltn barlal In O Lawn cemetery at CorvaLt. He was bo a at Camas, Wash., Nov. 26, 1326 movi with his family to Klamath Tails a .nfant and residing here the pnst i- '. He was married to Dorothy Jau- t Bm1tt here Sept. 16, 1945, wno survivi s wit., a three-year-old daughter; staters. Mrs Mur- lene Campbell. Albany, and Mrs. N muit Chase, Merrill; mother, Mrs C M. C;ia-, Albany; father. Murl Dickey, Od. n, liini stepfather, Clarence Chut, A.u.ir.y, and grandparents. Ur. and Mrs. J H. Buell. willsminfx and Mrs. Eva Dickey. Sheri dan. Cecil John (landers, Jr. Albany Funeral services for Cecil John Sanders. Jr., 30, will be held from the Forimiller-Frederiek.sen chapel at 2 30 o'clock Wednesday with burial In Willam ette Memorial park. He was killed In a motorcycle - automobile collision Saturday night. Sanders was born at S.ore, Ok Is... June 10, 1U20. and had lived here three years, being employed by the NeberxaU Hacking company. Surviving are his fa ther, Cecil J. Sanders, Sr., sbters. Mrs. Dorothy Hecht and Betty Panders, and four brothers, Ernest. Frank un. Dewuynt and Jmes Sanders, all of Albany. Alice B. Lewis Dallas runeral services for Mrs. Alice j. Lewis, 72, a life-long resident of the P ckreall community who died at a hos pital here Saturday following a long 111 neJ, will be held from the Dallas Mctho dlst chureh at 10.30 o'clock Tuesday, Rev. Uiark Ens officiating and burial at Etna eemeterv under the direction of Henk!e nd Bollm.in. She was born at Rlcreall N' v. 14. 1876. and was married to W. C. Lewis ept. 22. 1897. Surviving are her husband: two daughters, Mrs. Irene Row land, Klckreall. and Mrs. Helen Dietrick, Redlands. Calif.: son. Fred Lewis, Klck reall; sLiter. Mrs. Addle Center. 8.' :ind three brothers, illlun A. r H.iy Bovdston. both of D-ii-a-v a- i J L. BodMon, Portland. Herman L. Gray Stay ion Funeral services for Henr,..n L. Gray, 41. wno d:od at S;rinr:d Thursday, were held here Momiav s't r noon. He Was born at Snyder. Colo. But I v intr a re h: a Mo , 5 ! r.N. R u t ii C r ; daughter. Lorraine, of Denver, par :.s, five sisters and six brothers. Stena Veva Kerr SUyuti- yu'iiu Vcva Kerr, 49. died Sat urday in a Salein hoipttttl. Kimml erv tces will be held from the Mill Civ Pres byterian church at 1:30 o'c'.urk Tues'ny, Dr. Dnvld J. Ferguson officiating and bu rial In Falrvlew cemetery under the di rection of the Weddle funeral home. She. was born at Breltonbush April 27, IB .0. Surviving are her pannts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sullivan. Mill City; sister. Mrs. Ada Plymale; daughter, Lenore of West Fir; son, Charles Frederlckson, Florence ana two grenarmiaren. Advertisement HOW TO PUT OUT FIRE OF STOMACH ULCER PAIN caused by exccs acid Don't just suffer from BRonlsinr pain and constant burnins; of stomach nicer, indigew tlon. gas, heartburn, other distress eauaed by xcees stomach acid. I'funder'a Tablets arw guaranteed to bring; amasing quick, soothirff relief or sucn arm siomacn aisireu utt MONEY RACK I Formula of F. It. ft under. 1'h.G.. eonUina medieally-P roved Ingredi ents. Arid nlrer sti lY.-rem have bought ore 100.000.000 Plunder's TablcU tn past years. Get Plunder's TableU today. (Advertisement) New Hearing Device Has No Receiver Button In Ear Chicago, IH. Deafened people are hailing a new device that gives them clear hearing with out making them wear a receiv er button in the car. They now enjoy songs, sermons, friendly companionship and business sue- . cess with no self-conscious feel ing that people are looking .it any button hanging on their ear. With the new invisible Fhanto mold you may free yourself not only from deafness, but from even the appearance of deafness. The makers of Beltone, Dept. 40, 1450 W. 19th St Chicago 8, 111., are so proud of tneir achievement they will gladly you send you their free brochure (in plain wrapper) and explain how you can test this amazing invisible device in the privacy of your own home with out risking a penny. Write Beltone today. Callouses Fast Relief Pain, Burning, Tenderness On Bottom Of Feet You'll quickly forget yoa have theee foot troubles) when you use aoothing, cushioning Dr. HchoU'a Zi no-pa da. Separate Medi cottons are included for pemlily removing ra House. Aak for th Callous aiae. Try tcientifically medicated Cuticura causra pimpica, i unci. for easy removal Preferred bv many doctnn and nunef. used regularly in , certain Hospitals. 70 years success. Buy at your druggist today! Economical. 4161 f IX mi I .f 19, 1 2 f S0 jje' "It ,