Tuna Catch Good North Bend. Sent 1 m A1- bacore tuna catches off Cape Blanc were reported good the past few day by fishermen un loading here. Strikes May Send Business Recovery Effort Gaily-West By SAM DAWSON New York UP) September is likely to tell whether the busi ness recovery effort is to be knocked galley-west by costly battles between labor and management. The steel dispute comes to the showdown point in two weeks. And John L. Lewis gives another twist to the screws, calling for a two-day weeK in tne coaiy mines next week. The nation's coal stocks, estimated to be dropping at the rate of a mil lion tons a week, will be sliced S'A million tons that week. , Strike threats still hang over the auto, electric appliance and rubber industries. One big rub ber company, B. F. Goodrich, is already struck. In these and other industries, labor and man agement are reported holding off contract decisions to see which way the steel stalemate will be resolved. Not only is there strike threat, but also the question of what wage Increases might do to prices, sales volume, and company profit and loss sheets and purchasing power. The steel dispute will come to a head over the second week end in September. The Presi dent's fact-finding board is ex pected to make its recommenda tions Sept. 10. The unions have set Sept. 14 as the strike dead line. In the few days in be tween, the steel companies and the union must decide what they'll do about the board's suggestions. Unless another truce extends the strike deadline, observers fear the time will be too short for the two parties to reach an agreement. The union has ask ed wage and pension concessions adding up to 30 cents an hour. Some think the board may sug gest that be cut about in third. Strikes in the first postwar years merely added to the in flationary spiral -by aggravat ing shortages of goods In great demand, and boosting prices. This fall, however, strikes are ,rnore likely to deeepen the re cession. In most industries fin ished goods inventories are high enough to take care of consumer demand for some time. But the loss of purchasing power by workers in struck industries will hit retailers hard, and mush room out all through the econ omy. For example, the railroads that serve the coal fields are al ready hit by the three-day week 'which Lewis decreed July 1. Freight traffic is down and rail employes have been laid off. , Labor leaders In other indus tries deny that they are just waiting to see what happens in steel and coal before pushing -this year's fourth -round bar- saining to a oonclusion. But many on the management ' side of the table believe that when the steel pattern takes shape in a couple of weeks, and Lewis' tactics and chances be come clearer, the die will have been oast for peace or war this fall in the key industries. Until that is known, the trend of busi ness in general will be in doubt. Linn County tacks Many Hop Pickers Albany, Sept. 1 Hop har vesting operations this week are being hampered by a "serious" lack of pickers, Bill Sloan, man ager of the local Oregon State Employment service, indicated Wednesday. At least 200 more hop field workers are needed immediate ly to augment a force of nearly 1000 pickers that are harvesting western Linn and northern Ben ton county crops, Sloan stated. The late hop crop is just now hitting its stride, the local OES official said, and unless a suf ficient labor force is on hand there is a danger that some of the hops will spoil on the vine. . Harvesting of the crop will last about two weeks. Standard picking wage this season is 3 cents a pound. Bus Line Ordered To Resume Service Olympia, Sept. 1 UP) North coast Greyhound Bus Lines had less than 48 hours today in which to resume operations of their strike-bound buses. An order to resume operations .by 12:01 a.m. Saturday was is sued yesterday by the Washing ton public service commission. In effect, the order appeared to be a demand that the com pany submit issues of the 11-week-old strike to arbitration or face possible court action lead ing to cancellation of the line's certificate. Striking employes, members of the Motor Coach Employes union (AFL), agreed last week to arbitration. The company refused, however, on grounds that certain phases of the strike were managerial functions. Tank Truck Strike Ends Chicago, Sept. 1 OT A 21 day strike of tank truck drivers which had brought a near gaso line famine to the Chicago area ended early today. The 1,600 members of the AFL Teamsters union voted -unanimously shortly after mid night to accept a wage boost of 10 cents an hour and improved vacation benefits. Legion to Give Dividend Aid The American Legion will as sist all local veterans in apply ing for their national service life insurance dividends. This was announced today by Charles H. Huggins, commander of Capital Post No. 0 of the American Legion here. . "Our post will have the nec essary applications which vet- erans will have to make to the manhunt in history in trying to VA to get their' NSLI dends," ' Commander . Huggins said. "Every veteran who held his NSLI policy for 90 days or more will have a refund coming to him. The VA expects to pay out approximately $2,800,000, 000 in these refunds. Payments per veteran are expected to average about $175 according to the VA. Applications should be filed as quickly as possible be cause it will take weeks and months for a veteran to get his refund check." Actually, Commander Hug gins explained, the American Legion will put on the biggest divi-locate veterans whs are eligible lor the NSLI refunds. "The VA estimates that some 16,000,000 veterans are entitled to NSLI refunds," Commander Huggins said. "Actually today the VA has the home address of only six millions of eligible vet erans. The American Legion will help it to locate 10,000,000 others." Applications will be available between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. For a teen-age party serve coffee ice cream topped with marshmallow cream or marsh mallow fluff and blanched toasted almonds. New Advance Noted In Tilotless Aircraft Washington, Sept. 1 (UP.) A new advance in the development of high-speed, pilotless aircraft a remotely - controlled drone ! with some of the maneuverabil ity of jet fighters has been an nounced by the navy. Driven by a ramjet engine, the most powerful type in the jet engine family, the vehicle is known as the KDM-1 and is being produced by the Glenn L. Martin Co., Baltimore. It is expected to fly in the vicinity of 600 miles per hour, Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Sept. 1, 194911 somewhat under the speed of sound. FALL YARDAGE GOODS 1.50 to 5.95 yard Complete New Stock Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. 260 South 12th St. ri FT) T4I JVAiyJW ; 1 Make Safeway your starting point for a gay holiday. Here you will find just the foods you need for a week end of fun and feasting. Won derful buys like those listed below to make your week end easy on your budget. Check these suggestions. Then come to Safeway and. stock up for a good time. f Sure fo Stock Up on Siaplot Like Tftts firadc 'A' Butter t.aoiow.b 73c Grade 'A' Eggs Fresh Milk Bread Small Mf sins doi. 4VC Mrs. WrlffcfV Creamery 101 fresh! quart 17 ?C 11 19c White ft Wheal FRESH Wfioe-beon COFFEES round when yen buy your assurance of the peak hs coffee flavor. AIRWAY Mb. Bag 40c 2-1b. Bag 79c NOB HILL Mb. Bag 45c 2-lb. Bag 89c Dill Pickles Columbia brand 39 56-oi. Jar Pure Cane SUGAR 10 lb. bog 87c Palmolive Soap Reg. Sit Bars J far 23! Prices effective thru Sat. We reserve the right to limit. No tales to dealers. PJuarsItoinroaflfl ws, : SAFEWAY STORES WILL BE CLOSED Monday, September 5 Open All Day Wednesday, Sept. 7 FLUFF-I-EST BRAND Grand for toasting handy 1-lb. boxes pkg- 119c Ripe Olives, ..fSS 2 Best Foods Mayonnaise Sweet Pickles, Shoestring Potatoes, ..B14v Potato Chips, Ritz Crackers, 35 for "ft 35 Llbby whole ones, to IVA-oz. la Blue Bell -oz. can Blue Bell. 1 Cm Reg. 25c Pkg. 1 3 17 Won't wilt. .1-lb. Pkg, 29 Tom Collins. 2 quart. 27 Root Beer, 2 27 Orange Soda, .f.).. 2 quart, 27 Sparkling Water : mh. 15c Sparkling Water .. bott,. 20c Canada Dry, . 20c Zee Napkins, ..tim 10 Paper Plates, ?!an.b.?:..Pkg. 15 Cpld Drink Cups, 225 Hot Drink Cups, mT.?:..2nBS.2St Pancake Flour, ..8p:....4.,b.m.45 Green Beans,T.!.cNo.2Wal9 tlt ".ox. SRC 3 FOR QUICK! can kJrJJ '1.00 White Bock, .28-oz. bottle 6 lor It-ox. bottle Ginger Ale Bireley's Orange Drink, Hire's Root Beer, Pepsi-Cola mu tba Spot Coca Cola Be,rMhln 6 Nesbitt's Orange Drink 6 12-01. S-oz. bottles bottles 20 25 5 bot. 5 25c 30 I all ft all Ir Check trimming-as well as price -when you compare meat value. Safeway's price is always on the trimmed, full-value cut. Luncheon Meats ib. 45' Select from this large variety Minced Ham, Veal Loaf, Pickle ti Pimento, Macaroni Si Cheese, French Head Cheese SKINLESS WIENERS OR BOLOGNA Beef Rib Roast lb. 79c ;.Conlar lb. 69c Sirloin Steaks lb. 89c It lb. 79c T-Bone Steaks .SI" lb. 98c -coid- lb. 85c Pnund Steaks lb. 79c .re. lb. 75c SMOKED HAMS Famous Brandt Half or Whole 65c i '"V V",0 PURE GROUND BEEP, lean, freih lb. 35 C PURE PORK SAUSAGE, country stylo Ib. 55 SHORT RIBS OF BEEF, lean Ib. 29 LEG O' LAMB ROAST Ib. 79t SHOULDER LAMB ROAST b.59 LAM! CHOPS, Loin or Rib outs Ib. 89 LAMB BREAST, for stew or stuffing Ib. 1 9 FANCY SUCED BACON per Ib. 65 VAN CAMP BRAND er "eosy to serve" picnic treat NO. 2 CAN Pear Halves, fS 25 American Cheese, ..IS. 49 Cheese Food, .,. 75 Krinkle Egg Noodles, ...i-ib. pt. 25 Cheese Spread, U!S 19 Kraft Spreads, ? 19 White Star Tuna, Vo. wn Kippered Snacks,... ,.a 15 Kippered Snacks. 15 Sardines, "!: No. M 25 Canned Wieners. ?".!?e..a 35 Tomato Juice, f. na 25 35c Tne Season's Finest Produce Guaranteed by Safeway- CANTALOUPES Ripened on the vines to give you lull flavor and' extra sweetness. Serve in a delightful fruit salad. Grand with ice cream, too. ib. e PEACHES EL BOX 149 ELBERTAS, Full BUSHEL BOX .Full Bushel Box BANANAS 13 FANCY GOLDEN RIPE FRUIT New Potatoes U. S. No. 1 Grade 3 Or Yakima 10 lbs. J7 Watermelons Lb 3 Vic TomatOeS rancy Locals Lb. 7c Potatoes &ms,.No:2 50 & 89c Refreshing, Crisp GRAPES Tokays 2 lbs. 25fl Seedless 2 lbs. 25