- ! i : Bomber Crash A few burning bits of wreckage are all that remain of a B-29 which crashed and exploded near Spo kane, Wash. Fourteen of the 15-man crew parachuted to safe ty on instructions from the pilot. The body of the co-pilot was found near the burned wreckage. The Superfort belonged to the 327th Squadron of the 92nd Bomb Group. (Acme Tele-photo) TALK FROM THE WEST Morse Is Most Talkative I Senator From Far West . Washington, Sept. 1 U.R) GOP statistics, gathered to prove that senate democrats talked more this session than republican!, show just the opposite for senators from eight western states. Senate library figures ordered by Sen. Kenneth S. Wherry, H Neb. show that seven republicans from the west took up -f428 pages in the Congressional Record from Jan. ,3 to Aug. 15 During the same period,' nine western democrats took up 180 pages. Most talkative western sena tor was Wayne Morse, R., Ore, whose remarks on 63 occasions took up 162 pages of the record. His page allotment, however, could be substracted from the GOP total and still leave west ern republicans well ahead of democrats. . Wherry's figures printed in the record without totals for in dividual senators showed when added the following standings for senators from California; Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Montana, and Idaho: (First figure represents the number of pages; second, times the senator spoke): Republicans: Morse, 162-63; Sen. Harry P. Cain, Wash., 82-35; Sen. Arthur V. Watkins, Utah, 63-21; Sen. George W. Malone, Nev., 63-32; Sen. William F. Knowland, Cal, 46-60; Sen. Guy Cordon, Ore, 8-18; Sen. ' Zalei Ecton, Mont., naif page, twice. Democrats: Sen. Elbert D. Thomas,' Utah, 58-33; Sen. Pat McCarran. Nev., 28-47; sen. warren Magnuson, Wash., 27-36; Sen. Jamea E. Mur ray, Mont., 13-8; Sen. Glen Tay lor, Ida., 13-17; Sen. Sheridan Downey, Cal., 2-3; Sen. Ernest McFarland, Ariz., half page, twice; Sen. Bert Miller, leu than half page, once. School Improvement Bonds Are Purchased , Lebanon The local school board accepted the bid of the First National bank of Lebanon for purchase of $85,000 in bonds for improvement and expansion to Green Acres school, reports Superintendent J. W. King. -' The local bank's bid, one of three made, calls for a purchase price of $100.35, with the bonds bearing 1 per cent interest for those maturing from 1950 through 1954, and 2 per cent from 1955 through 1958. , Second low bidder was the U.S. National bank of Portland, with price $100.14, two per cent Interest for bonds maturing from 1950 through 1952, and fA per cent from 1953 through 1958. Third bidder was BIythe and company, with price $100.41, and 2H per cent interest for all bonds 'maturing from 1950 through 1958. Make Trip In Style . Fairvlew Pete Sllper of La--layette and Toivo Bantsari of FairVlew and Sam Whitney of Newberg flew to Pendleton in pne of Whitney's airplanes, pi loted by Bantsari, to attend the annual Round-up. " Rub a beef roast with salt, pepper, and a little dry mustard lor good seasoning. Their THIRST S TASTE! 1 L V s; 322X138' 1 33333' I ...r&?. w DOCTORS AGREE that one of the healthiest thing drink . is water , . . and when flavored with Portland Punch the rich . concentrate of ripe Loganberries and Raspberries the simple glass of water becomes one of the most delicious drinks evert Get your children to drink more water by adding berrjMich . PORTLAND PUNCH. ' First Commercial Fishing Quotas Set Portland, Sept. 1 () Com mercial fishing quotas for silver salmon catches on five Oregon coastal streams; first in Ore gon's history were listed today by the state fish commission. The plan calls for a cut of about 25 per cent from the aver age catch of the past two dec- ades. It was explained that it was a conservation measure to preserve the runs. There were no limits previously. The quotas: Nehalem river- 300,000 pounds in 1949, 400, 000 pounds in 1950 and 400,000 in 1951; Alsea 130,000; 220,000 and 180,000 pounds; Siuslaw 100,000; 150,000 and 150,000 pounds; Yaquina and, Coquille 100,000 pounds each year. Mother Bear Attacks Man Anchorage, Alaska, Sept. 1 (U.R) Knute Daamgard Peterson, 52, was near death in a hospital today after being mauled by a huge mother brown bear near Slana. Peterson, a World War I vet eran, left a neighbor's cabin Tuesday and was walking to his own home when he was attacked. The bear scalped him, nearly tore his jaw off, and bit and clawed all parts of his body. He staggered to .the cabin of Ole Hoagland who rowed the injured man down the Copper river to a highway bridge where he hailed a passing motorist. At the Chistochina air strip nearby, the 10th air rescue squadron was called and Peterson was flown to Anchorage. Hospital attendants said the bear apparently took Peterson's face between her teeth and chewed. St. Helens FFA Wins At Clackamas Fair Canby, Sept. 1 W) A live stock judging team from St. Helens high school's newly or ganized Future Farmers of America chapter walked off with top honors at the Clacka mas county fair yesterday. The team led the judging of 22 other chapters from the northwestern part of the state. Bob Pease of the winning St, Helens team was high individual scorer with 955 out of a possible 1000 in the event. Other chapters ranked behind the winner were: Newberg, In dependence, Eddyville, Dayton, Hillsboro, The Dalles, McMinn ville, Amity and Eugene. Suspected Rapist Hunted by Police Portland, Sept. 1 W Police were hunting today for a young man about 20 years of age who lured a girl to an isolated south east area Tuesday night with a baby sitting job offer and raped her. Detectives said the girl had advertised for the work. She said she was called and told to meet the prospective employer at an Oaks Park trolley depot. When she arrived, the young man said he lived in a house boat. En route toward the river, he drew a knife and forced her into the brush off the road. 3 CANNERY WORK AVAILABLE for men and women. Day & night shift. Cannery Local 670 445 Center St. Ph. 37221 3-6489 IU State St. Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cosh More Carry As always Randall's bring you the new low prices first; compare these values and you will see that we can save you 20 to 30, satisfaction assured. Freshly Ground ' F'esh Country Hamburger ib. 55 Sausage ib. ....... 55 NEW LOW PRICE . , . DECK Arm Cut, f Eastern Oregon Hereford Q MAST ST 35C T Bones, ... ... WC Eastern Ore. Hereford M A Eastern Ore. Hereford Boneless A BEEF CUBES 4VC SIRLOIN .b 07C GROUND JAA . Lean Meaty round b 49C SHORT RIBS ZVC Milk Fed Special Price Milk Fed Special Price jl Veal Roast .b JVC Veal Steak ,b 4X Eastern Sugar Cured J Tender Skinless . A Sliced Bocon 4y WIENERS, 37c LOCKER BEEF NEW LOW PRICE! Easter Ore. Hereford Young -Lean & Tender Small Sizes Lb.33c BASINGER'S FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street Phone, 2-9237 Fruit Cocktail Del Monte No. 303 Cans for 35c BREAD abL;at 19c BUTTER ,r.eVa"ey 70c CIGARETTES ctn ,., 1.45 MILK Ac"rs 10c TIDE rhinsFowder 27clCRISCO 3 LD,t,r 83c PINEAPPLE FrCruhed 2 29c MIRACLE WHIP q, 55c Marshmallowsrkg .... 10c MARGARINE 2,h, 49c CATSUP"" Camps 2 t. 29c TOKAY GRAPES 2 lb 19c CARROTS Bunch 5c Potatoes Fine Quality 50 lb. bag 89c Lettuce Large Heads Solid Crisp for 15c Melons Watermelons, Dillardi Spears, Cosabas, Honey Dews Priced Right -PEACHES- Finest Quality Elbertas & Hales for Canning Fresh Daily Large Selection Lowest Prices Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Sept. 1-2-3 Shop and Save at BASINGER'S 13th & STATE STS. Salem Vi Mile North of Underpass aving (Renter Stores West Salem At Foot of Bridge 1 . 'I V Labor Day Specials for Friday-Saturday-Sunday Both Stores Open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. We Will Be Closed Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 5 GROCERY DEPARTMENT SUGAR Hoiiy . . . .. . 10 . 1i 85c BREAD XSuf 2 for 35c TUNA ST 33c CHEESE SPREAD STL ; 4 w 85c MARGARINE 'T ............. 29c CANDY iJ..:....:.:.... 29c POP All Flavors , . . . 2 q- bottle 25c PRODUCE DEPARTMENT DFAfHFf Standard Elberta box 1.00 rEAUIEj Improved No.1Elberta box 1.49 MADC Hood River Bartlett box 1.59 FEAK3 box 95c TOMATOES 'Sil.,::...:....:;-. 1.49 WATERMELONS , .!?.!....-.: . 2'2C SWEET POTATOES a.tam, . 2 25c BAHAMAS 10c MEAT DEPARTMENT NEW HOURS: First class journeymen behind the meat cases from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. each and every day. This is for your shopping pleasure. We Feature This Weekend the Following Labor Day Atom Bombs Armour's and Swift's Branded Beef ARMOURS BANNER PICNICS ib 45c ARMOUR'S STAR SLICED BACON-LEAN ARMOURS PURE LARD 2 41c SWIFTS LUNCHEON TONGUE LOAF 53c SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED BACON SKINLESS WEINERS , 38c FRESH PORK PICNIC ROAST . 42c SWIFT'S SIRLOIN STEAKS - Commercial Tender Milk Fed White Fat M VEAL ROAST A Real Buy lb V BEEF ROAST TZi!?!?. 33c R-ar FRYERS : 69c STATE INSPECTED MEATS ONLY