J4 Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 81, 1949 - -ja fen - r 'v ' ' "--, 1 i i i -r ii.--n.iif r r-. 1 - - ''eaawl , .... : (".' V-' : ..... .mr v 1 W 3BB Coast Grid Sauads?Un,ord,v.niv.ersUy expecl.ed 10 wui vim THMMJ be one of the top conference teams in the Pacific Coast Conference football play this season. Here is how the varsity (upper) stacked up on opening day at Palo Alto. Backficld (left to right): Bob White, Gary Kerkorian, Bill De Young and Harry Hugoslan. Llne( left to right): Ken Rose, Al Itall, Russ Pomeroy, Jim Castagonoli, Hart Cook, Wes Poulson and Bill McColl. Lower picture shows the eleven lined up by Coach Jeff Cravath (kneeling, right) as he named his University of Southern California first team for opening day pictures at Los Angeles. Backfield (left to right): Art Battle, Bill Martin, Jay Roundy and Jim Powers. Line (left to right): Bob Stlllwcil, Jim Bird, Paul McMurtry, Boyd Hachten, Tom Colley, Volney Peters and Hal Hat- , field. (AP Wlrephoto) PCL Awaits Crucials To Built Excitement , Or Mia Aaaoclattd Preu) It looks like It will take that crucial Hollywood-Sacramento cries, starting Friday, to cause any excitement In the Pacific coast league. Tuesday night's results found the loop's first three teams win ning and the league standings unchanged. Hollywood blank ed San Francisco 7 to 0 to keep - Its three game lead. Oakland homered a 10 to 8 victory off Los Angeles to stay in second place while Sacramento edged San Diego 8 to 2 to stny a game behind the Oaks. Gordy Maltiberger threw a five-hitter In shutting-out the Seals. Dick Kryhoskl, Loyd Christopher and Jackie Jensen alammed the four-baggers that produced eight of the Oaks' runs. Jensen's blast came with the ' bases loaded. Angel Car men Mauro homered In all of the losers' runs. Jim Tabor's 1.1th home run of the season provided the Solons' tying run. In the seventh he doubled and then scored the winning run. Seattle nosed out Portland t to 1. Jack Warren's fourth Inning homer was the clinch er. The Ralnlers' first tally was unearned. Wednesday night's card with probable pitchers: Hollywood (Clem Moulder 12- T) at San Francisco (Con Demp ey H-ll). Oakland (Al Geltel 1-0) at Los Angeles (Cal McLish 6-9). San Diego (Red Addams 7-5) at Sacramento (Orv Grove B-6). Seattle (Rinaldo Ardizola 6 T) at Portland (Hal Saltzman H-ll). Tlw boa: Be it tile B H O A B1IOA B.lbrlBht.S 6 3 0 1 MurqiiPi.c. S 3 3 0 SchUltfr.W I 0 0 I online, i XHI.If BMktr.t York. Xftrpel.p Tot ill 5 I JO 1 4 0 10 3 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 4 10ft 1114 110 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 4 110 ThomM.S 4 110 Wciiner.rf 4 17 0 BftAlnskl.t 10 3 1 ShfHdan.rf 4 14 0 Uinm.c Lyoiw.ct 4 110 Uior.ll III AHun.iu gill Lrnn.p McNulty" Dlfhl.n 16 t IT T TottU 10 I 17 11 -Jlnilfd for Lynn In Bth. lUrt for Ptrnftndf In Bth. featti loo loo ooo i HlU 110 301 0319 lortlrWl 000 000 0101 XII4 103 111 0300 Loflint pitcher: Lynn. Pitching Ip Ab K H r So pb Ktrpel I ta 1 ft 1 7 Lynn I 3S I I 1 I 0 Dlr-IU 1 10 10 11 Runs: Albriiht, Warrm. MrNuttr. r rora: Lyon. Auilin. Run bnt ttxl in: Wnr rtn, Ahupr, Two base hit: MarQitfi. Knmr run: Warren. Sacrifice: Knrptl. Doublr lay: Karptl to Bfcker. Left on buta satllt : Portland 14. Umpire' Somen, lent and Uutart. Time 1:3). Attendance 1,080. Shert tcortxt: Bollywood 000 104 0007 1 Can Pranclico 000 000 0000 5 3 MtJUbtriar and andlock; Perei, Brer r (!) and Peru. PiUud 300 Ifll 40O-10 14 1 Li AnielM 300 000 OOO S ft 1 Candtnl and Padaett; Watklnj. Van iyka and Burbnnk. n Diego 001 000 010-1 I 0 Sacramento 000 100 Hi 3 t 0 Bef1ano and Moor: Glllwple and R almond). OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport PCL Standings (By the A.moclated Pre&s) W L Pet. W L Pet. Hollywood 09 70 .500 Seattle 70 HO 497 Oakland 88 73 .541 SnFrntico 76 83 .478 Sacramnto ft 74 .635 Portland 75 83 .475 San Diego 83 77 .516 LwAnaeU 64 06.400 Retulti Tueidar Seattle 3, Portland 1. Sacramento 3. San Diego 1. Hollywood 7, San PranrLico 0. Oakland 10, Los Ann elf 3. Weaver Retains Rassling Girdle When Buck Weaver and Tex Hager had concluded their mat chores at the armory Tuesday night Weaver was still In posses sion of his so-called Coast light heavyweight wrestling belt. Af ter dividing the first two falls, Weaver applied the clincher with a reverse neck lock. Tony Ross and George Dusette went to a draw in the special event as each racked up a fall. Time ran out before they could reach a decision. Jack Kiser beat Bill McEuin in one of the prelims. Pete Bar tu lost his engagement with Al Szasz via the foul route. DOTTY NAMES BOBBITT TO BOXING COMMISSION Portland, Ore , Aug. 31 (U.B Mayor Dorothy McCullough Lee announced today she has ap pointed Howard Bobbitt, former University of Oregon athlete and one-time head of the local FBI, to the Portland boxing commis sion. Bobbitt succeeds Stanley Earl, who resigned Mootry's Nab Semi-Final Spot in Softie Tourney Eugene, Aug. SI W) It will be Albany vs Pendleton and Salem's Mootry team vs Eugene in tonight's semi-finals of the 16th annual Oregon Softball tournament. Salem and Eugene moved up last night In the last quar terfinals games. The state cap ital team blanked West Linn, 3 to 0, and Eugene thumped McMinnvllle, 8 to 0, to line up with Monday's winners. Newspaper Net Tourney Slated For Sept. 4-5 The second annual Klamath Falls Herald and News invita tional tennis tournament is to be held at Moore Park in Kla math Sept. 4 and 5 with trophies to be awarded winners and run-ners-up. There will be in com petition in men's singles and doubles, women's singles and junior men's singles (not over 18 years of age). Registrations for the event are being handled by Jim Fin nigan, 817 Main St., Klamath Falls. Fees are $1.50 for singles Salem's Jim Rawlins fan ned 12 West Linn batsmen and scattered the five hits he allowed. Salem scoring start ed in the first, as John Hoffert and Al Wickert singled and came In on Jim Henrey's dou ble. Another was added in the second on Bud Lindstrom'a double and Rawlins' triple. Eugene's Bob Willis had a one-hitter and his team back ed up his pitching with ten hits for the eight run assault. . Silera 21A 1)00 I t. . Went Linn 0O0 AAA 04 1. Rswllni mnd Henrcri Brandt Mid Binch. . EUKCnn (Kit 111 S 8 IB X. McMlnnrllle 000 ono fl 0 1 4 Willi! nd Warberci Marshall and Folli. TODAY IS Prime Rib of Beef AU JUS at Shattuc's Chatteau A man deserves some of the better things of life. And one of the best is a can of the new, cool refreshing Acme Beer I ,63? ACME BREWERIES Son froncltco CI Whitey's icehouse comes close .a tif m!lTjSmiMi to being as cool as a nice gjSf fM V&V long drink of you know what 1 f "$L 'J J Ut Evory twica a week In the aummer- j(fO! i' v -u time ui Wilkena hnve a little job we t KtfW' tfV ".i iw TN. don't kick up any fuia about et nil. fT TA -" fSpSl And thet'a atopping bj at Whitey'a if 1 SM I ,, SW I for the ice. It'a m, brother, William f ', ?! la , houng off cake and me juat daw- , . ( Jfek ' fit J" M$ dling over the job and letting ihiveri i 1 Ssfr lit " " "w-Jw Ivif run up me. Our dog Jeaaie'a tongue fy&w'Jalf I ' f f'f s Vll 1b 'Afli wai out about a foot till lorn fed her Ihi&ljWPf i' '''Jl ,,lM,tl'i" HarryE W.lk.n On a hot day. a frosty drink made with Our Family's Recipe sure goes good! aft .When a drink is so extra tasty and refreshing, it takes care of your thirst like nothing else! If there's any time in all the year when a long, cooling drink made with Our Family's Whiskey goes good, it's on a roasting hot dayl The way it slithers down your throat so nice and easy it feels as smooth as a hunk of ice. And so far as tastiness goes, folks say by golly they never tasted anything that comes near to being so tasty. And when you come down to it this Recipe of ours couldn't scarcely help but be about the tastiest you ever touched your lips ta Do you know how many years us Wilkens have been busy ing ourselves at making whiskey? Soma sixty years or thereabouts to be exact And in sixty years, Grandpa Wilken, Pa Wilken and us three were just bound to get the hang of putting a heap of tastiness into Our Recipe. Why don't you make yourself a prom ise rifcht here and now that you're going to get a bottle of Wilken Family Whiskey DeJore this very day is outl Wt .CO-" un WMMim emn wei site y St PROOF. 70 EXAM RTUTtAL SPIRITS. THI WH.KIN FAMIIY CO., lWfHCIU8, IND. The BIG MEN ON THE CAMPUS r " Are Man's Shop Customers The fellows who lead the school parade knaiv that quality in the clothes they wear is an important factor in their top rating in anj student body. They give thought to the latest and more exclusive styles. In their insistence on quality their expenditures, in the long run, are less. Purchases made at Tke Man's Shop are safe, sane, style-right and economical. Here are a Few Examples: SPORT SHIRTS Fegihheroy a handsomely tailored, light weight, washable corduroy in Q Cft a variety of colors JW Tailored by Manhattan Shirt Co. Gabardines in spun rayon: One of the finest woveri gabardines on the market. Hand kneiedled for extra smartness. Washable of course Tailored by Hollywood Rogur Spun Rayon gabardine in eighrt colors Tailored by Manhattan Shirt Co. 5.95 ur 4.95 ioiy coups COLLEGE CORDS For style quality fit buy Day's. They're "King of the Campus." Styled with the exclusive Leather-Stay P'tockets, 5 times stronger. Rich velvety corduroy Heaviest by Test Bar-tacked throughout, Reinforced stitchiing Durable boatsail pockets deep and roomy Inserted tunnel loops, zip fly Jumbo cuffs 6.45 MCiMAKiat roreilMAar ammka Custom StitcheS SLACKS Slacks by Varsity Town Smartly styled slacks will do wonders to give you a well dressed appearance. In Varsity Town you get these fea tures: Triple, pleated low set belt loops casual fullness correctly -tapered smart fabrics new colors plus custom stitching down the sides. Men these ARE slacks. Unusually hand some tweeds 18.50 11.50 WHITE STAG JACKETS A water repel lant jacket is a must for school wear. White Stag leads all U. S. Makers in smait jacket styles. Choose yours from a wide 1 O lI an assortment of colors r J mort Other jacket all wool gabordine . . . , makes in beautifully tailored 24.50 - MOXLIY AND HUNTINGTON The Store of Style), Quality and Value Milk I U a.m. l et I:M a.m. 1:11 tm. !:! .n. 1:11 t.m. Low 1:11 t.m. 4.1 11:51 p.m. 1.1 1 31 s.m. -0 S 1 11 p.m. S3 I 1 m. .0 4 31 p.m. 1.1 m. t awt 1 416 State Street Salem