National Magazine Tells About Cougar Turner The September is sue of Hunting and Fishing, na tional sportsman magazine pub lished in Philadelphia, carries the picture of Marion Towery and Margaret Prather with the cougar that was killed near Turner earlier in the summer. Captioned "Bumper Bounty," the item relates that the 140 pound cougar, measuring seven feet, two inches leaped onto the highway directly ahead of Marion Towery and Margaret Prather. Hoping to clip the cat with his bumper, driver Tow ery speeded up and the cat did likewise. The cat hit 40 miles an hour before Towery could smash into It. Store Takes Cracks at Itself In Ad Belittling Its Goods Rock Island, 111. (U.R) A department store here took a full- page advertisement to tell its customers how absolutely vile its merchandise is. The McCabe-Hause advertisement announced that it was "Cat and Dog Day, when all our year's mistakes are turned out into the open with the hope that ourj kind friends will call them bar gains and take them out of store forever." Some of the items were ad vertised as follows: "Ish! These are awful These combed cotton knit polo shirts re guaranteed to make any little tot howl but, after all, a youngster wearing a size 1 to 6 is helpless." Lamp shades were described as "handsewn but ugly." Belts were "odd sizes, odd belts, in fact, an odd idea that we could get up to $2.95 for the stringy old things. How about a dime?" Handkerchiefs were "good for drop the handkerchief because you just could forget to pick them up. But we don't care how you use them just so you take them out of here." The lace curtains were ad mittedly full of holes but "what else do you expect of lace?" "We'll be generous and give you everything you need to complete a perfectly useless embroidered map of the middle west. Don't ask us where to put It when you've finished. We can't give you everything." Bollman to Operate Own Funeral Home Dallas Lenthal Bollman, who has been associated with his brother, Paul, in the Henkle and Bollman Funeral home, stated Tuesday that he has purchased the Clarence L. Booth Funeral home at Enterprise. He plans to move with his family to Enter prise about September 17. The former owner is retiring after 32 years in the business. Bollman worked with C. W. Henkle and his brother, Paul, in the local mortuary from 1937 until the outbreak of World War II when he entered the navy and served for 52 months. During the war Henkle retired and Paul Bollman purchased his interest. When Lenthal was discharged, he joined his brother again. Paul Bollman states that he plans to employ another assist ant to fill the vacant position. The Enterprise mortuary is the only funeral home in Wallo wa county. Northcoast Bus Strike Continues Seattle, Aug. 31 OT The strike that has tied up North Coast Greyhound bus line oper ations between Vancouver, B.C., and Portland, Ore., for 11 week? is going to continue. Ray Jensen, president of the Motor Coach Employes' union, Don't- Let Money Slip Through Your Fingers! Yes ... it takes money to make money! , . so .enjoy j Salem Federal's better rates. Put your money to work by starting a regular I savings account or invest ment today! division 1348, said last night thati members had rejected the com-ii nin'e lainct nffar m a A a nftn'B a series of day-long meetings with Governor Langlie during the last fortnight. Jensen did not disclose the vote count but said the rejec tion was by a "very large majority." Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 31, 19491 1 In stewing prunes or raisins add a few slices of lemon or orange for piquant flavor. HISTORIC MEDICAL HIGHLIGHTS No. 49. DR. FLEMING'S PENICILLIN- It was in 1928 that Dr. Alexander Fleming discovered the wonderful potency of penicil lin in his University of London laboratory. In studying staphylococci (causes boils and abscesses) cultures he'd grown, he found that a blue-green mold had spoiled them. Investi gating, he found part of his cultures were free of staphylococci . . . the areas around the spots of mold. Further study disclosed that penicillin instead of killing germs, pre vented their multiplying . . . making it pos sible for the body to combat various diseases and infections. IH( ousfSifm cosnebS rfJZsL4flsCLCAJLu COWl I COMMIROA1 Ifwm3-VI23K -A -J- A MIDICAt CENTEK IIUNCH Ofierdtt SS OtM UM OIIAI tTIIIt mm vnir " not for years have you seen siich a value at such a price . . . Expensively hand-picked detail on the proud jut-collar of this very long . . . very full wool fleece coat with great slash pockets, and imposing buttonsl with EARL-GLO rayon satin lin Mist O'Down STROOCK fleeces! Other Rosewin coots from 39.95 up. Exclusively at . . . Kay9s M ng!, m) . I M - mi. r i p fa l if ' i ' ' i" i J .1 460 State St. There Are Some Headaches Aspirin Won't Cure! and how well we know it. For instance it's a real headache for the average housewife trying to figure out how to set a good table without spendin all of her man's hard-earned dough, as one housewife happened to mention to us the other day, never dreamin' she was talkin' to our ad writer. Any iay, here's what she said as she pushed her cart right square aginst our ad writers sore corn. "I just know this is the most congenial store in Salem. Everyone seems to be just hoppin' around to help you". "Yep", he says over his left shoulder as he beat it to the back room to kick our cat all over the warehouse till his corn quit achin'. When he limped back, she probobly hadn't noticed he'd left, for she was sayin', as she selected some of the finest cheeses ever seen around these parts, that if more housewives visited this store and spent a few minutes look in' around, there'd be fewer spats at the dinner table. "And believe me," she says, "that saves many a head ache." Do you know, that made our ad writer feel so good he almost forgot his sore corn. He went right over to one of the nicest meat displays we've seen in a coon's age, and selected a nice piece of liver and gave it to our cat, ' and told the cat to stay out of the way the next time someone gets his toes stepped on. Here are a few of the myriad of cheeses cut and displayed so sanitarily in the most modern case seen around these parts. AMERICAN CHEDDAR A favorite for sandwiches. BEL PAESE Delightful with fruit or crackers BLUE CHEESE For tossed salad and salad dressing, or as canape spread with fruit or crackers. BRICK CHEESE For lunch or lunch box sandwiches. Use sliced to fill out the meat platter. CAMEMBERT CHEESE Almost a universal favorite as a dessert or salad cheese. CHANTELLE CHEESE Delicious sliced and served on meat tray. We could list a lot of other varieties of cheeses. Better tho that you come in and take your choice. We can't think of any thing better. In keeping with our policy of supply our customers with the best of foods ob tainable, we offer SWIFT'S Premium Bacon b 59c Not just as good no sir! Better! That's a must at our meat oounter. For an all purpose short ening, try this one SWIFTNING O lb. con 73c PREM reg. size can 39c CRISCO SPRY or SNOWDRIFT J lb. cans 83c BISQUICK pkg".' 39c PILLSBURY'S PIE CRUST 17c CLABBER GIRL Baking Powder 10 oz. 10c Grapefruit Juice sugar added Blue Bird 1" 29c GERBER'S BABY FOODS 3 f.r 20c So's Your Aunt Sue 49c We admit it. We have a lot of Aunt Sue's Self-Polishlng Wax. It's a good wax, too. We know because we've tried it. Not down on our knees of course you don't hafta get on your knees with aunt ue's Self-Polishing Wax. Be cause it's unknown, it doesn't sell, regular price is 98c, but we're tired of lookin at it, so we're cutting the price right smack in the middle Yeah . . . 49c Beautifully Marbled Beef Many of our customers are agreeing with our butcher boys that for real satisfaction and economy, quality in meat is important. Boned and Rolled Roast ,b 79c Pot Roasts ib. 59c Rump Roasts ib. 65c Standing Rib Roasts ib. 75 c Leg 0' Lamb .b. 79c 30c ib "Was that just a gag flndln' that birthday present you mentioned in your ad the other day?" we were asked by one of our more curious customers. No! Little George Eyre lost the gift meant for little Frankle Shafer. It had real foldln' money In It too. Frankle has It now. He has If he Isn't a spendthrift like your ad writer. There are no gags In our ads well hardly any. Sometimes when we try to read one of 'em If we don't watch ourselves pretty close we might. WSBRDIIIEIIES CAN These sardines are really good, delicious on snacks, hors d'oevres and lunches. SILK BRAND LUNCH Pkg. of 20 bags .... BAGS 10c CHERRO BRAND BUTTER .b 69c SHERIDAN BRAND BUTTER ib 67c NUCOA 1 ., 30c 2 .b.. 59c Cottage Cheese Pint 27c OLD GOLDEN WHOLK ROAST COFFEE Ground as you like it at the time you buy it. Ib. 49c Big, Red Luscious Tokay Grapes So crisp our boys In the fruit department, knowln' our proclivity along that line remarked to us, "Watch your step when you bite into one o' those grapes. They're so fresh and crisp they snap when you bite 'em." And what's more, the price kinds sissies, too. 2 ,b,or 15c Well put some on every well-set table. Oh, by the way, these are the large red Tokays, not the pale, sickly ones. A customer asked us, "How's your herring?" Us, beln' polite like, pip ed up, "Oh, our hearin's purty good. We may not look so good, but our hearln's O.K." "Oh, no. I mean fish. Herring like you use to make hors d'Oeuvres." Coverin' our face it bejn' a little red, like the outside of our building, and puttin' on our nonchalant air, we pointed out to the lady what she said was the finest display of nick nacks she'd seen in a blue moon, displayed right alongside our beau tiful display of fine cheeses. Peaches Apples Pears are In plentiful supply now. Priced right for canning. J. I 1USICK & $M$ Court Street at Commercial Street Phone 3-9176 in