14 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Per Um lfte Per Line S timet 40c Per Line tlmea 60c Per Line 1 month 13.00 Outside of Salem iSe par line per day. Mln. 30c: I times mln. 30e 9 time mln. 91.20. No Refund readers in Local New Col. Only: Per Line 30c To Place an Ad Phone 22406 FOR SALE HOUSES Owner Leaving Oregon 4 bedroom borne one year old. Line living room, tile kitchen, bath upstairs and down. PI utered basement end gar ace. Hardwood floora. lota bullt-lna. terraced back yard. Coat over 111.000 to build. Reduced to 113.800 for autek ale. For Information call 1417. a237 LOVELY 2 bdrm. home, north a 99 at 3140 Carlton Way. eJ17 BY BUILDEK Large beautiful 3 bdrm. ranch ityle home, dble. garage. In exclusive dls trlct. 3100 sq. ft. under roof. Drive by 1S70 North 23rd St. Just south of Market St. then call 1-8817 for ap pointment. a317 BDRM. HOME. 13850. 1300 down. 3300 Simmon. a217 240 MABEL ST. at Penn 4 Cornera, va cant now. 2 bed room and garage, S yean old. newly decorated, aood term at only $40.00 per mo. Jncludini the In terest at 4. OLAF THONSTAD Real Estate ,41 N. Capitol 8t. Ph. n03 in Must Sell by 15th 11414 equity for 1500. 1 year old 2 BR home. Kdwd floora, plaatered. 543 Blller, Mapletoo addition. Go out North Front. a2l8 IMM. POSSESSION Out or etate owner here to fell prac tically new home, 4 lie. rim- hdwd. fire, thruout, auto-furn. piped to all rma. Un fln. upstairs. Stairway In. Breexeway, att. ear. Lge. lot, city water. Low down payment. F.H.A. terma. Salem Heights dlst. 585 Ewald. a218 SUBURBAN EXCELLENT VIEW LOT Br owner, 1 ml. S. city HmlU. Almost new 6 rm. bungalow, att. car., floored attic, awnings, covered patio, 80x140' lot. Beautifully landscaped. Oarden In. 4 FHA loan. 151 mo. Drive S. Com'l to Ewald, turn right up 2 bllu. 3800 Scenic View Drive. Ph. 2-3378. a318 1 FOUR bedroom house, acre of land, 2630 Brooks, 10000. 3 new 4 bdrm. house j, 2310 Broadway, A. E. Heasley, owner, 2305 N. Liberty St. a228 OWNER transferred. Modern home 2'4 yra. 3 bdrms on one floor, 1390 Jeffer son St. Ph. 25228. a230 4 BEDROOMS Only 3 years old, lee. carpeted llv. rm. St din. rm., nook St car port. Close In. suburban location. block from bus. Over 1400 q. feet of floor space. Owner will sacrifice for 18500. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edgewater. Ph. 2-5100. Eve. 1-9030 a217' PRICED FOR QUICK SALE: Kingwood Height: ntw 2 BR house. H. Wlens, Rt. 8. box 120. Olen Creek dr. a217 BY OWNER: See this modern 2 bdrm, view home. Will consider offer. Terms. 1701 Long view St. off Kingwood Dr. a 220 BY OWNER S bdrm . one block to McKlnley school St bus. Hdwd. firs., open circular stair way, plastered dry basement, oil fur nace. Will consider any reasonable of fer. Ph. 3-5472. a217 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS 403 CENTER AT HIOH STREET EXCELLENT BUYS n.ooo 2 bedroom home. Large living room and kitchen. Hardwood floors, lots of built -ins and closet space. Good an rage. Close to school. Paved street. $9. sort 3 bedroom modern home. Llvlm room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, nook, full basement. Double garage. Large corner lot, food lawn and shrubs. Close to St. Vincent de Paul church and school. Come In or Phone Davttme S-5131 Evenings 2-1243 McKillop Real Estate ! Center at North Hlih Street JIT sno DOWN will bur tnu I BR. home, with burn and about V acre of aood land, electric well, plenty of water, north. Better hurry. Full prlca IS.SO0. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive L!xtlntg - Personal Service 14 S. Com'l St. Ph. S-8M0 Eve. 3-7440. am room modern house, fireplace. fAMtft i rooms, unfinished attic, garage. ffl.M 4 rooms, plastered, all electric. Will trade for larier home. WM-1 lots, 2 bedroom home, pecan floors, aarate. Will trade for larg er house. P. H. Boll, Realtor Iftl Chemekrta 81. Ph. S-154S Eves. 3-BflBS. 3-7505 3-2451. e217 BV ONWFR: 3 Bed Rm. Home, full base ment. Close to school bus store. 1' 150. 1054 S. High. a217 FOR SALE BV OWNER: New 1 room mod ern house, floor furnace, garage, lot Mx 135. 14600. 3330 Hyde St. a221 BY OWNER 1 fir. I brtrm. Full basement. Auto heat. Englewood school. Bus near. Dial 2-9921. a3 1 1 WAR SIMM, now 500. Med 3 bdrm. home" att. garaae, auto heat. F.H.A. or G.I. itasy terms. Plione 38188. a321 SUBURBAN Suburban opportunity, 34 acres. New S -room house, elmost finished. 16050.00. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St. Ph. 2-3A20 alll ACRE good aotl. 3 rm. house with bath; utility room. Att. garage. Needs some finishing. CInsa tt- school, stores and bus. Price 13850. FRY good land, l acre east. 1 bedrm. house: dnubte garage, own pumping gvAtem. Hoiue clean and livable, but old. Price only 13850, Small down Pay ment. COZY 4 room 3 yr. old home. OH alove nd eler. stove Included In price. 14850 WELL-BUILT 3 bedrm. home; fireplace; oil heat; double garage. Rest at location for schools. Price 114, 500. NORTH SUMMER STREET. 4 bedrm home; double plumbing. Corner lot. Pnre 115.500. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 144 Slate St. Ph. 1-3883 Eentng call: Mr. Voorheea, 2-4001 or Mr. Sederstrom, 3-1789. a218 R EDUCED EZ TERMS New 9 bdrm. plastered home on T4H01 Jot. Paved St. and bus. Lots of spe cial features. True value at 19500 RTHOUT REALTY, 151 S. 13th St.. Ph 1.5321, TWO BETTER CLASS HOMES Practically new. Llv. R . Din,. Kit., Nook. 3 Red. Double Plumb. Full Rase ment with Knotty Pine Play R. two firrplaee-. dhle. far., 2 lota, fenced landAcapd. 1970 John. Ph. 3-1228. a223 NORTH EAST NEW HOME. 1 BR, unf. attic, eeleet onk floors, fireplace, extra nice kitch en, lots oi omit ins, the entire house Is w-11 panned. RICHMOND DISTRICT I 1R. oak floor, fireplace, foil tu. m.nt. the lot la larca enoueh u build I or 4 cottaeae at rrntala. Key In office. Gooclwin and McMillin REALTORS m. trmi Ue Court Ira. Jlil. Ill Oregon, Monday, Sept. 12, 1949iREAL ESTATE Win a Guest Ticket to See "Any Number Can Play" Plus "Night Unto Night" AT WARNERS CAPITAL THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ada and find the title of thla picture coming soon to Salem Clip out the want ao In which the picture title appears and ac company It with a almple state ment of 23 words or leu on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ada," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxofflce. Contestants will be judged on lncerlty and originality The FIVE best statements re- ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Any Num ber Can Play," plus "Night Unto Night." coming soon to the Elsl- nore theater. All entnea become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the Judges Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal. The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their Immediate families are not ellgl- Die to participate in tnis contest FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: 3 bdrm. home. Oak floora. auto, oil furnace. 2411 Hulsey. Ph. 33201. 223 S89S DOWN. Bal. FHA. New S room home. ixcaiea on view Jot Inside city. Eiec. heat, Bendl washer. H.W. floors. Full price 18405. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 25204 S220' OWNER SACRIFICE $10,000 1350 8q. Ft. 3 bedrooms, all one floor. IB X 36 living room, oil heat. As If the house alone Is not bargain enough, all the furniture goes too. $1000 DOWN $6950 Year old 2 bedroom house with M i 150 lot near Salem Heights School. 161 per hi on in nana in me oaiance. Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN BALEM 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 a219' I?M. t BR home Englewood Diet. Home neat ana clean, oarage St fruit trees. Call o. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 352n a220 STI'CCO Bdrm. LR. DR. K., utility. You finish. Clone to school, "i A. Price 13750. WEST 8AI.KM. Neat 2 bdrm. 15750. WEST SALEM. 2 A. 2 Bdrm. Older home. All fruit A berries. Close to achool. Love ly view. 16500. General Real Estate 255Center Ph. 33289 a218 MM. LOT located 4-Corners- DtatS.Ee 100x180. Restricted dlst. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Evea. 35301 $6950 A CUTIE PIE 9 Bdrm. Corner. Near achool but. Small down payment. $1000 Down Beautiful picture window home. Ftre- lace. A dream throughout. Exclusive Ut. $9800 Attractive, well built. 1 year eld. 2 B.R. home. Lovely hardwood floors. Full dining room. AH the newent fen lure. A yard In perfect shape. This will delight you. Terma alio. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 410 N. Church Ph. 3-7(142 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 3-0131 a217 17504). GOOD modern 3 bedroom home. Englewood Dint. Hardwood Floors, fire place, full baaement. Immediate poases alon. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 3-4121 153 8. High a220 NEAR KE1ZF.R SCHOOL. 3 BR. home A HALF ACHE. NKW Shake finish. NEW finish Inside. NEW well St eler. pump. Big fruit trees. City bus. 14200. Easy terms. Immed. Pons. CHOICE AIRE HALF. NEAR new Sa lem school, N.K. See Ihla attractive plast. i DR. home f fully insulated, eler. heat I, surrounded by lovely lawns, big shade trees, shrubs At flowers. Roomv pltrv. hse St barn. Oarage. BENDIX GOES. $8000. Good terms. LET'H TkAln;. This mod. plast. 3 BR. noma on ache halt, overlooking river. Valuable highway frontage. Ideal court alte on paved st. at rear, offera you a big deal for home or Income pro perty. He. la rented for $70 per mo. Ettre bldg. can be ron verted to apt Only $9000 for all. What have you In good Salem homer Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - personal Service 1B4 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 a219 5 BDRM. $5950. Close to Catholic school. Cement foundation. Plastered. LR. DR A kitchen. Elec. cooking and water heater. Terms. RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT lll.ftftt, REAlvrtFt'L late built; 3 bedroom home, all on one floor, modern In every detail, large lot, car garage, auto, oil heat. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 3-4131 153 8 High a230 Save Money Finish this hxe. yourself. Planned for 1 bedrm., living rm., kitchen St break fast nook. Att. Oar. Rake shake exter ior. Plumbing A wiring roughed in. Well. Price 1.1300. 1500 down. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 143 8. Com'l. Ph. 34590. Eve. 39531 a319 BY OWNER I rm. house. 1 extra lg. bedrooms, g. living rm . dinette, kitchen, bath, utility rm A. lot. Lawn lota of flow ers. See any day from 10 a m to 10 p m. 3305 Park Ave. Phone 1-002. a333 $500 DOWN ! New l-bedroom home with hardwood floors, wired for ranae on acre of ground. Balance like rent. No. 31. Englewood District I-bedroom home with full basement and auto, oil heat. Nice living St dlntng rooms. 19500 with 12000 down. Balance FHA. No. 389. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 101 South High Rt. Phone 3-110.1 Sun. e Evea. 3-1731. 1-1341. 2-3532, S-9712 0317 BY OWNER Lee. t bdrm. home, an bus line and very close to Jr. Hieh H grade schools. Llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm. 1 bdrms.. Ige. yard, full bsmt. Im mediate possession. Call 1-7171 belween I and 10 Pan. or ar Ubm Sundays ollT GRABENHORST SPECIALS 1444 SOUTH 12TH STREET BARGAIN Modern 1 rm. home In aood condition thruout. Has shop bldi. on rear of lot. rented at 125 per mo. An exceptional value. Price 14500. CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST. GROCERY BUSINESS Located In thriving Salem suburban area, Gross sales In 1041 192.000. 3 y. old bldg., 40i80 ft. Includes fl rm. owner's quarters. Corner location, plenty at pa ruing. CALL PETER GEISER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 2-1333 - Roy Ferris 2-1010 Peter Oeleer 1-1HI - Ben RoUen 2-2471 c217 OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Just Right for You This attractive 2 bedroom home with attached garage, about T years old. A nice place for little money only 14300. Thinking About Schools? Here's an excellent 2 bedroom home, about 25 years old, with full base ment, attached garage, located with 4 blocks of Senior and Junior High schools, very close to playgrounds and shopping center. Owners have moved to Eugene. MAKE AN OFFER. Now Is the Time to Buy That Home Take a look at this well-built 1 bedroom home. The living room Is 13x20: there are 3 bedrooms down, 1 large up: Insulated and weather-stripped. Has large corner lot with big shade trees. A good deal for 19400. Want 3 Bedrooms on One Floor? We have a new one In the Englewood school district. Has lovely hardwood floon, separate dining room, nice fireplace, lota of flowers around the yard. 111.500. Own Your Own Park It's beautiful with many giant oaks, an abundance of shrubbery and flow ers, large cement patio with rock fireplace. Fine 3 bedroom home, wall to wall carpeting, double plumbing, party room In basement. 7 acres, nearly all In filberts, some walnuts. Good small stable and chicken house. A Place You Must See Owner will take In good suburban home as part payment. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Evenings 3-1813 - J - 80SS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE by owner: New 2 bedrm. home. Hardwood floors thruout, near Bush school dlst. A beautiful little home. FHA approved. 1S950. Low payments. Phone 2-1872. a222 FOR SALE LOTS LOTS WITH WATER, electricity, bus, close to school on Silver ton highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. 115 down. 115 per month. General Real Estate 225 Center Ph. 3-3289 aa22l' $10 DOWN! Lota with water, electricity, bus service, trees, close to school. Balance 115 per month. Reimann For Real Estate 201 South Hleh Ph. 3-9203 Sun. At Evea. 2-8241, 1-9713, 3-2532, 3-3738 aa218 FOR QUICK sale 50x150, south, city water, 1450. Ph. 2-5539. aa218 HOUSE ready for roof, near new school, reasonable. Ph. 1-9040 alter 1 p. m. aa218 FOR SALE FARMS BIG FARM BIO CROPS LITTLE PRICE. 133 acres Woodburn district. All culti vated, grain, clover, corn, permanent pasture. Roomy modern home, new 2 car garage, barn, built-in alio, new ma chine ahed. granary, hog and poultry he. ALL CROPS GO. 115.900. SPECIAL iri-W A. STOCK. GRAIN and HAY RANCH. Never before, never again, will you buy this quality land at the UNUSUALLY LOW price of $31.50 per ACRE. Appx. 400 acres cultivated, lot of bottom loam, bal. open pasture and timber 3"i million ft. mostly oak) all under woven wire. yr. round water, wa ter piped to buildings. State highway and county roads thru place. THIS IS NOT ROCKY OR ROUOH. Heavy Ina. Loan available, makes this easy to take over. ONLY $31.50 PER ACRE. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 ban- A., SMALL 4 rm. home, garage St pump house. 18x46 hen house. All build ings 2 yrs. old. Go out Silver ton road to McCain Ave. Then north. Last place on left. b2J8 I A. FARM. The Dallea Vicinity. 10 A. rich aardrn, alfalfa land. Rest pasture and hay land. Lovely modern 3 bdrm. home, bsmt., furnace, elec. hot waler heater Ac laundry trays. Beautiful large yard. Barn and other buildings. Plenty of water for Irrlg. and hie. All kinds fruit tree, nuts, grapes. Creek runs thru place. All equipment Included. $30,000. Good terma. See to appreciate. John Re. Rte. 3, The Dalles, Ore. or Ph. 3B241. Salem, eve. b2I7 FOR SALE ACREAGE 8 Acres 1 rm. Twe , also small hse. Barn. Chick en hse. Gar. Fruit trees. l under cult. Good soil. Elect. W. svstem. Close to achool. Priced to seU, $4fi50, C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial, Ph. 14590, Eve. 39536 bb219 1ft ACRES on paved road. North. Good minding sue. Kivrr Bottom sou. price $2500. Terms. Call Geo. F. Vlck. 318R8. bb219 BY OWN EE, 7 acres No. with Income. Modern all electric home. Good barn. Oruble aaraae. Leavina state. Ph. 318.t7 Rt. 3. Box 363. bb227 $1500 Down 1 Arret. Good 5 rm. hse. Modern. Barn. Chicken hse. Elec. W. system. 2't A. Cane St strawberries C. W. Reeve, Realtor 45 8 Comt. Ph, 145WV Eve. IMtfl hh31 REAL ESTATL BEST BUYS COURT SITE 100x150 corner lot. 1 block from school, bus St store. Paved street. Well drained. Has modern 3 bdrm. house. Very clean Inside On part of lot. 11300 down will handle. Total price only I5OO0. Eve. Ph. 1-0473 or 3-3558 $DS50 SPECIAL Very nice almost new home in choice lo cation. Electric heat. Appro. 1.000 sa. ft. floor srace. Attached aaraee. insu lated, weather stripped Liberal terms arranged. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 1-3558. ACREAGE 1 acre tract with Iota of fruit. Choice building site, Close in near school St etc. Total price only 12200. Ive. Ph. 1-9401 or 1-3541. 6' 2 ACRES House built In 1940. Several Out bides. 1 acree berries. Willamette soil. No waste land. Total price only 15250. Ive. Ph. 3-9403 or 1-3559. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7920. 2-4591 3031 Portland Rrt C217" FOR torm SAVING investment buy a flrvt mortgage on real estate, Salem 4t vicinity. Examine security yourself Amojnts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net inve.tora 1. We make all col lections for you II desired. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 S High e WANTED REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WANTED I we need aood liatinga rn every type of real evate Call us todar REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE Ml South Hieh Si. Phone 103 Evea. 4k Sun, 1-173$, 1-1711. 1-1341, 1-3513 eejn lOTlCBl If tour property la for sale rent at earnence list it with as fve have all kinds of cash buve:a TAX riNAt8 CO.. REALTORS 1U aV rXaSK, aX (REAL ESTATE Phone 2-4115 or 2-4118 3-5908 - 2-3488 c219' WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARI in need oi gooo nouses to sell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BEOS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WANNA FARM? 34 Acres. 9 mi. N.W. Amity soil, good barn, 4 B.R. modern home with base mrnt and fireplace. Price 110,000. Take 15000 to Iflooo house In swap. 623 Acres, 12 ml. N. S rm. house, 2 barns, complete equipment. 9 cows. Price 113,500. Take S750O house In trade. 13 Acres near Newburg . Beautiful mod ern brick home, good outbldns. Prlc $20,000. Take Salem home or Income property in trade. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 North High St. Office 2-3649 Eves.: 2-5300 or 3-7451 cb217a TO TRADE Equity in 4 room new home with shower, utll. im H.W. firs., wired for E. range, elec. wtr. htr. 50x100 lot. For Ige. trailer rue In good cond. Inq. eve. after $ p.m. at 1945 Oxford St. cb219 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BIG GROCERY! Grocery store and meat market In near by prosperous valley town. Grossed over 1250.000 laxt year. Corner location. Price includes building, stock and equipment. Price ;5.000. Will trade for apartment or court. No. 778. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South Htth St. Phone 1-9203 Sun. St Evea., 2-8241, 2-3738, 2-2532, 2-9717. cd217 Quick Action Bargain Grocery, stork and equip. 1 cottage, 4 apartments furn. 3 lots near beach on coast. Owner reduces price to $7500 with $1000 down. Speculators, Investora, home seexers an at once. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com'l. Ph. 24649-25497 ed219a BE INDEPENDENT Have your own neighborhood grocery. Best of locations, very clean and com plete stock, good fixtures, walk-in cool er. Lona lease. Store doing big volume. Fine set-up for family. Only 16000. Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN SALEM 250 N. Hlah St. Phone 2-4129. cd219 115 Frontage No. 3 Zone Cozy 2 bdrm. plastered home, garage. Ideal location for drive-in or other business Edce of city main paved at. Full price 17500 STROUT REALTY SI S. 12th St. Phone 2-5323 HOME & BUSN. BLDG. Reduced to f6.M0 for quick sale. Ex cellent location main paved st. Mod. 3 bdrm, home and nearly new buxn. bldg. Fronts main at. and alley on side. No. 3 rone. STROUT REALTY 8. 13th St. Phone 3-5333 COMPLETE .REC.4PPINO shop equip.. St under coating equip. Sta. pumps around 000 gal. of gas a mo. Distrib utor for U. 8. Royal tires. Only recap shop within 70 miles. Will total at least fMVOOO worth of business this year. 17500 for business St equip. Plus ap proximately S3O0 in Inventory Write Peninsula Vulcanising Co. Box 1S1 Long Beach. Wash. fd221 EXCEPTIONAL BUY! Thts very profit ble suburban grocery store will pay for itself In l' years. Owner operates with after-school help onlr Ideal for a family set-up. Orosffed flOO.ooo in 1048, Good, long lease, and draws from br.t farm trade In the val ley. Price I8.2,0 plus stock. Reimann For Real Estate 201 South Hieh St. Ph. 3-9203 Evenlnia and Sunday 2-3731. 2-1241. 2-3532, 3-5905, 3-713 cd21 Business Opportunities Plumbing Shop and Business. Good lo cation and lease. Only shop In nearby Willamette Vallev town. 12R50 Including fixtures and 1947 Chevrolet Panel Truck. Plus Inventory. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St. Ph. 2-3H3B cd218 FOR "MX is.SQO equity on large lot No. 2 gone on Fairgrounds road In Holly wood, Consider trade. Ph. 3MH9. cd22l S UNIT APT. Very latent in design, room for expansion. 131,000, Business cor- er on Lancaster. l' acres for only M.500. 10 Rentals, near State House, yerv deslreable. Valueable lot, a good In vestment for 153.000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Rxcltialve Listings - Personal Service 14 8. Com I St. Ph. 3-PJd Eve. 3-7440. ed217 FISHERMAN'S PARADISE For Sale or Leae ml. from the ocean on Salmon River e Bear creek. acres, garden, flowers St berries, wired e'e-trlclty. oil heat. elec. pump as tem Fine fishing in private waters for salmon A trout. Real place for a re tired couple. C. A CoUlneworth, Boa 337. Ocean Lake. Ore. rd330 BF4.UTY anop for sale. Boa No. 403. Capital Journal. cd330 f C4FRA, 14.500 each. 1 located S. 12th, tie other on DE. Both going businesses. Good leases. Fully equipped. Grand ie- "RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. 3-4M4 Ire. 3-40I3, 1-7311, 2-97t FURNITURE FOR SALE DAVENPORT teal ban am. Fa,- AUTOMOBILES TODAY'S BIG VALUE NEWS! "14 KARAT" BUYS FOR DISCRIMINATING USED CAR BUYERS 1946 Pontiac Tudor, R&H, A-l Car $1245 1946 Chev. Aero Sedan, R&H, two tone $1295 1949 Ford Line Cpe. Seat covers, W.S. tires .. $1695 1946 Ford Conv. Club Cpe. Loaded $1295 1949 Willys Jeepster. A $2000 car for $1595 1947 Ford 6 Cyl. 4 Dr. Sedan. R&H, as low as $1195 20 MORE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM PRICED $250 TO ,$1000 The Car Lot of Sensational Values and Cars with a Personality Don't Forget the Location! Valley Motor Mart PHONE 3-3147 HIGH FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eves, until 9 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES HIOHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY SAH GREEN STAMPS You Can't Beat This Combination H. & H. Furniture Co. 1S50 Fairgrounds Road Phone 3-3707. d217 FRlfalDAIRE IN good condition. 910 Nor way, ovis WANTED FURNITURE t'SED Ft'RN. Immed. appraisal. Highest prices vaney rurn. oa n. vom i, rn, 27472. da234a IF YOU HAVE FURNITURE, appliances. sporting goods, etc.. to sell St want top PRICES be sure to call TRADER LOUIE. 30."iS Portland Rd. Ph. 3-8S58 days or 2-4407 eve. da235- MGHEfT PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodrv Auction Uarxet Ph S-5I10 oa- AUCTIONS FURNITURE & LIVESTOCK AUCTION Wednesday, September 14 at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Will sell with no reserve two 5-room homes of furniture. Owners leaving state. Two 5-PC. walnut bedroom sets. 0 1 mohair davenport and chair. Like new. 1 rust color davenport and chair. Good condition. 1 blue daveno. ft 2 walnut buffets. ) 4 coll springs. 2 lnnersprlng mattressej. J) 1 box spring. 2 occasional chairs. 4) 1 walnut office desk with plate-glass top. 4j 1 light walnut office de.sk. 1 5 -pc. lime oak breakfast set. )I 4-burner deluxe Montgomery Ward electric range. 2 oil circulators. 4ft 1 L&H electric range. 1 i-h.p. compressor. 2 twin bed springs. ' ' 0 1 18-mm. movie projector. Wood ranges and misc. articles. Chickens and rabbits. 4k) Feeder and weaner pigs. 4j Calves and veals. s) Cows, heifers and bulls. LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard Located 1. Mile East of Salem on Silverton Road 'To B'iy or Sell Call 3-flOI dd2IR FURNITURE and APPLIANCE AUCTION Tuesday, Sept. 13th 8 p.m. Sharp Glcnwood Ballroom Miles N. of Salem on 99E SFurnuihlnea of an estate. 1 lot atoraae ltetiu. Additional new and used Item of every description. Complete Ll.t Tomorrow. Pnp.r GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSFO tlveetoek buyer. E. C. McCandllah. 1127 S. 7. Ph. 3-1147 esmi" RABBITS WING'ft RinRlTRY need. TJibbltJ. Top priced 3!s 8ta;e. Ph 3-14fl9. eb242 PETS ORANf.F. per Ian kittens. F. Oaniard. Rt. 2. Box 245, Salem, near Qulnaby. Ph. 3-W3S. ec21l RFO. COLLIE PUPS, fl wks. pedigree. 470 Wayne Dr. old. Excellent Ph. 3-3013. ec217 POLICE PUPS for sale, IIS. Ph. 28175 after fl p.m. ec220 REGISTERED Male Collie. Nine" months old Excellent companion for child. Ph. er317 FUEL Oregon Fuel Co. Oood Dry S'ab or Oreen. Clean sawdust Oreen edging 5.50 Ld. Double tlO.OO. Dry edging t 00 Ld. Ph. 35533. ee320 CALL RIOHWAT FUfcX FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDCST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Block Wood. Ph. IK444 ee OAR, SO. fir, limb. 3-2129. ee3I3 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37443 It Slab Wood and Edtinta Fresh C'.it Screened Sawdust IJ' Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAH OREEN STAMPS PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak. ash St maple. 4 fir. 11 slab and edgings. Ph. SUM. ee West Salem Fuel Co. II IN DRY OR OR PEN SLAB WOOD DRT PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, Ifl-DC CLEAN - NO BARK CREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Fvlem 2-4031 Ave) pick up wood at 1535 Edteweter 8t West 8a:e:r ee Journal Want Ads Pay I AUTOMOBILES & CENTER SALEM J1T FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRYERS Live or dressed. Also fat hens St ducks. Rt. 7 Box 43 4 A. McCain Ave. off Sil verton Rd. f21l NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Order Frya or Hens now at ape clal quantity prices for your lockers. Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 33861. Lee's Hatchery. f NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 2-4909 t PRODUCE TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNINO. JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER PH. 2-7172 ff228 CANNING CORN. Main rd. W. of Kelrer Schl. Inquire at Evans. Rt. 2, Box 162. ff219 LAST CALL! BIO GOLDEN CROSS Sweet Corn, 22c doz. Tomatoes S1.25 bu. TJ pick. 75c bu. L. D. Egbert, Silverton Road. 2' ml. past Fairgrounds. Ph. -2642. ff222 CANNINO CORN. Golden Cross. 25c doz. Ben Herber, 1880 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 2-8258. ff219- 1880 Chemawa 11219 U-PICK TOMATOES. 75c bu. Bring boxes. merri., oreen ouse, croons. II219 TOMATOES SI bu. Bring containers. Cab- nsge ior araui I'ac id. 1450 Oxiord. Ph. 35541. ff219 PICK LI NO CUCUMBERS. S20 8. 25th St. Ph 2-5212. Call eveninesc after 8. ff217 TOMATOES, cucumbers, fresh eggs. Fri- gaard Fruit Farm. ml. N. Keizer school. (f240 MUIR PEACHES, Roll in Beaver, up Olen ureeK ra. fnone 47F3. ff217 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service ior small iota. Fnone 3-3861. Lee'a Hatchery. if THORNLESS Blarkberrlea D-Pick 5c. Oood pirn inn. can wcodruir, l'i ml. E. To tem Pole. f f 217 ITALIAN PRUNES. L. E. Kurth, West Browning Ave. Ph. 33320. ff220 TOMATOES, hybrid, acid free. Will de liver, o. M. Gorman, Jefferson. Ore. Ph. 318. H328 On old Jefferson Hiwy. at Midway, Hol man. Brw 32. Ph. Jefferson 504. ff231 HELP WANTED IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad in Instruction Col umn. g222 WANTED FILBERT pickers. Ph. 35211. g217 PRUNE PICKERS: 5 ml. West. Orchard Ht. road. Good crops. Phone 17F12. James Best. g222 WANTED: HOP pickers, John J. Roberts to. rn. j 962 j. MAN WIFE, free to travel the North west. Combine Pleasure with financial Independence. Work la ateady year ar oundand you build a constantly grow ing clientele. THIS Is a proposition that has dignity and the backing of the various com munities in which you temporarily .ive. WE HAVfc, five openings, only, so write at once If you wish to ba Interviewed. Box 397 Capital Journal. g217 BEAN PICKERS, BUhops, South River road, 10 minutes from Salem. Bus leaves 13th and Mission 6:00, Farm La bor office (1:30. Ladd St Bush bank 6:35, south on Commercial to Owens. For In formation rail 3-6137. g2I8 HELP WANTED MALE VOUXG MAN. 17. must be courteous. Part time after school St Saturdays. Apply fl to 9 a.m. only. Bradley Furniture Mart. 1978 N. Cap'.tol. ga216 WANTED: SEVERAL Carpenters. State particulars, ace, wage. Write Capital Journal Box 451. ga21l A-l AUTdMr:CHANIC. sieady work. 809 Edsewater St.. West Salem. ga218 MAN 23-4X to run own business, outside work. Can earn good profit. Write Box 401. gsan TWO MEN with retail store experience. outside sales. Must be satisfied with 140 to 150 weekly profit at start. Car, tef necessary. Write Box 400, Capital Journal gn217 HELP WANTED FEMALE CARE OF 3 children, light housework. 5 days a week. Ph. 23450 eveninga. fb317 CAR HOP wanted. Applv In person. Be tween i ana j p m. wnite g Drive In. 1138 S. Com'l. gb219 STENOGRAPHER for permanent position. prion nana requires. Appiy in person. Willamette Credit Co. 182 8. Church St. Ib221a EXP. FLAT work folder. Salem Laundry CO. 263 8. High. gb218 COMPETENT middle aied housekeeper wan'ed for 2 adults. Must furnish ref erences. Ph. 28866 evea. for interview. ebJil WOMAN TO care for child, my home. devs. call 205.0 Sat, or Sun. gb 218 NET ATTRACTIVE girl for candy clerk. Apply In person. Grand Sweet Shop. ab218 TURRET PICK1RS wanted. Northwest Poultry. 1505 N. Front. go317 EXPERIENCED stenographer, shorthand required. Apply in person. Homer H. Smith Ins. agency gb 217 WOMIN to care for children A light housework. Room, board St aalary. Ph. 21409 alter J 1 a m. f.bJ17 SALESLADY Ive age, exp.. marital sta tu St salary desired In first letter. Box Sfit Capital Journal, gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFnCF AND CLIRirM. POSITION 7fl t,t, trM rim. J-HM, af WANTED SALESMEN WEST COAST cereal company looking for good etp. salesman Sa.ary, eip. ac count, car furnished State eualif ra t.ons. references, aie. marital status, tel. number, tta, Wiua Box 401, Capital Journal. aiin WANTED SALESMAN TANG NEEDED INVENTION Established company. Every home, fac tory, store, farm a prospect. l,ow price, long profit. Exclusive. Fine outfit. No deposit. Information sent airmail. Write: Red Comet. Inc., Dept. 122. Littleton. Ohio; M31T REAL ESTATE SALESMEN: Guaranteed better than averat opportunity; one of Salem's leading offices; abundant leads furn.; all replies confidential. A rustler will make good money, write box Capital Journal. ii31l WANTED: Appliance salesman, must have experience. A real opportunity for the right man. Write box 392. Capital Jour nal. ai EXPERIENCED furniture salesman, list exp. Si qualifications. Write Box 394. Cspltal Journal. eg 1 EXP. salesmen to sell leading lines of appliances. Salary plus comm. Trans portation furnished. Write Box 103 Cap ital Journal. ax WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE, 1B3 8. 18ttl. Ph. 26876. h243 MATTRESSEN, Studio Couches rebuilt. We aperlallze In Inneraprlnta. Valley Mnt treaa Co., 1694 N. Commercial. Ph. 2-31179 h220 LADY WITH gen. office experience needs work. Capable. Reliable. Excellent ref erences. Also P-B X. operator. Write box 308, Capital Journal. M20 HIGH SCHOOL boy would like work after school hours or Saturdays. Phone 2-3994. h2 17 GEN'L WOR K Steady employment pre ferred. Anything considered. 732 8. Wa ter St. Silverton. h2Ifl TREE WORK, topping trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h235 YOUNG BUSINESSMAN desires position Experienced In bookkeeping and office management. Interviews can be arrang ed. Write L. O. Cooper, 106 West First. Moscow, Idaho. h218 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S, 665 North 16th. Phone 1-363. h233 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. Serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5073. h230 INTERIOR FAIN TING. Exp. Ph. 3-8798 h327 TREE WORK, topping trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. 248 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h217 NEW LAWNS prepared St seeded. Light tractor on rubber with doxer. Ph. 28127. Duane Wolcott. h221 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. b "Any Number Can Play" Plus "Night TJnfo Night" EDUCATION IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint, write for Talent Test 'no fee). Give aaa and occupation. Box 447, Capital Journal. hh222 PIANO LESSONS by experienced teacher. Beginner; A advanced. Ph. 34454. Alice Arnold, 1111 Second St., West Salem. hh317 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED apt. 3 adults. 135 per mo. Lights, water, garbage service Included. 824 N Front. Jk222 CLOSE IN reas. room for clean employed man. 540 B. Liberty. Jft222 QUIET PARTLY furn. sleeping rm. 1st fir. priv. en:, -aass n, otn. JK.H9 MV RENT and private house privileges for 1 or 3 compatible ladles, nice room, good location, Brlcfst If desired. Ph. 33280 Jka 19 WELL FT'RN. rnu. Private bath. Close in On bus line. Ph. 2-5438. Jk218 BASEMENT light housekeeping room. 888 N Com'l. Jk217 LG. SLEEPING room with kitchen priv 325. 240 N. 14th. Jk217 LARGE SLEEPING ROOM, employed per son. 94S N. Winter. Ph. 3-8459. jk219 SINGLE OR DOUBLE Sleeping rm. 804 N. 14th. jk219 G. 1ST fir. Bleeping room. Hot Ss cold water. 481 N. High. Jk218 SLEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4335. jk237 CLOSE IN Sleeping rm. Ph. 36318. Jk226 HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. Jk225 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1 ROOM furn. apt. Ornd. fir., priv, bath. re trig., h.w. heat. 640 Marion. jpsis S RM. APT. 754 N. High. See Moore at Elf atrom s or phone -37495 eve. or Sun Jp218 MODERN RM. unfurn. apt. Auto hot watrr St heat. Walking distance. Rea sonable rent. References required. Write Capital Journal Box 399. Jp220 MODERN 3 room furn. apt., elec. refrle. At 549 N. Cottage. 165. Jp218 4 ROOM modern court apt. Unfurnished exrept range, refrHrerator, wash, ma chine. Near State Bldga. $60. Call after 5:30. Phone 34205J Jp218 CI.ose IN apt. for women only. 425 N. winter, pn. ziB3S. pRMFl'RN7apt. St kitchenette. Bu.-Tat door. 1480 Broadway. Jp210 3 RM. furn. apt. Close In. Private bath. Pn. JB9B5. JPZIB ? RM. FURN. apt. 2261 Hazel Ave. p218' SMALL FURN. apt. Working lady pre ferred. 350 B. COltage. JPZ17' SPACIOUS upstairs flat. 2 bdrm. Utilities pcld. No children, 175 mo. 1349 Center ST Ph. 27094. JP217 FOR RENT HOUSES t BESDRM. house, completely furnished. 1751 North Front. "219' 3 BDRM. house with basement St aaw du.it furnace. Fireplace, garage. Furn. or unfurn. Adults only. No pets. Capital Journal Box 404. Jm217 tBR"Wely furn. flat. 303 8. Winterrh" for appointment 22532. Jm219 FURNISHED 2 bdrm. home. Oil heat, hot water. Adults. 380. Ph. 3-4370. Jm21S S RM. HOUSE partly furn. $25 mo. Inquire 62 Williams Ave. Jm217 t B.RM. house near Bwecle school. Sixth house on left. Jm218 cTEAN LARGE 5 rm. house. Read Sept? l'th. 185.00. 975 N. Sth. Ph. 31939. Jm217 S RM. furn. house. No children, pets or drinkers. 338, utilities furn. 2030 N. Sth, Jm218 MODERN FURN. cottage 2 miles north of Brooks on 99S. Box 78F. Sm22 RM. HOUSE, furn. or unfurn. Oer vais. PO. Box 217. V. M. Viett. Jm2!7 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS WHY RENT? BUY t95 down 6fl per mo. Move right In. No red tape. 2 bdrms.. hdwd. floors, beautiful built-ins kitchen, attached ga rage. Paved street. In city. New district. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7643 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0128. j PLENTY OF new clean beds. At reason able ratea. Inquire at Cedar Tavern or Bert's Pool Hall, Detroit. Oregon. J221 OFFICE, desk space, Conr. loc Ph. 39133" 1319 row Kg) TOOL rentals for home and :n dustrisj tua Howser Bros. Ph 1-3A4A J FIOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. J" TO DO a gond lob ent a good floor sand r Wa el) everything to complete the Job BOWSER BROS Ph 2-3646 1' "OOD USED PIANOS. H L Stiff J OFFICE eace and desk spaces Ph 35833 TRAILERS 13.00 per day Bowser Bros 141i S 12th. West Salem. J" Bt siNrss rm. tor rent. H L stiff. I DRIVE trucks, cars Ph 3-fl.OS MNGIR ELECTRIC portable f;ni mi erunes Reasonsoe ratea. Free pick up St delivery Sinter Sewing Machine Co 110 N Cm 1 Ph 31S13 J WANTED TO RENT MK4T CI TTFR, wife and 3 dren need 1 bdrm house. nail c;vl h. 2-SJHr. jail I BDRM. house St earaae. Stata tmploree. w,le and baby. Pa. 3 7447. Iajl7 WANTED TO RENT HAVE A BUSINESS executive who needa a real nice 3 bdrm. home. Will pay good rent. Guarantee excellent care of prop trty. Will take 12 months lease. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 3-4594 1 1031 Portland Rd. Ja217- 1 OR I BDRM. unfurn. house needed soma time In Oct. Not over $55 per month. Ph. 3-3313. Ja320 WANTED: 2 bdrm. house, garage. PreL chicken house. Middle aged couple, both working.Ph. 4-2803 Ja217 TWO BEDROOM unfurn. apt. or duplex wanted. Will lease. Need Oct. 1$ or be fore. Write Capital Journal bos 396. Ja21t BUSINESS MAN, wife, 3 small children, want 2 or 3 bdrm. house. Very good reference. Phone Mr. Blundel), 1-3583. Ja217 FAMILY OF THREE desire 2 BR hae. furn. or part. furn. Ph. 2-9934 eve. Ja218 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Bl'LOVA wrist watch within two blocks of Oreyhound bua depot. Reward. Ph. 387M. k218 LOST: FEMALE Irish Setter. Vicinity Fairgrounds. Chlld'a pet. Reward. Ph. 2 7909. k318 LOST: AMERICAN Legion cap with In- srripiion Bpringneia, Oregon 40. aa year disc Metal stars and wings. Reward to finder. Jack Larson, 332 7th, Spring field. Ore. k2I MISCELLANEOUS GAS FLOOR furnace or trade for 375 sal. oil tank. Ph. 26150. m217 LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 4fl4 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m218 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpta Blda. State St Commercial Stx SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS NON-METALLIC SHEATHED CABLE 12 GAUGE - 2 CONDUCTOR 250-FOOT COIL $9.95 ELECTRIC DEPT., BASEMENT Sears, Roebuck & Co. 550 N. CAPITOL STREET PHONE 3-9191 STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frame. Cnjrment, Double Hunt and Commercial Typea. PUMILITE . Wt Salem, main FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatlorm and Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulator!. All flreplac and masonry materalls. PUMILITB - West Salem. m2n' CHIMNEY BLOCKS & Foundation Bloclca. PUMILITE. Weat Salem. ma217 ROCKLATH, PLASTER and atucco mater ial. Complete line, quality materlala. PUMILITE - Weat Salem. maJ17 BARGAIN PRICES Only 1 house left. Lota of lumber, doors, windows, soma nice 3x1 0's and 2x8 s. Oood fir flooring. See Chris on the lob at 960 Center St. MADSON WRECKING COMPANY DOORS Flush Interior and exterior doors. Just a few left at special prlca. Keith Biown. Front St Court St.. Salem, ma CEDAR GUTTERS Just received small stock of hard to get grades, (clear) (Unfit-knot! 3"x4" Cedar gutters. Keith Brown. Front St Court St.. Salem, ma CEDAR SIDING New shipment "x8 ' and ixlO" cedar siding, all grades. Keith rown. Front St Court Sta., Salem, ma DEAR CUSTOMER, insist on your eon- tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 21 Lmna Ave, Ph. 34039 Free parking. ma22fl SAVE OR ROOFTNO Let Wards giro you complete IN STALLED prlca on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman fear free estimate. Fbona $-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD ft OA SALEM, OREGON a NEW SHIPMENT plast board. . atef k iq It Rock lathe. 4 am. rt. 11.75 UONTOOMERY WARD SaXaTM a AH MA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK dli INGLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See your dealer of Call Dlst. 2-0401. ma272 RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No 1 $7 75 DELIVERED i ANY AMOUNT -A loo sqs. No. 3. a in. clear, suitable for 1 roofs or aide walls. Ted Muller, Ph Sa lem 2-1196 Salem-Indeo. Road. ma NURSERY STOCK DAULIAH: Order bulbs now. 1491 7th St., We.t Salem. Ph. 2-0314. mbSlft FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 10 Lana Ave. n317 It YR. OLD boy's clothing. Ph. 1-5083. n317 xfl-M, MAt'SLR: K2.5 scope ft shade, cus tom myrtle wood stock, in new condi tion. 1175. Mountain St a tea Power Of flee. Mili City. nJ33 .TEFL CLOTHESLINE posts, railing In stock St made to order. 1141 N. Liberty. n242 Slot X valve refacer. original belts stone. Con. rod aligner St valve seat reamers, all In excellent eond. All for HTJ or sell separstely. D. M. Phillip Pi, 708 N. 2nd St . Silverton, Oregon. Ph. Mlt GOOD WOOD COOK STOVE, ice box and man s Dlcrcie. prices reasonable. 1301 Market. n217 TRt'CKFR come and get it, pit run and mri. k. bui soc. Commercial Sandnd fJrave! Co. Ph. 31088. n227 GIRL'S ALL wool aklrts. Plain St nlaida. Aio sweater. Like new. Sue 1012. Ph. 33.140. n-tia. WOOD CIRCULATOR. Oood condition. 488 SIKH OI. n.it CLABENDON PIANO. Very good cond. Can re Trn re. ween V e 11 am. any OUf except Sun. or Thur. 3J0 N. 20th St n21 Plt.NO WITH beautiful tone condition. 1800 S. Cottage. SEVERAL GOOD out-grown girl's SUltl 1 oir"" iw-w. i gin a aicyciea. jj-to. Map:e Ave. Ph. 2-403A. Tit 1 DiETFN TRASMT with tripod, plum aobs St level rod, 1171. )41 S ate s . (Continued on Page 15)