AUTOMOBILES FAIR SPECIALS We Still HaveaFew Fine Buys Left. Come In. Convince Yourself. 1949 KAISER SEDAN 1948 FORD SEDAN 1946 HUDSON SEDAN 1942 OLDSMOBILE 5 PASS. 1941 OLDSMOBILE 5 PASS. 1941 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 1940 DODGE SEDAN 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN SOME CHEAPIES Teague Phone 2-4173 PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage .$1865 '46 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Sedan, R&H 1145 '38 Ford "60" 165 '46 Plymouth Clb Coupe, R&H, very clean 1185 '42 Studebaker Sedan 865 '41 Chevrolet Pickup 565 '37 Willys 165 Herrall - Owens Co. 680 N. LIBERTY AUTOMOBILES i: CHEV. 4 dr., R&H, 179 S. 2657 Cherry 42 It PICKUP Body Tops Aluminum, steel, or namental iron specialties, ratlings, made to order. 1080 Hulsey Ave. Ph. 21328. 0.2 II IBM CHEV. pick up, 185. 2280 81m Won. oil? Eisner Motors to Buy CAB ACCESSORIES tire At tubea at cost price, rim com first served as this Is elose-out sale. Dealers welcomed. R. D. Wood row Co., 450 Center. q WANTED: Clean used cars. Bob Marr. 3160 South Commercial a ZEEB'S USED CARS TO SELL - TRAD! TERMS 292 Palrwrounds Road Pdom 1-1454 Eisner Motors Fine Cars JOR SALE, equity In 1D46 Che v. 4 dr. sedan, also 1941 Chev.4 dr. sedan. In quire by Ph. 20331. Csll between St 12 p m. q21B Eisner Motors to Sell MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS INDIAN SCOUT 1049, Flan. bar. M.CM. cross over pipe. Reasonable. 390 fisher Rd 1SJ17 MUST SELL 1047 Aerlel Cycle In Rood shape. 1300. 1369 Center. qa21fl BOATS ALUMINUM BOATS Ideal for fall fish Inc. Light, fast, unsinkablc. No upkeep worries. Excellent design, 8-10-13-14 ft. sties. 1150 up. Oeo. E. Allen Hdw. q2J0' FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 Stats - Rm. 135 Lt. 0-133-M-165 C. R. Allen, Mgr. r216 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S. Church Parkins a Plenty Ph. t-3457 Lie. No. M l 59 S-1S4 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOAN UP TO 1300 Coma In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 r aire rounds Road Aerott street from bank Ho Parklni problems Phone 37033 Lie. N M369-S2. Floyd Ken yon, llrr. r PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terras On Larter Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROT H SIMMONS 1M South Commercial St. Phone 1-1181 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4-. OR 4'. INTEREST t to 40 Year and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone t-3663 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'j'i and 5-. TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Morteaccs. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 201 Pioneer Trust BUlt. Ph. 2-7182 r GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS LM. S-13J and M-322 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 118 S Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 T M'MHl LOAN wanted on first mortgage mi home and business property valued at 123,000. Income from property 1235.00 per month. Call 34547. ask for Sievrns r2:7 TRAILERS IMS 14 Ft. AI.JOA. Sleeps 4. Perfect eon dltton. Bargain. 130 Lena Ave. taiS M TRAILER. 23 ft., excellent condition. Seps 4. See at Luna Lane Trailer Plara. Turn risht on 9ft N. at yellow Hint after underpass. W. O. Johnston. 1331 IM VAGABOND, 36 ft. Oood condition. May be seen at 3157 Portland Road. tan DEER HUNTER NEW KIT TENS redured to 1795 0(1. Also several small used trailer! 1275 and up. Just the thins for that hunt. Jayhauk Trailer Sales Co. 2640 Portland Rd, t217 22 PT. OI.IDER. Butane rente. Sleeps 4. Oood eond. 1700. Tlr Crest Trailer park. North R.ver road. 1216 II L METAL GLIDER, completely turn. Trli.. apt. slz ranee, etc.. dolJr At awn lni Included. Must be seen to be ap preciated Wllleford at Pir Crest Trailer park. 3910 N. River rd. t21l V.'I.L TRTtE 42 5c nut rending machine ir trailer house. Ph. 3-146 t217 K flTsi N7nONAL!bTlFT ooat'tralier Foi information writ Fred L Jaslen. 344 N W. Msrsha.l, Portland, Ore Dr.AIFRS WANTED tj;f TRANSPORTATION DRIVING to La Anielea Mrt a m. Want i pass, for company. Room 433 Senator Metal, 3.0 I AUTOMOBILES Motor Co. SS2 N. Commercial ! PH. 24113 q31a DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes need machines sold, rented repaired Roen 450 Court Phone 3-0773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service new appliances. V lace's Electric Phone Free estimates. Trade-ins accepted on 8-B239 157 S Liberty St o AT-CR DOOR GRINDING AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for ail makes of Auto Radloa Morrow Radio Co., 153 s. Liberty. Ph 3-8955. o MARION MOTORS MASH SERVICE Towtnc service day phone 3-S280 Nlcnt 2-1804 33? Center Mike Panek, 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Drake and wheel alien I na specialists. . 0233' BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now, Terms No down payment Phone 2-4650. o BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5800. 0216 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 2-6537 or 3-4306 0239 Bulldozing-, leveling, road bids., clear ing, teeth for brush. Vlrsil Huskey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem. o239" CARPENTER WORK Carpenter work. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093. o239 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cast register Al makes sold, rented, re paired Roen 456 Court Ph 3-0773 o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, ride walks driveways, patio, curbs, walls, ate. Call 3-4850. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned Ens'er 771 S. 31st. Ph. 3-7176. o23J ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING " wrcmcii wiring, contracting, repairing, 157 S. Liberty 3-fOJ EXCAVATING A GRADING Excavating grading. Ben Otjen a? Son 610 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. o22B EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service en. j-jusa. Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl. o233 FLO it 1ST Breithauofs for flowers Dial 3-8170 fhell stove St dtesel oil. Ph. 2-3186. SheU OU Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor. 241 FURNACE CLEANING Olant vacuum machine. Trailer mount ed. Ph. 38662. United Products Co. 3037 rutnn q. rteasonaoie price. 0233 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Wet kins Oo products Free de livery m7 center. Ph. 3-5395. INSULATION Johns-Manvllle. Phone 1-3748. JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Bulldinra - Factories - Homes Estimates Without Obllxatlon AMERICAN BLDO. MA INT. ca Ph. Salem 3-9133 t LANDSCAPE NURSERY .V Doerfler Sons. Ornamental. 150 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1322. o" DFLl'X SERVE SELF Laundry. 34B Jef- ifrwn oi., rnone 23453, ojjg I.AWNMOWFRM Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power snd hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com I St. 233 LAWN MOWER SltARPINING in uui uvui n mower inirptDini Dexter the itwamuwer man Ph 16833 MATTRESSES Capital Beddlog Phone 1-4060. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish At Hawaiian Oultar. Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 3-756t. 0340 OFFICE FURN1TURK SUFPUES Desk chairs, fUes and filing supplies afes, duplicators and upplies. desk lumps typewriter Mends brief eases tare Wire Recorders, Roen 450 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE Wf service all typea of burners. Ph. 311862. United Products Co. 3037 Port land Rd. Work guaranteed. e233" VfstronTa are equipped to do yotii painting Phone 3-3493 PPFRHANGINO Expert Paperhanglno and painting. H J Woodworth. Ph. 3-5846. Free est. o?2 PAINTING 4 PAPERING Paint int and paperhana;ns Free e.t mate. Ph 3-9M1. 8j1 Shipping. o240a Call 3-2606 for your Painting t.aneme. Attractive rates. picti riTTramino Paper- o223 Prture frumtna Hutehooe Paint Store Pnn.e I (!1 FjQr. I4 S. Com'l. PB, 0-3010. 0333 DIRECTORY PRl'MNG-SPRATIXG Phillip W. Belike. Ph. 3-1200 SAND GRAVaX Oarden Soil, cruahed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand Gravel Co.. Phone 3-9349. Valley Sand Grave Co Slit, sand fit dirt Excavating IDS above) fc cau Tractor scoop Aj trucks for dirt moving Ph. office 34003, res. 37140. ff Salem Saw Writs. Ph. 3-7603. 1293 V 5th 0329 SKWEKS AND SEPTIC TANKS E1ectrl Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent Razor Sharp Steel Gutting Blades Clean Sewera or Drains Sep tie Tanks Cleaned Re as. Ph 1-1321 or 1-0460 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Iim Si VV, Salem. Ph. 1-9468, 3-5327. 0235 K. F Ham fl. Septic tanks cleaned. E'ectrle machine servlci on sewer and drain lines. Ouaranterd work. 1143-sth St.. Wen Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o223 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect. Todd's Septle Tank Service, 3545 State St. Phone 2-0734. o SEWING MACHINES New Home sewing machine sales. We rroalr all makes. Klngwood Elec., 1091 Ediewater. Ph. 35569. 0231 Bought, sold, rented, repaired EZ terms. AU makes. W. Devenport. Ph. 37871. 0338 AU makes repaired, free estimates. S.nger Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 3-3512. o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables. AH makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court, o TRANSFER A STORAGE .ocal Ac Distance Trans ft r. storage Burner oils, coal St briquets Trucks tf Portland dally Aaent (or Bekin House hold goods moved to anywhere In US or Canada Larmer Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 VENETIAN BLINDS Made li Salem Free est Phone 17328 Elmer the Blind man. o" Salem Venetian Blinds made to order ot reflnlahed, Relnholdt St Lewis. 3-3639 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore, Rt. 2, Box 317. Ph. 3-5135. o239 Portable acetylene or anywhere. Ph. 33485. WEATHERSTRIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-53C5 o233 WINDOW SHADES Washable Roller Made to order. 1 Day Del. Relnholdt At Lewis Ph 33630. WINDOW CLEANING Acme V. Indow Cleaners Windows, wails A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waxed and polished Ph 2-3337 347 Court. Langdoc. Culbertsoo and Mather WOODS A WING WOOD St SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co Ph 3-4031. LODGES I.O.OJP meets every Wed nesday night Visitors wel LEGAL UNCLAIMED DEPOSITS PRESUMED ABANDONED The following unclaimed deposits. In cluding deposits other than tho;te payable on demand, are held by the state Em ployees Credit Union of Salem. Oregon, as of July 1. 1949: the owner or owners of which have not for a period of seven u"..(A.Mv.' years prior to said date, ai negotiated In wrltina in respect thereto, or bi been credited with Interest on the passbook or certllicnte of deposit on his or their request, or c) had a transfer, deposition of Interest, or other trans action noted of record In the books of the above bank or trust company, or id) increased or decreased the amount of the deposit: Name of Depositor and LaU Known Addreia Amount Mrs. Georgia Studney, Portland. Oregon 17.41 rs. Barbara J. Wolfe, Salem. Or en on 6.46 Louise Brynn, Oalem, Oregon 7.40 Roy R. Cole, Salem. Orrton 42 Mrv Ladd McClaskey, Arlington, Oregon 7.46 Paul H. Rise a Portland. Oreion 2.00 Vernon Domoealla, Salem, Oregon 8.B1 Sid Bartlett. alem, Oregon 7.34 Thos. M Kenworthy. Tacoma, Washington 1.38 1.39 7 39 Morris H. M liner, Deceased Henry Oldrnbure, Salem, Oreson M. E A. Lehl. Portland. Oregon 1.38 falph Mase, Salem. Oregon 7.U Mrs. M ldred Skewls, Portland, Oregon 7.10 Mrs. Ruth Mason, Coquille, Oreson .47 Mrs. Mildred Reschke, Bend, Oregon 0.93 J. Busby. Salem. Oreion 0.01 Floyd J. Oould. Salem. Oreion 0.70 Oeorae R. Mursell, Salem. Oreson 0 74 Edward Ken wisher. Salem. Oregon 0.11 L. M. Falkenhagen, Salem. Oreson 0.71 Opal Stocks rd. Salem. Oregon 0 69 Randolph W. Mott, Salem. Oregon 0 00 Owen A. Cannon, Salem. Oreson , 36 i In. L. Nelson, Salem. Oreson , Carl K. Sellers. Oreson Harvey J. McKay. Med ford. Oregon , .... 0.53 .... 044 William J. Byars. Salem. Oreson Audrey Jackson. Vancouver, Washington 24 49 Sept. 3. 10 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the mderslgned, b? an order of the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon for Marlon County, Probata Department, made and niereo on the lltrt day or August, 1949. ras appointed administrator with the will annexed of the Estate of Julia M. Keller. deceased, and that he has qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims asalnst said estate are hereby notified to bring tne same duly verified and with proper vouchers, to the under Msned administrator at 1459 Hickory, 8a- iem oresnn. or to his attorney, w thin six months from the date of the flnt puoiication of this notice, which first publication Is made A must IS, 1040. iteorse s. enaeg Administrator t t a. of the Estate Of JULIA M KPLLEY. leruri CREIOHTON AND LOVETT Attorneys for the estate N. Liberty St. Salem, Oreton. Aug 13. 20. 27. Sept. t. 10. UNCLAIMED DEPOSITS PRESUMED ABANDONED The following unclaimed deposits, In uding deposiU other than those parable on demand, are held by tne Contldie and MrCIatne Bank of S.lverton, Oreton, as of July 1, 1949: the owner or owners of which have not for a period of seven succejyme years prior to sa.d date, fat netotlated In writing In rejpeet thereto. o. Been credited with interest on in passbook or certificate of deposit on hts or their request, or 'el had a transfer, disposition of Interest, or other trans aftlcn noted of record in the books of the above bank or trust company, or d Increased or decreed the amnint of the dpos;t Clarence Srhsffer or Mrs Foyd O. Bve. Mt. Antel, Oreion, t01, Oract OOumn or Lais Bench Erntsnn. S:ivertOn. Oregon. II 08: Sam of Waiter Harl. Silverton. Oregon. Ill 65; R. L. Walln A M R., Silverton, Oregon, 13 56. Bert 3 lo I I s. a J p". journal wani mqs ray "w sav . 1 it . eu vm tf. Interceptor Sewer Laying Averages 120 Feet Daily Con crete pipe 72 inches in diameter and weighing six tons a sec tion now being laid in a trench 20 feet deep through city property at the sewage disposal plant site. The line, approxi mately 12.000 feet in length, will terminate at Union and Church streets. Completion limit for laying is set for May 30, 1950. 120 Feet of Interceptor Sewer Pipe Being Laid Daily Excavating and laying concrete pipe for Salem's 12.000 foot in terceptor sewer, beginning at the site of the proposed sewage dis posal plant along the Willamette and continuing through the city to the intersection of Church and Union streets, is now well started and advancing at the rate of 120 feet daily. Completion date for the proj-"" ect is set for May 30, 19a0, and H. C. Werner, Inc., Eugene con tractor, now has a yard and a half shovel trenching to a depth of 19 feet and a one-yard crane laying the concrete pipe Twenty men are now employ- ed on the project, including tliosej Ewes i; za to n oo working at the Church and !g" "" !!! Union street extremity where the bridge is being removed preparatory to laying 60-inch pipe six feet below the creek bottom. Excavation and pipe laying will continue throughout the winter and more hands will be added as the work progresses. Backfilling the 20 foot deep trench where laying started al the river began yesterdav. Pres ently another machine will as sist the blade now working this end of the job. Seattle Concrete Pipe com pany, whose contract calls for manufacturing the reinforced concrete pipe used in the inter ceptor line are turning out pipe 72 and 60 inches in diameter at a rate of 15 sections a day. The 72-inch sections weigh six tons each, the 60 inch four tons. Hun dreds of sections of pipe, cured and ready for laying, are now on hand at the plant located on the River road at the site of the sew age disposal plant. Ten men are employed mak ing pipe with Henry Pratt as su perintendent. . PORTLAND GRAIN Portland. Sept. 10 fl Cash grain un quoted. Cash Wheat (bld: sort wnite j i3'i: soft white (excluding Rexi 2.14; White Club 2 H. Hard Red Winter: ordinary I 10 per cent 2 14; 11 per cent 2.15; 12 per cent 219. Herd White Baartr Unquoted. No car receipts today. LEGAL UNCLAIMED DEPOSITS PRERl'MED ABANDONED The follow In unclaimed deposits. In cluding depneits other than those par able on demand, are held by the Mt. Ante) Branch of the United States National Bank of Portland of Mt. Ansel. Oreson, as or lb) been credited with interest on which have not for a period of seven successive years prior to said date. at negotiated In wrttini In respect thereto, .or b been credited with Interest on the passbook or certificate of deposit on his or their request, or c had a trans fer. disposition of interest, or other trans action noted of record In the books of the above bank or trust company, or dt Increased or decreased the amount of the deposit: Lenore Yereen, Woodburn, Ore gon, 1112.41 Svgs. Acct. Sept. S. 10 UNCLAIMED DEPOSITS PRESUMED ABANDONED The following unclaimed d e p o I ta. Including deposit other thao those payable on demand, are held by The Ftrat National Bank of Port land at Its SALEM BRANCH of Salem. Oregon, a of July 1. I9i9: the owner or owners oT which have not for a period of seven successive years prior to date. d negotiated in wnnns in resnect thereto, or b been credited th Interest on the passbook or certifi cate of deposit on his or their request, or had a transfer, disposition or ln'er- est. or other transaction noted of rerord in the books of the above bank or trust company, or d Increased or decreased he amount of the deposit: Com mere I al De-pelta Cochran. Mrs. R. E. address unknown. 186 81; Psrk. Mary W.. 189 Chemeketa, flalem. Ore on, tn 44: Singer, J. F., ad- unknown. 8nf)0.00. ftavtnca Depoalta luoti. Mrs. Lethe. 33 ft if. 4th St.. Salem, Ore, II 00; Asukl, Mrs. Helen Tr. for Cstallno Asukl, Jr., address unknown, Aandra Lee. Salem. Oreion, 4 86; Becker, Rerslund, Oeorse, 3320 8 Commercial, As- Shipping 81, Salem, Ore,. 7,77; Cnffey, Mrs. O B or Marly I.oj, Salem. Oreion, 2)31: Coker, Mrs. Irene, 1127 Hlnes, Sa lem. Ore , 1 00: Cowen, Elma bt Clara C. Palterann, Bupt . Rt. I. Boa SO. Salem, Ore. 12.113;, Mrs. Warren Tr. for Bert Fanning, l&fis Orant, Snm, Ore,, Ore., 1 00, Morie. Ellsworth. MB Nr. 1 74; Ove, Tom, Rt. 2, Boa 219, lm Dr 1 1 Parr liina X lilll Vlrg.n.a Bt., Salem. Ore. 8.72: Porter, B:11, Rt. 2. Ros 2"8, Salem, Ore. 100, iSciiroeder, Fdith M by C. 8. Bristol. 1331 No. Capitol, Salem. Ore, JJ B, I Sharp. B 11. Rt. A. Boi 104. 8a 'em Ore., I 1 no, t'liman Jeni.e L , n.; 8 at . Sa lem, Ore. 1 .ftl Vackoy, Jne, 1133 Cheme ke'a, Salem Ore . 1 on. Prnerl lleti uhW I. Wrtta mt Kaecatlen wr Attar hment Cutler. F. B A Mildred. eMrAS nn known deferdant. Credit B J re a us. plan tiff, 118 87. Karry Kn:d Mfg. Co. addreaj unknown, derntant. Crd t Servlre Corp. pta n' ff. 1 " Voit srihir S, addreia unn" n. de:e ndant, Credit B jreaos. p.aint.ff, 41. Sept. 10, IT , ?i";--.1' , ."4 m MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Ltveatovk Market (By Velley Packing Company! 2" U--V"":"".'.'.'!? 2 Fat dairy cows 89 00 to 10.SO Bulls 11100 to 115.00 Calves, ac-od 1300-450 lbs.) 116 00 to 118 00 Veal (150-300 lbs. 1 ton ....118.00 to 120 00 Portland Produia Butterfat Tentative, giibject to Imme mate chinxe. Premium quality maximum to .3 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 63 -66c lb.. 92 score 61-84c lb., 90 score, 57-60c, 89 score. 55c. Valley routes and country joints 3c less than first. Butter Wholes tie FOB bulk rubes to wholesalers: srsde 93 score, 62 cents; 4. 93 score lc: B 90 score, 69c lb.. O 8n score, 66c. Above prices are strictly nominal Cheese Selling price to Portland who) ale: Oregon singles 39-40c; Oreson b sm. loaf 42-43c; triplets 1 k less than Mngles. Essa (To Wholeaalers) A grade large Slva-Si'ac; A medium, 85-58'ic; grade B lance, M'i-SS'jc; small A grade, 42V.C Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Grade A A prints 67c; AA cartons 68c: A prints 07c a cartons C8c; B prints 84c. Essa Prices to retailers: Grade AA larne 72c do:.; certified A Jarse. 67c; A larne, 66c; AA medium, 61c: certified A, medium, 80c; A medium, 59c. A small, 16c: cartons 2c additional, Chrcie Price to retailers: Port lane Oregon singles 39-42c Oreson loaf, 4 lb loafs 44 s -45c lb.; triplets, 1' cents less than slnkW. Premium brands, singles. M'iiC lb loaf. 63 'c. Poultry Lire Thickens No. t quality FOB Plants. No. 1 broilers tinder 2' lbs. 25-36c lb.; fryers JU-) lbs., 28-30c; 3-4 lbs., 31c; roasters 4 lbs and over, 31c lb., fowl. 1 pr horns. 4 lbs and under, 17-19c, over 4 lbs. lftc; colored fowl all weights 21c; roosters, all weights 18-19e. RahMtaA vernua tr growergt live whites. t-S lbs 18-30 lb.: 6-8 lbs. 16-18c lb; -oiored 2 cents lower; old or heavy noes. 8-14c; dressed fryers to butchers. 83-57c Cnunlry-KHIrd Meats Veal top quality, 33-33fl lb t other grades according to weiani and quality with poor or heavier 20-23c. Hoas: Light blockers, S2-33CI sows 23-25C. Lambs: Top quality, springers, 96-37c; nut ton 8-10c. Beef: Oood cows, 93-26e lb; canners cutters, 20-23C Fieah Dreaaed Meala (Wholesalers to retailers per wt.! Beef steers, sood 500-800 lbs. I43-4S: commercial, 135-41; utility. 125-27. Cows Commercial, 129-34; utility, 126 27: ranners-c utters, 823-25. Beef cuts ( ood steers) Hind quar ters. 153-57: rounds, 152-55: full loins, trimmed. 173-77; tnansles. 136-37; square chucks. 839-41; ribs, 152-55; f orequartera, 137-38. Veal and calf: Good. 138-39; commercial, 132-33: utility. 135-30. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs. 142 45; commercial, 835-40: ulllit. 132-11. Mutton: Good. 70 Iba down, 115-18. Pork cuts, Loin No. 1 8-13 lbs, 982 63: shoulders. 16 lbs down, 14(1-43 50- spare ribs. 947-49: carcasses, 134-35; mixed weletits. ii 50. Portland MHrellaneeaje Caarara Bark Dry 13'4c lb , green 4c lb Wnil Valley eoarse and medium grades 45e lb. Mohair 15e nV on 13 -month growth, nominally. Hiriea Cales. 17 lb., according to wels lit, k'os J2o lb.; beef 10-1 lc lb., bulls 5-6c lb. Country buyers pay 2e less. Nut Quotatlena Walnala Franquettes. first quality Junv bo. I4.7c I arte, 32 7e. medium. 37.2c; second qusllty Jumbos. 30. 2c; Isrse, 28.2c m dtum, IS 3c i Sab v. 23 2r: soft slill, first quality lark. 20, 7c: medium. 38.2c; sec ond quality large, 17Jc; medium. 14. 7c; baby 22 3c. Filberts Jumbo, 30e rb.i large, -n'dtiim 18e: small IV PLATES REPLACED Gloss, thot is. The small premium you pay for plate glass insurance assures you of prompt re placement at SALEM'S GENERAL OF AMERICA AGENCY. Customer Parking at Our New Location CHUCK L22isjsil SALEM AND 373 No. Chunh St. Grains Tumble in Wake of Forecas . J j .7 v Z , J tumbled on the board of trade today in the wake of a govern - merit forecast of another autumn of bumper harvest.. Corn and soybean, led the downturn. ..e,. i.,.iU.....v ber. showed more firmness than oiner grains Decause or recent strength in local cash prices Wheat closed lower to higher, September $2 ()fi',, corn was 7, - 1 lower, September $1.2fi!k-li. oats were 1-34 low er, September BS',-, rye was i to 1-4 lower, septeniDer $1.44. snyDeans were z-14-3-14 lower. November $2.2B'j-'4, and lard was 5 to 17 cents a hundred pounds lower, September $11.95. Fire Destroys High Bridge Pasco, Wash., Sept. 10 UP Fire swept the 150-foot high Snake river bridge last night, blocking traffic between the Co lumbia river basin area and V. . , There were no injuries report- ed. Cause of the blaze was not known. rr.u'1 fmm tli Pim Kennewick city fire departments and the Benton. Walla Walla and Frank counties rural fire departments battled the flames The two-lane wooden bridge crosses the Snake river four:"""-""""" miles southeast of here noar the'Rirls' National softball league. Columbia river. It is near Saca - iawea state park. neam ot Mrs. ftiary r.tien Jolin - The state patrol said tho!son at tlie nome of h,r son- quarter-mile-long span was a total loss. The fire reportedlv started in "re- . as a the center of the bridge below j formo,r '"'dent of Rickey d.s ih m.dM ,j 4-...r,i I f't for several years. both ends. The structure, built: before World War I. was coated i with tar and creosote. Army engineers had planned to demolish the bridge two years ago and build a new one because the McNary dam reser voir will require rerouting of the highway. Southbound traffic was re routed by way of Plymouth, forcing vehicles to take the fer ry at the McNary damsile to Umatilla, Ore. 82-Day Old Bus Strike Ends Seattle, Sept. 10 (flj North Coast Greyhound Lines planned resumption of full north-south service in Washington state to day following an agreement to end the 82-day-old strike reach ed last night. Federal Conciliator William G. Hosie said the company and the Motor Coach Employes' union (AFL) agreed to start the buses rolling at midnight, stan dard time, last night and to arbi trate the differences. Night-owl runs left Seat tlr and Portland at midnight with ft.H service on local and long distance runs to be resumed to day. Hosie said the agreement was reached in a meeting at his of fice between representatives of the company and the union. "They reached agreements on almost all points of difference," the conciliator said. "And then agreed to submit to arbitration the remaining four or five points at issue. Hosie said each side would nominate an arbitrator, and to gether they would pick a third Drivers and mechanical per sonnel were instructed last night to report immediately to their supervisors by John Parker, union business agent. Office workers were ordered to report Monday. Some 5S0 workers were af fected by the strike, which tied tip north-south bus service from the Canadian border to Port land. One main Issue of the dispute was the method of paying driv ers. The union wanted them paid on an hourly basis, and tlie company wanted to compute them on a mileage scale. Roses were among the first nt nil frntfrant flnwrr. to hp lu.qpd as perfume. INSURANCE fc0 COOS BAY Dial 3 9119 Capital Journal, Palem, Oregon, Four Corners Rainy Day and 1 Folir Cornor. Sept. 10 Despite pouring rain registration at (he new four Corner, Lincoin ,chool wa5 well aUended Friday , mnrnin, Prin,.,n;,i Anhr V Mver. nH hi. nrir,J Boyd H,lle.sland, will head the teaching staff. Mrs. Robert Carson, firs, d Mrs Kalhryn Tovcen, mixed grade of first and second; M E VanSanten, second . grade; m. LaVaun White, third (Rradp. MisJ Evr, Smi(hi : jourtri grade; Miss Shirley Payne, fifth grade; Boyd Hilles land, sixth grade. Registration broken down in to grades is as follows: first, 4A: second, 32; third, 32: fourth, 28; fifth, 29; sixth, 29. It is expect- ed that ,here win be a few late Mr., Sinn, will helda-V k'"ln 23 Pe"0n tnr' school secretary ti, i., f .Vhi iii h..'a're ""d h' wo top aides. delaved one week. It is hoped I . Dd " the crash-third worst the building will be ready for.,'" Canad:'an history-were E. occupancy September 19. Inl'.'PP" Stannard. president of the meantime Mr. Mvers and his1 h" Kennecott Copper corpora corps of teachers will be on dutvitlon- and a director of J. P. Mor arranRing room furniture, plac-!an conlPany, and two of his top ing supplies and getting their CXCCU,lves ice President R. J. sNstem organized. Mrs. Mvrtle Parker and Arthur D. Storke, Reanev will again have charge president - designate of the o( the school cafeteria. It will 600 000 000 Kennecott concern, be a few weeks before the equip-1 A11 three men were from New ment is in place for the serving ; York City. They were reported of lunches. Until then tlie chil-, en roule to northeast Quebec 'dren will bring their lunches, Wr- anrt p- T Deckard returned this week from Chi - cago. where they have been vis- , "'"f! their daughter Jamie P-ck- ard- While there they attended, a banquet at the Roc-kola Sta- dium in honor of their daughter, nlls uecKarei was votcn tne 1 w ord nas bcrn received of the "'aurlc,e Jonnson at Lresweu,) V ""-""i opiiiiB- Men Abandon Ship Halifax. N.S.. Sept. 10 im The 10-man crew of a coastal!"ash, freighter aground in a hurricane lahandnneH their shin earlv lr- day and reached shore safely. Marine radio here picked up a fragmentary message that the 10-man crew of the coastal freighter had gotten ashore from the rocky reef along the New foundland shore where it was driven las-t night by the shriek- ing winds. SALEM MARKETS Completed from reports of Salem deal ers for the guidance f Capital Journal Readers. (fUvlatd dally). Retail l-erd frtrea Tkk Mah (5.10. Rabbit Pellet. t SO. hair Feed 13.70. Poultry: Buying prices Grade K color ed hens. 20-22c; grade A Leahnrn hens, IB-lBe. grade A colored fryers, tliree :bs. and up, 32-330. Grade A old roosters 15 cents. fCsas Buying Prices Extra Urge AA, flc: Inrne AA. 6."c: litree A. 63-6c; medium AA. 15c: nifdlum A, 5.1-5r: pullets 3S-40c. Wholraale Prleea Rgg wholesale price S-7e above thee prices; above grade A cnerally quoted at 71c: medium. 64c. Butterfat Premium 64 -BSe. No. t, 3ei No I, 67 iSc 'buying prlcesi Rulter Wholesale grade A, ties re all 720. OBITUARY M. RICE Lebanon Funeral services for C. M nice. 80 110 Cleveland street, were helrt here Friday with burial In the IOOK emetery. He was killed In a fall from a broken ladder at his home while he was nicklne apples. He was emnlovrd at the FlrjU National bank as a Janlfnr. Rice was horn in Illinois Oct. 22. Ifttil and had Ived tn Salem and I.vorw before com ins here 20 years aso. flurvlvma are hia wi dow and five sens, Osmund Rlre. Klamath Falls: Mil on Rlre. Jennmss Lodse; Lnr- rnro and Paul Rice, both ol Portland and Arthur Rice. Seattle; also two daushters. Mrs. Florence Huffman and Mrs. Anna Se rver, both of Portland, a brother. Chan cy nice and a sister. Mrs Pu.ile Benson. O California and 12 srandchiklren. Llnrilee Murray Howies nail.- Funeral services for Mndtev Murrey Bowles, ftl. veteian of World War I and a mem her of the old Company L of Dallas, will he Morula at 10 a m at ihe Hr-nkte and Hollman r ha pel with Or. Karl William Henb"w of fir iatin, .lennine Lottie AP A- AM, nalla, of whtrh Mr. fintalea waa a member, will rondurt ritu alistic aervlrea. Burial will be In the Rait Treek cemetery. Mr Rnwlea died Septem ber 7 at Klamath Fella following a heart attark He had neen living for the pat 1 yeaia at Arcadia. Calif., but had marie ' hta home for man yeara In the Salt I t?reek community near IJslla He u bnrn Annl S. 1AM, at Clif-halia. Wai-h Bowlea was a member of Hnllvwnnd, Calif , print. erkan J eg ton Rurvivmg are the wl r. Mn Karhrvn Howie tit A rr art la and one arm. Claude M Howies of Portland. 1 Saturday, Sept. 10, 1949 IT Pupils Defy Register Canadian Plane Exploded in Air Sault Au Cochon, Quebec, Sept. 10 tPi A Canadian airlin- jing an American mining million- wm re aeposns 01 titanium ore oeen oiscoverea. litam- Ui is a medium weight ore ex- pected to bridge the gap between aluminum and steel. The sixteen other passangers, including three children, and crew of four all Canadians died instantly. Eyewitnesses said the plane, a DC-3, turned suddenly in the air and plummeted toward a rocky .blulf which rises several nun- dred feet from the St. Lawrence river at this town 40 miles east oi wueDec city. Oscar Tremblay, a railway section hand, said he and four fellow workmen pushed their way four miles through the un- uerorusn io tne scene of t h DEATHS Julius Sever Julius Sever, late resident oi route t. Aumsvtlle. at a local hospital, September, 7. at Ihe age of S3 yeara. Survived bv wid ow. Mrs. ELMe Sever of Aumsvtlle: e. daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Alice McOloth- iin or uaiem: three sons. Char leu svv Stanley Sevey end Julius Sevey, Jr., all of Aumsvtlle: and two grandchildren. Member of the IOOF lodse In Denver, - iiib rmDyierisn enuren. aerr Ires will be held Mondav. Animhr ii at 1:30 p.m. at the Howell-Edwards chapel. William n. Crawford William H Crawford, at the resident ai hi? r-arrisn St.. September 1. at t oi ourvivea oy widow, Bertnln i. urawiora oi eaiem; a son. Timothy 8. Crawtord ot Palo Alto. Calif : sister. Mrs. wuiiarn M. Smith of Esston. Pa.: two srandchlldren; and three treat grand children. Services will be held at the noweii-Gdwards chspel Saturday. Septem ber 10, at 4 p.m. with Bee. George I Swlfl officiating. K. H. RUke K H. Blake, late resident of 2420 Lea tpeet, at a local hosnllal Reotember . Servlrea will he held Tuesday, September 13th at 1:30 n m. al the Howell-Edwarda chapel. Baby Roy Reeves Baby Boy Reevea. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hnrnld Reevea of Jefferaon, Septem ber 9. Burvlvora inrlude Ihe grandparents, Mr. and Mra. Fran,k Reevea of Salem. An nouncement of services later br the Howell-Edwarda chapel. ieale McCoy Jeie McCoy. ate Tealdent of Broota route 2. at a Portland hospital, Septem ber 9. at the age of 4.1 years. Surviving are the widower. Andrew MrCoy, Brook; daughters. Mm. Beverly Hall. New port, and Mrs. Lona White. SUets; two aona, Alfred McCov. Oervals. and Ivan MrCoy, Ft. Lewla. Wanh : parents. Mr. fcnd . I.eRoy Dalev. of Colorado: four alu- tera, Mra. Gertrude Rtrawn and Mrs. Syl- navis, both of Sslem: Mra. Alice Mock. Colorado, and Mra. Lillian Ztmmerlv, Portland, and two brothers. Evan Dalev. m. and Ben Daley, Colorado. An- noumement of aervlcea later by the Howell-Edwarda chapel. R ECTAL I ROLAPSI Piles Hemorrhoids Quick Relief No Hospitalization No Loss of Tims Lasting Results Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Rectal Specialist 1144 Ontrr 84. Halrm, Ore. The dignify and honor of fonenj service arc dependent upon loy tty to the ideals of Public Stnict. We fulfill the needs of humanity . by serving each individual family to tlie best of out ability. Clough-Barrick Co. 20S So. Church St. Ph 3-9139 Established 1878 The Pioneer Funeral Home )