Capital Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 31, 1949 Miss Carson, Mr. Wilson . To Wed Soon i Announced for Saturday, Sep- ; tember 17, is the wedding oi i Miss Carolyn Carson and Austin h Wilson Jr.. the ceremony to i be an afternoon one in the First J Congregational churcn. ! The bride-to-be is the daugh ter nt Mr and Mn. C. L. Carson J and Mr. Wilson is the son of i Mr. and Mrs. Austin H. Wilson. ; The young couple plan to be ; In Corvallts this coming year, j both to be seniors at Oregon 1 State college. Miss Carson, who ! nrmerlv attended Willamette university, is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority ana mr. wu son is affiliated with Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Showers Planned Honoring Miss Carson, Mrs. Austin H. Wilson has planned two showers this week, Thurs day and Friday evenings at her home, 1630 A street. Between 15 and 20 are bidden each evening and following a dessert the group will present Miss Carson with kitchen and linen articles. Miss Schmeiser Is August Bride Aurora Tn a setting of white gladioluses and candlelight Miss Lillian Hum acnmeiser was married to Kenneth Dean Lan- deen Friday evening, August 1, i nroimn Cltv's Zlon Lutheran church. Miss Schmeiser is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmeiser of Oregon City. Lan deen is the son of the G. M. Lan Drpffnn fTitv. Rev E. G. Wuest officiated at the cere mony. The bride, given In marriage by her father, chose a gown of white satin with lull train, fash ioned In off-the-shoulder effect, with yolk and mitts of lace. Her veil of net fell from a wreath of orange blossoms. She carried a white Bible topped by a sheaf of pink rosebuds with white aatln showers. The bridal attendants wore organdy gowns over taffeta. They wore tulle-encircled nose gays of orchid in yellow and carried orchid asters and sweet peas with matching satin stream ers. The honor attendant, Miss Marcia Schmeiser wore pale or chid with a yellow nosegay. All wore ruffle-type half hats to match their gowns. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Glen Ritter, sister of the bride. Mrs. William Lewis, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Mildred Elllgsen, cousin of the bride. Craig Landecn stood as best man for his brother. Walter Schmeiser, Jerry Brown and William Lewis ushered. Kareen Landeen lighted the candles. She wore a floor-length pink or gandy gown. Donald Schmeiser, young brother of the bride, as listed. Mrs. John Jackson was solo ist with Mrs. E. Buchflnck at the organ. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Schmeiser wore an aqua crepe with dusty rose hat and a corsage of rosebuds. Mrs. G M. Landeen, mother of the i bridegroom, wore forest green crepe with a beige hat and cor sage of rosebuds. At the reception In the church ANNUAL HALF-PRICE SALE1 Dorothy Gray Cleansing Creams l 1 1 TUb opportunity eooMa onif mm jtm. So Mi A ly d mwl Capital Drug Store State & Liberty Women LOWRY FISCHER Events Scheduled Dates have been arranged for the several events being given for "National Business Women's Week" by the Salem Business and Professional Women s club, The annual Chamber of Com merce luncheon program ar- ranged by the club will be on October 3. The president's breakfast is set for October 9 at the Senator hotel. On October 12 will be given the public affairs dinner and on October 16 will be a tea for past presi dents. Mrs. Charles Forrette Is gen eral chairman for the week this year, a large group of the mem bership assisting with the vari ous affairs. Party for Beverly Mott Honoring her daughter, Bev erly Mott, Mrs. James W. Mott is to entertain a group of young folk at an informal supper, swimming and dancing party Saturday evening at their Zena country home. About 30 are bidden at 7:30 o'clock. Including Junior high and high school friends of Bev erly. , Miss Blacksten Tells Engagement Adding her name to the list of brides - elect is Miss Lola Blacksten, whose engagement to Dan Osborn is being announced. Miss Blacksten is the daugh ter of Mrs. Lola J. Blacksten and Mr. Osborn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Osborn. Both young people attended Sa lem schools. No date is announced for the wedding. Going to Stephens Columbia, Mo. (Special) Miss Sharon Claire Hamilton of Salem has been accepted for ad mission at Stephens college and will arrive on the campus at Co lumbia, Mo., Sunday, September 11. During the September 12- 15 registration period, the all- college welcoming assembly, Monday, September 12, in the new assembly hall, will mark the formal opening of the 117th year in the history of Stephens college. Miss Hamilton is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Ham ilton, 210 East Lincoln street, Salem. THURSDAY evening brings the open house meeting for Sa lem Business and Professional Women's club members at 765 South Commercial at 7:30 o'clock, purpose of the event to give the members opportunity to Inspect the building. social rooms, the bride's cake was served by Mrs. Philip An derson, aunt of the bride, Mrs. Frank Green, aunt of the bride, presided at the urns. Miss Shirley Diets and Miss Marilyn Culllson were in charge of gifts For going away, the bride wore a henna brown suit with white accessories. Upon their return the couple will reside In Canby. Reglarly....2 Regular 4 mm now2 DRY-SKIN CLSAMSHt SALON GOLD CREAM (fan CLEANSING CREAM 13.50 sin for i All "On the Comer" Farewells Are Planned Honoring Mrs. William Kid well, who is leaving next week for San Diego, Calif., to make her home, Mrs. W. L. Scragg is to entertain Thursday with a luncheon at hep home. Covers will be marked for Mrs. Kldwell, Mrs. William Ash by, Mrs. Norman Shaw, Mrs. Joe Ritchie, Mrs. Howard Sar gent, Mrs. William Sullivan, Mrs. Farley A. Mogan, and the hostess. For Friday A hostess of the latter part of the week is to be, Mrs. Ar nold J. Olson who is to enter tain Friday afternoon at a party for Mrs. Irene Knutsen, who is leaving with her family for Lake Chalon, Wash., to live. The af fair will be at the Fir street home of Mrs. Olson. For Miss Steusloff . Complimenting Miss Muriel Steusloff, who is leaving Sep tember 11 to enter University of California, Miss Ann Gibbens and Miss Leona Todd entertain ed on Monday evening at the home of Miss Gibbens. The group feted Miss Steusloff with a handkerchief shower. In the group were Miss Steus loff, Miss Martha Marshall, Miss Joan Marie Miller, Miss Janet Gaiser, Miss Mary Campbell Mrs. Tatla Wljliams and the two hostesses. Miss Steusloff goes south with her sister, Miss Martha Steus loff, who is to be a senior at California this year. Their brother, Ivan Steusloff, goes to Stanford this year as a sopho more. Wed in Portland Mt. Angel Relatives gathered at St. Agatha's Catholic church in Portland on Saturday morn ing for the nuptial mass and wedding ceremony of their niece and cousin. Miss Mary Louise Wilde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wilde, and Dan Joseph Sholian, all of that city. Rev. Father Urban Keber, O.S.B., pastor, of ficated at the 10 o'clock services. At the church rites were aunts of the bride. Sister Mary Lioba Hoffer, and Sister Mary Made line Wilde, both of Convent Queen of Angels, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilde and daughters Anita and Ruth Wilde, all of Mt. Angel, and Frank Wilde of Sil- verton, grandfather of the bride. Others present for the service from here and attending and as sisting at the reception during the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffer, Mr. and Mrs. Don Aman, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Aman, and Mrs. Donald Butsch. Mrs. Louise Newman of Grand Rapids, Mich., sister to Frank Aman, also assisted at serving. GUEST AT the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Orwig is Miss Bernice Orwig of Portland. Miss Orwig, who for merly was on the science depart ment faculty of Willamette uni versity, recently returned from a trip to Yellowstone park. In Portland since the war, Miss Or wig this year is to be nursing instructor for the University of Portland. BARBARA FRIETCHIE tent, Daughters of the Union Veter ans of the Civil War, is to meet Friday at 2 p.m. in the Salem Woman's club house. AT OCEANLAKE over the week-end were Mrs. Farley Mogan and daughter, Martha, as guests of Mrs. Selby Shlnter- man of Portland at the Youngs apartment. PERFECT for your new 135 No". Liberty ..-if ft . . wt: f Wedding In August Wed August 21 at a ceremony in St. Paul's Episcopal church were Mr. and Mrs. P. William Nenfeldt. The bride is the former Eleanor Francisco, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Francisco, Mr. Neufeldt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Neufeldt. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Miss Edmonds, Mr. Polly Wed Aug. 28 in Woodburn Woodburn The wedding of Miss Alice Cleora Edmonds, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Edmonds of Woodburn, route 2 and Rodney Gene Polly, son of burn was an event of August 28 Jesus Christ, Later Day Saints, Omans officiated at the double ring ceremony at 2 o'clock Sun day afternoon before a large gathering of relatives and friends. The church was decorated with an assortment of garden flowers and candelabrums. Lighting the candles were Neal and Ruby Edmonds, brother and sister of the bride. Miss Ed monds wore a frock of pastel green organdy. Soloist was Miss Luella Jean Hawley. Mrs. R. C. Paulson played the wedding marches and accompanied the soloist. Mr. Edmonds gave his daugh ter in marriage. She wore a gown of white slipper satin de signed with long pointed sleeves, a yoke of marquisette with high neck and outlined with quilted satin. The full skirt extended into a long train. The veil was fingertip in length with lace in serts and was held in place by a tiara of seed pearls. The bride wore a necklace of pearls and topaz worn by her grandmother and her mother when they were married. She carried a white or chid with a shower of white sat in ribbon on a white Bible. Miss June Polly, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor. She wore a frock of pastel yel low taffeta with sheer marqui sette yoke, sweetheart neckline and bustle back. She also wore matching mitts and carried a cascade of salmon pink gladio luses and orchid asters. Bridesmaids were Miss Elea nor Stobbe of Portland, cousin of the bride, Miss Arlene Lay of Canby, both wearing green taf feta formals, Mrs. Sam Hostet ter of Canby and Miss Dorothy Jacobs of Oregon City in orchid spring" suit Spring imooi suit and tuft mvons M sWhnurti doath fa aSSCBttOfe ituLalwt, pn aSwai. doubla-wovwi collea nMig. Yowl hofdh balm W" m doatkin. $3.50 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Polly of Wood- at the Reorganized Church of at Woodburn. The Rev. G. E. taffeta formals. Each carried a cascade bouquet of gladioluses and asters with matching ribbon. Flower girl was little Marie Edmonds in floor length frock of yellow organdy. She carried a basket of rose petals. Ring bear ers were Jean and Marvin Witt meyer of Crescent City, Calif. Best man for Mr. Polly was Junior Clark; groomsmen were William Hill and Robert Pills bury and ushers were Lyle Ed monds, brother of the bride, El don Slover and Dwaine Rogers. Mrs. Edmonds, mother of the bride, and Mrs. Polly, mother of the bridegroom, wei''! gowned in gray suits with black accessories and corsages of gardenias sur rounded with red rosebuds. Honored guests were the two grandmothers, Mrs. J. S. Coo per of St. Francis, Kan., and Mrs. Ray Edmonds of Molalla. More than 200 guests attended the reception which was held at the Lutheran hall immediately after the ceremony. Mrs. Myrtle Stobbe of Portland, aunt of the bride, cut the wedding cake Miss Vera Moberly of Portland served punch and Mrs. LaVerne Lambrecht of Portland presid ed at the coffee urn. Assisting in serving were Misses Beverly Castor, Eileen Rogers and Shir ley Slover. Mrs. Lucy Edmonds was in charge of the guest book, Mrs. Jim Wittmeyer of Cres cent City, Calif., and Mrs. Rob- II GRAFF Blouses made of light quick drying nylons ! $5.95 THE SMART SHOP Dial 3-9121 Two Honor Miss Lee Feting Miss Joan Lee, who is to be married next Sunday to Jack Jay Harris, a miscel leanous shower was given re cently by Mrs. William Krocger and Mrs. L. E. Barrick. A des sert supper was served, fol lowed by an informal evening and the shower of gifts. Miss Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarlf ' Lee, and Mr. Har ris, son of Mrs. Grace Harris, are to be wed Sunday afternoon at a ceremony at the Lee home on South Cottage. Invited to the shower were Miss Lee, Mrs. Erwin Oehler, Miss Bessie Smith, Miss Winona Kroeger, Mrs. C. Webber, Miss Shirley Jean Webber, Mrs. Guy O. Smith of Lelake, Mrs. Mary J. Lee, Miss Carol Lee, Mrs. Donald Barrick, Mrs. Lester Oehler of Corvallis, Mrs. Clark', Lee, Mrs. Grace Harris, Miss I TUlie Albers, Mrs. Jake Fox, Mrs. Clarence Stacy, Mrs. Ber tha Bergman, Mrs. W. H. East and the two hostesses.. Wellmans Feted On 25th Anniversary Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Ot to Wellman observed their 25th wedding anniversary at a gar den party held at their home on Sunday. Children of the couple acted as hosts and served the buffet supper. They are Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ehle (Rita Wellman) of Vancouver, Wash., Miss Mau reen Wellman of Portland, James, Norbert, Richard, and Joanne. They have two grand' children, Roger and Joan Ehle. Otto Wellman and Leona Butsch were married here on August 26, 1924, at St. Mary's church. With the silver jubilarians were their bridesmaid, Mrs. W. J. Kloft (Anne Butsch) and Henry Wellman of Silverton, who was best man, and about 40 immediate relatives. Many other relatives sent greetings, and congratulations. Mrs. Wellman chose a gray and red bemberg sheer with a cor sage of red tuberous begonias and white - stephanotis. She is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Butsch, early Mt. Angel pioneers. Mr. Wellman, also a son of Oregon pioneers, has lived here since their mar riage, operating his own busi nesses, and more recently was one of the largest hop growers in the district, from which he retired several years ago. He is active in both civic and fratern al affairs. Those present Included Rev. ert Polly of Redmond were at the gift table and David and Laddie Zastoupil . passed the dream cake. Hostesses were Mrs George Rogers, Mrs. Herbert Hawley, Sr., Mrs. Bert Knowles and Mrs. Dan Leabo. Mr. and Mrs. Polly left for a short wedding trip after which they will be at home in Bend. For traveling Mrs. Polly wore a suit of aqua with white acces sories and her wedding orchid The bride is a graduate of Can- by high school while Mr. Polly graduated from Woodburn high and attended Graceland college at Lamoni, Iowa. He served two years in the navy in World War II. You'ra Prettier and Smarter with a wardrobe of Friendly Teen Shoes Smart girls oh the campus who are "in the know" pre fer Friendly 'Teen Shoesl for only in Friendly 'Teens art you at your best what ever the occasion! See our fine wide selection today in brilliant Fall colors! friendly M MM IN "MVINTIIN" the Ceuacll PARAMOUNT SHOE STORE Court ot Liberty "Paramount Means the Best In Footwear' Father Matthew Butsch, O.S.B., 1 Mt. Angel Abbey, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gilles of Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirsch of St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Well man and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Thomas of Scotts Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wellman of Silver ton, Mrs. Frank Kahut of Wood burn, Miss Irene Butsch of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Butsch, Mr. and Mrs. Clem J. Butsch, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Butsch, Mrs. Fred Gobley, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kloft, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bochsler, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shepherd, Mrs. Hen ry Kirsch, Mrs. Frances Butsch, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ebner, Frank Schiedler, Mayor Jacob Berch told, and Mrs. Rose Ebner, god mother to Mrs. Wellman. Portland Wedding Mt. Angel The marriage of Arnold Sprauer, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sprauer of Mt. Angel, to Miss Irene Mary Brunning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brunnine of Portland. Mrs. Ira Brunning of Portland, was solemnized at St. Agatha's Catholic church on Saturday morning, August 27, at a nup tial mass. Rev. Father Lawrence Eske, O.S.B., officiated before a large number of relatives and friends. Gilbert and Delbert Sprauer, twin brothers of the bridegroom, served the mass. A reception was held during the afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. Bernard Seiler of Mt. Angel served as best man for his cousin and Leonard Sprauer, a brother, was an usher. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sprauer and family and scores of rela tives motored to Portland for the ceremony and reception. MT. ANGEL Following a honeymoon in British Columbia, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sprauer are residing in Portland. Henry Sprauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sprauer of Mt. Angel, and Miss Elexia Driling of Portland were married at St. Philip Neri church on July 4. WORD has come to Salem relatives of the birth of a daugh ter, Pamela Sue, on Monday, August 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben E. Kolbe at Yakima. Mrs. B. A. Kolbe of Salem is the grand mother. Mrs. Kolbe is now visiting in Bellingham, Wash. Hearing Aid Center Zenith Aurophone Superphonic Batteries for all makes of hearing aids . . . cords for most instruments. Let us know your needs! Mail orders Filled Promptly Morris Optical Co. 444 State St Phone 3-5528 Salem, Oregon Aleef Ale At x '( .f S 1 asjvii' I 4 v! Jro y f ; ' Fall is almost here and the off-to-college girl has a problem or three in answering the "what-shall-l-wear" question. First comes the class room. Here a plaid skirt or blouse is not only comfortable and suit able but very popular. Plaids, pockets and full ness are the desirable features and here's a fulfillment of all three. Forclasswear and weekday cokedates they're the perfect thing. For diversion . . . the all time favorite wool dress is tops in adapta bility to college ways and wear. Good for classroom and good to have for exchanges that call for more than a skirt or sweater but noth ing too dressy. No girl feels attractively dressed unless she is comfortable and knows her underthings are just the way she likes them to be. The "just-let's-be-practical" idea still holds and that's why there's nothing more popular than a ny lon jersey slip. It feels grand on and the laundry problem virtually vanishes . . . wash and dry and wear . . . that's all there is to it. Time is a precious thing at school with little set aside for ironing. ' Liking your clothes is knowing that you are well-dressed , . , and com fortable at all times. We'll find these features together in the new Fall fashions for co-eds. ?Stcrafbrldie i