t, 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Sept. 1, 1949 1 I Are Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eugene Mudd (Laura Yuvonne Bailey) were married in mid-August at Hood River. Mr. Mudd is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mudd of Salem. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bailey of Hood River. (Kay's studio, Hood River) BERGMAN-RUSSELLINI ROMANCE Friends Say Ingrid in Love Really for the First Time (Editor's Note Here is the first full story of the romance of Ingrid Bergman and Italian Director Romerto Rosselllni, as told by sources intimately connected with the couple.) Rome, Italy, Sept. 1 (U.R) Ingrid Bergman is deeply In love for perhaps the first time in her life. She and Roberto Rosselllni, Italian directm- who has won her heart, will be married as soon as she gets a divorce from Dr. Peter Lindstrom, her husband for 11 years. Hurt and puzzled by criticism- of her love affair, she plans never to make another movie in Hollywood and may never ap pear on the screen again. Sources intimately associated with the actress and her director-sweetheart say she cannot understand why her fans have turned against her. The other day she took a let ter from a batch of fan mail and handed it to a friend. It was from an outraged man In the states who said he had read of her Intention to seek a di vorce. " "I will never trust another woman as long as I live," the letter said. The blonde Swedish actress hook her head sadly. "People write me this way as though I did not have the same right they 'have the right to happiness," she said. In her eyes, she has done nothing that would not have been done by any honest woman who found herself deeply in love for perhaps the first time In her life. As soon as she and Rossellini realized they were in love, she asked her husband to come to Sicily. There she told him frankly of her decision to ask for a divorce. Friends said she was too fond of him to remain under his roof once she found herself In lovt with someone lse. According to friends, her feel ing toward Lindstrom, now a Hollywood surgeon, was and is composed of affection and re spect. But for Rosselllni, they said, she feels the love she had portrayed in such movies as "For Whom the Bell Tolls." Vs. JJi ! ,-' I I )))) JW V.I Church Dedication Slated for Lebanon Lebanon President Oscar A. Kirkham will dedicate the building of the Lebanon branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Sunday, Sept. 4. The building was pur chased a year ago, and has un dergone extensive remodeling. In addition to President Kirk ham, Joel Richards, president of the Northwestern States Mission will be a speaker. Arrangements are under the direction of the Lebanon branch president, W Glen Osborn, and district presi dent, Dr. Hugh F. Webb of Cor- vallis. Independence Offers Special Church Music Independence A special mu sical program will be offered at the Assembly of God church, 5th and C streets, Saturday night at 8 o clock, it is announced by Rev. W. Ray Averitt, pastor. The program will be under the di rection of Mr. Dayton and Mr. Ball, both of Salem. An illustrated sermon on "Ten Virgins and the Second Coming of Christ" will be offer ed Sunday at 11 and 8 o'clock with Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Rev. Averitt and family leave next week for the general coun cil of the Assemblies of God at Seattle for ten days. Family Dinner Honors Visitors ' Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Burrell are to be hosts this evening at family dinner at the American Legion club to honor Mr. Bur rell's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Jackson. and their daughter, Miss Jacque- lyn Jackson, visitors from Ala meda, Calif. In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Miss Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burrell, Mr. and Mrs. James Burrell, Dr. and Mrs, William Burrell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burrell, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Grabenhorst, Miss Pa tricia Burrell, John Slanchik and the hosts. Harry Patton Honor Guest on Birthday Lyons A picnic was held at Taylors Grove on the Little North Fork of the Santiam riv er, honoring Harry Patton on his birthday anniversary. Pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton, Mr. and Mrs. W, Fluke, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mc Inerny, Irvin Hansen of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bruner of West Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bigham Sr., Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kam, Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Big ham, Jr., Scott and Trudy of Long Beach, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mader, Macleay, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barry, Mrs. Fred Dolsen and family, Mrs. Glen Bailey, Glenlena, and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Newberg and family, Lewis Stanley, all of Lacomb, Tom Golden of Salem, and his mother Mrs. Mabel Patton of Mehama. Today's Menu (By tb. Associated Press) WEEK-DAY SUPPER Tomato and Cucumber Soup Swiss Cheese Souffle Shoestring Potatoes Sauteed Pineapple Slices Buttered Asparagus Bread and Butter Vanilla Wafers Beverage Swiss Cheese Souffle Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of butter or margarine, 4 table spoons all-purpose flour, 1 cup milk, M teaspoon salt, 1 cup coarsely-grated firmly packed real Swiss cheese, 4 eggs (sep arated). Method: Melt the butter or margarine over low heat . in a heavy saucepan; remove from heat and blend in the flour well Add the milk slowly, stirring until smooth after each addition Return to low heat and, stirring constantly, cook until smooth and thick. Add the salt and Swiss cheese and, keeping heat very low, stir rapidly until cheese is melted and mixture is smooth. Remove at once from heat and set aside. Beat the egg whites with a rotary beater or electric mixer until they form peaks that bend over slightly when beater Is slowly with drawn. Without washing beater, beat yolks until they begin to get pale and thick; add the beat en yolks to the cheese mixture slowly, stirring vigorously as you do so. Now pour the cheese mixture slowly onto the beaten whites, and cut and fold in as you do so; do not stir, but cut and fold until the two mixtures are well blended. Turn Into a 6-cup casserole (do not grease it). Run the tip of a teaspoon around the top of the mixture one inch from the edge of the casserole, making a slight track, so souffle will have an attractive "cap" when it is baked. Bake in slow (300F.) oven for lVt hours. Serve immediately. 4 servings. iiiipiii iVv KlAOOVOj! Massing Russia Is reported massing troops from Austria, Hungary, and Romania, near the Yugoslav frontier, only a day's drive across flat plains from Belgrade. Five armor ed divisions, estimated at 50, 000 men, 500 tanks and nu merous warplanes are along a 150-mile arc curving from Timisoara (1), Romania to Mohacs (2), Hungary. Hun garian troops are concentrated In the Kecskemet area. (Acme Telephoto) Another METRO MARVEL SPECIAL WOMEN'S DRESSES FRI. Cr SAT. Values to 4.95 Cottons, Rayons and Butcher Type Linens Assorted Styles In Prints, Pastels, and Dark Shades Quantity But Not Every Sise In Every Style Watch for Metro Marvels THE STORES OF BETTER VALUE.? 136 No. Com'l Salem, Or. t4 ' ' Wed in Portland The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Shelley was solemnized in Portland August 12. Ttie bride is . the former Mary Lou Bruckman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle D. Bruckman, and Mr. Shelley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Shelley, Salem. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) 77mm Family Holds Reunion at Champoeg Silverton The fourth annual reunion of the Timm family and relatives was held Sunday with a basket dinner in the early af ternoon and social pleasures fol lowed by the business session. Officers to serve for the com ing year were Mrs. Fred Evans (Opal Timm) of Silverton, as president; Mrs. Frank Edwards (Esta Timm) of Logsdon, as sec retary; and as treasurer, Mrs. J W. Kerr (Arlene Hogate) of Longview. others nttendftis from Silverton were Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Evans, Dwalne. LUa May and ArtMnJa. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Timm and Gary and Gerald, Mr. and Mrs LeRoy Oustafson, M'ss Clara Oustafsoo, Mrs. Earl Conltlin 'Evelyn Timm! and grandson, Ronnie Kropf: Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Kirk and Rita, of Sweet Home; from 68lem, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Timm 4nd Joan Marie and David Lee, Mr. and Mrs Cleo Kepplnser (Leona Timm) and day Lee and Tony Ray, and Jesse Hogate; from Longview, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Erlckson and Larry, Allen, Taula Jean, Dale and Kleth, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kerr; from Portland, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Hogate and Richard and 8haron: Mrs. Maude Timm of Brooks; from Kelso, Wash., Mrs. Dorothy Mae Blanklnshlp ind P4mera May, and Mrs. Hertha Timm Martln; from M1U city, Mrs. August Koh Annie Timml and Ed and Henry Timm: and from Logsdon, Mrs. Frank Edwards 'EMa Timm) and Myrna. Delbert and Dale. Ti meeting lor the coming year will be the last Sunday In August at one of the Portland parks. e A small white turnip peeled and diced, gives a tangy flavor to an ordinary vegetable soup. Add a bouquet of herbs to the soup, too; you can make it by tieing a bay leaf, a celery top. a sprig of parsley, and one of thyme together. Remove the "bouquet" before serving. Another METRO MARVEL! DELICIOUS ORANGE SLICES Regularly Sold for 29c Pound Hi Friday and Saturday Only THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES 136 North Commercial Salem, Oregon At ON SPECIAL SALE FOR TWO WEEKS UNTIL SCHOOL STARTS n Oft CASHMERES i Cardigans and Slip-Ons REDUCED These are a Must for every back-to-school girl CARDIGAN CASHMERES (reduced from 1 6.95) SHORT-SLEEVE SLIP-ONS (reduced from 12.95) 9.90 7.90 PLEASE NOTE: The following colors ore available as this ad vertisement goes to press . . . JADE ROYAL BLUE FOREST GREEN GREY POWDER BLUE BLACK . CHERRY And sizes range from 34 to 40. Naturally, the best selections will be in stock during the early part of the sale. For this reason we suggest that you come early or have someone lay one aside for you. There can be no refunds, returns or exchanges. AS YOTJ WILL SEE FOR YOUR SELF, THESE ARE REALLY SUPERB NATIONALLY FAMOUS SWEATERS AND A SMART BUY. VO Jgr Store for Ladies &. (1