AT THE First Congregational church this evening will be a wedding of interest to many friends, Miss Marjorie Tale, daughter of the Ulvvin M. Tales of Sublimity, to te married lo Lawrence Christian, son o' Mr. end Mrs. Lawrence R. Christian r' r.ebcnon. The service will be at 8 o'cloc!:, Dr. Seth R. Huntington offi c -Vnv,. The reception following is to be in the church fireplace room. Mrs E. M. Page, aunt of the bride-to-be. is to have charge of the dining room. Assisting at the reception will be Mrs. George B. Evans of Portland, Mrs. Chester Mulkey, Mrs. Lyle Rains. Mrs. John H. Rankin of Portland. Mrs. Cora Hagedorn of Eu gene, Mrs. Elbert E. Tate of Portland and Miss Zclma King. Miss Gloria Morten is to have charge of the guest book. Assisting with the serving will be Mrs. Wilfred E. Cole, Mrs. Donald Marshall, Mrs. Scott Adams of Portland, Mrs. Leonard Odom, Miss Jean Fidler, Miss Carolyn Carson, Miss Addyse Lane, Miss Carroll Gragg. Miss Roberta Meyer, Mis Beverly Belle Isle, Miss Carol Lee Tate. In the weddmg party are Mrs. Robert Bryant as matron of honor, Mrs. John P. Maulding, Mrs. John R. Gilbertson, Miss Virginia Nikand and Miss Patricia Christian as bridesmaids; Lorce King as flower girl. Alan McEachran will be hest man and ushering are to be John P. Maulding, Donald Van Zyl, Thomas Young and William Juza. Mrs. Scott Adams of Portland is to be soloist, Jean Hobson Rich at the organ. Mrs. L. H. Mittendorf and Mrs. Al Lane are to be co-hostesses for a meeting of Rotana club, Monday evening, at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Mittendorf, 2130 Myrtle. Planned for next Tuesday evening is the recreation meeting for the Salem Business and Professional Women's club, the event to be in the Salem Won an's club, at 8 o'clock. - There will be entertainment. The members of the recreation committee for the event include Mrs. ECfie King, chairman; Mrs. Mabel Clock, Mrs. Frank P. Marshall, Mrs. Henrietta Low, Miss Loii Ohmart. " , . T i& ,fr ,.n,.fli MRS. RALPH H. Miss Crosby Wed Wed this morning in St. Luke's Cath olic church in Woodburn were Miss Flor ence Crosby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrillus J. Crosby of Woodburn, and Norman Nibler, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Nibler of Gervais. the service taking place at 9 o'clock with the Rev. Valen tine Moffenbeier officiating. For the wedding music, Bernard Smith sang and Mrs. Marie Donnelly was at the or gan. Asters and dahlias decorated the ehurch for the wedding. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white slipper satin gown. It was fashioned with quilted satin motif In front and back, satin buttons down the back to the waist-line, long sleeves pointed at the wrists and a skirt extend ing Into a full train. The fingertip veil of illusion, lace edged, cascaded from a satin and seed pearl crown. For her flowers the bride carried a cascade bou quet of pink Rapture roses and stephan otis, centered with an orchid and tied with net satin ribbon. Mrs. Robert Crosby was matron of honor for her sister-in-law. Her gown was of yellow moire taffeta with match ing yellow and white hand crocheted calotte. Her flowers were a colonial bouquet with ribbon petals and stream ers. Little Barbara Crosby, niece of the bride, wearing a dress identical to that of the honor attendant, was the flower girl and she carried a miniature bou quet matching the one carried by her mo'her. Carl Nibler was best man for his brother. Ushering were Robert Crosby, brother of the bride and William Ncbler, brother of the bridegroom. For the wedding the bride's mother was attired In a navy blue crepe dress with black accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The bridegroom's mother wore t green silk dress with black acces r II mi ii - Fall Brings Club Activities, Too; Salem Women's Groups See Busy Year Ahead pHrji il l' i 1 --;" V m I k. MRS. CARL all, ' ' Jt fit h M&&.mr - , .... JtAten-Mllltr tiidio picture COOLEY This Morning sories and corsage of Talisman roses. The wedding breakfast following the ceremony was at the country home of the bride's parents. Serving were Mrs. Robert Rcichanbach, cousin of the bride, and Mrs. Vince Brus. The reception following the breakfast also was at the Crosby residence. Mrs. Joseph McCormick. aunt of the bride, served the cake. Mrs. Gertrude Jensen, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Cora Miller poured. Mrs. Francis Kuensting, cousin of the bride, and Mrs. Charles Johnston, also a cousin, had charge of the gift table. Miss Helen Snyder passed the guest book. Assisting about the room were Miss Dora Barrett, Miss Doris Bar rett and Mrs. James Steffcn. Varied colored asters and dahlias dec orated the home for the reception. For going away the bride wore a for est green suit with gray topper, black accessories and corrage of orchids. Following a trip to California the couple will be at home In Woodburn, after September 20. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Potter of Los An geles have returned to their home fol lowing a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Potter. Auxiliary Event Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary has arranged a meeting with installation of officers for Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the hospital chapel. New officers to be installed arc: Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard, president; Mrs. Ed Goeckner, vice president; Mrs. Eugene Anderson, secretary; Mrs. Howard Doak, treasurer; Mrs. P. W. Geiser. Mrs. M. B. Rudd, Mrs. Richard Upjohn, board members. i 1 J Jcstfn-Miller studio picture E. NELSON These Four Head Local Organizations These next few weeks will find scores of the Suiem women's organizations launched Into a new year of activity. Mr. Carl E. Nelson, upper left, is this year's president of the Salem Ceneral Hos pital auxiliary. Each year the auxiliary purchases some major equipment for the hospital thrcuph silver teas, rummage sales and membership clues, and this year is an especially important one with the Salem Hospital Development program under way. .Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard, upper riRht picture, is president of the Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary. This group also carries on a comprehensive program of service to the hospital, assisting in buying equipment and also working in the program of hospital development for Salem. Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, left below, is president of the Women of Rotary for the roming year, the group meeting once a month for a social and program gathering. The group is for wives of Rotary members, Mrs. Wayne Doughton, right below, is president of the I.ions auxiliary, another active local service club auxiliary. The group carries on several community and phil anthropic projects during the year, meeting once each month. Sojourners club met Thursday aftor noon at the Salem Woman's club. New members welcomed were Mrs Louis Urtz and Mrs. Wallace Mills. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Woodson Bennett, Mrs. Brace Knapp and Mrs. K. H. Anderson. Mrs. Frank Ward was named chair man for the nominating committee to report at the next meeting. Winners at bridge were Mrs. Lyle Dempewolf, Mrs. Harold Heiscrman, Mrs, Frank Ward, Mrs. August Rigby, and in pinochle, Mrs. Louis Urtz. The Jason Lee Wesleyan Service guild is meeting Monday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Joe Bourne, 1625 North 19th. Mrs. Louis Lorenzo, Mrs. Russell Bright and Mrs. C. Ward Davis are co hostesses. Soroptirnist clubs luncheon meeting will be Wednesday noon in the Golden Pheasant. McEwin Itudlo picture THE MARRIAGE of Mm. James Paul Wondrnffe was olfmnlf.l Aiiiust 27. Shr is th former ConsUnrr Louise Corklnir. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. II. fi. Cocking. Mr. Woodrofft Is the ion of Mrs. N. 8, Wood-rolle. ff i m iff' ""' " ' ' ' ' 'iitnitfriwrm-iaai- in i ill aJAXj t-m,,n;bmTr MRS. GORDON DAR Conference Planned for next Saturday, Septem ber 17, is a conference for the second district, Daughters of the American Rev olution, the event to be in Salem. Mrs. C. B. Wilson of Newberg is district ehnirman. Chapters from Albany, Lebanon, Cor vallis. Eugene, McMinnville, Newberg, Woodburn. Salem will be rcpresenled, and an invitation is extended to all DAR members to attend the gathering. The meeting will open at 10 a.m. in the Copper room at the Senator hotel, members of Chemekela chapter in Sa lem assisiing in greeting the visitors. Luncheon will be at 12 o'clock in the Chcrrian room at the Senator hotel. Charles A. Sprague, local publisher, is to be guest speaker. Mrs. David H. Cameron is to sing and presenting piano numbers will be Mrs. R. T. Worley, re gent of the Albany chapter. Mrs. Ruth Hcrndon is regent of Chc mekcta chapter here and reservations may be made with her. MtEwin Itudii pletur IlltlDF. ON Krntrmhrr S al an afternoon reremony was Mrs. Orvllle Wendell Kannler, .Ir., the former Alkla ( over, rlamhter of Mr. and Mrs. I.. B. ( over. Mr. Kannler Is the son of Mr, and Mrs. u. V. Kannitr. Jfxtrn-Mlllrr studio plcturt 0. LEONARD ?..' f-N - MRS. WAYNE DOUGHTON New Year for Junior Woman'sClub First business meeting of the new club year for the Junior Woman's club is to be held Monday evening at the Wo man's club house with members of the hospitality and friendship committee in charge. Dessert will bo served and the eve ning will be spent informally following the business session. Mrs. Sam C. Campbell will preside as president. Big event of the club for the early fall will be its dessert luncheon and style revue the afternoon of Thursday, Sep tember 22, at the American Legion club. Fashion Event Interests Already a large group has made res ervations for the fashion revue. Among thorn are Mrs. George Patterson, Mrs. Mason DeNeffe, Mrs. Cullis Johnson of Portland and a group of eight with her, Mrs. Fred Davis, Mrs. W. T. Waterman, Mrs. Clayton Foreman. Mrs. Hugh Adams. Mrs. M. K. Crothers. Mrs. W, N. Johnston, Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mrs. Jack Muller, Mrs. Robert E .los seph, Mrs. Russel E. Pratt, Mrs. M. A. Pekar, Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde, Mrs. Robert Needham. Mrs Hoy II. Simmons, Mrs. Lenore Parks. Mrs. Paul Lardon, Mrs. Jack Kuhn, Mrs. William Croth ers, Mrs. Lester Carter, Mrs. Chandler Brown, Mrs. J. N. Bishop, Mrs. Horace MeGee, Mrs. John R Wood, Mrs. Loyal Warner, Mrs. Forrest Borimer, Mrs. Wal ter Cline, Jr. Mrs. William Judsrm, chairman. Mrs. Miln Van Ilouten. Mrs Frank Ward, Mrs Maurice Walker, Mrs. Roy Mink and Mrs. Fred Cast are the rommittee in charge of the fashion show. Grace's shop is to present the fall fashions. With the start of the new year for the group, announcement is made of the chairmen for the standing committees, Mrs. Campbell naming the following: Mrs Wakefield Walker, hospitality and friendship committee; Mrs. Charles AMONG groups starting a new sea ton is Chadwick assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, the first fall meeting being scheduled for next Tuesday evening in the Masonic temple. This is to be a formal event. The majority degree is to be conferred upon Misses Patricia Long, Patricia Powell. Joan Schwarz, Joyce Smith, Lola Mae Windecker. Lola Mae Cant way, Barbara Hendrickson, Marilyn Hill and Margaret-Jane Emmons. Members of Mt. Scott assembly, Portland, will be guests. The local assembly is to elect officers at this meeting. Miss Gladys Boock is retiring worthy adviser. A wedding of interest to many friends for this evening is that of Miss Janice Middlcton and LaVern Hicbert, the cere mony to be solemnized at 8 o'clock in the First Methodist church, the Rev. Brooks Moore officiating. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs. E. L. Crawford and the grand daughter of Mrs Lelace H. Ellis of Sa lem. Mr. Hicbert is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nels E. Hicbert of Salem. Soloist is Ronald Craven. Joe Brazie and Mrs. Ronald Craven at the organ. Roger Middleton is to give his sister in marriage. Mrs. Allan Bartlett of Ocean lake is to be honor attendant, Miss Lois Ruecker, Miss Patricia Carver and Mrs. Stanley Girod (Barbara Halvarson), the bridesmaids. Jerry Clay is best man and ushering will be Darwyn Hicbert, bro ther of Mr. Hicbert, Dan McCall and Richard Cole. The reception is to be in the church Carrier room. Mrs. William Howard is to serve the cake. Mrs. Frank Hicbert of Dallas, aunt of Mr. Hicbert, and Mrs. John A. Graef of Spokane, aunt of Miss Middleton, are to pour. Assisting with the serving are to be Miss Patricia Long, Mrs. Jerry Clay and Mrs. Bryce White; and Mrs. Steven Anderson is to pass the guest book. Miss Dona Adams of Portland is here for the week-end as guest of Miss Avis Roberts. On Monday she goes to Cath lamet, Wash, to begin work on the news paper there. Miss Adams was graduated in June from Willamette university. v ?w3wmm J S 'j jMlen-MUW tu110 ptctur. LeRoy Mink, membership; Mrs. Don Cannon, auditing; Mrs. C. M. Collins, club history, Miss Betty Jean Berger, Boomerang, the club paper; Mrs. Clin ton Ault. yearbook. Department chairmen include the fol lowing: Mrs. Wallace Wilson, American citi zenship; Mrs. Wesley Goodrich applied education; Mrs. Frank Ward, fine arts; Mrs. Terry Randall, American home; Mrs. Milo Van Ilouten, institutions; Mrs. Peery T. Burrn, legislation; Mrs. James Mohatt. public welfare; Mrs. Fred Cast, international relations; Mrs. Ralph At wood, youth conservation. St. Paul A silver tea and open house are planned Sunday in the new St. Paul's Catholic church parish house be tween 2 and S o'clock in the afternoon and 7 and 10 o'clock in the evening. The new parish house is located on the site of the old one that was built 10,'i years ago. Mrs. John McKillip is president of the Altar society which is sponsoring the tea. On (he committee ore Mrs. Clement Van dc Wiele. Mrs. Ray Manegre, Mrs. Bernard Brentann, Mrs. Lester Kirk, Mrs. Leo Firschwciler, Mrs. Gerald Connor. Jr., Mrs. Carl J. Smith. A large group will be pouring and assisting in serving. Invitation is extended to nil Interested to call. The Rev. Brooks Moore, pastor of the church, is to be speaker fur the meet ing of Wesleyan Service guild of the First Methodist church Monday evening. The meeting Is to be at 8 o'clock at the home of Miss Mildred Yetter, 1010 North lflth. The Rev. Mr. Moore will talk on "Our Faith." Co-hostesses are Miss Dor othy Butts and Mrs. llallie Shard.