AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage $1895 '46 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Sedan, R&H . 1145 '38 Ford "60" 195 '41 Nash Sedan 585 '38 Pontiac Sedan. Very clean 485 Herrall - Owens Co 060 N. LIBERTY $ Down Goes the Axe $ FOR LABOR DAY WE HAVE SLASHED OUR USED CAR PRICES $2,000.00. HURRY, NEVER AGAIN CAN YOU BUY SUCH QUALITY, GUARANTEED USED CARS. 1. 20 CARS FROM $50.00 TO $1,000.00. 2. GUARANTEED USED CARS. 3. IF YOU DON'T LIKE OUR PRICE, PRICE IT YOURSELF. 4. WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR MORE USED CARS. Teague 352 N. COM'L FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FRONT DOOR with aids panels com plete with hardware and Venetian bide. Barclay, 25 Cardan Road. nlQl .S0-.06 RIFLE, with icope. To trade for ctood outboard motor. Phone Btayton hi. hJ" HOME FREEZER Lf sIm, private party, mint Mil. Phone 2-182. 2073 No. Commercial St. n207 SPINET PIANO Kimball Consolette. Beautiful period de sign mahogany piano. Like new. HBO iavlnl ITONK PIANO CO. "Th Valley Finest Piano Store" 1B40 Fairground Rd. (Cor. N. Cottage) n307" TALLMAN'I MID 8UMMSR PIANO SALE pMtl M Spinet Limited Ho. 1494.00 pull M not kr board, out Iron pUte. Beautiful ton and finish. $90 DOWN BAL. EAST TERMS A big saving on floor sample and dem onstrator. Such fin make a Knab, Fischer, Lester, and Betsy Ross Spinets. Good selection Orand and upright piano a low a 110 par month. TALLMAN PIANO STORE. INC. 115-395 S. 12th. A mil from high prices. n23l Used wood fubnacw, oil burner, air conditioner, awduut burner. Holland Furnace Co. HO Kearney. Ph. 2-7801. n201 USED DAVE NO, excellent condition. J39.9B. Inquire 1846 N. Cottage. St. n209 ROOFING AUTOMOBILE PAINT, all colors. St. p, Woodrow Co., Oil Ward, prop. 4M Center. t HATER BABY Butsy, nc4. cond. Ph. OAS RANGE, Bull rug after 6:10, 1145 V. 18th. naoe fOR lALEi two Manley popoorn maohine on ud 4 mo., other I mo. Electric .uiAmiii vrv way. also ahatt aluminum bid, for each. Clean and guaranteed. Machines in Corvallia, Or win mjt.t nartv there lf interested. Add. RalPh Wilson, 41 N. 18th St.. Bvtiia- fleld. Or., or Ph. 1-0835, Bpringneio, m dmrf.r mil. Price 11000 each. n207 I PIECE lWlw rm. set. Good cond. Ejrly ; American style, en. w dOOD COND. Cabinet Grand Plno, 100. 71B Pairvlew Ave. 24531. n207' tlSED OIL burners and blower. Prd tn 1t Ph. 28863. n233 onaois. ... ..... . wtr.T. fllCT.T. OR TRADE NEW 1 iaue pump fun, for II lauge pump, call after p.m. 3 P Hunters Attention I have I allihtlr used tenU: KM wall, ISO; MMtll wail, t.oi i"" K" "T M0.S0. These tenU are like new. Trad r Louie. 3055 Portland Rd. Mo9 Mrvruimn ATTENTION k..... tn ti.h. hustles aee me this week. Used $7.50 UP. New Heywood Wakefield 125. Trader Louis, 1055 Port land Rd. nam M or M Eastern Oreaon white teoed beer a na DD.iMr.rinn .onrter. Weaver K3.5 in Echo mount, Mont Carlo stock. Also M93 Winchester carDine jo-.u. 5 p.m. weekdays. 1325 Alder Dr. n30 PRAT OUTFIT, I H. motor, to 13 eh. ft. compressor. 5 m. air in. ... ... a. . ), Wl.clnj. On 319 nlway, v. ml. N. of Oervals turn-off. n311 USED TAPPAN deluxe sas ranfe. Used 9 ' ... months. Ph. 38318, ' GIRL'S BICYCLE, excellent cond. 440 1 N, nth. Ph. "as.. t . . . , r ,r ffVI y WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE JEED lunk batteries. Paylni U5 , . na331 WANTED furniture vo flue er repair Ue Bros Fum Rennunine w -... PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Products. 551 Cross St. ... . ...... P31B AUTOMOBILES 138 FORD 4 dr. New motor, new brakes. qaos 1125. 1520 atate at. its. en.w i.ut mnir "S" 100 n.P, ci,. ,MAn with heater, radio, overdrive, excellent rubber. Can prove ., Acn .....fe.iii inh. But our in town at 8575.00. See Mr. Burwell after 7 p.m. at 255 Center Bt. q209 an ntnn ... HntiM '41 MerCUTT lUO- tor. New brakes. 355 PlvUlon Bt. qao vno a at D ntf In 104H ClieV. 4 ..h.- .uK ion nhttv.4 dr. sedan. In quire 'by Ph. S03S1. Call between tt 12 LABOR DAY SPECIALS 1941 Chri Sedan 1941 Chev. Coupe 1936 Olds Coupe 1942 Suick Sedan 1941 Stude. Club Coupe 1939 Bulck Sedan 1939 Ford Club Coupe 1337 Ford dan 193S Chrysler Sedan 1310 Nash Conv. Coupe 1139 Chev. Sport Sedan 1911 Old, Sedanet Eisner Motor Co, ..1495 595 151 N. Hlah Balem, Oreton unnn a ronn .ho. 2295 U St. Call between B A 7 p.m. ao8 'is rnrv iu. tnn trunk. Low mileage Clean. Ph. 1-3024. aor PH. 24113 Motor Co. PHONE 2-4173 AUTOMOBILES WILSON'S Extra Value Dependable 1949 Chev. Carryall 11885 1947 Bulck Sedan 1835 1940 Buick Coupe 775 1B40 Olds Sedan 695 EXCEPTIONAL CARS 1941 Bulck Super Coupe 1045 1941 Buick Special Sedanet 108 f. OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center q210 SPECIAL 1947 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDAN; LIGHT BLUE FIN ISH; ONE OWNER; RADIO; HEATER; DEFROSTER; WINDSHIELD WASHERS; A REAL VALUE $1595 ORVAL'S (The Lot With the Turntable) Center at Church Ph. 3-4702 O309 BEAUTIFUL 1941 BUICK SuDer Sedan naoio, neater, log lite, snooper lite. visor, new tires. Runs perfect. S460 buy my equity. Ph. 2-1423, eve. 2-7220. 2048 Coral Ave. q208 '3T STANDARD CHIV. Original naint. iiiKe new insioe, low mileage, A-l con dition. Ph. 2-8024. ,308 'St STUDE sedan, - make offer. Inquire Brooks Trailer camp, west Salem, Ore, q30 1MB PLYMOUTH Sedan with heater & new paint, lies. Phone 38777 or call 1585 N. Summer St. q208 1983 NASH Coaoh. Heater and overdrive. Make offer. 345 Charles Ave. Ph. 26181. q207' BARGAINS WILLYS FOUR WHEEL DRIVE used ONrrg 19M 4 W.D. PICKUP. K-l TON. HEATER. bOW MILEAQS. LIKE NEW. 1141 4 W.D. JEEP. HEATER, RADIO. FULL TOP, EXTRA CENTER SEAT, DEER HUNTERS DREAM. 1MT 4 W.D. JEEP. HEATER. FULL ME TAL TOP. LOW MILEAGE. REAL SHARP, 1941 JEEPSTER. HOUSE OAR. ONLY 4000 MILES. 1300 DISCOUNT. AT Eisner Motor Co. l No. Him n. Phone 37803 0301 WRECKED 'ST ChoT. $115. Exc. motor, Od, tires. Body damaged. Ph. 38584. q307' Eisner Motors to Sell 'to , MODEL A. See. oond., 105. Ph. 3-3304 q307 S CHEV. LWB flatbed 114 ton. or trade on pesseneer cer. Write box 377, Csp ltal Journal. q307 SAVE S Breden's Body sr Paint Shop, 3-2033. q30T 3890 Cherry Ave., Ph. CHEAP TRANSPORTATION 1935 CHEV. TUDOR 1934 PLY. SEDAN .. 1937 FORD SEDAN . .,$175 . . 165 . . 195 ,.. 365 1939 DODGE SEDAN 1940 WILLYS SEDAN .r 365 1940 OLDS STATION WAGON 545 ORVAL'S (The Lot With the Turntable) Center at Church Ph. 3-4702 q209 Eisner Motors to Buy CAR ACCESSORIES tires St tubes at cost price. First come first served as this Is a close-out sale. Dealers welcomed. R. D. Woodrow Co., 450 Center. WANTED: Clean used cars. 2160 South Commercial Bob Uarr 9 fRA USED CAR lot. Am car on the JOt S90 A your old on 12tb at. Junction. t q207 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT SELL TRADE SELL TERMS 211 Palrvroaods Road Pboae !- Eisner Motors Fine Cars Convertible Ford, 1947 O drive RAH. spotllte and lots others. Exe. cond., 1 owner, real bur. Ph. 22838. q309 FARM JQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular Sizes, 15 00 and up. Montgomery Ward Co., Salem. A""' AUTOMOBILES McKay's CADILLAC Deer Hunter's Special 1 QIC CHEVROLET TON PICKUP DELUXE CAB FRESH AIR HEATER & DEFROSTER FOUR SPEED TRANSMISSION MUD & SNOW TIRES on Rear Wheels HEAVY DUTY TRAILER HITCH LOW MILEAGE $1395 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Go. 550 No. Commercial BOATS 111 FT, PLYWOOD BOAT $45. 230 volt hot air heater 520. pn. a-izzo. ju tjorai Ave. qqaOB FINANCIAL When Purchasing or Selling your Home, determine amount of Mort gage available, their estimate ol prop erty value by securing an FHA condi tional mortgage commitment. Full par ticulars at no expense. REX SANFORD INC. 164 So. Com'l (Tel. 3-8389 FHA te Conventional Mortgage Loans r208 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 PURNITTJRE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS OP TO 1300 Oar loans up to 1500 Come In or phone Hollywood Finance Go. 1991 Palrerounds Road Across stmet from bank No Parkins problems Phone 27032 Lio N U369-8291 Floyd Kenyon. Mtr S8000 LOAN wanted on first morteaira on noma ana nuaineaa prupcit? uiucu 125,000. Income , from property S235.00 per momn. uau sdi, m. mr ow:t5iiD r227- SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4V&7. INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 3-386? AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church ' Parklnz a Plenty Ph. 1-2457 Lie. No. M-159 B-1S4 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4i and 8 YOUB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 201 Pioneer Trust Bids. Ph. 3-7182 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. S-133 and M-328 ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 13 S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9181 FOR YOUR SAVIKOS INVESTMENT, BUY FIRST MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE, SALEM AND VICIN ITY, NETS INVESTOR 1. EXAMINE THE SECURITY YOURSELF. WE HANDLE ALL DETAILS. NO EXPENSE TO THE INVESTOR. CALL J4121. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. HIGH ST. ra07 PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms Long and Short Time Payments ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial St. Phone 3-9161 TRAILERS TRAILER HOUSE, 16x16. In fair cond. Oil heater. Ph. 28093. moB- HOUSE TRAILER wanted as part payment on nicely furnished home, sotod. en. 20229. t212 FURNISHED house trailer, $150. 42 Edge water. Riverside Auto Park. Edward Dentlnger. tail NEW SENSATIONAL NO LIFT boat trailer. For information write Fred L. Jaslen, 2464 NW. Marshall, Portland, Ore. DEALERS WANTED. t31 TRANSPORTATION LADY DRIVING to Minn, about 8th or flth. Can take 1 or 2 passengers, share expenses. Write Box 386 Capital Journal. X212 i COLLEGE boys want ride to Santa Bar bara Sept. Btn or 9tn. unve snare expenses. Ph. 38872. x210 DIRECTORY DDINO MACHINES All makes aped ma chinas aold, rented repaired Roan 400 Court Phono 3-4773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service new appliance Vinca's lieetrle Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on 3-9239 197 8 Libert J St o Spence's Home Appliance Repair. "Noth ing to Sell But Service " Phone 2-4602 Prompt. Q208' AT-UR DOOR GBINDINtt '.awnmower sharpening and repairing Dextera Ph 30833 o Ml TO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. 153 8 Liberty Ph 3-8956. o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towlnt service day phona 1-9286. ftlcM 2-1804 33? Center. o Mike Panek. 373 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-S161 Brake and wheel aligning specialists O208 BUILDING CARPENTRT Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. No down payment Phone 2-4880. o BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. 0216' Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. o2H' BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 3-6537 or 3-4306 o213 Bulldozing, leveling, road bldi., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrvfew Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem. o213" Bulldozing, leveling A fine grading. Prompt service. A. L. Ekin. Ph. 1-1284. oJOV CASH REGISTERS Instan delivery of new RCA eash register AJ mates sold, rented, re pa. -ed Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks. driveways, patios, curbs, walls, eto. Call 3-4850. CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace, chimneys vacuum, rnsley. 771 S. 21st, h. 3-7176. cleaned. O208 CUSTOM BUTCHERING Custom killing, curing A smoking and 'ocker meat for sale. Salem Ueat Co. lath Turner Rd. Ph. 14851. till I AUTOMOBILES Corner CHEVROLET Phone 33175 caoi- DIRECTORY EXCAVATIN DITCHING Hoe, Dragline, shovel. Free estimates If L. Bnatwrlsht. 410 Oresron Bids. Ph Ph 3-9239 O EXCAVATING GRADING Excavating & grading;. Ben Otjeo & Son. 818 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. 0229 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3058. Lee Cross, 1655 Pearl. o208' Breithauot'f for flowers Dial 3-9179 o FURNACE CLEANING Qlant vacuum machine. Trailer mount' ed. Ph. 28662. United Products Co. 3037 Portland Rd. Reasonable price. 0233' HOUSEHOLD PBODL'CTS J. R Watklns Oo products Free oe ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-5395. o" INSULATION Johns-Man vllle. Phone 3-3748. JAINTOR SERVICE . Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor WaxlnB Buildings Factories Homes Estimates Without Obliftation AMERICAN BLDO. MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 o LANDSCAPr NURSEBY P A. Doertler dt Sons, Ornamentals. 15C N. Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 2-1332 o' DELUX SERVE 8ELF Laundry, ferson St., Phone 23453. LAWNMOWEBS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com'l. St. O207 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At Tom door lawnmower sharpening Deiter the lawnmuwer man Ph 26833 MATTRESSES Capita) Bedding Phone 3-4069 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish & Hawaiian Oultar, Mandolin. Banlo, eto. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7559. 0214 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk ehalrs, fuse and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief eases ?lerce Wire Recorders. Roen. 455 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE We service all tyoea of burners. Ph 38682. United Products Co. 3037 Port land Rd. Work guaranteed. o233 Slf strom's are equipped to painting Phona 2-2493 PAINTING A PAFE RHAN GIN G Painting and paperhanaing. Free esti mate. Pl. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. 0214 PAPERHANQING Expert Paper hanging and painting. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. o227 PAINTING A PAPERING Call 2-2608 for your Painting . hanging. Attractive rates. Paper 0223 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framlns Butcheoo Paint Store Phoue 1-0687. o Fisher, 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-3019. 0232' PRUNING-SPRAVING Phillip W. Belike. Ph. 2-1208. ROAD BUILDING A GRADING Road building A grading, land clearing with teeth. Small or targe Job, Prompt service. L. Elcln. Ph. 3-1264. 0212' 9 AND A GRAVKL Valley Sand A Gravel Co Silt, aand A 11 dirt Excavating 10B shovel A cats Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving Ph. office 24002, res. 37140 0 Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7603. 1293 N 5th 0229 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Eectiio Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Razor dharp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers or Drains. Septlo Tanfa Cleaned Re a Ph 8-5327 or I-046B SEPTIC TANKS K. F. Hamel. Septlo tanks cleaned. Electrlo machine service on sewer and drain lines, Guaranteed work. 1143-8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o223 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge: Call us collect.- Todd's Septic Tank Service, 2545 State St. Phone 2-0734. o Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem. Ph. 3-9408 3-5327. O200 SEWING MACHINES New Home sewing machine sales. We repair all makes. King wood Blec., 1091 Edit e water. Ph. 35509. o231 Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms, All makes. W. Davenport. Ph, 37671. 0228" All makes repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No. Commercial Ph. 3-3512, o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables. Ah makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen, 456 Court, o' TRANSFER A STORAGE .ocal A Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, ooai A briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent (or Beklns House hold goods moved to anywhere In DA or Canada Larmer Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 o VENETIAN BLINDS Made In Salem Free est Phone 17328 Elmer the Blind man. 0 Salem Venetian Blinds made to order tv r finished Retnholdt A Lewis 3-3639 W EAT HERST RIPPING Pre estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 1-5965, O208 Portable acetylene or arc. Anything, anywhere. Ph. 33485. WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. Rtv 2. Box 117. Ph. 1-8136. o210 WINDOW SHADES Washable, Roller Made to order. 1 Day Del Relnholdt A Lewis. Ph 33639. WINDOW CLEANING Acme V.lndow Cleaners Windows, walls A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, wated and pollihed Ph 3-3337 147 Court. Langdoc, Culbartson and Mather WOOD A SAWDUST West Salem Puel Co. Ph. 2-4031. LODGES LOOJ meets every Wed ae&day alghU VLsltori wei OUfflS. ' Stocks Fail lo Gain or Lose New York, Aug. 31 W)--The stock market made a feeble at tempt to move ahead today but the try didn't get very far. Demand was highly selective. At the final bell, though, small gains and losses were thorough ly scrambled. Trading activity was about on a par with recent plodding ses sions. Turnover hit a rate of about 700,000 shares for the full session, although this figure was somewhat deceptive because it included one 50,000-share block of Commonwealth & Southern and several blocks of around 10, 000 shares of United Corp. Hop Market Prices Continue Steady Portland, Aug. 31 iP) Hop markets were described as steady to firm by the U.S. de partment of agriculture today. Prices for regular seed clus ters ranged at 52 to 53 cents a pound, with semi-seedless at 57 to 58 cents, and seedless at 60 to 65. Actual trading was scant, however, as buyers awaited more samples of the new crop, and growers did nbt offer stocks freely. Trade sources estimated that Oregon growers still hold about 1,300 bales of last years crop. The Oregon fuggles harvest appeared good, both in quality and quantity. The first sam ples tested indicated an unusu ally low leaf and stem content MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Livestock Market (By Valley Packing Company! Lambs $17.00 to 118.50 Feeder lambs kui.00 to 114.00 Ewes 31.30 to S4.00 Cutter cows SO.OO to 110,00 Pat dairy cows $10.00 to $11.00 Bulls $11.00 to $13.00 Calves, flood (300-450 lbs.) $14.00 to $16.00 Veal (150-300 lbs) good 117.00 to $19.00 Portland Eautslde Market Peaches sold for $1.75 a bushel box and $1.25 to $1.50 a 40-lb box on the Port land Eastslde Farmers Wholesale Pro duce market today. spear melons were priced at $2.00 to $2.50 a crate. Lettuce was $2.25 to $2.30 a crate. Portland Product Butterfat Tentative, subject to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 percent aoidlty delivered in Portland 63 -66c lb., 92 score 61-64e lb., 90 score, 57-60c, 89 score, 55c. Valley routes and country joints 2c lens than first. Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers: grade 02 score, 62 cents, A 92 score 61c; B. 90 score, 59c lb.; O Bh score, 50o. Above prices are atrlctly nominal. C,,et!5eSelllng price to Portland wholi- sale: Oregon singles 39-40c; Oregon b am. loaf 43-43c; triplets IVi less than Mnftlea. M . Eggs (To Wholesalers) A grade large 63'2-64'ac; A medium. 55-58 14 c; grade B large, 54'i-56'jc; small A grade. 4214c Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers; Grade AA prints 67c; AA cartons 68ci A prints B7c. A cartons CBci B prints 64c. Ebkb Prices to retailers: Grade AA large 70o doz.i certified A large, 67c; A large, 66c: AA medium, 81c; certified A, medium, 60c; A medium, 59c. A small, 46c; cartons 2o additional. Cbeeie Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-43c Oregon loaf, 5 lb loafs 44-450 lb.; triplets, l'A cents less than alnslM. Premium brands, singles, M'ic lb loaf, 63tto. Poultry Live Chickens No. 1 quality FOB plants, No. 1 broilers under 2'4 lbs 2B-30c lb.; fryers 2li-3 lbs., 30-31c; 3-4 lbs., 31c; roasters 4 lbs and over, 31c lb., fowl, leghorns, 4 lbs and under 18-19c, over 4 lbs, 20c; colored fowl all weights 21-22c; roosters, all weights 18-19c. Rabbiti Average to growers: live whiles, 4-5 lbs 18-20 lb.; 5-6 lbs. 18-18o lb; oiored 2 cents lower; old or heavy uoes, 8-14c: dressed fryers to butchers, 83-57c Country-Killed Meata ViiHl too duality, 32-330 lb.l other grades according to weight and quality with poor or heavier 20-25c. Hogs: Light Diocners, aa-aae; uwi 23-25C Lambs: Top quality, springers, is-aoo; mutton 8-lOc. Beef: Good cows, aa-aoo id; oannvra- cuttera, 20-32c Fresh nreaiea mean (Wholesalers to retaiwra per awi.n Beef steers, good 500-800 lbs. $43-45; commercial, $35-41; utility, $25-27. Cows Commercial, i30-;n; utility, - 37. Canners-euttera, $22-24. Beef cuts good tears) nraa qunr- ters $55-57; rounds S53-55; lull 101ns, trimmed. 173-77: triangles, $36-37; square chucks, $38-40; ribs, $52-55; forequartera. 3H-37 , , Yen 1 and -:alf: aood, iss-tot commercial. (32-35; utitlty $26-30 i.nmbs: Good-choice, soring lambs, $41- 43; commercial, $35-38; utility, $32-31. Mutton: Good, 70 lbs down, iio-ib. Pork cuts: Loins, No. 1, 8-12 lbs. $60- 63; shoulders, 16 lb down, $40-43; spara- rlbs, $48-51, carcasses, $35-36; mixed weights $3 lower. Portland Mliflellaneeui Catcara Bark Dry 12tto lb., green 4e lb Wool Valley coarse and medium trades. 45o lb. Mohair 15 lb. OB 19-montb growth nominally. Hides Calves, 27o lb., according to weight. klp.i 22o lb.; beef 10-llc lb., bulls 5-60 lb. Country buyers pay 2o less. Nut Quotation! Walnuts Franquettes, first quality lum bo. 34.7c large, 32.7c; medium, 27.2c; second quality Jumbos, 30.2c, large, 38.2c medium, 28.2c; )aby, 23 2c; soft shell, first quality large, 29.7c: medium, 36.2c; sec ond quality targe, 3 7 Jo; medium, 34.7c; baby 22.2c. Filberts Jumbo, 20 lb.l large, lie; medium, 16ci small, 13c. Chfeaio Livestock Chlcano. Aui. 31 (U. (USDAi Live stock market: Hoes: Salable 7, boo. Market iairir ae nn: mostly 2b cents hither for butch- ra ami unwji: too 31.75 for around three loads choice 3S0 lbs; bulk and cnoiee ivo to 370 lbs, 31.00 to 31.50; 170 to ISO lbs 10.85 to 21.00; M0 to 100 lbs mostly li.OO to 10,35; a few 380 to 336 lbs 30.00 to 31.00; with lot ud to 375 lbs down to 13.00: rnnH and choice sows, under 350 lbs. 17.75 to 18.75: ffw choice around 375 lbs to 19.00; 380 to 435 lbs, 18.50 to 17.75, 435 to 475 lbs. 15.50 to 18.50; few 500 to BOO lb M M to 15.25 :earir clearance. Sheep: Salable 3,000. Latest slauihter lambs weak: extreme top 24.00; practical ouutda 23.50: fed yearunis wetner iena Inr lower: slauihter ewes steady at 1.30 Cattle: Salable 1.000. Calves 500, Stxiera radint average choice and better vary active, 25 to 75 cents higher; lower trades uneven: steady to 50 cents hither; heifers steady to fully 25 cents hlKher; cows stea dy; bulls steady to 50 cents lower: vealers xtrong to 50 cents higher; top 31.00 for a load choice to prime 1180 lb fed steers; neveral high choice loads. 30.35 to 30.50; bulk high good and choice fed steers, 28.75 to 30.00; choice prime 1013 lb weights. 29.00: bulk high medium and good steers, 24.50 to 28.50: common to. average medium, 17.00 to 24.00; load choice mixed yearlings, 30.00: but 28.25 the load lot top on heifers; good cows n.oo to ib.oo; com' mon and medium hef cows, 14.30 to 18.75; canners and cutters, 12.23 to 14.75: mi iium and tood nauM bulls, 18.00 to 20.35: vealers 27 50 down; stock rs And feeders fully steady. mgmtmwymw&'?Mw , . . . . .t ;. , , : . .. Sears Officials Fay Visit Fourteen officials of Sears Roe buck and company, headed by the president, F, B. McConnell of Chicago Tuesday stopped in Salem for a visit at the new Sears store. Pictured here with the manager of the local store, J. F. Mosolf, after their arrival by plane, are some of the officials. Left to right the group in the picture is: C. E. Brabyn, personnel director for the Pacific coast; R. A. Veach, Pacific coast property manager; S. A. Epstein, sales promo tion manager for the Pacific coast; S. W. Pettigrew, Pacific coast credit manager; R. G. Curry, regional auditor for the Pacific coast; A. T. Cushman, vice president in charge of the Pacific coast; Mosolf; F. B. McConnell, president, from Chi cago; R. M. LaFollette, former U. S. senator and Sears board member from Chicago; and R. C. Spencer, Pacific coast merchandise manager. Ex-Senator Robert LaFollette In Salem with Sears Party By JAMES D. OLSON Salem's new Sear's store in most artistic store so far built country, according to F. B. McConnell, president of Sears, Roe buck & Co. The president of the huge firm was a visitor in Salem along with Robt. M. LaFollette, former United States senator from Wisconsin, a member of the board of directors and a group of Pacific Coast store officials. McConnell stated that busi ness conditions on the Pacific Coast had stablized somewhat, a condition that he expects to be prevalent in the middle west and east shortly, Salem Store Admired Ex-senator LaFollette,. who Is vice president of the Sears, Roebuck Foundation, also ex pressed his admiration for the new Salem store, The foundation, which the ex- senator now directs, provides scholarships for students in land grant colleges as well as mem bers of Four-H nd Future Farmer chapters, "It is our belief," he said, that the children in the cities have sufficient facilities al ready provided but there is need for aid in the rural areas." In recognition of the fine support given by rural people to our firm we have arranged to pro vide scholarships for rural youngsters." - He said the foundation works close with the extension and vo cational departments of the col leges as well as the leaders in the two organizations. By Private Plane The visiting party came to Salem from Portland in a pri vate plane after visiting stores in Odgen and Logan, Utah; Twin Falls and Boise, Idaho Spokane, Wenatchee, Yakima and Seattle, Washington. The party left in midafternoon for San Francisco. On Thursday President McConnell and Ex- Senator LaFollette will board s transport plane for Chicago, where the firm's headquarters are located. Other members of the visiting party included A. T. Cushman vice president in charge of Pa cific Coast operations; C, E. Braybyn, personnel director for Pacific Coast; L. K. Bye, man ager, Seattle mail order depart ment; S. W. Donogh, district N.W, manager; S. A. Epstein, sales promotional manager on coast; S. W. Pettigrew, Pacific Coast credit manager; R. S. C. Spencer, Pacific Coast merchan dise manager; J. E. Frank Cocur, manager of San Francisco store; R. A. Veach, coast property manager, J. L. Wheeler, Pacific Coast attorney and J, V. Swen son, pilot. Perl land Orala Portland, Ore., Aug. 31 (ft wheat: Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 3.13; soft hlte (no rex) 3.12. Hard red wilnter: Ordinary 3.114: 10 per cent 3.13; 11 per cent 3.14; 13 per cent 2.18. Hard white baart: 10 per cent 3.20: 11 per cent 3.32; 13 per cent 2.38. Today's car receipts: Wheat 50; barley I; flour 3; corn 4; oats 2; mlllfeed 13. Thin slivers of almonds, browned in butter or margarine, are delicious served over panned fish or a green vegetable such as snap beans, broccoli, or peas. Tormented by Itching, of dry ecicrat. aimple piles, common akin irritation? Soothing, medicated Reeinol Oint ment is a proved reliever of such dl trees. Itt ingredients, often uted by doctors, act gently to givt lingering -comfort. Wellworth trying. Soften Up Hard Stinging Callouses Dpn't wait save yourself from another day of burning foot torture. Get Ice-Mlat NOW! Join the milllom of happy people who walk In cool fraih comfort thanki to this froity whiu medleated balm, Inlay ta amatinf "."IVi011"? Oe iee-jlinl today at ail drug g lata. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., the new shopping center is the for the firm in any part of the 25,000 Trucks oi Dam Cement Information coming to the county court from a reliable source advises that 25,000 truck- loads of cement will move over Marion county roads on up to the Detroit dam for construction purposes there before the dam is completed. This is said to be an equivalent of 5000 freight car loads, . indicating the huge ton nage will go into the making of the dam. This information will proba bly be relayed by the court to the state highway department to bolster up its recent petition to that commission asking for im mediate construction of the pro posed new road between Meha ma and Mill City on the Marion county side as a link in the North Santiam highway. That the petition may be tak ing early root was also indicat ed by a report just received by the court that a surveying crew from the highway department has started taking further sur veyor's notes on the route be tween Mehama and Mill City. SALEM MARKETS Completed (rem reverse ef Salem deal re for the guidance t Capital Jearnal Reader a, (BavlMd dally). Retail Feed Prleee Egg Math 15.10. Rabbit Pellets 14.30. Dairy Feed 13.70. Foallrrt Buying prices Grade A color ed hens, 30-aac; grade A Leghorn hens, 1B-I9e; grade A colored fryers, three ibs. and up, S3-33a. Orade A old roosters 15 cents. Eggs Buying Prices Extra targe AA, 04c; large AA, Met large A, fll-4c; medium AA, 57c medium A. 5-50c; pullets 35-40e. Wholasal Prices Egg wholesale prices 5-7c above these prices; above grade A generally quoted at 68c; medium, A4o. Butterfai Premium 14-lle. M, 1, 63oi Mo. 1. 51 59a 'buying prises) Batter Wholesale irade A, I7ai re- -ail 72c, Portland Liveateek Portland, Ore., Aug. 31 (UM Livestock: Cattle salable 350; calves 00; market un even; oanner and cutter cows very active ny sales 35 to 50 cents higher; other classes slow; scattered aales steady; com mon grass steers 18.00 to 19.00; top good 850 lbs. 4-H club steers late Tuesday 27.00 cutter and common light dairy type steers and heifers 11.00 to 13.50: few common beef heifers 14.00 to 15.50; eanner and cut ler cows 10.00 to 11.00; few 11.35 and 11.50; common and medium beef cows 13.00 to 13.50; odd head 14,00; cutter to medium sauaage bulls 12.50 to 16.00; odd good bref bulls to 17,50; good and choice vealers 20,00 to 33.80; common and medium 11.00 lo 16.00. Hogs salable 300; market active, steady; (rood and choice 180 to 330 lbs 24.36; fat type 34.00 ; 260 to 300 lbs 21.00 to 23.25; 150 to 170 lbs 21.50 to 38.00; good 325 to 500 lb sows 10.36 to 18.00; good and choice feeders quoted 33.00 to 33.50. Sheep salable 300: market strong; good and choice springers 30.00 to 30.50; one lot mostly choice No. 2 pelt Iambi 20.50: good and choice 17.00 to 11.00; good ewes salablo 5.50 to 6.00; common and medium 3.00 to 8.04. Wedneay, Aug. 31, 1949 19 STOCKS (By the Associated Press! morican Cat 94 m Pow Si Lt 12 1 a, An Tel tt Tel 1434 Miacorda 37V Bendlx viation , Beth 3i eel Boeing Airplane Calif Packing r:iiadian Pacif'o Case J 1 29 . 26 '4 . 13 Caterpillar 32 Chrysler 51 Com with & Sou 5'i Cons Vultee 104 Continental Can 33 Crown Zellerbacb 26 Jnrtlss Wright 7 Douglas Aircraft 59 U Dupont de Nem 50 General Erect no 374' -ererai Food 44i General Motors 61 Ooodyear Tire 39 Inr Harvester 26H int. Papei 53 i fCnnecott 45H Llbby McN St L 7 Long Bell "V 20 Montgomery Ward 534 Nash Kelvtnator 14 . i t Dairy 33 H NY Ctnrta, lQVfc Northern Pacific ' 14 Pac Am Fish 13Vi z. Pa Oas St Elea 33 v Tel A. Tel 96H Penney J O 50'4 Radio Corp 11 Rayonter , t vunier Pfd Reynolds Metal .. Rlchfleid lafeway Stores ,, Sears Roebuck .,, Southern Paclflo , S'andard Oil Co. ... 10 .... 384 ... 34ti. ... 41 . ... 38 'A ... 671 Atudebaker Corp Annhln Mlnin BTt Trannamerlca 10 Onion Oil Cal " Union Paclflo SO United Airlines 12H U 8 Steel Warner Bros Plo 10 Woolworth 48 Fair Opens at Canby Canby, Aug. 31 m The Clackamas county fair opened today with 4-H club members farm crops and livestock a fea ture. Farm organizations and pioneer families will be welcom ed tomorrow. Friday will spot light industry and Saturday will be labor and Governor's day. , OBITUARY Harold Dean Mill City Funeral services were held In the Mill City Presbyterian church Sun day afternoon for Harold Dean, 30, who died August 34 In the St. Vincent's hos pital in Portland, following a lingering Illness. Interment was held In the Fair view cemetery. Dr. David Ferguson offi ciated. Harold Dean was born December 26, 1933 in Waterloo, Iowa. Resided In Mill City with his parents the past four yean. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Dean and one sister, Delorea Lenette, of Mill City. DEATHS Owen Anthony Cannon Owen Anthony Cannon, late resident of 1158 Hall street at a local hospital, August 30, at the age of 64 years. Survived br his wife, Mrs. Helen Cannon of Salem; tour daughters, Mrs. Marian Humphreys and Mrs. Virginia Humphreys, both of John Day, Oregon, Mrs. Elsie Shlnkle of Klamath Falls and Miss Dorothy Cannon of Salem; a son, John D. Cannon of Sa lem; three sisters, Mrs. Eunice Maxwell of Mitchell. Oregon, Mrs. Mildred Wheel- house of Arlington, Oregon, and Mrs. Oeornle Hoover of Fossil, Oregon; two brothers, James Cannon and Robert Can non, both of Mitchell. Oregon; and three granddaughters. Services wilt be held at the Clough-Barrlck chapel Wednesday. Au gust .11, at 8 p.m. Shipment will be made to Mitchell. Oregon, where graveside serv ices will be held at the IOOF cemetery Thursday, September 1. i PILES (HEMORRHOIDS) RECTAL AND COLON STOMACH DISORDERS V TiiiIii Ma at Hospital Opiiilloijr Mon. through Fri.: 10a.m. T?f .0 5 p m. E.n,n,.: Mon., 'V Wed and Fri., until 8 I883-?8 Write or call (or FRIt descriptive booklet The Dean Clinks In Our 39th Year oHiMOPNADTra hyi i j a n a N.E, Corner C. Burntide ond Grand Ave, Telephone EAit 3918 Portland 14, Ore. I I jA I LfsgAmod'.!. medically I I I WJB lound treatment WP Ibot 0H real raiwHt