8 Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Saturday. Sept. 10. 1949 The HOUSE on by Newefeertitras (ChaDter It) Mrs. Jason looked up as Derrla entered the kitchen. "Good morning, Mlu Martin," ahe aald cheerfully. "I hope you were quits comlorUDie. wny oon i you go out and take a look around? It's a lovely morning. The dogs tied up now." ahe added when Derrla nesitaiea. So she knew I Derrla stepped outside. She walk' ed away from the house, trying to gel her Bearings. Everything looked quite different in the daylllght, al most friendly, ii was ooviousiy a large farm; and although ahe look ed, Derrla could not catch a glimpse of any other houses or buildings In the immediate vicinity. It was going to prove difficult to get away irom the place. At lunch Mrs. Jason remarked that there'd been no mall. "Hasn't been any yet," her hus band answered. "Hear the bridge up at the Forks was washed out last nlsht. They only lust got makeshift rigged up. It'll be by after a while. His words set Derrla to think lng. For the rest of the meal she heard very little more of the con versation, as ahe sat planning her Text move. She watched Jason depart and Stanley head back to the Darn. Undoubtedly he intended keeping an eye on her movements, but this time she would 1001 rum. Telling Mrs. Jason she was going to her room, she went halfway up tne stairs ana wauea. me sound of rattling dishes reassured her. The older woman did not suspect any thing. Carefully Derrla made her way to the door through which she had gone the night before, only to be stopped by the dog. Closing It after her and keeping the house between her and the barn, she made her way through the trees to the road. She sat down In a hollow, convinced that she could see anyone approaching before he could see her. Keeping an eye on the let terbox at the end of the drive, ahe waited. She had almost given up hope mat tne mailman would come when she heard the wheezy cough of an engine. An antiquated Chevrolet pulled up, the words "U. 8. Mall" on the door. The driver leaned out and pulled the box forward, and ahoved a letter into Its open maw. In a flash Derrla was running to the car. "Are you going anywhere near the railroad station? she asked breathlessly. "Right into town, ma'am." "Can you give me a lift? I'm In a terrible hurry. "I'll give you a lift, but you won't make very good time. Got quite a bit more mall to deliver." "That's all right." Derrla didn't let him finish. "Just so long as we get there." As she Jumped In beside him, a faint ahout sounded from the direction of the houif. Stanley was running toward them. "What?" the mailman began, but Derrla nudged his arm. At the outskirts of town, Derrla stopped him. "I'll get out here, If you don't mind. And thanks very much." She was gone almost before he had the old car going again. Giving the waltnig room a wide Derm, sne waited near some crates piled against the station wall, and let her eyes run over the people. Suddenly she saw Stanley well down the platform on one of the benches. He was lnconsptclous, while at the same time he could pretty well see down the whole length of the sta tion. The elder Jason was not In tight, and Derrla concluded he had probably remained In the car where he could watch the approaches from the street aide. It worried her that the wasn't sure where he was. but PATTERN No. K17M Gingham China The bright col ors, familiar objects and easy itltchery of these designs makes them big news for unadorned kitchen or gift towels. Cross stitch is quick work and has no equal In popularity or effectiveness. Pattern Envelope No. R37M eon tains hot-Iron transfers for 8 de ROOM AND BOARD &Jl "T ifeSLlZSi t'JnLSS I BfeTiiiyaywaf' Wy-.. T-s-ILl-L-f ij.? fjfj . ix x. . xAr aWr i I I I My X 1 w ii fish w cut ihai wax t s how rou I r -. a ltki u i-ism,kusit! aetiw A I 1 T S6 WJT " I r SURE WlSm'P V HEBI6! Lt'WARD TUP OPEN 5EA GV TCIIJ iA. TO USE LUBRirATIN' OIL! J I IMA I VW MR seen that bis -A v -iflK VJ P RING WORLDS TkJ W PET IS ON THE JUDGE STARTS TONIGWT7 Y?7 BACK HOME I HAD UDSC TOOK U NCT.fi 7 TH6 ROOM NEXT TO ROOM, AND HELL I HIM. AND I KNOW HIS XT DOOR TO I I SNORE WHEN HE l, iNORING RHINO I OPENS THE THROTTLE I CAN START f IT VIBRATES YOU CAPS IN MOTION V LIKE AN ELECTRIC XiRTUBOf AAASSAGER. I .TH WATER. fc.. as. tlftl l snoring I (J T" LILAC STREET FRED BAYARD there was nothing she could do about It. She watched a porter rolling luggage truck toward her. As hel came abreast of where she stood. I she srjoke to him. "Could you please tell me wneni the train for New York will be In? There will be one, I hope?" she I added as an afterthought. Yes, ma am. though It only stops for about five minutes." He punea out a large turnlp-slzed gold watch and regarded it ostentatiously. "To be exact, at twelve-forty-elght." What time is it now7" "Five minutes to twelve. You've got a little while to wait. The waiting room's right over there." Derrla thanked him and waited until he had moved off. With over half an hour to go. Derrla felt that it would be too great a risk to stay where she was. At any moment one of the! Jasons might decide to stroll around, and run into her. On her way over she had no- ticed a small bakery and tea room I not far from the station: they would I be less likely to look there for her. The most ticklish part was ahead I of her. There was no way of get ting on unseen, so she would have I to run the gauntlet, hoping that her I timing would be right. The train was not a very long one; the third I to the last coach was about oppo site Derrla. The Jasons were stand ing near the last car, and on this fact Derrla pinned her hopes. Tne station platform was almost empty now; everyone getting on was aboard. The conductor mounted the step of the second to last car, his arm moving upward to signal. Slow ly the train began to move. The conductor stepped up Into the train and prepared to tip up the step. As he drew level with Derria she knew this was the moment. Know nig the risk she ran in trying to board a moving train, she sprinted forward. The conductor saw her coming and tried to wave her back. As she paid no attention to him, he leaned out to catch her. Herl own momentum and that of the train carried her up the step, prac tically knocking the conductor down. Straightening herself, she looked ! out. as she nad intended, the Ja sons had seen her move to late; already the last car had gotten well past them. The train was roll-1 lng almost at full speed now. It had worked I She'd managed to give I tnem tne sup. I With 'a smile. Derria turned to I face the angry conductor. (To Be continued) No. 3079 Is cut In sizes 6. 8. 10 12, and 14. Size 8 skirt. IS yds. 84- ln; blouse, 1 yds. 35-in. To obtain this pattern, send 35c in uuino, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal. 838 Mission Street San Fran cisco 3. Calif. signs each measuring 6 by fi Inches; color chart: stitch Illustrations, and finishing directions. To obtain trim pattern, send 30c In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street San Fran cisco 3, Calif. By Gene Ahern I tHti GONNA LEAVE US HOLOIN' I I f gsil" 1 At thu mrntnt---UB th4 jr.'' Ff3 I i $ HIM.'-BEFORe HE-fo)rC7fl back.tk f Skew V THE HOUSE.'- ILL TAKE THl 'f' jr j(jj0NT mf''L''' i wPv tipvv rnr n r rir- h-rrfIHrH k. r tH k a i n i HH U school j L1T 1 wnuw. I'li sV. I u "a 1 a. III aswss. j jm i i am M I AM jj a I n "Vrs. I 0 Ip"-- v- now i m ( why B2t?",I I veb-i ueeo to think 7 oh, cure-look- b H SUH-CUDU08-WMTE I GUESS WE N I W VOU-rtXrVE POLKS ARE I If THAT TOO -I CTTLL I HOW 'BOUT SOME LUNCH? B ff ONES- BLUE SKY- J PREcmrE THUGS I H eoEO MV LIFE- If DECENT . I Et THAT WCT-BUT- I GOTTA BUILD VOU i f l rr-rrs wondertul- ( moct when wevb ) whv? V folks- VCi. but there are men up-talkkT fl .. k TO BE ALWE... ALMOST LOST -EM li? V ,l3". Ps bun I .V . i 1 ROW SAYS ITS IP 1 SELL.MUBBLE BA.TM BUT IT WOULD HUBT KOZfS WHATEVER VOU rTwrr I I A CHANCE OP A I TO "Q awn T- WEB npveo I kiovacp ri i;ikic;; Dnnv i ncrinc uyn i sc 1 L''" ISa-y THIS TIME MAH ONE WAL. irS ONLV NftTCHElUlfa I VO' IS ACU RtOHT.T' ) ( OH.'.'-T'S SO MICE TBE ( 1OOK1 FAUIT LOST ME A BOOTIFUL, THET SOMEBODY WHICH -A TjA I THEN-LI'L ABNEB I ALL TOGCTHtR AGlN.'T I uorC JOICY BRlDE.T-AN' IT HAIN'T LEGALLY AIN'T, CAIMT Ul I MAlM'T A ORPHIN.T I ALL IN OUR OWN LI'L ( PinnEo' 1 1 HUH or A FAULT- ITS JEST I MARRV UP WIF SflMEMCVL V rl I LE'S filT HIM OUTA I ) HOME.SWEET HOME-J V 41 V lY I L I THET AH WABN'T EVER VHICH LEGALE IS.T r"lW4BJ I TH' ORPHIN , I AN', WHAT'S MORE-- ( hOOR 1 I I BUT buOAK, r ycs.vcsi liFTUP y i iminh. i ima ldvck aml j n vi 1 WUNe MAN'1 LL GEE I I Uatfffl w I LOVt you Tr-crcri ' f VOUR RED 1 UL, Muu ' "c W"L ) Tt vniii I iwcwwi" twiiH fill S'lfei:: M WITH ALL. K JEFFV ClIRV LIPS A LOWES A LOWERJ MAKE LOVE TO VOU 1 I eS?H''i " MV HEART J iTV ,h T0MATO , AND VOU ARE TTSS PAUGHTER! WOULD. JS' MYHEAHI l jwv)l TO MINE SANDWlUH ALL THE h&l' IJ&I vvry . l-iaJ.I' . lANDi-yjN. r and kiss VstH world to W m f r ain't SKiCSH: ' KEX r. ' W I l i.uiMaB-gar- I 1 1 mm -JW K-tJ" '-if- ".-i." .-"""Tf U Mm I WIILYOU TAKE ME TO '-j' N)ptl I 1 0H! I'M $0RRY!-t TlS.MA'AM! -SORe 0l WIRtO H GITlNiWfRE 60IN'0VER ) l ! T" " LIPETIME POR I UAVE TO WORRV AGAIN DOESN'T SAV SO.. BUT 1 RIGHT . DEAFi My I RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY l.M. 'KSLM slVoiKGW NyjlK0C0 T'KOIN Mail Frank BeMlafvftF ftakg Minn Ssak atinsi t'nltrrtllr Ttaaalt I'nlTrrsltr Tbvilri Bands af Land Bands af Land Hands af Land flandt ( Land Hera's la Vila Elmar Peterson H.w.il CftlU H.w.il CalU Grfrr HmI Grccorr HmsJ Hail raskfraacU Kch Caattdr Plha Hit Parada HH Parada Dennis Dar Dennis Dar Dick Powell Dlek Pawed Grand Ola Oary Grand Ola Oarr T B A TBI Vl r Tralm Vlr of Trath Llf Kfl1u ! : Lifa BcIbc si : H4 la rrM T B A T B A Tralk r Coniequeneea Nwt Direo. Pla-hsnsa Dlraa. Playoasa Star Thealra liar Theatra ' laa Ta NtWI Harrr Jibim Open Hh Opts Haaia Obcs HoaM Oaaa Roaia Wax Museum Was Museum Wax Museum Wax Matron Sin Off lin Off SUNDAY 71 Mews !l! ... Wormwaaw Paresl Biggs, Organ It JV,'", . Cameaa at Maale Bins, Organist ' Cut. Lalharaa Ch. Cameos af Maale Cbarlal Wbaals 81?! J'J S!.U! S?' B,hl "UhUfbta Hras Tlma Charch al tha Alt :i! v . -LC?" B,b,B BinI1h Charak af the Air '?! . . p,,," Church la Hemu Fellowship Tolea Charch of the Air Prophecy Charch In Hama FeUowsblp Volaa Charch ol tha Alt 91? Sl ?M New Cn"' !15 w Cl" Morm- r"aa Clark Dennis Hawarl flmtth :!I " H"p Sobm An ' Hear Gallery Gaaala ' -tharsa Hoar Masla A Ata Maria Hoar News A?? , VHIago Green Charch to Wild. Inrllatlea 111 11 t Villaga Green Organ La la Loaning ' lU H Marlh Trip Eternal tight Wayne King Peyli'a Plaifarai Tapestries Gleua Stellar Flrgl Baptist Oh. Sail Lake Tabor. :H . ! Olenn S holler Flrsl Baptist Ch, Sail Laka Tabar. ,,d,' '"'IIm Chleaga Bou First Baptist Ch. Traag, Bandiland ! Cary Pat Hhnw Table First Baptist Ch. Tres,! Bandtapd 1A. wr S!" Saranada tor Choraliari I IS M, . . . D"ld "h- Haw Charallari IX !! 2! r"B nel Design far United Nations Magia U Mask L" BlBar-B Banch Listening Guy Lombard News IiM Boase of MrsUry Design for Words Masla CBS Sympbaap :ll Rouse af Mystery LUteninr Words m Muslo CBS Symphony Z m!" rn Bn Daydream Musla CBS Srmpbanr wrtla Army Band Daydream Musla CBS Symphaar 251 It mtiW lLlv,n, 19,9 Showras. Bands CBS Symphony " Jt Zb '-'"'n. Showea-o Bands CBS Srmhaar !!! lU! Dellv silr Strings Music for Sunday Orchestra Traa Detaetlra SlUcr Strlnga Music for Sunday Orrhestra Greg-ory Hnod Music r Masters Muslo Boom My Saranada Zr Carter Hollywood Calls Sunday Serenade Srmphonetta aig Carter Hollywood Calls Sunday Serenade Srmphonetta 4!? 2"! 8und")r Orchestra Donald Stewart Family Roar ;? rfM '0,' 8un,,)' Orchestra Donald Stewart Family Hoar u U, Surprise Serenade Donald Stewart Boston Blackl M"" Surprise Serenade Donald Stewart Boston Black ia 50 Scattergood Voice A Events Dallas 'Ministerial Jack Benny " 5 B'0 Voice A Events Eddie Cantor Jack Bonny Musis star Playhonse Music for America Call the Police ' Nw Star Playhouse Music for America Call tha Police 6s Secret Mission Hollywood Calls Dave Dennis Rocky Jordan :l Secret Mission Hollywood Calls Dave Dennis Rocky Jordan W Family Theatre NBC Symphony Headline News Newa !? Pmlly Theatre NBC Symphony George Fllbcr 7'V Medical Hlfltcs NBC Symphony Sunday Concert Corliss Archer 5 N W Nw NBC Symphony Sundar Concert Corliss Archer II Roy Rogers Ethel Merman Nasarena Church Boraca Heidi iT Bar Rogers Elhel Merman Xasarene Charch Horace Beldl 8a Twenty Questlana Who Said Thai Nasarena Charch Life With Lalgi ' :lt Twenty Questions Who Said That Nasarene Church Life With Lalgi : Burl Ivee vie Damone Frank de Vol jark Benny Harvey Harding Vie Damone Frank de Vol j.ek Benny 9t News Ragan, Pianist San day Bevarla Oar Miss Brooks II Music far tiler Comments Sunday Reverie Oar Miss Breaks : Half Hoar Symphony Hoar Sanday Reverie . The Whistler NW" Symphony Hoar Sunday Reverie The Whistler aj :M Sign Off Symphony Boar Sunday Reverie Five Star Final iJTVlS Symphony Hoar Sundar Reverie Sam Spade nl :M Catholic Hour Sunday Reverie Sam Spade 7:q Catholle Hour Sunday Reverie Band Parada ana 'M News Sign Oft Serenade 1 1 :1B Mary Ann Mercer Let's Dane I T :M Wax Museum Orchestra :tB Wax Museum Orchestra It.ao Sign Off Sign-Off DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. 1190; KOAC, 550 lPV Saturday P.M 6:00. Rex Koury fLA 8; SO. Fantasy In Melody i 6, Here's to Vetst S:1B, Home Edition Newsi 6:S0. Modern Bomancest 7:00, Musical Etch lags; 1:S0, As Wa See Itt It's Tear Baslnessi S:M, Lane Rangert S:M, The Ersi Break the Banki t:U, Name tha Movie i 1:M, Newst 1:IS, Let's Daacei 11:W. Beverly Hills Orch.i lt:M, Xtra Hsan l:. Sign Off. Sanday A.M. 7:0, Morning Melodies i :, Fine Arts Ooar- tot; :, Masla Tlmet :M. Bevlval Hour; IP Parade af Hilai 10:SO, Voice of Propbeert 11:00, James Roosevelti 11:1ft Romance ef Hlgbwarsi H:S4, National Vespers; 1t:00, This Week Araand the Worldl 11:30, Plana Playhouse ( 1:00, Newst 1:1b, Foreign Reporter i 1:M, Hour mt Faltbi t:0O. Opera Album i t:S0, Mes sage af Israel; :00, This Changing World; Brooks Makes Ready For School Opening Brooks Plans are complete for the opening of the Brooks grade school September 12. The entire building has been worked over, two hot water tanks in stalled, extra lavatoriet, room redecorated, floors varnished, desks varnished and the build ing newly painted on the out side. Mr. France Is Janitor. Teachers for the coming year are as follows: Mrs. Esther Frans, principal; Mrs. Lauretta ACROSS L aiirbust A. Riflona 1U Enumerate 11. Oodllks IS. Ealt w.r KriidusJIy IJ. Circuit 41. Peril 46. Pull 48. Three-toca loth 14. Along It. Land niuuraa T. Mechanlim 17, Danscr 41. Ibirn is. Knoca SO. ll.W. flwnr 12. H.brew latur II. Headlln.r IS. Oldeat aoanbar IS. Throw 17. riiharfor lampraya M. FMrat II. Catnip Ii. Soutbarn eucko 14. (cold cbaraeter 10. Newly marrtad woman 11. Lacnl claim 14. Kxciamatloa 15. Placid 7. Earllar It. Marka of blows 10. Biblical cltj DOWN 1. Cr.sc.nt shap.d I. Ttp. maaaar 2S 3S 3 10 nund Vp Tltna Raund t'p Tlma Researrb Vanlara Insld Klarv Treasury Shaw Treasury Sbaw Danger Ahead Orchestra Bed Barber Orchestra Orebtslra Newa Candlelight Silver New a Traplcana and Tina Waa Playbausa Hand M Yard Lint Proadlv Wi Hail Praadlr Kt Hall Danelnr Party Dancing- Party Mails far Tea Muiia far Tea Maiia MrHna Dirk Baymaa Sing It Again Sing II Agala Sing II Agala Sine II Agala Dan ring Party Danrlnr Psrty Ktudia Party Nludl Party Vaagva Haaraa Vaagha Manra Gaaa Aalry Gena Aalry Ktudia Parly Ktudia Party Ktudia Partr Ktudia Party Plva fciar Pinal (sane Baslara Gang Builere Janttea Beach Studio Party Jantsaa Baaeh Seranada Orchestra Orehastra madia Party Studio Party Htudio Party I'lin Off sins-ort lAAf Saturday P.M. S:fl IMVb Nrwa, 8;i5( Look i Au Tha Australia i .1:M, London Letter; H:4ft, Holland Today and Tomorrow) 6:00, Light Opera Tonlghti 7:45, Loggers' Fire Weathar Forecast t The Newst 8:00, Danes Parade; t:45, Tha Newst 10:00. Sign Off. S:1S, Sang talesmaat S:U. Sanday with Tea, 4:00. Hollywood By Linos 4:11, Fan tasy In Melody; 4:30, Mr. President I 5:00, Stop the Maslet 0:00. Think Fast; Navy Honri 7:00. Barl Ivesi 7:15, Leuella Parsons i 7:910, Chsnes af n Lifetime) S:00, Jimmle Fldleri S:IS, Ted falonei S:M. Guest Stan 1:45, Roadside Chapelt 0:00. Washington Merry-go. Bound: 0:15. Monday Morning Headlines! 0:30, Burl Ivest 0:45, Intermosaoi 10:00, Richfield Reporter) 10:15, Orchestral 10: SO. Jantsen Beach Oreb.t II. Neetarnei 11 :M, Claremont Orch.t 11. Xtra Heart 1. 81m Off. Martin, fifth and sixth grades; Mrs. Alta Simmons, third and fourth grades; this Is the second year for the above mentioned, and Mrs, India Reavls, who if beginning her sixth year a primary teacher. Washington, Oregon, Mon tana and Idaho have 20 per cent of U. S. hydroelectric pow er and half the estimated unde veloped potential. Myrrh and frankincense were aromas only used In religious ceremonies in early times. Solutlen ef Ysstsrday'a Puasla a. Arabian canna&l 4. Slavs I. Walk I. Paid nubll notlea T. Maturing I. Uniform . u.iodr 10. BharpBhootar II. Norwaflan IS, Foam of lamantaUos IS. stair l. Crony IL Ancl.nt Irlsa capluu 71. Hlra Dal 31. Uncommunlea. tlva xn. int.ilcct 12. S.ucv 14. Thick placaa 35. Coupled It. To a Mha point 17. Scoff 11. Soutnern coniitellmtloa 40. Laundry machina 41. Take oath 44. Clamor 47. Arabian aeapnrt 41. ln.rt sa as tha air 0 14 II. Wrath It. Token of anient l Plural endlnt II. NegaUv X BA-riO0WN8PATiTL A L elle P A U L B T T K C AjNN jt bJHint e R e 151111 J NjjW e D AjEJf. 3Bl i. JHl JL E pill piu c ggUBS A Nil Paib k sB r a nCj AM RjST LBiR J SIR Tj p rTbIm eiDu a ne v i 'TlopQpopaeUol6lv) Af NtwWaenw 1- I