Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 30, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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Pretty Blonde Invents Holder
To Ease Corn-on-Cob Eating
Washington, Aug. 30 (U.f!)Jean Rosendahl, a pretty blonde
It like the rest of us. She's had com trouble. The eating, on-the-cob
She kind of chuckled a few years back when a lany radio
comedian "invented" what he called the "typewriter method" of
eating corn. He imagined a gad-
get whereby you hooked a line
onto the cob and jiggered it
around with each row by pull
ing a lever. Just like you'd work
the line spacer on your type
writer. That set Jean to thinking.
Corn eating is a lot of fun, but
It also can be messy and a
cantankerous nuisance.
You knife a pat of butter
across the line and the first
thing you know you have more
melted butter on your steak and
" mashed potatoes than you do on
the corn.
Well, it so happened that Jean
Rosendahl is the wife of retired
Vice Admiral Charles E. Rosen
dahl. He wears the coveted navy
cross, which doesn't look like an
ear of corn. And he is probably
the world's leading authority on
dirigibles and blimps which
do look like ears of corn.
Jean saw so many dirigibles
and blimps in her lifetime with
her sailor man that she some
how got to wondering over how
much half a dirigible looked
like half an ear of corn.
Also how much trouble it is
to enjoy eating the latter.
So one day she sat down at a
drawing board and drew what
looked likej a cross between half
an ear of corn and half a diri
gible. She drew a couple of
curves at each end.
Then Jean went to a silver
smith and, at considerable ex
pense out of the family kittv.
had some models made. A sort
of silver shell to cradle the ear
of corn.
A little later she pitched a
party and invited a lot of the
admiral's friends, from cabin
boy on up. The main dish or
one of them was corn on the
The thing worked swell.
You take the shell, which ac
tually looks like an ear of corn
cut in half, longways, and put
melted butter and salt and pep
per in the bottom. You stick a
fork or one of those patented
sticks into each end and just
give the ear a whirl in the
Admiral Rosendahl was so
surprised, according to wit
nesses, that he dropped his corn
into the silver holder and splat
tered butter all over the place.
Our lady promptly went to
the patent office in Washington
and her invention now is "pend
ing," as we in the patent busi
ness say.
Jean quickly realized, when
she looked into the silver mar
ket, that precious metals were
not for us common folks. So
now she is putting her "corn
oiler" out in china.
his favorite records. She always
is a wicked other woman, and,
Miss Carter warned, she always
loses out at the end.
Amity Band Invited
Amity The Amity high
school band has accepted an in
vitation to play at the Timber
Jamboree at Estacada Labor
day, September 5, according to
Joe M. Barr, director of music.
He has called a practice for this
event Thursday evening, Sep
tember 1. A dinner will be
served by Mr. Barr's mother at
How to Win a Husband
All Told in Technicolor
(United Press Hollywood Correspondent)
Hollywood, Aug. 30 (U.R Movie queens who wail about the
man shortage in Hollywood just haven't been seeing their own
movies. The screen tells exactly how to hook a husband, all in
"glorious technicolor!"
And if any one of dozens of old maid actresses had followed
her script, a married glamour
gal pointed out today, she could
have snagged Jimmy Stewart.
Stewart fell for Gloria Mc
Lean, according to Stewart, because-
she was "charming, gay,
clever, beautiful, sensible, un
derstanding, warm and open."
Also she was hard to get.
If that isn't the movie wooing
technique, says Janis Carter,
who's caught dozens of men on
screen and bne off, then she
never read a script.
Girls in movies never bother
with the time-honored man bait
of apple pies or argyle socks.
(Neither did Stewart's bride; he
says she can't cook or sew.)
"But when a bachelor drops
by after the theater," Miss Car
ter said, "girls in movies serve
up snack of crepes suzette and
cafe brulot. And never go near
the kitchen. Marvelous!"
They take no helpful interest
fai his hobbies of collecting bot
tle tops or amateur china paint
ing. Sometimes they spend the
whole picture tearing down his
dearest dreams. Then they
whisk into his arms and, believe
It or not, he marries them.
That's the cinema approach to
being hard-to-get. Mrs. McLean
may well have done it different
ly. "They are continuously beau
tiful," she added. "Even wh?n
climbing out of a mud puddle'
Only in very bad pictures do
they listen sympathetically
while th man talks .about him
self for two reels. Sometimes
they're gay and clever. More
likely they carry on a running
fir of insults. The only words
the man gets in are "I do."
"Well, he's not supposed to
know you're interested," Miss
Carter explained. "The main se
cret is not to try too hard."
Sometime movies have a
woman memoralizing a man's
favorite cocktails, stocking up
his favorite books and buying
Druggists' Prescription
For Relief of Itch
When your akin is Irritated
with pimples, red blotches and
other skin blemishes from ex
ternal causes, you're crazy with
itching torture, try 8anitone
Ointment. Itching stops prompt
ly. Smarting disappears imme
diately. Sinitone Ointment is
also wonderful for itching feet,
cracks between toes and Ath
lete's foot
For Sale at
Willett's Capital Drag Store
State at Liberty Phone 3-3118
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 30, 194915
NORTH POLE? This is where Santa Lives. HERE'S SANTA in his workshop with helpers.
Santa's New Home Gets Big Play
Wilmington, N.Y., (Pi If the
cash registers keep ringing jingle
bells the way they have since
July 1, Christmas is going to be
a year-round business in this
Adirondacks region.
The cash registers are in
"Santa's workshop" a mile and
half out of here on the Memorial
State Parkway to Whiteface
Promoters of the workshop.
described as a quarter million
dollar enterprise, write in "North
Pole" as part of the address and
hope to get a postoffice listed
under that name soon. They
already have the pole, an air
conditioned one that frosts up
even under an August sun.
Santa's workshop consists of
some eight buildings done up in
story book fashion to the de
signs of Art Monace, artist and
Other partners are Harold
Fortune, a builder and like
Monaco a resident of this region,
and Julian Reiss, who conducts
auto agency and mail order
clothing businesses in New
Reiss got the idea a couple of
years ago while motoring these
parts with his six-year-old
In six weeks after the grand
opening, the Workshop office
figures, there have been 50,000
visitors. Children under 10 and
.1 Advertisement) .
Of Tired Kidneys
TThta disorder of kidney function pcrmlta
poisonous nutter to remain in your blood,
It mar Ckou nagging backache, rheumatio
P&lnt, leg paini, logs of pep and energy, get
ting op night, welling, pufflnees under the
yea, beadachea and dlixinesa, frequent or
Ceanty passages with smarting and burning
sometimes shows there is something wrong
With your kidneys or bladder.
Don't wait I Ask your druggist for Soani
Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully
by millions for oyer 60 years. Doan's giva
happy relief and will help the IS miles of
kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste f rem
jour blood. Get Doan's Fills.
That phon number is ,
889 No. Liberty
"Our reputation
is I
yonr security" A i.siKjji jiiiw
oldsters over 90 get in free but
the rest are paying customers
at 76 cents per payment.
, The other principal methgd of
spending money at the work
shop as yet is in buying toys,
including those designed by
Monaco, for immediate or fu-
St. Peter' s Basilica
Vatican City, Aug. 30 (IP) St.
Peter's basilica was reconsecrat
ed last night after a young Ital
ian hurtled 170 feet to his death
from the walk around the inner
The dead man' was identified
as Luigi Galafate of Rome. His
body landed near the gold-encrusted
high altar before praying
The massive doors of St. Pe
ter's were quickly shut and Va
tican gendarmes stood guard.
Four hours later, St. Peter's was
reconsecrated, in keeping with
custom involving desecration of
holy places.
Mons. Leone Gromier, canon
of the altar of St. Peter's, per
formed the ceremony. He pour
ed holy oil on the high altar
near where the body fell.
An Italian lawyer committed
suicide in a leap from the inner
dome last Nov. 17.
ture delivery. But the workshop
has 15 acres of land and the
promoters have additional plans.
Already the equipment and
resources are impressive.
Included are a chapel, vari
ous employes, from parking at
tendants to Santa Claus himself,
several dozen "tame animals in
cluding reindeer and rabbits,
and assorted characters such as
toy - making gnomes, Huckle
berry Finn and Red Riding
Hood. Come winter, there may
be a ski slide for kids.
Right now it's a great show
for youngsters. Parents say it's
hard to pull them away from the
tame animals, the storybook
characters and the holiday tune-
fuled atmosphere.
Baker Parents Get
Fine for Kids' Act
Baker, Ore., Aug. 30 (U.R) In
this eastern Oregon town where
parents are fined when their
children misbehave, officials en
tered two new cases.
One mother was fined $25
after her 16-year-old son broke
glass in a city street. Another
mother was fined $75 after her
10-year-old daughter turned in
a false fire alarm..
Magic Arthritis Drug
Appears Step Nearer
New York, Aug. 30 (U.R) Synthetic cortisone, the maeie but
extremely rare arthritis drug, appeared a step nearer today.
ine gooa news came in an announcement by a veteran in
vestigator that .a Mexican plant produces a substance known as
botogenin which, he said, can be used to help produce cortisone.
The new arthritis drug is now
made from ox bile by a long, f I pi
jia jdps uiven rive
Years Hard Labor
Tokyo, Aug. 30 (IP) Six Jap
anese today were sentenced to
five years at hard labor for
spreading rumors derogatory to
occupation forces.
The sentences were handed
down at Osaka by the U.S. 25th
division s provost mars hal's
The case was the outgrowth of
a poster campaign Japanese au
thorities said was conducted by
communists. American soldiers
were accused of raping Japan
ese women.
New British Jet Record
Manchester, Eng., Aug. 80 IPi
A. V. Roe and company an
nounced today their new four
Jet airliner has reached 40.000
feet in 37 minutes on a test
flight made yesterday in Che
involved process that so far has
produced not enough of the drug
to take care of experimental
cases. However, In those cases
treated the results were "star
tling." The investigator, Dr. Russell
E. Marker, associated with the
Tremond Pharmaceutical Co-
New York, said botogenin is ex
tracted from a plant known as
dioscorea or tropical yam, which
grows in the tropical areas of
the western hemisphere.
Dr. Marker reported his dis
covery in the Journal of the
American Chemical Society. Re
cently, the Merck & Co., pioneers
in the isolation of cortisone, said
they were investigating the pos
sibility of using an African plant,
known as strophanthus, as a
Dr. Marker has worked with
Mexican plants for about ten
years, and is regarded as one of
America's top chemists. He dis
closed that more than 400 species
of plants were investigated be
fore it was learned that flio
scorea was the best plant for a
source of starting material for
synthesis of adrenal hormones.
Dr. Marker was not available
for commenf today, but Sydney
M. Ehrlick, president of the
Pharmaceutical company, said
"Dr. Marker's work means that
a more adequate supply of corti
sone should be available for U.
S. medical requirements in the
near future."
Ehrlick said his company also
had investigated the possibility
of using the African plant stro
phanthus as a source for corti
sone, but said dioscorea "offers
an indigenous and Important
source which is Immediately
Rutledge Holding Own
York, Me., Aug. 30 (IP) Su
preme Court Justice Wiley B.
Rutledge, ill with a circulatory
condition, was reported "holding
his own" today at York village
Jewelry Stolen
Langley Prairie, B.C., Aug. 30
(U.R) Thieves stole 46 pieces of
jewelry valued at $20,000 from
wealthy Vancouver, B.C., lum
berman E. S. Glasple's Fraser
Valley home Friday, provincial
police reported today.
AcjVafed Shell Premium is the most
powerful gasoline your car can use!
Activation makes
the difference
Shell ipliu molecules: Shell scientists
ulctthe finest available crude activatt
the molecules by splitting them god
rearranging the atoms according to
Shell's formula for a perfectly balanced
gasoline. The result Shell Premium,
the most powerful gasoline youf
car can uscl
YES, many of today's engines have been
stepped-up . , . they call for more powerful
gasoline! Now Shell gives you the most
powerful gasoline your car can use Shell
Premium it's "activated." No other fuel can
top its power in your car!
This is made possible by Shell's own, spe
cially produced power components and by
Shell's own blending methods!
Actually, Shell splits molecules to get more
power for today's more powerful engines. So
you get a gasoline that's "activated" 3 waysl
1 . Activated far knocklass pawarl
Pulling hard in low gear or traveling at full
throttle, Shell Premium delivers full, quiet powerl
3. Actlvatad far fait "gataway."
Shell Premium delivers the extra power you can
feel no "balking," no "stuttering" you go!
i. Actlvatad far full mllaaga.
Shell engineers "balance" Shell Premium so that
every drop of fuel goes to work for you I
"Service Is
my business"
"Had to tight constipation the last 60
years. Nothing helped. Then I cot wise
every morning. Al
most at once I had
results. No laxative
for last 6 monthsl"
writes 79-year-old
Mr. J. Wenig, 7723
So. Mich. Ave., Chi
cago, 111. Otic of many
unsolicited ALL
BRAN leifers.Arc
you constiDated due
to lack ot bulk in the diet? Tasty
ALL-BRAN may help you. Eat an
ounce daily, drink plenty of water.
If not satisfied after 10 days, send
empty box to Kellogg's, Battle Creek,
You've Waited for This I
Tht Phanto
mold combined
with the Beltone Hearing Aid assures
you of unsurpassed bearing quality for
both tone and Tolume, But best of all,
even your friends won't notice that
you are wearing i hearing aid. You
owe it to yourself to see this newest
hearing improvement and convince
yourself that now for the first time
you really can conceal your deafness;
Drop in today and sec it. Mean
while, 611 out coupon for
tree book.
I Good HouMketpinj 1
James N. Taft
228 Oregon Bldg. - Salem, Ore.
11111 - v.
SPARK Oil Heaters!
Diesel oil, the fuel that feeds the mighty en
gines of the streamliner and freight locomo
tives, makes an ideal heating fuel if used
in the right oil heater. We say the "right
heater" because not all oil heater will bum
this type of low cost fuel efficiently.
SPARK Is the right healert SPARK
burns not one, not two but our grades
of oil, including common motor dlesel
oil! SPARK burns No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 oil
and motor diesel oil cleanly, efficiently!
Get all the facts on SPARK oil burning
heaters. See your SPARK dealer for a dem
onstration of thi$ veriatile, years ahead
TION! Every purchaser guaran
teed against price declines.
Ask us about "Spark Price
P.S. SPARK prices aren't
padded to include give
away items.
2 79 N. COMMBRCIA L PHONi 3- 4141