8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 81, 1949 Finishing Touches for Fall Costumes 1iLJl II iiiiiJi Symphony in Textures The red duvetyn coat with mink trim is in Monte Sano's new basque silhouette, accented by the smooth sheen of French kid gloves by Kislav and small polished calf bag. Study in Contrasts The casual tweed suit gains elegance from the narrow mink tie, washable glace gloves and calfskin bag in new elongated shape. Fine leathers and fine fabrics make fall fashion. Recipes (Br lh AMoenwd Fraj) A good hot plate of soup will help satisfy lusty young appe tites home from school at noon, You can make it a hearty home made bowlful like minestrone, or you can use some of the con venient canned soups. Minestrone Ingredients: 8 ' cups canned red kidney beans, V cup chop ped onion, Vi clove garlic, teaspoon marjoram, 1 bay leaf, 2 ftblespoons olive or other sal ad oil, 3 cups canned tomatoes, Vi teaspoon salt, Vi cup shred ded raw cabbage, ' 1 cup shred ded raw carrot, 1 cup cooked macaroni. Method: Bring kidney beans to boll; then mash. Brown onion, garlic, marjoram, and bay leaf in olive or other salad oil. Mix beans, browned onion mixture, tomatoes, and salt together in a 2-quart heat-r e a 1 s t a n t glass saucepan. Cover and cook over low heat for about 1 hour. Fif teen minutes before serving add cabbage, carrot, and macaroni. Serve in soup plates or use heat resistant glass deep pie dishes. Makes 8 to 10 servings. Try the following recipe for Banana Bran Bread for after school snacks, to pack into school lunchboxes, or just to serve at home. Banana Bran Bread Ingredients: Vx cup shorten ing, cup sugar, 2 eggs (well beaten), 2 cups bran, V cup wa ter, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 3 cups mashed banana, 3 cups sif ted all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon fait, 4 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon baking soda, Vt cup broken walnut meats. Method: Cream shortening beat in sugar. Stir in beaten eggs and bran. Add water and lemon juice to mashed banana. Sift to gether flour, salt, baking pow der, and baking soda; add alter nately with banana mixture to batter. Stir in broken walnut meats. Pour batter into two well greased heat-resistant glass loaf pans, 1-quart size. Bake in a moderaie (350 degrees Fahren heit) oven, for about 1 hour. . . Golden Wedding Auora Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dietz of Canby were honored recently on their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Dietz were mar ried at Medford, Wise, August 19, 1894, and came to Oregon for their honeymoon. Of the 13 sons and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Dietz, only four were absent at the party. Present 'were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmeiser and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Elligsen, Roger and Mildred Elligsen, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strebig, Carol Strebig, Mr. and Mrs. William Dietz and daughter, Dolores, Mr. and Mrs Otto Dietz, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dietz, Miss Shirley Dietz, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Anderson, Rich ard, Donald and Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dietz, Clem Dietz, Jr., Bob Kreuger, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Berlhold, Sidonia Gelbrich, Emil and Ernest Gelbrich. Also present was John Swartz of Turner, Kansas, uncle of Mrs, Fred Dietz. Sons and daughters not able to attend were Robert Dietz of Redmond, Mrs. Frank Green, Mrs. Neal Haines and Mrs. Lee Johnson of Anchorage, Alaska. See For Yourself ... With Modern Glasses No need to spoil your good looks and give yourself a low rating, because your glasses are outmoded. Let our careful, expert specialists examine your eyes and fit you with new and becoming modern glasses. Dr. E. E. Boring USE YOUR CREDIT AND OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL 383 Court St. Dial 3-6506 LI lisUj Dr. Sam Hughes j i . fRPS tats I I wmtimt- HOME PAR CASES of Blitz Weinhard f f Beer. ..twelve bottles or twelve cans... ira a convenient package (or picnickers, jSSSjT weekenders or sportsmen. Also available " in cases of 24 stubLiBs or cans, -"8,,,t2r,S6i" Mill ' M litz 8 Distributed by Gideon troll Co, Mrs. Clees Hostess For Birthday Dinner Mt. Angel Mrs. Jthn Clees entertained at dinner at her home in compliment to Mr. Ro bert Van Hatten and Mrs. Ra phael Bisenius, both of whom celebrated birthday anniversar ies during the past week. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Van Hatten, their two children, Judy and Bobby Van Hatten, niece and nephew, Do lores and Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Bisenius and daughter Pat, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russel and their children Robert. Paul, Yvonne and Cathleen Russell of Yukon, Alaska; Miss Bernadette Hauth, Peter Koppes, Joseph Ehlinger and the hostess, Mrs. Clees. Robert Russell is a brother of Mrs. Bisenius, with whom they have visited, and are returning north this week. Mrs. Russell and children will spend the school term at Elberta, Canada, where the children attend school. Former Silverton Residents Visitors Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Don McCall and daughter of Pendle ton, visited from Thursday over Sunday at the Oak street home of McCall's parents, the E. Jay McCalls, enroute home from a two weeks' vacation travel trip in California. Also at the E. Jay McCall home Sunday, were former neighbors from Wilmer, Minn., now residents of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wsatherby. The Wea therbys have been in Oregon around a year since his retire ment from railway service. The McCalls drove to the Yamhill home of the Harold Bo deens, visiting for the day. The Bodeens are former local residents. $$ MONEY $$ FHA W Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 8. Hlfh St. Lie. 821 I-122J OPEN WE ARE NOW At Our New Location 130 S.Liberty to give you even better, faster complete shoe repairing shine and dyes. Servlct While U-Walt 2 doors south of Anita Shop STUBBLEFIELD'S Shoe Shop - 130 S. Liberty It's nil to keep fit Let Sun Valley add variety to "Bread Hungry diets" and safely, too. Sun Valley Bread baked with no shorten ing whatever, is low in calories, (less than 30 to the slice) yet high in energy producing proteins. Try SUN vALLtr pkcau toasted tomorrow morning. J WITHOUT I SHORTENING Oil 10W IN UlOtllS HIGH in minor IT VOIR fMORITE NMSTMI HOSTESS this evening will be Miss Jane Carson, entertain ing in honor of Mrs. William C. McCammon (Barbara Corey), a recent bride. Miss Carson is entertaining at an informal evening, a late sup per to be served. SOROPTIMIST club members are gathering this evening for a no-host supper at 7 o'clock at the country home of Mrs. Lee Eyerly. MISS PEARL MACY has as her house guest this week, Miss Shawlene Holloway of Albany. Miss Holloway is a grand niece of Miss Macy. TURNER Mrs. Eva Tucker of Salem and Lloyd Grim, Tur ner, will be married at St. Jo seph's church in Salem Septem ber S at 11 a.m. Following the wedding a re ception will be held in the Mayflower hall. Spend Your Vacation at . , SEA REST APTS. HALF BLOCK FROM BUS STOP HALF BLOCK TO BEACB RANGES, REFRIGERATORS RAYMOND AVE. OCEANLAKE, ORE. 'Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 Presbyterian Society ' Helps with Painting Mill City The Presbyterian Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. Ida Geddes. Pre siding was Mrs. Lester Hatha way. The society voted to sub scribe $25 towards painting the church. For the afternoon pro gram Mrs. Clyde Rogers, who just returned from a vacation trip to New York and Washing ton, D.C.; told of her adven tures. Members answering roll call were: Mrs. Hathaway, Mrs. Rog ers, Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mrs. James Swan, Mrs. R. L. Faust, Mrs. Otto Witt, Mrs. Charles Kelly, Mrs. Fred Grimes, Mrs. C. E. Mason, Mrs. Belle Haw kins, Mrs. Ida Geddes and Miss Daisy Geddes. serve creamed finnan haddie over ""cooked spinach that has been chopped, seasoned with butter or margarine and salt and freshly ground pepper. Bak- ed potatoes are good with this dish if you don't mind using your oven on hot days. Tiny new potatoes cooked on the top of the range and served with finely cut chives are good also. T ROOFING Now is the time to order that new roof befort th busy summer season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phono 38478 U-tPick Peaches! Improved Crawford s Improved Albertas Bring Your Own Containers Orchard Open 7 Days a Week Every Night Until Dark 1.50 PER BUSHEL LaFollette's Mission Orchard Here Are Your Directions: Drive north on River Road 1V4 mile past Keizer School. Turn left and follow Mission Bottom Road signs to LaFollette's Mission Orchards. Phone 3-1445 rOREGON DEPT.0F AGRICUlTUREl INSPECTED I trie I PASSED sT Banisir M A1KET Salem's Retail Packing Plant rOREGON7 DEPT.Of AGRICULf URE inspected I AND 1 V PASSED 351 State St. SCIHIOOL AYS AIRES HIERE! The children will need plenty of Good, Wholesome Meat to Retain the Health they have gained during the Summer. SHOP THE MID GET EVERY DAY ... No "SALES" ... No "SPECIALS" . . . Inspected Meats Only. YOUNG EASTERN OREGON BEEF BEEF ROAST 37c SIRLOIN STEAK 63c Tender Blade Cuts .....LB. sf Boneless Cuts LB. ws ROUND STEAK 5Qc BONELESS CUBES 45c Center Cuts A Favorite LB. " All Meat No Wasta LB. BOILING BEEF ?Qc BONELESS ROASTS 5()c Braise or Stew LB. " Carving a Pleasure LB. sf fJ Grain Fed Pork The Small Tender Kind with that Chicken-like Texture, for Which The MIDGET is Famous. PORK STEAK 45c Lean Meaty Cuts LB. BACON SQUARES Iflc For i Vegetables LB. PURE PORK LINKS 45c Taste Teasers LB. PORK ROASTS 40c Small Fresh Picnic LB. w SIDE BACON 45c Dry Sugar Cure .... ..LB. PORK SAUSAGE iflc Country Stylo LB. w II FLAVORIZED" LUNCH SPECIALTIES Make 'Ice Box Snoopers' Sneak for Snacks the children like them too. LUNCH MEATS 45c Assorted ....LB. LIVER SAUSAGE 35c Spread on Bread LB. SKINLESS WEINERS 37c They're Tender LB. BOLOGNA 35c Long Style LB. Stop in Choose any item from our fin assortment Take it home Prepare it your own way. Then listen to your family praise your shopping ability. . WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO.