Erwert-Kerr Wedding at Mt. Angel C'-iurch Saturday Mt. Agel Wearing a gown of off-white satin, Mist Marcylene Kerr of Mt. Angel, daughter of the late Mr. and Mn. Fred Kerr of Portland and Salem, walked to the altar of St. Mary'i Catholic church In Mt. Angel Saturday morning, August 27, to wed Clar ence Erwert of Mt. Angel. The bride's gown was fashioned with sweetheart neckline, edged in- Chantilly lace which continued at the low shoulder line to form a point In the back of the fitted bodice with self-covered but tons; long sleeves, ending in Calla points; and a full skirt topped by a peplum finished with Chantilly lace which was carried down to the back of the skirt to form a point on the full court train. The waist length veil of Illusion was fastened by a band of braided matching sat in. The bride carried a white prayer book topped by a white orchid, stephanotis and satin streamers, and for sentiment she wore her late mother's strand of pearls. Mrs. Tony Nissl of McMinn- vtlle (Elaine Kerr) attended her later as matron of honor, wear ing a gown of nile green taffeta. It wai made with a collar on the square neckline, and cap sleeves on the fitted bodice, and a full skirt, floor length, with bustle back. Her headdress was orchid braided net fashioned into a halo, and she carried a heart bouquet of delpheniums, pink roses and yellow daisies. Misses Rosemary Stupfel of Amity and Arlene Erwert, sis ter of the bridegroom, brides maids, wore identically styled gowns In orchid taffeta and car ried heart bouquets of the same flowers at the honor attendant, tied in nile green taffeta stream ers, and they wore bands of braided nile green net in their hair. All the attendants wore taffeta mitts to match each gown. Little Suzanne Hoffer, niece of the bride, was flower girl in a frock of nile green taf feta made similarly to the other attendant's gowns. She wore a bonnet of taffeta tied with a bow under the chin, and carried a rMi.ature heart-shaped bouquet of the same flowers. Gene Hoffer, brother-in-law, escorted Miss Kerr to the altar, which was decorated with ar rangements of white and orchid gladioluses, greenery and light ed cathedral tapers. The Rev. Father Vincent Koppert, OSB, performed the 9 a.m. marriage rites at a double ring ceremony, and officiated at the nuptial high mass. Miss Helen Keber played the wedding music, and was accompanist for Misses Pauline Saalfeld, Laura Schwab, Dorothy Prosser and Lucy Van Cleef who sang preceding and following the ceremony and the mass. The bridegroom, son of Mrs. Anna Erwert and the late John Erwert, chose his brother, War ren Erwert of Salem as best man, and brothers Charles Er wert and Alex Erwert as grooms men. Ushers were Robert Er wert and Tony Nissl. Ronald Schmidt ,and Norbert Aicher, cousins of the bridegroom, serv ed the mass. Mrs. Gene Hoffer, sister of the bride, chose a - watermelon-red two-piece afternoon dress, with green end white accessories for the ceremony. Her corsage was of white roses and stephanotis. Mrs. John Erwert attended the wedding of her son in a wine colored two-piece dress with black accessories, and a corsage of white rosebuds and step hanotis. The bridal couple was honor ed at a breakfast at St. Mary's dining hall. Guests included the wedding party and officiating alergy, and the immediate fami lies of the bridegroom and bride, covers being placed for 45 guests. Serving the breakfast were Misses Mary Lou Weisenfels, Vivian Vreeland, Marion Kick- art of Woodburn, and Joanne Bochsler of Portland. During the breakfast hour Misses Lucy Van Cleef and Laura Schwab sang, and Miss Dorothy Prosser made up the trio to sing also. The reception was held in the same hall during the afternoon. Pouring at the coffee urns were Mrs. Francis Vollstedt of Mc Minnville, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Andrew Schmidt, aunt of the gridegroom. The bride's aunt, Mrs. Jack Kerr of Eugene, cut the wedding cake. In charge of the gift table were cousins of the bride, Miss LouAnn Kerr of Seaside, and Miss Betty Vol lstedt of McMinnville. Mrs. Ralph Stenger of Woodburn, cousin to the bridegroom, pass ed the guest book. Serving ices were the Misses Joan Berning, Pauline Weiss, Mary Ann Hauth and Lola Traviss. When the couple left for a honeymoon trip to Canada the bride wore a navy blue suit, with navy and copper acces sories, and her orchid corsage. Upon their return the couple will reside at 1949 N.W. Everett street, Portland, where the army veteran is attending school at Portland university. The bride a graduate from Mt. Angel Academy. ANNOUNCEMENTS are be ing received here of the birth of a son, August 7, at Earlville, III., to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gren nan. He has been named Ed ward Dean. Mrs. Grennan is the former Miss Helen Dean, a graduate of Willamette univer sity who was-prominent in mu sical circles during her attend ance there. UNIONVALE Miss Barbara Jean Wilson, daughter , of Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Wilson of near McMinnville was married to George Harvey Warmington, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Warm ington of near McMinnville, at the First Methodist church par sonage, Tacoma, Wash;, at 4 o clock, Saturday afternoon, August 27. Dr. Milton A. Marcy, the pas tor, who was resident pastor at Unionvale and a special friend of the family for many years, officiated. The young people are both graduates of McMinnville high school. Mrs. William Warming ton is a former resident of Unionvale. ' J i .:-- Miss Espe Wed On Saturday Miss Amy Lou Espe, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Espe of Silverton, was married to Loren Rolie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rolie of Salem, Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Immanuel Lu theran church at Silverton. Rev. S. L. Almlie performed the cere- til t 'tr Mm AdM Recent Bride Wed recent ly was Mrs. Morley King, the former Pearl Widmer, the wedding being July 24. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Widmer, Wood burn; Mr. King the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake King of Hub bard. (McEwan studio picture) GERVAIS Mrs. Jacob Cuts forth entertained the Junior Woman's club at her home last week. Those attending were Mrs. Paul Reiling, Mrs. Lloyd Seely, Mrs. Ray McCormick, Mrs. Charles McCall, Mrs. Or- ward Hoye, Mrs. Francis Leon hart, Mrs. Paul George, Mrs. Carl Leonhart and Miss Freda Manning. Mrs. Ray McCormick and Mrs. Paul Reiling were winners of the door prizes. Mrs. Paul George was honored with a gift shower. The September meeting will be with Mrs. Lloyd Seely, DR. AND MRS. F. D. Voigt returned Sunday from a 10-day motor trip to Banff and Lake Louise and Jasper and Glacier National parks. 10 DAT FREE TRIAL . TJNBELIRV ABLE BUT TRUE! - When each minute aem. like an eternitr .pa.m. bronohlal aethma relieved QUICKLY (unuillr with la 1 minute) br NEPHRON I.NHALA TION THERAPY, no narcotic or habit xormlnr dram. Moat stubborn eaeee pond like magic. Regardless of what Ton bare tried or bow bopeleos x caee dont vivo op. Brine this eoapoa in ana we win rive too a 10 oar sal ply ot Nephron Inhalant to asa I Knos-Asma Vaporiser. Caottoai only a directed. Your Addroi PERRY'S DRUG STORE Journal Want Ads Pay Trt TBV KIPW " COMBINATION J v CREAM J TO"-'; - This exciting new ftce cream combines cleansing and complexion-aid creams in ont formula. It benefits either oily or dry skins because it absorbs and removes both oil and water soluble types of facial grime and make-up... cleanses your skin thoroughly. To aid your complexion. Pearls in Wine Combination Cream contains lipids from lanolin similar to skin lipids normally present in youthful skins. It leaves your skin so soft a foundation is rarely necessary. With new "Combination" you need no other lace cream. YOU'U ALSO tHJOY SI pw ton economy iff tlJS ftlitt fM UKTICK jfluise mi ouisfNiffttr coinm HIDICAl CfNTfl fttANCH 140 OltA. BTlin ft - ntliil IT AM m AWVwm WW OCIL6 cptrate m m afJtB Syr S. 5 M -iHIILO.TOI" k I " fett Urnwe elk htuch.r OXfO I vt -v Vs. In' OFF TO SCHOOL in SHOES to Stand the Pace "JUDY" Smart tan lk monk ' tras ttvla with flexible leoth.r folof. Sii.l 0 to 00, too with Kuft-proot tip, Uaih.c lol.t. Built (or Shews every youngster will like became 5 to 00, $00' jbmr4 goes to graot lengths to build omfoff, foot health, style, and long wear Into their children's ihoes. You'll like us because we take a personal interest in seeing that your chil dren are comfortably and correctly fitted. SHOE DEPARTMENT MAIN FLOOR mony, 1 The bride's father gave her in marriage. She wore a white lace gown, trimmed in white satin, with full skirt and train. Her fingertip illusion veil fell from a seed pearl trimmed bonnet. She carried a bouquet of carna tions and wore an orchid corsage. Mrs. J. V. Epplng, the bride's sister, matron of honor, wore a fuchsia taffeta gown. The bridesmaids, Misses Fay and Beverly Rolie, sisters of the bridegroom, were attired in yel low taffeta gowns. All three car ried bouquets of glamelias. The candle - lighters were Misses Betty Baxter and Lila Dugar, wearing gowns of green taffeta. George St. Clair was best man. Ushers were Chester Hatter and Norman Patterson. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 80, 19497 The reception was held in tha church parlors. The newlvweHs will mnlro their future home in California where Mr. Rolie is stationed. ... LEAVING Sunday for their home were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rankin, Mrs. Cora Rankin and Mrs. G. Rankin, all of Vermil lion, Alberta, Canada, following a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, 1575 South Commercial. .laa. n Avnoa Lav fo fo III fo I y ) U u Will t JSVl UIMJU choose now! advance styles in the vfSv season s most versatile t zip the jft extra wool II llj ! i II II I 1 ; lining out j II II zip it in . Ij I j J I -h for winter jj j I ' "t I t i I H-'U- 4, "'-' T-. ftl foriorina... 0' jr ' J I Jit IW tlx 111 K tv 1UICK relea,e ,liae ,a,'oner f far fall see a' - ' 'Sa&tyad&ft, picatartect oz pout money 4ac6 " fflfift see label for fiber content Shop Fridays Until 9 P. M. What an opportunity to invest in top quality and downright value. These smart all-season coats can be worn with or without the extra wool lining! Belted; or flare-back fashion without the belt! Fine wools and blended wool-and-rayons; Shop in Air-Conditioned Comfort Plenty of Free Parking Space 550 No. Capifol Phone 3-9191