12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Sept. 12, 1949 The HOUSE on LILAC STREET by FRED BAYARD AP NtwthvtvtM (Chanter 30) Lieutenant Fletcher looked up as sergeant Mullvaney entered tne 01 lice. "Mr. Metchalie ! here now." "O.K. Ask h:m to come in," Fletcher said. Earlier In the day he had re ceived a telephone call from this man, who waa the assistant edi tor of one of the New York dailies, asking for an appointment, and he was curioua to know what his visi tor had to tell him. "Have a chair," he invited Met ealfe as the latter was shown in. "I'm frankly wondering what this is an arxmt. The other regarded him thought fully. Then he spoke. "I want to tell you about some thing that happened last night that set a train of thought going back to the years when 1 was a cub reporter in St. Louis. You'll have to decide for yoursell If it's got any significance." Fletcher nodded. "All right let's have It." "Last night I was sitting in my office, going over various odds and mds. Sometime during the afternoon someone had left me a stack of photos of this night club singer that was shot, I started going through the pics to find one we could use. There was one there that must have been taken some time rko. not nearly so glamorized aa the others. Now lt'a hard to ex plain, but though none of the others affected me in any way, this photo made something click. It reminded me of something or someone a long time back something that had oeen big news, until even bigger things broke and pushed it off the rront pages." He paused significantly. "For about half an hour It bother ed me. I kept picking up the picture and looking at it, and putting It down again. Then, all at once, I knew what it was. I went down to the morgue and got out the old tiles from around 1930 to 1933 and finally found what I wanted. Then, lust to check my facts. I put In a long distance call to St. Louis. He took a bunch of clippings tut of his pocket and threw them Ml the desk. "Take a look at those." he said (o Fletcher. "But first, let me give rou an tne facts Drieily. "Back In 1932, I'd got my first (ob as a police reporter. This girl Cherry Lynn was in the chorus of I burlesque show, the De Milo, in Bt. Louis. She was a blonde then that's what threw me off first ind she went by a different name "The star of the show was a redhead named Yvette. Her real name was Mona Cox. and she and this Lynn girl were thick as thieves Mow it wasn't generally known it lame out only later at the hearlnc that Mona was married. She and ber husband didn't get along to rether too well. He had a good fob. and didn't like to see her In this place. He hated the show and iverything connected with It. Bui tiost of all he hated the Lynn girl blamed her for keeping Mona in the show. Crazy, of course, because Mona was the star and Cherry was nly a chorus girl, but he couldn't lee it any other way. And then lomething happened which really let him gunning for Cherry: and lhV is what I thing is important." Hp paused to emphasize his words. "What happened?'' Fletcher ask td. "Mona was going to have a baby, rhat was going to Interfere with her career. Somewhere she found I doctor who was willing to per form an illegal operation. Whether r not she took Cherry Lynn Into Her confidence isn't clear. There fas nothing to show that Cherry Had given her the name of the ioctor, but the fact remains that Mona died, and Cherry was with per when she died. The doctor beat tt. Of course there was an in restlgatlon. Mona's husband tried lo prove Cherry was an accessory, specially as Cherry refused to ril rulge the name of the doctor. She nalntalned she knew nothing about It, that she had happened to call it Mona's house to find her In a dv kig condition. She stuck to that ttory. and the Jury believed her. It's anybody's guess as to what really nappened. "Mona's husband acted like insane man. He swore hed see Justice done, and that he'd kill Cherry If he went to the chair for it. He was dragged out of the courtroom and charged with con tempt. "That night. Cherry left town. It was Just another ca.se to me. and I forgot all about It until something about that old photo Jogged my memory." After the other finished speak ing. Fletcher sat thoughtfully. "It's certainly food for thought," he finally said. "You've been a lot of help. It would have taken us a long time to back-track this girl to St. Louis. What happened to Mona's husband? Did he ever try to find Cherry?" That's something 1 can t tell vou. They kept him at the jail until he cooled down a mit. Then he paid line and tney released him. He didn't stay around town long after mai. Do you thing Cherry told the truth about what happened that she really didn't know the doc tor v "Personally, I figure she did. Otherwise I can't understand why If she really was such a great friend of Mona's, she'd protect him." Fietcner shook his head doubt fully. "It may be quite a Job to try to get any sort of a line on the husband after all this time. He could be anywhere In the forty eight states. However, it certainly gives us a new lead to work with. At least it shows us a possible mo tive for Cherry's death. Sometimes people wait a long time for re venge. "We'll certainly look into it. ' Metcalfe got up to leave. "I'll leave you those clippings. I've given you the gist of the story, but they'll give you the details." "Thanks. I'll see they get back to you. I appreciate vou'- giv'ns us this Information. Should any. thing develop, we'll let you know." When Metcalfe had gone, Fletch er picked up the phone. "I want to put through a call to the chief of police In St. Louis as soon as possible." he said. (To Be Continued) m W 111 No. 3491 Is cut in sizes 1, 3, 4 and B. size 4 trousers. i yds. 35-ln Jacket, 1 yds. 35-ln. To obtain this pattern, send 35c in uuiris, giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal, 838 Mission Street San Fran Cisco 3, Calif. R2860 IMTTKRN No. RS Double Dater This pretty Jump er is equally at home when worn as a sun drrss or teamed with the bolero as a back-to-school or Sunday-best suit. Little girls love the tlarcd skirt, scalloped neckline and gallv colored embrotderv details. Pattern F.nvelope No. K2B80 con tains tissue pattern sires 4, 6 and 8 Included; material requirements: sewing and finishing Instructions: hot-Iron transfer for embroidery plus stitch Illustrations and em broidering directions. To obtain tn pattern send 30c In COINS giving pattern number jroui name, address and son num ber to Peggy Roberta Capital Jour nal tit M Lutein street San Fran cisco 3. Calif. v- 1 Openlvf thm jfarii doers, tntmber. LM iwdtnM pmrty ir dnvwn btck oy 9 rvtrvw or aftoiy pes: SEE THAT HOSel I DON'T WHAT VWS THI3 f I KNOW, MR. A THREE WAY VVEB5TEP.' SUICIDI PACT BUT WE'D BETTER DO si .a- iAT J 1 av BBBBak- skrB .a ' J jr ,wr vr i b, m m s i . srnr- A , AKjr ir&Ati ysss0?0. II , I I vTTT close-out -(Jc- -iOtV sale ' yif SuT - SUN TAN - -yW Ci lotion r j -Ww WAIT THERE' I HEABD A NOISE IN - A TAPPING SOUN0--.' RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM MONDAY P.M. KGW ,S KOCOiV KOlii tit CBS ;M. Tee1 Drake Tod Drake Adventures ef Ch. Mailt Gabriel Hester Newe My tic Muale :(M Tovrb Doa Tips .15 I MUftlc M die HIS W Ul .'. D. It It j Ul : Da II .-St Murdrr by Expls. :U Mueller by Emu. 11 Ncwa Mutual Mule Muoic Kulton lwli Jr. Stlrct Local Newt Ktw Muiie Tha Saint The Rlnt Hrrt'i t Vfti Thla Dty ltiM'Slm Off Muiiral Balrf Muaical trotrr Voir f llrtttona Telfphant Hour Telrplione Hour Jana Pirkrpa Jan Plrkeoa Cttnirntrtl Hour 4 ntenlrd Hour Pla boat Uhrthm Ranrb Kh Hi m Kanrb Pma Crathr Kelward Cantllrltttil silver Newt Tmplrana Pat O Brlcn Muiiral Jarkpot rvrhn Kniaht Mnndar Ulrbark. Knot Manning Hr-ulah t'tm Huntltr Nvwa Sinatra A Kiratrn Trark New a of World Oni Man'a raniily One Man'a Family ew, Kporta Paae Tlnal Un (irrrn Vim HuytM Wn Muieum Was Miiftrum Wax Muirum M'Xi I t'.ii T-in k I Irarfc lln Track H'ih Trark I !HI C tin i If Kitrvln frank Hare Krank It tt Mulr Vu Want Mulr Vou Want N (trill mo Not turne Norturii Itadla Thrater ttadio Theater Radl Tbcater Radio Theater M t'rirnd Irtna Mv Friend Irma nob Hawk Show Hub Hawk Show l.flwrll Thooaaa Jurk Smith show Tiilenl Scout I Talent Srouta Flva Star Final Inner Hanetuaa Inner Kanttuna Han da onParadi Serenadt Vou and ffarld Orrheatra Newa TUESDAY- A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. jPOOR KID -SHE SJRC HOD A TOUQHV BREAK-1 ARM KID SRuaBIN IN TH' Cj i PIEUD FROM DOVUGHT TO DARK- W SEVEN COVS A WEEK- I IM h f NO FON Ncrr EVEN SHOES I BROTHERS AND SISTERS GOT AWAY fa I HER PAPA AND MAMA MEANT R WELLBOT SO POOR -WORRIED- (am E AND TH'CANrtLAT TH' BOTTOM f? & , OP THE FIELD -THE BARGES PASSIN & p- ery-TH' PEOPLE WAV1N' TO HER - V3 ayjGAV, CAREFREE PEOPLE -ROMANCE- DREAMS TH' POOR KID -rj, COWSRATULATIONSir AMERICAS A WONDERFUL RUCrV.l WEAR J PLACE MJEM A CELLCW LIKE i VOU'RE SOIMS TOx WILBUR NEBB CAM BECOMIE f HAVE A FINANCIER IN A MILLIONAIRE OVERNIGHT. THE KIEBS FAMILY AFTER. AU. YEARS y HOLD THE CONGRATS, RUDY. VOU RE ALL PREMATURE 1 HAVEN'T SOLD OUT YET AND ID LIKE TO SEE VOU AGAIN BEFORE 1 DECIDE riBEFORE J. DECIDE S 1 TOLD VOU TO SELL OUT BEFORE THEY CUANtbfc TUfclK MINDS, AND VOULL BE A RICH MAN, WILBUR , 4 WHAT l WORRIES. L. MS! niw- (jr' ri 1 i ib.n rs ist: . V.. Iff UroiftJL SUn-yA nv yu. foJL I TtLLV-H I GRAM., i Y TMASS A. Ism iou ff) NOBOW IN THAU K R:GHT MINDS, VOULD SEND US A TELI- J GRAM, ONLESS IT VERE A RIP-SNORTIN' TKAOEOY.C-GO CIT IT, SON," 1 I Es"TMKOLDBEr BEAD UNHONOnABLX.'.'-IT'S IT, HUH?J ADDRESSED fO TH , VOKUM SAMILYVT' -J I f -THFT MEAWSALU ) T O' US- MAMMY, ME, S (1:15 Newa Mua. Timekeeper Marrb Time Newa Newa Breakfast Cans Break! Ait Ganc Top Tradra Bnrsaln Counter Muale 8ona of Ploneera Morning Special Newa Kalo Smith Rlna Paktor'a Call Bldert of the P.S. Newa Woman of the wk Wile Ortanalitea Your Walla Seron. Ladles Flrat Ladiea Flrat Queen for ft Day Queen for a Day Top Trades Newa Newa Bob Ebehly how TelPVour Nelthb. Johnaon Family Oraan Reveries Bfnc Slnaa Farm Tint Farm Time The Old bones Newa Smooooth Music Kmoooolb Muiic Ridrra of Saio Mam Hayea frrond Cup rfecond Cup Jak Beieb ews Tommy Dorry Tommy Doraey Tommy Doey Tnmmjr Dor icy Lopea Orch. Lopes Orrh. Today'a Children Lora I awton Aratnat Aaalnal Muale Muaie Storm Storm j Double or Nothinc uoudi or noiuini Newa Llihtof World Life Brautlfol Road of L.fe Pepper Vounc Ilapplneaa Bsrkataa Wlf Stella Dallaa Lorrnao Jones Wldder Brown TItTm a7r 1 7 Portia Facea Llfo Jnat Plain Bill Front Pace Farrell Lucky "" Lucky "V Nat Brandwynnt News Fulton Lewla Jr. Frank Hemlncw. Behind tha Story Newa Korn Kiork K(H O Kiork Tra Rltter Newt Spuria Top ' Mornioa Nrwa Haven of Rrt lUven of Kent VVclern Mr Indies rhiirrh In Wild Time for Melody Time for Melody Mule Without J. Char lei Thnmai ?.r mora hie Mulc Tune Time MX Keys MusIf Mart Mutlr Mart Jan (iarber ViiraJ Varieties Ilollvn ond Music Hollt wood Mu&fe Ted D.il PreentJ Mnr'i Melndira Muc'a Melndiea Mac'a Melnriiea Mar t Mrlodiea Mar't Mrlodiea Mara Melndira Mar's Mrlodiea Mae'a Mrlodiea KOIN It lock Nrwa Nrwa Fred Beck Conaumer N'aws Art Biker Mike believe towat Make believe town Feature Story Newa (irand Slant Knsemary Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Our Cial Sunday Bis SKler Mo Perkins lr Mai on liuldini Lisbl Duncan MrLeod Come A (iet l Norah Drak Rrlaliter Day 2nd Mr Ru'lon I'erry Maon Hrieht A Licht Air Flo Air Welcome Travelerai Mac'a Mr Indira Welcome Travelera ' Mjc'a Melndira Aunt Mary j Mae'a Mrlodiea W Love A LfirnlMar r.ielodira Woman's Secret Sunny Side News Rich. Hsrkneas IMnvl Tim Phiin.inpher Hv(m Can B Rraulirul Newspaper of Newspaper of Air The Chiramena Tunefully Voura Newi " Meet ths Miasua Meet 'he Minus Robert Q. Lewla Robert Q. Lewla Knhcrt Q. Lewis Robert . I.rwia Knhrrt Q, Lewia Curt Mawy l it lie Show Club IS Fill-. R. Murrow CP DIAL LISTINGS: ITV Monday P.M. .1:00, Keeping ltA with Snortst Home Fdl tlon Newai :S0, Modern Romanreat :', Headline Editions 6:16, Elmer Davlai Kate Smith Calling! TiOfl, l.one Hansen 7:30, Kate Smith Calllns; SMHl. Railroad Honrt :S0. Kats Smith Calling! K:I5. Henry J. Taylori :00. Rlehfleld Reporter! 9: 15. Intermenoi 9:W. Concert Hnuri ln:SA, Memos t Tomorrow; 11:00, Xtra Houri J3:0, Sign Off. lirY Tneaday A.M. :. Washburn , lUA Newst :l Band Boxi ::, Hob ,Hasen Showt :45, Time Tempom 7:15. ! Martin Agronakyt Zek Manners; 7:45. Stars Slngi S:M, Breakfast Cliibi :u. News) : in, ara oi i Trapleanai Melody Promenade! IU:fHl, Ted Malone: iu:i, tiaien wriwi I0:M. My Tru Storyi 11:00. Betty Crork ri 11:15, Newst 1 1:30, Baukhase Talking! 11:45. Club Timet 12:00, Norlhweaternersi Vl:Mi, Kay Weali 1:0ft, Breakfaat In Hol lywood; 1:W. Easy Acest 1:45, Meet the MenJousi t:00. Surprise Parkagei 2::M. Bride and Groomi X:Ml. Ladles Be Seatrd: V MUTT. LETS GO IN THIS ANTIQUE SHOP' I WANT TOBOy SOME LITTLE THING FOR MV GIRL.TOIHI, MUTT, HERES A NICE OLD PLATE I THINK SHE'LL LIKE THIS VEH, I'LL TAKE THIS ' HOW MUCH IS IT? THE PRICE IS ON THE OTHER SlDE,SlR mm ll8 ' 1 aM ana in S-Y THIS Id PLACE FOR A fiNU6 HACBOC 1 OUR JOB WITH THE I UDEB STAND WHAT THAT FISH TO OURSELVES FOR -3::4 pROPAMCHOR, J IT 16 - SAFE I SOUNPIN6 LINE, BUT WU ME4NT ABOUT A WHILE, EMl WE'P LOOK A h - -j--. CAPTAIN I y( AS I'VE EVER 'BEFORS WE 60 APT T THE LUBRICATING LITTLE FOOLISH TELLIN' 6UeE,SALTy. X- ffS fie6N ' WANT TO SPEAK ABOUT fV OL. A ABOUT IT TILL WE CAN a I WONT SAY A FIVE WV rCTB g-A THAT FISM ! PC0VE fT' HoW IT? TCCATCi!" KEX JIM: KOAC. 550 1rjAf Mnnday P.M. 5:00, (n Ih IWM Cphrat; S:W1, 550 SpoiU Ctuht fiiM. Newoi Muxlr of Cxerhnslovakla; : 15, Ma rket Review i : :1HI. State Fain M. Artistry in Clmicei R:I5, flefense Report! ::. Great Snnsai 9:M, Muir That Kmlureii D:I5, Eve ning Meditation: IIMHI. New; 10:15, Serenadei 1015, Newa: 11:00, Sitn Off.. A.M. 10:00, Th I: I Especially for 0, The Concert Hath l?:00. p.m., Nnnn Farm Hour; Counlv Asenti l'J-.OT. Spot 15, Roy arner. Soil Con servation SperfalNI; 1:00. Ride 'Lra. Cow boyi 1:15. Variety lime: 1:3ft. Melody l.anet :il. svalrade of lira ma: 2:15. Memory Rook of Music: 3:00, The Newat S:I5, Muale of the Master! koac W. men: II: News l I-.M5. Polk Markets! S:SO. Artd-a-Hnet 4:11. Squirrel Caaei 4:Sft, Johnny Lujark : ft: 0(1. Kerping I p Sport. A:IA, Home Editiont A::t0, Moderi Rnmanrea. lib Too Much Lip Ends in Too Little Lip Detroit (U.R) Frank Moody, 49, lost more than a checker game to Albert Giddings, 36. Giddings bit off Moody lower lip in a dispute over the game, police said. BleUsTt It. Beauty portrayed 30. Gown SI. Golf tnotnictof 32. Jumbled type 33. Still 41 flMtl II. Metal faatanar S5; Not sacr.a M. Filament 37. Fowl lb. BrinRlnn tnt 33. Faatent ACROSS L Declare I. Sunken fence I. Withered 12. Molten rock a row IT. Cut meat 18. Color 19. Note of tha scale 10. Carried tl. Female aheap 23. Takes Into custody tS, Musical sound 37. Improve IS. Aerial railway! colloa. flrmfT Hawaiian bird 40. SrltCh 43. Dax? 44. Straddle 46. Partner of 42 down 47. Room In a harem 45. Elect nfl-d particles 49. Beers 60. In favor of tl. Inaect FlAIRjyAjSjg NUf M'91 Ei RJjDl l IV I NE onI a'r isgp Elrr l S T A D FA mNp V It im'aTriV L " E rSp B I BsaN;E:paAtN- SiP T!T E RKS LiA PQ I IR A N NiAiW.S D riaIw A I JQa C T IO hjjASE' B.R! 1 i"'EBLIIIEiNriH!Al SlE R E,N;ESes:0!b N,EW El P,E;N;ti5ESE!NiPt6 Rl 8olutlon of Saturday's Puzal DOWN I. WlngMk. 1. V.ll.r v seem J TWITV Z V ,felV I V5 9.,1 LISTEN, IF VOL) BANS THAT DOOtl. OMCE ACE 1'L.U pumch rc rMfl'f NOSE' r 7-7TTT n fed u 7 3 13 M VMM I TtTb IV IO Ul ', '; :.,:).' zi 51 fe- S3 ,: 3l " 7Z"3 1st 3Zl X r I 1 I T I 1 1 Apparent Flowed East India money F.m brace I. By AP Newtfeofurea liivlrtpd S. Acquires br labor 10. Metal workera 11. Hefore 16. Afriran bow- Rtrint; hemp 17. Pr-frvea In brine 2f. Fr u. h seaport "2. You and 1 S3. Mohammedan noble 14. Loiik narrow opcnlnc TS. Strikf! llshtlv -J- Kaftern "7. Operatic soloa .10. Blunts 31. Payment after retirement 33. Flve-tnaated t-hooners 84 Rxlst 5G. Pmdure 37. Very warm 39. (j!actnl rldc'S 41. Feminine namt 42. Position at briflse 43. Or--iin 44. Bustle 45. KTiiipment . Aoout ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern Arrived at the mom 0f( tNn.DtR lady from iV,.1,,?"1 IST0B t.ooaas!.. yduwre ) (SKJLLMl7TW"JITeAU' CARDVINC. . f, WELCOMtONTMBSEPTEMBERf TQ yQM RQm , avTCA. 0' THESE GALS 15 ACANNIBAL! i IV . TlT'.fls't.' ii 1 Tfff TIT rX MmI! V but i gotta besoin back Ancient rustic on lfc4K"Vi" I h4 4 ( A JPKl!i V c?yL?EiT Ai AC BWA -7 HOURS NOW AND THAT GUV UNLESS n 5 WILD BOAR 1 HAbNT ROLLED I UVtK TO V MUFFLE IT r-' 'Til WHIM -"- P1J q" 11