Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 01, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Sept. 1, 1949
Groups Form
City Council
Beta Sigma Phi chapters in
Salem have organized a city
council to coordinate work of
the two groups. The newly form
ed council is to meet the first
Thursday of each month.
The organizational meeting
was held last evening at the
Mrs. W. L. Flager was elected
president; Mrs. Wayne Rose,
vice president; Mrs. W. D. Troth,
corresponding secretary; Mrs. D
L. Parker, recording secretary
and Mrs. Roger Lewis, treasurer.
The two chapters here are Eta
and Alpha Epsilon.
'Here to Stay' This is de
signer Meredith Peterson's
"Button, Button" dreBS which
k tvidence of her belief that
"the bared bosom is here to
itay." The drees, displayed in
Beverly Mills, Calif., may be
buttoned up or unbuttoned at
the wearer's discretion. (AP
4k - - 1
Cray It glamorous I The fashion
spotlight it now poised on gray
interest... because gray It sure
any age '.for sophisticate orcoquetteJ
Her Youthmore shows how
hade are better than one.
when light and dark gray .
worsted are contrasted
with sure designing
genius ... a knowing eye
lor giving you that
lender, taller look
YW Staff Here
Miss Gertrude Acheson was
due to arrive Thursday from
Portland to take over her duties
as the new executive director
for the YWCA. Miss Acheson,
who came west from a position
with the YW at Rochester, N.Y.,
previously has been here to con
sult with local YW officials
September 1 being the date she
was to begin her work here.
The other two new staff mem
bers have been here the past two
weeks, Miss Joyce Lamoreux as
the young adult program direc
tor, Miss Norma Wallace as the
Y-Teen director.
Miss Austin
To Be Bride
Woodburn Miss Sally Austin,
daughter of Col. and Mrs. Ice
land Austin' of Munich, Ger
many, will be married Septem
ber 3 to Lieut. Marion Boswell,
a flyer in the U.S. aviation serv
ice, Salinas, Kan. The wedding
will be in the chapel at Fort
Jay in Governor's Island New
Miss Austin returned to New
York from Germany, August
18 with her mother. For her
wedding she will wear the wed
ding dress of her sister, Mrs
Maurice Gardner, (Nancy Aus
tin) of Richland, Wash. Mrs.
Austin will return to Munich
after the wedding where Col,
Austin is stationed.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allen
of Boston will be among those
attending the wedding.
Birthday Event
For Mrs. Stuckey
Woodburn Mrs. Joe Fry was
hostess at her home honoring
her mother, Mrs. L. F. Stuckey,
on the latter's 72nd birthday
anniversary with a surprise
Guests honoring Mrs. Stuckey
were Mr. and Mrs. James Bright,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gibson, Mr.
and Mrs. Al White, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Mills, Mrs. C. J. Weigel,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Low, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Paradis, Mrs.
Perle Gibbens, Mrs. Earl W. Gib-
bens, Miss Betty Lechtie, Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Henn, the hon
ored guests, Mr. and Mrs. L. F,
Stuckey and the hosts, Mr. and
Mrs. Jo Fry.
MISSIONARY society of the
Calvary Baptist church is meet
ing Friday at the church, the
for year-round
flattery for
m J
Styles for
t or Nippy r ail Days This hooded poplin jacket with lamb s
wool trim and zip-out lining is perfect for campus cyclists.
Pleated plaid skirt, high-top socks and elkskin boodle shoes
complete the picture.
day's events starting at 11:30
Luncheon will be at 12:30
o'clock, the Gleaners circle, Mrs.
Charles McAllister, chairman,
in charge.
The program will be at 1:30
p.m., Victory circle members in
charge with Mrs, George Rau
gust as chairman.
Dr. Victor Sword Is to be
guest speaker.
received of the birth of a daugh
ter on Tuesday evening, Au
gust 30, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Wes
ley Hansell, Jr., (Rose Ann Gib
son) at McMinnville. The little
girl has been named Lynn Chris
tine. Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Duane Gibson and Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Hansell, Sr., all of
Salem. Great grandmothers are
Mrs. L. D. Gibson of Salem and
Picnic Honors
Mrs. Agnes Dutton
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Peterson
were hosts at a picnic on their
farm in the Lincoln district,
Mrs. Agnes Dutton of Salem,
mother of. Mrs. Peterson, was
honored with a large birthday
cake on her 86th anniversary.
Those attending were Mrs,
Agnes Dutton and John Dutton
of Salem; Mrs. Harne Taylor,
Falls City; Henry Dutton, Hub
bard; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dut
ton, Kenneth and Betty Ann,
Molalla; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Vas
binder, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hunt
of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Buell, Amity; Mr. and Mrs. Au
gust Knutson of Turner and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. John Peter-
Mrs. M. C. Powell of Milton,
New slants
on stripes
. . .Youthmore's
j nign-tashton suit idea.
VV of course! Top a reed-
f ftlim. fthwn orahardinA
skirt with a long-line
jacket of candy-cane
stripes in a vibrant Ardross
woolen. A sure eye-catcher,
striking bias stripes at thq
hip-line, on dashing wide lapels.
Miss Clark
Is Betrothed
A surprise announcement fea
tured the party and shower for
which Miss Virginia Beall was
hostess last evening to compli
ment Miss Beverly Wikstrom,
bride-elect of Robert Mentzer.
During the evening Miss Shir
ley Clark told the group of her
engagement to Fred Sproule.
Three-year-old Billy Bannister,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Bannister of Portland and a
cousin of Mr. Sproule, entered
the party dressed as cupid, rib
bons across his chest bearing the
names of the engaged duo. He
carried a corsage of red roses
and white carnations to which
was tied a ribbon with the- en
gagement ring. At the dessert
supper, served buffet, were two
heart-shaped cakes; one with the
names of Miss Wikstrom and
Mr. Mentzer written on it, the
other bearing the names of Miss
Clark and Mr. Sproule.
No date is set for the wedding.
Miss Clark is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Clark. She
is a graduate of Salem high
school. Mr. Sproule lives here
with his aunt, Mrs. Kathryn
Daniel, and he will attend Ore
gon College of Education at
Monmouth this year.
Mrs. Daniel, Mrs. Bannister,
Mrs. F. E. Clark and Miss Jozann
Clark were special guests at the
Miss Jones Feted
At Recent Shower
Unionvale Mrs. Ersel Gub
ser of Unionvale attended a mis
cellaneous bridal shower hon
oring Miss Doris Florene Jones
of Dayton Monday evening. Miss
Mary Lou Robinson and Miss
Lois Rockhill were sponsors fori
the party held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson
in Dayton. Fifteen friends and
classmates attended. Games
were played. Refreshments were
Miss Jones is bride-elect of
Sgt. Norman R. Gubser. The
wedding will take place at the
First Methodist church, Mc
Minnville, at 4 o'clock Sunday
afternoon, September 18; Rev.
Lowell Ellis, pastor of the Naz
arene church, McMinnville, will
officiate, Rev. George Miller of
the Unionvale Evangelical Unit
ed Brethren church assisting.
Sgt. Gubser will be home on
a 30-day furlough.
For Golf Day
Winners for the day's play for
the Salem Women's Golf associ
ation, Wednesday, included:
Mrs. Mark Seale, class A; Mrs.
Morris Crothers, class B; Mrs.
George' Hoffman, class C; Mrs,
William Hamilton, class D.
Next week the members are
asked to take their own lunch.
DAYTON A luncheon was
given by Mrs. Alfred Ivie of
Beautiful broadcloth . . . silky smooth
and lustrous! Perfect foil for a luxurious
ascot-scarf collar of mink. brown or silver-blue
dyed muskrat. Turn-back cuffs, slash
pockets and jewel-like buttons highlight a Youthmore
Original of impeccable beauty
elegant choice for
Elegance After Five Soft,
eight-button doeskin gloves
and small suede bag contrast
with the glitter of the lame
cocktail gown.
Sheridan and Mrs. Lloyd Shaw
ver of Dayton, at the Shawver
home, on Saturday, preceding
the rehearsal for the wedding
of Miss Peggie Ivie of Sheridan
and Jim Shawver.
There were 16 present, most
of whom comprised the bridal
party. A silver bowl containing
dahlias, pink and white tapers
with white sati ribbons, decor
ated the center of the table.
your winter stand-by
. . .'value-wise and
Meet at Picnic
Twenty-four members and
guests enjoyed the no-host pic
nic supper for the Soroptimist
club Wednesday evening on the
lawn at the country home of
Mrs. Lee Eyerly. Mrs. E. H. Ken
nedy assisted Mrs. Eyerly in ar
ranging the event.
Guests at the meeting were
Mrs. Eileen Hartwell, Miss Joyce
Randall and Miss Betty Jo Bran
non. The members attending
were Mrs. Carlton Greider, Miss
Irene de Lisle, Miss Susan Fa
herty, Mrs. Don Reinke, Mrs.
Leo Johnson, Mrs. Laura Pan
gle, Mrs. Nell Brannon, Miss Al
ice Crary Brown, Mrs. John S.
Beakey, Mrs. Abner K. Kline,
Mrs. Winifred Pettyjohn, Mrs.
Ethel Lau, Mrs. Hope Randall,
Miss Hattie Bratzel, Mrs. El-1
CORALIE creates ageless
flattery in a felt looking
forward into fall at a most
becoming angle.
Button... Unbutton... As you like it! It's a
quick trick to unfasten the buttons, stow the
belt in a roomy pocket, and watch the back of this
stunning coat flare out in a full, flaring line. .
Heaped with beautiful beaver-dyed mouton, the
) ' V v
eanor Barbour, Mrs. Belle Niles
Brown, Mrs. Marie Ling, Mrs. j)
Paul Heath, Mrs. Walter Barsch, '
Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Eyerly. m
' ' ' - 1
Due from South
Mr. and Mrs. Richard (Dick)
Jones and baby daughter, Pam
ela Gail, are expected to arrive
by airplane, early in the week
from Charleston, South Caro
lina. They will visit Mr. Jones'
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Gail Jones, his brother, Gary
and other relatives.
MR. AND MRS. John J. Mil
ler, formerly of Salem, cele
brated their silver wedding an
niversary Sunday at their home
in Portland. Attending from
Salem were Mr. and Mrs. Gail
H. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Karl G.
Miller, Mrs. Edmund Clark, and
Miss Clara Miller.
cuffs interlaced with fabric
And notice those,
pockets! They hold' a
world of fashion,