14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 30, 1949 Trojans Rate Top in Coast Gridiron Future (By the A&iodRted Prui) Football practice In the Pacific Coast conference opened amid the popping of photographers' flash bulbs and the hopes that this may be the West Coast's year In the Rose Bowl. Strictly on paper, the Univer sity of Southern California Tro jans look like the class of the conference. Jeff Cravath had 82 gridders turn out yesterday at the opening session. With 25 lettermen among them, Jeff eas ily fielded a veteran first string for the cameramen. Of course, big reason for USC's nomination for pre-season favorite is that 14-14 tie last year with mighty Notre Dame. However, California and Ore gon, co-titlists in 1948, must be considered. Lynn (Pappy) Wal dorf had 87 Huskies turn out but at last report, he still was look ing hard for another Jackie Jen sen. Oregon's Jim Aiken started off his 54 gridders with an opening day scrimmage. He too is doing some fancy look ingfor another Norm Van Brocklin. He has ten regulars hack and also Bill Fell, trans fer from Compton, Calif., Jun ior college. The track star he does the 100 in 9.6 is bill ed as the west's fastest halfback. Coach Red Sanders, the ex Vanderbilt mentor, greeted his 86 UCLA hands with the gloomy PIGSKIN PAGEANT news that Les Stelner, three-letter guard, is quitting the game. He is staying in school but is working instead. Stanford's undefeated 1948 Frosh team plus some topnotch junior college transfers met Marchy Schwartz at Palo Alto. Also there, unannounced, was Fullback Emery Mitchell, out last season with a knee injury. New Coach Laverne (Kip) Taylor of Oregon State also is loaded with returning letter men. Of the 55 who turned out, 24 were letter winners. He expects to scrimmage Wed nesday. Darkhorse of the conference is the University of Washington. Howie Odell's Huskies have Full back Hugh McElhenny this year. The speedy transfer from Comp ton J, C. is considered to be the prize rookie catch of the confer ence. Coach Phil Sarboe of Washing ton State predicts his Cougars will field the best team in years. He sent 60 candidates through the "gridders' mile" under a broiling sun. To get out of the lard-rendering task, each squad member must turn in a six min ute mile under full uniform. Little is known of Montana and Idaho although the latter has 28 returning lettermen. Mon tana has a new coach Ted Shipkey formerly of the Los An geles Dons' coaching staff. Dixie sit' ' i ? T m -Si' ' ' 0 AM " 'e'4:Jw , v : '!"' - -.4'i t;vi.j?W.AMt?WXW.'lLXtir&7 (By the Asioctated Preset Portland handed Sacramento a 6 to 0 licking in Monday night's only Pacific Coast lea gue game, dropping the Solons four games behind leading Hol lywood and a game behind second-place Oakland. Bill Fleming, who relieved the ailing Roy Helser in the first inning, pitched the Beavers to victory. Helser started the game with a sore shoulder and gave way after pitching to three bat ters. Fleming took over and al lowed only three hits the rest of the way. Dick Wenner smacked a three run homer in the sixth. Tuesday's card and probable pitchers: Hollywood (Gordon Maltzber- ger 15-8) at San Francisco (Con Dempsey 16-11). Oakland (Milo Candini 10-8 at Los Angeles (Don Watkins 7-6). San Diego (Xavier Rescigno 10-11) at Sacramento (Bob Gil lespie 13-12). Seattle (unavailable) at Port land (Red Lynn 9-13). 49ers Open AAC Title Drive returns by speed - burning San Francisco Forty Niner backs helped them past their first hurdle in the drive on the ail-American conference title. Here Jimmy Cason completes a 24-yard runback of one kick that set up a touchdown as the 49ers defeated the Baltimore Colts, 31-17, at Kezar Stadium in San Francisco. Colts' end, win Williams, makes the stop just before 49er tackle John Woudenberg got there to block him. (Acme Telephoto) Howell wasted little time in get ting his Idaho squad into his rugged conditioning program. Northwest Grid Provides Laudis Seattle, Aug. 29 U.B Through the pigskin wars of past years, Pacific Northwest gridirons have had their share of the curious and comical. To dig back in the musty records, the 1909 Washington Washington State game is the only one on record which end ed in a 6-all tie without either team scoring a touchdown. In those days, a field goal counted four points, and a safety two. Each team scored a field goal and a safety for the six points .... - The fine art of field goal kicking apparently has gone out of vogue in the modern era of touchdown-conscious play. But in 1924, Montana State used the weapon to deadly advan tage. The M8U coach Instructed Forrest "Frosty" Peters to aim for a field goal anytime MSU got inside the 40-yard line ef Billings Poly. Peters did just that, and collected 51 points through 17 drop-kicks . , . During the 1929 Washington Oregon game, the story Is told of a Washington sub who really responded to frenzied pleas of his coach. Oregon's Bobby Robinson in tercepted a pats on his own five-yard line and was gallop ing for a touchdown. The coach, tearing his hair at the unex pected turn of events on the field, erled "who'll stop him?' The sub Immediately leaped from the bench and tackled Robinson. Washington allow ed the touchdown before a riot started . . . A f i ii i 1 1 HPaVV Hail Barbara I Deans tests weight of a S5H pound dol phin, taken by Paul Dixon of Greensboro, N. C, off More head City. Usual dolphin weight Is 10-20 pounds. By LLOYD BULMER Byron Hayncs of Washing ton proved ho was a real one man football team in 1935 Against California that year, he crossed both goal lines with the ball. A touchdown for Washing ton, a safety for California. Oregon Stnte members used their heads during the 1933 game against Oregon. They hoisted their six-foot center onto their shoulders, and he stopped a point-aftcr-touch-down kick with his head . . . Former Washington coach the late Gil Dobie, was noted for his speed and consistant use of the crying towel. Following the 1924 Penn Cornell game, an enraged alum nus stormed up to Dobie, then Cornell mentor, complaining ariout tne 20-0 drubbing. "Mister," said 'Gloomic' Gil, "you just wait until next year. We're going to be five times worse than today." $$ MONEY $$ FHA W 4H Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. IM 8. High 8L Lie. S2I 3-522! Yank Amateurs Blast Foreign Golf Hopefuls Rochester, N.Y., Aug. 30 (U.R) The big guns of American amateur golf were thundering a threatening crescendo to foreign hopes as the field moved into the second round of the U.S. amateur golf championship at Oak Hill Country club today. Headed by the landslide vie tories of such homebred aces as sturdy Skee RiegeV of Tulsa and Toledo s Frank Stranahan, the main American choices moved forward effortlessly in yester day's opening round as three of nine challengers from the Brit ish Isles were blasted to the sidelines. A driving rain which caused an hour s suspension of play sent the scores rocketing, but Riegel won 7 and 6 and Strana han sailed home 7 and 5 to move up even with defending Cham pion Willie Turnesa of New York, who drew a first round bye. Injured Robinson Still Leads Nats New York, Aug. 30 VP) Jackie Robinson's batting aver age may not be slipping as fast as you can say Jackie Robinson AND BETTER, TOO 2 Full Glasses In th big, Big (12 oz.) Bottle Tastes twice as good . . . gives you twiet as much that's Pepsi-Cola. America's Biggest Bargain in Good Taste. Pick up 6 Pepsi's today. WHY TAKE LESS-WHEN PEPSI'S BEST! RAMAGE'S, 810 N. Liberty, Phone 38751 USTIN TO COUNTiH-Srr TUUDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINQS, YOUR ABC STATIC Rocket" Engine Oldsmobile Gives a New Sensation that You can try in a Demonstration ! w - UOWSr-PMC0 HOCMrMGNf CM! Oldsmobile W58M Four-Door Sedan tritk RorArrt" Engine, HtlriMaric Driiw standard equipment on Series "98" and "88" modebt optional at extra cost on "76" YOU'VI GOT TO DRIVE IT TO BELIEVI IT I OliUrnobile's superb new star of the highway the sensational "Rocket" Engine "88"! It's so Dew and different to drive that words can't describe it! But you'll discover the thrilling truth yourself as soon as you take to the highway in this flashing new Futuramic! Smoolhlv and surely you move across the miles . . taking lulls and curves and straightaways in the same effort lew stride. Nimble and alert in traffic, the "88" is alwavs incredibly eager to go. That high compression "Uocket" En gine teams up with Hydra-Malic Drive for the smoothest, most spectacular performance you've ever knownl So join the thousands of motorists who ar thrilling to these "Rocket" rides! Call vour dealer now Make A Dot with the "88!" Ph. 34119 LODER BROS. A GENERAL MOTORS VAlUi PNONI YOU NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DIALER 465 Center St. Beavers Shutout Sacs, 6-0, in Lone PC Game but it has dropped 15 points in the last two weeks. The speedy Negro second baseman for the Brooklyn Dodg ers still is first in the National league, however, with a club bing percentage of .349 includ ing Sunday's games. PCL Standings (By the Associated Preu) W L Pet. W L Pet. Hollywood SS 70 .557 Seattle 78 80 .494 Oakland 85 73 .538 StlFrncffCO 78 82 .481 Sacramnto 84 74 .533 Portland 75 83 .478 San Diego 83 76 .619 LosAntels 84 95 .403 Result Monday Portland 6, Sacramento 0. (Only games schedulde) Official Box Portland Sacramento BHOA BHOA Marquez.ef 3 14 0 Ratto,u 3 0 3 1 Shupe.l 3 17 3 Whlte.lt 3 12 1 Thomas.3 5 112 Wllon.cf 4 3 0 Rucker.H 4 110 Marty.rf 4 ff- 2 0 Wenner.rf 4 110 Tabor.8 4 0 1 2 BasinskU 3 13 2 Dropo.l 4 2 5 1 Oladd.e 4 0 5 1 Cscarart.2 3 0 2 2 AuatIn,M 4 0 2 4 Raimondl.c 3 0 6 0 Helaer.p 0 0 0 0 Holcombe.p 10 0 2 Fltmlni.p 110 0 OutlBW" 10 0 0 Preltas.p 0 0 11 Grace" 10 0 0 Mallette.p 0 0 0 0 Tot a U 33 7 37 11 Totals 31 6 27 10 Struck opt for Hoi combe In Stb. Filed out for Freltas In 8th. Portland 100 030 030 0 Hits 002 021 0207 Sacramento 000 000 000 0 Hits 210 000 0115 Winning pitcher: Fleming. Losing Pitch er: Holcombe. Ip Ab R H ErBbSo Helser ft 3 0 2 0 0 0 Fleming ;..8 28 0 3 0 2 5 inlcomba 5 18 4 4 3 6 1 Freltas 3 12 2 3 2 2 3 MaUette 1 3 0 0 0 2 0 Runs: Marques 2, Rucker, Wenner. Oladd, Fleming. Errors: Shupe, Austin, White. Left on bases: Portland 11; Sac ramento 8. Two base hits. Baslnskl, Snupe. Home run: Wenner, Sacrifice hits: Ralmondl, Shupe. Stolen bases: White, Wilson. Runs batted in Wenner 3, Shupe 2. Do:uble plays: Baslnskl to Thomas. Time 2:20. Umpires: Barbour, Bents and Pow ell. Attendance: 4707. LOWEST PRICE EVER ! - . . . - r - -1 w n r this sale only 600x16 plus tax AND OLD TIRE 6:50x16 12.95 5:50x17 11.10 Greatest tire sale of the year greatest tire value. Gen uine first - quality deluxe tire at this breath-taking low price. Drive in today for your Labor-Day savings. Plus tax. And old tire. MADE WITH X-14 COLD RUBBER 18 MONTHS GUARANTEE FIRST QUALITY TO IT FULL MEASURE 5195 4' A ASY0TNJS 7 K l 'r ALfA Plenty of Free Parking n pout men) tac' JEHXJ Store Hours: 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 doily 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Friday 550 N. CAPITOL STREET PHONE 3-9191 i i