16 CapKaf Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 81, 1949 THAT DOES IT. MISS KAYNE TEZ355T r & FOLLOWING ROUTE I Bat -At this moment in tht TOUGH BREAK I J LOOK AT THIS HI6HWAV MARKER AjL. 66 THROUGH TOWN, WE counterftittrs' hideout - I FOR THE KID, " IN THE SNAPSHOT I U SJJZgZ& rfsZQZi -fi&i SHOULD BE ABLE TO : 7 BALOY BUT 1 S .L . 34&Z2&' hT highway flVVS FIND THE HOUSE .'--AND ,fZT&, we MIWT AS I I If-g5!as- lTaglP ? Immiztt YOUR SISTER -IF SHE'S (f M ' ( WELL BEAT IT RADIO PROGRAMS The HOUSE on LILAC STREET WEDNESDAY P.M. KGW h?0 KOCO KM u a a B t by AP Newlfeofuna " " " (Chapter 10) " As Derria disaDDeared through i the door. Haid's manner underwent fi an abrupt change. , m l "O.K." He swung on Holway. S & , "What's the gag?" 3 The other straightened In ob it .-' vious surprise, putting down the t i t glass he had been holding. 4 tZ "I don't thlnlc I follow you. 2 Say, what's eating you, anyway?" g i4 as Haid quickly crossed the room - and closed the door. He came back across the room. J "This Martin girl does she come t over here very often? She a close I Irlend of yours?" : Holway shook his head. "She's j a friend of Cherry's. This Is the first time she's been over In about I a month. Why?" I Haid watched Holway'a face close- ly. "That," he said slowly, "was the j blond girl I told you about. The i one on the bus." t It Holway was surprised, he man- I aged to cover It up well. ' Thoughtfully he lit a cigarette. rrIt was a minute or so before he iS spoke. "You're quite sure?" "Absolutely." Holway was thoughtful, "I wonder what she's up to." "How so?" Haid eyed him In tently. "What did she mean by that Ban Francisco business and all this talk about counterfeiting?" "Maybe she saw something In the papers, although It could be Just a shot in the dark, but it's getting close to home at that." sure you aian t u ner any thing? After all, from what you told me, things were sort of mixed up that night." "Not as mixed up as all that. I'm not In the habit of shooting off my mouth you should know that, Holway." "Don't get sore." the latter pla- eated him. "I was Just thinking out ioua." "Well, don't." Haid made no ' effort now to hide his anger. "If Jyou hadn't been so suspicious, things wouldn't have worked out Jthe way they did, I didn't know i those two tails were your men, though I might have guessed it." He added bitterly, "Before you get them to shadow anybody else, you better make sure they take a lew lessons. The only reason I didn't try to dodge them was because 1 wanted to see wnat tney were up to. Then when they turned up at Her man's place, after I got away from the ponce, I began to get worried. For all I knew they might have tipped off the cops who made the raid. Right then and there I de elded It was time to stop playing games, I saw a chance to get rid of mem ana 1 aid. it wasn't my iaca for the girl to take me to her place." "You've got to hand it to her," Holway said: "She's a cool cus tomer. Your walking in here like that must have been considerable of a shock. "Yes," Haid agreed. "She does n't rattle very easy and she can put two and two together. That's why we've got to he careful. Right now I think she's Just playing along to see If she can find out anything. So far she hasn't con nected you up at all; she's not even quite certain about me. She may even come to you with her suspicions." Holway shrugged. "We'll have to let It ride for the time being." That night, Sarah was waiting for Derrla at the front door, her face steeped In gloom. Derrla hurried across the patio. "What on earth's the matter?" "Its Maria," Sarah replied in a hushed voice. "She's dead." "But that can't be Who told you? What happened? What did she die of?" Sarah shook her head. "That's what worries me' most. I ,don't know. I keep wondering If jthls had anything to do with what she told you." "There's a car coming up the lane," Sarah suddenly exclaimed as she looked out the kitchen door. "X believe it's the doctor's yes, that's who it Is," she asserted as she watched it come closer, -v "I see that you've heard," he said. T ' "Whatever happened?" Derrla u asked. "Why, she was never sick, ts was she? She seemed perfectly s, well when she was here Sunday. u "That's the trouble with gastro b enteritis." Dr. Bavles nodded arave- fc IS. "It's sudden, and In Its later 7 JJrl FRED BAYARD stages, there's very little anyone can do. It's hit her family hard I very nard." Derrla suddenly remembered that! she had news of her own to tell. "Dr. Bayles, supposing I told you that I've found our mysteri ous Mr. X." The doctor's surprise was obvi ous. "What sort of a Joke Is that?" "No Joke at all. I not only wasl introduced to him, but I even sat at the same table with him. drink ing cocktails and as recently as this morning. His name Is Haid Scott." "Where did all this happen?" "At the Holways'l Apparently he's a friend of Dave's, and that's what worries me. They're work ing on some business scheme, whlcn I sounds perfectly legitimate. Honest-1 ly." her tone was much more seri ous now. "I done know where to take It from here. David isn't the! sort to welcome gratuitous advice. Even if I went to him with my story. he'd be quite right in laughing It I off. on the other hand, circum stances being what they are. shouldn't I put him on his guard?" what about tne ponce? the doctor asked. Having already reported the accident, couldn't we go to them and tell them we know where he is? They're sure to question him. "But II we did that, would we be putting the Holways Into a bad position? A move like that on our part, might easily involve Dave, and he could stand to lose a lot of money. I have no way of knowing how much he's sunk Into this deal." "I really can't understand you. Derrla. You seem to have an un reasonable reluctance to bring the 1 authorities into this. I don't think it is very wise to encourage you in these whims, and yet if you've made up your, mind, it's really not for me to interfere. You re not a child.' "You're quite right. Doctor; I'm not a child and lor the time being. I think I'll Just play this little game my way. (To be continued) Good Te&inwork The skirt and blouse team Is a wardrobe basic! For new top Interest, pick peplum blouse No. 3846 double breasted and dashing. Skirt No. 2807 fea tures Inverted pleats for walking ease, (Two separate patterns). No. 2946 Is cut In sizes 12. 14. 16. 18, 20, 36, 38 and 40. Size 16, 2 vds. 39-in. No. 2897 Is cut in waist sizes 22. 24, 26, 28, 30, 32., 34 and 36. Size 28 li yds. o4-in. just outi Tne fall-winter FASHION BOOK presenting fash' ions they are wearing now and new styles to come, over loo practical, easy-to-sew. up-to-tne-minute pat tern designs lor all ages. Remember. It's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now. price Just 20 cents. To obtain this pattern, send 25c in (joins, giving pattern number. your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, capital Jour nal. 828 Mission street ban Fran cisco 3. cam. Year 'Round Hnnrimaries With this well-fitting basic glove pattern, It Is no trick at all to own a com plete glove wardrobe in the materials and colors you wisn. Tne Classic pull-on Illustrated Is always in good taste and fashion and when detailed with hand stltchery Pattern Envelope No. R2828 con tains material requirements, tracing pattern for small, medium and large sizes; making, finishing and em broidering directions. To obtain tn pnttern, send 20c In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nay, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3, Calif. swrte vM?V. 2946 M&jNNfeSs sizes F 2897 , , . . W M h ! WJ zteu AQf-r Ills x 1, ,od 5f- w? py? 4 t i ( jx I ' ' rf, IW.. Kf Fwimih i,Ji. tw . y1 'f , mtnU Q'3 M ,45 MMHHBBHMHMHMHIBH HPMmbmHHHMHBBHB BMMMMMBHiHHailHHnasa ( ;00 O mmrn y . ALL THESE GROCERIES- W M-HXtf Sat HM-M-YES-ANO IF ITT OH WSLL-LETS J ft COFFEE! W-H-H-THarS T THERMS eUGW MEflrEQGS-OOer a pretty thbt-if her old hadnt been for mdor ) LOOK ahead , I M FIFTH CUP-ONE MORE, AN' CREAM, IF W PENNV -YET ROCKY TELLS ) BAR3E HADNT . PROMPT ACTION W FORACHN5E, I .M P MV CHW5, AND fLL FEEL YOU WANT IT, t ME THI8 POOR WOMAN BEEN HERE, D GETTING HELP FOR HER. ) AND BE Jt Q.ll p LIKE A NEW MAN . DOC- v IS NOTHING TO YOU HVE DROWNED- SHE'D HAVE DIED" I CHEERFUL Jim yM A. tDOKnSR cte?r TOwrrffwa uv" SURE ITS TRUE kl BUT I AlWT TELLIWG YOU ) I IYOU OLD SWN-FLIMT'. VOU N WMM.-MEBSE I I hmg 1 1 Oi (1 HELPED WILBURM NO DTA,ILS ACCOUMT r- PROBABLY OvVM A PIECE OF TURNED DOWM A 1 X . WITH WIS EXPERI-JV.OF WE SWORE ME WILBUR'S DISCOVERV ANDy GOOD TWIMG..EF OEST MEMTS, RUDY H VTO SECRECY,- EXPECT TO CLEAN UP f THE IDEE OF IT MAKES RODY :oo u ' Nvl T ir- ON1THOUT LETTING ANY- NEBS EXCITED,IT MUST HAVE Hit E SrW S ; I 1U IS JIW V- -jT---' T -v CREDIT FERl - M mmi m as mr z UHUTTlffcHuoiM SlLllsTfftA'FAH'LLEwT 7rAHONEkULT HORRIBLE I MOST HORRIBLE A MONEY-MAD MANIAC, MARRYIN' SAM TO , ONLY CHILD ON EARTH v WEDDIN' IS ) HAIN'T COWARDICET DMMU J OF ALL DANGERS WJFFAWIi ONS..T ALL TARMATION 4 J WHOSE PARENTS GOT MARRIED NO PICNIC, S LET 'KR RIP, . ' I ISYO-ALLVS AIIAI OONNA BREAK LOOSIT NOTHIN' WILL SO EXPENSIVE tit.7-AH SHORE 0ONES.7-HAS SAM ,r,r nr . hMMKaBi i Tin i ' All wnw. .. Tranria - j t stJi-nn I ...r--s. rrortTiiAT fri asjH uUV Y.i am li-rW -r OCA fi W,!.. t t!1',- Wf r mi ti nw'r uJTDOvTl M WATER RIGHT NOW! AREN'T Jl rOT-? (t OF WHAT f THAT TEACHERS BE TRUE, WANNA GIVE 'EM B ABOUT SUMMER If I IVst I I ..TUII7TV-inrtUr..TUII7TV.NlNP.. THATC ODD 1 1 ffflf , . FILM IS PRETTY FORTY 60LLY, BILL ! THERE LETiS COUNT 'EM enMETUINrt FUNNV HEBEl THEY CHECK WITH THE EXPENSIVE STUFF. ARE A LOT MORE THAN FORTy I ALL AND SEE f THE EXTRA CANS FEEL R LIST, BILL, FORTY FILM VJL CANS HERE! "J HOW MANyV V , A AL U6HT-AS IF THEY II CANS CONTAJNIN6 FOUR JfWJ 5 Mm iUtJVtaOTl 1 mbbhIiitvi HWWEP'FE jp . Wis. Ill i I Dl I fi hCTW' I r VT H I rl 1 nZZ?J I " " 01 I I . tfiiix J iwwhtwfc altTT 1 1 NOT A BAD ALE TAIK-EH.MARY? THAT t FEAR 11 I B05H'.- "NO SPRING 0 1'h0'w"U WISH t HAD) ANOTHER I. .T D0N'T KNOW DRUM! ii! 1 fsl MARRY ME AND YOB CAN SPEND MV A .ecalISLVOU SUMMER 8AUTY HATH $UCH pdtttui j 600D POET PENNED THOSE vnn'Dt A VERY HARD IW l-J MILLIONS D0IN6 GOOD.1-'SECONDLY, CANT SEE . 6RACE--AS I HAVl SEEN ) n,ri y)J UNESl- JOHN D0NNE--3O0 .aifsmAN TO TL1RN Jl ) BEIN& BUND, IlL NEED YOU!-.LAST, 7S 0,7, N ONE AUTUMNAL fA!yyXiJi YEARS AGO!- - BUT, ENOUGH nOWN-.ONtl E VOLT GET "1 fl M BUT FAR FROM LEAST--1 HAVE JS lAMl -SdpRUM?' OF THE PAST!-WHA7 ABOUT yOuR fOOT IN THE DOOR JNl .. . - ckl- n MOVIN PICTURES! WE RE iTTio DO YOIJ LIKE 1 DO YOU LIKE ,, ao- AAOVIN' THEM OVER TO , Q (m cc x -f i -v ) ill vrn i t. t frri . s t m h ik,irv a id ti rji-m ubo Fulton Uwli, Jr. Wm'i Beerel RhTthn Rsneb Cart Mtiiicr Frink HemlDKway On Snnnj Side KbrtfaM Kaatk Th Littli Show Pi. ilnt Pmr.de Ch'ck F'fter, Nwi BIni CrMby Club 1A Carmen Cavillers Richard Harkmn Iport Fatt Edw. . Marrow red Drake Chleken Ery Candle Lliht and Kno Hannlni Ted Drake Sunday ' BUnt Bealah Adv. of Champion Mnscial Cocklalla Newa Chet Han tier Moile Elmer Peteron Troplcana Newa Gabriel Reatter Henry Morfaa Pat O'Brien Conductor'! Show. Nortbweat Newa Henry Horian in ileal Jackpot Condaotor'a Sbw. Maslo Ronald Colnaa Top Band CondaeUr1! Show. Muile Ronald Col man Top Band CondaeUr'a ghow. Mnile The Big Story Proadly Wo Hall Colambla Featan Muile The Bit Story Proudly We Hall Colambla Feature Cisco Kid Cartiln Timo Here's to Vets Hollywood Maslo Cisco Rid Curtain Time Bandstand Hollywood Moala What's the Name Supper Club Bandstand Lowell Thomas of that Song News of World News Roand-as Jc Smith Show Lynn Marry Arebie Andrews Dusout Dopo r. Cbrlsltas Lynn Marry Archie Andrews Bascbhll Dr. Chrfatlan News Db'ek F'ster Newt Baseball FIto Star Final Select Local News Sports Pare Final Baseball ""t Editor News r. Dill. Attorney Baseball , Bands on Farad Musle Mr. Dist. Attorney Baieball Bands on. Farado Fulton Lewis, Jr. Sam HayesRcp. Baseball Serenade Bob Poole Show Wai Museum Baseball Yo' h World Bob Poola Show Wax Museum Track I4M Orchestra Musle Wax Masenm Track 1490 Nw 81m Off Sli-n Off Sim Off Silent THURSDAY 6 A.M. News Dawn Patrol Northwest News Mareh Timo Hodge Podgo Hodge Podgo Kneasi, News Hodge Podgo Dawn Patrol Dawn Patrol Dawn Patrol News Farm Time Farm Tim The Old Songs Kneats w. News News Breakfast Gang Breakfast Gang Top Trader Smooth Musle Smooth Musle Rld'rs P'rp. Sara Sam Hayes Barrain Counter Morning Special Sons ot Ploneei Musle The Second Cup Tho Second Cup Jack Bercb Kneass w. Newa Nortbweat Newa Kate Smith PaMor f!P Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Rid. Purple Sam Newa Bcnnla Walker Wiles Orranalltle Walts Serenade Lopes Orch. Lopes Orch. Today's Children Lora Lawton Top Trades News Queen for a Day Queen for a Day Double r Nothing Double 'r Nothing Kneass w. News Light of World Lad tea First Ladles First Northwest News Bob Eberly Show Life Cn Be Butlfl Road of Life Pep Young Fara. Right to Ha'p'ness Tell Neighbors Johnson Family Organ Reveries Bins Sings Backstage Wife Stella Dallas Lorenzo Jones Vng Wldder Brwn Against tho Storm Against tho Storm Musle Musle' When Glr Mar'les Portia Faces Llf Just Plain Bill Front Pg. Farrell Lucky "7" Lucky '")' Nat Brandwynn News Welcome Traveler Welcome Traveler Aunt Mary We Love A Learn DIAL LISTINGS: REX, Wednesday P.M. 8:00, Squirrel Cages 5:30, Sky King) 6:00, Keep ing Up With Sportsi 6:15, Homo Edition Newsi 0:30, Modern Romancest 1:00, Headline Edition i 7:15, Elmer Davis; 1:80, Heinle and His Bandt S:00, Lone Rangeri 8:30, Stars In the Nlghtl 0:00, Steel Pier Orch. i 0:30, One for the Book, 10:00, Richfield Reporter; 10:15, Inlermetxo, 10:30 Concert Hour) 11:30, Memos to To morrow) 12:00, Xtra Hour) 1:00, Sign Off. 1 rV Thursday A.M. 8:00, Early Bird; IX LA 7:00, News i 1:15, Band Boxt 7:30, Bob Haien Showl 7:45, Time Tempos) 8:15, Martin Asronsky) 8:30, Zeke Manners; 8:45, Troplcana: 0:00, Breakfast Club) 10:00, News) 10:15, Stars of Today) 10:80, Melody Promenade). 11:00, Ted Malone; 11:15, Galen Drake) 11:30, My True Story. Club Takes Ribbons Fairview The Fairview Cab bage Head Garden club with Mrs. John Heffley the leader, won awards at the Yamhill county 4-H club fair at McMinn- ACROSS 1. Spies 6. Thing-: law 8. Indigo plant 12. Pa pan god 13. Hewing tool 14. Broad 15. Legendary tale 1. Rain lightly 18. Commonplac 20. Gaelic form of John 21. Ever: contr. 22. Web-spinntng 25. Exclamation 27. English river 28. Put Into cipher 22. One who wagers 34. Endeavor 35. Close: poet. 18. Hawaiian food 37. Beheld 38. Newspaper features 41. Goddess of the harvest 44. Female deer 45. Running knot 48. Outlines 61. Make Indistinct 52. Drug producing plant 63. Cravat 64. Smooth 65. Stitched 66. Superlative) ending i. rients DOWN L Spray from a . g 3 4 mi I ir fflms f p p is . mir 7 35 ip y i 41 SO 'Mi, 51 sT 1st iT I I I mr I kr AP Newtfeefurea ROOM AND BOARD LISTEN TO THIS: 'TONIGHT AFTER DINNER IN THE MAIN LOUNGE. JUDSE PUFFLE. CELEBRATED TRAVELER, HAS KINDLY CONSENTED TO GIVE AN EXCITING TALK ON HIS ATTEMPT TO SCALE. MOUNT EVEREST f " -v. "' ill fC HAVEAN. Vdl55 K0IN TO 4:45 P.M. Mews KOIN Kloeb KOIN Kloek KOIN Kloek KOCO Klock KOCO Klock Tex Bitter News m Sports Top O Mornlns Top O Morning KOIN Kloek News News Fred Beck Western Melodies Consumer News Art Baker Make Believe Make Believe Feature Story News S Grand Slam Western Melodies Tht Stars Sing Cbrch In Wildwd Haven of Rest Haven of Rest Without Words John Ch. Thomas Rosemary Guest Artist Northwest Report Concert Miniature Concert Miniature Wendy Warren; Aunt Jenny -Helen Trent Our Gal Sunday Muile Mart Musie Mart Jan Garbrr Vocal Varieties Big Sister Ma Perking Young Dr. Malen Guiding Light Hollywood Musle Hollywood Musle Newa Come Get It Norah Drak Brighter Day 2nd Mrs. Barton Perry Mason Bright Light Alr-flo Headline News Ted Dale Presents Mae's Melodies Mac'a Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac'a Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Newspaper f Ala Newspaper ot Air Columbia Feature Tunefully loan Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies News Meet the Mlssng Meet the Missus Robert Q. Lewis Movie Tim Mtllosopber Robert Q. Lewis Robert Q. Lewis Robert Q. Lewis Robert Q. Lewis Byera Bedlam Byera Bedlam 1190; KOAC, 550 IAAT Wednesday P.M. 8:00, On tb IXVSMW Upbeat) 5:50, 550 Sports Clubi 6:00,Newi) 0:15, Dinner Melodiesi :. Headlines In Chemistry) 8:45, Guest Atari 7:00, Farmers' Union t Til5, Evening Farm Hoar) 8:00, Fubll Health Serl! 8:18. Artistry In Classiest 8:80, Veterans' Newa Review) 8:45, Loggers' Fir Weather Fore cast) 8)00, Maslo That Endaresi 0:48, Lift Up Thy Voice) 10:00, Adventures In Research) 10:15, Serenade) 10:45, Newsi 11:00, Sign Off. lAAf Thurs. A.M. 10, News; 10:18, r v-n For Women) 11:00, Cenoert Hall) 12:00, News) 12:15, Noon Fara Houn 1:00, Rlde'em Cowboy 1:16, Variety Time) 1:30, Melody Lane; 2:00, Cavalcade ot Dramat 2:15, Memory Book f Musle i 3:00, News. ville. The six members are first year members. Shirley Allison m got first on her exhibit, Lind Benedict, Jean Carr, Jack Hef- fley, Jerry Unruh and Wallac Wood received second awards on their garden exhibits. a Is PjsfTc o slip eTsTg clNlAlTlEfSflRlAlFTTTyl te EmHga PLANE T 3 MmmmmmR I lOriA V O NE3 Solution of Yesttrday'a Puzzl. t. Jewish month I, S. Ponder T. 4. Puff up S. I. Headland I. Terminate Oriental Inn Beard of grain Goddess of victory Not busy Amorous look Idleness Region of fabulous richness Air: comb. form And not Arabian garment Domestic fowl Pass Into solution H. B. Stow character Condensed moisture Payment by a . tenant: Old ' English law Sault Salnte Marie: colloq. Coarse fern Way Inventor of dynamite Edible tubers Point of the earth's axis Cry-otaUlsed rain Beef fat -Sea eagles Decade Coterie 10. 11. 17. 18. 8-3 Bv Gent Ahern THERE'S A MOVIE SUOWINS IM TTAM f Cltu KLf-v liue AND rrS SO PUNK THE USHER KLfcALtL? WITH ME KJ FIND MY OWN SEAT BUT I'LL GO SEE IT AGAIN TONIGHT KAIHfcK. THAN LISTEN TD THAT R BELLOWS y i LUsy a-3i