''3 rswll2 "I Astronomers Here Will Go to Convention This Weekend Salem persons who are interested in astronomy will go to Port land this week-end to attend the second annual convention of the Northwest Region, Astronomical league. Several visitors who stand high in astronomical study will be on the program. Among those to go from Salem will be Carl P. Richards, vice president of the "IxT-i.- 1 A 1 I 1 ' The convention will start at noon Saturday and end Sunday afternoon. Among matters of special in terest will be the exhibit to be shown on the mezzanine floor of the Journal building, con tributed by members from vari ous regions of the league. Sat urday afternoon sessions will in clude "papers on the following topics: Report on western amateur astronomers' conference, by H. J. Carruthers of Portland Stress Deformed Laps," by H D. Thomas, Grand Coulee, Wash.: "The Axis of Rotation of Venus," by Thomas A. Craig presented by Robert A. Millard of Portland; "Detraction Grat ings," by Bruce Bowslaugh, presented by Charles G. Benson of Portland. The convention banquet will be at the Central YMCA at 6:30 Saturday evening. At 8:30 at Library hall in Portland Public library, three films that are at tracting wide attention will be shown in colors. One will be the building of the 200-inch telescope, "The Story of Palomar." The second film will be "Solar Promi nences," preceded by an intro duction by T. P. Maher of Ar lington, Ore. The third will be of the 1945 total eclipse of the sun and accompanying phenom ena, taken at Wolseley, Sas katchewan, by Paul Stevens of the Eastman Kodak company. It will be introduced by Carl Rich ards of Salem. Business meeting including election of officers will be at the Journal building Sunday af ternoon at 1:30. At 2:30 a series of papers will be presented, with Richards presiding. They will be: "Meteor Patch Tracing," by J. Hugh Pruett, presented by James H. Karle; "A Theory of the evolution of the Solar Sys tem, by Herbert P. Lee of Port land; and "Performance of i 18-inch Tile Grinding Tool," by Harold Simmons, presented by Cecil Post with inclusion of his own experiences with ceramic tile tools; and "A Clock for Small Telescopes," by Traver S. Martin, Slated Mrs. Norman Shee he (above) of Rockford, 111., is slated to become the new president of the women's auxiliary of the American Le gion, now in convention in Philadelphia. (AP Wirephoto) Hereford Steer Beef Champion Albany,. Sept .1 A 004-pound steer named "Chip" won the highly-coveted grand champion beef animal award for his owner 11-year-old Glenna Cochran of Brownsville as beef judging was completed in the third day of the annual Linn county 4-H club fair at the pavilion across from Waverly lake., Miss Cochran is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Cochran. She walked away with four blue ribbons in her first year of raising and showing fat stock. "Chip" won two of the awards for her and she rated first in her showmanship class and also ex hibited the best heifer. She is a member of the Plainview Live stock club. Reserve champion beef ani mal was a steer named "Shorty,' a pure-bred Hereford raised and shown by Norman Holmes of Halsey. A tabulation of first place beef awards follows: Yearling heifer, Glenna Cochran; Angus steer for market, Numan Haff- ner, Harrisburg; shorthorn steer for market, Doug Gatchell, Leb anon; heifer calf, Gary Holmes, Halsey: showmanship, first year, Glenna Cochran; senior, Jimmy Gorman, Crabtree. The fair set a state record by attracting the largest showing of dairy animals exhibited at any county 4-H fair so far this year, Joe Myers, in charge of the annual events stated Wednes day. ' . A total of 149 animals in six different breeds are being shown by almost 100 Linn county youth. Wayne Norman, Scio, route 3, was judged champion in vege table garden exhibits; Joan Griffith, Tangent, ' won first in beekeeping exhibits; and Anne Mackie, Tangent, was sweep stakes winner in rose and gar den contest. Dallas Time Change Early September 11 Dallas Dallas will revert to Pacific standard time at 2 a.m on Sunday, September 11. This time was fixed by reso lution early in the summer when daylight saving was adopted for the season. The switchover will come a week before the start of school on September 19, and by that jttme the confusion which in A evitably results when the time is changed should have been diss! pated. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Sept. 1, 1949 13 xwwwu mmm. IX 1 I K a 1 Or I " Oath I .itMsMHHBHB 1 U2 y . m, ; " O".. ..... z. 7- EVERYDAY LOW THAT SAVE YOU MONEY PLASTIC SPOONS Rainbow Pkg. 12 PLATIC FORKS Rainbow Pkg. 12 PAPER NAPKINS Good Housekeeper Fkg. 100 PAPER CUPS With handle for hot beverages. Pkg. PAPER PLATES Lotus Decorated Pkg. 8 IGA MUSTARD IGA With Paddle 8 oz. jar IGA JELL-IT 6 Flavors 3 oz. pkg, APPLE BUTTER Oregon 14 oz. can IGA SNO-KREEM SHORTENING E 13c 423c 325c 79c liSmtPicUu) Hoi., Jor Steinfeld PICKLES 24 oz. jar Whole Dills 35c WHOLE SWEETS Special price. You'll agree these Steinfeld --'-'s are delicious. N Mono1.), w. , r- uj D; r rr; .very, f" r,W t L ytir "round. ' I I- JJUU LAKE SHORE HONEY 31c With a no drip llsnnui on eacn jar. 2 lb. Jar .... 59o Sunshine .HYDROX pV...23e 29c Royal Guest COFFEE ib..'... 48c In the Whole Bean Former Silverton Woman Is Injured Silverton Miss Alice Ballln grud, Portland, for many years a Silverton resident, was badly hurt several days ago. Miss Ballingrud, a clerical employe of a large- Portland firm, has followed as her hobby, amateur photography in which she has become proficient. Being ambitious to gain foot ing on a mountain while spend ing her vacation in Sun Valley, Idaho, Miss Ballingrud and a companion were riding horses up a trail to a place from where she had planned taking pictures of the fine scenery, when she was thrown from her horse sus taining two fractures of one arm, shoulder and back injuries, base of the brain concussion which caused unconsciousness for some time. Her condition is not consider ed too hopeful. She was placed in a cast and will be hospitalized for some time. Friends here may send messages to Miss Balling rud at St, Vincent hospital. Attend Jones' Reunion Woodburn Mn. A. E. Aus tin, Mr. and Mrs. John Kallak and Elton Jones of Woodburn attended the reunion of the Jones clan at Champoeg which was in observance of the 96th anniver sary of the coming of the S. W. R. Jones family to Oregon. This was the 3rd annual reunion of the family with descendants of six different branches of the original family represented. ENTER BETTY CROCKER CHIFFON CAKE BAKING CONTEST At tha Oregon State Fair, Sep tember's to 11, Win a Betty Crocker Award. SPONSORED BY SOFTASILK The Chiffon Cake Flour Buy Softasilk Cake Flour at your IGA STORE. It has a recipe in each package. OQ lpkg JTC JAN-U-WINE CHINESE FOOD Why not have a delicious Jan-U-Wine Chinese Dinner for a delightful change of menu. BEAN SPROUTS 1QP No. 2 Can IVV CHOP SUEY 07f VEGETABLES No 2 can CHOW MEIN OAr NOODLES No. 2 can SOY sauce onc 4H oz. Bottle AW LOOK AT THESE SPECIAL PRICES These are in Addition to Low Prices on Item After Item at IGA. Full Lb. jar IGA Homogenized When you taste this delicious peanut butter you'll agree its the finest money can buy. PEANUT BUTTER When you taste this delicious peanut butter you SEEDLESS RAISINS Use raisins often -in your cooking ; RIPE OLIVES PORK & BEANS 2 Ib. pkg. Tasty Pak Use raisins often -in your cooking and baking for an abundanca of calcium and iron. Green Ripa and Tree Ripened THEY'RE DELICIOUS! No. 300 Can Van Camp Keep some of these favorite beans In your pantry for quick meals. 35c 27c 27c 2 , 25c No. 1 tall - can V ' V 1 cm. RANUNCULUS 10 BULBS 15 dm vmm 16 Mtf MI T0 H rnn i!t twit i mmtt MAIL FOB THIS OMIi TODAY) WHITE KINO SOAP CO.-OX 1144 lMKT.STAT10N-lOSANGEI.ES 2t,CAUf. ka&pa5te-27c KML OAF 23c SIERRA PINf TOIIIT SOAP 3 bars SCOTCH CLEANSER pkg. 11c Vl Gal. Jug Special Price CLOROX 25c SPECIAL LOW PRICES Old Dutch Cleanser 2 for 23c rnCC 20 Ford "Custom" V-8 rlEC Fordor Sedans. Get enter blank at IGA stores Tokay Grapes 2 n,.. 19c Flaming red, sweet and juicy. Priced low too. Fresh Carrots 2 bunches 9c They're goad for you, keep some on hand for salads, your relish dish or for a colorful vegetable dish. Potatoes 25 lb. bag 89c These are Yakima's finest Netted Gem potatoes. Buy a bag at this low price. Fresh Cabbage ib. 3c A crisp sweet green vegetable for many menu uses. Fresh Celery . 6c Crisp and brought to you garden fresh KEN GOLLIET'S MEHAMA, OREGON IGA FOOD STORE and GENERAL MERCHANDISE LOW SAVING PRICES Ken Golliet has been a member of the Independent Grocers Alli ance for the past 3 years. During this time he has served an ever increasing number of people in Mchama and surrounding territory with low prices on all food items. Ken also has a com plete line of hardware, Frigidalre appliances and general mer chandise. So watch the weekly IGA advertising in both Salem newspapers and make Ken Golliets your headquarters for savings. n CRACKER JACKS Tha kid Favorite P Pkg DC Campfire MARSHMALLOWS Four Va Ib. pkgi. . Ib. Pkg OJC IGA MAYONNAISE Pin..... 37c IGA Enriched FLOUR 25 lb. "I QQ bag L07 IGA Cane & Maple SYRUP J,4,"- 39c PORK SAUSAGE MEAT TREET 39r wsl Serve any way you serve ham. Jutt ilk ana Iry lo de licious brown. 45c Select BEEF or.PORK Weiners ffl barbecue Sauce ffj jjlja 49c lil vilh MUD bsrbflcui Sauce Untsrwood DEVILED HAM A nutritious food of whole hams minced and blended with rare spices. Stor-Kist Solid TUNA FISH No. 'a Con Only the small tender white meat tuna that are milder, finer textured. SPECIAL PRICE. Stor-Kist Granted TUNA FISH 49c 20c 39c ire milder, 35c No. Vi Con Chunk style, ready for vour favorite salad. Delicious White meat. Special Price. SAVE EVERYDAY AT IGA STORES HIGHLAND MARKET 800 Highland Ave. BROADWAY GROCERY Broadway & Market - Open Sunday SCIO FOOD MARKET QUALITY FOOD MKT. 17th and Center CARTER'S MARKET 17th and Market St. STATE STREET MARKET LEMMON'S MARKET 598 North Commercial 8t. PEARSON'S FOOD MKT. 294 No. Commercial MODEL FOOD MARKET Z7S North High St. ORCUTT'S MARKET 4200 North River Road CENTRAL CASH MARKET Monmouth, Oregon RONNER'S GROCERY Gervais, Oregon EQUALL'S GROCERY INDEPENDENCE FOOD MARKET Independence, Oregon