Michigan Family Finds Salem Finest Place in Country Because Paul Browne believes Salem is "the best place in which to live in the entire country," the capital has acquired a Jamily of six in recent days. The former Flint, Mich., family of Mr. and Mrs. Browne, tnree sons and a daughter nave esiaonsnea memseives in a new, modern residence at 685 Norths 18th street. They came here from Phoenix, Ariz., via Eu gene, where tney naa expected to remain. Primary interest was the education of the young people. Not yet settled in their new home, Browne, a beer distribu tor of Flint, took time out to President Greeted Paul Henri Spaak, president of the Council of Europe, is saluted by an Alsatian girl on steps of Strasbourg university as he arrives for a Council meeting. Linn Clubbers Display Craft and Linn I East Salem Rabbit Breeders Make Plans for Fall Exhibit East Salem, Aug. 30 Another fall show for which definite plans art being made is that of the Capital City Rabbit Breeders association. Dates have been set for October IS and is, but those Dlanning to place advertising blocks are having to have them ready by September 1 as the book goes to press this week Several growers have planned to donate trophies for the show and these will be listed in the pub lications only if they are with the committee by Thursday. At the last regular meeting and the board of directors meet ing held at the home of the show superintendent, Chet Frederick son, all committees were appoint ed and the evening program was given over to the show plans. Many of the members of the association will have entries at the state fair. Several members donated young does in the spring for 4-H club members and the doe given by Mrs. Alfred Paul of Swegle community to Nelson Etter for his 4-H club placed first in its class at the show last week. Several of the streets in East Salem which carry heavy traf fic were much improved the past week with new surface coatings Lansing avenue which will have more traffic than ever now that the new Washington school is on that street and Sunnyview ave nue were two that were put in good condition. Sunnyview ave nue had been very rough since the freezes last winter. Eleanor Beery entertained a group of her school girl friends Wednesday evening at her home on East Garden road. A weiner roast was enjoyed by the girls Henry Van Loh was returned to his home on Lancaster drive Saturday evening from the Sa lem General hospital where he had been for several days be cause of his reaction to special treatment given for a badly burned arm while at his work last week. Albany, Aug. 30 Boys girls from all parts of county came to Albany Monday bringing with them livestock animals and results of their han diwork, assembling their exhi bits at the Linn county 4-H club fair grounds for the 1949 annual Linn county fall 4-H club fair, which was opened at noon. A highlight of the 4-day pro gram will be Wednesday night's seventh annual 4-H club fat an imal auction at the pavilion, starting at 8 o'clock. Monday afternoon the swine judging was held, along with showmanship contests. The opening event of Tuesday will be weighing of hogs for the sale followed by judging of canning exhibits, sheep show- manshiD and judging, vegetable land crops judging, poultry and .-?hppf InHffinff nnH shnwmanshiD icontests, canning judging con test and canning, dairy and live stock demonstrations. Steers and fat lambs for the sale will be weighed in Wednes day morning. The fair will end a Thursday afternoon. Canadian Loggers To Vote on Strike Vancouver, B.C., Aug. 30 W) A strike vote among 32,000 coastal loggers was approved yesterday by the Canadian labor relations board. Date of the balloting will be determined within several days. The employes, members of the International Woodworkers of America (CIO), have rejected majority report of the concilia tion board that they be given no pay increase. The union had asked a lS-cent hourly boost, Heat Wave Hits Alaska Anchorage, Alaska, Aug. 30 AJ.R) Alaska was in the grip of a "heat wave" yesterday. The temperature soared to 76. explain why he and his family came to Salem, "We shipped our household effects to Eugene with the ex pectation that we would live there," explained Browne. We had planned that the two older boys would enter the University of Oregon and the younger Eu gene high. The daughter ex pected to register at Marylhurst near Portland. "En route to Marylhurst, Mrs. Browne and the daughter passed through Salem. They liked it here and quickly convinced me that the move was a wise one because of the educational fa cilities provided at Willamette and the public schools. Eugene, is a boom town and hard to drive in. We spent a day viewing Sa lem's residential districts and found them superior to those in Eugene, so here we are." Browne has retained his in terests in Michigan. "We came here with the expectation of re maining at least a year. If we like It, then we will build up on the heights." Apparently having heard that it rains in Oregon, Browne said: "We have made up our minds that we will not become dis couraged by the rain, no matter how much of it falls." In the meantime the two older sons expect to enter Willam ette, the third in Salem high and the daughter in Marylhurst. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 80, 19499 Hit-Run Vessel Sought Sitka, Alaska, Aug. 30 (U.R) Federal authorities today scarch- aH tnr a lnrffp whitp vpsspl which rammed a purse seiner in at the annual Polk county Peril strait, Alaska, Saturday j1""" " Monmoum. causing the death of two men. Harold Waldron, also of the Healthiest Girl To Defend Title Donna McLaughlin, Spring Valley 4-H club member who was judged the healthiest girl in the state at the fair last year, will defend her title again this year as a result of winning the title of Polk county's healthiest Spring Valley Health club, is the healthiest boy in the county and will be another finalist here next week. Out of a possible 1000 points Donna scored 995 and Harold 985. As highest scored 4-H Health club member in Polk county Donna will receive the trophy awarded each year by the Polk County Health associa tion. Both received first prizes at Monmouth. Physical examinations were In charge of Dr. J. H. Stewart, Dallas, who was assisted by Miss Audrey Smith, Polk county health nurse. People Biting People, Says Police Report Portland, Ore., Aug. 30 (U.R) Police reported today that peo ple were biting people. One man said he was bitten by an angry woman. He was treated for bites on the chest, fingers and palm. A bar maid reported an intox icated patron became upset when he was refused service. He bit the ear of the customer next to him. A "Imagine! I bought delicious COFFEE CAKES for only 29c! Was my husband he I" "I just couldn't believe it! Extra wide lace paneli for only a dollar!" 0 'Talk about savings! Man! I bought an Ice-cream freezer for $4.59 a regular 7.95 value! Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! Yes! Everyone is shopping and saving in Capital Journal's TUESDAY SURPRISES! Do at other thrifty borgaln-wiie Salemites are doing! Shop and lave by reading Mon day's issue of your Capital Journal! TUESDAY IS YOUR PAYDAY! I - . .twentat elbertas, Full 4r . . A event ELBERTAS, bushel box , H. HALES from AA MARY HILL 32 Lb.Pe'Box ..u'.c ad Tilt ill M PnC! Tue, Jc and Stores SAFEWAY STORES WILL BE Open All Day Wednesday SEPTEMBER 7 D0Z. CORN on the Cob 1 Fresh From Local Gardens 25c TOMATOES "15c POTATOES 89c NO, 303. CAN CANE SUGAR K 1 COUNTRY HOW WlmlM CREAM STYLE G PORK & BEANS DEVILED MEAT 10-LB. SACK 87c 2 for 25c 11c 4 for 29c VAN CAMP NO. 300 CAN LIBBY'S OR ARMOUR'S - NO. V4 CANS L WUifi..7S. Stlrbtt, ,.titm WHITE STAR Famous Fancy PACK TUNA FISH! 1UM 35c No. Vi BABY FOODS 3 ....20' CHEERIOS CEREAL 2,27 SWEET PICKLES W r 29' FRESH BREAD T 'ssl POTATO CHIPS x 17' Prices in this ad are effective fuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, September 1, at all Safeway Stores, Salem, Silverton, Dallas. 5 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 245 COURT STREET .- 2120 NORTH FAIRGROUNDS 935 SOUTH COMMERCIAL ' 1420 STATE STREET 1230 NORTH BROADWAY See It Ground . . . Know It's FRESHT HILL PACKAGED NOB COFFEE 2 LB. BAG FIG BAL3$ pkg. YOUR CHOICE OF VANILLA OR WHOLE WHEAT ONES cm? 3V Proper trimming gives you more good-eating meat for your money SLICED BACON ib! 49' BACON JOWLS ib. 19' FRYING CHICKENS ib 65' MINCED HAM LOAF CHOPPED HAM LOAF FRESH GROUND BEEF WHITING FISH SLICED SLICED Ib. 45' ib. 65' PAN READY LEAN lb. 35' Ib. 21' For the convenience of out-of-town and late shoppers, SAFEWAY STORES at 2120 Fairgrounds Road and 1 420 State St., are open until 8:00 P. M., EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY.