12 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Twrfay, 'Aaftari SO, 1949 East Salem Garden Club Has Annual Flower Show Four Corners, Aug. 29 Rickey Garden Club 4th Annual Flow er Show will be Thursday night, September 1, at th Four Corners Community hall at 8 o'clock. No entry fee is charged and any resident of Four Comers area may enter exhibits. Exhibitors are to supply their own containers and accessories. ' First, second and third prize I ribbon will be awarded in each class. Sweepstake prize for ex hibitor winning most points. Classifications as follows: Min iatures (Section A) A-l less than eight inches; A-2 not over six inches. Living room (Section B) B-l tall arrangement; B-2 low arrangement; Dining room (Section C) C-l formal, C-2 in formal; Mantel (Section D). Odd arrangements; (Section E). Dry arrangements (Section F). Potted plants (Section G). Veg etable display (Section H). Cor sages (Section I). All entries must be in place by 6:30 o'clock because of the judging. Judges are Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cole and Mrs. Joe VanCleave. Visitors will be welcome. Cookir.g and Textile Deadlines Announced Oregon housewives were re minded Monday that entries in the State Fair cooking and tex tile departments close at mid night, Saturday, September S. This entry deadline also ap plies to the enlarged floral ex hibit, which is expected to the the largest in recent fair history. Meanwhile, all commercial space on the grounds has been sold out. Manager Leo Spltz bart reported this week "an un usual number of worthwhile and educational commercial dis plays for both farm and city population." Although several larger farm machinery exhibi tors will be absent from this year's fair, the exhibition ilea is already full, according to Spitzbart. Some of the 5,000 head of purebred livestock are already on the grounds. However, a majority of the show strings will arrive Thursday or Friday in preparation for judging which will begin promptly at 9 a.m. Monday morning. Sawyer in Portland Briefly September 20 Portland, Aug. 30 (Pi Charles Sawyer, secretary of commerce, will pause here September 20 to discuss economic developments with local businessmen, public officials, and labor groups. Sawyer is making a Pacific Herbert Hoover Now Great-Grandfather Palo Alto, Calif., Aug. 30 (P) Herbert Hoover become a great grandfather Monday. A 7-pound 4 ounce boy was born at 5:26 a. m., to the wife of the ex-president's grandson Herbert Hoover III. The mother is the former Meredith McGilv ray of Palo Alto. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoover, Jr., of Pasadena, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McGilvray of Palo Alto. The mother and baby were re ported as doing nicely at the Palo Alto hospital. coast tour to get first-hand re ports on business conditions. Lesion Convenes in Phllly Mrs. Hubert A. Good, national president of American Legion ladies auxiliary, arriving from Oregon for the Legion's 31st annual convention at Philadel phia, receives her convention badge from Legion National commander Perry Brown, of Beaumont, Tex. At left is Erie Cocke, Jr., of Dawson, Ga., who is a candidate for national commander. (Acme Telephoto) Garage Hits Car? Police Don t Agree Los Angeles, Aug. 30 (U.PJ Ernest A. Tucker, 57, said his garage ran into his car but po lice disagreed. Tucker's car and his garage crashed together at an intersec tion while the garage was being moved. Police booked Tucker on suspicion of being drunk. Hold-Up Man Adds To Nursery Rhyme Portland, Ore., Aug. 30 (U.RX The Portland police blotter had a poetic lilt with some new lines today. A young man entered a coffee shop and ordered cherry pie. He put down his thumb, pulled out a gun and walked off with $18 in cash. General Schramm Now on Retired List Word has been received in Sa lem of the retirement from ac tive duty of Brig. Gen. Ned Schramm, who has been deputy commander of the Fourth Air Force, Hamilton field, Calif. Schramm, veteran of many years with the air force, visit ed in Salem and met with air reservists here May 25, 1948, regarding the formation of a unit in Salem. Following his re tirement he and Mrs. Schramm left for Riverside, Calif., to make their home. Garbo Plans Film Hollywood, Aug. 30 (P) Gre ta Garbo will go before the ca meras again next month. Pro ducer Walter Wanger yesterday said the Swedish actress now is McKenzie and Wife Honored Philadelphia, Aug. 30 Lead ers of the nation and leaders of the American Legion joined Sunday night in paying personal tribute to an Oregon boy whom they like and admire. Vic McKenzie, formerly of Salem, for 14 years director of the Legion's National Con vention corporation, with Mrs McKenzie, was guest of honor at a dinner given by 450 of his friends in the Hotel Warwick here on the eve of the opening of the veteran organizations 31st national convention. He is a member of Capital post No. 9. Senator Guy Cordon (R., Ore.) who was toastmaster, called Mc Kenzie "a fellow who has been doing things for people both in and out of the Legion for 30 years, and though he holds no official title, probably has more friends and knows more people than anybody except Jim Far ley." Also lauding the McKenzies in addresses were Louis Johnson, secretary of defense and a past national commander of the American Legion; Senator Owen Brewster (R., Maine), Sen. George Malone (R., Nev.), Perry C. Brown of Texas, present na tional commander of the Legion and former National Command ers Edward A Hayes of Illinois and Harry Colmery of Kansas. Singers Morton Downey and Jane Pickens appeared as solo ists on the program. The McKenzies were present ed with a Lincoln convertible and each was given an engraved wrist watch by the group. They now live in Carmel, Cali fornia. in Rome, where the movie, "The Duchess of Langeais," will go into production Sept. 15. She made her last Hollywood film I eight years ago. Mountain Climbers 'See' Flying Saucer Seattle, Wash., Aug. 80 W.R) Three mountain climbers said today they were buzzed by a flying saucer that was "round, almost transparent and sound ed like a buzzsaw." Roger Hamilton, his wife, Pa tricia, and Dick Hamilton said they sighted the object near Snow lake on the Snoqualmie pass Sunday. The trio said it went so fast "none of us had time to take a picture." High Grapefruit Prices Forecasted Lakeland, Fla., Aug. 30 W) A citrus industry expert pre dicted record grapefruit prices this season because of the hea vy blow the hurricane dealt Florida's supply. "I think we will see the high est priced grapefruit year that has ever been recorded," said Frank Seymour, secretary of the federal citrus marketing agree ment committees. Growers set a preliminary loss estimate at 10,000,000 to 12,000,000 boxes of grapefruit. The crop was expected to pro duce about 33,000,000 boxes be fore the hurricane. , Lafayette Mrs. Hay Nuckols and sons, Gary and Larry have returned home after a two weeks' vacation with Mr. Nuck ols, at Grants Pass. Palmistry Readings WiU tell and future. your past, present Will advise on upen v B.m. f" to 10 p.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial Troops lo Move Into Hanford Seattle, Aug. 10 VP) Senate passage of a $14,790,000,000 de fense appropriation bill makes movement of troops to the Han ford atomic energy project area imminent, Sen. Harry P. Cain (R.,.Wash.) said last night. The bill now is in a confer ence committee. Cain said size of the Hanford garrison, which he termed "good-sized," could not be dis closed for security reasons. Troops will be quartered tem porarily 111 fearraake vaeated by construction workers. The first announcement troops would be sent to Hanford was made several months ago by Senator Magnuson (D., Wash.) was eonfirmed by Sixth army headquarters. Mayflower CHEDDAR CHEESE HO KINP HO WASTi SoM k One, Two and Five mXwU lb. pKkif jBrfV Paul Bunyan WOULD LOVE IT ; . . He Could Eat ALL HE Could Hold! (He'd act his choice of entrees and desserts, . too!) at New Buffet Dinner rhe UNBELIEVABLE Price of Downtown on State Street 5:00 P.M.. 8:30 P.M. Every Day Except Sunday C3 V ft B CO 3 f 1 1 Vet H 1 I 0r I CR ,.tfij f . ' Wf"1'" imW1 Family Sb Y 'lift Moel MUOO P J - 'J9475 J ""IA Other Models YES, OTHER FRKtlDAIRE MODELS v $189.95 MAY IE PURCHASED ON HOGG BROS. METER-ICE PLAN AT HOGG BROS. ON A GENUINE Lb o WHEN YOU USE HOGG BROS.1 SENSATIONAL MM MEEM-KE PLAN! Just come in and choose your Frigidaire We will deliver and install it and you PAY NOTHING DOWN All you do is make a deposit of 25c a day in the "Meter-Ice" Once a month a representative will call for your deposits When payments are completed the meter will be removed It's less than many people pay for daily ice The money doesn't "melt away" when placed in the "Meter-Ice" It's such an easy way to purchase a beauti ful Frigidaire . WIUANETTI TULIT't LUlDIMi 1PPL1IICI t IINK FI1IIS1IM GENUINE FRIGIDAIRE HOME FREEZERS 8.8 CUBIC FOOT CA- TWO HANDY ELIDING PACITY BASKETS HOLDS 320 LBS. FROX-. EN FOODS QUICK-FREEZE SHELF FINGER-TIP BALANCE ' AUT.MATIC AURM LID SIGNAL EXTRA-THICK, SEALED INTERIOR LIGHT TIGHT INSULATION fl i W foynt y. l 5ALEM OREGON CITY South Commercial Dial 3-9148