10 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINOl Pr Una 15e Per Lin 1 tlmu 40c Per Lint 9 Unit 60c Pvr Lint 1 month $2.00 Outside of Salem 16c per lint pet day. Mln. 10c; t timet mln. 10c 6 time j mln. 11.20. No Refund READERS In Local New Col. Only: , Per Line SOc To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Owner Leaving Oregon 4 bedroom home one year old. Large Jiving room, tile kitchen, bath u pat aire and down, Plastered basement and gar tite. Hardwood floor, lot built-in, terraced back yard. Cost over 118,000 to build. Reduced to 112,500 for quick sale. For Information call 34547. a227 a f . to L BY LOVELY 2 bdrm. home, north on 99 at 2140 Carlton Way. 217 BY OWNER: 3 BR. home, Englewood dist. 1457 East Ave. a216 REDUCED TO SELL 1 bdrm. home near Leslie Jr. High and I McKlnley grade school. 740 Electric St. Ph 3-9B82. a216' BY BUILDEh, 'Large beautiful 3 bdrm. Tanch atyle home, dble. garage. In exclusive dis trict. 2100 sq. ft. under roof. Drive by '1570 North 23rd St. Just south of Market St. then call 3-8817 for ap pointment. 217 J" BDRM. HOME. $2850. 8300 down. 2200 J9impson. a217 110 MABEL ST. at Penn 4 Corners, va cant now. 3 bed room and garage, 3 'Vears old, newly decorated, good term at only 140.00 per mo. Including the In terest at 4. . OLAF THONSTAD ' Real Estate 41 N. Capitol St. Ph. 3 - Must Sell by 15th 11404 equity for 1506. 1 year old 2 BR ,-Jioase. Hdwd floor, plastered. 542 Bluer, Mapleton addition, Oo out North Front. 218 ,'IMM. POSSESSION Out of state owner here to aell prac tically new home, 6 Ue. rms., hdwd. firs thruout, auto-furn. piped to all rma. Un fin. upstair. Stairway in. Breezeway. tt. gar. Lge. lot, city water. Low down payment. F.H.A. term. Salem Heights dist. 5B5 Ewald. a21B SUBURBAN EXCELLENT VIEW LOT rBy owner, 1 ml. 8. city limit. Almost new 8 rm. Bungalow, att. gar., nooreo attic, awnings, covered patio, 80X140' lot. Beautifully landscaped. Garden In. 4i FHA loan. $51 mo. Drive fl. Com'l to Twald, turn right up 2 bins, sboii Scenic View Drive. Ph. 3-3378. auia J" FOUR bedroom house, 14 acre of land, 2630 Brooks, J sooo. 2 new 4 norm, -tiouses, 2310 Broadway, A. E. Heasley, owner, 2305 N. Liberty St. a226 6"wNER transferred. Modern home 2'a "yrs. 3 bdrms on one floor, 1390 Jeffer son St. Ph. 35228. a220 -Half Acre View Home $14.800 Lovely 3 bed rm. home with double plumbing. Ik. din Inn rm., oil pipe furnnce, fireplace, nice patio over looking Salem, new lawn, garden Si berries, home Is one yr. old. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Th. 23849 Eve. 25280 aJie I BDRM., LR, DH, kitch. Si breakfast 8ook Si hath rm. Close to school, on dub ne. 810O0 Dn., bal. $50 mo. Very reaa. or take car as down payment. 460 Aca demy after 5:30 p.m. a216 Englewood Homes .Neat 2 bdrm. home, llv. rm., kit., show er, unfln. attic. Lge. beautifully land scape lot. 1 blk to senior high, 2 blk. to Parrlsh. $7500 furn., 16000 unfurn. $8450 V This Is a Honey Well built, new 2 bdrm. home, carppeted llv. At din. rm., beautiful kitchen, auto, ht., new Maytag auto, washer incl., Jawn In. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. ,', 1385 N. Capitol St. Ph. -4Sa. Eves. 2-5297, 3-901, 3-4353. 4 BEDROOMS Only t year old, lure, carpeted llv. rm. etc din. rm., nook St car port. Close In, (Suburban location. V block from bua. Over 1400 q. feet of floor apace. Owner will .sacrifice for 18500. Call lion Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor FOR SALE OR TRADE: My equity of 1.1000 In a new 2 bdrm. home for best car offer or reasonable cash offer. Lee. Jpt with nice lawn. 592 Try on avenue. h a216 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE; King wood Height; mw 2 BR house. H. Wiena, Rt. e, box 120, Olen Creek dr. a217 BY OWNER: See thla modern 'Vbdrm? view home. Will consider offer. Terms. 1101 Long view St. off Klngwood Dr. a220 BY OWNER fl bdrm., one block to McKlnley achool St bus. Hdwd. firs,, open circular atair way, plastered dry basement, oil fur nnce. Will consider any reasonable of- tfer. Ph. 3-5472. a217 McKiliopReal Estate- ! REALTORS . 3 CENTER AT H1CIH 8TREET I EXCELLENT BUYS iY.iHrtv 2 bedroom home. Large living Vnom and kitchen. Hardwood floors. ils of bullt-ins and closet space. Oood rase. Close- to school. Paved street. Kf.'iiHr bedroom modern home. Living loom wtlh fireplace, dining room, V itchen, nook, full basement. Double karnue. Large corner lot, good lawn lnd shrubs. Cln.se to St. Vincent de Paul church and school. Come In or Phone Davtlme 3-5131 Evening 2-1243 McKillop Real Estate 493 CentiT at North High Street BUT YOUR HOME! hould have 3 bedrooms, lartte living room, and dining room, l'i baths, den, 3 J 00 feet of floor apace. Leather uphol a'ered breakfast nook, double garage, patio and barbtque. 1 block to bus. Lot 170x225. Bendix and dryer toe, l-nmedlate possession. We have It on P H A. Irrms. 119 500, No. 340-A FA1RMOUNT HILL! .Tint the place, t fireplace. 1' bath Only 1 bedroom but an addition would b very ilmpln Pull prtee only 18.500 Lot value -14.000. No. S Englewood District! 3 bedroom home with lull basement, auto heat. Prewar eons true lion. Hard wood floor in dining and living room. )(t.&00 with tVOOO down. Balance FHA No. 2R9 Rolmann For Real Estate 101 South High St. Ph. S-9201 Sunday and Evening I -1798, 2-8241, 1-3533, 1-5906, 1-0712 a2l8 twHl DOWN will buy tnu I BR," home with barn and about acre of good land, electric well, plenty of water, north. Better hurry. Pull price 16,1.00, Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Personal Service 164 8. Cnm'l St. Ph. 3-63FI9 Eve. 1-7440. 2t7 tH.iw I room modem house, fireplace, IAjv-o , room, unfinished attic, garage. $A7fl 4 rooms, plastered, all electric Will trade for larger home. $ t lot, t bedroom house, pecan floor, eerae. Will trade for larg er house. P. II. Bell, Realtor I ni Chemtkeu st. pa. l-is$ ve. I-60H I-19M, 1-141. till Oregon, Saturday, Sept. 10, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Any Number Can Play" Plus "Night Unto Night" AT WARNERS CAPITAL THEATRE HERE ARK THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of S3 words or less on 'Whv I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mall to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be judued on sincerity and originality The FIVE Best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Any Num ber Can Play," plus "Night Unto Night," coming soon to the Elsl nore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capita! Journal and decision of the Judges Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elslnore Theatres and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES BY ONWER: 2 Bed Rm. Home, full base ment. CI ewe to chool bua St atore. $7150. 1654 8. High. a217 GOOD VALUES TERMS 19950 Englewood: LR, DR. Kn, two bdrm, full burnt, auto oil furnace; lovely around. 12500 down. Keizer; east of hlway, nice nearly new two bdrm modern house. Sacrifice. 1900 down; balance (50 per mo. Furniture available. Secluded retreat 12 mile north Just off Pacific hlway; three acre, fruit and nuts; nice small modern house, toed poultry house, garage. Full price 18500. Can be handled with S2000 down, bal ance like rent. A cheaper one. Pull price 15000. Small, modern two bdrm house, neat and clean. Make your own term within SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 3766 $6950 HIGHLAND DISTRICT Adorable corner, 2 bdrm. home, nearly new. 1st class cond. Block to bus. Ideal for employed couple. Easy upkeep. Very small down, easy mo. payment. Thi ta good. $9800 ttractive. well built. 1 year old. 2 bdrm. home. Lovely hardwood floor. Pull dining room. All the newest fea ture. A yard in perfect ah ape. Thi will delight you. Terms, also. $14,500 3 bdrm., 1 floor. Double garage. Picture windows overlooking Salem. A place to be very proud and happy to call your. Ciindalaria Ht. McKlnley school. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0126. 21 FOR SALE BY OWNER: New 5 room mod ern house, floor furnace, garage, lot 50x 125. M800. 2330 Hyde St. 221 BV OWNER 1 fir. 3 bdrm. Full basement. Auto heat. Englewood achool, Bus near. Dial 2-9921. 218 BY OWNER Lge. 2 bdrm. home, with llv. rm., 13x24 ft. with fireplace, full basmt., kitchen with nook. lge. yard, very closr to Jr. High and grade school. Call 1-7873 between 6 and 10 p.m. a216 WAS llfMH), now 16500. Mod. 2 bdrm. home. att. garage, auto heat. P.H.A. or O.I. Easy term. Phone 36189, a221 Englewood District OPEN HOUSE Sunday - 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. j 1000 Down. New 2 bedroom. Hardwood. Plaster, Fireplace, Attached Oarage. S to choose from, all F H.A. approved. Immediate possession. Quality home at new low price. Be sure to see these at 2270 Englewood Ave. Eve. 2-7985. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Building Ph. 3-9217 Real Estate - Insurance - Mtg. Loan 216 YOUR HOME! should have t bedroom, large living room and dining room, l'fc baths, den, 22U0 feet of floor space. Leather uphol stered breakfast nook, double garage, patio and barbecue. 1 block to bus. Lot 170x225. Bendlx and dryer goes. Imme diate possession. We have It on FH A. ti-rin.- Jlll.ftOO. No. 340-A FAIRMOUNT HILL! Just the place. 3 fireplaces. l'i baths Only 1 bedroom but an addition would be very simple. Full price only 98,500. Lot value S4. 000. No. 3 Englewood District! 3 bedroom home with full basement, auto heat. Prewar construction. Hard wood floor In dining and living rooms 19 500 with S2.000 down. Balance F.H A No. 289 Reimann For Real Estate 301 South Hlnh Si. Ph. 3-9303 i Sunday and Evenings . inn t.niAt i.i t.unii mi ' ' ' e216 MAYBE $500 DOWN 3 B R. plastered home, hwd. firs,, at tached garage, large lot, family fruit. In city close to bus and store. You'll find it hard to bent at 16950 Crawford BURT P1CHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Office 3-3649 Eve 2-5390 or 3-74S1. all6 SUBURBAN Suburban opportunity, m acre Nrw 8-room house, almost finished. $6950.00 Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St. Ph. 3-3629 alia S ACRE good otl. I rm. house with bath; utility room. Att. aerate. Need some finishing. Close to school, stores and bus Price $3850. VERY OOOD LAND. 1 acre east. I bedrm. house: double aaraee; own pumping avstem. House clean and livable, but old. Price only $3850. Small down pay ment. COZY 4 room t yr. old home. Oil stove and elec. stove Included In price. $4650. WELL-BUILT 3 bedrm. home: fireplace; oil heat: double garage. Best of location for schools. Price $14 500 NORTH SUMMER STREET. 4 bedrm. home: double plumbing. Corner lot. Prae $15,500. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. ph, t-363 Kvenlnes eall- Mr. Voorheee, 3-4007 or Mr. Sederstrom. 3-8769 3H "REDUCEDEZTERMS New 1 bdrm plastered home on 74x196 lot. Pa ted t. and bus. Lot of spe rm! features True talue at 19500. STROUT REALTT, 959 8. lllh 8t.. Ph. 2-MM, kill FOR SALE LOTS HOrftK ready for roof, near new hool. reasonable. Ph. 1-9440 after i t m MC-lt 1 FOR SALE HOUSES Homes Worth the Money 3299 Stat, street. 110.704, Includlni some furnlutra. 4 bedroom, fuU sua. Blent. Excellent condition. No. I lone. lose N. 19th atreet, 110,500. Pull dlnlni room. Lot 50x157. 110 South 92nd atreet. 11000 down. Juet the place for a couple. 15900, furnished. 4 blocka to Enelewoorf fireplace nice yard. Phone 90080. Ed Lukinbeal New Location Jfve. Ph. 13834, Jack Stoutenbere. GRABENHORST SPECIALS 1975 W. NOB HILL Beautifully landscaped 4 bdrm. home. llv. rm.. din. rm . full basmt,, sawdust heat. Thla home la in excellent condition. CALL BEN ROISEN. 1285 COURT ST. Lota of charm beautifully finished Interior, auto-oil heat, fireplace. 5 bdrm., dble. plba., dble. Karaite, aprlnkllna system thruout epacloua yard, lie. corner lot. apartment house xone. CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST. SOMETHING OUTSTANDING A beautiful home located In one of Salem' finest residential area. Liv. rm. 20x24 ft., din. rm., den wall fin La tied in Philippine mahogany, 2 bdrm. 19x22, 2 fireplace, tile bath, welkin closets, rumpus room, O.E. dishwasher, dble. garage. CALL PETER GE1SEH. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Even inn and Sunday Call Karl Wet 2-1232 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Geier 1-9968 - Ben Rouen 2-2411 a216 FOR SALE HOUSES NORTH EAST NEW HOME, 2 BR, unf. attic, aelect oak floors, fireplace, extra nice kitch en, lot of built in, the entire house 1 well planned. RICHMOND DISTRICT 2 B.R., oak floors, fireplace, full base ment, the lot 1 large enough to build I or t cottage at rental. Key In office. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 14707 484 Court Eve. 24773. 218 FOR SALE LOTS LOTS WITH WATER, electricity, bus, close to chool on Silverton highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. 1S down. SIS per month. General Real Estate 225 Center Ph. 3-3289 aa221 $10 DOWN! Lots with water, electricity, bus service, trees, close to school. Balance $15 per month. Reimann For Real Estate 201 South Hlah Ph. 3-9203 Sun. & Eve. 2-8241, 3-9712, 2-2532, 2-3738 ' aa218 FOR QUICK sale 50x150, south, city water, 1450. Ph. 2-55-ifl. aa218 FOR SALE FARMS 10 A., SMALL 4 rm. home, garage Si pump house. 18x46 hen house. All build ings 2 yr. old. Oo out Silverton road to McCain Ave. Then north. Last place on left. b218 OS A. FARM. The Dalles Vicinity. 10 A. rich garden, alraira land. Re.st pasture and hay land. Lovely modern 3 bdrm. home, bsmt., furnace, elec. hot water heater Si laundry trays. Beautiful la rue yard. Barn and other buildings. Plenty of water for lrrlg. and- hse. All kinds fruit trees, nuts, grapes. Creek runs thru place. All equipment included. $20,000. Good terms, See to appreciate. John Re, Kte. 3, The Dalles, Ore. or Ph. 36243, Salem, eve. b217 FOR SALE ACREAGE 8 ACRES, approx. 5'a mi. city center, wooded, springs, ome view spots, 3 rm. house. $5350. Consid. sell 6.6 A. with house for $.1500 or 23.8 for $1850. Immed. Pass. Walt Socolofsky, Real Es tate, Ph. 3-8B35. bb216 BY OWNER, 7 acres No. with income. Modern all electric home. Good barn. Double garage. Leaving state. Ph. 31857. Rt. 2, Box 262. b 1)23 7' SOME VERY GOOD Va acre tracts, close in. East. 100 foot frontage on paved road. $550 Si up. It ACRES best of soil, lay perfect, won derful suburban homesite, 300 ft. front age on paved road, approx. $400 per acre. $7,000.00 S ACRES, 3 bdrm. home, close In. O. A VICARY REAL ESTATE 818 N. Com'l St. Phone 2-0421. bb216 I ACRE, 2 B.R. house. Montag elec. range, a mos. old. Elec. water system. $3250. $1850 down, bal. at $25 per month.- K mile W. of Aumsville on Turner highway. T. R. Dodson. bb216 REAL ESTATfc BEST BUYS COURT SITE 100x150 corner lot, 1 block from school, bua St atore. Paved street. Well drained. Ha modern 3 bdrm. house. Very clean Inside. On part of lot. $1200 down will handle. Total price only $5000. Eve. Ph. 2- 0473 or 3-3558. $9850 SPECIAL Very nice almost new home in choice lo cation. Electric heat. Approx. 1.000 aq. ft, floor space. Attached snrnxe. Insu lated, weather stripped. Liberal terms arranged. Eve, Pli. 2-0473 or 3-3558. ACREAGE 5 acre tract with lots of fruit. Choice building site. Close in near school Si etc. Total price only $2200, Eve. Ph. 3- 9403 or 3-35:i8. 6' U ACRES House built In 1940. Several out bids. 3 acres berries. Willamette soil. No waste land. Total price only $5250. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-n.58. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820. 3-4dftfl 3035 Portland Rit. C217- Trade for Smaller Home 4 bedrm. modern home fltve in. Shade trees. Shrubbery, fish pond sprinklnm system. Beautiful solium. Will sell or trade for smaller home. Location 845 So. Church St. Call owner, Ph. 2-0506 or 3-8812. $500 Monthly & More Income Hotel. 3 apts . 16 rm. all filled. Full bssement with oil furnace, 2 Cots on cor. Only hotel In thriving valley town. Owner too old to take care of it. This Is a bargain at 117.000. Trade My 2 Bedrm. Home For I or 10 acre, out of Salem. This home 1 In So. Salem St is clear of mortg. A don't want to assume mortg. I have It listed at $70oo. Art Madsen Realty Co. 133 State St. Ph. 3-5580 - 3-8812 c26 FOR fOl'R UAV1NOM Investment buy a flMt mortgage on real estate Salem A ticlnlty Examine security yourself Amojnte l00 to several thousand dol lars, net Investor 8 We make all col lections for you It desired. STATU FINANCE CO. 1M 8 High e WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If your property U for sale, rem or etc hang, list tt with u We have all kind of cash Outer STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S Hlgb St ea WE ARE in oeed oi gooo house to tell In or near Selera If rou wlab lo its' four property for isle see GRAMNHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St Phone 3-2471 ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TO TRADE Equity In 4 room new home with shower, Mtll. tm, HW, firs., wired for I. ranee, elec. wtr. htr. 50x100 lot. For If, trailer hse in aood cond. Inq. eve, after I pm, n 1963 Oiford St. cb31f Journal Want Ads Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES basement, oil heat, i nlct bedrooms. Pull prleo 95.900. New, well built home. echoot. I bedroom,, hardwood floors, Real Estate 433 N. Hilh St. Paul Oell 17759 or 38704 all' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 115 Frontage No. 3 Zone Cozy 2 bdrm. plastered home, garage. Ideal location for drive-In or other business Edge of city main paved st. Full price J7500. STROUT REALTY 959 S. 12th St. Phone 2-532S HOME & BUSN. BLDG. Reduced to $6,500 for quick sale. Ex cellent location main paved st. Mod. 2 bdrm. home and nearly new busn. bldg. Fronts main t. and alley on side. No. 3 zone. STROUT REALTY S59 S. 12th St. Phone 2-5323 COMPLETE .RECAPPING shop equip. Si under coating equip, eta. pumps around 600 gal. of gas a mo. D 1st rib. utor for U. 8. Royal tire. Only recap shop within 70 mile. Will total at leait $50,000 worth of business this year. $7500 for business Sc equip. Plus ap proximately $200 in Inventory. Write Peninsula Vulcanising Co. Box 161 Long Beach. Wash. Cd221 EXCEPTIONAL BUY! This very profitable suburban grocery store will pay for Itself In li year. Owner operates with after-school help only ideal for a family set-up. crossed $100,000 in 1948. Good, long lease, and draw from best farm trade In the val ley. Price $8,250 plus stock. Reimann For Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 Evenings Rnd Sunday 2-3738, 2-8241, 2-2532, 3-5905, 3-9712 cd218 RESIDENTIAL COURT Six units, A-l construction, choice No. Salem location, partly furnished, large utility rm., built to require a minimum of upkeep. Operating expenses are low, showing owner about lli net on In vestment. Will consider good home in trade. Please, appointment only. Craw ford. BURT PICHA, Realtors Office 2-3649 cd218 Business Opportunities Plumbing Shop and Business. Good lo cation and lease. Only shop In nearby Willamette Valley town. $2850 including fixtures and 1947 Chevrolet Panel Truck, plus Inventory. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St. Ph. 2-3629 Cd218 FOR SALE $3500 equity on large lot No. I xone on Fairgrounds road in Holly wood. Consider trade. Ph. 36189. cd221 FOR LEASE, Associated service station. Small inventory to bur. Ph. 3-9271. cd220 A TNIT APT. Very lfttest In design, room for expansion. $31,000. Business cor i er on Lancaster, l'a acres for only $6,500. 10 Rentals, near State House, very desireable. Valueabie lot, a good In vestment for 352,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing - Personal Service 164 S. Com ! St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve. 3-7440. Cd217 EXCEPTIONAL BUY! This very profitable suburban grocery store will pay for itself in l'i years Owner operate with after-school help only Ideal for a family set-up. Grossed 8100.000 in 1948. Good, long lease, and draws from best farm trade in the valley. Price 8.250 plus stock. Reimann For Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 Evenings and Sunday 2-3738, 2-8241, 3-3532, 3-5905, 3-9712 Cd218 FISHERMAN'S PARADISE For Sale or Lease: 8 ml. from the ocean on Salmon River Bear creek. 6 acres, garden, flowers Sz berries, wired e'e-triciti'. oil heat, elec. pump sys tem Fine fhhlng in private waters for salmon Sz trout. Real place for a re ii red couple. C. A. Collins worth, Box 337. Ocean Lake, Ore. rd220 BEAUTY shop for sale. Box No. 402, Capital Journal. cd220 THE BEST BUY IN OREGON $12,000 urocrry store, net profit 1948 wan $8500. Will be more 1949. Straight grorerles. easy to operate. Loc. about 10 ml. from Sslem. $6000 ANOTHKR OOOD ONE Has 2 rm. liv. quarters. Good stock, nice fixtures. Worth the money. Ph. 26680. ED LUKINI1EAL REAL F.STATE New Lor. 4.1.1 N. Hlfth St. F.ve Ph. Iiatfl - 27789 - 28704. ed216 FURNITURE FOR SALE DAVENPORT, real" bargain. Ph. l-45sT d218 FHIGIIMIRE IN'good condition. tlO Nor way. d219 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Bdrm. uite7 9' refrlg . 1 2tube Zenith comb, radio, solid oak: children's bunks with drawers, etc. 18T West Miller, Ph. 2-8895 dJ16 LEAVING for California; must sell Gib son home freerer, shelf tpe: electric roaster: Mix Master; Majestic wood or coal range; targe heating stove: dining room set: writing desk: small table: garden tools; Eastman 619 camera. All these items have been used a very short time, Will sell for half of cost. Inquire at MrCleav store at Modes dllfl WANTED FURNITURE USKO FURN. Immed. appraisal. Highest prices Valley Furn. 265 N. Com i, Ph. 27472. d234" IF YOU HAVE F1rRN!TURE, appliance, sporting goods, etc., to sell A want TOP PRICES be sure to rail TRADER LOUIE, 305 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-1551 dare or 2-4407 eve. da2J5 HHillF- T PRICES paid Phone aiemTai Wondr Auction Muriel Ph 3-5110 da LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND L1CKNMFD livestock buver. E. C. McCandllsh, 1127 8. 26. Ph. 3-8147. ea)31 PETS TO GIVE AWAY: .1 btark part Cocker up. .1410 Sunnyvlew Ave. ec216 ORANGE Persian kitten. P. O an lard, Rt. 3. Rnx 345, Salem, near Qulnaby. Ph. 3-I7SI ecSlt RFO. COLLIE PUPS, wks, old. Excellent pedigree. 470 Wayne Dr. Ph. 2-3013. ec2l7 POLICE PT! Iter P i for sals, 118. Ph. 38176 eUO REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN SOUTH View Property $11,60082x140 corner lot. I bedroom home. Large living and dining rm. Nice kitchen wlih nook, fireplace, auto-oil furnace. Basement. V:ew from Liv., Din. end Kitchen. Close to bus and shopping center. Suburban Keizer District $13.500 Beautiful English style 3 bedrm. home, 1 dn. St 2 up. Liing rm.. Dining rm., kitchen bath, double plumbing, party rm. in basement. 1 acre of land. Nice lawn and shrub. House is in excellent condition. Suburban Lots South On Hill $1 000 each. 2100x254 lot. Good location with all new house around. City water by lot. Lots in South Village 8800 apiece. New section Just opening Hard top road, water by property, restricted d'.strlct. Don't miss a chance to have a home In a beautiful section. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN Office 28629 Home 17183 191 8. High St. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR PETS REGISTERED Male Collie. Nine month old. Excellent companion for child. Ph. 3-1822. ec217 REGISTERED Springer Spaniel pup. Very good. Call 2-2471 or 3-1508. ec216' FUEL Oregon Fuel Co. Oood Dr Slab or Green. Clean sawdust Oreen edging 5.50 Ld. Double 810.00. Dry edging $8.00 Ld. Ph. 35533. ee22D CALL HIGHWAY FUEL POR Diesel and Stove Oils, FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plalnev End A Block Wood. Ph. 16444 ee OAK, 6.O. fir, limbs. 2-2129. TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16' Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash Sc maple. 4' fir. 16' slab and edgings. Ph. 31458. ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK. WOOD, 18-IN. CLEAN . NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Eilera 2-4031 Alto pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee' FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRYERS Live or dressed. Also fat hens Sc ducks. Rt. 7 Box 434A, McCain Ave. off Sil verton Rd. 1218 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day, uraer rrys or Hen now at spe cial quantity prices for your lockers. Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 32881. Lee Hatchery. r NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tue Foi Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 PRODUCE ITALIAN PRUNES. 60c per bu. or $5 per ton U-Piek. Maine Ave. on North River Rd. 2nd Rd. to the right beyond Cherry Ave. Junction. H. P. Given, 1565 N. Com'l. 11218 PICKLING CUCUMBERS. 820 8. 25th St. Ph 2-5212. Call eveningsc after 6. ff217 TOMATOES, cucumbers, fresh eggs. Frl- gaard Fruit Farm, Vi mi. N. Kelzer school. 11240 PRUNES, U Pick, 75c a box, 3rd house on the left, west of Keizer school. ff218 YES STRAWBERRIES! Excellent for jam or locker, 10c basket you pick. Good berries, clean picking. 1 mile west Si 1 mile north of Keizer school on paved road toward Lake Brook Hop Ranch. Picking 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. only. Other wise by appointment. Phones 28790 or 31164. Weeks St Beardsley Nursery 4c Berry Gardens. ff216 MUIR PEACHES. Roll in Beaver, up Glen Creek rd. Phone 47F2. ff217 CANNING CORN now ready. John Ar- Cher, Brooks, Oregon. Ph. Salem 2-1393. ff216 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service ior small lots, rnone a-aeei. Lee's Hatchery. ff THORNLESS Blarkberrles rj-Pick 5c. Oood picking. Carl Woodruff, l' ml. E. To tem Pole. ff217 ITALIAN PRUNES, L. E. Kurth, West Browning Ave. Ph. 23220. 11220" TOMATOES & PEPPERS CANNING. JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER PH. 27172 ff216 TOMATOES, hybrid, acid free. Will de liver. O. M. Oorman, Jefferson. Ore. Ph. 318. f f226 On old Jefferson Hlwy. at Midway, Hol man, Box 32, Ph. Jefferson 504. ff231 HELP WANTED WANTED: PRUNE pickers. Heavy crop. A. H. Bone Orchard Ht. Rd. Rt. 8 Box 588, Ph. 18F23. g218 MAN St WIFE, free to travel the North west. Combine pleasure with financial independence. Work is steady year ar oundand you build a constantly grow ing clientele. THIS is a proposition that has dignity and the backing of the various com munities in which you temporarily ;ive. WE H.Wh five openings, only, so write at onre If you wish to be interviewed. Box 397 Capital Journal. g217 8EAMSTE RRT A R T sHf llbeVrpIc k in g Mon day the 12th. Route I Bx 19423110. (216 EXPERIENCED machlne wool presser Seamster Cleaners. g216 THORNLESS BLACKBERRY pickers. 3c lb. O Zlstel. rt. 4. box 8.8. Ph. 2-0248. 'j mile W of Penn Annex, g216 m . S Plt'K I.KS, Bisho r P ou t iTR : ve r road, 10 minutes from Salem. Bus leaves 12th and Mission 6:00, Farm La bor office 6:30, Ladd St Bush bank 8:35, south on Commercial to Owen. For In formation call 3-6137. g218 HELP WANTED MALE A-I AUTO MECHANIC, steady work. 809 Edgewater St.. West Salem. ga218 WESTERN UNION orteriTTlm time VmT ployment young man 18 or older with Servlcycle, Cuahman. or Salisbury, or young man 16 or older with bicycle. Ap ply 437 State St. ga216 MAN s.vi.l to run own business, outside work. Can earn good profit. Write Box L ga217 TWO MEN with retail atore experience. Outside sales. Must br satisfied with 140 to $50 weekly profit at start. Car. necessary. Write Box 4O0, Capital Journal aa217 YOI'NO MAN, must have sales ability with aome exp. in display. Permanent Pom I on with established firm. See Dr. Brown. Brown Jeweler. 194 N. Liberty. a216 LOCAL TIRE dlfrlbutor of ft nationally advertised brand desire retail tire salesman. Experience not essential. Mar ried man preferred between ares S3 35 Car essential. Permanent employ ment. Write Box 390, Capital Journal, giving aee. experience, efc ga2t6" HELP WANTED FEMALE STENOGRAPHER for permanent pomtlon. nnorinana required sppiv in person. Willamette Credit Co. 182 8. Church St. tb21- BIO MONFY FOR YOU IN SntlNO CHRISTMAS CARDS For extra cash show Christmas Card. 50 for $1 WITH NAME. Sell on lahtt U to 100', profit on 31-Card $1 "Leader" Assortment. PLASTICS, oth er for Christmas, Everyday. Personal Floral Notes. Napkins. Le.ler" on ap proval. FREE Imprint sample 8TYL ART, 1310 Sun tee, Dept. 47, Lo An gel M, Ca.J. gb21f I REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED FEMALE EXP. FLAT work folder. Salem Laundry uo. zoj d. Hign. go-us COMPETENT middle aged housekeeper wanted for 2 adult. Must furnish ref erence. Ph. 38868 eves, for Interview. lb J IB WOMAN TO care for child, my home, day. Call 20576 Sat. or Sun. gb 218 NEAT ATTRACTIVE girl for candy clerk. Apply Id person, Grand Sweet Shop. b218 COOK wanted: Middle aged woman, day work. Stop Lite Coffee Shop, 99E, south of 12th St. junction. gb216 TI'RKEY PICKERS wanted. Northwest Poultry, 1505 N. Front. gb217 CURB-HOP wanted. Night work. No phone call. J. B. Drive In. 2230 Fairground Rd. KD216 EXPERIENCED stenographer, shorthand required. Apply In person. Homer H. Smith In, agency. gb217 WANTED: Young lady to work In our of fice. Nice office, congenial people, good hour and pay. Apply In person to Mr. Williams, Cherry City Baking Co., Broadway at Market 8t. gb SALESWOMAN TO demonstrate and sell appliance on shop floor. Must have aome selling experience. Will be given course In training. Prefer woman who aews. Opportunity for capable sales woman. Age 30 to 40. Apply from 8 to 10 only. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33513 gb216 CAKE OF 2 children, light housework, S aays a wees:, vn. a34S0 evenings. gb2lfl WANTED middle age woman or couple o care for Invalid couple. Do light house work. Inquire at 1206 Hayter St., Dallas, Ore. Ph. 2611. gb216 WOMAN to care for children t light housework. Room, board St salary. Ph. 21409 after 11 a.m. gb217 WANTED: WAITRESS. Comet Cafe, 12th v ivesiie est. gb216 SALESLADY Give age, exp., marital sta lls sc saiary aesireo in iirst letter. Box 108 Capital Journal. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3C0 State Street Phone 2-1488. tf WANTED SALESMEN WEST COAST cereal company looking for good exp. salesman. Salary, exp. ac count, car furnished. State qualifica tion, reference, age, marital status, tel. number, etc. Write Box 403, Capital Journal. gg217 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN: Guaranteed bttter than a vera ft opportunity: one of Salem's leading offices; abundant leads furn.; all replies confidential. A rustler will make good money. Write box 449, Capital Journal. gg219 WANTED: Appliance salesman, must have experience. A real opportunity for the right man. Write box 392, Capital Jour nal, gg EXPERIENCED furniture salesman, list exp. Si qualification. Write Box 394, Capital Journal. gg EXP. salesmen to sell leading lines of appliances. Salary plus comm. Trans portation furnished. Write Box 393 Cap ital Journsl. gg WANTED POSITIONS, MATTRESSES. Studio Couches rebuilt. We specialize In innerspring. Valley Mat tress Co., 1694 N. Commercial. Ph. 2-3979 h2 20 LADY WITH gen, office experience needs work. Capable. Reliable. Excellent ref erences. Also P.B.X. operator. Write box 398, Capital Journal. h220 HIGH SCHOOL boy would like work after school hour or Saturday, Phone 2-3994. h217 GENX WORK Steady employment pre ferred. Anything considered. 732 8. Wa ter St. Silverton. ha 18 TREE WORK, topping trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h235 YOUNG BUSINESSMAN desire position Experienced In bookkeeping and office management. Interviews can be arrang ed. Write L. G. Cooper. 106 West First. Moscow, Idaho. h218 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643 h333 PARENTS! WILL care for your child while you attend fair. Bv the hour, day or nlte, 946 S. 12th. Ph. 20403. h216 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. aerv. ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-3072. h230 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 h227 TREE WORK, topping trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 8. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h217 NEW LAWNS Prepared St seeded. Light tractor on rubber with dozer Pb. 28127, Ouane Wolcdft. h221 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4B50. h EDUCATION PIANO LESSONS by experienced teacher. Beslnnr St advanced. Ph. 34454. Alice Arnold, 1111 Second St., West Salem. hh217 FOR RENT ROOMS fuOW RENT and private house privilege for 1 or 3 compatible ladle, nice room, aood location, Brkfst If desired. Ph. S8280 Jk219 WELlTfTRN. rm. Private bath. Closeliv On bu line. Ph. 2-5438. Jk218 BAVEMENTligM housekeeping room. 888 N Com'l. Jk217' LG. SLEEPING room 135. 340 N. 14th. rlth kitchen ptIv. Jk217J SLEEPING ROOM with kitchen prlv. to refined lady. 1595 Mission Bt. Jk216 LARGE SLEEPING ROOM, employed "per son. 949 N. Winter. Ph. 3-8459. Ik219 SINGLE OR DOUBLE sleeping rm. 604 N 14th. J21l LO. 1ST fir. sleeping room. Hot cold water. 461 N. High. Jk21I SLEEPING RObMS.PH. 3-4336. Jk237 CLOSE IN Sleeping rm. Ph. 36310. Jk236 HOLLYWOOD rm. 2033 McCoy Ph. 3-6093. Jk2?s FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 ROOM turn. apt. Ornd. fir., prlv. bath, reirig.. n.w. heat. 640 Marion. jpzig t RM. FURN. apt. Private bath. 1475 N com l. Jpaie 5 RM. APT. 754 N. High See Moore at Elfntrom a er phone 37495 eve. or Bun JP31I CLEAN SMALL furn. apt. 230 8. Cottage Jpa i b " 2 RM. furn. 1st floor duplex. Down town. Hot water neat. Newlv renovated. Clean. Employed couple preferred. Ph. 3098 JP21 MODERN 4 RM. unfurn. apt. Auto hot waivr tt heat. Walking distance. Rea sonable rent. References required. Wrl'e Capital Joarntl Bos 190. jp2I0 FOR RENT APARTMENTS I URN. APT. 140. Couple. Inquire 1267 N. Commercial. Jp216 sp AC lot's upstair flat. 2 bdrm. Utilities paid. No children, I7A mo. 139 Cenjer St. Ph. 27094. JP217' 1 ROOM modern apt. for rent. Ph. 2-9138 after I p.m. Jp21B 3 R.M. FLHN. apt. for couple only. 910 Norway. jpaio I RM. apartment at 1351 McCoy St. Elec. heat, ha fireplace. Reference required. $50 mo. H. C. Edwards, Gates, Ores Jp216 FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 2 bdrm. home. Oil heat, hot water. Adults. $80. Ph. 3-4370. jm218 i RM. HOUHE partly turn. 128 mo. Inquire 2 Williams Avt. Jm217 irDRM. HOTSE at 1458 Chemeketa. 855 per month. Ph. 35448. Jm216 2 B.RM. house near 8wele school. Sixth house on left. Jm218 CLEAN LARGE B rm. house. Ready Sept. l.'th. $35.00. 975 N. 6th. Ph. 31939. Jm217 S RM. furn. house. No children, pet or drinkers. $29, utilities furn. 2030 N. 5th. Jm318 MODERN FURN. cottage 2 mile north of Brook on 99E. Box 78F. Jm221 6 RM. HOUSE, furn. or unfurn. Ger- val. P.O. Box 217, V. M. Vigil. )m217 4 BR HOUSE available Sept. IS. Write box 450, Capital Journal. Jm316 3 ROOM furnished house for working ad ults. Phone 3-5860. Jm215 New 2 Bdrm. Homes $195 down. Move right In, no red tape. Hdwd. floor, large garage In city. Bal 185 mo. inc. taxes. Interest. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 3-7642 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 3-0126, Jm FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS PLENTY OF new clean beds. At reason able rates. Inquire at Cedar Tavern or Bert's Pool Hall. Detroit, Oregon. J231 FEW VACANT room at Holmes Rest Home. Well equipped. Best of care. Holme Rest Home Brooks, Ore. Ph. 2-1116. 1216 OFFICE, desk space, Conv. loc. Ph. 39133. 1219 POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Pb. 3-3649. i FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. "Any Number Can Play" Plus "Night Unto Night." ) TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand- r we tell everything to complete the lob. HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 8-3646 J' IOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. 1' OFFICE spaces and desk spaces, Pb. 25692. r TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Bros 1410 s 12th, West Salem. ) BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. J V DRIVE trucks, car. Ph. 2-9103. SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rate. Free pick up St delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com'l. Ph, 33512 i WANTED TO RENT MEAT CUTTER, wire and 2 small chil dren need 2 bdrm. house. Ph. 2-5360. Ja218 HAVE A BUSINESS executive who need a real nice 2 bdrm. home. Will pay good rent. Ouarantee excellent care of prop erty. Will take 12 months lease. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 3-4596 3035 Portland Rd. Ja217 t OR S BDRM. unfurn. house needed some time In Oct. Not over $35 per month, Ph. 3-3213. Ja220 WANTED: 2bdrm. house, garage. Pref. chicken house. Middle aged couple, both working. Ph. 4-2603. Ja217 3 BDRM. bouse St garage. State employee, wife and baby. Ph. 2-7467. Ja2l7 TWO BEDROOM unfurn. apt. or duplex wanted. Will lease. Need Oct. 15 or be fore. Write Capital Journal box 296. ja219 BUSINESS MAN, wife, 2 small children, want 2 or 3 bdrm. house. Very good reference. Phone Mr. Blundell, 3-3582. Ja217 RESPONSIBLE MAN with family wishes to rent or lease for immediate occu pancy. 3 BR home. Will pay to 175 per month. Call C. K. Murphy. Ph. 2-4446 or 2-9078. ja216 FAMILY OF THREE desire 2 BR hse, furn. or part. furn. Ph. 2-9924 eve. Ja218 LOST AND FOUND LOST: DARK red Si black billfold. Papers important to owner only. Reward If re turned Intact. Mrs. Cora Goodman at Willamette Univ. Infirmary. Ph. 2-1448. k216 LOST: AMERICAN Legion cap with In scription Springfield, Oregon 40. 26 year disc. Metal stars and wings. Reward to finder. Jack Larson, 332 7th, Spring field. Ore. k219 MISCELLANEOUS GAS FLOOR furnace or trade for 275 gal. oil tank. Ph. 26150. m217 IsES SPRLNGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m21B DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. RARRT 8 EM L EH DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State st Commarclftl 8ts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform St Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry material. PUMILITE - West Salem. ma216 REINFORCING STEEL and Blok Mesh In 4". 6" St 8" width. PUMILITE. West Salem. ma216 DOORS Flush Interior and exterior doors. Just ft few left at special price. Keith Btown. Front tit Court St., Salem, ma CEDAR GUTTERS Just received small stock of hard to get grades, (clear) St night-knot) 3"x4" Cedar gutters. Keith Brown. Front St Court St., Salem, ma CEDAR SIDING New ahipment HxB" and ixl0" cedar aiding, all grades. Keith Brown. Front Sz Court St., Salem, ma DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor and carpenter using the flnesr old growth vertical train yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co 26 Lena Ave. Ph. 34939 Free parking. ma220 SAVE OT4 ROOFINO Let Ward glee you complete IK STALLED price on rout roofing needs Wide range of color Call our outside salesman for free estimate Phone 1-3191 MONTOOMERY WARD OO. SALEM. OREGON ma NEW SHIPMENT Piast board " V e aq ft Rock lathe 45 1 11 78 MONTOOMERY WARD SALEM ma ALU MA LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK JHINOLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See your dealer of Call Dutt. 3-6401 ma272 RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No 1 $7 73 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 aq. No. 3. t in clear, suitable for roof or tdewall. Ted Muller, Pb. Sa lem 3-1196 Salem-tndep. Road. ma NURSERY STOCK DAHLIAS: Order bulbs now, 1491 7th St. West Sslem. Ph. 2-0514. mb21fl' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS APEX washing machine with drain pump, $43. Also Montag trash burner with coil, white enamel front. $36. 107$ Howard. n216 GOOD WOOD COOK STOVE, Ice box and man's bicycle. Price reasonable. 1391 Market. n217 GAS RANGE, apt. else, new Wedgewood: also good water tank. Phone 1-634 or 155 E. Wilsoiv n21 4 METAl" BED, eoll aprlng. comb. $?5 Ph. 3-5203. n21 TRUCKERS come and get It, pit run and fit dirt, ftoc Silt 60c Commercial Rand and Oravel Co, Pb. 3106C, nJJT FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED FURNACES ' OIL BURNERS. SAWDUST BURNERS, AIR CONDITIONERS St GAS RANGE. HOLLAND FURNACE CO, 370 KEAR NEY. PH. 37803. n221 FOR SALE, formal, sire 14. Reasonable. 901 8. 13th. n21 31 CALIBRE Jap Shell, 150 or 180 grain bullet. $4.00 per box. Guaranteed re sult. Porters custom loads, 1028 Dleti Ave. Ph. 24252 aftcr5:30; n21B KELVINATOR refrigerator, $50. 3560 Portland Rd., Apt. 4. n21t 1 DIETZEN TRANSIT with tripod, plumb bob St level rod, 1178. 141 Stat St.. Rm. 9. n21B MAN'S BICYCLE. Ph. 2-7903. 3485 Ferry. D370 GAS STOVE. Excellent condition, $26. 1830 N. Cottage. n217 FOR SALE Building 12x24. Price $80. Also barn to wreck. 3775 Silverton Rd., Salem. n21? . ARMY TENT 16'xl6'. Good eond. Geo. H. Stlrret, 3050 Livingston between Ever green Ac Lansing. n21f SMALL SIZE Coleman oil heater, excel lent condition. Zenith table model ra dio. Wardrobe closet. Welsh baby bug gy with Innerspring mattress. All rea sonably priced. 748 N. 20th. n217 TRAVERSE DRAPES for large picture window. Custom made with 2 pr. short er drapes to match. Floral design. Used short time. Ph. 28755. 683 N. 16th. n217 COLLECTIONS of antique for sale. Key wind watch and organ. Apt. 2 upstairs. Do pot bother landlady. 876 Marion. n220 FOR SALE: Must be sold In 1 unit only. 15. 115. 125 H.P. 3 Ph. motors with belts, pulleys, switches. 1 Bolter, 1 strlnper, all saws. $1,200 complete. Telephone 3-6654 or 3-5749. n220 FOR SALE: Shell for foreign St odd cali bre rifles. Also several rifle. Trades considered. V. M. Sackett, 1510 So. Winter St Phone 3-4912. n220 WALLINO SAND St GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveway, cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. -yd. shovel and drag line. Ph. 1-9249. AUTOMATIC OIL Water Heater. Lochin- var, ju-gai. use. sio. Medium sized child's trlke. Good cond. $5. Taylor Tot, like new, Including fixtures for making Into kiddie-car. $5. 965 Garnet. Ph. 3-6255. 1,219 NEW S? special Winchester rifle Model 94. 441 N. uapitoi St. n216 BATH I NE T TE , Bassinette Sz buggy t2Q. i.nu riBiicb jr. n.p. iractor. sj7t. ytt, 28679. n216 30-40 WINCHESTER In perfect eond. Will take lighter euD and difference or will consider selling. 1540 Shady Lane, N. SBlem. n2!6 300 REM. model 722. Like new. Ph. 38021 n216 SEWING Machine Electric or Treadle. Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. n228 PLASTI-KOTE, the cerjophane-llke finish mi juui uoom or nnoieum, mat re quires no waxing. Yeater Appliance Co., nam FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant, Ph. 3-8357. D218 LUMBER 3x4' s by jitney load, $10 per t.vw. xuu naui. jnaepenaence Lumber tfe Mfg. Co., Inc., Independence, Ore. GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier. Olbson ana Montag Applances at Gevurtz. FENCE POSTS, poles, all type. Shingles, icruiizer at uairocK. Phillip Bros Rt. 0. Box 118. Ph. 31458, n SALEM, SAND A URAVEt COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer ee Basement Equipment Rental 15 B 4 yds 10 B yd. D-7 cat fc Dozer D-6 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer See us about ditching by the ft. Phone Day 2-S408 Eves. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Salem Oregon ELECTRIC SEWING Machine. Free-West- iiiBiiwiM. i cater Appliance CO., 255 N. Liberty. n216 STEEL CLOTHESLINE Post, railing In atuc at meoa to oroer. 1145 w. Liberty. n216 USED ELECTRIC range $29.96 to $129.50. xeater Appliance; Co., 255 N. Liberty. n216 USED ELECTRIC refrigerators, Yeater Ap pliance Co., 255 N. Liberty. n216" USED OIL burners and bloweis. priced iv sen. ra, atfOOi, n233" USED ELECTRIC Washing Machines, ib jo tu tidv.ou. xeater Appliance Co., 355 N. Liberty. 0216 TALLMAN'S MID SUMMER PIANO SALE Special 1825 Spinet Limited Ho. $494.00 Pull 88 note key board, east Iron plate. Beautiful tone and finish. $50 DOWN - BAL. EASY TERMS A b,g saving on floor samples and dem onstrators. Such fine makes as Knabe, Fischer, Lester, and Betsy Ross Spinets. Good selection Orand and upright pianos as low a $10 per month. TALLMAN PIANO STORE. INC 175-395 8. 12th. A milt from high price. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying $1.75. neireaa ure oervice, 230 So. Lancaster. na231 WANTED furniture to flue St repair. Lee "ta. emu IHIID1UUD UO PI 2-7001, ne USEprURNITURE Phone 1-9155. PERSONAL WILL NOT be responsible for any debts coniracreo py any one excepting myself. J. O. Wison, Siverton. P216 STANLEY HOME Products. 65S Cross St. c-uune tf-3i,e. p218 MEN, WOMEN! OLD? GET PEP! Peel u..-.cr w, ou, oij, ustrex Tonic Tablets pep up body old lust be cause lacking Iron; also contain vita min Bl, calcium. New "get acquaint ed' size enty 50c. At all druggists in Salem, at Fred Meyer . P21S AUTOMOBILES Ifisfi CIIEV. 4 door sedan. Good trans- vuriat.on, ioo or oet offer. 12fl0 Nebraska ave. q21S M PLY MO UT H8E 5 A N, good motor, 880 120 N. 25th. s216 550 St your old one. 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 p.m. q241 DELUXE 49 Pontlac Torpedo with all ex- km. rn. iiood or ilOHW. 0218 FOR BALE, 1941 Ford pickup. 4 mile von v. aunDn cannera. uean Pem berton. Rt. 1, Box 184. Stayton. a218 WRECKING 36 Ply, has '46 motor. Rt. 7. do i- a Mcuain Ave., off Silverton Rd. ,3l S3 DODGE 4-dr. sdn. H. $95. Ph. 1-7078. i4.io uee at. a316 1949 DELUXE 3 Door Fleetline Cher. Ex- "h iboo. en. a-7704. q216a DESPERATE WILL SACRIFICI CLEAN '41 OHIV Hurrr. thla ear will id cheap for a Quick aale. Ph. J9079. 151 Oerth. West Salem. ,217 31 V-e., fair condition, 1135. Call after I p.m. Ralph Wolf. Ft. i. Boa 370, Aumavllle 8hawl. ,317 TOM SALI 37 Che. 1149. Call 771 I. JlatT 0.317 RETI'RNINO TO achool. Must aell 40 r.cK.ra o. raoio, neater and overdrive. Oood motor, tires. 1750. Sea at 1115 Madison, ,317 LOOK CARS - TRUCKS - PANELS LOW AS $50 DOWN RON'S MOTOR CO. Hlah fh. 345,1 .317' M nr. Station Waaon. Spec. Dlx. SpoY lit. radio heater. A-l condition, 11495. Ph. 9-344, ,,. '4 CHEV. 4 dr. 3 tone RAH. 14 000 mtlea. n.i owner, iin.a. 3457 cherry ave. .219 (Continued on Page 11) t.