Capital Edited by MARIAN 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 29, 1949 Party for Bride-Elect Miss Virginia Beall will be hostess Wednesday evening at the horns of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Beall, for a kit chen shower honoring Miss Bev erly Wikstrom, whose marriage to Robert Mentzer will be the event of September 24, at the Tirst Presbyterian church. Honoring Miss Wikstrom will be Miss Shirley Clark, Miss La Velle du Buy, Miss Marilyn Linser, Miss Marilyn Reay, Miss Marlene DeWitt, Miss Allie Lou Ohling, Miss Dione Stoody, Miss Betty Bangert, Miss Jeanette Martin, Miss Evelyn Bishop, Miss Virginia Currier, Miss Jo Ann DeWitt, Miss Phyllis Cut ler, Miss Barbara Owens, Miss Una Mae Grayless, Miss Thais Crandall, Miss Margy Acton, Miss Beverly Fox, and the hostess. 4. ::. y '-vi ; : - Is Bride-elect Announced recently was the engagement of Miss Florence Polstcr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Polstcr, to Eugene Peter DILoreto,' son of Mr. and Mrs. A. DiLoreto of Portland. No date has been set for the wedding. (Jesten Miller studio picture) Double Shower Given by Three A double shower w$s given Friday evening at Mayflower hall in honor of Mrs. G. R. Boat wright and her daughter, Mrs, Ralph McAllister. The hostesses were Mrs. Ruth Burris, Mrs. Florence Boat wright and Mrs. Ruth Cater, OurJiLi prrarnt were: Mr. Pauline Brmtw right, Mn. JoAnn Haney, Mr. Ofrtrude Mulllcan, Mrs. Mary Bollemter, Ml.u Hfverly McRae, Mrs. HrmI Cater, MLm Do mice Raph, Mra. Na llno Boat wrlght, Mrs. Beverly KubLihta, Mm. Katherlna Austin, Mrs. Leolln Knox, Mra. Kit Bnntwrlnht, Mra. Nellie Leo, Mr. .Florence Clay, Mrs. II n re I Formiaon, Mrs. Lillian HnntwrlKht, Mrs. Oallla Ballard, Mrs. Freda McAllister, Mrs, Elizabeth McAlllfllfr, Mrs. Irene Barber, Mrs. Al Iren Montgomery, Mrs. Joanne Boat wrlsht, MLu Raseniary Bofttwrlftht, Mtaa Phyllis BnntwrUht, Miss Prances fioit wrliht, Mlas Ruby Boatwrlilit. Silver Tea Attracting many Tuesday will be the silver tea at the Snlem Golf club, featuring displays of early farm life articles. Hours for the affair are between 3 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon and 7 and 9 o'clock in the evening. Proceeds go to the First Chris tian church building fund. The general public Is Invited to the tea. Mrs. Erccl W. Kay and Mrs. Ben Lambert are arranging the displays. NOW AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICIAL WHITE BUCK GET YOUR All Sizes and Widths Complete New Stock WE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVE FOR Women LOWRY FISCBKB Plan Special Week Committee chairmen planning for "National Business Women's week," to be observed by the local Business and Professional Women's club, are meeting this evening at 7:30 o'clock'at the home of Mrs. Charles Forrette, who is general chairman for the week. The observance comes the fore part of October. A lunch eon program for the Chamber of Commerce meeting, a public affairs banquet, a tea for past presidents, and a breakfast hon oring the president, are some of the events on the calendar for the observance. MRS. PAUL HEATH and son tJimmy, returned Sunday from 'spending a week with Mrs. Heath's parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. F. Breithaupt, at Cutler City. SILVERTON Mrs. Eugene Durschmidt was hostess at her home on South Third street at a miscellaneous shower in hon or of Miss Verna Bodeen of Yamhill, bride-elect of Byron Fry of Silverton.. An informal afternoon was spent and late re freshments were served. Invited besides the honor guest were Mesdamcs Mattie Reed, Julian Fry, Tom Martin, Lloyd Fry, Ed Jackson, Larry Martin, Francis Johnston, E. J. McCall, Ed Holden, Frank. Dur schmidt, Mrs. Bodeen, Dolores Phackcr of Yamhill, Robert Fry, Laura Moore of Salem, Opal Roop, Ralph Francis, Glnd wyn Hamre, Ed Given, Robert Martin. C. M. Klecn of Salem, Chris Christiansen, Lemur Bupp of Monmouth. . A SURPRISE birthday party was given Friday afternoon for Mrs. Addle Manning at her home on Erixon street, the day being her 80th anniversary. Neighbors and friends called. Tea was served, the birthdny cake being baked by Mrs. Marie Hicbert, In the group feting Mrs. Man ning were Mrs. Martha Far ley, Mrs. Myrt Ellis, Mrs. Leora Huber, Joyce Elk ins, Mrs. Eva Edwards, Mrs. Marie Hicbert, Mrs. Dorothy Silke and Joan Silke. SIZE NOW II I III A Miss Hutchison, Mr. Holmes Wed at Church Service The First Presbyterian church was the scene Saturday eve ning for the wedding of Miss Beverly Jean Hutchison and Ken neth Arthur Holmes of Albany, the ceremony being solemnized at 8 o'clock with the Rev. John Goodenberger officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wyatt Hutchison of Salem, Mr. Holmes the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Glenn Holmes of Albany. White gladioluses and ferns decorated the church for the service. Lighted candles glowed in each window and at every other pew down the procession al aisle were white gladioluses tied with pink satin ribbons. Robert Gwinn sang "Because1 and "Ich Liebe Dich" with Miss Lois Gottwald at the organ. Miss Kathryn Anderson of Areata, Calif, and Miss Ellen Reynolds lighted the' tapers, They wore Alice blue satin gowns designed with tight-fit-ing bodices, wide berthas end ing in points at the back and full skirts. They wore wristlets of pink carnations and roses, and pink carnations in their hair. The bridal gown was of pink satin. It had a pink net yoke, a bertha of wide French lace, long sleeves with cuffs in the French lace, a tight-fitting bodice row of buttons to the waist in back, and a full skirt ending in train. Two double folds of the satin formed a bustle in back. The fingertip veil of pink net fell from a French lace cap. For her flowers the bride carried cascading bouquet of white Ophelia roses and pale pink bouvardia, Mr. Hutchinson gave his daughter in marriage. Miss Marcelline Hutchison was honor attendant for her sister. Her gown was of orchid satin. Miss Barbara Bates and Miss Martha DuRette were the brides maids, both wearing rose satin gowns. The dresses of the three attendants were made alike with tight bodices, double bertha col lars coming to a point in front and full skirts. The three wore pale pink tuberous begonias in their hair and carried cascade bouquets of the same flowers. Each wore mitts matching her gown. Hardin Holmes stood with his brother as best man. Ushering were Keith Holmes, Thomas Ed wards, David Hamouris and Rus sell Tripp. A rose crepe dress with rose accessories and corsage of or chids was worn by Mrs. Hutchi son for her daughter's wedding and Mrs. Holmes, mother of the bridegroom, wore a gray crepe dress with gray and blue ac cessories and corsage of orchid. Following the ceremony a re WHEN jerr VOUR DRyCLEANER J -J ' t ) ELECTRIC CLEANERS j i 565 Highland . "h. 34821 K vX- ception was given in the church parlors. Mrs. J. Parker Line berry and Mrs. H. J. Plumer, the latter of Ponca City, Okla., an aunt of the bride, served the cake. Mrs. Ralph Wirth and Mrs. C. R. Tindale, the latter of Long Beach, Calif., poured. The bride's table was set with a pink satin cloth, Cecil Brunner roses and maiden hair fern encircling the heart-shaped cake. Baskets of gladioluses decorated the rooms. Assisting at the recep tion were Miss Patricia Zosel, Miss Helen Bonadurer of Port land, Miss Annabelle Kropp, Miss Eleanor Loveless of 'Eu gene. Miss Carol Ann Tindale of Long Beach was in charge of the gifts and Miss Louise Ulvin passed the guest book. For traveling the bride wore a wine gabardine suit with gray coat and accessories and a cor sage of white Ophelia roses. The couple left on a trip to Yellowstone, then will go to Glenwood Springs, Colo., where Mr. Holmes will attend the na tional convention of Beta Theta Pi fraternity from September 6 to 10. The couple will be at home in Salem after September 13 in the Court apartments. Both will continue their work at Willamette university. The bride is affiliated with Alpha Chi Omega on the campus. Circle Meets Woodburn The regular meet ing of the Mothers' Circle of DeMolay was held at the Mason ic parlors with Mrs. Lester Henn presiding in the absence of the president, Mrs. George Rogers. Plans for the cook book which the members are preparing were discussed, and Mrs. Lester Keller gave an appropriate reading, "How to Preserve a Husband " Refresments were served to the DeMolay members after the meeting and to Lester Keller and Harlow C. Dixon of the ad visory board. George Rogers was a guest. Plans are underway by the DeMolay for a swimming picnic at Settlemier park in the near future. The next meeting of the circle will be September 22 and De Molay will meet September 8. CHOOSING CHECK POINTS TO Sep y .a&te fefri it Dallas Mrs. Frank Mitchel Cembellin, the former Gladys Joan Elliott, was a oride August 14. She is tne daughter of Mrs. W. W. Elliott and Mr. Cembellin the son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cembellin of Hollister, Calif. The couple will live in Hollister. Davidsons Leave For New York City Loren D. Davidson, formerly of Salem, and an associate pro fessor of music at Louisiana State university, Baton Rouge, has been granted a leave of ab sence from his teaching duties, so that he may pursue an ad vanced course of study at Co lumbia' university, New York City, according to word reach ing Salem. Mr. Davidson, a well-known teacher of voice, has long been prominent in civic, church and college activities, and joined the L.S.U. staff in 1934. Holding a master's degree in music from there, in addition to the public school music certificate, and the bachelor of music degree from Simpson conservatory, Iowa, Mr. Davidson will take work toward All Charges Go On September Bill Payable October STORE-WIDE Good i the doctorate in music education at Columbia. He has served as adjudicator for numerous mu sic festivals in the south, direct ed vocal clinics, and has been tenor soloist for oratorios and song recitals. He is a member of Phi Mu Alpha, Sinfonio, nation al honory music groups. Mrs. Davidson is the former Doris Reimann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Reimann of Pendleton. The Davidsons, with their 8 year-old daughter, Di ane Toni, will leave for New York City the latter part of Au- gust. MRS. ALLISON F R O M A N announces her kindergarten will open September 12. On the aft ernoon of September 8, at 2:30 o'clock, Mrs. Froman will re ceive all former and new pu pils of the school at her home, 1099 South High. END-OF-MONTH Quality Plan to attend Miller's monthendsale! It a money-saving event on many items you need now or later. Pick up a few bargains for school, for your casual wear, for the home! Good quality foot wear at less than half price! Nylons, gloves, cosmetics, boys' and girls' wear, women's sporrwear, dresses, sweaters, draperies, housewares, fabrics, movie cameras, notions, cotton frocks, and many, many other fine bargains. USE OUR SILENT, SMOOTH OUR FOUR Mrs. Reed Entertained Mrs. Cora Reed, former Sa lem resident, who is visiting here for a few days, will be honored at an informal after noon for which Mrs. Lyle Rains and Mrs. John Van Santen are to entertain at the Rains home, 1580 Jefferson, Wednesday af ternoon between 2:30 and S o'clock. Mrs. Reed hast been in Pa Half Pce Dorothy Gray ORANGE FLOWER SKIN LOTION and TEXTURE LOTION Regular $2 size Regular $3.75 siza jL each prices plus tax Indispensable to yout Dorothy Gray treatment! Leaves your skin more radi ant and sparkling. Orange Flower Skin Lotion for dry or normal skin; Texture Lo tion for oily. Half price for a limited time only. CAPITAL DRUG STORE State and Liberty CLEARANCE ELEVATOR SERVICING FLOORS nama with her daughter and in a few days will leave for Ohio. She is a guest of Mrs. Emil Roth while in Salem. All old friends of Mrs. Reed are invited to the Wednesday affair. Don't worry if your muffin batter has lumps in it when you follow the standard muffin re cipe; it's supposed to be bum py. A smooth muffin batter means you have mixed too much and the hot bread will have tun nels after it is baked. Sale "On the Corner" ' M ! L 1 1 I j smut arqains ft? 4- 4 '