14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Sept. 1, 1949 ij Red Returns Soviet Lt. Anataly P. BarsoV( 31 (right), a Russian air force deserter who spent seven months in the United States was returned to the Soviets from Vienna, Aus tria at his own request. Barsov fled from the Soviet Ukraine last October 9 with Peter Pirigov (left), 28-year-old Soviet navigator (pair are shown together in new American suits shortly after their flight). Pirigov, the state department announced, was still in this country, happy and wanted to remain. (Acme Telephoto) Greatest Show on Earth Will Be in Salem September 15 It's official now. The big show Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey circus Is coming to town. The four long, streamlined trains will arrive over the Southern Pacific railroad early Thursday, September 15, to exhibit in Salem at the fairgrounds parking lot. The No. 1 advertising car in the city, and Gardner Wilson, the contracting press agent, call ed today to confirm the day and date, to talk of the 1949 edition of the greatest show on earth and to point out its highlights. First, he says, the major spec tacles "Birthdays," "San Fran cisco." "The Girl in the Moon," and "The Glorious Fourth" are the best that John Ringling North, president and producer; John Murray Anderson, produc- James Imlah, 79 Orchardist Dies 111 for many months, James Imlah, well known orchard oper ator died Wednesday evening at a local hospital where he had been a patient for a year. Imlah, who for some time was In the sand and gravel business here with the late Dave Pugh and for many years operated large orchard on the Wallace road, was born In Edenburgh, Scotland. July 12, 1870. When only about a year and a half old with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Imlah, and other members of the family he came to the United States. On arriv ing in this country the Imlahs came directly to Oregon and set tled on what was known as the old Reed farm in Yamhill coun ty near Dayton. ' Mr. Imlah was a member of the Masonic lodge, the Shrlners and the Elks. Surviving are a son, Lawrence Imlah of Salem; a daughter, Mrs. F. C. (Mildred) Imlah of Salem; two brothers,, John Im lah of Salem and Alexander Imlah of Portland; two sisters, Mrs. Louisa Miller and Mrs. Agnes Jones, both of Salem; and four grandchildren, Lawrence Imlah, Jr., Bernice Imlah, Thomas George Angle and James Frank Angle, all of Sa , lem. Announcement of funeral services will be made later by Clough-Barrick company. Tarzan Loses Wife In Hollywood Jungle Hollywood, Sept. 1 ff) Tar xan's wife has moved out of her mate's home in the Hollywood jungle. Mrs. Lex Barker said last night that she had separated from the handsome screen Tarzan. "The going has become too rough after a scries of misunder standings over the last two years," she said. She did not dis close any plans for divorce. They have been married eight years and have two children. School Days Are Coming li your child equipped to study? Dr. S. A. Wheatley OPTOMETRIST 725 Court St. - Ph. 24469 tion director; Miles White, cos tume designer, and Henry Sulli van, composer, have turned out, surpassing even last year s ten strikes. "Birthdays," the su preme feature of the perform ance, exploits in fantasy the na tal days of Mother Goose, fairy tale and nursery rhyme charac tcrs. With two score new European headline acts, spearheaded by the Geraldos, Lilian Wittmack, the Margas, Alma Piaia and the Morals, aerial and ring sensa tions; the Great Swanson; Peter son's famous jockey dogs; Pat terson's ponies; Guti's gorilla parody, a comedy riot, and the new Rola Rola sensational duo all attractions never before seen in -America the circus again presents a new face. August Rainfall Only .38 Inches Rainfall for August was only .38 inches or .06 inches less than the average precipitation for the month, according to records of the U.S. weather bureau at Mc Nary field. It has been 28 years since the month had a measurable amount of moisture, there being no rain fall in 1928. . However, there was only a trace in 1940, 1936, 1931, 1911 and 1906. Other Au gusts without rainfall were 1894, 1900, 1902, 1914, 1915, 1917 and 1919. Greatest precipitation for any August was 2.91 inches in 1899. Only two other similar months had more than two inches, 2.42 inches in 1926 and 2.14 inches in 1943. Mean temperature for the month was 66.2 degrees with 95 degrees August 1 the hottest and August 14 with 45 degrees the coldest. There were 10 clear days during the month with 11 partly cloudy and 10 cloudy ones. Rainfall for the year, ending September 1, was 42.34 inches as compared with 47.52 inches last year and a normal precipi tation of 37.80 inches. ' Africa Missionary Guest Ediger Home Dinner guests at the Sol N. Ediger home were Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Sandilands and chil dren, John, "Carol and James Douglas of Ebolowa, Trench West Africa; Mr. and Mrs. John P. Neufeldt of Dallas; Rev. and Mrs. Sam P. Neufeldt and girls, Susan, Sylvia and Cynthia of Riddle, Oregon. The Sandilands family have come to the West coast in the U. S. to do post graduate work in a Portland medical school this winter. They are scheduled to return to Africa where he is a surgeon in the Presbyterian Central hospital, sometime next June or July. Rev. Neufeldt is on vacation from the First Bap tist church at Riddle. He is spending this week at a summer Bible camp at Arawana, near Portland. . Sen. Wayne Morse Resting in Eugene Eugene, Sept. 1 VP) Senator Morse was resting here today. He will make a brief series of speeches in the state before re turning to the nation s capital. He will speak Friday at the state insurance convention in Portland, at Corvallis next Tues day and at Salem next Wednes day. Fresh dill, chopped, is delici ous in a white sauce to serve over fish that; has been baked, broiled or steamed. If the fresh dill is not available, use the dried. Commerce Secretary Will Visit Portland Washington, Sept. 1 U.R Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer will extend his personal fact-finding survey of business and employment to the west coast next month with visits to seven cities. He announced he will meet with businessmen, labor repre sentatives and public officials in San Diego on Sept. 11; Los Angeles, Sept. 12-15; San Fran cisco, Sept. 16-19; roruana, Ore.. Sept. 20 and 21; Seattle, Wash., Sept. 22 and 23; Salt Lake City, Sept. 25 and 26 and Denver, Sept. 28-30. , Sawyer also is planning 'a trip to Kansas" City. Pupili Are Transferred Hnnewell The seventh and eighth graders of Wheatland school will attend the lma-ou term at the Hopewell rural school, Mrs. Denzil Wilson, clerk of the Wheatland school board reports. Symphony Conductor Dies Watch Hill, R.I., Sept. 1 U.R Dr. Hans Kindler, 96, world famed founder and conductor of the National Symphony Orches tra of Washington, D.C., died Tuesday at his summer home. p KjjjS MEN'S SLACKS 8&x AND PANTS $5.00 to $20.00 Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. 260 South 12th St. 300 Women Needed In Salem Canneries For the first time since the 1949 food processing season got under way there is a real short age of women workers at the various canneries in Salem. W. M. Baillie, manager for the Sa lem office of the state employ ment service reports that there is a need for 300 women. He suggests that they contact his office as soon as possible. The shortage was brought about by the rush of a number of commodities, including beans, peaches, pears and prunes. The peak of employment is expect ed to continue through the next two or three weeks. Candied cherries make attrac tive decorations for cupcakes if they are cut in petal-shaped pieces. Whole almonds that have been blanched and lightly toasted may be used with the cherries. Want Better Heat? Let us show you how youi home can have real 'Winter Air Conditioning" with a Dclco-Heat Oil-Fired Conditionair ! SALEM HEATING & SHEET METAL CO. Dial 3-8555 1085 Broadway Authorized Reprnentativt Ill gf Don't curse your ear for it can't speak Or tell you just what's wrong. We'll bring its performance back to peak And your motor will sing a song. OTTO J. WILSON CO. 388 North Commercial St. Phone 2-3621 $$ MONEY $$ FHA Hi Real Estate Loam Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 8. High 8k Lie. 821 1-4221 iwtmioKi New improved brah hakes YOUR '6000 MORUiNo'hABIT! Try Kellogg's new improved 40 Bran Flakeel Crlsper, tastier! They supply whole-grain vitamins, minerals, and extra bul. Many diets need this to help prevent constipation. The good-to-eat way to encourage "good morning" habits. Enjoy KeUogg't Bran Flakes . in the white, red and green package! Mi RRJXtt ttfrt four$bg?Yes GoaPesyes Mado fi gwin Ktogg way MOTHER KNOWS JbEST! I w rr Mm 1 r -HI tf fwuvay anew ) 1 ICT 7TY9 Mim r till ii -ill x Buy Your Picnic and Lunch Supplies at Erickson's Prices Effective Friday Sat. Sunday LOW MONEY-SAVING PRICES CLOSED LABOR DAY OPEN Sunday' And Every Day to 10 P.M FLAVORADE Fruit Punch Assorted flavors 3 pkgs. 1 Oc PORK Cr BEANS 3 tall cans 33C Von Camp2i2 can . . .22c KIPPER SNACKS G-N in oil 3 cans 25 C SWIFT'S PREM Spiced luncheon meat 1 2 ox. can 35 C CHICK'N NOODLES Lyndens or Turkey 1 lb jar 25 C VELVEETA CHEESE 79c SWISS STEAK Center Cuts 55 C lb- Luncheon Meats f Assorted C Skinless Franks Pound Large Franks , Ready-to-Eat Picnic Ham SWIFT PREMIUM CQr Cooked Pound FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER 35c .Pound TRY OUR DELICIOUS Potato or Macaroni Salad - lb. 33c Krafts 2 lb. box SANKA 97 of caff iene removed 1 lb. can vG S&W COFFEE Mellowed 2 lb. 1.05; 1 lb. can. 53c I WHITE KING UC SOAP. 'IT TAKES SO Will 53c Gold Medal BISQUICK lg. pkg. 39c SWEET PICKLES Libby's Rosedale No. 2Vi jar . DILL PICKLES Del Monte Ige. 24 ox. jar ... . RIPE OLIVES Libby's Med 1 tall can 35c 29c 23c Baby Foods 3-- 23c GIANT PKG NESTLES MORSELS Chocolate Tid Bits 8 ox. 2 pkgs. 33c Heinz Condensed Cream or Tomato Soup 425c SWANCO Margarine Lb. 22 RANUNCULUS 10 BULBS 15 em twin vm mm mi wf MAIl tOm THIS OMII IODYI WHITE KINO SOAP CO.. BOX 8144 MKT. STATION LOS ANGELES 21, CALIF. I - I v. For Quick Lunches p TUNA FISH TOKAY GRAPES GREEN PEPPERS Flame Excellent quality Large Size for Stuffing Good ripe fruit PPl BANANAS P r A ill ATPnujiri i Asvi VYMICKIYICLLUN MISSION BELL TOILET SOAP 3 CAKES 18C 1 CAKE C 4 CAKES 19c California striped lb 3, 29c 2 for 5c 3 ibs. 25c 2!4c Settan Grated ii can 23c On Deck Grated 07 light meat can ... X C OSCAR MEYER WEINERS 10 oz. Can 39c CHICKEN FRICASSEE Lyndens large "TQ 29 oz. can TC POTATOES Washington No. 2s 50 lb. bag 85c f SPAGHETI AND MEAT BALLS Chef 1 lb. Boyordie cans SWEET POTATOES 2 ... 19c f P SPANISH RICE m jiny V. 1 (all hi. 35c 17c Hard Wheat Flour Gold Medal 25,b bag 1.85 10 lb. bag 85c 50 lbs. 3.69 Picket Flour 25 ib.bag 1.59 High quality 50 lb. bag 3.15 3720 E. State St. 3060 Portland Road