f 18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 30, 1949 1 The HOUSE on LILAC STREET by FRED BAYARD A1 WtwilwfwH Chapter 9 The house on Lilac Street, though atlU austere, was much less gloomy with a brlsht sun warming lis gray atone Iront. Derria paid off her cab and ran up the ironc iieps, " Cherrv lived here. And Cherry, In red and black atln lounging pajamas, ws wa" Inz for her at the ton of the stairs. "Morning, honey. I was hoping you'd be early. It's been ages since j you were over." Derria followed her Into the large room overlooking the street. "Don't forget Im a working girl. Bhe glanced around the room be fore sitting down. "When are you going to move out 01 mis joint, nerryy it depresses me. Cherry shrugged her shoulders. "That's up to Dave; why don't you ask him?" Derria did not miss the rebuff in Cherry's voice. To change the subject, she opened her briefcase and took out the completed sketches. "See what you think of these," she asked. "They're swell, darling. You can co ahead with the dreses any time.' Derria watched her covertly. She was accustomed to the other's fickle likes and dislikes, but something about Cherry s manner puzzled her. "Didn't you say you wanted to snow me the new oar? rne idea is grand, but I still think it's a shame to waste It on this place." Cherry couldn't help laughing "You realize, of course, you're the only one who can get away with a remark like that. After all, If I'm going to live here, I can at least try to make it more modern." "It may be a swell hobby, though a bit too expensive for me. But then, I'm not the most popular singer in town." "You are polite, the perfect guest." Cherry's eyes sparkled. "Throwing compliments around for free or cud you really mean that?" "Cherry, that's one thing I've never fooled about. You've got a swell voice, and what's more, the dramatic technique to put It over. It's not so much the way you sinp as the staging you do for effect, Cherry shrugged, although she was pleased. "Wait till you see the new num ber Dave and I have been working on the one I want one of the new dresses for." "Which reminds me," Derria In terrupted her. "I came here for proilt as well as pleasure, and, lady, are you going to pay!" "I always seem to come Into the picture when there's a question of paying lor sometning." David Hol way entered the room. "Nice of you to finally get around to visiting us," he remarked, "al though I can't say It's much of a compliment when the only thing that brings you over is to sell Cherry a dress." "Dave, come and see this simply vorgeous thing Derria's designed for my Moon and Stars number," Cherry interrupted. "It can't be as hopeless as all that," David's voice echoed. "It must be old age," Derria laughed, "I think the poor girl needs a drink." Cherry said, as she got up and led the way. Kolway stopped behind the bar. "What'll you have? It's on the house." The sudden jangle of the front door bell startled Derria. Cherry noMced It and laughed. "That thing makes me jump, too, I very time I hear it, and I live here, t doesn't matter what part of the house you're in; It always sounds as if it's right under your chair." Derria, who had been sitting on L stool with her back to the door, rned to look around. As her eyes oame to rest on the person who entered the room, she seemed to freeze. It was the man who had been on the bus, who had taken her car, and then disappeared. Quickly she looked away, gripping the stem of the glass she was hold ing so tightly that she thought It would break, lie had not noticed her yet, which gave her time to regain ner composure. "Come on in, Hald," Holway called out, "You must have a nose Dor drinks. You always seem to be around when they're being served. "Hello, Dave, Cherry," he greet d them as he moved Into the room. Then h aw herl Derria fancied she saw a momen tary hesitation, so quickly covered up that no one but herself could have perceived It. "Hald. I don't believe you've met Derria Martin." Cherry turned to make the introduction. "Derria, Im sorry, darling; I'm so stupid about these tnings. mis is Maid scon.' Not by the slightest flicker of his facial muscles did he betray their prior meeting. With a casual- ness to match his own, Derria smil ed coolly. "How do you do Mr. Scott?" And then, wltn the slightest little In flection in her voice, meant for his ears alone, she added, "For a mo ment, I almost thought you were someone I'd met somewhere. Butt now I realize that Im mistaken.' He shook his head and smiled. "I'm afraid that we haven't. I should certainly have remembered." Holway brought the cocktail shaker, and refilled their glasses alter pouring a drink for Hald. "Hald and I are working on a I little scheme that we hope Is go-i lng to net us big money. It's still pretty much ol a secret, out it's If It goes over It is going to mean I big things in radio and in other! lines too. we re going to Install It at the club. After that we'll know I connected with sound-proofing, and better what Its prospects are." "Are you an engineer, by any! cnance, Mr. scoitv" Derria asked. "Yes, although most of my work lately has been out on the West! Coast." "Nice place, the West Coast," she pursued relentlessly. "I have rela tives in San Francisco. One of them. Uncle Mathews, Is on the police force. He's done a lot of work In, connection with breaking up count erfeiting gangs. He used to be an engraver, so in a way you might 'say he knows the trade. Never met him. I suppose?" No, can t say that I nave." He looked at her coolly. "Of course,) San Francisco Is a large place." uerria smiled to herseu. She I turned to Holway. "Dave, would I you phone for a cab for me, please?! I nate to Dreak up tnis little gath ering, but duty calls." (To be continued) l . W iIZE.s. T IT n I A-' HAT ocket Casual Those big pock- est look below the waistline I And for that added attraction (Two separate patterns.) No. 3094 Is cut In sizes 9, U, 1.1,1 15. 17 and 19. Size 12. 1 yds. No, 3007 Is cut In one size, Vt yd. I M-in. Just out! The FALL-WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearing now and new styles to come, over 150 practical,! easy-to-sew. up-to-the-minute oat- tern designs for all ages. Remember. It's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now. price just 20 cents. To obtain this pattern, send 25c I in uuins, giving pattern number. your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberta, Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street San Fran cisco 3, Calif. Jajtafirf Ijlrv l.ovrHnpxa Here L a de lightfully different crocheted piece to use on vanity or night (Abies, dresser runners, top sheets or pil lowcases. Measuring Dy 12 Inches, pretty Irish roses on a picot-triinmed background surround a demure pansy. Pattern Envelope No. R28B1 con tains complete crocheting instruc tions, stitch illustrations, material requirements and finishing direc tions. To obtain tn& pmtrrn, send 30c In COINS, giviiiR pattern number, your name, address and rone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nay, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3. Calif. f THE HOUSE "BO" KAY AND T fM AFRAID "1 KBr TT-CRE ARE MOW THAN 60,000 W " 1 J MISS JONES GET ME A STRONGER ( BALDY WERE SNAPPED IN THAT WILL BE I !H HOUSES' IN LINCOLN OTff WE'LL S I 6LASS THEREB SOMETHING HERE I " FRONT OF MIGHT BE THE A TEDIOUS J I IWHAVE TO LOOK AT VRY ONE Of Vr WANT TO BRING UP Juj-we I SANS'S HEADQUARTER3--A AND TIME- A ! ifi2g2Q( T THEM-UNLESS--.' Tj i ,M . Tl r CANT YOU HAVE AN CONSUMING ll " 439 WV7 ' ti fVlv WS ENLARGEMENT MADE AND; JOB, W : WZZf iZviili)' ' I I t.9&Q V . W ff c? .. i l 1 i in i i . i in "rr'znn" i i u i i i e n 1 1 if?)' i (A ' tju j 0 ETVSgSffi-pj 1- THESE CROCERKS rHEU. LVE W" 6UT VOU, SPENOIN' ALL MEVXT TOO, p V VOU MEAN TO SAV YOU NEVER r ' ,rj WHY, YOU'RE STDCKIN" HER O. K. DOC H THAT DOUGH ON FOOD AND I GUESS I'LL f I SAW THfiT SICK DAME BEFORE MX) JNO-SO W PLACE UP WTIW 5RUB TO LOST SAYS SHE 3 POR A SICK DAME YOU GET TP KNOW HER, f f CLIM6E0 PCOfiRO THflT OLD BARGE ) WHT? I A MONTH-MDU DONT EVEN BETTER DONT EVEN KNOW ."""'FORE LONG " ftLRE0f'" 1 fVES.lVE HEARD HIS NEIGHBORS HAVE BEEM ' lBAKEP BRICKS " WMY-I " k 1 WONDER IF CM M , ma I 1SOMETAIX ABOUT 10OMPLA1NINS ABOUT WIS U ISUSSESTEO UL;' RTVTTl liKS H I t.ml A.li n.i o i7Z ii ti ri- T" ' ' ' 1 WILBURS-NEW i SMELLING UP THE NEIGHBOR- VTHE MUD PGR HOME 7 1 VzHL cu! T J I . -- -t SCCVERV, RUIBUTI .HOOD WITU SOME KIND USE.. TZZT SIvVART ' ' S-"S ' ( TM'f ll.ftF WED3IN lOVER.V NOTHIN'WILL Si ; : THET WAS TH' (a'oWuM MOST WONOIFULTHASWEET- l GRCW IH DOG,TCH FO' A THOUSAND YtAHS.T i . ; WEDD1N' CVAH COMMITTED. YO' IS ftOUND LI'L SPOT PICKED OUT , : : f T'BE. HAPPY FUM HCMOHr.' HAVIN' , if FO' OUR HONEYMOON, ' , - 1 . "' ) , i LIVED THROUGH THIS, YO' KIN LIVE. I V MRS falySH.7UONES. . . L 'l " j " (JEFF'S GOriEOIER HE'LL LIKE I ( HE'S NOT ),t) U FV ,.M "iU WMte&zzz'! s LOOKIN'AT TO My HOUSE TO ( THAT.' HE'S ugpp. rfW f t!5 IM V, JC ? (Z MTUfiVUE -BEEmA MV AUTOMATIC U R set! jtZfxlji 1b.one yZtf.UmZAV m STORMFORAM IBIpSir) T - "BEFORE! IKI H'eT. W HOUR HOW.' SStWiW 1 ar-- pj...;. ! -.K.-umii. -uwiimi. - fill IIIHIIIII SifLJJX, i flf TeAvi Mai'ee mf.ur eiicty! li- I'm taking one op these 1 hue BOffT IMPTY rw TUFcTf .5 T" II I Si'S VLSSSXL EST APPARENTLY EMPTY CANS UP FILM CANS WERE HEAVY, BUT OP EMPTY kN I l' 1 ANYM IN IT .- WELL, A. TO MR.TATE. THEY'RE ALL R AU THE REST ARE LIGHT-AS ?4S? I 1 JUTT WWTE TWENTy-WB "U. SEALER WITH APHESIVE . J l ",:rS 1 Y RUQ WITH THE BRUISE.D1 fvOUR STEAK,)--r AH, -l ' -T TU1 D-r ENDS OP SIX SVALL, , SIR! J, ( VERySOOD, & J D BROiLTEp) jj I 1 ONLY 4AI0 YOU DIDNT, I DON'T NEED I IIKE THE REST OF THE. WORLD, YOU 5EE til IS I NEED YOU DESPERATELY, MARY.'--YOU ! SAHoV,EJELP?!.THA EAAKIH.-WrjHABME0Fl(XO k ( S t. -MY DCTOR 'tcUSME VLL BE BUND AWAY A FORTUNE. DRUM! CREAM OF THE JE5T BILLS FOR A THRONE!--BUT THE BITTER Jl- .. .THE REST OF MY LIFE 1 WHATS FUNNY ABOUT MARY .THE SOUft TRUTH IS THAT I'M HALF-BROTHER TO W 1ML KLSI ohmy ea,--. M . THAT? lAJ. CREAM' LSUUR' . A BEGGAR, RATTLING HIS TIN CUP ON J : ,, Xl ASTREETCRNER- RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P.M. IKSLM i?0 IKGW aSS IKOCO ST IKOIN - m Fulton Lw1i, Jr. Wsbii'i Stcrat Rhylbw Bueh Tort Hum W:15 Frmk Btnlnrwftr Smnnr . RbrtbM Raneb LltlU Sh.w Ji Paula rr Nw Blag Cretby CXmk 15 . : News Blchari Hirtiwi Sprt Edw. B. Marrow 6:00 B-Bt,r Brand Muilcal CockUII Candlelight and Knti Haanlac 'ft B-Bir Brand Muatcal Cocktail Sllftr Bmlah M Adv. mt Chan. Ma. and Jania Newa Chat Butlar j Mule Me and Janla Uaab Waltan Nawa 7:M Gabriel Bcattar " Hart In Lewli Pat O'Brien Traaa. Banditani la Nerthwaal Ncwa Martin Uwli Maileal Jackaal Bob Tonne Sha :0 Mniia Hint 'a Men Ta Band It Para ! b Mnale Klng'a Men Tow Band Irnorant 8: Medicine Drama Hellrwaod Tbaatra Valea of Armr Hit the Jacknot it Huile Hollywood Theatre Tune Tina Hit the Jaeknaa :ka Riders tn tba Sky In Tour Hand Gaeat Star Dreai Parade , Rider In the Skr In Tear Handa Bandatand Praia Parade ja :00 MonUrmi Raaaer Clab Bandstand Lawall Thenaa B it Monta Crlita News of Warid Nrwa Roand-B Jack Smith mj :tt Favorite Blarr - Bosan'a Daaibtar Dutoat Dope Mr, Jb Mra. North . :4B Favorite tttorf Hofan'a Dancbtor Baecball Mr. Mra. Worth a :00 Newi New Baaeball Flva Star Pinal lffl l Select Local News Sparta Paia Final Baseball Myetery Thaatra 'i 11:30 New Bands of Land Baseball My at err Thaatro i4B Muile ' Band ffinn Baaeball ' Bande an Parade ; m Fulton Lawis, Jr. San Hares Baieball Serenade 1 1 :1A Bob Foolo Show Wai Museaai Baaeball Ton and Warld I :U Bob Poole Show Wax Mima Track Utt Oreheatrn UA Mmle Wax Maieasa Track U9 News . :ft Slan Off lint Off Htn Q llaal WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:H Newa Hods Padea News 1ft Dawn Patrol Hedse Fodca KOIN Klaah SO N. W. Newa News KOCO Klaek KOIN Kloek :4ft Mareh Time Bodso Podia ROCO Klock KOIN Klaek M Dawn Patral Faraa Tina Ts Blttsr KOIN Klaek .1ft Dawn Fatral Parn Tims News Sports Newa :M Dawn Patrol The Old Bonn Tap O' Marntni News , :4fl Sews Top O' Morning Fred Back 8:00 Newa Smooth Maela Western Melodies Consumer Nawa 16 Breakfast Gang Smooth Muale Western Melodies Art Baker :J0 Breakfast Gang Riders of Saga The Stara Sing Mako Believe :45 Top Trades Sam Hayes Church In Wild Make Believe "Too Bargain Counter Second Cap Melody Time Vocal Varieties lb Rise and Shine Second Cup Melody Tina News :S0 Sons ef Plnnren Jack Berch Muile Grand Slam :4ft Morning Special Ncwe J. Charles Thomas Rosemary aj a :00 News Tommy Doner Guest Artist Wendy Warren Ifl Ift Kt Smith Tommy Doner N,W. Report 1 Aunt Jenny t? IIJ:3ii Pastor's Call Tommy Dorssr Concert Minlatara Helen Trent - w.45 Wiles Walts Time Tommy Parser Concert Miniature Oar Gal Bandar. ibo News Lope Orch. Muiie Mart Big Sliter : :I5 Goipel Singers liOpea'Orch. Music Mart Ma Perktaa :S0 Munle Today's Children Jan Garber Tounc Dr. Malena :45 Waits Serenade Lora Lawton Vocal Varlelles Guiding Light A :00 Top Trades Double or Nothing HoLIywood Musis' News ' J.IA New" Doable or Nothing Hollywood Musis Coma Get ll I :S0 Queen for a Day News News Vorah Drake :4ft Queen for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Presents Brighter Day 1:00 Ladles First j,itm BeaulKil Mae'a Melodies ind Mrs Burtaa ,-, Ladles First Road of Lite Mac's Melodies Perry Masen .30 Newa Pepper Young Mae'a Melodies Bright and Lieht :4ft Bob Eherly Show Happlneis Mac's Melodies Jr.ila :H Tell Neighbor Barkstase Wife Mae's Melodies Newspaper af Air pTJ ,5 Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mae'a Melodies Newspaper of Air J :S0 Organ Reveries Lorenio Jones Mae's Melodies Columbia Featara -:4fi Bins Since Wldder Brown Mae'a Melodies Tunefully Toura 3:00 Against the Storm a Girl Marries Mae'a Melodies "nT-T A Against the Storm Portia Faces Lire Mae'a Melodies Meet the Mlieaa Music Juit Plain Bill Mac's Melodies Meet the Missus 4ft On Parade Front Paso Farrell Mae'a Melodies Robert Q. Lewis 4-:00 J'Bek "l" Welcome Travelers Movletiras Robert Q. Lewis ,ft Lucky 7 Welcome Travelers Friendly Robert Q. Uwls SO Sonis af Times Aunt Mary Byers Bedlam Robert Q. Lewis :4ft News Love A Learn Brers Bedlsm Robert Q. Lewis DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1190; KOAC, 550 lrCY Tuesday P.M. ft :0fl, Squirrel Cagei lCA 5:30, Johnny Lujaoki A:nn, Keep inr Up With Sports; 6:1(1. Home Edition) ff:30, Modern Romances; 7:00, Home Edi tion: 7:15, Elmer Davlst 7:30, Rrport to thn Peoplet 7:4ft, Musle by Boverot S:00. Conntenpyi 8:30, Town Meeting; 9:80, Monitor News) 9:4ft, Book Adventures! 10:00, Richfield Reporter) 10:15, Intermes tot I0:H0, Concert Honri 11:30, Memos to Tomorrow; 13:00, Xtra Honrt 1:00, Sign lCY Wednesday A.M. :00, Rarlr IX C A Blrdt 6:45, Dirt Doctor; 7:00, News; 7:16. Band Boxi 7:30, Bob Hasen Show: 7:4ft. Time Tempos) 8:15, Martin Asronskri 8:30, Zeke Manners) 8:4ft, Trop lcana; 9:00, Breakfast Clubt 10:00, News) 10:1ft, Stars of Today) 10:80. Melodr Promenade; 11:00, Ted Malonei 11:15, Ga len Drake) 11:30, Mr True Story; 11:00, Bettr Crocker; 11:15, News; 12:30, Bauk- hage Talking) 1t:4ft, Naner Craig) 1:00, Norttiwesterners; 1 :3ft, Kay Wait; t:00, Breakfast In Hollywood. ltrAr Tuesday P.M. lWM Upbeat) 5:50. ft 11:00, On the SftO Sports Clubt 6:00, News; 6:15. Dinner Melodies; :, 'Round the Campfire) 7:15, Evening Farm Hoar; 8:00. Artlstrr In Classics) 8:18, U.N. Review; 8:30, Great Songs t 9:45, Loggers Fira Weather Forecast; 9:00, Musle That Endures; 9:45, Lift Up Thr Voleet 10:09. Excursions In Science; 10:18, Serenade; 10:45, News; 11:00, Sign Off. If O A i" Wei. A M. 1. Nawa; 19:11, IXWMVrf Especially for Woman; 11:99, Concert Hall; U:09, Ncwa; U:lft, Farm Hear; 1:00, Ride 'am Cowboy; 1:1ft, Va riety Timet 1:80. Thla Dart 1:4ft, Melodr Lane) 1:00, Cavalcade of Drama; t:15. Memory Book of Muslet 8:09, News. X:90, Easr Aees 9:45. Meet the Hajojret 00, Snrprlsa Package; 9:80, Bride and -Groom 1 4:00, Ladles Ba Seated; 4:80, Add-a-llne. Mrs. Smith Hostess Mt. Angel Mrs. P. N. Smith was hostess st three tables of bridge at her home followed by a late supper. High scor honors were won by Mrs. M, A. Wag- ner, traveling, Mrs. Frank Meidl and special, Mrs. Frank A mm. The latter assisted the hostess at serving. ACROSS 1. Poisonous snakes ft. Variety of lettuce 8. Mexican coin 12. Learning 13. Extend over 14. English murderer 15. Enjoyments 18. Infatuation 19. Toper 20. Ourselves 21. Relax 23. Give forth 25. Urchin 26. Relatives on the father'a Ida 19. Damp: dialectic 14. Huge mythical bird 16. Flch eggt 17. Masticating members 40. Satellites of the sun 48. River; Spanish 46. Shakespeare's stream 46. Natural color 49, Again: prefix 60. Large bird S3, Understand S1. Rules 57. Circle of light 69. Former hair pad 60. Minute animal 61. Egyptian nun disk Solution ef Yesterday's Puzz'a 11. Ancient Roman 62. Catch eight of measure 63. High cards DOWN 1. European mountains 2. Card game 1. Claim zzzffczzir zzz ,s ii 7 p S3 : Af N.wj.ofur.t 4. Ocean 5. Bunch I. Rowlngr Implement ' T. Rind of wheal I. Parent I. Period, 10. Glut 11. 81Kn IS. Pleai. 17. Fly high 22. Room In a harem 24. College dexrM 26. Appropriate 27. Turn to the right 28. Soak 30. Distracted II. Little child 32. Affirmative 35, Clearnesa 38. Strive 39. Hastened 41. Biblical town 42. Word of refuea) 44. Scente 46. Hindu , mythological eorcereaa 47. Trim 48. Take out 61. Measure 62. Utlllzea . . 66. Chart 66. Ancient win veasel tl. About ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gen Ahtrn BEFORE WE CAME, ROBIN SAID ffCSf WELL, IF OU LIKE THERE WERE ALL TYPES OF SPORT CIRCLE ROWING, ' W HERE WELL, THERES A BOAT. tW VOURE EQUIPPED FOB. Q BUT ONE OAR -THE OFFICE SAID M IT BUTLOOK- R THE OTHER. WAS LOST AND THEY EXERCISE WILL ViORK. If TRIED TO BUY AN OAR, BUT THE I UP AN APPETITE. f m I STORE WOULDNT BREAK A AND YOU KNOW J J.'iN. PAIR. AS THEY'D END THE TWE SCANTY MEALS W- frJkA SEASON WITH AN EXTRA ?i?4 THEY SERVE fU ?A'V-..rv. HERE Jil j J'lr I