Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Wednesday. Aug. 31, 1949 3 TOCCC & y CTT D M THIS IS REALLY IT! SAVE NOW ON EVERYTHING YOU NEED A. . Jet Pilot Rescued Second Lieut. Robert E. Farley (center), 25, ol Selah, Wash., is helped from the helicopter which set down in rough terrain on a mountainside near Desert Hot Springs, Calif., to pick him up after he had been thrown clear of his spinning jet fighter and parachuted to safety. Farley, shown on, his return to Indio, Calif., suffered severe lacerations. Men assisting him are unidentified. (AP Wire-photo) 3 Vets Testify For Tokyo Rose San Francisco, Aug. 18 () Three wartime members of Un cle Sam's forces in the Pacific have only kind .words for the Radio Tokyo broadcasts for which Iva Toguri D' Aquino is on trial for treason. The three testified voluntarily for the defense yesterday as the trial of the 33-year-old Los Angeles-born defendant opened its ninth week. The government earlier had produced a series of former serv ice men who had testified in support of charges that Mrs. D' Aquino, as "Orphan Ann" on Radio Tokyo's zero hour pro gram and known to GIs as Tokyo Rose, had broadcast tra torously. She is charged with derogatory references to "bone head" allied troops, tales of ship losses, predicted troop move ments, and efforts to make the troops lonesome for wives and sweethearts back home. Robert Speed of Berkeley, Calif, an ex-lieutenant of ma rines; Nalini Kant Gupta, San Francisco, former infantryman, Increase Your Income Overcome Fear. Develop Courage, Learn to Speak Effectively to a group or in conversation. Make valuable Mends, loin a group ol men aid women (limited to 40) to be held in caenegii this city in the Dale Carnegie COURSE In Iffactiv Spaaklno, Personality D Vtlepmtnt, Winning Frfcndi end Influ Mtltia (tailing) Ptoplt. Offarad aiclustvily In thlt araa by Dr. Chat. F. Walltar, (28 ytari) Praildant, Northwatttrn School of Commarca, Port land, Oragon, and Spontor (5 yaart) for Data Carnagla Coursai. J For booklet giving full Information, 1 i.nH n-ma and add raw to Chat. F. S Walkar, 70f S. W. Salmon St., Port- j j Namt: ! Addraiit TETEBANS enrolllnf antler O.T. Bill ibonld nil ai once, oibuhim iu t par while waiting for approval of BVCCMU7 pairuB. and Sam Stanley, Berkeley, war time Seabee baker, testified in behalf of Mrs. D' Aquino yester day, 'like' Coming Back New York, U.R) The ukulele, standard equipment of the real ly "hep" college boy in the 1920's, is making' a comeback. Jay Kraus, president of a com pany which makes ukes, says about 300,000 instruments will be manufactured this year com pared with 40,000 to 60,000 be fore the war. , ' ITCH (Advertisement! (Scabies) Is highly con- ,arioui and would con- tinne for life ft not stopped. Its sole cause the itch - mite which is Immune to ordinary treatments. EX SORA kills the Itch-mite almost Instantly. Only three daya EXSOEA treatment U 'equired, "Mall orders riven prompt attention. At all Fred Meyer Drur Sections and oth er GOOD Drue Stores." itknkble Moving Service ACROSS TOWN OR ACROSS THI NATION Whether you're moving in town or to a distant city, we offer the finest in worry-free moving serv ice. Our local storage and mov ing facilities are unexcelled. And as representatives for Allied Van Lines we can place at your disposal the know-how of the world's largest long-distance moving organization. Allied's expert packers, handlers and drivers safeguard your posses sions every step of the way. Call us for estimates. Red Star Transfer Liberty & Belmont Ph. 3-8111 AOENT FOR YOU'LL BE SURPRISED When you find out how much there is to do at our resort, without high prices. Hot mineral water for drinking and bath treatments, excellent massages. Swimming - Dancing - Hiking - Fishing - Horses Big Bonfire and Radio Every Evening HOTEL CABINS TENTHOUSES STORE AND MARKET Open Until October 1st . . Road from Oetrolt to Bruckman's Open 1:00 to Z-M p. m, and 5:00 i. m. to 7:45 a. m DST Monday thru Saturdays and all day Sunday and Holidays . For Reservations and Price List Phone Detroit 871 Write: BRUCKMAN'S BREITENBUSH SPRINGS Breitenbush, Oregon CLOSE OUT ON 1949 MODEL ROTOTILLER New low prices while they last (Only a few left) . SEE US TODAY Teague Motor Company 355 N. Liberty Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4173 For terrific values! For huge savings! It's our great price smashing stock reduction sale. We are going to re-model and re-decorate the interior of our store. But have so much merchandise the workmen can't get in. 'o make room for them we must re duce our stock. Since we have no place to store merchandise, we are offering it to our customers, at what we consider unresistible prices. Listed are just a few samples. Come in and see for yourself. many years. K. n. ERMEL TED ISAACSON Lowest prices in J TED SALE BEGINS THURSDAY 9:30 A. .-js gLswrv ' pa - - farsrXT7. M. r Features I llll jO Combination j eVerraO' F j f'Jh'NW' hAr v 159.88 I trU' B lift v",M JlLI 1 'T ,dern Sfylfno a 00 & Chair I rADI TADICC 1 . U vC- -'buyoty ng- 759 pp I CARD TABLES 1 I tl' 'Jjt 1 i IlijSipHT" wT" e Ve,our f 3.98 1 If LSS MkiMMm' i' dvenos. Wonh" 99 AQ DO I Metal cross braces, double y. .mSSmTT .Zm,U,inim f I braced legs, washable top. $5.95 value 1 vm Mi Stliial !R1 f , t n'OhUSiuuMBt . I AIT I" r& N .Ait v w i n, '-J39.50. ,ta 7 ' . suite. kArs oresset ' oQ 6 pu Mended O.siutoy 1J7W Rich te" . suite -31 1 . flQ ! . l imed 0K, OO.50 - l .aQRQ . vont !utit 'n,sh' O A HO 1 RoomY . chests rAop'B . a dr. 6" weV ,gainP,,c" klsom-Presses JJiii?iM,ifiiW'- DROP LEAF EXTENSION TABLE Mahogany veneer 3 pedestal, 3 leaves Opens to 86 inches 4 styles of chairs to match. Each 7488 9.98 PLATFORM ROCKERS One group Reg. priced to 59.50 velours, tapestries Others specially priced from 19.88 to 3998 69.88 ALL QUANTITIES LIMITED SHOP EARLY Jersey Chair & Davenport Covers For Chairs 3.98 For Davenports Now 7.88 4s ti ,iWilimniliMNiil)Mi I'ii " 'illll.lWJM . Full & Twin Size MATTRESSES COTTON MATTRESS $12.88 SPRING MATTRESS $19.88 Spool Beds Walnut or Maple Finish $13.88 DAVENO one only. Wine colored home AQ QD spun cover 7 WAY FLOOR LAMPS 1-2-300 W. Bulb 3 25 W on arms Light in base Complete with bulbs & shade 998 Homespun Chairs and Rockers 12.88 Streamlined Carpet Sweeper 4.98 with Combed Brush I CnliS Odds' i0ra -'- Va'V 39c omV floor foots Ooot 2.A Cocoa A6x hAa Rubbe' VS9 Rods A9c l$ii9U LRoos Rods 37c ns'ions dumps Be pn-up V98 for the Enouj first-days Seot love 59.W tStTS 116.50 &Veie tApS I I A.98 I loosets V 1 sue I -98 1 SUc i 1