tO Capita! fclfflfJ lcm' r, Wednesday, Aug. 81, 1949 p" .Oil' shop WARDS UNTIL 9 P. M. IVERY FRIDAY ELEVATOR SERVICE TO ALL FLOORS to . 1SS N. Liberty Phont 3-3191 NEW CORDUROY LEISURE COAT IN 4 COLORS! BY O good CUj Jom. apt Ov 4 b Hvlr .nd ate. terr to I 13 95 ros Iwui ichf tern S27M Sim Ur din Mb 74 4 I ft ln th 01 hi Tt ID Li Foi n ci pi t3P ... ipl' ' SLIM WAISTED FOR FALL 1 BUDGET. PRICED AT WARDS A PrlieWafd Suit I Q Q Q 'Buy; Meed of ony So'trlmlstyled -so expertly tailored- looking dollars more than Wardi tiny price I In crisp wool-and-rayon gabardine - with ilim belted waljt, new pocket detaili to slim your hips, flatter your waist I Choose from ex citing new Fall colors -ot Wards today 1 Misses' sizes. CHOICE SCHOOL COnONS FOR GIRLS, SIZES 7-14! Top Qualify Fabrics In Favorite Styles I 398 School-time fabrics) styles and colors, all com bined to thrill your fashion-wise daughtersl Bright plaid and solid combinations, plains, prints, embroidered and eyelet trims : : ; Every Fall color : i : all sturdy, well-made cottonslj START THE SEASON WITH MONEY-SAVING COTTONS! yashable Dresses, 7-14 Low-Priced for All I Your budget will smile when you see these practical and pretty school dresses, for your 7 to 14 daughtersl Ruffles, flares, eyelet trims : : . all the frills fashion is dictating, In washable, well-made, long-wearing cottont 298 I0Y1' SPORTY PLAID COTTON PLANNIL SHIRT 1.39 Economically Priced U Fit Every Budget! Wear It to school . . . for sports, or for lels ure houri! Medium weight cotton flannel ette for warmth plui wear. Convertible eollar, in - or - outer bottom. Asst'd. plaids, lilts from (-18. OYI' QUALITY TAN ARMY CORD TWILL PANTS 2.59 Tailored Just Like Dad'it Ideal lor play and aemi-dress. Made of better quality eorded (anforlied, type 4 ar my twill tame ai aed In men's panta. All strained points bartacked. Cuff bot tom!. Heavy t-ot. wt. to 16. 000 for DIM till III I II II A. II. I 000 CREPE SOLES 5.50 Wing Step Sport Shoes NATURAL RUBBER SOLES! 45 Girls! "Crepes" art the season's style hit . . . buy them now ot a substantial saving! A wide variety of the newest styles, oil Goodyear welted for long wear! Sizes 4-9. FOR THE CHILDREN, TOO! Try these for long, sturdy wear! Our Red Bands have all the quality fea tures of higher-priced shoes. Choice of brown moc-type oxford or two-strap lounger. Sizes 10 to 3. 3 98 Bold new style leader all rayon lined! Style sensation across the nation. Velvet smooth durable cor duroy made for sport and oaaual wear. Removable all-around 3-piece belt. Choose y o u r in maroon, grey, cocoa or green. MEN'S NEW FALL SLACKS! ALL WOOL GABARDINE 12 Well styled for Sports or Dress Wear New Low Price! Tail ored with the new California seam less waist, full-pleat fronts, zipper fly. All wool gabardine in fall shades of blue, brown, tan and grey. Sizes 29-42. 'STRAINLESS' SLIPS IN NEW PASTEL EXCITING COLORS 1.00 Luxuriously trimmed! Made to aeU for I yours now for far less! Patented "off-the-hip" seams pre vent strain, twisting, riding. Rayon in pas tels, white. Sizes from 32 to 44. REG. 2.29 BLUE DENIMS FOR WORK OR PLAY 2.19 22H-3S-ln. waists Sturdy 8-oz. denim is Sanforized (hrl n k s less than 1). Full cut for action-free comfort yoke back means smooth fit at hips. Copper riveted front pockets, 2 back pockets. Str o n g 1 y sewn. WARDS TIL 9 IP. AA. EVERY USE YOUR CREDIT. . . ASK ABOUT WARDS CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN- 95 m., vm FRIDAY D